What date does Indian summer begin? Abnormal September: cold autumn will be replaced by Indian summer. What is the natural essence of this period

Indian summer is the most long-awaited and favorite time for many, especially when the atmosphere of deep autumn reigns in the air and you really want to plunge in and return to sunny and warm days. Will there be an Indian summer in Moscow in 2017? This is a question that worries and worries many. After all, everyone agrees with the opinion that warm autumn days, this is a kind of summary of last summer. Although, according to weather forecasters, this is simply a natural connection with a stable anticyclone. But, probably, everyone wants to believe that this is an unusual miracle and peace of nature, which gives us another chance to enjoy the wonderful and magnificent weather.

A little history... .

Well, what is Indian summer, what meaning did the ancestors put into this concept, because it appeared relatively long ago, and, to be more precise, in the 18th century. Since ancient times, Indian summer meant nothing more than a period associated with a sharp warming after the first autumn cold snap. But, there is another version, according to which, Indian summer represents clear and sunny weather preceding the fall of leaves.

If we generalize these two versions and put them together, the following conclusion suggests itself: Indian summer is a concept that is inextricably linked with warm weather on the eve of cold snaps.

But, let’s return to the present time, or, more precisely, to the question and topic of when, after all, we should expect Indian summer, and what weather forecasters and folk signs say about this.

When will Indian summer be?

According to the calendar folk signs, by which many navigate throughout for long years, then the expected second summer is necessarily characterized by two periods.

  • Firstly, this is the “young Indian summer”, which lasts from August 28 to September 11. According to signs, if this period is accompanied by good, warm and sunny weather, then the second Indian summer will be cold and damp.
  • Secondly, this is the “old Indian summer”, which begins on the 14th and lasts until September 24th. If at this time the weather is dry and clear, then the whole autumn will be similar.

If you don't believe folk calendar and signs, then this issue can be approached with scientific point view, which has its own justifications, evidence and hypotheses. How do they explain this? a natural phenomenon and the process of weather forecasters and meteorologists? First of all, this is a scientific process associated with the transition and movement of warm masses that accumulated and collected in the atmosphere throughout the summer. It is they, under the influence and combination with high atmospheric pressure, that move inland, thereby allowing residents to enjoy a couple of warm and sunny days and remember the bright and warming rays of the sun. The peculiarity of Indian summer is that it is quite short and, as a rule, ends with the onset of an anticyclone.

Although, at present, weather forecasters express the opinion that the boundaries of Indian summer are quite blurred and every day it is very difficult to define and establish clear boundaries. If you believe the existing hypothesis and the conclusions that scientists have reached as a result of long-term research, then the forecast regarding the onset of Indian summer regarding the next one today is simply impossible to make true. Therefore, you should not pin your hopes on the fact that at a certain time, that is, at the same time as it was last or this season, Indian summer will come, which means you can plan your vacation in advance. Under no circumstances should this be done, as the weather, and especially in modern world is characterized by its 100% unpredictability, because even weather forecasters sometimes find it very difficult and unable to control it and give forecasts on time.

When does Indian summer begin in other countries?

Indian summer in each country is characterized by its specific arrival time and duration, name, and, consequently, some peculiarities, and each locality has its own. If you don’t believe me, the facts say exactly this, so let’s take several European countries as an example.

    1.Germany. In this country, this period of time is usually called “Grandma’s Summer.”
    2.France, the country where sunny days Autumn is called the “Summer of St. Martin”.

Will there be an Indian summer in Moscow in 2017? At present, no one can answer this question. Although, there are times when Indian summer does not come at all, thereby causing great distress among the population. But don’t be upset and despair, because autumn is a rather bright time, when everything around is full of yellow and red hues, and the sun’s rays seem to bathe and play with them. After all, you see, if you want, any weather can become good Indian summer.

