Russian timber and woodworking industry. Wood waste processing as a profitable business Where and why are the enterprises of the complex connected

Disposal wood waste This is something everyone has done at least once in their life. In the spring, for example, all Russians clean the territory of an enterprise or a residential building from last year's foliage, broken branches, dead trees and shrubs. Cleaned up, sent with a garbage truck to a landfill and forgotten. A wise owner would not do that.

Since ancient times, people have been using the most affordable natural resource- wood. A stick for digging, protection, searching for food, making fire, an unpretentious couch on the flexible branches of a bush - minor scratches on the body of nature of a primitive man.

In our time, the intensive use of forest resources, primarily in Siberia and Brazil, is a deep bleeding wound. People living in the Amazon Valley, like all living things in this region, are already suffocating from lack of oxygen. A legitimate question arises: "Is it really necessary to use the gifts of the forest on such a scale?" Modern man uses wood as fuel, and wood products for housing construction, sleepers, telegraph poles, bast, paper, fiber, and about 1,500 other products. In any case, approximately 40% of the waste remains after sawmilling in the cutting area. These are needles, leaves, green shoots, bark, branches, twigs, sawdust. Waste is also generated during the processing of wood: slats, short lengths, shavings, sawdust, wood dust. Maybe these wastes, after their processing and disposal, will replace woodworking products? Then the forest will be clean and the trees will remain alive!

Law on Compulsory Disposal of Wood Waste

The State Duma amended the law on the mandatory processing of wood waste. It was previously assumed that this law would come into force in 2018, but this date was postponed to 2022. By law, it will not be possible to throw away or obtained at a sawmill.

Wood processing plant specialists have four years to think about their production and how to benefit from what is now littering nature.

Wood waste disposal methods

It is impossible to produce lumber without sawdust, chopped branches, branches and bark. Even the prudent Chinese, who recycle what others throw away, lose 20 to 30 percent of their wood in waste. The term "waste wood" suggests that the part of the tree that is not used should be thrown away. There is also the concept of wooden waste, for example, old furniture, used packaging. Let's figure out how you can dispose of such garbage.

Today there are different effective methods recycling of wood waste and wood residues:

  1. Incineration of waste in special furnaces in order to obtain energy. This procedure allows the use of tree branches and sawdust, which not only improves ecological situation, but also allows you to save on the purchase of briquettes.
  2. Getting charcoal is a priority method for the disposal of waste generated in the cutting area. In this case, pyrolysis is used - the decomposition of wood raw materials in the absence of oxygen.
  3. The production of charcoal briquettes is the mixing of crushed wood waste with coal using binding materials, such as oil refinery waste, wood and coal tar, etc.
  4. Production of technological and fuel granules (pellets) without binding components. This method good not only because the territory of the plant is cleared of garbage, but also because the subsequent burning of pellets does not form toxic sulfur oxides.
  5. Gasification is the transformation of wood into gas when it is heated with partial access to oxygen. The resulting mixture of gases is a fuel for cars that can be used instead of gasoline.

You can see how it is made into flour at one of the Russian enterprises in the following video:

From this list methods, it can be seen that forest and woodworking waste is mainly burned to generate thermal energy. In addition, waste can be made Construction Materials, toys, furniture, do various crafts.

Wood burning stoves

So, the most cost-effective this moment method - the destruction of wood waste in furnaces. At the same time, workers do not complicate their work by pressing, briquetting and other troubles. For direct combustion, mainly cone-shaped furnaces are used, equipped with a horizontal movable or inclined grate (grate). The released heat can be used for heating or water heating, etc.

The photographs show different kind woodworking waste incinerators:

Do I need a license to burn wood waste?

There is a regulation “On Licensing Activities for the Collection, Transportation, Processing, Disposal, Neutralization, Disposal of Hazard Class I-IV Waste”, established by the Government of the Russian Federation on October 3, 2015, which explains the conditions for obtaining a license for waste processing. A waste disposal company must be licensed. An enterprise must also have a license if it does not specialize in recycling, but burns wood waste, for example, to generate thermal energy.

