Reserves, reserves and national parks of Transbaikalia. Reserves, sanctuaries, national parks. Water resources of the reserve

On the territory of our region there are 2 reserves:

State Natural Biosphere Reserve "Daursky"- reserve in South-Eastern Transbaikalia. Organized on December 25, 1987 mainly for the protection of bird nests.

Steppe, lacustrine-steppe, wetland and forest landscapes in the southeast of Transbaikalia. The reserve consists of the steppe lakes Barun-Torey and Zun-Torey and several isolated lake and steppe areas with a total area of ​​45,790 ha. Protected areas are surrounded by a protected area of ​​163,530 hectares. Plots - 9.

The climate is sharply continental, with cold, frosty winters with little snow and hot, dry summers with a large diurnal temperature difference.

The duration of the growing season is 120-150 days, the probability of frosts remains in the first ten days of June, and frosts on the soil associated with the autumn cooling may already be in the second half of August. In 2009, in September, the temperature dropped to -5C.

Flora and fauna

The fauna of the reserve includes 4 fish species, 3 amphibian species, 3 reptile species, 314 bird species and 47 mammal species. Three species of cranes nest on the territory of the reserve - Dahurian, gray and belladonna. The list of vascular plants of the reserve currently includes 360 species. The reserve preserves more than 20 species of plants listed in the Red Book - tiger iris, short-leaved asparagus, Chinese triboron and others.

The reserve is subordinate to the Ministry natural resources RF. Since 1997, it has been included in the list of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves.

Sokhondinsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve- Organized December 11, 1973. The Sokhondinsky reserve received the status of a biosphere reserve in 1985. The reserve is located in southern Transbaikalia. The reserve occupies the most elevated part of the Khentei-Chikoi highlands with the Sokhondo mountain range. The Sokhondo mountain range stretches along the periphery of the Khentei-Chikoi Highlands from the southwest to the northeast for almost 20 km with a width of up to 14 km. The golets has two peaks - Big Sokhondo with a height of 2505 m above sea level. y. m. and Maly (2404 m), the pass between them is located at an altitude of 2000 m. Sokhondo char is an ancient volcano. There are many lakes of predominantly glacial origin in the reserve. The total area is 210988 ha. The protected zone of the reserve is 36,060 hectares.

The climate is sharply continental. Dry and snowy winters are typical. The duration of stable snow cover is 130–145 days.

Flora and fauna

The flora of vascular plants is represented so far by 923 species, 67 species of mammals, about 250 species of birds, 3 species of amphibians, 4 species of reptiles, and in mountain rivers and lakes - 8 species of fish. Over 1200 species of insects have also been registered.

Goals and objectives of environmental education activities of reserves

1. Environmental education activities of state nature reserves carried out in order to:

ensuring support for the ideas of conservation work by the general population as necessary condition fulfillment by reserves of their nature protection functions;

promoting the solution of regional environmental problems;

participation in the formation of environmental consciousness and the development of environmental culture of the population.

2. Ecological and educational activities of reserves are intended primarily to form Russian society understanding modern role specially protected natural areas in the conservation of biological and landscape diversity as the basis of the biosphere, as well as their place in the socio-economic development of regions. This should ensure effective public support for state nature reserves as objects of national heritage.

3. Systematic organization of environmental education state reserves possible when solving the following problems:

purposeful systematic work with all groups of the population in each specific region;

work with visitors to specially protected natural areas;

close cooperation with educational institutions, organs state power And local government, means mass media, other interested organizations;

assistance in vocational training specialists of the relevant profile;

participation in the creation of a single information space that ensures the exchange of environmental education information and work experience, both in Russian and in international level;

formation in the reserves of the necessary organizational and material and technical base for environmental education activities;

constant development and strengthening of the methodological base for conducting effective environmental education work at the modern level: accumulation of the relevant domestic and foreign experience, as well as the development of their own methodological materials.

4. Sanctuaries

There are 15 reserves on the territory of Transbaikalia

Reserve "Aginskaya steppe"

The reserve was created by the Decree of the Head of the Administration of ABAO No. 278 dated December 14, 2004. The area of ​​the reserve is 45,762 hectares and is located in the Daurian steppe ecoregion, which is of global importance for the conservation of the Earth's biosphere.

Reserve "Argaleisky"

State nature reserve"Argaleisky" was formed by the Decree of the Head of the Administration of ABAO No. 104 dated May 20, 1997 with a total area of ​​20,000 hectares.

