There will be no summer this year. Forecasters are not expecting a hot summer in central Russia. What will the weather be like in August?

Every morning I wake up to bright sunshine! And in my head I thought: “Hurry to the beach! Hurry up and swim! In summer the world becomes brighter!”

As some weather forecasters predicted, summer will come this year not gradually, but immediately, that is, suddenly.

Already at the beginning of May people will change warm clothes for the summer. And apparently they were right.

Now on larger territory in our country the air temperature exceeds 20 degrees Celsius, and in some Russian populated areas The thermometer goes off scale even over 30.

What kind of summer awaits us in 2019?

Of course, many are interested in the question: “What kind of summer will it be this year - hot, dry, or, conversely, cool and humid, or will it just be warm?” Someone wants to know this in order to understand what kind of harvest they can expect, someone is thinking about what clothes should be purchased, and for others it is important to know about this in order to take time off from work in the most favorable weather.

Forecasters' weather forecasts for the summer of 2019 differ somewhat. Some argue that summer in Russia will not be hot and even rainy. Drought, Forest fires threaten only the south of Russia.

In general, this summer in our country will be warm, but not very long. Which means all summer average monthly temperature air will be slightly higher than the climate norm. A short summer It will be because, according to some meteorologists, that already in August in the central regions of Russia, as well as in the north of the country, it will become somewhat cool: there will be frequent rains and the cold wind will increase.

But weather forecasters are reassuring that the weather in August will at times change to warm. True, the end of August will be cold, even colder than the beginning of this month and its middle. However, in the south of the country August will be warm, but there may be heavy rains. Somewhere until mid-September it will be sunny, warm weather, unless, of course, you take into account short-term rains and thunderstorms.

In the Urals, according to weather forecasters, in June it will be dry and practically without precipitation; in July it will still be warm and even hot - the thermometer will rise to 28 degrees, however, the heat will alternate with showers and thunderstorms. In August it will be warm there, but it will rain periodically.

According to other forecasters, the summer of 2019 in our country will be extremely dry, which could leave Russia even without a harvest. Considering that they are also predicting an economic crisis for the country, the picture that is being painted is depressing: it’s time to run to buy cereals and stock up on crackers.

What will summer 2019 be like in Crimea?

The continental and maritime climate prevailing in Crimea guarantees a comfortable summer.

The air will warm up during the day to an average of 26 0 C, Water 23 0 C. Mild and warm weather will allow you to relax comfortably this summer and spend your vacation here.

The CenterGeology company began its work on the peninsula. At the end of 2014 they launched simple work for drilling wells in Crimea, as well as all related work: arrangement of wells, organization of water filtration. Having your own source of water is now a particularly pressing issue.

However, people are people, and nature itself makes its own adjustments without asking anyone. Time will tell what the summer will be like.

Read the article: " What should you drink and eat in summer?"

This year you shouldn’t expect a hot summer, Evgeny Tishkovets, leading employee of the Phobos weather center, told RT. According to him, on Sunday, July 2, rainy and cloudy weather will set in. The reason for this lies in the cyclonic depression.

“In Moscow today it will be cloudy, cool and very rainy. During the day, the situation will be caused by a cyclonic depression, consisting of two powerful nuclei connected by a frontal system,” Tishkovets explained in his interview with the publication.

It is expected that on July 2 the level of precipitation will be a third of the monthly norm, and the thermometers will drop to the May temperature norm.

“Thermometer readings will be 5°C lower than expected by the climate at the top of the summer. In Moscow the air temperature will reach +17...19°C, and in the Moscow region no higher than +15...20°C. Atmosphere pressure will rise slightly – to 737 mmHg,” the expert warned.

The Hydrometeorological Center of Russia announced a yellow level of danger in Moscow for July 2 due to wind and rain. Wind gusts are expected to reach 12-17 m/s. The yellow danger level will be in effect throughout the Central federal district. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations strongly recommended that residents of the capital be careful and, if possible, not go out.

