Autumn is a beautiful time phrase. Phrases, aphorisms, sayings about autumn

Autumn is the most mysterious time of the year. She sneaks up quietly and unnoticed. The autumn breeze and slight coolness have been enveloping the earth since the end of August. And with the first day of September everything becomes truly mysterious. This time of year, like an artist, paints nature in bright colors. But it also has another, less colorful side when the rainy season begins. Many consider this a time of sadness and reflection. But this is what makes this period wonderful, because it gives us the opportunity to enjoy life and at the same time immerses us in ourselves.

It is not autumn that is to blame for our sadness, but only the absence of spring in our souls.

Autumn is that time of year when people should warm each other with their words, their feelings, their lips... And then no cold will be scary.

In autumn it is always easy to think, and eternity, having forgotten time and space, loses the intensity of thought, and something quiet and sad pours into the soul.

Autumn is the flowering of the beauty of nature in its fading

Autumn is all the colors of a traffic light in one park. Life rushes forward when the park is spring-green and slows down when all the colors are on at the same time.

Autumn has arrived and even from VKontakte there was a whiff of dampness, rain and yellow leaves.

Fall has come! Now let her shed all our tears, and we will only smile

I wander alone through October, timidly crushing the leaves, I lie to myself that I don’t love, I lie to myself that I forget.

This fall my mood is to make a nest out of a blanket and never leave.

The world has changed: people used to take autumn photos as souvenirs, but now they want to cover VKontakte with yellow leaves.

Autumn... It always smells like unfulfilled dreams

The first breath of autumn, a fresh breeze - happiness after a hot summer. In September you can still feel the summer aftertaste.

The old woman is autumn, the leaves crunch under our feet, reminding us of what happened between us.

Thoughts of Great Writers on the Golden Age

Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower. (Albert Camus)

Autumn is the last, most delightful smile of the year. (William Cullen Bryant)

With the first autumn chill, life will begin again. (Francis Scott Fitzgerald)

Autumn is the most generous time of the year

Autumn is the time of year immediately after which the anticipation of spring begins. (Doug Larson)

Autumn is the only time of year that teaches. (Elchin Safarli)

And every autumn I bloom again. (Alexander Pushkin).

By the way, the flowers of autumn are more colorful and luminous than those of summer, and they die earlier... (Erich Maria Remarque)

Smells like autumn. And I love Russian autumn. Something unusually sad, welcoming and beautiful. I would take it and fly away somewhere with the cranes. (Anton Chekhov)

Quotes from the works of popular Russian poets

Golden autumn has arrived.
Nature is tremulous, pale,
Like a sacrifice, luxuriously decorated... (A.S. Pushkin)

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,
And distant threats of gray winter. (A.S. Pushkin)

Autumn is a leap into next summer

Autumn. Ancient Corner
Old books, clothes, weapons,
Where is the treasure catalog
Flipping through the cold. (B. L. Pasternak)

Autumn has sprung up in the wet valleys,
Revealed the cemeteries of the earth,
But thick rowan trees in passing villages
The red color will shine from afar. (A. A. Blok)

It makes me sad to look at you
What a pain, what a pity!
Know, only willow copper
We stayed with you in September. (S. A. Yesenin)

Autumn is a fragment of the reality of a world split into parts...

Autumn. The trees in the alley are like warriors.
Each tree smells differently.
Army of the Lord. (M. I. Tsvetaeva)

I love the sun of autumn, when
Making your way between clouds and fogs,
It casts a pale, dead ray
On a tree swayed by the wind,
And on the damp steppe. I love the sun
There is something similar in a farewell glance
Great luminary with secret sadness
Deceived love... (M. Yu. Lermontov)

Autumn is a time of tender, tender, tender sadness

There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant...
The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But the first winter storms are still far away
And pure and warm azure flows
To the resting field... (F.I. Tyutchev)

