The most valuable tree in Russia. What elite furniture is made of - valuable wood species. Precious wood species: ebony

The most expensive tree grows only in a few areas in Caribbean, Mexico and Central America

There are many different types of trees on our planet. For thousands of years people have used wood for various needs. It just so happened that everything in this mortal world has its price. Trees did not escape this fate. For the most expensive, they pay $33,000 per cubic meter. And the prices keep going up!

Grenadil (African ebony) - $10,000 per kilo

This type of wood is one of the most expensive on the planet. African ebony wood is mainly used for making musical instruments. However, this is now an endangered species of trees and they are found in the world less and less.

Agar - $10,000 per kilo

The Agar tree belongs to the tree species with a dark core. Agar has been around for over 3,000 years and is used to produce a natural oil with a special flavor. The demand for this type of wood is growing, making it an expensive commodity.

Ebony - $10,000 per kilo

Diospyros wood or ebony is quite thick and does not absorb water well. In addition, it is known for its use in the construction of pianos, cellos, fretboards, violins, bows, harpsichords and other musical instruments.

Sandalwood - $20,000 per kilo

Sandalwood is known as an aromatic wood that is one of the most expensive in the world. This unique tree produces several natural oils that belong to the sandalwood family. Sandalwood is also unique in that it is able to retain fragrance for many years.

Pink Ivory or Umnini - $7,000-$8,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

This type African tree also popular under the name Red Cat. Pink ivory grows intensively in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Mozambique. Basically, the Pink Ivory tree itself is used for the production of billiard cues, knife handles and other medicinal purposes.

Backout - $5,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

The backout is also known as the tree of life. It belongs to the genus Lignum Kuaiakum, and is mainly grown in the northern coastline South America and in the Caribbean. Wood is one of the most expensive in the world due to its strength, hardness and density.

Amaranth (Purple Heart) - $12,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

One of the most unique types of colored woods is Amaranth. The tree is one of the most expensive in the world and grows 13 various types in humid and warm regions of South and Central America.

Dalbergia - $14,000-$16,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

This type of wood belongs to the Albertina family, which grow to small to medium sized trees. This type of tree grows in warm regions South and Central America.

Bubinga - $19,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

Bubinga is one of the most expensive woods in the world. The tree itself is flowering plant, belonging to the Fabacheae Bubinga family. In addition to being one of the most expensive woods, it is also the most valuable wood. It grows in flooded forests and marshy places.

Bokota - $33,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

The most expensive wood on our list is Bokota, which is very related to Cordia. Due to the huge demand for this wood, it has become the most expensive wood that can be bought on our planet. This tree is native to only a few areas in the Caribbean, Mexico and Central America.

Wood furniture has been valued since ancient times, and even in our time of diversity modern materials natural wood continues to be appreciated by gourmet furniture and there are many reasons for this.

The value of furniture made of solid wood and natural veneer is determined by various reasons. First of all, the fact that the tree itself, no matter what breed it is, is an expensive material. Its extraction is a costly business, including costs for licenses, quotas, deforestation, expensive labor of workers, production of material suitable for the production of products (boards, battens, veneer, etc.). The whole process of "turning" wood into furniture is accompanied by manual labor requiring either strength or skill, or both.

Precious woods for making furniture

Furniture is made from various breeds wood, but some are valued more than others. The value of wood is primarily determined by two factors - beauty and quality. The beauty of wood is expressed in its color and texture! Of course, each breed is beautiful in its own way, but some species are truly unique - not like the others. They stand out sharply against the background of other breeds - beautiful color and graceful pattern formed by annual rings.

Qualitative characteristics are an important indicator of the value of wood. The most valued breeds that can be processed and decorated, allow you to make perfect products out of them, to realize any ideas of the designer and designer. In addition, the stronger and more durable the wood, the more valuable it is.

The main types of valuable wood for furniture

Probably everyone has heard the name - mahogany. According to the terminology common today, mahogany is understood as the most valuable species of wood, but comparing the word “red” with the word “valuable” is wrong, perhaps the furniture manufacturers themselves have expanded this value for profit.

Red tree- Initially, mahogany was considered mahogany, less often campas, rosewood and teak. All these species have a reddish tint of wood and a beautiful pronounced pattern. The value of some of them is added not only by external and qualitative characteristics, but also by exotic origin. Deliveries from distant countries of these breeds greatly affect their value. However, it is precisely the exoticism that adds to them one of the important characteristics - resistance to local pests, which significantly prolongs the durability of the furniture.

Ebony- they call it an ebony tree, the wood of which has a dark, sometimes black color. It is great for creating dark interiors. Its value greatly increases due to the fact that it is difficult to process and requires special skill. Not every craftsman can make good ebony furniture.