The head of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Roman Vilfand, said that residents of the Moscow region will most likely experience an “Indian summer” in September. Interfax reports this. “There is clearly no direct connection between the very hot fourth or fifth five-day period in August and the period of warm weather in September. But according to ensemble forecasts, we shouldn’t say goodbye to summer just yet. And next month there may be bursts of heat that we associate with the so-called “Indian summer,” Vilfand said.

According to him, all the conditions for an “Indian summer” are in place in the capital region, on the basis of which we can say that “it will happen.” However, name exact dates Forecasters are not ready yet. " Accurate forecast will be a few days in advance, then we will be able to name specific dates. We will announce them with pleasure,” said the head of the Hydrometeorological Center.

Indian Summer: Other names

The early period of autumn is called Indian summer in Western or Eastern Slavs. In the south it is called Gypsy, in Serbia - Mikhailov. In Croatia there is a third name - Martin's Summer. In German-speaking languages ​​- old woman's, in Holland - after-life, B North America- Indian, In Italy - St. Martin, In France - St. Denis. In Portuguese-speaking - Veraniko (Letochko), in Spanish-speaking - several names that depend on the month. For example, in August-September - St. Miguel, and in October or November - St. Juan.

Indian Summer History

Why is Indian summer so called: the very first mentions were associated with the time when elderly women faced cold weather in last time this year they could bask in the sun. It was then that all work in the field ended, and the village peasant women took up other tasks: they soaked, ruffled and weaved flax.

Why is Indian summer so called: in the old days, cucumbers were often pickled during this period, and old conflicts were also settled and peace was made. This period of time was considered a rural holiday. Indian summer, why was it called that: on these days, women often held gatherings, sang, spun, and when the cold came, they began to do needlework and tinker with canvases. Often the name of this period of time was associated with a popular expression: “when almost everything is lost, only a woman can warm it up greatly.”

Indian summer: Duration, how long does it last

Sometimes, after the onset of cold weather, people think about the question of whether there will be an Indian summer this year? Of course, yes, it happens every year. When does Indian summer start? It is impossible to determine the exact number, since it may “come” in different time and its duration may vary. Most often it lasts one or two weeks, which occurs in mid-September, and sometimes it can extend to the beginning of October. In Russia, the approximate beginning of Indian summer is September 14. In other countries, months and dates may vary. Everything depends on the climate.

If we consider the modern scientific explanation, then the question of “why Indian summer is called that” can get the following answer: this is the time when a persistent anticyclone is established, affecting the warming of the weather. During this period, the soil and air do not cool much at night, but warm up well during the day. But still, the heat is already a thing of the past. Why does an anticyclone form? With the onset of cold weather, the foliage begins to wilt sharply, releasing a large amount of heat in the process. It rises up, completely disperses the clouds, helps to increase atmospheric pressure. This is how an anticyclone appears.

Indian Summer: Customs and Signs

The people have also developed their own signs that relate to this period of time. When Indian summer comes, peasants use it to determine the weather that will happen in autumn and winter. Several folk signs and beliefs:

  • According to one of the customs, on the day when Indian summer began, it was necessary to go out on horseback with my teenage son to hunt. They believed that because of this, dogs become kinder and do not get sick, and horses become bolder;
  • if during this period a rainbow appears in the sky, then the autumn will be long and warm;
  • With the rainy Indian summer, bad weather was expected;
  • When Indian summer has arrived, cobwebs fly through the air - this is a sign that the winter will be cold and the autumn will be clear.

What is the natural essence of this period?

When Indian summer arrives, at this time all of nature is preparing for the coming winter. The process of destruction of green chlorophyll occurs in the leaves, and orange and yellow, red and purple colors– carotene, xanthophyll and anthocyanin. It is these changes that influence wilting and are the cause of autumn leaf fall. They promote the release large quantity heat.

With one leaf or several blades of grass, this effect would not have occurred. It is millions of tons of vegetation that cause a significant increase in temperature - by several degrees at once. This is the reason for such a sudden warming after the onset of cooling. Why does Indian summer happen at different times? It always depends on the weather last summer and on the condition of the bushes, grasses and trees.

