Why do you dream about a broken plastic card? Bank card interpretation of dream book

The article on the topic: “dream book bank card” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

The dream book usually associates a bank card and transactions with it with the financial situation and state of affairs. This is not the only explanation for what the symbol means in dreams. Actions and situations in a dream will help predict how romantic and family relationships, and characterize the situation in society.

Miller's business forecast

In Miller's dream book you can find explanations of why you dream of banking transactions that can be carried out using a bank card. If you dreamed of making a large deposit, the dream book reminds you to be careful in financial matters.

If you happen to withdraw hard-earned funds from your account, in reality a profit is expected. Bright, popular personalities manage to see large sums on their balance sheet in a dream.

When an entrepreneur has to take out a loan, real business will turn into an obstacle course. Dreamers who are far from financial affairs will have to prevent family drama.

Information is more valuable than gold

The modern interpretation of a dream, why a bank card is dreamed of, promises that timely received news will help solve current problem. Theft or loss means false rumors.

If you intended to withdraw money from a bank card, but were unable to find an ATM, in reality do not rush to reject unusual offers: among them there may be a very valuable one.

Seeing a symbol happens to those who in reality strive to expand the circle of personal contacts, share interesting facts and while away the evenings with friendly conversation.

Balance check

In dream books there are explanations of why one or another manipulation with a bank card is dreamed of, and what it means to see it in a dream.

  • If you dreamed about a blocked card, you will have difficulties communicating with loved ones;
  • Blocking in a dream foreshadows someone's refusal, which will be very upsetting;
  • Curious and envious people have to see someone else's credit card;
  • If you happen to see your card in a dream, your position is stable;
  • Did you dream that money disappeared from your account? Troubles are possible at work;
  • Withdrawing everything from the card without a trace can be a risky undertaking: it’s hit or miss;
  • Withdrawals of reasonable amounts represent a willingness to accept responsibility;
  • Did you dream about the loss of treasured plastic? Don't lose your head in love.

Love and credit card

IN Universal dream book contains interesting explanations of what the symbol means in dreams. What you see can tell a lot about the personal life of the sleeper. Seeing a familiar object in night dreams happens during periods of financial and moral well-being in the family.

If you dreamed that your bank card was lost in the house, Newest dream book suspects that the other half is looking to the left. When this item becomes a bone of contention between spouses, there is a high risk of losing one of the sources of income.

Electronic assistants

It is quite natural that ATMs and terminals often appear in dreams about financial transactions. The modern dream book claims that these devices portend favorable changes and long trips.

If you happen to see yourself in the role of a user, in the near future you will not need anything. Successfully receiving banknotes indicates that things will go smoothly. The queue at the ATM promises a lot of work.

Withdrawals involve some risk. The outcome of the plan directly depends on the experience and ingenuity of the sleeper.

Why do you dream if an ATM issued a lot of checks?

Why do you dream about a Bank card according to the dream book?

Receive a card from the bank - in reality you will receive negative news more often than positive ones. Put your signature on the card - open communication with unfamiliar people may result in a source of subsequent gossip and deception.

The new bank card is a symbol of prosperity, cash receipts, and profit from profitable investments. The upcoming financial affairs will end well for you; you will be able to significantly strengthen your own financial situation, creating a good reserve for the future.

You should not trust strangers. Try to keep to yourself information that could harm not only you, but also your loved ones. Do not rush to take active action; first, it will be enough to outline a future plan

Losing a bank card in a dream

Make sure that your current financial situation is maintained for as long as possible. Consider an additional source of income, it may be useful to you.

I dream that my bank card was stolen

I dreamed that it was stolen bank card- to the emergence of gossip, the organization of intrigues against you. Someone will try to take advantage of your trust and use the information you disseminate against you.

Stay vigilant and be alert, especially in unfamiliar situations. Extreme caution and accuracy will help avoid negative consequences rash actions.

Personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of life you will find success in the new year.

I dreamed about a Bank card, but necessary interpretation is there no dream in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a Bank card in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I dreamed that I was going somewhere on business, but I constantly saw bank cards lying on the road and collected them

Good afternoon I dreamed that my wife and I were sitting together and she was fiddling with a bank card, as if she had connected it to a laptop and was trying to set it up, enter a password or something... and it just didn’t work, and I just sat next to her and watched what she was doing! What is it for? Thanks in advance for your answer!

