Eastern horoscope horse woman. Psychological portrait of a female horse. Family Life Horses

According to the Chinese horoscope, each person has a patron animal according to the year of his birth. The sign affects the character and even fate: in addition, in addition to the personal horoscope, astrology can calculate the compatibility of signs with each other. What is the compatibility of the Horse woman with other representatives of the Chinese horoscope?

Description of the mark

Girls and women were born under the Horse star in 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002. The representatives of the sign are characterized by decisiveness and determination; they prefer common sense and practicality to the dictates of emotions. They strive to get a decent education and work in their specialty.

The nature of the representative

This woman was not spared a truly "horse" stubbornness. Born to argue, the Horse will not calm down until he convinces the opponent that he is right. Under the outward ingenuity lies a strong and straightforward character. Horses are alien to resourcefulness and secrecy.

She can easily express her opinion, even if the interlocutor obviously does not like it, therefore, for excessive truthfulness, she is often disliked. She is convinced of her rightness and is able to go ahead to her goal. Independence from other people's opinions often borders on selfishness and ignoring others.

Relationships in marriage

Having married, the Horse, a woman and mother, becomes caring and attentive. Keepers of the hearth will not work out of her, a woman is more likely to build a career. If she plunges into the world of household chores for a longer period than necessary, it will break her. The woman will suffer because she is not in her place. She loves to attend social events, exhibitions, theaters. This does not mean that the Horse will make a bad wife. Noble and faithful, she will become a support for her husband and will be able to adequately raise children. The mother will be strict, but giving children freedom of choice. The "lisping" method is not her characteristic.

Able to simultaneously write an article and stir the soup with the other hand. It is important that the Horse build relationships at a young age, otherwise, by the age of forty, a career will swallow it up. By middle age, she may even become a feminist. This applies to a Horse born in 1978.

It is important for this girl to respect her man, to reach out to him. To attract a Horse, you need to have an outstanding intellect. Having fallen in love, she becomes softer and more feminine. In her love, the Horse woman is ready to go into fire and water for her chosen one. If you fall in love for real, you can neglect all your principles. But her feeling is often based on selfishness and the search for oneself in one's affection. Non-reciprocal love can greatly injure and break a woman of this sign.

In the union of spouses, it is she who will be the leader, so her husband must have a calm temperament. It is very important for the Horse (especially the Fiery Horse) to take a leading position. With what sign is she destined for a happy future and love, and with whom do the stars advise against getting involved?

Union with the Rat

The characters of the representatives of the signs are not too similar, which is why their joint future is in doubt. Whether opposites attract is up to them. If these two are comfortable together, you can turn a blind eye to some difficulties.

The Rat man is rather inert and not particularly ambitious. But at the same time, he thinks soberly and is quite practical, and also reliable, which is what Horses like. Perhaps it is with him that she will find that very quiet haven. It's all up to her - whether the girl wants to take this man into her own hands.

Union with the Bull

The Ox guy is a chronic workaholic, for whom the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe perfect vacation comes down to watching TV after work and eating delicious food. The wife, in his opinion, should be a quiet housewife, interested only in the process of cooking and caring for children.

The Noisy Horse, around which the cycle of events constantly takes place, does not like such "everyday life". She, of course, is impressed by the purposefulness of her partner, but the girl does not intend to become a submissive cook.

Alliance with the Tiger

Harmonious, creative union. Both are active and active people. The horse is endowed with a creative streak and excellent intuition, which he knows how to direct in the right direction.

With such a woman, the Tiger, ready for eternal improvement, will reach unprecedented heights in his career. And she will only be happy to guide the person she loves.

Union with the Cat (Rabbit)

A stable union, where both partners know how to respect each other's personal space and do not interfere in work issues. Reminds the relationship of business partners. It is better for them to keep some distance to avoid conflict situations.

The Cat is somewhat boring and can exhaust the Horse with his long conversations and critical remarks. There will be no passionate love in these relationships.

Alliance with the Dragon

Very high compatibility. Self-sufficient and strong-willed partners will go hand in hand and on an equal footing. Both are impressed by the personal qualities of the other. Recreation is preferred active, with benefits for health and intelligence.