Beautiful phrases about autumn from films and TV series

Autumn is approaching like an inexorable army. And you understand that love is something more than the playful word of a frivolous woman. (From the film “Summer Rain”)

Before it gets cold, it gets warmer for a while. (From the film “Sleep with me”)

Autumn again... Again bright spots of leaves swirl in the wind

The forest was silent... Only the golden leaves of the birch played a little, bathing in the sparkles of the sun... Ah, yellow forest, yellow forest... Here is a piece of happiness for you. Here's your place to think. In the autumn sunny forest, a person becomes cleaner - yes, we all wish we could go to this yellow forest more often. (From the film “White Bim Black Ear”).

There is a time in New York when you feel the breath of autumn long before the first leaf has fallen. The air became clear, summer was left behind, and one night for the first time in for a long time you want to cover yourself with a warm blanket. (From the film “Sex and the City”)

Statuses in English with translation

Autumn's the mellow time. ( Autumnsweet time).

Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons. ( Autumn carries more gold in its pockets than all other seasons).

Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all. ( Winter is an engraving, spring is a watercolor painting, summer is an oil painting, and autumn is a mosaic of all this).

I love early autumn. At this time it seems: everything will still be fine

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. ( Lovely autumn! My soul is devoted to her, and if I were a bird, I would fly around the earth in search of a place where autumn follows one after another).

Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale. ( Autumn has always been my favorite time of year. The time when everything explodes with final beauty, as if nature had been saving it all year for the great finale).

Autumn and love

Love also has autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of his beloved knows it. (Mark Levy)

In the spring the heart makes mistakes, but in the fall it sums up the results.

I like autumn. Tension, the roar of a golden lion at the back of the year, stunning with its mane of foliage. Dangerous time- violent rage and deceptive calm; fireworks in your pockets and chestnuts in your fist.

Only real love will make you smile even in autumn

Well, there is autumn, it gently and carefully prepares us for the cold. Favorite autumn. A time of reflection, hands in pockets, mulled wine in the evenings and pleasant melancholy...

Fall in love and date, there’s nothing else to do in the fall anyway.

I love autumn, although I don't like the cold. But it is precisely at this time that nature reminds me how important it is to appreciate warmth.

What a beauty - a woman's soul! Everything is in the clouds, naive, soaring! And even autumn can be good for her. If there is someone nearby who opens an umbrella!

Autumn always and everywhere complicates everything in life and in relationships.

About women

And autumn, you know, will play according to suit,
She doesn't hide the cards. She doesn't need it.
She, like a woman, is possessed by her passion,
Insanely beautiful, with an alluring look.

A girl with an autumn-colored soul
Writes inspired poetry.
And four cards were thrown to the ground
Spirits of the four blind elements.

In autumn, every woman is a little bit of a witch. After all, crimson leaves awaken in the soul as ancient as the world, remembering fire with a mysterious potion - and its recipe deep inside

This woman has autumn blues in her eyes -
A little sadness under the mocking gaze...
At her age - all the colors of leaf fall,
Heady and tart in taste. (Yu. Egorov)

Woman - autumn. Lit candles
They play with bright intensity seriously.
Woman is autumn, this is not evening,
This is an incorrect forecast from young people. (S. Romashina)

Millions of women love autumn... Falling leaves and the sound of rain streams... Carefully measured doses - coffee, chocolate and a kiss...

Russian autumn has it, like a Russian woman
Three wonderful ages given by fate.
Like any woman, autumn is changeable,
Sometimes it promises us joy, sometimes it threatens us with disaster. (M. Bralgina)

Autumn coffee

Autumn coffee - sweet honey
with the finest bitterness of wormwood;
So hot, it burns your lips.
Let it be okay. It will cool down now.

I wish you autumn full of love, warm colors, the smell of coffee and kisses.

Autumn is the time to warm yourself with warm sweaters, hot coffee and kindness

A maple leaf fell on the coffee,
It's like a warm greeting from you.
Bad weather paints your profile
On the transparent palette of rain...