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You will want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 collections of dreams and more than 450,000 dream interpretations. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

Dream Interpretation

Bank card

Dream Interpretation Bank card dreamed of why you dream about a Bank card in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Bank card in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

I dreamed about a bank card - interpretation of a dream according to dream books

Bank card. If you dream that you are studying something, then this means that soon you will take part in some profitable enterprise or business and this participation will make it so that you for a long time Your financial situation will improve and you will no longer worry about money, at least for a certain period. Let’s look further at how dream books interpret

Why do you dream about a bank card - Freud's Dream Book

Dreaming about a bank card is not a successful omen, because it means that you can expect some kind of unpleasant accident. This does not necessarily mean an accident, in the sense of physical injury, so greater vigilance should be exercised in all situations and in all areas of life.

Why do you dream about money on a bank card – Miller’s Dream Book

Why do you dream of money on a bank card - this symbol may mean that you will soon notice some health problems or someone will draw your attention to the fact that not everything is all right with you.

Studying in a dream, the dream book says that this can also mean that in reality you are trying to understand some issue, or discover something important for yourself, for example, some kind of secret.

Why do you dream that your bank card was stolen – Vanga’s Dream Book

If you dreamed that a bank card was stolen - you will be subjected to some kind of research, this may mean that some kind of health troubles await you - physical or mental, so you should be careful, and also take a close look at yourself in order to react immediately , as soon as you notice any alarming symptoms.

Why do you dream about money being stolen from a bank card - Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If you dream that money was stolen from a bank card - You are studying someone in a dream, the dream book interprets that this may be a warning that you are overly interested in the affairs of some person, and this is not welcome, so you should stop it.

If you dream that you stole money from a bank card, this will be an unfounded accusation against you of some kind of wrongdoing, as a result of which you may lose your reputation, and you will have to make strong excuses for what you did not do.

Why do you dream about getting a bank card – Hasse’s Dream Interpretation

Why dream of getting a bank card - Hasse’s dream book indicates that difficulties, which are precisely your participation, will come to an end. When you study something in a dream, this foreshadows positive changes in your life that will begin to happen in the near future.

If you dream that a person you like is applying for a bank card for you, in reality or only in a dream, this may be a signal that you are hiding your interest under the pretext of cold professionalism, so think that you are not interested in someone with who do you work for?

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If you want there to always be a lot of money in your home, you and your children will always be prosperous, follow these simple rules. These rules are from the clairvoyant Vanga. According to reviews from many people who...

Bank card interpretation of dream book

Financial or production problems do not leave you even at night - this is why you dream about a bank card. More and more new and detailed explanations of this modern plot appear in dream books. It turns out that this payment instrument is night dream can tell you how relationships will develop with your loved one, household members, and colleagues. In a word, from a dreamed bank card you can learn a lot of interesting things about what will happen in the future.

Miller's Predictions

Professional psychologist Gustav Miller explains in some detail what transactions with a bank card may mean in dreams. If you made a large deposit while asleep, then show increased caution in financial matters.

But withdrawing money from a card, on the contrary, is very good omen, guaranteeing a decent profit.

If in a dream you discovered that you have a fairly decent amount in your account, in reality you are a popular, successful person.

Why did you dream about taking out a loan? Unfortunately, this vision predicts problems in business and obstacles to the implementation of other plans. You are employed and believe that this prediction will not affect you. That’s how it is, but according to the dream book, this plot is dreamed on the eve of a family scandal, which you are the one who can prevent.

Rumors and facts

According to the Modern Dream Interpreter, a vision of a credit card indicates that getting out of the most difficult situation some information will help the sleeper. The main thing is to use it correctly and on time. But for those who lost their bank card in a dream, the dream book warns: behind your back, someone is spreading bad rumors. The same interpretation is true for a dream in which a card was stolen.

Do not rush to conclusions and do not reject the most ridiculous, at first glance, offers - this is what the dream book advises someone who in a dream tried to withdraw cash from a card, but was unable to find a terminal. Paradoxically, an absurd, crazy idea can turn out to be the most successful.

