The first ak 47 year of release. Welcome to the Memorial Internet Museum of M.T. Kalashnikov. Kalashnikov light machine gun

1. Experienced submachine gun model 1942

The submachine gun was tested at the Shchurovsky training ground. In the conclusion of the commission, it was noted that it is more complicated and more expensive than PPSh-41 and PPS, it requires the use of scarce and slow milling work. It was not accepted into service.
Caliber - 7.62 mm. Built on the principle of a semi-free shutter. The percussion mechanism is of a percussion type, powered by a return spring. Trigger mechanism allows both single and continuous fire. The flag-type translator, located on the left side of the trigger frame, simultaneously performs the functions of a fuse, locking the trigger. The extraction and reflection of the spent cartridge case are carried out using an ejector mounted on the bolt and a reflector rigidly fixed to the bottom of the trigger frame. Cartridges are fed from a box-shaped double-row magazine for 30 rounds. The submachine gun is equipped with a metal folding butt, a wooden pistol grip and an additional grip for holding when firing, located on the barrel casing. The front end of the barrel casing serves as a brake compensator.

2. Experienced light machine gun model 1943

3. Experienced self-loading carbine model 1944

Caliber - 7.62 mm. It was tested at the Shchurovsky training ground in 1943. It was not accepted into service.

4. Experienced submachine gun mod. 1947

Caliber - 9 mm. Automation is based on the free shutter recoil. The trigger mechanism allows both single and continuous fire. The translator simultaneously performs the function of a fuse. The extraction and reflection of the spent cartridge case is carried out using an ejector mounted on the bolt and a reflector rigidly fixed to the side wall. receiver. Cartridges are fed from a double-row box magazine, which is used when firing as an additional handle to hold the submachine gun. A sight with a swiveling whole for firing at a distance of 100 and 200 m. The submachine gun is equipped with a retractable metal butt, which in stowed position slides into the receiver, and a wooden pistol grip.

It was not accepted into service.

Samples of weapons adopted for service.

1. Kalashnikov assault rifle model 1947 AK-47

Caliber: 7.62 mm
Weight: 4.86 kg
Overall length: 870 mm
Sighting range: 800 m
starting speed bullets: 700 m/s
Rate of fire: 600 rds/min
Magazine capacity: 30

Adopted by the Soviet Army in 1949. Serially produced from 1949 to 1957. in two versions - with a permanent and folding metal butt. The automatic action is based on the use of the energy of a part of the powder gases removed from the barrel. The barrel bore is locked by two lugs when turning due to the interaction of the bolt buyout with the figured groove of the bolt frame, the supply of cartridges is from a 30-seat sector magazine. The trigger magazine allows for single and automatic fire, the machine is equipped with a removable bayonet-knife.

2. Kalashnikov assault rifle modernized AKM

Caliber: 7.62 mm
Weight: 3.6 kg
Overall length: 880 mm
Target range: 800 m
Muzzle velocity: 715 m/s
Rate of fire: 600 rds/min
Practical rate of fire: 40/90-100
Magazine capacity: 30

It was put into service in 1959. Modernization was aimed primarily at increasing the accuracy of fire, reducing the weight of weapons and reducing the cost of production. It differs from the AK-47 in a receiver made by stamping from sheet metal. A new part was introduced into the trigger mechanism - a rate of fire retarder. Also, a muzzle compensator was developed for the AKM, which increased the accuracy of fire from unstable positions (without a stop). Like the AK-47, it had a variant with a folding metal stock - AKMS.

3. Kalashnikov RPK light machine gun

Caliber: 7.62 mm
Weight: 5.6 kg
Overall length: 1040 mm
Target range: 1000 m
Muzzle velocity: 745 m/s
Rate of fire: 600 rds/min
Practical rate of fire: 40/150
Magazine capacity: 40/75

In the mid-1950s, a decision was made in the Soviet Union to unify the small arms system at the platoon level. As a result, the Kalashnikov AKM assault rifle and the Kalashnikov light machine gun were adopted. Most of the new machine gun was interchangeable with the AKM. The barrel has undergone changes, it has been lengthened to increase the firing range and made heavier to reduce overheating during prolonged firing. To increase stability, the machine gun was equipped with a folding bipod and a butt with a ledge to support it with the left hand. Cartridges were fed from a 40-round sector magazine or a 75-round drum magazine.

