Pharaohs who changed the history of Egypt, and not only…. The most famous pharaohs of ancient Egypt

The word "pharaoh" owes its origin to Greek. It is noteworthy that it was found even in Old Testament.

Mysteries of history

As the saying goes ancient legend, the first pharaoh of Egypt - Menes - later became the most popular deity. However, in general, information about these rulers is rather vague. We can't even claim that they all actually existed. The pre-dynastic period is most fully covered in this regard. Historians highlight specific people who ruled southern and northern Egypt.


The ancient pharaohs of Egypt without fail passed the rite of coronation. Memphis was the venue for the traditional solemn action. The new divine rulers received symbols of power from the priests. Among them were a diadem, a scepter, a whip, crowns and a cross. The last attribute was in the shape of the letter "t" and was crowned with a loop, symbolizing life itself.

The scepter was a short wand. Its upper end was curved. This attribute of power came from Such a thing could belong not only to kings and gods, but also to high officials.


The ancient pharaohs of Egypt, like sons, could not appear before their people with their heads uncovered. The main royal headdress was the crown. There were many varieties of this symbol of power, among which are the White Crown of Upper Egypt, the Red Crown “deshret”, the crown of Lower Egypt, and also the “Pshent” - a double version consisting of the White and Red crowns (symbolized the unity of the two kingdoms). The power of the pharaoh in ancient Egypt even extended to outer space - so strong was the admiration for each heir to the creator of the world. However, it would be wrong to say that all pharaohs were despotic rulers and sole rulers of destinies.

Some ancient images depict the pharaohs of Egypt, whose heads are covered with scarves. This royal attribute was gold with blue stripes. Often a crown was placed on him.


According to tradition, the ancient pharaohs of Egypt were clean-shaven. Another external distinguishing feature rulers - a beard, which symbolized masculine strength and divine power. It is noteworthy that Hatshepsut also wore a beard, however, a consignment note.


This pharaoh is a representative of the 0 or I dynasty. He ruled around the end of the third millennium BC. A plate from Hierakonpolis depicts him as the ruler of the united lands of Upper and Lower Egypt. It remains a mystery why his name is not included in the royal lists. Some historians believe that Narmer and Menes are the same person. Until now, many argue about whether all the ancient pharaohs of Egypt are really non-fictional characters.

Significant arguments in favor of the reality of Narmer are such found objects as a mace and a palette. Ancient Artifacts glorify the conqueror of Lower Egypt named Narmer. It is claimed that he was the predecessor of Menes. However, this theory also has its opponents.


For the first time, Menes became the ruler of an entire country. This pharaoh laid the foundation for the 1st dynasty. Based on archaeological data, it can be assumed that the time of his reign was about 3050 BC. Translated from ancient Egyptian, his name means "strong", "durable".

Traditions dating back to the Ptolemaic era tell that Menes did a lot to unite the northern and southern parts of the country. In addition, his name was mentioned in the chronicles of Herodotus, Pliny the Elder, Plutarch, Elian, Diodorus and Manetho. It is believed that Menes is the founder of Egyptian statehood, writing and cults. In addition, he initiated the construction of Memphis, in which his residence was located.

Menes was famous as a wise politician and an experienced military leader. However, the period of his reign is characterized in different ways. According to some sources, the life of ordinary Egyptians became worse under the reign of Menes, while others note the establishment of worship and temple rites, which testifies to the wise government of the country.

Historians believe that Menes passed away in the sixty-third year of his reign. The culprit of the death of this ruler, as expected, was a hippopotamus. The enraged animal inflicted mortal injuries on Menes.

Chorus Aha

The history of the pharaohs of Egypt would be incomplete without mentioning this glorious ruler. Modern Egyptologists believe that it was Hor Aha who united Upper and Lower Egypt, and also founded Memphis. There is a version that he was the son of Menes. This pharaoh ascended the throne in 3118, 3110 or 3007 BC. e.

During his reign, ancient Egyptian chronicle writing was born. Each year received a special name for the brightest event that took place. So, one of the years of the reign of Hor Aha is called as follows: "the defeat and capture of Nubia." However, wars were not always waged. In general, the period of the reign of this son of the sun god is characterized as peaceful, calm.

