What is the temperature in Israel in November. Israel. Weather by month, water temperature. Dead, Red, Mediterranean Sea, Elite, Ashkelon, Tel Aviv, Netanya. Israel in November: reviews

We'll tell you whether it's worth going to Israel at the end of autumn. What is the weather like, is it possible to swim and where to go with children? Read before your trip!

Is it worth going at the end of autumn?

Thus, they occur mainly on the Mediterranean coast, and in lower Israel the holiday season lasts until the beginning of the calendar winter (in some successful years, even until the beginning of the new year).

There are especially many vacationers on the Dead Sea coast and in Eilat, where there is not a single cloudy day (3 mm). Be that as it may, changes in the current climate situation are felt even in the far south - in the Negev Desert.

By the end of autumn, the nights here become cool, but on sunny days the warm Red Sea still brings joy to vacationers. But the sun is not dangerous for burns, so you can have a lot of fun on the water, spending days on end with a mask and fins, as well as spending time on the attractions.

Air temperature

In the capital of the state Jerusalem +12-19°C, in Tel Aviv +15-23°C, in Haifa +17-22°C. In Ashkelon, Netanya, Herzliya, the daytime temperature rises to +26°C, and at night it drops by 6-8°. In the Hadera health resort +27°C. In Eilat for water procedures and sunbathing conditions are almost ideal: the thermometer stays at a maximum of +28°C, at night up to +16°C. And in some years it can be even hotter!

Sea water temperature

It cools down in the penultimate month of the year to a comfortable +23-24°C, Krasnoye - to +25-26°C.

Is it possible to swim in November?

If you believe the temperature indicators, of course it’s possible. Unlike, for example, neighboring Cyprus, where the swimming season has long been closed. However, doctors do not recommend spending time in the water for a long time: there are often cool winds from the western and northwestern directions, as a result of which you can catch a runny nose and cold.

In addition to the Mediterranean and Red Seas, in Israel people also swim in the Dead Sea, Lake Tiberias (Sea of ​​Galilee, or Kinneret) and the Jordan River (as a ritual exception).

Attractions and entertainment

Most of the religious and historical attractions of the state are included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

  • Jaffa. The port heart of Tel Aviv, its original beginning and the “capital of Mediterranean pleasures”. Museums, beaches, hot spots are concentrated here, and the Opera House is located here.
  • Eilat. A year-round resort with social entertainment, where you can sunbathe, swim with dolphins, learn the basics of diving and surfing, and also visit a real underwater observatory.
  • Galilee with Lake Kinneret and two holy cities - Safed and Tiberias. The historical region where Christ lived and where everything is somehow connected with his name.
  • Yad Vashem. Memorial Museum Holocaust (extermination of Jews during World War II). Every guest coming to Israel is simply obliged to visit this institution.
  • Gethsemane at the western foot of the Mount of Olives. A small garden in the Kidron Valley (East Jerusalem), immortalized by the New Testament. The age of individual trees is 2 thousand years.
  • Dead Sea. Unique natural object with the resort of Ein Bokek. Nearby are the Ein Gedi and Qumran nature reserves.
  • Israel Museum. Contains more than half a million exhibits, mainly archaeological finds and works visual arts.
  • The largest crater in the world with observation deck in Mitzpe Ramon. Makhtesh (crater) reaches dimensions of 40x10 km, depth - 0.5 km.
  • Druze villages. Colorful ethnographic sites in the Golan and Haifa, where the Druze national minority lives. The local market and National dishes.
  • Fortress of Massada in the Judean Desert (Arad). An ancient stronghold of the Jewish people, a symbol of the unbending courage of patriotic fighters against foreign enslavers. The place where military personnel take the oath.
  • Necropolis of Beit Shearim. National Park 20 km east of Haifa on the site of an ancient Roman-era city. Famous and wealthy Jews of antiquity are buried here. Ongoing archaeological excavations.
  • The old part of the city of Akko (Acres). Among the objects of past eras are ancient and medieval bazaars, tunnels, inns, well-preserved fortresses with walls, and a Turkish bath.
  • Bahai Gardens in Haifa and Acre. Amazingly beautiful “hanging parks” with the tomb of the Bab and Bahá’u’lláh. Masterpieces of landscape art.
  • Old city in Jerusalem. The main sites are the Western Wall (the ruins of an ancient Jerusalem temple), the El-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher on the Temple Mount.
  • Monuments of anthropogeny at Mount Carmel. A chain of caves along the bed of the Nahal Mearot stream on an area of ​​54 hectares with fragments of Paleolithic culture and a permanent cave settlement of the Natufian culture.
  • White City in Tel Aviv (in the Bauhaus style). A beautiful and original pride of Israeli society, which is gradually becoming part of history.
  • Biblical telli of Megiddo, Hazor, Beersheba. Hills in the western part of the Jezreel Valley. Thanks to the Greek word Armageddon, the most famous is mainly the first hill, around which a city-state existed before our era, the excavations of which include 26 cultural layers. Located near the strategic passage through Carmel.
  • The Path of Incense (Incense Path). The ruins of the cities of Avdat, Mamshit, Halutsa, Shivta in the Negev desert on the former trade route connecting Arabia with the Mediterranean and Mesopotamia. From ancient states on the territory of modern Yemen and Oman, as well as from the Horn of Africa and Socotra, caravans with expensive cargo passed through it - frankincense, myrrh and spices.
  • Caves of Mareshi and Beit Guvrin in the Judean Valley. They are part of a reserve where there are many tombs and grottoes carved directly into marl deposits. In progress walking tour you can see the houses of primitive tribes with separate rooms for large and small cattle, which are completely hidden in the dungeon. There are even several buildings with unique additional floors on top, which significantly increase the usable area of ​​the home. Particularly meticulous tourists love to explore the stairs in the depths in order to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the culture and life of the primitive tribes who lived next to their graves.
  • 4-day open-air music art festival “Sounds of the Old City” in Nazareth and Jerusalem. In the capital, the participants of the event are seated along the route, starting at the Jaffa Gate and following through the Armenian, Jewish, Muslim, Christian quarters, meeting virtuoso musicians playing.
  • International half marathon "Desert Run" in Eilat with the participation of thousands of runners from all over the globe.
  • Travelata, Level.Travel, OnlineTours - look for the hottest tours here.
  • Aviasales - save up to 30% on purchasing air tickets.
  • Hotellook - book hotels with discounts up to 60%.
  • Numbeo - look at the price order in the host country.
  • Cherehapa - take reliable insurance.