4. Kalashnikov assault rifle model 1974 AK-74

Caliber: 5.45mm
Weight: 3.6 kg
Overall length: 940 mm
Target range: 1000 m
Muzzle velocity: 900 m/s
Rate of fire: 600 rds/min
Practical rate of fire: 40/100
Magazine capacity: 30

Adopted in 1974. It differs from previous AK models with a new cartridge of 5.45 mm caliber. The need to switch to a new cartridge was caused by the desire to further improve the accuracy of automatic fire of small arms. The characteristic appearance of the AK-74 was given by a two-chamber muzzle compensator, which significantly reduced recoil and reduced upward deflection of the barrel. The AKS-74 variant was equipped with a frame butt, which folded onto left side receiver box.

5. Kalashnikov assault rifle with a folding stock and short barrel AKS-74U

Caliber: 5.45mm
Weight: 3.0 kg
Overall length: 730 mm
Target range: 500 m
Muzzle velocity: 735 m/s
Rate of fire: 600 rds/min
Practical rate of fire: 40/100
Magazine capacity: 30

The shortened Kalashnikov assault rifle AKS-74U was created on the basis of the AKS-74 and was put into service in 1979. Its creation is an attempt to combine high firepower machine gun with small dimensions and weight of a submachine gun. The machine differs from the AKS-74 in the almost two times reduced barrel length; at the same time, in order to maintain acceptable accuracy characteristics, it was necessary to reduce the rifling pitch. The front sight block of the machine gun is combined with the gas chamber, and the base of the sight is shifted back and located on the receiver cover. The aiming bar is replaced by a flip-over one with two distances. To reduce the muzzle flame, the machine is equipped with a flame arrester.

6. Light machine gun Kalashnikov model 1974 RPK-74

Caliber: 5.45mm
Weight: 5.46 kg
Overall length: 1060 mm
Target range: 1000 m
Muzzle velocity: 900 m/s
Rate of fire: 600 rds/min
Practical rate of fire: 50/100
Magazine capacity: 45

With the adoption of the AK-74, a light machine gun of 5.45 × 39 caliber was created. The machine gun was mass-produced at the Vyatka-Polyansky Machine-Building Plant.

7. 1991 Kalashnikov assault rifle AK-74M

Caliber: 5.45mm
Weight: 3.6 kg
Overall length: 940 mm
Target range: 1000 m
Muzzle velocity: 900 m/s
Rate of fire: 600 rds/min
Practical rate of fire: 40/100
Magazine capacity: 30

Modernization of the AK-74 was carried out in 1991. In the modernized sample, the buttstock, fire control handle, handguard and handguard are made of high-tech glass-filled polyamide injection molded plastic. On the left side of the receiver there is a base for installing night, optical or collimator sights.

8. Kalashnikov assault rifle series 100, AK-101

Caliber: 5.56 mm
Weight: 3.8 kg
Overall length: 943 mm
Target range: 1000 m
Muzzle velocity: 910 m/s
Rate of fire: 600 rds/min
Practical rate of fire: 40/100
Magazine capacity: 30

Developed on the basis of the AK-74 chambered for the standard NATO cartridge of 5.56×39 mm caliber. Designed for export.

9. Kalashnikov assault rifle series 100, AK-103

Caliber: 7.62 mm
Weight: 3.8 kg
Overall length: 943 mm
Target range: 1000 m
Muzzle velocity: 715 m/s
Rate of fire: 600 rds/min
Practical rate of fire: 40/100
Magazine capacity: 30

Developed on the basis of the AK-74 chambered for 7.62 × 39 mm. Designed for export.

10. Kalashnikov series 100, AK-105

Caliber: 5.45mm
Weight: 3.5 kg
Overall length: 824 mm
Target range: 500 m
Muzzle velocity: 840 m/s
Rate of fire: 600 rds/min
Practical rate of fire: 40/100
Magazine capacity: 30

Developed on the basis of the AK-74 and represents its shortened version. Designed for export.

11. Kalashnikov PK machine gun, modernized PKM Kalashnikov machine gun

Caliber: 7.62×54
Weight without machine: 7.5 kg
With a 200 round belt: 15.5 kg
Weight on the machine without cartridges: 12 kg
Machine length: 1270 mm
Target range: 1500 m
Rate of fire: 650 rds/min

The Kalashnikov machine gun was put into service in 1961 and modernized in 1969. The machine gun belongs to the so-called "single machine guns", that is, it can be used in manual and easel versions (when mounted on a tripod machine). The supply of cartridges is from a link tape with closed links. The principle of operation of automation is the use of the energy of the discharged powder gases. Locking - by turning the bolt on two lugs. The trigger mechanism is of a striker type, it provides only automatic firing.