The Abydos tomb of the pharaoh Hor Aha is the largest in the northwestern group of similar structures. However, the most pretentious is the Northern Tomb, which is located in Saqqara. It also contained objects carved with the name Hor Akha. For the most part, these are wooden labels and clay seals located on the vessels. On some ivory items, the name Bener-Ib ("sweet in heart") was carved. Perhaps these artifacts brought to us the memory of the pharaoh's wife.


This son of the sun god belongs to the 1st dynasty. He is supposed to have reigned for forty-seven years (2870-2823 BC). Not all the ancient pharaohs of Egypt could boast of a large number of innovations during their reign. However, Jer was one of the most ardent reformers. It is assumed that he had success in the military field. Researchers found a rock inscription on the west bank of the Nile. It depicts Jer, and in front of him is a captive man kneeling.

The tomb of the pharaoh, located in Abydos, is a large rectangular pit lined with bricks. The crypt was made of wood. Near the main burial site, 338 additional ones were found. It is assumed that servants and women from Djer's harem are buried in them. All of them, as required by tradition, were sacrificed after the burial of the king. Another 269 graves became the place of the last refuge of the nobles and courtiers of the pharaoh.


This pharaoh ruled around 2950 AD. His personal name is Sepati (this became known thanks to the Abydos list). Some historians believe that it was this pharaoh who put on the double crown, symbolizing the unification of Egypt, for the first time. History says that he was the leader of military campaigns on From here it can be concluded that Den was set up for the further expansion of the Egyptian kingdom in this direction.

The pharaoh's mother was in a special position during the reign of her son. This is evidenced by the fact that she rests near the tomb of Den. Such an honor still needed to be awarded. In addition, it is assumed that Hemaka, the keeper of the state treasury, was also a highly respected person. On found ancient Egyptian labels, his name follows the name of the king. This is evidence of the special honor and trust of King Dan, who united Egypt.

The tombs of the pharaohs of that time were not distinguished by special architectural delights. However, the same cannot be said about Dan's tomb. So, an impressive staircase leads to his tomb (it goes to the east, directly towards the rising sun), and the crypt itself is decorated with red granite slabs.


The reign of this pharaoh is approximately 1332-1323 BC. e. Nominally, he began to rule the country at the age of ten. Naturally, the real power belonged to more experienced people - the courtier Aye and the commander Horemheb. During this period, the external position of Egypt was strengthened due to the pacification within the country. During the reign of Tutankhamun, the construction was intensified, as well as the restoration of the neglected and destroyed during the reign of the previous pharaoh - Akhenaten - the sanctuaries of the gods.

As was established during the anatomical studies of the mummy, Tutankhamun did not even live to be twenty years old. Two versions of his death are put forward: the fatal consequences of some kind of illness or complications after falling from the chariot. His tomb was found in the notorious Valley of the Kings near Thebes. It was practically not plundered by ancient Egyptian marauders. During archaeological sites a great variety of precious ornaments, garments, works of art were found. Truly unique finds were a bed, seats and a gilded chariot.

It is noteworthy that the aforementioned successors of the king - Eye and Horemheb - tried in every possible way to consign his name to oblivion, classifying Tutankhamun among the heretics.

Ramses I

This pharaoh is believed to have ruled from 1292 to 1290 BC. Historians identify him with Horemheb's temporary worker - a powerful commander and supreme dignitary Paramessu. The honorary position he occupied was as follows: "the head of all the horses of Egypt, the commandant of the fortresses, the caretaker of the Nile entrance, the envoy of the pharaoh, the charioteer of His Majesty, the royal clerk, the commander, the general priest of the Gods of the Two Lands." It is assumed that Pharaoh Ramses I (Ramses) is the successor of Horemheb himself. An image of his magnificent ascension to the throne has been preserved on the pylon.

According to Egyptologists, the reign of Ramesses I is not distinguished by either duration or significant events. He is most often mentioned in connection with the fact that the pharaohs of Egypt, Seti I and Ramesses II, were his direct descendants (son and grandson, respectively).


This famous queen is a representative of the Macedonian. Her feelings for the Roman commander were truly dramatic. The years of Cleopatra's reign are infamous due to the Roman conquest of Egypt. The obstinate queen was so disgusted with the idea of ​​being a prisoner (of the first Roman emperor) that she chose to commit suicide. Cleopatra is the most popular ancient character in literary works and films. Her reign took place in co-rulership with her brothers, and after that with Mark Antony, her legal husband.