Reserve "Atsinsky"

The reserve was established in 1968 on an area of ​​64,500 hectares.

Reserve "Akshinsky"

The reserve was established in 1983 on an area of ​​59,600 hectares. In 1998 the area was increased to 66,600 ha.

Reserve "Borzinsky"

The reserve was established in 1968 on an area of ​​45,000 hectares.

Reserve "Butungarsky"

The reserve was established in 1977 on an area of ​​73,500 hectares.

Reserve "Nikishinsky"

The reserve was established in 1981 on an area of ​​70,300 hectares.

Reserve "Olenguisky"

The Olenguisky GPZ was established by the Decree of the Head of the Administration of the ABAO No. 404 dated November 13, 2002 with a total area of ​​71,000 ha (66,676 ha).

Reserve "Aldondinsky"

The reserve was established in 1998 on an area of ​​51,500 hectares.

Reserve "Turovsky"

The reserve was established in 1980 on an area of ​​42,000 hectares.

Reserve "Uldurginsky"

The reserve was established in 1998 on an area of ​​51,000 hectares.

Reserve "Uryumkansky"

The reserve was established in 1986 on an area of ​​40,000 hectares.

Reserve "Chitinsky"

The reserve was established in 1981 on an area of ​​110,600 hectares.

Reserve "Mountain steppe"

Location: Kirinsky district. Area: 5273 ha. Regional Reserve "Mountain Steppe" was established in 2003.

Ivano-Arakhleysky Reserve located 70 km from the city of Chita. The creation of the reserve was associated with the need to preserve natural ecosystems in the largest recreation area in the Chita region. More than 150 thousand people visit the territory of the reserve every year, who come to relax at numerous recreation centers or in the "wild" way. The reserve seeks to regulate the use of land and water resources, prevents uncontrolled development and pollution of lake shores.

From Chita to the reserve there is a good asphalt road crossing the Yablonovy Ridge.

Ivano-Arakhleysky reserve in facts and figures:

o Founded in 1993.

o Total area - 210 thousand ha

o Located on the territory of the Chita region.

o Main natural objects: 6 large lakes, several dozen small ones, larch taiga, birch and aspen forests.

    reserves Trans-Baikal Territory

    In the Trans-Baikal Territory there are more than 95 specially protected natural areas (PAs): 2 reserves, 2 national parks, 22 wildlife sanctuaries, 65 natural monuments, 17 health-improving areas and 7 resorts, 1 botanical garden.

We will tell you about the reserves of the Trans-Baikal Territory:

    Sokhondinsky and

    Daursky. Unlike other protected areas, reserves are nature protection, research and environmental education institutions aimed at preserving and studying the natural course of natural resources and phenomena, the genetic fund of flora and fauna, individual species and communities of plants and animals, typical and unique ecological systems. Any economic activity of people is prohibited in the reserves, you can visit them only with the permission of the management and under the supervision of employees!

    The first long-term working -Sokhodinsky State Biosphere Reserve - was established in 1973. The Sokhondinsky Reserve is located on the territory of the Kyrinsky, Krasnochikoysky and Uletovsky districts. The uniqueness of the Sokhondinsky Reserve is in the diversity of its landscapes.

    The surroundings of the reserve are occupied by steppe areas.

    When climbing mountains Various types forests replace each other. birch, pine, larch, fir,

    Siberian cedar and

    Siberian dwarf pine forms the diversity of the forest belt.

    Above 2000 m above sea level larch-dwarf sparse forests will be replaced by mountain tundra.

    The top of Mount Seohondo is a flat plain,

    covered with large boulders, the accumulations of which in Transbaikalia are called kurums.

    The most slowly growing crustaceous lichens settle on mobile kurums, the life span of which is estimated in hundreds of years.

    On the summit meadows that occur near long-term snowfields or along stream beds at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level. spread out alpine meadows, sometimes giving such areas a colorful look.

    In summer, snow sometimes falls in alpine meadows, but alpine plants adapted to such phenomena of nature.

    On the loaches of Sohondo you can find golden rhododendron!

Many species of animals are protected on the territory of the reserve:




    snow leopard (irbis),




    musk deer, fox, ermine, weasel, roe deer, hare hare, squirrel.

    More than 250 species of birds are found in the reserve: long-eared owl, capercaillie,

    black grouse, hazel grouse, nutcracker.

    Waterfowl: shelduck, shelduck, swans.

However, the uniqueness of this place is that the sections of the south Siberian taiga Seohondo is virtually untouched by humans. Sokhondinsky taiga gives rise to many Transbaikalian rivers.