Miscellaneous Operations

The type of banking transaction that was carried out at night will also help to decipher night vision.

So, if you dreamed that your credit card was blocked, get ready for “strains” with your family. Most likely, you will turn to someone close to you with a request, but will receive a decisive refusal, which will greatly upset and upset you.

Envy and curiosity are not the best best qualities, try to get rid of them if you saw someone else’s bank card in a dream. But the vision in which you are holding your credit card in your hands is a hint that there is no reason to worry about your present and future, everything is stable.

Why did you dream that funds disappeared from your account? In addition to the fact that not everything is in order at work, disagreements with the boss and colleagues are likely.

What if in your nightly fantasy you decided to reset your account? Such a plot prophesies participation in a risky enterprise, an adventure, the outcome of which is unpredictable: they can ruin you or turn you into a rich man overnight.

The one who sleeps, but prudently withdraws the required amount from the account, is in fact a very responsible person.

What to think when you lose your credit card in a dream? The dream book advises you to think, and not lose your head from love.

Matters of the heart

According to the Universal Dream Interpreter, a bank card in night vision can tell a lot about the personal life of the sleeper. Just noticing it in a dream is not bad - the financial situation of the dreamer’s family is stable and strong. And there are good and trusting relationships between his closest relatives.

But if a credit card is lost in a dream and they are trying to find it in a house or apartment, then the dreamer has every reason not to trust his “other half.” It's possible that we're talking about even about adultery.

If in a dream there is a quarrel between spouses over a credit card, then in reality the dreamer may lose one of his sources of income.

Secrets of the terminals

The modern dream book assures that ATMs or terminals in night dreams are excellent signs indicating that positive changes will occur in the sleeper’s life, or that he will realize his dreams of long-distance travel.

Anyone who, in his night's sleep, saw himself standing at an ATM, can forget about saving and need in reality. And if you also managed to withdraw a decent amount of cash, then such a dream predicts strengthening of well-being and income growth.

There is difficult, serious work ahead - that’s what I dreamed of about the line at the bank terminal.

In a dream, did you withdraw credit funds from an ATM? It's time to remember the proverb: those who don't take risks don't drink champagne. Don’t be afraid to participate in extreme, extraordinary enterprises, but don’t relax, believe in luck, rely on your ingenuity, use your experience. Everything will work out, the dream book promises.

Articles that can complement the meaning of sleep:

Dreams from Sunday to Monday (2018-01-15)

The Oracle's Dream Book describes the loss of a bank card as a harbinger of the emergence of financial problems that can significantly undermine your financial situation.

Why do you dream about a card?

Were they positive? Then you should rejoice at new opportunities and the likelihood of finding a new friend, assistant or patron. If negative thoughts and experiences arise, then it is best to forget this dream and try to convince your subconscious by instilling in it positive attitude for the future. Moreover, this must be done in a half-asleep state, at a time when the body is preparing for a night's rest. Then there is a high probability of coping with the negative block in your own psyche.

What if you dream about a card?

Dreams can come both from the subtle level of the universe, being “suggested” by energies, and they can also tell about what the dreamer experienced in the past. In the first case, there is a reaction of the subconscious to what is happening to the body under the influence of energy structures. In the second - most often not important information, which was captured by consciousness, but not fully perceived by its subconscious part. Both types of dreams do not convey any useful information to the one who saw them.

For example, experienced interpreters believe that seeing a card in a dream can mean acquiring something or meeting someone. For example, a credit card indicates that it may soon come from the bank to make it more convenient to pay for purchases. Business card - means the appearance of a new acquaintance surrounded by the sleeping person. If she correct form and new, then it will be useful person, which will support in some situation. If it is tattered and old, then most likely it will be a meeting with someone whom the dreamer knew in childhood. If the card turns out to be colored, this may mean that inner world the sleeping person is imbued with the magic of life, and the consciousness does not want to follow his lead and strive to limit desires and the desire for the new and unknown.

What does it portend?