Is it possible to travel with children?

On the territory of ancient Palestine there are favorable conditions for the development of a child. The air here is dry and clean. In November there is no heat, which the fragile body is so afraid of. Therefore, children here feel like fish in water.

The younger generation will be especially interested in visiting:

  1. Crocodile nursery and thermal springs in Hamat Gader. The cost of a session in the pool is 100 shekels per 1 visitor above 1 m. Zoo corner and ancient ruins - as a free application.
  2. Mini-Israel - a miniature park in Latrun (between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv). Includes 400 moving 1:25 scale landmark models. Every day from 10 to 21 o'clock. On Fridays and holidays - until 14 o'clock. Adults - 56 shekels; children, pensioners and military personnel - 47 shekels.
  3. National Park Caesarea. The former residence of the legendary Pontius Pilate is located fifty kilometers from Tel Aviv. The best Israeli beach, Caesarea Aqueduct Beach, is also located here. During the period from November to rescue teams it is not supervised, so admission is free. Like any establishment with a blue flag, everything here is for the sake of children the necessary conditions for complete entertainment.

Israel, whose monthly weather depends on the climate zone, is a state in the Middle East, washed by four seas: the Red, Mediterranean, Dead and Galilee. Israel is located in the Southwest Asian region called the Middle East. The country borders Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt.

The legitimate capital is Jerusalem. Due to the controversial political situation within the country, most developed countries designate Tel Aviv as the main city.

Israel occupies a small territory, but its topography is very diverse. Therefore, the weather varies significantly between months in the state. The main area in the southern part of the country is home to the Negev and Arava deserts, and in the northern part there are Mount Carmel.

The rest of the territory is dominated by rocky soil. In this regard, a significant number of parks and reserves have been organized in Israel, and is also developing public policy on nature conservation.

Since all 4 rivers of the state dry up in the summer, there is a shortage of fresh water in the country. water resources. To overcome these difficulties, the government is subsidizing the construction of plants for desalination of sea sources.

Israel is classified as a region with a subtropical climate. But weather throughout the state are not the same and depend not only on the season, but also on the region of the country.

There are different climatic zones:

Climate on the Dead Sea coast

The first and second months of the year on the coast Dead Sea characterized by insignificant precipitation (rain). The water temperature reaches +35 °C, while the air is dry. Travelers visit resorts in this climate zone in the spring and autumn. IN winter time The water of the Dead Sea is warmer than the air, and in the summer - vice versa.