Disposal of trees, stumps and wood

Do unnecessary trees interfere with you on the site, or their overgrown crowns, stumps, waste from previously cut down trees? This problem is completely solvable. Here are some ways to get out of this situation:

  1. Uprooting trees.
  2. Tree cutting is cutting down a tree and leaving a stump. If you cut down a tree flush with the ground, then the remaining stump will decompose itself within 5-8 years. Note! If it is necessary to dispose of, for example, a fallen tree in a territory accountable to an enterprise, institution, organization, then two documents must be prepared: “Act on the write-off of a fixed asset (tree)” and “Act on the disposal of a fallen tree”.
  3. Stump uprooting. Methods:
    • with wedges and a sledgehammer, you should split the dug-in stump into pieces and pull out each part separately;
    • pulling out a stump with a winch;
    • the use of a crusher, which goes deep into the ground by 30 cm and crushes the stump into chips that mix with the soil;
    • the use of saltpeter or gasoline, which are placed in drilled holes in the stump and burn it from the inside.
  4. Tree trimming is the partial removal of branches and limbs from a tree.
  5. Tree crowning is the removal of a part of the crown in order to rejuvenate the plant or reduce the static and wind load on the tree. There are types of reservations:
    • thinning;
    • down kronirovanie - removal of the upper branches;
    • increasing kronirovanie - removal of the lower branches;
    • topping - removal of tree tops to a level of 4-9 m from the ground.

Disposal of wooden pallets

During transportation and storage of products at the enterprise, pallets are used as containers. Over time, they wear out, litter the territory, create a threat of fire. The part of the pallets that cannot be repaired can be recycled. To do this, they are placed in a rotary shredder for the purpose of grinding, and then the resulting chips are passed through a magnet to “pull out” the metal inclusions. Briquettes can be made from the peeled wood chips and further receive heat when they are burned.

So, the intensive use of wood may well be combined with efficient disposal sawmill and woodworking waste. Today, in our country, the most economically profitable is the use of production waste as fuel.

The forest complex includes forestry, harvesting, mechanical processing and chemical processing of wood. These industries use the same raw materials, but differ from each other in terms of production technology and the purpose of the finished product. The leading place in terms of output is occupied by the pulp and paper and wood-chemical industries, in terms of the number of employees and the number of operating enterprises - the woodworking industry.

The importance of the timber industry in the country's economy is due not only to the huge reserves of timber and the territorial distribution of forest resources, but also to its wide use in various sectors of the economy - construction, industry, transport, agriculture and utilities.

Russia is the largest forest power in the world, where almost 1/4 of the world's timber reserves are concentrated. In 2007, the total forest area was 883 million hectares, and the forested area in Russia occupied 776.1 million hectares, or 45% of the country's territory, and the timber stock was estimated at 82.1 billion m3. Among the forest-forming species, conifers (pine, cedar, spruce, larch, fir) predominate, the proportion of softwood (birch, aspen, linden) and hardwood (oak, beech, ash, maple) is small.

Three groups of forests are distinguished in the forest fund of Russia: a) water and field protection, protected and recreational forests, in which only sanitary felling can be carried out to improve their condition; b) forests in which only selective felling is possible in the amount of annual growth; c) production forests where clear cuts can be carried out.

The forest complex is overcoming the crisis that affected it during the period of market transformations of the economy, when its industrial, scientific and technical potential was significantly undermined. In 2007, the industry's production volume was 59% of the 1990 level, the allowable cut was used only by 25%, and, taking into account intermediate cuttings, by only 14%. The volume of investments in the fixed capital of the timber industry complex at the expense of all sources of financing over the past decade has decreased by almost 7 times. The main source of investment - approximately 80% - remain own funds enterprises.

Transformations are also being completed in the forms of ownership. By the beginning of the XXI century. private enterprises accounted for 90% total enterprises operating in the branches of the forest complex, where almost half of the number of industrial and production personnel was employed, which ensured the release of 2/5 of industrial products. In 2007, the number of forest industry enterprises amounted to 18.5 thousand, employing 340 thousand people.

Timber industry complex in structure industrial production Russia ranks seventh in terms of output, and fifth in terms of exports. Wherein the greatest role the forest complex plays in the economy of the European North, in the richly forested regions of the Eastern and Western Siberia, the Far East, this industry is inferior to the favorites - the fuel industry and non-ferrous metallurgy.