Esotericists, explaining why the card is dreamed of, claim that this portends some troubles, but of a positive nature. For example, they believe that initially credit cards were used only by rich people, and business cards were used by business people. Both have certain benefits and opportunities. Therefore, a dream of similar content foreshadows, first of all, an improvement in living standards and the receipt of some kind of reward.

Do not forget that any dream is only thought forms that exist for a very short time and are not capable of causing any harm.

This means that a dream about a card with bad content may not mean anything at all, except for conscious fears or those that are on a subconscious level. Both are easy to deal with if you want to.

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Dream interpretation bank card

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Why do you dream about credit cards - a modern dream book

A bank card dreams of financial well-being and material stability.

If you dreamed that you lost your credit card and you just couldn’t find it, you would find yourself in a difficult situation. This may be due to your romantic interest.

An empty credit card without funds means losing your job.

Withdrawing money from an ATM from your credit card in a dream means a responsible business, a risky idea that can end unpredictably - either in complete triumph or in resounding failure.

Dreaming of someone else's bank card is a sign of envy. In the coming period, this feeling will become very intense for you.

If your credit card is blocked in a dream, you will be denied access to something that you consider important in life.

Financial or production problems do not leave you even at night - this is why you dream about a bank card. More and more new and detailed explanations of this modern plot appear in dream books. It turns out that this payment instrument in a night dream can tell you how your relationship with your loved one, household members, and co-workers will develop. In a word, from a dreamed bank card you can learn a lot of interesting things about what will happen in the future.

Professional psychologist Gustav Miller explains in some detail what transactions with a bank card may mean in dreams. If you made a large deposit while asleep, then show increased caution in financial matters.

But withdrawing money from the card, on the contrary, is a very good sign, guaranteeing a decent profit.

If in a dream you discovered that you have a fairly decent amount in your account, in reality you are a popular, successful person.

Why did you dream about taking out a loan? Unfortunately, this vision predicts problems in business and obstacles to the implementation of other plans. You are employed and believe that this prediction will not affect you. That’s how it is, but according to the dream book, this plot is dreamed on the eve of a family scandal, which you are the one who can prevent.

Rumors and facts

According to the Modern Dream Interpreter, a vision of a credit card indicates that some information will help the sleeper get out of the most difficult situation. The main thing is to use it correctly and on time. But for those who lost their bank card in a dream, the dream book warns: behind your back, someone is spreading bad rumors. The same interpretation is true for a dream in which a card was stolen.

Do not rush to conclusions and do not reject the most ridiculous, at first glance, offers - this is what the dream book advises someone who in a dream tried to withdraw cash from a card, but was unable to find a terminal. Paradoxically, an absurd, crazy idea can turn out to be the most successful.

Miscellaneous Operations

The type of banking transaction that was carried out at night will also help to decipher night vision.

So, if you dreamed that your credit card was blocked, get ready for “strains” with your family. Most likely, you will turn to someone close to you with a request, but will receive a decisive refusal, which will greatly upset and upset you.

Envy and curiosity are not the best qualities; try to get rid of them if you saw someone else’s bank card in a dream. But the vision in which you are holding your credit card in your hands is a hint that there is no reason to worry about your present and future, everything is stable.

Why did you dream that funds disappeared from your account? In addition to the fact that not everything is in order at work, disagreements with the boss and colleagues are likely.

What if in your nightly fantasy you decided to reset your account? Such a plot prophesies participation in a risky enterprise, an adventure, the outcome of which is unpredictable: they can ruin you or turn you into a rich man overnight.

The one who sleeps, but prudently withdraws the required amount from the account, is in fact a very responsible person.

What to think when you lose your credit card in a dream? The dream book advises you to think, and not lose your head from love.

Matters of the heart

According to the Universal Dream Interpreter, a bank card in night vision can tell a lot about the personal life of the sleeper. Just noticing it in a dream is not bad - the financial situation of the dreamer’s family is stable and strong. And there are good and trusting relationships between his closest relatives.

But if a credit card is lost in a dream and they are trying to find it in a house or apartment, then the dreamer has every reason not to trust his “other half.” It is possible that we are even talking about adultery.

If in a dream there is a quarrel between spouses over a credit card, then in reality the dreamer may lose one of his sources of income.