Cleopatra is considered the last independent pharaoh in ancient Egypt before the Romans conquered the country. She is often mistakenly called the last pharaoh, but this is not so. A love affair with Caesar brought her a son, and with Mark Antony a daughter and two sons.

The pharaohs of Egypt are most fully described in the works of Plutarch, Appian, Suetonius, Flavius ​​and Cassius. Cleopatra, of course, also did not go unnoticed. In many sources, she is described as a depraved woman of extraordinary beauty. For a night with Cleopatra, many were ready to pay with their own lives. However, this ruler was smart and courageous enough to pose a threat to the Romans.


The pharaohs of Egypt (the names and biographies of some of them are presented in the article) contributed to the formation of a powerful state that lasted more than twenty-seven centuries. The fertile waters of the Nile contributed greatly to the rise and improvement of this ancient kingdom. Annual floods perfectly fertilized the soil and contributed to the maturation of a rich crop of grain. Due to the surplus of food, there was a significant increase in the population. The concentration of human resources, in turn, favored the creation and maintenance of irrigation canals, the formation of a large army, and the development of trade relations. In addition, mining, field geodesy and construction technologies were gradually mastered.

The society was controlled by the administrative elite, which was formed by priests and clerks. At the head, of course, was the pharaoh. The deification of the bureaucratic apparatus contributed to prosperity and order.

Today we can say with confidence that Ancient Egypt became the source of the great heritage of world civilization.

The first (I) dynasty of Egypt became the original in the history of government, therefore it is attributed to the Early Kingdom. The First Dynasty spanned a period of approximately 2 centuries. The first capital of the kingdom is considered to be Tin (Thinis), the first pharaoh-ruler - Narmer. The subsequent pharaohs of the first dynasty are considered the founders of all royal traditions, since it was during their reign that important knowledge and skills were discovered:

  • chronology (years, months, days);
  • writing (fixation of certain events on parchments and products);
  • the origin of the army;
  • stone structures (tombs, statues);
  • trade relations with neighboring countries.

Pharaohs of the First Dynasty

The First Dynasty ruled in the third millennium BC. History knows about a dozen pharaohs who left their names on the found artifacts.

Narmer. The first pharaoh of the first (or zero) dynasty of the Early Kingdom (so many sources believe). He distinguished himself by the fact that during his reign, the unification of Ancient Egypt allegedly took place. The approximate period of his reign is the end of the 32nd century BC.

His name is absent from the royal lists, which makes it difficult to truly identify him and place him among other rulers. There is an assumption that Narmer is the father of Menes, but many identify him with him. After himself, he left many historical monuments, which are stored in various museums of the world and private collections.

Menes. Another representative of the rulers of Ancient Egypt, who is considered the first pharaoh of the first dynasty of the Early Kingdom. His name is mentioned repeatedly by the Greek author Herodotus as Mina or Menni. His second name is Hor-Aha, but there is still debate about which one was correct. It is also possible that Hor-Aha and Menes are absolutely two different person. His name is also not found in the royal lists.

The date of his reign is considered to be the period around 3050 BC. Menes is credited with founding Egyptian statehood, as he united Upper and Lower Egypt. Pharaoh Menes is also considered a good military leader, as he went to war with the Libyans, after which he conquered them and collected tribute.

During his reign, several tombs were built, which differed from each other both in location and in scale. He himself is buried in Abydos. Although there is evidence that he had two tombs - one in the south, and the second in the north. To personify full power over Egypt.

Jer. His name stands for "protector" or "strong". The pharaoh belongs to the first dynasty of the Early Kingdom. Judging by the surviving images on the clay seal, where he is depicted in two crowns (Upper and Lower Egypt), it means that he ruled over all of Egypt. Presumably he was on the throne for about 47 years. Period - from 2870 to 2823 BC.

Jer is an incomplete name of the pharaoh, but only a part. Literally can be translated as "grip". His name was not preserved in the royal list, so there are different theories about exactly what period of time his reign was.