    Here passes the world watershed, on which the rivers belonging to the basins of the Pacific and Northern arctic oceans, - Ingoda, tributaries of the Onon and Chikoya.

    The most beautiful and alpine lake in the reserve is Bukukunskoye Lake, it is inhabited by such fish as taimen and lenok.

    State Biosphere Reserve "Daursky" It was founded in 1987 and is located in the south of Transbaikalia, on the territory of the Ononsky and Borzinsky districts.

    The territory of the reserve is represented mainly by steppe landscapes. Among the rare animals found

    zeren antelope,

    dahurian hedgehog,

    wild cat manul and

    Mongolian marmot (tarbagan). The open spaces of the steppes attract rare birds: the steppe eagle, golden eagle, saker falcon.

    The most important sights of the reserve are the Torey lakes (Barun-Torey and Zun-Torey) - largest lakes Transbaikalia.

    A feature of the lakes is their periodic filling and drying, which occurs on average once every 30 years.

    Torey lakes attract numerous birds. A special place is occupied by one of the largest and most beautiful birds of our fauna - cranes. Three species of cranes nest on the territory of the reserve - white-naped, gray and belladonna. Three more species are white crane (Siberian crane), black and Japanese cranes.

    One of the rarest birds on our planet, the relic gull, lives on the Torey lakes. It turned out that this small seagull is a relic that disappeared 20 million years ago. ancient sea Tethys - nest on Barun-Torey. Near relic seagull Other species of birds also live, gulls-gulls and greaves.

    Along the shores of the lakes you can see cormorant nests towering like hummocks.

    Since 1992, the Adon-Chelon tract, a section of the mountain steppe, has been included in the reserve

    with bizarre granite rocks-outliers. The mountain steppes of Adon-Chelon delight with their herbs. Attracts the most attention high mountain Adon-Chelon - Tsagan-Obo (986 m above sea level).

    The Daursky Reserve includes the famous Tsasuchesky Forest, where Krylov's pine grows.

    Krylov's pine is a rarity - a relict endemic.

    Tourists are not allowed in a significant part of the territory. Nevertheless, the staff of the reserve has developed several excursion routes and ecological trail, a journey through which will not leave indifferent any nature lover.

The Trans-Baikal Territory is located mainly in the Amur Basin: drainage basin, formed by the components (Shilka and Argun) and tributaries of the Amur, occupies 56% of the region's area. This territory includes, in particular, the central and southern regions of the region, where about 90% of the population lives. At the same time, the basin has a transboundary character, since it connects the Trans-Baikal Territory with the neighboring provinces of China and Mongolia. The most typical for this area are ecological problems, such as a decrease in forest areas due to fires and logging, the impact of the mining industry and, first of all, gold mining, household pollution of watercourses and coasts, anthropogenic pressure on ichthyocenoses, and so on.

IN last years new threats to the region's aquatic and coastal ecosystems have intensified or emerged. The catastrophic fires of recent years could not but affect the water-regulating function of forests. Periodically, projects for the construction of dams in the channels major rivers(Shilka, Nercha, Amazar). Industrial growth in China has led to increased pollution of the Argun and an increase in water consumption for the needs of the mining industry and agriculture in Inner Mongolia.

At the same time, the risks associated with cross-border Chinese investments in the timber industry and, in the future, in Agriculture. In particular, in the eastern border areas of the Trans-Baikal Territory (Mogochinsky, Tungiro-Olekminsky, Sretensky, Gazimuro-Zavodsky, Nerchinsko-Zavodsky), clear-cutting of forests is expected in vast areas transferred to a long-term lease, which may be one of negative factors that have a destructive effect on the state of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems over large areas. These threats require both an assessment possible consequences and the adoption of the necessary preventive measures, including the creation of new specially protected natural areas (PAs).

At present, the area of ​​specially protected natural areas within the Trans-Baikal Territory is 5.3% of the territory of the region. Some of them are two reserves (Sokhondinsky and Daursky), national park(Alkhanai), natural Park(Arey) and 13 zakazniks are wholly or partly located in the Amur basin. However, mainly small watercourses fell within the boundaries of these protected areas. Until recently, the region was practically deprived of protected areas in the riverbeds, belonging to the category of large (length more than 500 km) and defining the specifics of the regional part of the Amur basin - Shilka, Argun, Onon, Ingoda, Nercha, Gazimur and the Amur itself. Only a small part of them turned out to be associated with specially protected natural areas. Thus, the sources of the Ingoda are protected within the Sokhondinsky reserve, and a small (about 10 km) part of the Aginskaya Steppe regional reserve goes to the left bank of the Onon.