Most famous resort in this territory - Ein Bokek. It is open all year round to visitors wishing to receive medical treatment. Almost the entire city is a huge health complex.

Temperature of the Dead Sea and its coast:

month average temperature, °С
water air
during the day at night
January 22 27 17
February 23 23 17
March 24 20 15
April 27 24 18
May 28 25 19
June 31 28 20
July 29 30 24
August 27 31 25
September 26 32 28
October 25 32 25
november 23 31 22
December 21 30 18

Comparative table of water temperatures by month

Israel, whose weather is inconsistent throughout the months, is located on the coasts of 4 seas:

  • Red;
  • Mediterranean;
  • Dead;
  • Galilean.

The water, regardless of the territory of the country, never gets colder than 18 °C, which is optimal for swimming.

The following temperature indicators were recorded:

month average water temperature, °C
Mediterranean Dead Red
January 18 22 21
February 18 22 21
March 19 24 22
April 21 26 22
May 25 29 23
June 27 31 24
July 27 28 24
August 26 27 25
September 26 26 24
October 23 25 23
november 20 23 23
December 20 21 21

Precipitation in Israel

Precipitation is typical for the period from the second ten days of October to the first spring month. They are especially intense in December-January. Every year, Israel records about 493 mm (41 mm monthly) of precipitation.

Rainy weather begins in October and continues until March; there is almost no snow, except in the mountainous areas and Jerusalem. Precipitation is uneven across the country. The closer to the southern part, the fewer there are.

They are distributed by month as follows:

month amount of precipitation, mm days with precipitation
January 120 10
February 100 10
March 100 8
April 20 3
May 20 1
July 3 1
September 7 1
October 20 3
november 60 5
December 100 9

Air temperature in spring

In Israel, March weather favors opening beach season. Tourists appear in resorts such as Eilat and Ein Boker. IN central regions The rains continue. At night the temperature can drop to +10 °C, and during the day it rises above +20 °C.

In April it gets noticeably warmer, which is felt every day. In the second decade, the temperature on the coasts of the Israeli seas can reach +30 °C. There is almost no precipitation, except in mountainous regions, where this month is characterized by short-term heavy rains.

May is the optimal time for tourists. Comfortable weather conditions this month are typical throughout the country. At this time, full-fledged holiday season on the coast Mediterranean Sea, since it is already warming up to +24 °C.

At night the temperature can drop significantly:

Summer in Israel

Summer in Israel is extremely hot, the air can warm up to +45 °C. In the first month of the period, the wind brings hot weather from the desert. It's difficult to be outside during the day. In Mediterranean resorts, the climate is much milder due to air humidity.

In July the situation is similar. Temperatures of +40 °C and above are often recorded. The weather is more comfortable on the Red and Mediterranean Seas. In August, not only the air becomes hot, but also the water. During the day it can reach +30 °C.

At night, the temperature is in the range that is comfortable for humans:

during the day at night
June 31 18
July 33 21
August 33 21

Weather in Israel in autumn

During this period, heat is typical only for desert areas.

In the first month of autumn, the velvet season begins on all sea coasts of the state. September is considered the most favorable month climatic conditions on the territory of the country.

In October, the velvet season continues due to the fact that the temperature is optimal for vacationers. At night it becomes cooler and there are warm rains.

In November you can still relax on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Periodic rains begin in central and northern Israel.

The average seasonal temperature is +25 °C:

month average air temperature, °C
during the day at night
September 31 19
October 29 17
november 24 13

Red Sea Resorts

The main resort on the Red Sea coast is Eilat, located in the driest region of Israel. On its territory there is one of the most beautiful nature reserves countries.

Israel, whose weather on the Red Sea coast is most often optimal during the months, attracts tourists to Eilat almost all year round. Even in winter, the water temperature does not drop below +20 °C, and the air temperature does not drop below +15 °C.

Optimal time For tourists who want to visit this resort, April-May and September-October are considered. In July-August, the flow of tourists decreases, as the air warms up to +35 °C, and the sea - to +28 °C.

month average temperature, °C
water air
during the day at night
January 21 27 18
February 21 25 19
March 22 24 20
April 22 26 20
May 23 29 21
June 24 30 22
July 25 31 24
August 24 32 28
September 24 34 30
October 23 33 25
november 21 20 20
December 21 28 18

Resorts of the Mediterranean coast

On the Mediterranean coast of Israel, the tourist season occurs at the end of summer, as at this time the air warms up to 30 °C and the water to 26 °C. In spring and autumn the weather is not so comfortable - it becomes cool, especially at night. In winter, the air temperature can drop to +20 °C, and the water temperature can drop even more. Rain is also typical for this time of year in the area.