Secrets of the terminals

The modern dream book assures that ATMs or terminals in night dreams are excellent signs indicating that positive changes will occur in the sleeper’s life, or that he will realize his dreams of long-distance travel.

Anyone who, in his night's sleep, saw himself standing at an ATM, can forget about saving and need in reality. And if you also managed to withdraw a decent amount of cash, then such a dream predicts strengthening of well-being and income growth.

There is complex, serious work ahead - that’s what I dreamed about about the line at the bank terminal.

In a dream, did you withdraw credit funds from an ATM? It's time to remember the proverb: those who don't take risks don't drink champagne. Don’t be afraid to participate in extreme, extraordinary enterprises, but don’t relax, believe in luck, rely on your ingenuity, use your experience. Everything will work out, the dream book promises.

Articles that can complement the meaning of sleep:

There are so many things you can do with a bank card! And the best part about it is that it is your property.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the meaning of dreams

Dream Interpretation - Son stolen

The son, in this case, is the immature Yang qualities (Soul Power, bright thoughts, determination, responsibility) against the background of the prevailing Yin qualities (stateability, staticity, acceptance). The Son Runs forward and sits in the Car in the arms of the Man - this means that it is high time for the Dreamer to take all Aspects of her life into Her hands (by willpower and Reason). The car with the Son and the Men leaves, the Dreamer misses the car, but remembers its number - in reality this symbolizes the necessary State, to which the Dreamer needs to run and accelerate (gain Yang qualities - determination, reason, will), otherwise she will lose the vitality she needs stability and Peace of Mind along with it (that is, now the Dreamer should only dream of Peace, but in a dream - discord, because in reality the Dreamer will not dare to disturb her usual and comfortable way of life - The man from the 7th apartment is standing near the Entrance and is in no hurry in a dream). But the Dreamer understands that it is through the Man (light Yang qualities) that she will find her Son and feverishly Shakes the Man - that’s what you need to do in reality, everything you can do to find out where the Car went, which means awareness and use of all your qualities and human capabilities (a lot of people gathered near the Entrance - it’s time to hurry up in reality, life is not endless). Best regards, Livia.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation. What does it mean when you dream about a Bank card. Why do you dream about a Bank card? Seeing this in a dream.

Modern universal dream book

Why do you dream about cards according to Miller’s dream book?

Just playing with someone is the fulfillment of absolutely all hopes. You can forget about the illnesses and financial problems that tormented you. Life will be joyful and no worries will darken it for a long time. In a dream, winning at cards means winning a court hearing. But keep in mind that it will be difficult. You'll have to spend a lot of nerves.

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

I dreamed about Credit card, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Credit cardindream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if indream have you seen this symbol? Indream My wallet was stolen from my bag. I have everything there bankingcards. There is not much money for them. But they were all there.

Dream Interpretation "sonan"

Dream: bankingcard. Good morning! Tell me, this isn’t the first night I’ve been dreaming about it bankingmap. It’s impossible to describe the dream, but its presence is obvious. In my life I have card, she helps me out a lot. But I never dreamed about it before, but here it was for several nights in a row. Dreams in History. Why do we fly indream. Interpretation of dreams by the Mayan tribes.

Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

Seen indreammap The Queen of Spades predicts in reality the difficult fate of a widow burdened with numerous monetary debts. Getting out of debt won't be easy. It will take many years of work and saving. About what dreams mean bankingmap, is told in modern dream book. It promises financial stability. But, in case of its loss indream, Your strong financial situation will be shaken in reality.

Map - Seeing geographical maps in a dream means that you have a trip ahead; looking at them means memories or some important event. Sea charts dream of money. Geographic map, which you consider very carefully, is a sign of inconstancy in cordial relationships.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about the Map:

2. Clubs

Playing cards of this suit are responsible for the state of your financial situation. They may be dreamed of before a salary increase, a large cash flow, unexpected expenses, etc.

  • Ace - to a decent payment for the work done.
  • King - financial assistance from a loved one.
  • Lady - to waste on necessary, useful things.
  • Jack - for spending on entertainment.

Fortune telling on cards - grave doubts and mental turmoil. Sometimes this image comes as a reminder of an important unfinished task.