The pharaoh was a good conqueror and continued the wars in Nubia, which were started by Pharaoh Menes (Hor-Aha). During his reign, the strengthening of Egypt continued, art, craft, and jewelry developed. This is evidenced by numerous finds in the tombs. There were at least two of them, in which they found references to Pharaoh Djer.

jet. It is considered the third (fourth) pharaoh of the first dynasty of the Early Kingdom. It has many names, which of them is the most reliable is unknown. These are Waji, Zet, Ujat, Waj, Uenefes. The dates of his reign are approximate, but they determine about 2980 to 2920 BC.

The reign of Waji is not much covered in the history of Egypt, since there are very few references to this pharaoh. But it is known that his tomb was very modest, located in Abydos. In Saqqara, he also allegedly has a more luxurious tomb, in which earthenware with his name was found.

Merneith. The first ruler of Egypt, who had a female gender. Also refers to the first dynasty of the Early Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. Presumably could be the wife of Pharaoh Jet or Jer. According to other sources - the daughter of King Dzher.

It is possible that she ruled for a very short time, since there is practically no data on this. The only proof of her power is only two found tombs in Saqqara and Abydos. She was buried according to all the traditions of the Early Kingdom - with other people who, apparently, were sacrificed.

Den. The second name of King Den is Udimu. He presumably ruled from 2870 to 2820 BC. Pharaoh Den can be found on the Abydos list.

Den wore a double red and white crown, which symbolized the unification of Egypt. He waged wars with the nomads on the Sinai Peninsula. Merneith is considered his mother, since her tomb was found, which was located near Den. It differed from its predecessors by the tomb, which was on the ground, and not under it.

Adjib. He is the next pharaoh of the first dynasty of the Early Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. The exact duration of his reign has not been established, but it is likely that it is 2925-2900 BC. Although the opinion that it was a gap of 9 years should not be discarded either. The name Ajib in some references is like Anedjib.

He was buried in Abydos, where other kings are also buried. It is notable for its small scale and the tomb is made of rough brick. It is believed that this particular tomb is the origin of the tradition of burial in the pyramids.

Semerkhet. He ruled for a short time, about 9 years from 2900 to 2890 BC. He is on the Abydos list under the name Semsu. And many sources call it as Iri-Necher, Semsem, Semempses. He left behind numerous artifacts. Vessels were found in his tomb that did not belong to him, so there were suspicions that his rule was illegitimate. He tried to maintain trade relations with other countries, although during the reign of Pharaoh Semerkhet they were significantly impoverished.

Kaa. Many historians call Pharaoh Kaa the last ruler of the first dynasty. Its existence dates back to around 2890 BC. His name appears in the Abydos list as Kebeh, in the Saqqara list and in the Turin papyrus as Kebhu. There were also other names - Sen, Ka-a, Sekhetep. During the reign of Kaa, Egypt continued to develop both economically and militarily. Kaa erected a large mastaba in Abydos, which was of impressive size. Also inside the burial were found treasures - gold, dishes.

Seneferka. Pharaoh Seneferka, according to excavations, was the ruler at the end of the existence of the first dynasty of the Early Kingdom. The periods of government can be like the year 2660 BC. e. or 2850 BC e. He left behind a meager legacy. Mentions of him are found only on some fragments of dishes. During his reign, the development of the military industry, annals, trade relations continued, and the irrigation of the Nile Valley continued.

Bird. The authenticity of his name is highly doubtful. But, nevertheless, it is deciphered as Khor-Ba, Khor-Sa, Khor-Geb. The time of the alleged reign is from 2663 to 2639 BC.

There is a possibility that his burial place was Memphis. He left almost no cultural heritage. Although works of art and crafts have been found. During the reign, polytheism actively developed. Religious rites and worship took on more and more importance for the Egyptian people.

Pharaoh (Pharaoh) is the idol of youth, a new phenomenon in modern Russian rap culture. He is a representative of the so-called "cloud rap", which is characterized by slow beats, smooth reading and philosophical, often depressing lyrics (although disputes about Pharaoh's belonging to cloud-rap do not stop to this day).

At the age of 19, Pharaoh, whose real name is Gleb Golubin, became the leader and ideological inspirer of the Dead Dynasty formation, the leitmotif of which was a defiant mixture of nihilism and rudeness. The main theme of his tracks is drugs, girls and sex.