The only problem is that both are leaders and inveterate debaters, and if opinions differ on this or that issue, neither will intend to yield to the other.

Union with the Serpent

Difficult combination and not the best. The young man is prudent by nature, he weighs all the pros and cons for a long time before making a final decision.

The horse is accustomed to act headlong, ahead. On this basis, frequent conflicts are possible.

Union with the Horse

The union of two representatives of the same sign promises to be successful. In many ways - thanks to the spouse's ardent love for his eccentric other half. Active and himself, he will still painfully perceive the eternal violent activity of his wife, jealous of her deeds.

But, having great love, he will close his eyes to all. A woman can sometimes ironically tease a simple-minded husband, but not maliciously, but in this way expressing love.

Union with the Goat (Sheep)

The dissimilar characters and worldviews of the Horse woman and the Goat man may well complement each other. She appreciates him for his sharp mind and subtle sense of humor, he admires her efficiency and ability to make the right contacts.

In addition, their compatibility in bed is high. The goat guesses the mood of the partner and knows how to adapt to her, while remaining in a dominant position.

Union with the Monkey

An excellent union, but rather in the working plan. The thoughtfulness and cunning of the Monkey is what was so lacking in the assertive, but not paying attention to detail

Horses on the way to achieving the goal. Together, this couple will be able to organize a profitable and long-term business. Who knows, perhaps we are talking about marriage.

Union with the Rooster

The Horse woman and the Rooster man have very poor character compatibility. A gossip and a critic, this guy will not miss the opportunity to choose the Horse with his hot ardor, fussiness and loud behavior as his object. A proud woman will be extremely hurt by such discussions.

In addition, she is not at all satisfied with the life position of the Rooster. He does not want to move forward and lives as he has to. A purposeful young lady, most likely, will not even consider a person of this sign as a potential spouse.

Union with the Dog

An example of an ideal, stable relationship, where partners respect and complement each other. An honest and understanding, prudent spouse respects the virtues and accepts all the shortcomings of a hardworking, but sometimes inattentive wife. She, in turn, does the same.

Union with the Pig

Good couple. The charming Pig will be able to charm the girl with the softness of his character, smooth out some of her rudeness and harshness. She, with her innate sense of beauty, will enlighten the young man spiritually, introducing him to the love of reading, to art.

  1. Ideal partners for marriage: Tiger, Dragon, Dog, Cat (Rabbit).
  2. Good compatibility: Rat, Pig, Horse, Goat (Sheep), Monkey.
  3. Relationships are not recommended to start: Rooster, Ox, Snake.

When it comes to love, the stars can only advise who is right for you and who is not. Listen to your heart - it alone knows the exact answer!

A person born in the year of the Horse is cheerful, quick-witted and popular in society. It has a warmth that attracts people around. Insightful and talkative.

A woman born this year has an independent character. Her nature is changeable and often manifests itself in her temper and self-willed disposition. It is very easy to fall in love with her unpredictability, but also easy to stop loving.

He leaves his parental home early and seeks to build his own career. An adventurer at heart, but with a sharp mind and the ability to manage money. In general, independent, lively and energetic. He likes bright colors and spectacular clothes, often just tasteless.

Her mind works at great speed, so she does everything quickly and gracefully. She may lack stability and resilience in achieving her goals. If she can be more open and consistent, she will achieve more in life.

She loves fanfare and when she is complimented. She also does not skimp on pleasant words. Skilled in both love and business. Quickly able to assess the situation and has the skills to manipulate people.

Negative traits are impulsiveness and stubbornness. Has an explosive temperament, but quickly forgets everything. Often this trait leads to a loss of respect and trust. She tends to rush people and is unhappy if someone does not have time to do it as quickly as she does. It can be childishly petty, whimsical and capricious. Often forgetful and distracted, jumping to conclusions.

If you want to understand her, you have to accept the simple thing, she is a firm believer in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. She is not possessive, not jealous, and becomes aggressive only if she is deprived of her freedom.

