Cold summer 2017: what is happening with the weather in the Moscow region . Cold summer 2017: what is happening with the weather in the Moscow region & nbsp Will it be warm in July

Not so long ago, Evgeny Tishkovets, an employee of the Phobos weather center, said that summer would not return to Moscow in 2017. According to him, the temperature is unlikely to reach even +25 degrees. The specialist suggested that open bathing season almost impossible in this weather.

Recall that the "weather swing" began in Moscow in May. The last month of spring surprised the residents of the capital with snow. Then the baton was taken over by a rainy June, which was recognized as the coldest in the last 14 years.

In turn, the head of the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation, Roman Vilfand, spoke about the current weather situation. "Summer has come, and it has come in the Asian territory of Russia. East of the Urals, and in the European part of Russia, this is the situation: the temperature is below long-term values. Forecast for the third decade: the temperature will be near and below the norm in the European part of Russia, and beyond the Urals it will be significantly above the norm," the expert said.

In general, the summer of 2017 will not bring us any abnormal heat or unpredictable rainy season. It passes within the ordinary framework, so you should not worry about major temperature drops. Precipitation will reach its own maximum in July, and higher temperatures are expected in the same month. This summer season will fall quite moderately as in terms of temperature regime as well as in terms of precipitation.

Meanwhile, July 7 promises to be the coldest day of the month. The cyclone that overtook Moscow brought cloudy and windy weather. In the morning, 8-10 degrees of heat is expected, in the afternoon the air will warm up to a maximum of 15 degrees. It will rain in places. Usually by July 7 - and this is the holiday of Ivan Kupala - it becomes summer-like warm in the capital. The average maximum air temperature at the VDNKh station reaches 22.5 degrees.

As a consolation, Muscovites should know that July 7, 2017 will not be the coldest in the history of meteorological observations. The record was recorded in 1952, when the average daily temperature was 9.1 degrees, and more than 10 millimeters of rain fell.

There will be no hot summer this year. But frost will not come until autumn. The leading researcher of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University Mikhail Lokoshchenko is sure of this.

But thunderstorms, heavy rains with hail and squally gusts of wind are expected in abundance. Director of the Hydrometeorological Center Roman Vilfand advises citizens to closely monitor the forecasts. According to him, such weather is very dangerous - every year people die from lightning strikes.

As the hero said famous movie: “There will be no summer, and winter will last forever ...” Of course, everything is not so gloomy here, but weather forecasters no longer promise anything optimistic. If in May we were still told about the hot July, now we are timidly informed about the "changeable" August, about warm days- with notes of uncertainty, about rain - with a high degree of probability.

Folk omens do not work in this century

And this is true, all folk calendar with signs, at the same time, you can throw it into the furnace, since nothing corresponds to the old times. A frosty January “promised” a hot July, but it is not and, apparently, will not be. It is overcast, it rains every evening, and at night - showers, during the day - thunderstorms, which we did not expect in May. Gardeners-gardeners "tear and toss", everything invested in the harvest "leaks" with every rain. Those who did not buy a ticket on time in real hot country, also "bite elbows" - they relied on the folk calendar ...

Where did summer go in Moscow?

Summer in middle lane Russia is what it should be, i.e. Moderately cool, moderately rainy, moderately sunny. We forgot all sorts of natural disasters what summer really was. It turns out that the saying “it will freeze for three years, soak it for three years, dry it for three years, and give a harvest for a year” is not so much for gardeners, but for everyone in general. And the saying is not yet mistaken, but do not count for three years, but one at a time, and everything will be fine, and believing weather forecasters is more expensive for yourself.<.p>

Scientists say that the promised summer "gone" to "nowhere" due to two main reasons:<.p>

  • global warming and its consequences: storms, hurricanes, heavy rains;
  • anticyclones advanced the front warm climate further north, this is caused by incredibly fast melting Antarctic ice and transfer " equatorial belt» is closer to Russia.

Now the Ministry of Emergency Situations is sounding the alarm, as "the weather is getting too nervous," like a woman who has lost a loved one. You can wait for anything, and all services are "strictly ordered" to follow all instructions, to be constantly on the alert, since hurricanes can occur anywhere. You don't have to look far for examples: Moscow and a squally wind with a downpour, Vladivostok and abnormal heat in early July (water temperature up to +20 degrees).