Southern and northern winds, as well as meteorological conditions, can shorten or make the Indian summer longer. But the heat that is released disperses all the clouds, and, consequently, very little precipitation falls. And here it turns out that it is not the anticyclone that causes the “golden time”, but vice versa. Therefore, the period when the leaves have not yet begun to fall, and at the same time they are green, cannot be called Indian summer.

Indian Summer: Folk Calendar

According to this calendar in Rus', the “golden age” has long been divided into several names. The young Indian summer “stood” between August 28 and September 11. And the old one - from September 14 to 24. Initially, this period was used to simply determine what autumn would be like. There were some signs. But then Indian summer began to be associated with a warm and dry period, when nature provides the opportunity to enjoy the last sunny, fine days before the cold weather.

Indian Summer: Can Indian Summer happen twice a year?

This is a rather controversial issue, since it is generally believed that it can only occur once. But if August was warm and no cold was observed, then sometimes people think that Indian summer has already passed. And when it begins in September, they believe that this is already the second time. However, no, this means that Indian summer is “old” this year. It usually starts around September 14th. This is the day of remembrance of the Summer Guide - Simeon the Stylite.

Periodically, two periods of his arrival are distinguished. Starting from August and ending in September. According to Orthodox calendar, it begins on the day of the Assumption Holy Mother of God and lasts exactly until the day of John the Baptist (the day of the Beheading). The second period is considered more mature, and it falls entirely in September, starting from the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and ending with the Exaltation.

But in the modern world, meteorologists still insist that Indian summer can only happen once a year, and cannot happen again. It’s just that the boundaries of its onset and end are blurred, which leads people to confusion and controversial issues.

What happens during Indian summer

At this time, it is no longer worth swimming, since the water does not have time to warm up during the day and cools down greatly at night. But here general mood peace, clear warm sunny days set people up for positive emotions. Previously, this was a period of completion of field and agricultural work, reconciliation, forgiveness. No wonder it coincides with church holidays.

Why is Indian summer so called: it is primarily associated with women, especially elderly ones, who in the villages during this period loved to sit on the rubble and “warm their bones.” By folk tradition It is at this time that a lot of wedding celebrations and various holidays are held. Nature is conducive to reflection, comprehension and even the beginning of a new period in life. It was during Indian summer that in the old days they tried to make plans for the future, believing that they would definitely come true.

Indian Summer: Mushroom Period

People, especially villagers, always looked at the weather and gave great importance signs associated with her. If it rained on September 14, it meant that there would be quite a lot of mushrooms. When the trees begin to shed their leaves, thick fogs appear, and this precedes a wave of honey mushrooms. The period is short - only about ten days. It just precedes Indian Summer. Then install warm weather, which makes mushroom pickers so happy, and they enthusiastically begin their “ quiet hunt", looking for white caps under fallen colorful leaves. You can find them not only directly in the forest, but also on the edges. In general, Indian summer - great time for collecting boletus and other mushrooms for pickling. Moreover, during this period, thanks to the heat that comes from fallen leaves, there are quite a lot of them.

Indian summer: starting when? When does it start in 2017Indian summer.

Indian summer: why was it called that? This has long been the name given to the period of dry and warm weather before autumn. And it begins thanks to a stable anticyclone. This piece of summer usually occurs at the end of August or during September - after a noticeable cold snap. Often during this period, plants that usually do this only once a year begin to bloom again. It's amazing beautiful time, when it seems like it’s still summer, but autumn has already spread its magnificent carpet. Colorful leaves, bright petals, like burning gems. All this creates positive emotions, improves mood, people become softer, since nature itself seems to calm, incite kindness and peace.