Often suffers from misunderstanding of others. The fact is that the Horse woman feels the nuances that go unnoticed by everyone else, so she can drastically change her assessments and judgments. In other words, she strongly trusts her intuition and gropes. Don’t even ask her to explain her guesses, she still won’t be able to.

Due to constant activity, it is very difficult for her to relax, therefore she often suffers from insomnia.

In the work area, he rarely adheres to schedules and wanted to sneeze on standard procedures. If the idea captures, it can work around the clock without food and sleep.

Easily comes up with new ideas and develops solutions to complex problems. Therefore, if you have a worker born in this year, it is advisable to provide him with variety and many branches in his work. Her activity and performance increases if there is complete freedom of action.

She loves active people like her. She likes direct answers, without evasions and disguises. Able to reconsider her plans when she learns about new paths and opportunities. Does not take offense at frankness and appreciates frankness.

She needs to learn how to show her feelings and express herself. If he constantly restrains his emotions, this can result in illness.

In personal relationships, it is not constant. If he cannot be with the one he loves, he quickly finds a replacement. Her flirtations and flirtations don't last long. Has a huge number of friends growing exponentially. However, she will never over-hope and rely on them.

He quickly loses interest in everything. She just doesn't know the word siege. Will not kick a closed door, like the Dragon Sign. If something does not work out, he will go about his business and perhaps try another time. It is very difficult to predict when she will decide to restart negotiations. Her mind is like a puzzle and you will never find the last piece.

The Horse woman is perky, daring and very smart. Can be an endless talker. Able to do dozens of things at the same time. Always ready to drop everything and join you on your Everest expedition.

He knows how to achieve his goals. Will be in 10 places at the same time, if required. Sometimes it starts to compete with itself.

Outwardly, it may seem soft and kind, but under this appearance lies a razor-sharp mind. He loves nature, open spaces, the rustle of trees, the roar of the ocean and the majesty of the mountains. Therefore, if you want to get her as a partner, do not deprive all of this.

The best partners for her will be the Tiger, Dog and Goat.

When everything is noisy and spinning around, and in the center of events you see a woman, then know that with a high degree of probability this is the Horse woman. Her life is somewhat reminiscent of a Brazilian carnival, from which no one will leave offended or sad. People feel her cheerful nature, and are drawn to communication. The Horse woman herself often does not even have enough time to have time to talk with everyone, but she tries her best to be in time!

Usually in the life of a Horse woman, everything happens like in the films of Emir Kusturica: vanity, movement, songs. And around this whole celebration of life there are beautiful men who are ready for a lot for her, among whom the Horse woman will certainly choose the most worthy.

How to Win a Horse Woman

Who, if not a woman Horse, knows how important it is to enjoy life? She will not philosophize for a long time about the dangers of sweet and fatty foods, but rather eat the most delicious cake in the world that she wants right now. You don’t have to worry about extra calories - the rhythm of the life of a Horse woman is so intense that extra pounds do not have time to accumulate when she is rapidly moving from goal to goal. In addition, the representative of this sign of the Chinese horoscope knows well that there are much more important things in the world than watching weight and limiting yourself in everything.

In other words, the Horse woman is born for an active life. And, of course, she will be delighted with a man who, just like herself, is easy-going. Conquer her with your activity, swiftness and readiness for adventure! Do not let reflection and empty doubts sneak into your plan to conquer the hot heart of the Horse woman. More energy in actions: call her for a walk, go on a picnic for the weekend, arrange a tour of little-known places in your city. Invite her to a different place every time, whether it's a theater, a bar, a cinema or a zoo - she will be able to have great fun anywhere. Turn on creativity to the fullest, and the Horse woman will not resist.

However, inviting her on a date is a separate adventure, and this is primarily due to the fact that the schedule of an active Horse woman is usually full weeks ahead. So, if she managed to find a window in her busy schedule by agreeing to have dinner with you, know that this is a sure sign that she is more than indifferent to you.