What will the weather be like in August?

The same unpredictability. And if it doesn’t rain according to the forecast, don’t forget to take an umbrella, or even better, a raincoat. Do not plan long trips for the weekend with an overnight stay in nature, you should not risk your health. I want warmth and sun - catch it on any sunny day, take time off, a short vacation and go to the lake! Urgently gather the children and swim until the nearest cute fluffy cloud turns into a purple cloud. Believe only your eyes, not forecasts.

Weather in Moscow and the Moscow region for July 2017 according to the most accurate forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center

The middle of summer in the Russian capital is always associated with hot asphalt, air conditioners operating at full capacity in shopping malls, a massive influx of guests in the heart of our Motherland. Of course, the summer weather in Moscow - July is especially different high temperatures air. The amount of precipitation falling during this month increases dramatically compared to other periods of the year. Of course, a summer rain, especially a short downpour, brings a refreshing coolness for a short time, knocks dust off trees and roads, delighting all residents and guests of the capital. According to the most accurate forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center, the weather in Moscow and the Moscow region will be hot, but with little sunshine. Big climate change not expected. When listening to weather forecasters, do not forget to compare their information with folk signs - this way you yourself will learn to determine whether bad weather is approaching or, on the contrary, a pleasant dry warmth awaits the city.

The most accurate weather forecast for Moscow in July 2017 - Air temperature

The weather of July 2017 will bring with it many thunderstorms. According to the most accurate weather forecast, the month will begin and end with rain. The air temperature on most July days will be kept at +26 +28⁰ C. Since heat and humidity, especially in Moscow with its traffic jams and a lot of people on the streets, are very poorly tolerated by many people, doctors recommend drinking at this time more water. In the middle of summer, do not neglect wearing hats - stuffiness and heat can cause fainting. Of course, summer brings a lot positive emotions. On weekends, the townspeople join the children splashing in the Moskva River and even fountains. There are many holidays in July. The most famous of them are Ivan Kupala on the 7th and the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity on the 8th. Of course, many will spend these days in nature, cooking barbecue and swimming in ponds. The air at this time will heat up to 30⁰C, the level of fire danger will increase in the forests. Do not forget to put out the fires behind you and try to spend more time in the shade.

July 2017 in Moscow ― The most accurate weather forecast and signs

Today, predicting the weather has become more difficult - the climate often presents unusual surprises. However, according to the most accurate forecast given by Russian weather forecasters, the weather in the middle of summer in Moscow will not surprise the city dwellers with its whims. The whole month will be hot (about +27⁰C). Only in mid-July, on the 15th - 18th, it will get colder to +16 +20 ⁰C. Without neglecting the information received from the Hydrometeorological Center, today more and more often Muscovites are interested in folk signs. They can accurately predict changes in the weather. For example, July morning mist creeping over the water promises a great clear, warm day. Before a drought, puddles look green. A light morning rain in July precedes a fine day. It is believed that after July 12, the earth gradually begins to prepare for winter.

Weather in Moscow - July 2017 from the Hydrometeorological Center

With the onset of July, fewer and fewer Muscovites remain in the capital - the townspeople are fleeing from stuffiness and hot asphalt, going to resorts, the sea and even to the mountains. Since not everyone can take a vacation in the middle of summer, the remaining residents of the capital, working in Moscow at the very hot month year, are always interested in forecasts from the Hydrometeorological Center. In July 2017, warm, short winds will blow here, bringing rain and thunderstorms. The average air temperature will approach +27⁰ C during the day and +16⁰ C at night. At the beginning and end of the month there will be the most abundant rains, showers and thunderstorms are possible.

According to long-term forecasts, the weather in the Moscow region in July 2017 will be slightly different from the capital. For example, in the north, in the area of ​​Klin, Dubna, in Mytishchi, Sergiev Posad, Pushkin, Solnechnogorsk districts average temperature the air of the month will be 2 degrees lower than in Moscow itself (about +25⁰C). In the south of the region, in Kashirsky, Podolsky, Stupinsky, Podolsky districts, on the contrary, the middle of summer will be hot and dry. last decade month will bring here thirty-degree heat.