Neither the coffee, nor the jacket, nor the blanket keeps you warm... Summer is ending... What, hello, autumn?!

Leave me the smell of coffee and go, let’s not be clumsy, the tormented summer is behind us, just a little more, and autumn will rule.

Autumn is coffee with cinnamon, maple leaves, colorful, as part of children's drawing, warm, tender buns with vanilla and a subtle smell of smoke...

Autumn coffee loves candles, blues and one breath for two.

The time has begun for soft blankets, soft music and hot coffee... Autumn...

Cold, Rain and Wind: Quotes about Weather Phenomena

It's damp outside, the sky is crying, the sun has hidden: everything is so black and gray... Why? Maybe because it's October? No, you're just not around...

Autumn... cold, windy and rainy. But it becomes cozy and warm if you are not alone in it. If he is in it...

Even in the most mournful autumn rain, do not forget that the sky is actually blue! You just need to wait a little...

Feeling sad, autumn shed a little rain...

November. Cold. It's windy. Snow. Weather created for hot tea, chocolate, warm blankets and beautiful fairy tales.

Autumn is in the human soul. Like spring, summer, any season, any weather. And therefore, someone with joy and a premonition of cleansing will offer their hands to the same rain, while another will frown heavily, sweep away their sadness into a random stream and pull their cloak tighter. The weather is ours, and the rain... it just comes. Devoid of shades of good and evil, joy and sadness, the rain falls through our souls.

Sad phrases from this period

Autumn is the time when lonely people warm their frozen hearts with cigarette smoke.

Autumn... You are so beautiful, bright and memorable, but so lonely... Yes, you and I have too much in common. Too much.

Autumn, September. Quiet smile. A sad morning, a gray day, and in the evenings chocolate and tea, but the most delicious thing is not chocolate - it’s dessert, but for dessert warm memories of the past summer...

Autumn is the time of pessimists and melancholics, the time of those who like to be sad and dream with folded arms. Months dead deserts of forests with the remains of life

In autumn, along with the yellow fallen leaves, we certainly lose someone...

In autumn it is always easy to think, but difficult to dream, and eternity, having forgotten space and time, loses tension, and something soft and sad pours into the soul...

Your words wanted to make me cry, but the falling leaves stopped them and took them away into autumn...

Autumn depressively covers the city and us with leaves...

There is nothing sadder and more silent than autumn twilight. (Emile Zola)

Poems about the last warm days

Autumn...warm at the beginning,
Then it will rain.
Leaves on the boulevard
He writes: don’t expect warmth.

On a warm autumn evening,
The star lit up early.
Mint that heals grief
Ripened by the pond.

For some it’s just autumn, but for others it’s warm and eternal. Some people see eight as eight, while others see an infinity sign...

Autumn is warm in the soul,
Dirt and cold is a cliché
Created by man
Who doesn't like comfort
Doesn't like being waited on
At home, tea with a blanket.
Or coffee with cinnamon and honey,
Warmer, for the sake of the weather,
Or even with cognac...

Funny quotes and cool phrases

Autumn is the time for a herbarium on heels.

Autumn is a time of change. Every schoolchild knows about this!

In the fall, the fashion is set by the one who woke up before everyone else, because everyone looks out the window and sees someone walking in a jacket, yeah, I’ll go in a jacket too...

The sun is shining lazily at full intensity - it’s autumn that has arrived

Autumn... The soul requires romance, but the butt requires adventure!

In autumn, birds and people fly to warmer regions. The former are called by nature, the latter by cheap tours.

For some reason, summer may come late, but autumn is always so punctual...

I love when the leaves turn red in the fall. As if out of shame... And then they hastily fall off the branches. As if ready to fall through the ground

Autumn begins - the skirt lengthens.

A little about friends and strangers

Autumn weather forecast: if almost all your friends are online in contact, it means it’s raining, it’s very cold and it’s better not to go outside.