“According to the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Central UGMS”, in the next hour, continuing until the end of the current day on July 2, 2017, rain, heavy in places, and thunderstorms are expected in Moscow, with wind gusts of up to 12-17 m/s during a thunderstorm,” the department reported.

Tishkovets noted that there will be no positive changes next week - Muscovites should also expect cloudy weather on Monday. The leading Phobos employee emphasized that there will be no good weather this summer not only in the capital, but also in other Russian regions.

“In my opinion, there will be no summer in Central Russia,” Tishkovets expressed his opinion.

The expert stated that swimming season It's unlikely to open this year.

“The summer will be crumpled, I’m not sure that we will be able to open the swimming season at such temperatures. Only if they are brave,” says Tishkovets.

This position is shared by his colleague, who heads the Climate and Energy program. World Fund wildlife— Alexey Kokorin. In his conversation with RT correspondents, Kokorin explained that the reason for the drop in air temperature is the evaporation of excess moisture accumulated in the soil.

“There must be something completely extraordinary, like a movement air masses in the summer of 2010. But this is very unlikely. Therefore, indeed, most likely

long period extreme heat You shouldn't wait beyond 30°C. But it could still be +25...28°C,” Kokorin reassured.

He noted that the increase in the number of natural anomalies observed in Lately, caused, in particular, by the anthropogenic trend. This means that changes in the dynamics of air masses are currently largely due to the strengthening of the greenhouse effect.

On Friday, June 30, a powerful storm and rainfall occurred in the capital, beating the June weather record over the entire history of observations. On the last day of the past month, 84% of the monthly precipitation (65 mm) fell in Moscow. Before maximum amount precipitation on June 30 was recorded back in 1923 and amounted to only 22.3 mm, while greatest number precipitation for a June day was previously recorded in 1970 (62.5 mm). In addition, the first summer month of this year also broke the temperature record, becoming the coldest in the last 14 years.

“The end of June 2017 became the second wettest in the history of observations at the VDNKh weather station,” representatives of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center reported, commenting on the bad weather that hit the capital on June 30.

Friday's hurricane did not remain without consequences - as a result of the storm in Moscow, two people died and nine more were injured.

More than a thousand trees were knocked down in the Russian capital.

Who doesn't love summer? There are probably few people on earth who prefer snowdrifts or golden leaf fall coupled with torrential rains to the July heat. Summer is time short skirts, rash decisions, beach, sun, relaxation, and real positivity. It is in the summer that most people go on vacation to the seas or to other, no less wonderful places. But when will that hottest, stickiest summer ever arrive in the near future? More precisely, how many days away is summer in 2017? A special counter-timer can easily give the most accurate answer to these questions. It is thanks to such a modern gadget that you can determine without much difficulty or personal time exact amount time until the arrival of the “sweiest” time of the year.

Basic moments

Thanks to the most common calendar, you can easily find out the exact calendar at any time of the day or night.
the rest of the time until the arrival of summer 2017. By the way, most of those interested in the three hot months of next year also want to know what exactly this time will be like in terms of weather. Usually, using the information received, you can plan your vacation in advance. Today, for better orientation in the matter of weather, it is worth using two proven methods: the forecast of weather forecasters or the ability to check the truth with folk signs. One more thing: do not forget about the Indian summer of 2017 - farewell warm days before the onset cold autumn. When will summer come in Russia in 2017 and what will the weather be like at that time?

If you trust completely long-term forecasts weather forecasters, then summer will be uneven throughout Russia. Simply put, in some areas the arrival of the hot sun can be noted as early as the end of April, while others will not be able to enjoy the summer warmth until July. In the light of such information, a completely logical question arises: when will summer come in Russia?