Oak- this tree cannot be called rare, since it is widespread everywhere. It has a beautiful cut that brings a special touch of comfort to the interior. However, the most valuable characteristics of oak are its strength and durability. For many, oak furniture is associated with bulky and rough objects, but it is still more often used to create beautiful and elegant furnishings.

Cherry– a delicate pinkish shade of cherry wood will captivate many interior gourmets. As a rule, light openwork furniture is created from it. But the value of cherry lies not only in its beauty, but also in its rarity - after all, you rarely see a cherry with a trunk girth sufficient for the manufacture of large pieces of furniture.

Beech- an ideal material for the manufacture of furniture, which has all the important characteristics - strength, durability, beauty and ease of processing. In terms of strength, it even surpasses oak, which is why some sports equipment is made from it. Beech has a light cut tone and is used to make matching pieces of furniture.

Lacewood- an Australian tree with a unique cut texture. In terms of characteristics, it is comparable to oak, but the original exotic pattern allows you to make unusual, immediately recognizable furniture out of it. Of course, limewood is not suitable for making classic shapes, but can be easily used in more daring styles.

Ash- often used to make elite models furniture and is valued for its flexibility and ease of processing. Its external data is also remarkable - its different types have their own distinctive shades, and such a wide palette expands the possibilities of designers.

When choosing furniture, of course, you should not focus on the type of wood, but you must take it into account. From what kind of wood furniture is made, its durability and strength largely depend. However, the quality of wood processing also affects the durability of furniture. Only professional craftsmen can make truly solid products that will last, quite possibly, for decades.

There are many different types of trees on our planet. For thousands of years, people have used wood for a variety of purposes. It just so happened that everything in this mortal world has its price. Trees did not escape this fate.

Eben(very rare, pictured above)

Eben grows on the African continent, South India and Ceylon. It looks more like a tall shrub than a tree. Its height does not exceed 10 m, and the diameter of the trunk is 1 m. The ancient Egyptians put ebony on a par with gold and ivory.

Valuable properties

Black wood, very hard and dense. When it is polished, a mirror shine is easily achieved.

It is believed that objects made from ebony have magical healing properties. Poisons lose their potency in ebony pots. Tinctures, in which a piece of wood is added, act as an elixir of youth.

The texture and color of the polished board is captivatingly beautiful. The wood is water resistant and easy to process.

Products from ebony are never affected by fungus and termites.

It is used for the manufacture of furniture, jewelry, inlays. They are also used in construction and decoration. Of course, this tree is “affordable” only for extremely rich people on the planet.

Products made from ebony are very rare. The high demand for this material and the fabulous price led to the almost complete disappearance of trees. Eben is considered an endangered species and is listed in the Red Book.

Buckout (iron tree)

Valuable properties

Wood with a high resin content, extremely strong, able to withstand huge physical exercise(previously often used in shipbuilding).

Has many healing properties(resin treats a variety of ailments).

The finished backout is beautiful. The special arrangement and structure of the fibers create an expressive greenish-brown striped pattern. At the slightest turn in bright light, the polished surface of the wood gives the effect of iridescence (radiance).

Lignum vitae not afraid of water. The wood has a noble smell reminiscent of cocoa and incense.

Backout is highly prized by gunsmiths. They use it to make knife handles. The high price of the tree does not stop them.

At present, tree felling has practically ceased.

Makassar (variety of ebony)

Takes 3rd place in the ranking. Grows in Indonesia. A very durable breed. It has a great decorative value, as after processing it acquires a sophisticated look. Wood is used in the furniture industry and for interior decoration, as an exclusive option.


The content of the article:

Trees with special properties (water resistance, durability, strength, and others) have always been of great interest and demand. They were used in shipbuilding and expensive furniture as early as the 17th century. Currently, many expensive tree species are subject to complete destruction and states protect them from encroachment.

Due to their high cost, many tree species have almost disappeared. Some can already be counted by tens. Such trees are listed in the Red Book and protected.

On Earth, there is the most expensive tree, the price of which per cubic meter is about 100 thousand dollars. It grows in Africa, some parts of Asia and in the forests of India and is called Eben (ebony).

Eben is mostly black wood, very durable and water resistant. IN ancient egypt, a tree was equal in price to gold. It was considered healing and bowls were made from ebony, believing that poison was neutralized in them. A piece of ebony wood was placed in dishes with food so that it had a beneficial effect on the body.

Eben is extremely dense - 1300 kg per cubic meter at a moisture content of 15%, the wood is heavy and sinks in water. The tree itself is more like a tall bush, as its branches spread out to the side.