Autumn means giving up unnecessary people and lacking time for the ones you need. Just.

About mushrooms

Mushrooms are real gentlemen, they wear hats!

The gifts of autumn are always the brightest

In autumn, love is nourished not only by feelings, but also by mushrooms, berries and vegetables.

For those who don't like autumn

I don't like autumn. I don't like to watch them wither full of life leaves, having lost the battle with nature, higher power which they cannot overcome

I breathe in October. I inhale autumn, I inhale hatred, I inhale the resin of pine trees.

Autumn is what makes people bolder, rougher and drier, like fallen leaves.

Autumn has come, and again this painful choice at the pharmacy is which is better - Fervex, Coldrex or Theraflu.

How much did you take? How much did you throw into the abyss?! I hate you, autumn, for your cruelty!

Some people love autumn and see a riot of colors in it, while others associate it with cold, rainy evenings. In fact, at this time of year nature does not die, it is just getting ready for bed, so that in a few months it will again delight us with bright colors and aromas.

Autumn... What an unusual time of year - sad, but still beautiful. The world takes on the brightest color.

And nature dresses up in the most beautiful outfit to meet the mistress of the blizzards.

Quotes about autumn from Russian poets

Nothing inspires poets, artists of words and rhymes more than the seasons. Poems written by Russian poets in the autumn period are full of both tragedy and admiration.

"Golden autumn has come.
Nature is tremulous, pale,
Like a sacrifice, luxuriously decorated..."

A.S. Pushkin

"Autumn. An ancient corner
Old books, clothes, weapons,
Where is the treasure catalog
The cold turns the pages."


"Autumn has spread in the wet valleys,
Revealed the cemeteries of the earth,
But thick rowan trees in passing villages
The color red will shine from afar."


"It makes me sad to look at you,
What a pain, what a pity!
Know, only willow copper
We stayed with you in September."

S.A. Yesenin

"Autumn. The trees in the alley are like warriors.
Each tree smells differently.
Army of the Lord."

M.I. Tsvetaeva

"And every autumn I bloom again."

A.S. Pushkin

Quotes about autumn from Russian writers

Russian writers express their attitude towards autumn, both in short but deep thoughts and in long, ornate sentences.

“It smells like autumn. And I love Russian autumn. Something unusually sad, welcoming and beautiful. I would take it and fly away somewhere with the cranes.”


"...I love how they sing to the accompaniment of a barrel organ on a cold, dark and damp autumn evening, certainly on a damp one, when all passers-by have pale green and sick faces..."


“Autumn came suddenly. This is how a feeling of happiness comes from the most unnoticeable things - from a distant steamship whistle on the Oka or from a random smile.”


“...autumn is outside, and in the fall a person, like all animals, seems to withdraw into himself.
Look, the birds are already flying away - look how the cranes fly! “she said, pointing high above the Volga to a curved line of black dots in the air.”

I.A. Goncharov

“I went to bed sick, and woke up sick. It suddenly seemed to me that the autumn darkness would squeeze out the glass, pour into the room and I would choke in it like in ink.”

M.A. Bulgakov

Quotes about autumn from foreign writers

Foreign classics and ordinary writers were also inspired autumn period. This is probably the time of year when your soul becomes truly calm and peaceful.

“Autumn is like a hot dinner, when everything that you didn’t want to look at when you woke up in the morning is eaten with appetite. And her world was entering its best time, just when the time came to leave it.”

Harper Lee

“Autumn has come, a wonderful, cool time, everything changes color and fades.”

Knut Samsun

“—So bright, so uncompromising, she came and threw everything off herself.
- You're lucky with the woman.
“I’m talking about autumn.”

Rinat Valiullin

"... By the way, the flowers of autumn are more colorful and luminous than those of summer, and they die earlier..."

Erich Maria Remarque

"Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower."

Albert Camus

"Autumn is the last, most delightful smile of the year."