The products of the forest complex traditionally occupy a prominent place in the export deliveries of Russia. Foreign exchange earnings from the export of timber and paper products in 2007 amounted to 12.3 billion dollars. At the same time, Russia's export potential is estimated at 100 billion dollars. Lumber, plywood, and pulp are exported, which are inferior in quality, environmental requirements, processing accuracy, type and packaging of timber and paper products of developed timber-industry countries, therefore, prices for products of Russian manufacturers are 30-40% lower than the world average.

The logging industry carries out the harvesting, export and alloying of wood, as well as the primary processing and partial processing of timber. Its main product is industrial timber, which now accounts for more than 80% of the total exported timber.

The logging industry is the basic branch of the timber industry. In the late 1980s In terms of timber exports, Russia ranked second in the world after the United States, and in 2006 it was already sixth.

The location of logging sites is due to the availability of timber resources. Therefore, the leading area for the production of commercial timber is the European North, which gives 1/3 of the industry's products, where Arkhangelsk and Vologda region, Republics of Karelia and Komi. The second place is occupied by Eastern Siberia (about 1/4), where the main suppliers of commercial timber are Irkutsk region, concentrating almost 1/5 of the all-Russian volume of logging, and Krasnoyarsk region. The third place is held by the Urals (Sverdlovsk region). In addition, timber harvesting is carried out in the Far East, Western Siberia and the North-West.

The woodworking industry is the main consumer of commercial wood and includes the production of lumber, sleepers, plywood, building parts and boards, standard wooden houses, furniture, matches, etc. The location of these industries is greatly influenced by features such as huge industrial waste, which in sawmilling reach 40%, in furniture and match production - 50% of the consumed raw materials.

Sawmilling provides primary mechanical processing of 2/3 commercial timber and is oriented towards raw materials and the consumer. The main production is concentrated in the Western zone of the country on the territory of richly forested regions (European North, the Urals, the Volga-Vyatka region) and in the main consumer regions (Center, the Volga region, the North Caucasus).

Plywood production is different high standard consumption of raw materials and orientation to birch stands. Therefore, the main production is concentrated in the territory Central Russia, the Urals and the European North. Furniture production, being an "urban industry", focuses on the consumer.

The pulp and paper industry is a high-tech branch of the forest complex, which is engaged in the chemical and mechanical processing of wood. In this case, cellulose is initially obtained, and from it - paper and cardboard.

The location of the industry is due to high material and water intensity (for the production of 1 ton of paper, 5 m3 of wood and 350 m3 of water are needed), as well as energy intensity. Therefore, the determining factor in the location is the presence of forest resources and large water sources.

The European North remains the leading area for the production of paper, cardboard and pulp, where the main production is carried out on the territory of Karelia. Arkhangelsk region and the Komi Republic and there are Segezhsky, Kondopozhsky, Solombalsky, Syktyvkarsky pulp and paper mills and others.

The second place is occupied by the Volga-Vyatka region. IN Nizhny Novgorod region and the Republic of Mari El, large plants operate in Pravdinsk, Balakhna, Volzhsk. The third place is occupied by the Ural region, where the main production is concentrated in Perm region(Krasnokamsk, Solikamsk, Perm) and the Sverdlovsk region (Turinsk, Novaya Lyalya).

Significant volumes of production of paper and cardboard in the North-West region (Svetogorsk, Syassk), and the share Eastern Siberia and the Far East is declining due to underutilization of existing capacities. The Amur and Astrakhan pulp and paper mills stopped producing pulp and cardboard, the Vyborg Pulp and Paper Mill was stopped.