What weather changes are predicted in the Moscow region in July 2017

Weather V the Moscow region traditionally differs little from the capital. However, in the heat, even a difference of two degrees is felt especially strongly. In the Domodedovo urban district, located south of Moscow, the heat in July 2017 will be felt especially strongly. On July 6-10 and 27-30, the thermometer at noon will show +32⁰C here. In the north of the region (for example, in the Khimki region) it will be a little cooler. The air here does not warm up to +30⁰C. On July 16–18, temperatures are expected to drop to +16 +19⁰C.

According to the most accurate preliminary forecast received from the employees of the Hydrometeorological Center, the weather in Moscow is July 2017 , will bring a sharp increase in air temperature, reaching at the end of the month up to + 32⁰C. Climatic conditions in the Moscow region in the middle of summer will hardly differ from those in the capital.


xl" target="_blank">an abnormally cold summer. As always in such cases, global warming is blamed for everything. The RIAMO correspondent talked to experts and found out what is really happening with the climate in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Read what the weather will be like this weekend>>

The ghost of global warming

The term "global warming" itself appeared in 1975: it was mentioned by Wallace Broker in an article on climate change trends as a result of man-made factors. These trends are constantly monitored by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. And the Kyoto Protocol, signed at the UN conference in 1997, is designed to minimize greenhouse gas emissions by participating countries. Therefore, on the one hand, climate change on Earth is under international control.

On the other hand, global climate processes raise questions among ordinary inhabitants of the planet, and in particular, the Moscow region. Since the world is experiencing global warming - then why is the beginning of summer in the capital region so cold?

However, experts say that the climate is not an area where it is worth drawing superficial conclusions, despite obvious changes.

Yury Varakin, head of the situational center of Roshydromet, emphasizes that in order to confirm or deny that certain changes are taking place in the climate, it is necessary to monitor the situation for years, and the climate “step” is thirty years. Based on observational data for thirty years, statistical indicators are displayed: averages for a day or for a certain date, average daily temperature or maximum temperature that has been observed for thirty years, etc.

It will be hot: weather forecast for summer 2017 in Moscow>>

Moscow and Moscow region - in the comfort zone

Moscow and the Moscow region are prosperous regions compared to those places where fires, droughts or floods are happening right now.

“We do not have such natural disasters as in Central and South Asia. Every year, thousands of people die from floods, not because a tree fell on their heads, but because houses are blown away as a result of a tropical downpour. Now there is an abnormal heat wave in Japan: several children have died of heat stroke, hundreds of people with overheating are in hospitals,” says Yuri Varakin.

However, the cold with which this summer began can be explained by the same global processes as the violence of the elements in other parts of the planet.

According to research by the Hydrometeorological Center, the reason for the recurrence of very cold and hot periods, dry and rainy periods is that the temperature on the planet rises unevenly.

“In the equatorial territories, warming is less noticeable than at the poles, and as a result, the temperature difference between them is decreasing. This temperature difference between the equator and the pole is the basis for the emergence of circulation in the atmosphere,” explains Roman Vilfand, director of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center.

According to forecasters, the processes in the atmosphere are slowing down.

How weather changes affect the human condition>>

Human factor

However, all climatic anomalies and natural Disasters, what in Lately occur on the territory of Russia, in addition to global ones, there are quite local reasons.

Pollution of rivers, silting of reservoirs, huge garbage dumps - all this contributes to the fact that the consequences of the rampant elements were more severe. Experts believe that sometimes the precipitation itself is not so terrible as its consequences due to purely economic problems and the human factor.

He adds that in the conditions of a metropolis, where heating mains and communications pass under the asphalt, trees cannot live more than 60-70 years, they are destroyed root system and the tree withers.

Ivanov joked about the "terrible cold" in Moscow>>

Myth long-term forecasts

Forecasters say that forecasts should always be made with great care: the longer the forecast period, the less reliable it is. Seven to ten days is the maximum period, and on its last dates the probability of an error increases significantly.

Despite this, the Hydrometeorological Center has a special department of long-range weather forecasts that compiles data for the season, but its method of work is based on statistical modeling for the analogous year.