At the same time, large nature reserves of Yergun, Vuma and Beidzikun have been created in recent years in the border Chinese territories along the right bank of the Arguniya Amur. To date, almost the entire Chinese coast in the lower reaches of the Argun, for about 300 km along the border with Russia, is occupied by specially protected natural areas, actively used, in particular, for the development of rural and ecological tourism.

It should also be noted significant differences in the dynamics of forest areas on different banks of the Argun and Amur in recent years, manifested in a noticeable fragmentation of forest areas on the Russian side. The key reasons for this should be sought, first of all, in transboundary differences in the organization of fighting forest fires.

This kind of imbalance in approaches to the ways of nature management and nature protection in the short term can lead to the formation of an extremely dangerous geopolitical situation, in which the well-being and stability of the Chinese border regions will be ensured through both environmentally friendly forms economic activity, and the export of raw materials from Transbaikalia. This imbalance can cause not only long-term environmental, but also serious reputational consequences, both for the Trans-Baikal Territory and for the country as a whole; The solution to this problem is impossible without the search for comprehensive solutions, but it undoubtedly should include the creation of new protected areas as a reservoir for conservation biodiversity and potential for the development of ecotourism activities, including (and perhaps primarily) with the involvement of Chinese investment and tour operators. In each of these cases, those areas that are geographically linked to the main watercourses may be of particular importance.

In this regard, in recent years, activities have been intensified in the Trans-Baikal Territory to create new protected areas, one of the functions of which would be to preserve not only basins, but also the main channels of large watercourses. As a result, justifications were prepared for the creation of a number of regional reserves, primarily such as Relic Oaks, Verkhneamursky and Sredneargunsky (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Borders of created and created protected areas in the Russian-Chinese border area. 1- nature reserve "Relit Oaks" (Russia); 2- Eergun sanctuary (PRC); 3- Vuma Virgin Forest Wildlife Sanctuary (PRC); 4 - Beidzikun Wildlife Sanctuary (PRC); 5- reserve "Urushinsky" (Russia); 6 - reserve "Ulegir" (Russia).

Currently, only for one of the above-mentioned reserves - "Relic Oaks" - with the support of the Amur branch of WWF Russia, full cycle organizational activities. This made it possible in 2011 to create a regional reserve with an area of ​​30,399.8 hectares in the Gazimuro-Zavodsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory, which along its entire length (more than 80 km) goes to the left bank of the Argun, adjoining the Chinese Vuma reserve.

In 2013, an environmental and economic feasibility study was prepared for the creation of the Verkhneamursky regional reserve with a total area of ​​239,639 hectares, located on the territory of the Mogochinsky district. The reserve was organized to protect a valuable natural area, which includes the valleys of the Argun, Shilka and Amazar rivers in their lower reaches, the Amur valley in upstream, as well as the basins of their mountain tributaries. Shilka, Argun and the Amur formed at their confluence are a kind of "framework" of the river network. The entire left bank of the Amur from the confluence to the border with the Amur Region, 46 km long, is located within the projected reserve. It should be noted that this sanctuary adjoins the Chinese Wuma and Beijikun sanctuaries. Currently, documents on the creation of the reserve are at the stage of approval.

In 2014, an environmental and economic feasibility study was prepared in the region for the creation of the Sredneargunsky regional reserve with a total area of ​​247,157 hectares, located on the territory of the Nerchinsko-Zavodsky district. The territory of the reserve is elongated in the meridional direction mainly along the middle (for the Russian part of the basin) course of the river. Argun. The reserve is organized to protect the left bank and adjacent ecosystems in the river basin, including its tributaries, including part of the basin of such major inflow like r. Level The Sredneargunsky reserve adjoins the Chinese reserves of Eergun and Vuma. Currently, the documents on the creation of this reserve are at the stage of approval.

Thus, in the upper reaches of the Amur and in the mouth part of its main components Shilka and Argun, a whole cluster of Russian and Chinese protected areas is being formed. On the Chinese side, these are the Beidzikun, Eerguna and Vuma sanctuaries, on the Russian side, the existing Relic Oaks sanctuaries (in the Trans-Baikal Territory) and Urushinsky (in the Amur Region), as well as the Verkhneamursky and Sredneargunsky sanctuaries being created. After the completion of the process of their creation, it will be possible to speak of a cluster of seven protected areas with a total area of ​​about 1.5-2.0 million hectares.