William Cullen Bryant

Quotes about autumn from movies

Films allow us to enjoy the autumn beauty of the whole world. After all, autumn comes and decorates life and every person.

“Autumn is approaching like an inexorable army. And you understand that love is something more than the playful word of a frivolous woman.”

From the movie "Summer Rain"

“Before it gets cold, it gets warmer for a while.”

From the movie "Sleep with Me"

“The forest was silent... Only the golden leaves of the birch played a little, bathing in the sparkles of the sun... Ah, yellow forest, yellow forest... Here is a piece of happiness for you. Here is a place for you to think. In the autumn sunny forest a man It’s getting cleaner - yes, we all wish we could go to this yellow forest more often.”

From the movie "White Bim Black Ear"

Quotes about autumn from contemporaries

Times change, people change too. But the attitude towards autumn remains unchanged.

"U ordinary people“In the fall, dreams simply lengthen and become sepia-colored, and by winter they become endless and black and white.”

Mikhail Baru

"... With a touch autumn will dawn
everything that was inviolable."


"... fallen leaves floated along the ditch, like a letter torn to shreds, in which summer explained why it fled to the other hemisphere."

Aleksey Ivanov

Doctor, I'm allergic to autumn. I cover myself with a blanket and sleep all the time.

With the first autumn chill, life will begin again.

"Francis Scott Fitzgerald"

Autumn is the time when you need to let go of all the useless dramas and senseless tragedies on all four sides.

Autumn is the time to warm yourself up with warm sweaters, hot tea and kindness.

This fall my mood is to make a nest out of a blanket and never leave.

The autumn day is quietly waning.
The November wind dries my lips.
There are no small feelings in the world.
Only souls are small.

Your words wanted to make me cry, but the falling leaves stopped them and took them away into autumn

Autumn is the time when lonely people warm their frozen hearts with cigarette smoke.

"Elchin Safarli"

Autumn always and everywhere complicates everything in life and in relationships.

My autumn depression is driving me to the point of exhaustion. Some people have school and a session, but I have attacks of irritation.

So the rains came.
Wash away the dust from the soul,
To then clean it with white snow.

I'm not sick, it's just that in October I feel like my insides are being gnawed by wild animals.

"Gabriel Garcia Marquez"

The old woman is autumn, the leaves crunch under our feet, reminding us of what happened between us.

Smells like autumn. Something unusually sad, welcoming and beautiful. I would take it and fly away somewhere with the cranes.

"A. P. Chekhov"

Autumn is not scary if there is spring in your soul.

I like autumn. Tension, the roar of a golden lion at the back of the year, stunning with its mane of foliage. A dangerous time - violent rage and deceptive calm; fireworks in your pockets and chestnuts in your fist.

Autumn is the perfect time to start fresh and forget everything old.

It was November - the month of crimson sunsets, birds flying south, deep, sad hymns of the sea, passionate songs of the wind in the pines.

"Lucy Maud Montgomery"

Autumn... cold, windy and rainy. But it becomes cozy and warm if you are not alone in it. If he is in it...

Every person’s dream on cold autumn evenings is to warm their feet near a real fireplace, read interesting book, slowly sip tea and have your loved one nearby.

If you put the first letters together autumn months, what will come out is exactly what will be missing throughout their entire duration.

No time better than autumn to begin to forget everything that torments and worries. We need to shake off worries and worries, like trees shaking off dry leaves...

"Paulo Coelho"

Autumn is all the colors of a traffic light in one park. Life rushes forward when the park is spring-green and slows down when all the colors are on at the same time.

I love listening to the wind whistle,
Watch its devastation,
Watch the yellow leaf tear
And listen to the sound of his fall.

I don't like autumn. I don’t like to watch leaves full of life wither, having lost the battle with nature, a higher power that they cannot defeat.

"Cecelia Ahern"

Leave me the smell of coffee and go, let’s not be clumsy, the tormented summer is behind us, just a little more, and autumn will rule.