Thus, the largest forest industry complexes have developed in the following economic regions of the country:

  • The north is a richly forested region, providing for the export of timber, the production of lumber, plywood, cardboard, and almost half of the paper in the country;
  • Ural is a richly forested region that specializes in the export of wood and lumber, the production of plywood and paper in Russia;
  • Siberia (Western and Eastern) is a richly forested region supplying Russian market lumber, cardboard and pulp;
  • The Volga-Vyatka region is a richly forested region, which, using its own and imported raw materials, produces almost a fifth of the paper in Russia;
  • The North-West is a richly forested region, where the woodworking and pulp and paper industries have received predominant development;
  • The center is a sparsely forested area specializing in the production of various products of the woodworking industry from imported raw materials;
  • Far East- a richly forested area dominated by timber harvesting supplied to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

1. Wood is a versatile raw material. How was wood used in the economy in different historical periods?

In our northern country wood has long been used not only for buildings, but also for heating, and in everyday life, and as a material for folk art. Later, wood began to be used in many industries, primarily as a raw material for chemical industry. IN modern times chemical processing of wood allows you to recycle waste from sawmilling and woodworking: sawdust, shavings, chips. Ethyl alcohol, glycerin, turpentine, tar and other products can be obtained from this cheap raw material.

2. Choose the correct answer. The structure of the timber industry complex includes: a) wood chemistry and metallurgy; b) woodworking and wood chemistry; c) woodworking and mining industry.

The correct answer is b) woodworking and wood chemistry.

3. Where and why are wood processing enterprises located?

Mechanical processing of wood is carried out both in the areas of logging and in areas of consumption.

The pulp and paper industry is characterized by high material consumption, large water capacity and significant energy intensity. This industry is most developed in the European North, which produces more than half of all pulp. The Arkhangelsk region stands out in particular, where three huge pulp and paper mills operate. In second place is the Irkutsk region, in the third place is the Republic of Komi.

Thus, timber processing is mainly concentrated in the same place as its harvesting. Additional placement factor - water resources, so the largest pulp and paper mills are located on large rivers.

4. Name the main centers of the pulp and paper industry. Explain the features of their placement.

There are three huge pulp and paper mills in the Arkhangelsk region: in Arkhangelsk itself, in its suburb of Novodvinsk, and near Kotlas (Koryazhma). In the Irkutsk region, factories are located in Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk and Baikalsk. In the Komi Republic, factories are in Syktyvkar, in Karelia - in Segezha and Kondopoga. All settlements provided with the necessary amount of raw materials and water resources.

5. What industries are most closely related to the forest industry? Why?

The timber industry complex consists of industries - logging (felling, skidding), woodworking (sawmill, plywood, furniture, house building), wood chemical (rosin, hydrolysis), pulp and paper (cellulose, paper production), where the chemical processing of wood is combined with mechanical processing . The names of these industries reflect the three stages of production: timber harvesting, its mechanical processing and chemical processing.

6. What are the problems facing the timber industry? What do you think possible ways their decisions?

Lumberjacks are far from managing forest resources in a prudent manner. In some forests, closer to the centers and highways, - "overcut", they are exhausted, and in others, in remote areas, the wood rots on the vine. A lot of wood deteriorates during the logging process. A lot of waste remains in the cutting areas, and along the timber transportation routes, and during sawmilling.

Another problem is the incomplete processing of wood raw materials. Russian exports are dominated by either just roundwood or a semi-finished product - pulp. The developed countries they take out finished products several times the cost.

In addition, the protection of forests from fires, pests and poachers remains a very acute problem.

7. Why do you think products made from solid natural wood are especially valued now?

Nowadays, they are valued due to the fact that they are durable, environmentally friendly and very beautiful.

8. What folk crafts related to the use of wood do you know? What areas are they in?

The village of Bogorodskoye (Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district). Sculptural carving. Specialization: wooden toy.

Villages: Abramtsevo, Kudrino, Akhtyrka and pos. Khotkovo. (Sergiev Posad district) Flat-relief carving. It originated at the end of the 19th century. Subject: plants and birds. Main product: box.

The city of Kirov is the main center. The industry originated in the early 19th century. Also in the city of Ufa (Bashkiria) Specialization: art products from burl and kapokorn, (growths on the trunks and roots of birch, walnut and elm. Main products: caskets, boxes, cigarette cases, watch cases

Veliky Ustyug (Vologda region), Semenov (Nizhny Novgorod region), Arkhangelsk, Tomsk region and Yakutia: products from birch bark. Main products: baskets, caskets, tuesas, boxes, vessels for storing honey and sour cream. Birch bark is harvested at the turn of spring and summer.

Sergiev Posad. Painting on wood with burning. It originated in the late 19th century, early 20th century. Products: caskets and boxes depicting the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and the cities of the "Golden Ring" of Russia.