The most famous resort towns in the region are:

  • Tel Aviv;
  • Netanya;
  • Haifa;
  • Herzliya;
  • Ashkelon.

Tel Aviv is a business and entertainment center countries. This resort has 14 km of equipped beach areas.

Netanya is popular due to its close location to many of the country's attractions. The resort is suitable for an economical holiday option. The beaches are located under a cliff, so descent is only possible with the help of a special lift. Haifa is built on the slope of Mount Carmel and stretches to the coast. Most of the hotels are located far from the beach areas.

Herzliya is a center for tourists who want not only to relax, but also to receive treatment. The resort has a port for yachts and a small airport for private aircraft. Ashkelon is a city with a history of five thousand years. It is interesting to tourists for its attractions and beach areas. Also on the territory there is a park with cultural monuments that are two thousand years old.

The tourist season begins in late spring and ends in mid-autumn.

The temperature during this period is optimal for relaxation:

month average temperature, °C
water air
during the day at night
January 18 25 13
February 18 22 10
March 19 20 8
April 21 23 15
May 25 27 18
June 27 28 22
July 27 28 24
August 26 30 25
September 26 30 28
October 24 29 24
november 20 29 21
December 18 28 19

Israel weather in winter

In winter, the air in Israel can cool to +5 °C, which is accompanied by heavy precipitation. Almost the entire territory of the state is not characterized by sub-zero temperatures and snow, except for the resort of Hermon and its surroundings.

The first month of the period is cloudy with rain. Short-term frosts are possible in central and mountainous regions. In January, weather trends are similar to the previous month. The temperature drops slightly.

It rains during February, but the weather improves. This is the most contrasting month for different areas of Israel. On the Red Sea coast in given time dry and already warm, and significant precipitation is observed near the Mediterranean Sea.

month average air temperature, °C
during the day at night
December 19 9
January 17 7
February 17 7

Ski resorts in Israel

Hermon is the most famous ski resort Israel. It is characterized by significant amounts of precipitation. Snowdrifts here usually persist until mid-April, but tourists visit it only until the end of March. The resort is built at an altitude of 2 km and is only open from November to May.

Mountainous regions of Israel from late autumn to early spring Precipitation in the form of snow and large snowdrifts are typical. In dry weather in summer there are strong winds, the speed of which reaches 120–150 km/h. During the winter months, temperatures can drop below 0°C.

month average air temperature, °C
during the day at night
January 16 10
February 16 10
March 18 11
April 19 14
May 23 17
June 26 20
July 27 22
August 29 23
September 27 22
October 24 20
november 20 15
December 18 11

Israel is a country with a Mediterranean climate that varies from month to month. The summer period is mostly hot and dry, and the winter period is warm with precipitation. Different air humidity in climatic zones countries influences a person's perception of the weather.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about climate in Israel

What is the weather like in winter in Israel and what can you see at this time:

Israel is a country where many aspire. And in order to worship numerous shrines, and in order to relax on the unique beaches of the Red and Dead Seas, or simply to travel around small Jewish towns, enjoying their unique flavor.

Here you can go down into caves and climb low mountains. There are both deserts and tropical oases.

And perhaps It's not bad to come here in November, when the tourist season has already ended, and large Christian holidays, attracting thousands of pilgrims, have not yet begun. Therefore, there is an opportunity to calmly get to know this amazing country.

November in Israel pampers tourists with warmth and sun. On average, meteorologists predict 23 sunny days, and only 8 times a month there will be a refreshing downpour, it will wash away the dust, saturate the air with ions and in no way overshadow the holiday in Israel in November.

True, it can rain more often on the Mediterranean coast. Therefore, you should take an umbrella on your trip so that you can walk comfortably in the warm tropical rain, breathing in the salty sea air.

Air temperature in November: daytime thermometer in Haifa, Netanya, Tiberias It stays stable at a comfortable 22 degrees.

Those tourists who, having left the chilly or, want to bask in the hot sun, can go to Eilat, where during the day the temperature is not lower than 27. But at night and in Eilat and Haifa The thermometer shows only +16.