A time for philosophical reflection, hot coffee, a warm blanket and leisurely friendly conversations. A time of pleasant melancholy, contemplation of the uniquely beautiful autumn nature and reading new books. A time when people should warm each other: with their words, with their feelings, with their lips. It's autumn.

91 days of autumn. Some people associate this time with the coming cold weather, bad weather and annoying rains. And for some, this same time is associated with warm light the setting sun, cozy evenings at home and carpets of colorful leaves in the parks.

In any case, autumn is an extraordinary phenomenon. But in the fall, all thoughts fly south, and my head becomes quiet, empty and untidy. So where can you find words to describe what autumn is? For this we have selected beautiful quotes about autumn and everything connected with it.

Autumn gives a feeling of real unreality.

Cool and funny quotes about autumn

Autumn is not a bad time, it is kind on the contrary. And the cold one is deliberately so that people hug more in order to warm up.

No matter how cold autumn is, you can still be someone's spring.

Autumn can become warmer than summer when the soul is dressed in love.

Most of all this fall I want to hear three main words: “They gave us heating.”

Summer ends, autumn begins. Business as usual, life goes on!

Autumn is the only time of year that teaches.

Summer is over, so let us light it up in the fall!

October. The Christmas tree in my living room no longer surprises guests so much...

- I love you, autumn!!!
- And I love you!

Autumn made us stupid.

Fall in love and date, there’s nothing else to do in the fall anyway.

Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower.

It’s amazing, it’s mid-October, and I haven’t lost any weight yet for summer.

Damn autumn! Until the tan fades, it’s summer for me.

A routine check of the pockets of warm clothes in the fall often leads to unplanned profits!

Everyone should find at least a couple of minutes to stop, sit, and watch how they fall autumn leaves

Autumn is a true season of freedom: instead of being green, the leaves can choose between yellow, red, brown, orange!

Neither the coffee, nor the jacket, nor the blanket keeps you warm... Summer is ending... What, hello, autumn?!

Short sayings about autumn, love and relationships

I love autumn, although I don't like the cold. But it is precisely at this time that nature reminds me how important it is to appreciate warmth.

Autumn always and everywhere complicates everything. Both in life and in relationships.

It's damp outside, the sky is crying, the sun is not warming: everything is so black and white... I wonder why? Maybe because it's autumn? No, you're just not around...
Autumn makes words warmer, kisses stronger, and love... Love does not depend on the season.

Autumn has touched you and me too... It’s cold without you, it’s cool with you... There’s no longer that warmth that warmed us from the inside...

Autumn is that time of year when you start to feel sad, but with the first snow you realize again that life is beautiful.

In the spring the heart makes mistakes, but in the fall it sums up the results.

You need to leave pleasantly and barely audible, like the rustling of leaves in October.

Love! In winter from the cold, in summer from the heat, in spring from the first leaves, in autumn from the last: always from everything.

Love has its own laws of development, its own ages, just like human life. It has its own luxurious spring, its hot summer, and finally, autumn, which for some is warm, bright and fruitful, for others cold, rotten and barren.

In autumn you can become a concentration of warmth and love.

Every moment of autumn contains a piece of something beautiful.

It's already autumn. And in the fall you shouldn’t be alone. Surviving autumn is hard enough as it is.

Who can tell when summer turns into autumn. And who can notice the moment when love grows cold?

Autumn is like that moment in a relationship when the relationship is no longer there.

Autumn is when animals look for food to fatten up for the winter, and for humans it is a time when they look for someone to sleep with on a cold night.

On a cloudy autumn morning, it would be better to stay in bed for a longer time, sleep and dream, and after getting enough sleep, ask your loved one for a cup of hot coffee right in bed.

You stand, breathe in the frosty, refreshingly prickly air, and your soul is so quiet... This is autumn.