June 2017

This month next year will turn out to be normal - not too hot. Of course, frosts are unlikely to manifest themselves at the beginning of summer, but even against the backdrop of May, the weather in June will be cooler. True, some of the weather forecasters have already stated more than once that May has become almost in the summer month due to a sharp increase in temperature. The same cannot be said about July 2017. You can go on vacation in June, but it’s better to wait a couple of weeks.

July 2017

The next month of summer will be one of the busiest for a wide variety of events. Which ones? It’s just that until July 1, 2017, the water will warm up enough so that you can go to the beach and get your portion of vitamin D, mixed with water treatments. But this statement is more suitable for the southern regions of the Russian Federation, while in the northern regions the temperature in July will not exceed +20 degrees.

If we talk about precipitation, then in the middle of summer there should actually be no rain. By the way, this is one of the main features of Russian July.

August 2017

Since August is considered the last month of summer, the air temperature will drop noticeably at night, even despite the hot midday. A period of heavy rainfall is also expected, and some places may even experience prolonged downpours. True, in southern region In Russia, August will be dry and simply ideal for an even tan.

From the information provided, we can conclude that the summer of 2017 will be quite warm, dry and hot in places, and rainy and cool in others. But basically, all three months of this time of year should not differ too much from the average summer for each individual region.

Summer 2017 according to folk signs

Despite the ability to accurately predict the weather even over long periods of time, knowledgeable people do not trust 100% the words of the Hydrometeorological Centers. The easiest way to find out everything about the upcoming season is with the help of a variety of folk signs. Thanks to this ancient and time-tested method, it will be possible to say no less accurately what the coming summer should be like. After all, previously there were no weather forecasters and, depending on the behavior of the weather, all sowing and harvesting took place. A lot of signs about any of the seasons have survived to this day, and each of them is special in its own way. It is worth choosing the most common of them to determine the “mood” of summer 2017.

1. If dew settles on the grass in the evening, tomorrow there will be good clear weather without precipitation.

2. If larks, swallows and swifts fly high during the day, the weather is not expected to change in the near future.

3. The leaves of the fern begin to curl downwards - the weather is good; upwards - you should expect bad weather.

4. The flies have become too active, which means the heat and summer heat will come soon.

5. If there are a lot of cobwebs flying in the air, the weather will remain dry and hot for the next few days.

6. The louder the grasshoppers chirp in the evening, the better off they will be. weather the next day.

7. Birch trees release a lot of sap in spring; summer will be cold and rainy.

8. If in the spring the snow on the anthill begins to melt with south side, which means all three months of summer will be cold, while the northern part indicates a long and warm summer period.

9. If roosters begin to crow loudly during the day and chickens intensively preen their feathers, there will soon be a thunderstorm.

10. If there is lightning but no thunder during a summer thunderstorm, the coming weeks should be accompanied by dry weather.

This is only a small part of those folk signs with which you can determine the weather for any time of the year with a 100% guarantee. Try using them to independently determine the weather for June, July and August 2017. But to find out exactly how many days are left until next year, you can use a regular calendar. Everyone has this on mobile phone. If approximately, then about 11 months. Almost!

What will the summer of 2017 be like in Russia: abnormal weather in the summer of 2017. For more than a month now, residents of the central and southern parts of Russia have had to bravely endure all the unpleasant surprises that the weather brings.

Destructive hurricanes, prolonged downpours and low temperature- this is clearly not the weather that Russians expected to experience at the end of May and beginning of June. This is not the first time that slight warming up to 20 degrees has been replaced by colder temperatures and rainfalls. Residents of our country are unlikely to remember such a cold “start” of summer over the past 30 or even 50 years. Therefore, every day more and more Russians are interested in the weather forecast for summer 2017.

What will the summer of 2017 be like according to weather forecasters?

Unfortunately, weather forecasters also tend to make mistakes. Thus, the forecasts they made on the 20th of May did not come true. According to the expectations of Hydrometeorological Center specialists, June was supposed to begin with average temperature about 20 degrees and dry. However, residents of the central regions of Russia continue to freeze and get wet under torrential downpours. Therefore, you should not expect a serious improvement in the weather in this part of the country until June 20 - the temperature is unlikely to rise above 22-23 degrees and the rain will remain.