“Suppose we need to develop a forecast for two months: they take the results of observations at a given point six months ago and, according to certain criteria, look for what is called an “analogue year”. That is, they are looking for a year in which, like ours now, February was very cold, and March and April were above the climatic norm. Then they look at what, for example, August was that year. And on the basis of this, they predict what the current August will be like. But this does not take into account what was August or March-April on another continent or in the southern hemisphere. It is possible that these things affect the climate in our country. Therefore, such models are scientific, but they are not enough for us yet, ”says Alexander Sinenkov, weather forecaster on duty at the Phobos weather center.

Be that as it may, according to Andrei Skvortsov, in the near future, residents of the Moscow region can still hope for good weather.

“In the next week, we will have about the same thing as now, up to plus 18-22 degrees, then rain, then the sun. The cyclone is standing - it will turn its cold side, then it will turn warm. But towards the end of next week, this structure may collapse - and we will get warmer,” the expert notes.

"Summer in "refresh" mode - how social media users met the June snow>>

The study of the most accurate forecasts allows you to summer period pick up optimal time for travel in Russia. For example, many families want to visit relatives in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Tourists wish to visit the Urals and enjoy the splendor of nature. The forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center will help you find out what the summer of 2017 will be like. Accurate data for all 3 summer months will allow you to make a convenient travel plan.

What will summer be like in Moscow 2017 - weather for 3 months from the Hydrometeorological Center

Weather forecasts for the whole summer of 2017 in Moscow from the Hydrometeorological Center

Temperatures are expected to warm in June, but cloudy weather will persist. Rain is very likely. According to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center, residents who want to know what the summer of 2017 is expected to be like and when to travel to Moscow should pay attention to July and August. It is during these periods that the temperature will rise to +25 degrees.

What will summer be like in Russia in 2017 - accurate weather forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center

Choosing the best place for a trip will help to study information about what summer 2017 will be like in Russia. It will help determine best places for holidays with family.

Accurate weather forecast for the summer of 2017 for all residents of Russia from the Hydrometeorological Center

For southern regions the weather will be consistently warm and already quite hot even at the end of June. Describes the most accurate forecast of slight cooling and precipitation in the north during all three months. That's why best time July and August can be considered for trips around Russia in summer.

Weather features in St. Petersburg: what will summer be like in 2017?

Many tourists come to St. Petersburg to "get acquainted" with the white nights. But before calculating the time of the trip, you need to study what summer will be in St. Petersburg in 2017.

Weather forecast for summer 2017 for St. Petersburg

In June, the city will be quite warm. Strong gusts of wind are acceptable, but they will not be felt as sharply as in spring. In July, a real heat of about +32 degrees will be established. In August, the temperature will drop to +23, rain is possible.

What will be the summer in the Urals in 2017 - weather forecasts from the Hydrometeorological Center

A trip to the Urals allows you to admire nature, have a great time. But before the trip, you need to find out what the summer of 2017 will be like in the Urals.

Weather forecasts for the Urals for the summer of 2017 from the Hydrometeorological Center

Accurate forecast The hydrometeorological center defines June in the Urals as a rather cool month: temperatures from +15 to +20 degrees will be observed. In July it will increase, but frequent rains are possible. But in August, the thermometer will be able to show over +34 degrees.

What will be the summer of 2017 in Moscow? Can it be hot, dry, or vice versa, like the Indian summer, wet, full of rain? Moscow is located in a sharply continental zone, the climate here does not indulge. Winter is long, spring is late, and summer is changeable. Therefore, it is worth monitoring weather forecasts.

For 2017, the winter turned out to be good, not too cold, although windy and snowy. Spring is just blooming, the first thaw is gradually letting you know about its arrival. What will summer be like in 2017 in Moscow according to weather forecasts? After all, here the weather is changeable like the direction of the wind. It will give heat and the Sun, or it will hide for all three months thunderclouds? Let's take a look at the article below.

Summer for 2017

Some are skeptical of any weather forecasts, arguing that 100% accuracy will not be expected here. The weather is changeable, like nature itself, people are able to track its manifestations, but they have not yet learned how to accurately predict. Of course, weather forecasters have modern equipment and monitor the movements of the fronts. They can give so far preliminary forecast, what will be the summer in 2017 in Moscow.