Quotes about autumn from great people

Leaves fall when the sun stops warming in the fall and the relationship between lovers ends when love stops warming.
Rugiya Mustafaeva

Autumn is approaching, but spring is in my head...
Aurelius Markov

In October, when the leaves have already turned yellow, withered, and drooped, there are blue-eyed days; throw your head back on such a day so as not to see the ground - and you can believe: there is still joy, there is still summer...
Evgeny Zamyatin

Winter is engraving, spring is watercolor, summer is oil painting, and autumn is a mosaic of all three.
Stanley Horowitz

Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower.
Albert Camus

Autumn is the last, most delightful smile of the year.

The first breath of autumn is simply happiness after a hot and sultry summer.
Charlene Harris

Autumn is the last, most delightful smile of the year.
William Bryant

I hate missing out on something as beautiful as autumn. sunlight while staying in the house. That's why I spend almost the whole day outside.
Nathaniel Hawthorne

October is a symphony of constancy and change.
Bonaro Overstreet

Well, there is autumn, it gently and carefully prepares us for the cold. Favorite autumn. A time of reflection, hands in pockets, mulled wine in the evenings and pleasant melancholy...
Elchin Safari

Autumn is a sad time. But not for me.

Autumn is a good time to start. Meditate, embroider, create your own blog - whatever you want. Learn new things. Think about happiness. Create happiness. Listen to the silence within yourself and outside. Listen to autumn. And loved ones. Definitely books. Listen and hear. Be filled with the innermost.
Yulia Prozorova

Autumn is in the human soul. Like spring, summer, any season, any weather. And therefore, someone with joy and a premonition of cleansing will offer their hands to the same rain, while another will frown heavily, sweep away their sadness into a random stream and pull their cloak tighter. The weather is ours, and it just rains. Devoid of shades of good and evil, joy and sadness, It is raining through our souls.
Al Quotion

Autumn is a time when you can be sad for no reason.
Anton Chekhov

What is autumn - this is the sky,
Crying sky underfoot.
Birds with clouds scatter in puddles.
Autumn, I haven’t been with you for a long time.
Yuri Shevchuk

Sadness has arrived in autumn. A part of you died every year when the leaves fell and hungry branches were revealed to the wind and the dank cold light. But you knew that spring would certainly come and the river would flow again, freed from ice. If the cold rains come and kill the spring, it seems that someone young died for no reason.
Ernest Hemingway

Autumn is the time of year immediately after which the anticipation of spring begins.

By the way, writer Gloria Mu believes that Russians owe the title of the most reading nation in the world to autumn. What else to do in such weather? I want to curl up in a chair under a warm blanket and escape from this dull autumn into alien, bright worlds. So say thank you to autumn for the opportunity to read a couple of good books.

And remember that even in the most mournful autumn rain, you should not forget that the sky is actually blue - you just need to wait a little... Only you can decide what this autumn will be for you - sad at times or an eye-catching one!

Some people adore autumn and see in it the beauty and riot of colors. For some it means cold, rain, dampness and constant depression. But nature does not die. She gives herself and people a break, preparing to sleep under a blanket of snow. And in just a few months everything will come to life again. The blues and sad mood will disappear, and we will again enjoy bright colors, aromas and love.

Where can I find words to describe autumn love? To do this, we have selected beautiful quotes and aphorisms about autumn, love, and everything connected with it.

Millions of women love autumn...

Short, beautiful quotes and aphorisms about autumn and love

Autumn may become warmer than summer,
When the soul is dressed in love.

What a beauty - a woman's soul!
Everything is in the clouds, naive, soaring!
And even autumn can be good for her.
If there is someone nearby who opens an umbrella!

When a woman is warmed by love,
No autumn is scary for her!

Millions of women love autumn...
Falling leaves and the sound of rain streams...
Carefully measured doses -
Coffee, chocolate and a kiss...

A maple leaf fell on the coffee,
It's like a warm greeting from you.
Bad weather paints your profile
On the transparent palette of rain...