Indian summer: when does it start in 2017, from what date

The head of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Roman Vilfand, said that residents of the Moscow region will most likely experience an “Indian summer” in September. Interfax reports this. “There is clearly no direct connection between the very hot fourth or fifth five-day period in August and the period of warm weather in September. But according to ensemble forecasts, we shouldn’t say goodbye to summer just yet. And next month there may be bursts of heat that we associate with the so-called “Indian summer,” Vilfand said.

According to him, all the conditions for an “Indian summer” are in place in the capital region, on the basis of which we can say that “it will happen.” However, weather forecasters are not yet ready to name exact dates. “The exact forecast will be several days in advance, then we will be able to name specific dates. We will announce them with pleasure,” said the head of the Hydrometeorological Center.

Indian Summer: Other names

The early period of autumn is called Indian summer by Western or Eastern Slavs. In the south it is called Gypsy, in Serbia - Mikhailov. In Croatia there is a third name - Martin's Summer. In German-speaking - old woman's, in Holland - after-life, in North America - Indian, in Italy - St. Martin, in France - St. Denis. In Portuguese-speaking - Veraniko (Letochko), in Spanish-speaking - several names that depend on the month. For example, in August-September - St. Miguel, and in October or November - St. Juan.

Indian Summer History

Why is Indian summer so called: the very first mentions were associated with the time when elderly women, before the cold weather, could bask in the sun for the last time this year. It was then that all work in the field ended, and the village peasant women took up other tasks: they soaked, ruffled and weaved flax.

Why is Indian summer so called: in the old days, cucumbers were often pickled during this period, and old conflicts were also settled and peace was made. This period of time was considered a rural holiday. Indian summer, why was it called that: on these days, women often held gatherings, sang, spun, and when the cold came, they began to do needlework and tinker with canvases. Often the name of this period of time was associated with a popular expression: “when almost everything is lost, only a woman can warm it up greatly.”

Indian summer: Duration, how long does it last

Sometimes, after the onset of cold weather, people think about the question of whether there will be an Indian summer this year? Of course, yes, it happens every year. When does Indian summer start? It is impossible to determine the exact number, since it may “arrive” at different times and its duration may vary. Most often it lasts one or two weeks, which occurs in mid-September, and sometimes it can extend to the beginning of October. In Russia, the approximate beginning of Indian summer is September 14. In other countries, months and dates may vary. Everything depends on the climate.

If we consider the modern scientific explanation, then the question of “why Indian summer is called that” can get the following answer: this is the time when a persistent anticyclone is established, affecting the warming of the weather. During this period, the soil and air do not cool much at night, but warm up well during the day. But still, the heat is already a thing of the past. Why does an anticyclone form? With the onset of cold weather, the foliage begins to wilt sharply, releasing a large amount of heat in the process. It rises, completely disperses the clouds, and contributes to an increase in atmospheric pressure. This is how an anticyclone appears.

Indian Summer: Customs and Signs

The people have also developed their own signs that relate to this period of time. When Indian summer comes, peasants use it to determine the weather that will happen in autumn and winter. Several folk signs and beliefs:

  • According to one of the customs, on the day when Indian summer began, it was necessary to go out on horseback with my teenage son to hunt. They believed that because of this, dogs become kinder and do not get sick, and horses become bolder;
  • if during this period a rainbow appears in the sky, then the autumn will be long and warm;
  • With the rainy Indian summer, bad weather was expected;
  • When Indian summer has arrived, cobwebs fly through the air - this is a sign that the winter will be cold and the autumn will be clear.

What is the natural essence of this period?

When Indian summer arrives, at this time all of nature is preparing for the coming winter. In the leaves, the process of destruction of green chlorophyll occurs, and orange and yellow, red and purple colors begin to appear - carotene, xanthophyll and anthocyanin. It is these changes that influence wilting and are the cause of autumn leaf fall. They contribute to the release of a large amount of heat.

With one leaf or several blades of grass, this effect would not have occurred. It is millions of tons of vegetation that cause a significant increase in temperature - by several degrees at once. This is the reason for such a sudden warming after the onset of cooling. Why does Indian summer happen at different times? It always depends on the weather last summer and on the condition of the bushes, grasses and trees.