The tree belongs to the genus Persimmon ( Diospyros), there are 103 varieties. The most valuable Eben is presented below.

Since ancient times, it was believed that ebony weapons would bring victory and scare away evil spirit. Amulets were made from it, which symbolized dexterity and great luck.

Items made of ebony were found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen.

In all types of this tree, the treated wood has a very interesting sheen.

The tree grows very slowly, reaches 10 meters in height and more than one meter in width. Its bark is not used in furniture making, but it is used by African healers in their preparations and rituals.

Second place after ebony, takes backout . The price per cubic meter is just under $100,000. It grows in Cuba, Jamaica, Guatemala, Puerto Rico and Haiti. Very dense and resistant wood, easily sinks in water, it is the heaviest on the market offered.

The backout belongs to the Guaiacum family. Very slowly growing, reaches 10-15 m. Thin trunk, 0.3 - 0.7 meters wide. It is endangered due to the extremely high cost of its wood. It is dark green, brown and almost black.

The tree has the ability to change the color of the wood if it is more than 4 hours in the sun. From a brown piece of wood, it turns greenish.

In the Bakaut family, there are interesting tree Bulnesia - Sarmienta (Bulnesia sarmiento ). In international trade, the essential oil of this tree is widely known. And because of the abundant resinous wood, it is called balsam.

In the rest of the trees, the presence of resin is 25%.

Skittles and bowling balls, turning accessories, bearings are made from backout. Used in shipbuilding and mechanical engineering. A clear circle of color in the barrel is striking in its clarity.

The third, most expensive tree is Makassar . It has great decorative value and its stripes are unique. No two pieces of this tree are the same. The cost of a cubic meter of wood is equal to a bakout, a little less than 100 thousand dollars. It is a representative of the ebony genus and grows mainly in Indonesia. Its red and black stripes are unique and add luxury to any interior.

These three types of trees are the most valuable and rare in the world. But there are others, less expensive, but rare species wood. The following are valuable: rosewood (Madagascar and Central Africa), the cost of 10 thousand dollars per cubic meter; zebrano(zebra stripes), valued at $6,000; wenge- 2500 thousand dollars and others.

Redwood is very popular. The mahogany furniture looks great. These trees include red sandalwood, Malay paduk, berry yew and others.

Agar tree (other names are scarlet tree, paradise tree, eagle tree, agar, agar, oud, oud, kalambak), Aquilária, grows in tropical forests South-East Asia, the most valuable tree, heads a family of only 16 trees found in the world. Most of these trees have disappeared because they were destroyed in order to obtain essential oils. The average life expectancy of aquilaria is 70-100 years, it grows in humid tropical regions with an abundance of rain.

It's big evergreen tree from which aromatic material has been extracted for many centuries. The dark, viscous core of the tree is used. At the beginning of a tree's life, the heartwood is light and light, but the climate and special microorganisms transform it into a unique natural aromatic substance.
After a tree is infected with a fungus, it begins to produce resin, which “ripens” soaks the trunk and forms such valuable wood. This process takes from several decades to hundreds of years.

The oil is valued in perfumery, as it is a strong fixative, in small doses it is included in the formulations of exquisite oriental perfumes. The aroma of the scarlet tree takes about 12 hours to open, on the skin the aroma can last more than a day. It is especially valued in perfumery. Arab sheikhs and sultans. The aroma is strong, sweet-woody, almost balsamic, similar to the smell of styrax, vetiver, sweetness reminiscent of sandalwood.

The aroma of agar wood oil (Oud tree), belongs to the group of aphrodisiacs and has a very high cost (more expensive than gold). Obtaining this oil is an ancient process that has been kept secret for thousands of years. Oriental fragrances with oud tree oil are old recipe, known to a small circle of initiates.

Based on this aphrodisiac, expensive drugs are made for the treatment of sexual impotence.

Low yield of oil from vegetable raw materials, the complexity of the extraction process and the lack of natural sources- these are the main reasons for the high cost of oud. The wood used to make the oil has a low resin content, and it usually takes a minimum of 20 kg of wood to make 12 ml of oil. According to Nabeel Adam Ali, director of Swiss Arabian Perfumes, the highest quality oud comes from wood that is over 100 years old. . This, of course, does not mean that young trees do not give a good aroma, but this is not quite the same level of quality, heritage and tradition. However, sales of oud-based perfumes continue to grow every year, and in order to meet demand, many perfumers have begun to use a mixture of natural and synthetic oud in their compositions. (New York Times)

Oud of the highest quality - $ 24,950 per kilogram. But Mr. Ajmal (Director of Ajmal Perfumes) says that at this price, profits are small. (New York Times)

Now average price per kg on the market - about 18,000 euros.

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