Someday I will return to you with rain.
Autumn rain, noisy in memory...
You will tell me: “It was all a dream!”
And I will answer: “It was happiness!!!”

It's autumn outside.
There is sadness in my heart.
I love you so much!
Do not believe? It's a pity…

Even though it’s raining and slush outside,
I'll pour myself some tea into a mug,
I'll add honey, love and joy,
And I drink...

Autumn is a reason to think
Feel "here" and "now"
And, of course, love
Contrary to all laws of nature!
Evgenia Sharova

I once LOVED autumn... when I was ten or twelve years old...
I loved to run in boots without asking in the rain without an umbrella...
And now I have become more mature...
And that’s why I love autumn only... so that with me, under the same blanket...

I will get over you... autumn will cool the trepidation...
In the fall it’s easier... She doesn’t know how to lie...
Ekaterina Alekseeva

Love and autumn, in some way you are united -
Coming bright and leaving gray,
But there is no more beautiful picture of life -
At least for a short time to be one...
Larisa Kuzminskaya

I wish you an autumn full of love!

Autumn is that time of year when people should warm each other with their words, their feelings, their lips... And then no cold will be scary.

I wander alone through October, timidly crushing the leaves, I lie to myself that I don’t love, I lie to myself that I forget.

When someone you love appears in your life... then autumn becomes colorful. You don’t notice the rain, but only colorful umbrellas!

I wish you an autumn full of love, warm colors, the smell of coffee and kisses.

Leaves fall when the sun stops warming in the fall and the relationship between lovers ends when love stops warming.
Rugiya Mustafaeva

It's damp outside, the sky is crying, the sun has hidden: everything is so black and gray... Why? Maybe because it's October? No, you're just not around...

Autumn... cold, windy and rainy. But it becomes cozy and warm if you are not alone in it. If he is in it...

Autumn makes words warmer, kisses stronger, and love... Love does not depend on the time of year.

Love! In winter from the cold, in summer from the heat, in spring from the first leaves, in autumn from the last: always from everything.

Love has its own laws of development, its own ages, just like human life. It has its own luxurious spring, its hot summer, and finally, autumn, which for some is warm, bright and fruitful, for others cold, rotten and barren.

In autumn you can become a center of warmth and love.

If autumn is in gray clouds, it’s me who misses you!

No, you can’t live without love in the fall. Otherwise, it will certainly turn into winter.

Perhaps autumn is to blame for everything. I feel it more than you. In the fall, they break the rules and everything becomes so invalid. And the person wants... What does he want? Love.

Quotes from books and aphorisms of great people about this wonderful time have long scattered around the world.

Love also has autumn...

And I don’t like autumn when I’m waiting. Waiting for the person without whom my autumn fades.
Elchin Safarli “Sweet salt of the Bosphorus”

Perhaps autumn is to blame for everything; I feel it more than you. In the fall, pacts are torn and everything becomes invalid. And the person wants... Yes, what does he want?
- Love.
Erich Maria Remarque, "Shadows in Paradise"

Love also has autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of his beloved knows it.
Mark Levy, "Those words we didn't say to each other"

Love is when you want to experience all four seasons with someone. When you want to run with someone from a spring thunderstorm under lilacs strewn with flowers, and in the summer you want to pick berries and swim in the river. In the fall, make jam together and seal the windows against the cold. In winter - to help survive a runny nose and long evenings...
Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine

Probably, each of us has some especially dear love memory or some especially serious love sin.
Ivan Bunin, "Dark Alleys"

Still, it is better to have an unhappy first love than your last.
Galina Shcherbakova, “Very Desperate”

I was irresistibly drawn to you, drawn again to taste at least a pathetic particle of that hot, dazzling happiness that we once enjoyed wastefully and carelessly, like fairy-tale kings.
Alexander Kuprin, “Autumn Flowers”

Autumn is approaching like an inexorable army. And you understand that love is something more than the playful word of a frivolous woman.
From the film “Summer Rain”

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