Potentially, this creates prospects for the organization international cooperation in order to protect nature and develop ecological and scientific tourism. The result of such cooperation may be the creation of a Russian-Chinese transboundary reserve with a possible (in the future) excursion visit by tourists adjacent territories, organization of joint programs and joint search for sources of financing for environmental activities on the basis of both national and international funds. It should be noted that work on the creation of new protected areas on the key watercourses of the Amur basin in the Trans-Baikal Territory will continue. First of all, this concerns Nerchi - the last of big rivers a basin that does not have its own protected areas. Currently, several variants of regional reserves are being considered - in the lower reaches ("Nerchinskaya steppe"), in the middle ("Nerchinskiy") and in the upper one ("Nerchuganskiy"). In addition, a justification for the Duldurginsky reserve is currently being prepared, which will include coastal ecosystems and part of the riverbed. Onon.

Transbaikal State University

Transbaikalia, due to the special biospheric significance of its natural complexes, has two State Biosphere Reserves - Sokhondinsky and Daursky.

Sokhondinsky Reserve
Sokhondinsky Biosphere Reserve in the Trans-Baikal Territory of Russia, located on the Sokhondo mountain range. The reserve was founded in 1973 and covers an area of ​​211,000 hectares. The protected area occupies a mountain range (char) Sokhondo, stretching from the southwest to the northeast for more than 20 km, and a width of 14 km. The relief is mountainous, the relief forms associated with glaciation are characteristic - cirques, troughs and moraines. The most significant mountain peaks are Sohondo (2508 m above sea level) and Small Sohondo (2404 m).

There are several mountain lakes on the territory of the Sokhondinsky Reserve, the largest is Bukukun (area 58 hectares, depth 20 m, located at an altitude of 1892 m above sea level)

The climate is sharply continental, in winter, under the influence of the Siberian anticyclone, clear, calm, frosty weather prevails; spring is warm, dry; For summer period the Pacific monsoon is typical, bringing precipitation in the form of showers in July-August. 80% of the annual precipitation falls in summer. Average annual temperature-2.9 °С.

The vegetation of the Sokhondinsky Reserve has a pronounced altitudinal zonality: below is the steppe belt (up to a height of 1106 m); higher (up to 1620 m) - light coniferous taiga (larch and pine); even higher (up to 1940 m) - dark coniferous taiga (cedar, fir, spruce); even higher (up to 2114 m) is the meadow-dwarf belt (with dwarf pine) and in the highlands - the bald-tundra belt.

About 40 species of mammals, 125 species of nesting birds, three species of reptiles, two species of amphibians and 10 species of fish live in the reserve. Of the steppe species, the tolai hare, the tarbagan, the Siberian jerboa, the Dahurian hamster, the corsac, the steppe polecat, the solongoy, and the Dahurian partridge are characteristic.

From the taiga - squirrel, chipmunk, flying squirrel, sable, Brown bear, musk deer, nuthatch, woodpeckers, tits. In the light coniferous taiga, there are elk, Siberian weasel, blackbirds (pale and motley), buntings (white-capped and grey-headed), capercaillie, buzzard, eagle owl, splyushka. In the mountain taiga - sable and musk deer. Found in the highlands white partridge, mountain pipit, alpine conjurer, Siberian finch, pika. Sokhondinsky reserve - sable reserve of Southern Transbaikalia.

Daursky Reserve
The Daursky Reserve is located in the Trans-Baikal Territory, near the town of Borzya; founded in 1987 as a biosphere reserve. The area of ​​the reserve is 44.7 thousand hectares. The terrain is flat, protected area includes steppe, lacustrine-steppe, wetland and forest landscapes in the southeast of Transbaikalia. On the territory of the Daursky Reserve there are Torey lakes (they lie on the path of migratory birds through Central Asia), the largest of them is Lake Barun-Torey. The fauna includes 41 species of mammals, 256 species of birds, 4 species of fish, 6 species of amphibians and reptiles, and more than 520 species of insects. Since 1994, the Daursky Reserve has been part of a joint reserve with Mongolia and China; one of the programs is the reintroduction of the Przewalski horse and the Mongolian kulan.

The reserve is included in the list of wetlands of international importance (Ramsar site). Four species of mammals living on its territory (manul, Dahurian hedgehog, Mongolian marmot, gazelle) and 35 species of birds are listed in the International Red Book.

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