The water in the Mediterranean Sea is warm, 24 degrees. Officially, the tourist season on the Mediterranean Sea and Lake Galilee in November is already considered closed, but this does not stop those who want to swim in the blue Mediterranean water.

The same water temperature in, it also warmly welcomes guests.

Weather in November Dead Sea: warm water, 25 degrees. This is its peculiarity: this sea is warmer in winter than in summer. And the season here doesn't end before it starts winter months. Although there are fewer vacationers, and therefore lower prices, the vacation is more relaxing.

And for lovers of light coolness and meaningful excursions, it’s suitable Jerusalem. There in November it is only 19 degrees during the day, and only 12 at night. And it rains quite often.

Israel in November also suitable for amateurs beach holiday, and for those who like to take their time, enjoying the coolness, and sightseeing.

Where to spend your time?

There is just not enough time in Israel, there are so many memorable places and excursion routes.


All the main monuments of Christian culture, for which people come to Israel, are mostly located in Jerusalem.

Garden of Gethsemane. Eight old olive trees have been preserved in this sacred place; according to legend, they saw Christ praying the night before his arrest.

Now the garden is surrounded by a stone wall, on which bas-reliefs are created illustrating biblical story about the Last Supper and the betrayal of Judas.

Mount Zion. Now it is just a small hill, but there are several Christian shrines there: the tomb of King David and the chamber of the Last Supper can be seen in a building built by the Crusaders.

Right there on the Mountain there is the Church of St. Peter, built where Peter denied his teacher three times, and a Benedictine monastery, which was built on the site of the house of John the Theologian, where he spent last years life of the Mother of God.

O. Schindler, who saved hundreds of Jews during the Holocaust, is buried here; these events formed the basis of S. Spielberg’s film “Schindler’s List”.

Al Aqsa Mosque. This is the third most important mosque in the world of Islam. According to legend, it was here that Muhammad saw the three prophets and, after saying a prayer, went to heaven.

Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The cathedral is located on Golgotha, where the tomb is kept where the body of Christ was located before the ascension.

Now it has become the altar of the temple, which was built by Empress Helena, who discovered the Holy Sepulcher and three crosses during a visit to the mountain.

The temple was destroyed and rebuilt many times. Its oldest part dates back to the 11th century. The main miracle happens in the temple every year - descent of the Holy Fire on the eve of Easter.

In Jerusalem it is impossible to miss interesting attractions.

Time elevator. You can visit a multimedia show: go on a thirty-minute journey through time, where you will learn in detail the history of Jerusalem.

There are movable floors and chairs that create the effect of speed. At the end of the session, viewers will be treated to a surprise: a simulated airplane flight over modern Jerusalem.

Mini Israel. In Latrun, on the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem highway, there is an interesting attraction: the largest miniature park in Europe and Asia.

350 models are located on 4.4 hectares the most interesting sights of Israel: historical, geographical, religious, archaeological. The park has all conditions for people with disabilities.

There are also many places in Tel Aviv where you can relax and have fun.

Superland. There are many interesting attractions here. The park itself is very picturesque; it has unusual scenery that imitates various places on the planet: lakes with waterfalls, rocks, Mayan statues, lawns with coconut palms.

The park is equipped with benches, gazebos, and places for family picnics.

Shfayim. The water park has three large swimming pools, numerous fountains and waterfalls flow here, visitors can slide down 22 water slides different levels difficulties, soak in the jacuzzi.

There are many trees and lawns on the territory. There are chairs and tables for relaxation everywhere.

Underwater observatory. The underwater complex is located in Eilat. Opened in 1975, it remains the only one in the world. Built where the Japanese Garden coral reef grew.

Here you can see a large number of fish different types. There are pools here: reef, with sharks, with stingrays and turtles.

From the observation tower, four countries are visible at once: Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.


Tunnels "Wailing Walls". This excursion is a fascinating adventure that allows you to get an impression of what Jerusalem was like during the time of King Herod.

Tourists travel through the tunnels to the very center of the Islamic quarter, Via Delarosa, from where they return, accompanied by guards.

The situation here is very unusual. This excursion is only available as part of a tour group.

Bethlehem. It is simply impossible to visit Israel and not visit Bethlehem. This is the place where Christ was born, it attracts with ancient temples that were destroyed by numerous wars and which were persistently restored.

One of the main shrines stands here Christendom Church of the Nativity, it was built by the mother of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine, Helen, where Christ was born. Once you enter the temple, you can also see the cave in which Jesus was born.