Childhood and family of Gleb Golubin (rapper Pharaoh)

Gleb Gennadyevich Golubin was born and raised in Moscow, in the Izmailovo district, in the family of a sports functionary. His father Gennady Golubin was CEO football club Dynamo, later became the head of a company specializing in sports marketing.

Rapper Pharaoh as a child

Naturally, the parents predicted a sports career for their son. From the age of six, the boy was professionally involved in football. IN young age Gleb managed to play for Lokomotiv, CSKA and Dynamo. Until the age of thirteen, his life consisted mainly of daily training and schooling. But in adolescence, the realization came that the second Pele would not work out of him, and his father was not enthusiastic about his son's sporting achievements.

Football has been replaced by music. At the age of 8, Gleb became interested in the work of the German group Rammstein, for which he even enrolled in courses German language. Another teen idol was the American rapper Snoop Dogg. The musical sympathies of the future musician did not find support among classmates (then other performers were in vogue), but this did not bother Gleb.

At the age of 16, the young man left for America for six months. There he finally decided on his musical tastes and opened up new horizons for creativity.

Rapper career Pharaoh

In 2013, Gleb returned to Moscow and entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. At the same time, he recorded his first track Cadillac and began to perform as part of the Grindhouse group under the pseudonym Pharaoh.

But the video clip for the track "BLACK SIEMENS" brought real fame to the novice musician. In it, Gleb raps against the backdrop of a white Lincoln, which Dmitry Dyuzhev drove in the cult TV series Brigada. The song constantly repeats the sounds of "skr-skr", which later became his signature "trick".

Rapper Pharaoh - skrrt

Tired of the constant questions from fans about what this mysterious "skr-skr" means, Pharaoh eventually explained that this was the sound that Bruce Lee made during training. Another version said that "skrt" is an imitation of the sound of car tires.

Pharaoh's next video "Champagne Squirt" has nearly 10 million views on YouTube. After the premiere of the video, the phrase "Champagne squirt in the face" went viral on social networks, and Pharaoh became truly cult character for a youth audience.

Since 2014, Pharaoh has been collaborating with rappers Fortnox Pockets, Toyota RAW4, Acid Drop King, Jeembo and Southgarden as part of the Dead Dynasty project.

Pharaoh - 5 Minutes Ago

Because of the mysterious image that the Pharaoh cultivates in in social networks, fantastic rumors constantly spread about his life. In 2015, information appeared that the rapper died of a drug overdose. After that, Pharaoh released a new album Phosphor (“Phosphorus”), the video for the composition from which “Let's stay at home” again gained a huge number of views on the Web.

In February 2017, he traditionally posted on the Web a new track "Unplugged (Interlude)", which was out of the rapper's general work - it was recorded with a guitar. Fans of the Pharaoh suggested that this is a composition from the upcoming acoustic album, which Pharaoh has mentioned more than once before.

Pharaoh's personal life

Pharaoh does not lack girlfriends. One of his ex girls- the current soloist of the group "Silver" Katya Kishchuk.

At the beginning of 2017, Gleb began dating the scandalous model, the daughter of the famous tennis player Evgeny Kafelnikov Alesya.

Behind each ancient Egyptian ruler lies a unique story, including incredible achievements, falls and numerous changes. When the next pharaoh ascended the throne, the countdown always began in a new way, marking the next era. A large number of The most famous pharaohs of Ancient Egypt belonged to the New Kingdom - the era when the ancient Egyptian statehood flourished in full force, and three dynasties of pharaohs ruled (18,19 and 20). So who is he - the most famous pharaoh of Ancient Egypt? You can assign such a title to three pharaohs who really distinguished themselves by certain activities during their full reign.

According to the largest Egyptologists, Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton), belonging to the eighteenth dynasty, is the most famous pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. This ruler left a noticeable mark in Egyptian history and even all of humanity. The time of his accession to the throne is considered to be approximately 1351 BC. Akhenaten had a chance to do great things for 16 years.

He became famous for being the author of religious reform, as well as the organizer of cultural and social revolutions. This most famous pharaoh of Ancient Egypt believed in the god Aton, and therefore introduced his cult and even built a new capital, Akhetaton (north of Thebes).

The capital built by Amenhotep IV was located in an area called Tell al-Amarna. From the name of the area, the time when this pharaoh ruled was called "Amarna". Is different given time heyday reign visual arts and the transition to true realism.