Southern and northern winds, as well as meteorological conditions, can shorten or make the Indian summer longer. But the heat that is released disperses all the clouds, and, consequently, very little precipitation falls. And here it turns out that it is not the anticyclone that causes the “golden time”, but vice versa. Therefore, the period when the leaves have not yet begun to fall, and at the same time they are green, cannot be called Indian summer.

Indian Summer: Folk Calendar

According to this calendar in Rus', the “golden age” has long been divided into several names. The young Indian summer “stood” between August 28 and September 11. And the old one - from September 14 to 24. Initially, this period was used to simply determine what autumn would be like. There were some signs. But then Indian summer began to be associated with a warm and dry period, when nature provides the opportunity to enjoy the last sunny, fine days before the cold weather.

Indian Summer: Can Indian Summer happen twice a year?

This is a rather controversial issue, since it is generally believed that it can only occur once. But if August was warm and no cold was observed, then sometimes people think that Indian summer has already passed. And when it begins in September, they believe that this is already the second time. However, no, this means that Indian summer is “old” this year. It usually starts around September 14th. This is the day of remembrance of the Summer Guide - Simeon the Stylite.

Periodically, two periods of his arrival are distinguished. Starting from August and ending in September. According to the Orthodox calendar, it begins on the day of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary and lasts exactly until the day of John the Baptist (the day of the Beheading). The second period is considered more mature, and it falls entirely in September, starting from the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and ending with the Exaltation.

But in the modern world, meteorologists still insist that Indian summer can only happen once a year, and cannot happen again. It’s just that the boundaries of its onset and end are blurred, which leads people to confusion and controversial issues.

What happens during Indian summer

At this time, it is no longer worth swimming, since the water does not have time to warm up during the day and cools down greatly at night. But the general mood of peace, clear warm sunny days set people up for positive emotions. Previously, this was a period of completion of field and agricultural work, reconciliation, forgiveness. No wonder it coincides with church holidays.

Why is Indian summer so called: it is primarily associated with women, especially elderly ones, who in the villages during this period loved to sit on the rubble and “warm their bones.” According to folk tradition, it is at this time that a lot of wedding celebrations and various holidays are held. Nature is conducive to reflection, comprehension and even the beginning of a new period in life. It was during Indian summer that in the old days they tried to make plans for the future, believing that they would definitely come true.

Indian Summer: Mushroom Period

People, especially villagers, have always looked at the weather and attached great importance to the signs associated with it. If it rained on September 14, it meant that there would be quite a lot of mushrooms. When the trees begin to shed their leaves, thick fogs appear, and this precedes a wave of honey mushrooms. The period is short - only about ten days. It just precedes Indian Summer. Then warm weather sets in, which makes mushroom pickers so happy, and they enthusiastically begin their “silent hunt,” looking for white caps under the fallen colorful leaves. You can find them not only directly in the forest, but also on the edges. In general, Indian summer is a great time to collect boletus and other mushrooms for pickling. Moreover, during this period, thanks to the heat that comes from fallen leaves, there are quite a lot of them.

August pampered the residents of the republic with warmth: average monthly temperature was 3 degrees above normal - instead of 18 it rose to 21. Will September turn out to be just as fine? said Professor of the Department of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Ecology Yuri Perevedentsev.

It is also encouraging that the probabilistic forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, which was made in May, has been slightly adjusted. Then it was said that the average monthly temperature in September would be above normal, but there would also be more precipitation.

Now the forecast is this: the average monthly temperature in September will still be slightly above normal - that is, this month will be warm,” notes Yuri Perevedentsev. - But precipitation will fall within normal limits.

But this does not mean that bikinis and other beach accessories will still be relevant in September. The climatological norm for September in Tatarstan is when the average monthly temperature is +11.5 degrees Celsius and 50 mm of precipitation falls. And this September, according to forecasters, the temperature may reach 12-13 degrees.