Relationship with a Horse Woman

The Horse woman is not one of those who, in love, are demanding, biased, or have high expectations. Forget about complications! In a relationship, she will do everything so that you live freely and easily together. She will not make scandals because of socks scattered around the apartment (and she herself, on occasion, can scatter them anywhere), she will not “nag” her loved one because he “develops little” and “wants nothing”. Her motto is - live easy and do not interfere with the lives of others. And in this sense, the beloved person of the Horse woman is incredibly lucky with her.

However, keep in mind that relationships will not be without quarrels. True, they will be as hot as they are short, because the representatives of this sign of the Chinese horoscope depart faster than the electric kettle has time to boil. So do not be afraid - it is better to give the Horse woman a couple of minutes to throw out her anger, and feel free to consider that the situation has been settled.

The intense life of a Horse woman does not prevent her from being sensitive, caring and supporting her loved ones. She always finds the right words to soothe, and her hugs have a healing power for a loved one.

The sociability and openness of the Horse woman can lead to thoughts that she flirts with everyone in a row, which in no way corresponds to the truth. Despite the huge social circle, she knows how to maintain a distance. When your feelings are strong, the Horse woman will not destroy them with third-party romances. Yes, and she herself is not inclined to jealousy, considering communication with the opposite sex the normal state of affairs, in no way connected with treason.

Paired with a woman as swift as the wind, the Horse, even the most ardent conservative and retrograde will learn to try new things and enjoy life! Thanks to the liveliness of character, inexhaustible curiosity and desire to know the world around her, the Horse woman provides herself and her loved ones with a life generous with adventures. Trust her ability to enjoy simple joys - and feel free to learn the same from her!

"Woman Horse according to the Chinese horoscope", Nadezhda Zima

A person born in the year of the Horse can succeed in politics, which will bring him great satisfaction. The insightful Horse grasps the thoughts of people even before they have had time to express them.

Nevertheless, she is capable of not only mental, but also physical work.

When is the Year of the Horse?

Years of the Horse: 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.

The horse is considered the guardian of physical strength and all the laws of the physical world; it also symbolizes the conquest of space and time.

People of this year of birth are almost always full of a thirst for life, love adventure and strive for exploits. They know the value of money well, but even more than wealth, they need freedom of thought and freedom of movement.

Anyone who was born in the year of the Horse loves to be seen a lot, to participate in all sorts of gatherings and entertainment.

In the year of the Horse, irritability is felt in the air. Figure out what's wrong, but be tactful with those who show irritability.

A good year for Bulls, Dragons, Goats and Roosters; a bad year for Horses (especially the year of the Fire Horse), Rats, Snakes and Pigs; neutral year for Tigers, Rabbits, Monkeys and Dogs.

Horse according to the horoscope: what kind of person is she?

The horse is very popular, she has a cheerful disposition, a good posture, she is pretty. The person of the year of the Horse loves spectacles, theaters, meetings, concerts, sports. In a word, where the crowd is, there is the Horse.

She just loves to be in the center of events, loves and knows how to manage people. Quite intelligent and perceptive, although sometimes she talks too much.

Talented, everything goes well with her, attracts attention with catchy clothes or laid-back behavior. Very independent, rarely listens to advice and does as she pleases.

Able to forget about everything if her feelings are affected. She is hot-blooded and loses her temper easily. This is her biggest flaw, as her unbridled anger often causes her to lose what she has achieved. Anyone who has ever seen her in anger ceases to trust her.

To succeed, Horses need to work on themselves and learn to be more tolerant. She is selfish and self-centered, usually only interested in her own problems, and if someone gets in her way, she will trample and not blink an eye.

It should be noted that although this egoist works only for herself, for her own pleasure and success, everyone enjoys the fruits of this work.

More dexterous than intelligent, but in reality (and she knows it well) she lacks self-confidence. Despite this, she is confident, she will make a good financier - she knows how to deftly manage money.

In general, she can have any specialty that does not require loneliness and contemplation.

It is very good if a person of the year of the Horse leaves his family at a young age to live his own life: the family hearth is too pressing on her.

However, when she creates her own, her presence becomes beneficial, everything in the house will revolve around her. She is the true protector of the family.