Nearby is the Milk Cave, which gets its name from its white stone walls. There is a legend that the Holy Family hid here on the way to Egypt. The Milk Grotto Church was built above the cave.

Tourists often go to field of shepherds. Once upon a time there was a church here, also built by Empress Helena. Now only the prayer hall remains here.

You can't help but visit 6th century Greek monastery on the site of the spring from which King David drank. Near the monastery there is a hill built by order of King Herod for the Herodion fortress.

Ein Gedi Nature Reserve. 80 km from Jerusalem there is nature reserve. Four rivers flow through its territory, creating a green, picturesque oasis in the desert.

Many plants were brought here from Sudan. The animals living here are not at all afraid of people. Here you can see the Nubian ibex, Afghan fox, and striped hyena. There are many birds and a variety of rare reptiles.

There are parking lots, places for picnics and recreation for tourists.

Sorek Cave. The largest cave in the Holy Land was discovered in 1968 in the Judean Mountains.

Now a lot has been done there for the convenience of tourists: an illuminated path has been laid, the walls have been illuminated, the visit begins with a demonstration of a documentary about the features of the cave.

Tourists are presented with an amazing picture: stalactites and stalagmites illuminated with special lighting do not leave anyone indifferent.

The size of the cave is also impressive: 5 thousand square meters. The cave is located on the old Jerusalem road.

Beach holiday

Dekel. Beach on the Red Sea. Here you can ride bananas, visit attractions located right on the shore, and have lunch in a cafe. The beach is surrounded by picturesque nature.

Popeye. A comfortable, well-maintained beach among exotic nature near Eilat on the Red Sea.

Veranda. Paid private beach in Eilat. All conditions have been created here for comfortable rest. There are several restaurants nearby with good cuisine.

Tsuk-Zafon. Paid sandy beach in Tel Aviv, it has repeatedly received the title best beach in Israel.

Rocky beaches in the border area near Egypt. This is a real paradise for diving enthusiasts. There are numerous Coral reefs, comfortable descents.

The beaches are not crowded, so they attract lovers of a quiet holiday.

Tell Baruch. The beach is located in the Jaffa area. It is famous for its fine golden sand. The beach is well-maintained; families with children like to relax here. But in summer there are often big waves here.

Potassium. A fairly comfortable sandy beach located on the shores of the Dead Sea. It is clean and convenient for swimming.

Mineral. The beach on the Dead Sea is poorly equipped, but interesting because it is located at the lowest point on earth.

The Promised Land always awaits guests. There is everything here to relax both soul and body: comfortable hotels, a variety of restaurants, beaches, numerous temples and monasteries.

Jerusalem ( Old city) excursion on your own.

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Despite the fact that classic autumn is already well established in November, the weather in November continues to delight tourists who come to the Holy Land on vacation with its warmth and friendliness. Is it true, autumn mood cannot but affect temperature fluctuations in the country. It's getting a little cooler even in sultry Eilat. The air temperature in the south of the country still continues to remain in the warm zone – up to +28 degrees.

However, other areas of the country are not too inferior to Eilat and the Red Sea coast. Near the Sea of ​​Galilee, the air temperature is around +25 degrees, on the Mediterranean coast it is at +22 degrees, in Jerusalem, however, it drops to +19 degrees. But even the minimum temperature threshold does not allow us to call the weather in Israel in November truly autumn in our Russian understanding.

Of course, it is even cooler in Israel at night in November - the temperature can drop to +12 degrees. This feature of the weather in Israel at the end of autumn is worth taking into account - it would be very useful to take warm clothes with you. In addition, at this time of year the rainy season is already in full swing, so a little coziness will be very useful.

Editor: Irina

Israel in November: a resort alternative to the Emirates and Egypt or an exclusively excursion holiday?

I have been living in Tel Aviv since I was 19 years old. Usually new acquaintances shake their heads in bewilderment when I tell them that I love Israel most in November. Not a period of heat, sun and beaches, but a time of tourist calm and pleasantly cool weather.

I’ll tell you what to expect in Israel at the end of autumn - where is it better to go if you need the sea; what clothes to take if both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are on your plans; and how best to organize your trip.

From the editor: The article was written for the site by the author Elena. But all the photos are ours. We were in Israel at the beginning of December and in September.

When is the best time to vacation in Israel?