When studying their data, remember that nature is always the last word I used to keep it with me and is always able to present surprises. True, any "twist" of the weather is not a problem for philosophers, they are happy with any day, even when it is gray from lead clouds or the wind howls all night.

No, the summer of 2017 does not seem to bring any surprises, according to preliminary calculations. It will be similar in many ways to previous seasons, so it’s worth remembering now what they were like.

Russia is great, so do not be surprised that the weather is always different for her. However, most regions will see the first heat wave by May, although some southern regions are actively experiencing the onset of a thaw in April, as soon as March ends. Forecasters promise not just warming, but real heat when the thermometer freezes at +30! In May they say the weather will be consistently hot. It is a difficult period for schoolchildren to take care of the last quarter. The weather will call to the river, walk, sunbathe, especially long ones are expected. The first "calls" will be caught by residents of all central and, of course, southern regions, where it is a priori warmer. The heat will reach the inhabitants of the North with some delay, no longer than 2 weeks.

How hot the summer will turn out will become clear by July, as usual. After all, July is traditionally considered the most sultry among the summer months. Interestingly, between a warm (even very) May and a hot July, June acts as an intermediary. It will turn out, according to weather forecasters, changeable, when relative coolness is replaced by hot dates, there will even be short rainy periods. But summer rain is a pleasure. Who does not remember how they ran, splashing puddles barefoot. Such a rain was even called “blind”, when gaps were observed here and there in the clouds, from where the Sun softly shone.

July will turn out to be consistently hot, you can plan a real beach holiday when daily the air warms up to 33-34 plus. However, in addition to hot periods, July is famous for rainy days more than June, so Russians, as usual, should be ready for anything. After all, in addition to cute "blind" rains in the summer, there are real Indian wet showers!

Of course, not all Russians are planning outings and vacations in general for the summer. Most of them will remain working, so it is extremely important for them what kind of weather they should expect from Moscow. Some extremely enterprising citizens always carry either a small umbrella or a raincoat.

Usually they are women. It is easier for men to cover themselves with a briefcase with a cheerful jog to a bus stop or metro station, hoping that the shirt will not get wet and the hair will not be disheveled. As for the last of the three short months(summer always flies by extremely quickly when winter drags on endlessly), then August will only partially retain the heat.

Stability will last until about the 10th, when the average temperature will be 30+, the following days will leave parts of a pleasant, summer heat, but in the evenings, especially at night, fresh coolness will begin to creep in, feature coming autumn. The end of August will be the real beginning of autumn. Perhaps schoolchildren and students will meet with heavy rains, when the air freezes +15, against the background of unforgettably beautiful autumn golden leaves, although in some places the emerald green will still be preserved.

In the footsteps of ancestors

Sometimes in summer there are strong winds, they are not icy, as in winter, on the contrary, they are hot, as if they are rushing from the desert itself. Who but weather forecasters is able to predict what shape the weather takes? Folk omens. Even now, our grandmothers do not trust weather forecasters too much, preferring to observe nature itself. She will give you the correct answer. For example, judging by the signs, summer weather can be seen in winter.

People think that how December will pass, it will be frosty, harsh and snowy, then June will turn out to be hot and clear. January will also "tell" about the future weather for July. All the heavy snowfalls very coldy will show summer rains and hot days. And February will be the predictor for August. It turns out that the coldest time is interconnected with the hottest period.

Also, the ancestors looked at the amount of birch sap. When there is a lot of it, it means that there will be decent rainy days, the summer will turn out to be only moderately hot.

Some observed the behavior of spiders. If they actively weave their webs, it is simply an infinite number around, then the summer will turn out to be hot, stuffy and dry. spring thunder also served as a forecaster. When its peals are carried far, they sound loud, but there is no lightning, then in the summer it will be hot, and stable.

Of course, with the development of the synoptic service and new technologies, there is no need to observe nature, people trust the signs given by it less and less. However, it is by them that animals determine the weather and many future phenomena. Yes, and the ancestors also watched the stars, the position of the planets, the behavior of animals, birds, in order to predict what will be next year or season.