The first and second phases of her life will be restless. In her youth, she can leave the family, and this will not pass without trouble. In the realm of the senses, life will also be turbulent. The third phase of her life will be the most calm.

It should be noted that the years of the Fire Horse (happen every 60 years - 1906, 1966, 2026) are unfavorable for all types of Horses, as well as their families. Misfortunes, illnesses, disasters can affect the Horse family this year.

Character of the Horse according to the horoscope

The variability of character makes such people be very picky when choosing a job and opt for those professions that do not involve either monotonous work, or loneliness, or long observations.

Praise heard in time can raise the enthusiasm of such a person to an unattainable level, and then none of the rivals is able to compete with him.

Make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground and that you can hold on to something strong as the whirlwind is coming towards you.

Those born in the year of the Horse are some of the most charming and amiable people you could ever dream of meeting. But wherever he appears, there is turmoil and constant change.

This is not so bad, because for many, diversity gives life a taste.

The horse, of course, thinks that way, if any thought comes to his mind at all. The horse is kind and attentive, will give you the most wonderful compliment until the cows come home.

You will feel like the most important person in the world, and attention to your ego will not be temporary, although the presence of a horse around is likely to be just that.

The main problem may be that you want more, and when you turn around in search, your elusive horse will gallop away to devote itself completely to something else.

Wait patiently, and after a while she will return and offer the next portion of the elixir.

You can't help but love a horse, because there is nothing evil or nasty about it. Some people call the horse close-minded, but in reality it is not.

The horse means everything he says, but is able to move with the same intensity in a thousand other directions.

If this fact reduces the value of the compliments given to you, then you simply do not understand the horse's lifestyle. In general, you could be much less lucky.

Horses born in the year are usually successful, always bright, rarely in a dull mood and always strive to live to the fullest. As long as you are capable of the same, there will be no problems.

We will discuss in our topic what are the qualities of the person of the year of the Horse. Let's get one thing clear from the start. The Horse has one of the most developed imaginations among the signs of the Chinese horoscope.

You have to decide whether this fact will be an advantage or a disadvantage. As with any situation, it has its positives and negatives.

It is worth noting that no matter how passionate your Horse partner is in personal relationships, at times you will doubt that he pays attention to his surroundings.

But fantasy has penetrated the way of thought of the Horse so much that all you need is a little cunning. Everything that happens feeds and directs the fantasy rather than forces it to be abandoned.

Years of the Horse and their elements

Dominion time

yang or yin

Fire elemental horse

  • Without a doubt the most active member of the breed, the fire horse is one of the most adventurous people you will ever meet. She is noble, able to impress and often very beautiful in appearance.
  • The Fire Horse is a natural leader and a good fighter, although only in verbal combat.
  • Defeating her in a dispute is almost impossible, so it's better not to try. Arguments, however, will be infrequent as long as the Fire Horse is going about his own life the way he wants.
  • Problems are likely to start only if she is periodically put a spoke in her wheels or told that her point of view is not correct.
  • This person is difficult to understand, and he may not be as deep as he would like to seem. The rather casual approach to relationships shouldn't hide from you the fact that the fiery horse is often just trying to make things go well.
  • The Fire Horse is unusually sensitive, and the need for personal relationships should be based not only on passion, but also on friendship, even though she can be a wonderful lover.
  • Keeping a fiery horse around is impossible, but if you let him do what he wants, let him know that you are not going to give up your preferences, and he will never leave you.
  • Behind the mask of a confident person, there is a child here who really does not know how to behave correctly in a love relationship. She is by no means as sure of herself as she wants to show. A complex character - but it will be a lot of fun with her.