Scientists note that Amenhotep IV was not only a born reformer, but also had a poetic gift, thanks to which he managed to create a philosophical concept of the world in a theological form. The wife of Amenhotep IV was Nefertiti, known as a very beautiful queen. Today, the whole world can admire the sculpture of Nefertiti, which was created in an amazing performance of incredible veracity (kept in the Berlin Museum).


This name of the pharaoh is probably known to many. Tutankhamun, like Akhenaten, belongs to the eighteenth dynasty of the rulers of Egypt. Of course, he was not famous for anything special. True, it can only be that which canceled the reforms of Amenhotep IV. Surely, for the people around him, such a decision was long-awaited, since Tutankhamen, who died at the age of 18, was buried with special honors.

There is little information about the life of this pharaoh, so scientists are trying to find many answers to the questions that torment them and uncover the secret of Tutankhamun's life. Until the moment of taking the title of ruler, he bore the name Tutankhaton (in honor of the god Aten). But at the age of 9, having become the supreme ruler of Egypt, he changed his name. After accession to the throne, the wedding of Tutankhamen and the 13-year-old daughter of Amenhotep IV and Nefertiti (Ankhesenpaaten, who later also changed her name to Ankhesenamun) took place.

Most likely, he became the most famous pharaoh of Ancient Egypt already due to the fact that his tomb was found by researchers in 1922, and absolutely intact. And this is considered quite a rare occurrence, because many of the tombs of famous pharaohs found by scientists were pretty much plundered.

Another of the greatest pharaohs is Ramesses II (Ramses the Great), belonging to the nineteenth dynasty of pharaohs. His reign was 66 years. During this period, he built many cities and temples - before him, no ruler could do this. Under him, temple architecture developed.

Temples that were carved into the rocks are recognized as special (for which they began to be called cave or rock). The most famous among the temples built under Ramses II is the funerary temple in Thebes - the Ramesseum. Ramses II also dedicated one of the small temples to his beloved wife Nefertari - this building was created in the rock of Abu Simbel.

Ancient Egypt is famous for its pharaohs, who this moment are practically the property not only of the land of Egypt, but of the whole world.

The name "Pharaoh" comes from Greece and is used in the Old Testament. It originally meant "Magnificent House". For quite a long period of time, the rulers of ancient Egypt were called the bear. Ancient Egypt, the whole history of the pharaohs, which is shrouded in a veil of some mystery, can tell a lot to our contemporaries. According to one of the Egyptian legends, the first pharaoh of Egypt was the most popular god of Egypt at that time. And we, of course, cannot know for sure whether some of the characters that are spoken of in writing and drawings in stone lived, where they dominated, if they lived, at what time. Accurate information at the moment is available only for the ruling persons of a later time. According to quite a few sources, the very first real pharaoh of Egypt, who had the honor of ruling an entire country, was Menes. Some scholars call him Narmera, or Aga. Disputes about the authenticity of the ruler's name continue to this day.

Whatever he was called, he was the founder of a number of rules.

In ancient Egypt throughout history, not only men, but also the most beautiful women could be pharaohs. For example, history has left us enough evidence of the existence of a great female ruler named Hatshepsut and some others.

As a rule, the pharaoh was considered as the incarnation of Horus (Horus), that is, the falcon god, and at the same time the posthumous son of Osiris,

The pharaoh was a figure - the basis of the entire administrative structure. These pharaoh-gods quite often led the vast resources. The pharaohs were considered both the supreme commanders and high priests every god in the realm. Absolutely all orders came from his name, and all the sacraments were in his place.

Of course, the pharaoh bore a rather serious responsibility on his shoulders. Thanks to his relationship with the gods, he was endowed with the right to maintain order, or, as they also called it, Maat of the Earth, and, thereby, the ability to contain chaos, often arising in the form of all kinds of enemies of Egypt who came from distant foreign lands. But he was also held responsible for accepting reasonable proposals and otherwise satisfying all the Egyptian gods so that they would bless ancient Egypt with abundant floods of the Nile, thereby providing the people with an excellent rich harvest in order to be able to feed the people of Egypt. If all of the above to one degree or another failed, then his power could be seriously shaken.

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