Of course, they did this not for the sake of a successful vacation, but rather worried about the harvest, because summer is a time of active growth and grain formation. When the summer is dry, you have to water your gardens yourself, because natural rainfall they just don't have enough.

How will summer turn out for this year, 2017? According to weather forecasters similar to the previous ones. No surprises, though, as planetary-scale weather scientists have been noticing strange phenomena for years.

Hail, abnormally warm or vice versa, too Cold winter. Who knows whether human activity affects the weather, the melting of ice, or the reason for something else, but nature always keeps its surprises to itself. People are used to it. They watch, read weather forecasts, and are mentally ready for literally anything. Although summer, even rainy, is also good for Moscow. The suffocating heat is hard to bear, especially in the city.

This year, it’s not worth waiting for a hot summer, Yevgeny Tishkovets, a leading employee of the Phobos weather center, told RT. According to him, on Sunday, July 2, rainy and cloudy weather will be established. The reason for this lies in the cyclonic depression.

“In Moscow today it will be cloudy, cool and very rainy. During the day, the situation will be determined by a cyclonic depression, consisting of two powerful nuclei interconnected by a frontal system, ”Tishkovets explained in his interview with the publication.

It is expected that on July 2 the level of precipitation will be a third of the monthly norm, and the thermometers will drop to the May temperature norm.

“The thermometers will be 5°C lower than the climate at the top of summer. In Moscow, the air temperature will reach +17...19°C, and in the Moscow region no higher than +15...20°C. Atmosphere pressure will rise slightly - up to 737 mm Hg, ”the expert warned.

The hydrometeorological center of Russia announced a yellow level of danger in Moscow on July 2 due to wind and rain. Wind gusts are expected to be up to 12-17 m/s. The yellow level of danger will operate throughout the Central federal district. The Russian Emergencies Ministry urged residents of the capital to be careful and, if possible, not to go outside.

“According to the Federal State Budgetary Institution Central UGMS, in the next hour, with preservation until the end of the current day on July 2, 2017, rain is expected in Moscow, heavy in places, a thunderstorm, with thunderstorm wind gusts up to 12-17 m / s,” the department said.

Tishkovets noted that there will be no positive changes next week either - Muscovites should also expect cloudy weather on Monday. A leading Phobos employee stressed that this summer there will be no good weather not only in the capital, but also in other Russian regions.

“In my opinion, summer will no longer be in Central Russia", - Tishkovets expressed his opinion.

The expert stated that the swimming season this year is unlikely to open.

“The summer will be crumpled, I’m not sure that we will be able to open the swimming season at such temperatures. Only if they are daredevils, ”Tishkovets believes.

This position is shared by his colleague, who heads the Climate and Energy Program. World Fund wildlife— Alexey Kokorin. In his conversation with RT correspondents, Kokorin explained that the reason for the decrease in air temperature is the evaporation of excess moisture accumulated in the soil.

“There must be something quite extraordinary, like a movement air masses summer 2010. But this is very unlikely. Therefore, it is likely that

a long period of intense heat beyond 30 ° C is not worth waiting for. But + 25 ... 28 ° C can still be, ”Kokorin encouraged.

He noted that the recent increase in the number of natural anomalies is caused, in particular, by the anthropogenic trend. This means that changes in the dynamics of air masses are currently largely due to an increase in the greenhouse effect.

On Friday, June 30, a powerful storm and downpour took place in the capital, beating the June weather record throughout the history of observations. On the last day of the past month, 84% of the monthly rainfall (65 mm) fell in Moscow. Before maximum amount rainfall on June 30 was recorded back in 1923 and amounted to only 22.3 mm, while the largest number precipitation for a June day was previously recorded in 1970 (62.5 mm). In addition, the first summer month this year also broke the temperature record, becoming the coldest in the last 14 years.

“The end of June 2017 was the second wettest in the history of observations at the VDNH meteorological station,” representatives of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center reported, commenting on the bad weather that hit the capital on June 30.

Friday's hurricane was not without consequences - as a result of the storm in Moscow, two people were killed and nine more were injured.

More than a thousand trees were felled in the Russian capital.

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