Elemental Horse Metal

  • When we reach the stable, we meet the most positive, but nevertheless the most misunderstood member of the horse family. In a sense, this is paradoxical, since Metal is responsible for self-discipline, which the horse usually lacks.
  • But the reason for her fickleness is that she always has something else to do. However, once on a leash, the Metal Horse can become the most successful representative of the herd.
  • The horse has intuition, she thinks quickly, full of strength, charming and talented. She can also be moody, unpredictable and unreliable.
  • Much depends on the situation and on the nature of your relationship, about which it is almost impossible to say something definite, given the nature of the metal horse.
  • For many, the Metal Horse will be everything one could want. If you are one of those people, then you must have made the right choice.
  • In any case, you are unlikely to seek peace in life and should be prepared to get up earlier than everyone else and go to bed late.
  • The Metal horse can dance all night, work all day, and then have a great desire to go back to the dance floor.
  • She has so much energy that she is always looking for a new home and is definitely not the most loyal person you will ever meet.
  • However, infidelity can be avoided, especially if your Metal Horse is living the variety of life he wants.
  • And although your relationship with her may seem strange, difficult and sometimes irritable, life will never be boring, because you will always have to be ready for new surprises that lie ahead.

Earth element horse

  • Before you, without a doubt, is the calmest representative of the horse family, with whom it is very easy to find a common language. The Earth Horse is more cautious and sensitive than the rest, and will be more willing to listen to what they are told.
  • It should not be assumed that calmness is her innate character trait, because it is not characteristic of any Horse. However, you will be able to insert a few words into the pauses she makes during the conversation and you can expect them to be heard.
  • The Earth Horse will always be happy to help you in your career, and will also offer great help in solving personal problems. She knows what she wants from life, and will do almost everything possible in order to achieve what she wants.
  • With the exception of actions that may upset you. He is also characterized by uncertainty, but this horse is more than others able to recognize its presence and cope with it. Unlike the rest of his family, the Horse tends to stay at home.
  • She will also probably need more rest than other Horses. Remaining free and wild, the Earth Horse is a wonderful life partner, it is able to make life bright and varied even in difficult times.
  • You are unlikely to experience a lack of attention and affection, this kind of horse will seem to you the most adequate lover in the fullest sense of the word.
  • This is a noble and interesting personality, it is usually more constant than all other horses. Some say that this is the ideal type of Horse.

Horse Element Wood

  • The Chinese endow the horse with traits of intellectual superiority. In general, this characterization is not completely true, since horses strive for equality and do not divide people into types.
  • If anything can be the source of the problem, it's usually that the Tree Horse is quite smart and expects everyone around to share her rather peculiar interests.
  • However, in the case of the Wood Horse, the situation is somewhat different, because it is much easier for her to realize that there are other points of view in the world and that many others think a little differently.
  • You should not think that the Tree makes it easier to tie this Horse to the fence than the rest of the family. But in most circumstances, this element makes it easier to find a common language with her and can make the relationship more relaxed.
  • You will still lose patience because of her inability to stay in the same place for a long time and her constant activity, which will seem endless to you.
  • You will need both energy and concentration if you want to keep up with her, because if you fail, you will simply be left behind.
  • The horse of the Wood element is very charming, she can always find the right word to express feelings and resolve any of the most difficult situations. But she loves to talk, so expecting an easy win on your part can be a mistake.
  • It is best to keep a cool head and not fall for the constant stream of apologies, well-argued rhetoric, and mere red herrings that will flow like honey from the mouth of this most fickle man.

Water horse

  • If you want to find a person who will sort out all your troubles the first time, who will make you feel like the most important person in the world,
  • The horse of the element Water will suit you perfectly. On the other hand, it can be so self-sufficient that at first it will give you a lot of trouble, however, then you will be surrounded by an endless number of compliments.
  • However, do not be misled: this Horse means exactly what he says. She's not two-faced, just a little forgetful.
  • At the very least, she, like all other horses, is really concerned about your well-being and has the ability to penetrate deeply into your soul.
  • The Water Horse is often a born poet and looks at the world with such amazement that it is difficult for you to resist and not accept such a point of view.
  • This may not be so bad; at least the horse will help you soar above the routine of the everyday world.
  • Landing will be a completely different story and depends entirely on how much you pay attention to her words.
  • The Water Horse really wants to be loyal and is full of all sorts of good intentions.
  • But as our grandmothers usually say, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions,” so you need to remember not only the good, but also the bad sides of her character.
  • You are unlikely to find a nicer person, even if you go around the whole world for this. And this is where you will come if you want to know what is bothering your Water Horse. Most will decide in the end to just accept what they find.