So, the most comfortable time to travel - late fall. The heat subsides (yay, long walks!), tourists leave, hotels become cheaper - and now you can rent a 3-star room for $90 for two, instead of the seasonal $120.

But if it's important to you warm sea ​​to swim throughout your vacation, then choose May, September or October. In some areas, beach holidays in Israel continue into November and December. From June to August the country is a small branch of a hot cauldron from hell.

Russia and Israel have a visa-free regime. You can stay for up to 90 days. Upon arrival, I advise you to have printed reservations for a return ticket, hotel or apartment and write down the phone number of the reception or owner/host in advance.

Weather in Israel in November

If I had listened to - and even more so seen - the local residents, I would have thought hard about a trip to Israel: at the beginning of November they are already cold, they are bundled up from head to toe and complain about the upcoming hard life in winter.

It’s funny, considering that I, like many people from the CIS, wear a T-shirt, shorts and a hoodie in my bag all November, and I’m warm. But it’s fair to note that this applies to Tel Aviv. Jerusalem has a different climate.

Air temperature in Israel in November

Tel Aviv.
For the most part, the weather in Israel in November is like the beginning of September in Russia. The sun is comfortable, SPF is not needed, it rains a couple of times a month - and these days it “gets cold” to +20°C.
On average, the air temperature is +24°C during the day; at night it drops to +21°C. Jeans, T-shirts, shirts and a sweatshirt/light jacket in reserve are the optimal set for Tel Aviv.

It’s cooler here, although the drive from TA to Jerusalem takes an hour and a half. During the day it’s +19°C outside, in the evenings it’s already +15°C. This is where something in reserve will save you. Jerusalem rarely “rains” in November, only two or three days during the entire month.

The great joy of a beach tourist: the sun flares up to +28°C! True, the difference between day and night temperatures is 10 degrees. But people swim, people extend their summer. There is no precipitation.

Sea water temperature in November

We checked that swimming in the Dead Sea is easy, even in November / View of the Tel Aviv embankment

Is it possible to swim in November? Let's compare.

Mediterranean Sea (Tel Aviv).
The water temperature drops over the course of a month from +25°C to +22°C. During the November holidays you can take a dip - it’s quite tolerable for a seasoned Russian tourist. But not for long, plus the wind gets in the way. Therefore, most of the surfers in the sea wear wetsuits.

Dead Sea (Ein Bokek).
The Dead Sea in November is a slightly “abnormal” resort area, because here the water is warmer than the air. +26°C is suitable for swimming, but you understand that this is for one time only? I went in, took a photo with a newspaper, hovered on the surface, and went to wash off the oil film from my body. Be sure to go :)

Red Sea (Eilat).
If you go to Israel in November 2019, the warmest weather and sea temperature will be in Eilat. Most southern resort I'm glad to see tourists at the end of autumn, and tourists are glad to see water at +25 degrees.

Israel in November: where is the warmest sea?

Prices for tours to Israel in November - 2019

It makes sense to go on a tour exclusively to Eilat - to a classic beach resort. It is more profitable to watch the rest of Israel on your own.

I book trips for my parents online. Not only to the Red Sea, but also to Turkey, Tai, etc. It’s more convenient, time-saving and “transparent” - I know for sure that the price is from the tour operator. I always compare three services:

...and I take it where it’s cheaper.

Prices for tours to Israel in November:

✓ The minimum cost of a 7-day tour for two is from 50,000 rubles. For a 5 star hotel - from 90,000 rubles.

✓ Family vacation consisting of “mom, dad, child” - from 65,000 rubles per week.

✓ Well, “all inclusive” costs from 90,000 rubles for two for 7 days.

If on your own.
Flights to Israel in November 2019 (from Moscow):

  • to Eilat - from 9,000 rubles per person round trip
  • to Tel Aviv - from 11,000 rubles

Hotels and apartments: in Eilat, expect prices from $55 per night for two in a simple hotel with RoomGuru; in Tel Aviv, it is wiser to choose an apartment with Airbnb - from $70 per night (but newbies can save $32 using the link).

Insurance: 400-500 rubles per person for a week - look for it on or Sravni.ru. Inexpensive, so don't neglect it, please.

Resorts and cities of Israel - where is the best place to relax in November?

Which resort should you choose? The country is compact, and the solution to the problem of “where is the best place to relax” is limited to 3-4 places - for example:

  • sea ​​in Eilat,
  • Tel Aviv with a stop in nearby Jerusalem,
  • Dead Sea resorts, of which the most popular is Ein Bokek.