Kirov, Sergiev Posad, Semenov, the village of Polkhov-Maidan: matryoshka.

Forest resources and their importance.

Russia accounts for 22% of the world's forest resources - 770 million hectares - 45% of the entire territory of the country. Timber reserves - 82 billion m 3, which exceeds the total reserves of the United States and Canada by 3.5 times. Forests are distributed unevenly throughout the country. In the western zone (European north), 30% of the area covered by forest is concentrated. In the eastern zone (Northern Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, Far East) - 70% of the territory is covered with forest - these are territories with the exception of tundra and forest tundra. Mature wood is 50%. In general, the eastern macroregion contains 75% of timber reserves. (see tab. 34 Dronov, p. 151).

The density of forest resources is inversely proportional to the density of population (see Figure 49 Dronov, p152). In some areas, forest cover (the share of the area occupied by forest vegetation in relation to the entire area) is 2/3 of the territory - these are the Irkutsk region, the Komi Republic, Primorsky Krai, the Arkhangelsk region. But there are areas completely treeless - the Astrakhan region.

In the eastern regions, coniferous species predominate (cedar, fir, larch, less spruce and pine). In the European part - spruce, pine, which are of the greatest value for construction, as well as deciduous forests (more than in the east).

Areas of the European part of the country are intensively exploited. In the future, the exploitation of the eastern part will increase more and more.

Wood is used in many sectors of the economy: in construction (in the form of a fastening forest, for finishing), in the mining industry (in the form of mining racks), in furniture production, in the chemical industry, in the production of cellulose, paper, cardboard, for the production of containers. The forest is a recreation center, a hunting base, a source of berries, mushrooms, medicinal herbs.

Timber industry. - one of the oldest industries producing structural materials and consisting of the following interrelated industries, which differ from each other in production technology, the purpose of the products, but use the same raw materials:

    logging, felling, trailing (delivery to the consumer)

    mechanical processing - includes sawmilling, production of plywood, lumber, furniture, matches, parquet, etc.

    wood chemistry includes the production of cellulose, paper, and other products.

    the pulp and paper industry occupies an intermediate position, where chemical technologies are combined with mechanical processing, and includes the production of cellulose, rosin, wood alcohol, fodder yeast.

logging . From a seasonal industry, it has turned into an industrial production sector with permanent, qualified personnel and high-quality equipment. This industry belongs to the mining industry. The bulk of logging falls on the forest surplus regions of the European north, the northern Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East, except for the tundra and forest tundra. But the forests of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the north-east of Russia are far from the consumer - there is no wood harvested there. In Krasnoyarsk - an exception - the zones along the rivers and south.

The main forest-forming species is larch, the processing of which is always difficult. The greatest load falls on the European north, south of Siberia and the Far East.

The first place in timber harvesting is occupied by the European North (Republic of Komi and Karelia, Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions) - more than 20%. There is an extensive network of rivers, logging roads (Kotlos - Vorkuta, Vologda - Arkhangelsk, Petrozavodsk - Murmansk), timber export port - Arkhangelsk. The important role of this area was predetermined by the main consumers - the Center, the Volga region.

The second place is occupied by the East Siberian region (south of the Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk Territory). Part of the forest is rafted along the Yenisei to the port of Igarka, and most of it is rafted along the Trans-Siberian Railway to the European part.

The third place is occupied by the Urals (Sverdlovsk and Perm regions) - 18%.

These 3 regions harvest 60% of Russia's timber. IN Lately there is a noticeable shift to the east in the location of logging, which increases the distance of transportation, which has increased from 750 to 1700 km and is the longest among the transport of bulk goods on the railway in the world.

sawmilling - the main consumer of industrial wood at the stage of logging, from which wood makes up 25% (boughs, bark, needles) in sawmilling - sawdust, shavings, pinkies, slats (they increase to 40%).

Sawmilling centers are located not only in logging areas (Arkhangelsk, Lesosibirsk on the Yenisei), but also in the sparsely forested Volga region (Samara, Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan). A huge mass of roundwood is transported by rail.