People born in the Year of the Horse

Socrates, Neil Armstrong, Aldous Huxley, Count Snowdon, Hieronymus Bosch, Rembrandt, Roberto Rossellin, Jimi Hendrix, Dmitry Likhachev, Theodore Roosevelt, Daniil Andreev, Nelson Mandel, Ivan Bunin. Barbra Streisand, Paul McCartney, Boris Yeltsin, Anvar Sadat, Vladimir Lenin, Roosevelt, Leonid Brezhnev, Isaac Babel, Thomas Edison, Georgy Daneliya, Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

The unique combination of the Libra zodiac sign with the year of the Horse creates the unique character of a woman who carries a lot of conflicting feelings. This internal struggle shows to others almost all the negative qualities of a woman. What kind of character is actually hidden under the mask of power?

Libra Woman of the Year Horse

The Libra zodiac sign falls between September 24th and October 23rd. And the past years of the Horse took place in 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014. Women born at this time have many secrets. The Chinese claim that the time in which a person was born leaves its own unique mark on it. If we take the full characteristics of the Libra zodiac sign, then we can notice small changes that apply to each year separately, and the year of the Horse is no exception.

The Prancing Horse, which is considered the full mistress of one year out of twelve available, gives its children inner strength, energy, excessive impulsiveness and favor of fortune. As a rule, it is precisely at the onset of the next year of the Horse that Libra women carry out creative projects and move up the career ladder. Libra in love reaches the limit of dreams on the personal front, too, in the year of the Horse. This year you can equip your life and family hearth.

True, you should not involve yourself in too risky situations and rush into the pool with your head in any business.


Each woman has her own characteristics, but the Libra woman, born in the year of the Horse, is completely different from the representatives of all other signs of the zodiac, who were also born under the symbol of this year. Unlike others, they are characterized by the following series of character traits.

  1. The first thing that can be seen in this woman is her total self-control. She will not allow herself to be “dropped” in the eyes of the people around her: neither by her appearance, nor by her behavior, nor by her dignity.
  2. They are overzealous and willing to work hard for their goal, and this is most often rewarded with complete success.
  3. The Libra girl is stubborn and persistent - nothing will make her turn off the set path. Of course, such a position does not always give a positive result, and sometimes you can pay for it.
  4. Insight is one of the outstanding qualities of women of the Libra-Horse combination. Although they are obsessed with small things, for the most part they do not miss their goal and go on the right course.
  5. They are extremely purposeful individuals, with great willpower, ready to move mountains in their path.
  6. Libra-Horse women do not know how to lie at all, and also never seek to harm the people around them.

Based on all these factors, we can say that the characteristics of such women are, in general, quite positive. They easily make new acquaintances and easily converge with people. Naturally, Libra women strive to realize their goals, but they do it in quite decent ways, without intriguing those around them.

In addition, this type of people born in the year of the Horse is endowed with extraordinary thinking, able to find a way out of any situation.

Compatibility with other signs

Although Libra women under the auspices of the Horse are quite sociable and sociable personalities, they cannot boast of good compatibility with other signs of the zodiac, also born in the year of the Horse. This is quite understandable - they are self-sufficient and independent people, not accustomed to expecting something from others.

Therefore, among women, they rarely find true friends, and from men they require reliability and loyalty for life.

Horse-Libra perfectly converges with Horse-Aries, both with women and men. Although these two signs are completely different in character, like two sides of the same coin, they perfectly complement each other both in friendship and in love. Such a tandem is distinguished by understanding and harmony, no one encroaches on someone else's, together they perfectly form one whole. Libra also pairs well with Virgo. Two equally calm zodiac signs will always come to a mutual agreement.

An extremely temperamental union that one can imagine will be with Scorpions, but these relationships are short-lived and everyone will remain at his own. This tandem is tied up instantly, but the inability to give in and find a compromise leads to separation on different sides.

You will learn more about the Libra woman from the following video.

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