If you dream of fortune telling by cards, and the fortune teller is friendly, and her words fill you with confidence, this is a favorable sign, a messenger that things can work out on their own.

If a young man reads fortunes on cards in a dream, this portends big changes soon. Moreover, such a dream means that changes can be both positive and not very pleasant in any area of ​​life.

Finding the meaning of a dream:

Mol. If you kill a moth in a dream, it means positive changes of a material nature. Catching a moth in a dream means losses.

Coins. Scattering coins means small expenses. Losing a wallet with coins means minor losses.

Sea..If you see in a dream that you are sailing on the sea on a luxury ship, among rich and wealthy people, you will soon get rich and join the stratum of wealthy class people

Flour. If you were loading flour into a truck, the hard work done will bring profit.

Manure. To the money that will come to the family from work.

Beggar. If in a dream you gave alms to a beggar, it means profit. If you saw a beggar in the distance, it means paying taxes and public payments. Seeing yourself as a beggar means you can become rich, but you must first get rid of beggarly thinking.

Collapse. if you I dreamed that the walls of a bank were collapsing before your eyes - soon there will be a collapse of the national currency.

[b]Nuts. They may dream of money earned through physical action. Walnuts represent money earned through mental activity.

The noble dream book of N. Grishina explains the playing deck seen during a night's rest as numerous troubles on the road. Seeing yourself in a game predicts misunderstandings, quarrels and great anxiety. Counting the deck means good luck. Fortune telling in a dream means unexpected news. The news can be both tragic and joyful.

Why you dream of a credit card in a dream can be said for sure. According to the dream book, it promises prosperity in family life. In the near future, you and your household will be deprived of financial worries. It is worth taking advantage of this blissful period and recharging yourself with optimism in the future and only positive emotions. Such a charge in the future will provide serious assistance in overcoming the “dark” periods of life.

The dream book usually associates a bank card and transactions with it with the financial situation and state of affairs. This is not the only explanation for what the symbol means in dreams. Actions and situations in a dream will help you predict how romantic and family relationships will develop and characterize your situation in society.

Miller's business forecast

In Miller's dream book you can find explanations of why you dream of banking transactions that can be carried out using a bank card. If you dreamed of making a large deposit, the dream book reminds you to be careful in financial matters.

If you happen to withdraw hard-earned funds from your account, in reality a profit is expected. Bright, popular personalities manage to see large sums on their balance sheet in a dream.

When an entrepreneur has to take out a loan, the real business will turn into an obstacle course. Dreamers who are far from financial affairs will have to prevent family drama.

Information is more valuable than gold

The modern interpretation of the dream of a bank card promises that timely received news will help solve the current problem. Theft or loss means false rumors.

If you intended to withdraw money from a bank card, but were unable to find an ATM, in reality do not rush to reject unusual offers: among them there may be a very valuable one.

Seeing the symbol happens to those who in reality strive to expand the circle of personal contacts, share interesting facts and while away the evenings with a friendly conversation.

Balance check

In dream books there are explanations of why one or another manipulation with a bank card is dreamed of, and what it means to see it in a dream.

  • If you dreamed about a blocked card, you will have difficulties communicating with loved ones;
  • Blocking in a dream foreshadows someone's refusal, which will be very upsetting;
  • Curious and envious people have to see someone else's credit card;
  • If you happen to see your card in a dream, your position is stable;
  • Did you dream that money disappeared from your account? Troubles are possible at work;
  • Withdrawing everything from the card without a trace can be a risky undertaking: it’s hit or miss;
  • Withdrawals of reasonable amounts represent a willingness to accept responsibility;
  • Did you dream about the loss of treasured plastic? Don't lose your head in love.

Love and credit card

The Universal Dream Book contains interesting explanations of what the symbol means in dreams. What you see can tell a lot about the personal life of the sleeper. Seeing a familiar object in night dreams happens during periods of financial and moral well-being in the family.

If you dreamed that a bank card was lost in the house, the Newest Dream Book suspects that your significant other is looking to the left. When this item becomes a bone of contention between spouses, there is a high risk of losing one of the sources of income.

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