Sawmilling serves as the basis for the subsequent processing of raw materials. In close connection with it, standard housing construction, the production of furniture, DRSP, plywood, and matches were widely developed. Enterprises for the mechanical processing of wood have historically been concentrated in the center of Russia (Center, Central Chernozem region, Volga region), which now produce most of the sawn timber using imported raw materials. The location of industries for the mechanical processing of wood should take into account such features of the forest industry as high specific costs of raw materials for the manufacture of products (1 ton of wood pulp - 3 m 3), and waste at the stages of logging and sawmilling. With such specifics, it is necessary to bring production closer to the sources of raw materials.

In the areas of distribution of raw materials, enterprises for the mechanical processing of wood are located as follows:

    at the places of intersection or approach of the railway to the rafting tracks (Omsk, Kotlas, Novosibirsk), where raw materials are delivered by river, and finished products are delivered by railway;

    in the lower reaches or mouths of large raftable rivers with access to the sea (Arkhangelsk, Mezen, Naryan-Mar, Igarka);

    on forest roads.

For furniture production used beech, oak and others valuable breeds tree. Transportation of furniture is more expensive than transportation of wood, and its production requires a highly skilled workforce. As a rule, the production of furniture is located at the consumer.

Match production satisfies the needs of the population - there is one factory for each district. The raw material for the production of matches is aspen. Centers: Kaluga, Rybinsk, Kirov, Tomsk, Blagoveshchensk

Plywood production(from birch) and parquet(made of oak and beech) is located in areas rich in mixed forests.

Placement factors :

    raw material

  • fuel and energy

    Answer from Alexey Popov (Ocean)[guru]
    enterprises of the complex associated with the processing of wood are combined into a group with common name
    timber industry, it is also called forest the most
    significant include logging, woodworking, pulp and
    paper and wood chemical industries. pulp and paper enterprises focus on forest resources near large water sources. They are mainly located in the European part of the country.
    The first place in the production of paper belongs to the northern economic
    area in which Karelia stands out especially (Kondopoga and Serzhsky
    PPM). Solombala pulp and paper mill is located in the Arkhangelsk region. Large pulp and paper mills
    located in Kotlas, Novodvinsk, Syktyvkar.
    Second place is occupied by the Ural economic region. Production almost
    entirely concentrated in the Perm region: Krasnokamsk, Solikamsk,
    Perm, etc. In the Sverdlovsk region, pulp and paper mills are located in Turinsk and Novaya Lyala.
    In third place is the Volga-Vyatka region. The largest enterprises
    operate in the Nizhny Novgorod region (Pravdinsky Balakhninsky Pulp and Paper Mill), in
    Republic of Mari El (Mari Pulp and Paper Mill in Volzhsk).
    The pulp and paper industry is also developed in the Northwestern
    economic region, mainly in Leningrad region(cities
    Syassk and Svetogorsk), in Eastern Siberia (Bratsky, Ust-Ilimsky,
    Krasnoyarsk, Selenginsky, Baikal pulp and paper mills). In the Far East
    production is concentrated in the cities of Korsakov, Kholmsk, Uglegorsk, Amursk
    and etc.
    Paper production has historically originated in the Central Economic
    area close to consumers of raw materials. It is currently the most
    In the Northern economic region, especially in the Republic of Karelia,
    giving 20% ​​of the total production of Russia, in the Komi Republic, whose share
    is 12%;
    In the Ural economic region, mainly in the Perm
    the region, which provides 15.1% of the total production of Russia;
    In the Volga-Vyatka economic region, primarily in
    the Nizhny Novgorod Region, which produces 8.6% of all paper in the country;
    The highest indicators for the production of cardboard are characterized by:
    Northern economic region, mainly Arkhangelsk
    an area that provides 21.4% of all cardboard in Russia;
    Northwestern economic region, primarily Leningradskaya
    region - 7.8% of the total production;
    East Siberian economic region, where
    the Irkutsk region, giving 7.3%, and the Krasnoyarsk Territory - 4.8%;
    Far Eastern economic region, especially Khabarovsk region,
    producing 4.6% of the country's total cardboard;
    Central economic region, including the Moscow region,
    giving 2.0%.
    Timber industry complexes are especially promising for areas with
    rich forest resources, but characterized by a lack of labor resources, weak
    degree of mastery, severe climatic conditions. It is predominantly
    Siberia and the Far East.

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