However, the forecast for the first ten days of the first month of autumn is not encouraging: on Sunday the territory of Tatarstan will be visited by a cyclone, which will bring rain and a drop in temperature.

On Monday, the temperature will also drop, Professor Perevedentsev “predicts”. - It will be especially low on Tuesday and Wednesday - up to 12 degrees. An Arctic cyclone is expected to invade the territory of the republic.

What about Indian summer? When will it be? - asked the KazanFirst journalist.

It happens every year,” the professor “reassured.” - For example, in 2000 and 2016 it simply did not exist. But when the “Indian summer” comes, on average, its duration is within a week. Although there are fluctuations - from 2 to 17 days. For example, in 2015 it started on September 13 and ended on the 29th. And the average daily temperature during this period was very high for September - “plus” 18 degrees.

So “Indian summer” has no schedule, and it is simply impossible to accurately predict the dates of its arrival and duration. After all, what does this phenomenon mean scientifically? This is dry and sunny weather in an anticyclone, which comes after inclement weather.

“Indian summer” can be especially warm if this autumn anticyclone comes with south wind“either from the Balkans or from Kazakhstan,” adds Yuri Perevedentsev. - Then the temperature rises especially sharply. But I doubt that this year “Indian summer” can come at the beginning of September. Most likely, it will be established in the middle of the month or in the second half.

It is worth noting that no matter what date appears on the calendar, summer ends, according to weather forecasters, only when the average daily temperature steadily exceeds the bar below + 15 degrees. And judging by the latest thermometer readings, summer continues.

According to the observations of meteorologists since the beginning of the 21st century, September did not break any special records in the territory of Tatarstan. But it was warmest in 2015 - the average monthly temperature was 15.8 degrees, and the coldest was in 2008, when the average monthly temperature dropped to 10 degrees.

Forecasters said that Indian summer in the European part of Russia will last until October.

Indian summer is almost as unpredictable as all women, judging by the name. Just yesterday the sun was shining and the air was warming up to almost summer temperature, and today it’s been pouring since the morning freezing rain And cold wind chills to the very bones. And there is no way to predict this very Indian summer - it is changeable, like the mood of the most capricious female representative. However, weather forecasters promise it will still be warm.

Indian summer 2017 when will it happen: Indian summer is what it is

There haven't been many warm days in Russia this year. Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone does not want to bask in the warm sun at least a little more.

The weather is capricious, changing all the time, and it is almost impossible to adapt to it. That is why we are looking forward to that very “Indian summer” with great impatience, when it will still be possible to pamper ourselves with warmth and good health for at least a few more days. So what is this Indian summer? To put it simply, this is the time when it is no longer hot, but not yet cold. They say that at this time summer bids farewell to us until next year and finally gives way to autumn.

Indian summer 2017 when will it happen: when does Indian summer come in Russia

The duration of Indian summer, as well as its beginning, can be completely different, depending on the year, weather and climate zone. It usually arrives around mid-September, approximately after the 14th. Its duration usually ranges from two weeks to just a few days. And after the first days of October, the autumn cooling usually begins with all its attendants.

But this forecast usually applies to the European and Central parts of Russia. For example, in Siberia, in its southern part, the autumn sun begins to warm up like summer at the end of September. And in the Far East, Indian summer comes around the beginning of October. For example, in the southern part of Siberia, the autumn sun begins to warm up like summer at the end of September, and in Far East Indian summer generally begins with the beginning of October.

When will Indian Summer 2017 happen: where did the name come from and what signs are associated with it

Indian summer used to be called autumn time, when older women could bask in the still warm autumn sun. At the same time, almost all field work in the villages usually ended. But the women took up homework, which was called woman's weaving and needlework.

There are also many folk signs associated with this warm time. For example, they said that if a rainbow suddenly appears in the sky during Indian summer, then autumn will be long, warm and dry.

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