There are no holidays or celebrations in Israel in November 2019, so your preferences play a role.

Eilat in November

It’s very warm in Eilat at this time, you can definitely swim :)

Eilat in November is suitable for a beach holiday. In autumn the climate here is very mild. Adults can enjoy beaching, diving, kite and windsurfing, and children can enjoy a water park and swimming, incl. and snorkeling in the Red Sea.

Not far from Eilat are the local attractions of the Red Canyon and the Negev Desert. Every time I'm in Eilat, I go there on 1-2 day hikes.

Tel Aviv in November

Tel Aviv embankment in the evening, people are still sunbathing

Tel Aviv in November is good for a walking and sightseeing holiday. Watch the sunrise or watch the sunset on the seashore, wander through the old city of Jaffa and flea markets, ride a scooter along the embankment, look at a bunch of skyscrapers, modern Israelis and their huge dogs (pets are clearly a universal fashion, every third person has a dog).

In general, Tel Aviv is a noisy party metropolis with unreasonably inflated prices and a constant flow of tourists. You can take a break from it in Jerusalem - a quiet, historical, religious city.

Lake Kinneret in November

Where is the best place to relax in Israel? The locals would answer - on Lake Kinneret. Take a hotel or a zimmer (similar to our dacha) and enjoy the tranquility. Most tourists have never heard of the lake. But in vain. It is impossible to live there in the summer - the heat is terrible at 40-45 degrees, but in the autumn the Kinneret climate is pleasant. Of all the cities around the lake, Tiberias won my heart. I advise you to go straight there.

You should also definitely check out Gan HaShlosha National Park, which is a 1.5 hour drive from Tiberias. Unity with nature for 2-3 days - wonderful! There are thermal springs and a huge park with an incredible number of different plants.

Entertainment in Israel - what to do in November?

Walking through the old city of Jerusalem / Western Wall

I don’t want to recommend banal and obvious places to visit like the Western Wall in Jerusalem or the Azrieli Tower in Tel Aviv. It is obvious. I want to surprise you with corners that amaze even the Israelis themselves with their beauty.

For example, in Jerusalem, after the usual excursions around the Old City, take a look at:

  • Sorek Nature Reserve- stalactite cave 15 minutes from the Holy City. To be honest, I never got there, but my friends have recommended it many times already. I'll definitely check it out on my next visit to Jerusalem! Ticket price is 28 shekels (515 rubles).
  • Jerusalem Biblical Zoo- created based on Noah's Ark and contains all types of animals listed in the Tanakh ( Old Testament). I've been here 2 times and always felt childish delight. Entrance ticket is 59 shekels (1100 rubles) for parents, 46 shekels (850 rubles) for those under 18 years old.
  • Mini Israel- a park of miniatures for both adults and children. I am still amazed at the meticulous work the restorers do all the time. The park combines symbols significant for Judaism, Christianity and Islam, so schoolchildren study the history of Palestine and Israel here. Entrance ticket 69 shekels (1300 rubles).

I love excursions when traveling. I know that there are many good ones about Israel collected on the Tripster service. They are conducted by Russian speakers local residents. For myself, I booked an individual one in Montenegro, and I really liked it. Here's an example of some:

Holidays in Israel with children in November

There are a lot of children in Tel Aviv

Where is better?
If you are planning Israel in November with children, then it is Eilat (for swimming and the beach) or Tel Aviv. You can go to Jerusalem for a day or two, but staying there for a long time is not an option, because 1) it’s cooler, 2) it’s a bit boring for a child, and pushing a stroller over rocks and paving stones is a bit difficult for adults.

Things to do?
Family holiday destinations around Tel Aviv:

  • Apollonia National Park- thousands of years ago it was located here ancient city Arsuf, which was a transit point for traders. Now only ruins remain here, but they are of interest to any young researcher. A ticket for adults costs 22 shekels (400 rubles), for a child - 9 shekels (170 rubles).
  • Superland - small park entertainment for children. Ticket 125 shekels (2300 rubles).
  • Shefayim Water Park- will help keep your child occupied for the whole day. Professional lifeguards and instructors work in the pools, so parents will also have the opportunity to relax. The entrance ticket price for each is 130 shekels (2400 rubles).
  • Safari Park - The best way show children what a real zoo should look like. This was my first zoo where there was a person in a cage, not an animal. Agree, it's a sound idea. The ticket price is 74 shekels (1360 rubles).

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