However, if you believe the forecast of the chief forecaster of Russia, the head of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, then his general forecast for the summer still inspires some optimism. According to him, the summer of 2017 is expected to be changeable, but quite comfortable with average temperatures within normal limits. You should not expect very heavy precipitation, just like dry periods.

We are all looking forward to summer! This is a wonderful time of vacations, magical walks in nature, sunny days and travel, including across the expanses of our homeland - Russia. But any plans for the summer can be seriously spoiled by unexpected weather vagaries. Therefore, we invite you to find out in advance what the summer of 2017 will be like in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and also in the Urals. We are confident that this most accurate forecast of the weather expected in these regions, from the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, will help you plan the ideal summer rest this year!

What will summer 2017 be like in Russia - the most accurate forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center

Let's start with general information about what the summer of 2017 in Russia will be like accurate forecast Hydrometeorological center. This information, of course, is preliminary and is based on many years of observations by weather forecasters of weather situations in our country. Nevertheless, when compiling the most accurate forecast of what summer 2017 will be like in Russia, experts also take into account solar cycles. For example, in the summer of this year, solar activity will no longer be at its most acute stage, and therefore, we should not expect abnormal temperatures for us.

What weather is expected in Russia in the summer of 2017 according to forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center

According to forecasters, the weather in the summer of 2017 in most of Russia will be typical for certain regions. Experts from the Hydrometeorological Center suggest that June and July will be warm and rainy for most Russian regions, and minimum precipitation is expected in August.

What will the coming summer of 2017 be like in Moscow - what weather is expected according to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center

If we talk separately about what the coming summer of 2017 in Moscow will be like and about the weather that is expected according to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center in the capital, then there will be no abnormal temperatures. Most forecasters are inclined to believe that the summer of 2017 will be typical for the capital: moderately hot, with moderate precipitation and mostly windless.

What weather is expected in Moscow in the summer of 2017, according to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center

According to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center for the coming summer of 2017, the weather in Moscow is expected to be warm and sunny. Forecasters predict short periods of precipitation and a drop in temperature to 19-20 degrees above zero in early June and mid-July. Throughout August, the weather in the capital will delight with hot +25-27 degrees and almost complete absence of rain.

What kind of summer is predicted to happen in 2017 in St. Petersburg - what weather is expected at the beginning and end of the season

The question of what summer is predicted to be like in 2017 in St. Petersburg, or more precisely, what weather is expected at the beginning and end of the season, worries not only local residents, but also tourists. Summer is the ideal time to visit the Northern capital and enjoy all its beauties. So, according to weather forecasters, the weather in the summer of 2017 in St. Petersburg is expected to be sunny and warm at the beginning and end of the season.

What weather is expected at the end of summer 2017 in St. Petersburg according to weather forecasters

The hottest days with temperatures around 25-27 degrees will delight St. Petersburg residents in mid-August. True, already at the end of summer, experts from the Hydrometeorological Center predict the beginning of rains and a drop in temperatures to 19-20 degrees above zero.

What will summer 2017 be like in the Urals - the most accurate weather forecast

If you believe the most accurate weather forecast, what will summer 2017 be like in the Urals? local residents you won't be surprised. Of course, average temperatures will vary depending on the specific region, but the general picture for summer in the Urals will be similar.

Accurate weather forecast for summer 2017 for the Urals

So what will summer 2017 be like in the Urals according to the most accurate weather forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia? To put it in one word, it’s typical: moderately hot, mostly dry, but also possible heavy rainfall. The beginning and end of summer in this region resemble similar forecasts for Moscow and St. Petersburg in these months. However, in mid-summer the weather in the Urals is expected to be sunnier, but not as hot as, for example, in the south of Russia.

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