12. Kalashnikov machine gun tank PKT, Kalashnikov machine gun tank upgraded PKTM

Caliber: 7.62×54
Weight: 11.75 kg
Length: 1100 mm
Rate of fire: 650 rds/min

The Kalashnikov tank machine gun is designed to arm tanks and other armored vehicles. Entered service in 1962 and modernized in 1969. It differs from the PC by an electric trigger for remote control fire, a different design of the gas regulator, the absence of mechanical sights. The machine gun was mass-produced at the Zlatoust Machine-Building Plant.

Hunting rifled and smooth-bore carbines "Saiga"

In the early 1990s, during the period of conversion, the state order for military weapon and the Izhmash team began to develop the Saiga family of hunting carbines based on army weapons. As a result, in 1992, the development was completed and mass production of Saiga self-loading hunting carbines for a hunting cartridge was organized on the production lines of the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

The change in the design of the weapon affected, first of all, the trigger mechanism: parts that ensure automatic firing were removed from it; in addition, the location of the remaining parts has been changed so that the process of reassembling into a military weapon is impossible. The device of the receiving window of the store has also been changed: now it is impossible to attach the store to it from the machine gun. The fuse remained the same - not only securely locking the trigger, but also not allowing the bolt frame to be completely retracted; in addition, it closes the opening for the shutter, protecting the inside of the receiver from clogging.

The production of Saiga carbines was organized with minimal changes in technological processes with limited production of original parts. The growth in the production of hunting carbines took place against the backdrop of a further reduction in the production of Kalashnikov assault rifles. Izhevsk rifled and smoothbore weapon, made in the layout of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, has found its interested consumer in many countries of the world.

1. Self-loading hunting carbine "Saiga - 5.6C"

Caliber: 5.6×39
Carbine weight: 3.6 kg
Length: 985 mm
Overall length with stock folded: 745 mm
Barrel length: 520 mm
Magazine capacity: 10 rounds

The Saiga-5.6S carbine was developed in the second half of the 1990s. and is intended for commercial and amateur hunting for small and medium-sized animals. This model has an elongated barrel, as well as a pistol grip and a folding stock, made like the AK-74M assault rifle. The magazine capacity and the design of the plastic forearm are close to "hunting" standards. The trigger mechanism has a lock that prevents a shot when the butt is folded.

2. Smooth-bore self-loading carbine "Saiga-410"

Caliber: .410
Cartridge: 410/70, 410/76, 410 Magnum
Weight: 3.4 kg
Length: 1160 mm
Barrel length: 570 mm
Magazine capacity: 2,4,10 rounds
Butt type: constant

The Saiga-410 model appeared in 1994 and is made for the smallest shot caliber .410 (10.41 mm). Designed for hunting small and medium game and birds. The carbine bolt is made in accordance with the characteristics of the rifle cartridge. The Saiga-410 permanent stock has a pistol protrusion of the neck and, like the fore-end, is made of wood or high-strength plastic.

3. Smooth-bore self-loading carbine "Saiga-20"

Caliber: 20
Cartridge: 20x70, 20x76
Weight without magazine: 3.4 (3.7) kg
Length: 1135 mm
Barrel length: 570 (670) mm
Magazine capacity: 5,8,10 rounds
Butt type: constant

The Saiga-20 model with a 20-caliber barrel and a chamber 70 or 76 mm long for bullet or shot cartridges appeared in 1995 and is designed for hunting medium and large animals. The carbine has a permanent hunting-type butt, but can also be carried out with a quick-detachable butt, instead of which a pistol grip is placed. To regulate the effect of powder gases on the automation parts during firing, a regulator (“plug”) was introduced into the gas outlet assembly. As a modification, the Saiga-20 can have a barrel extended to 670 mm.

4. Smooth-bore self-loading carbine "Saiga - 12"

Caliber: 12
Cartridge: 12/70, 12/76
Weight without magazine: 3.6 (3.8) kg
Length: 1145 (1245) mm
Barrel length: 580 (680) mm
Magazine capacity: 5.8 rounds
Butt type: constant

Since 1996 The Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant produces Saiga-12 smoothbore self-loading carbines. Carabiners are designed for hunting medium and large game. These models use interchangeable choke tubes with various constrictions and a rifled variant of the Paradox-type nozzle. The buttstock and forearm can be made of wood or plastic. For ease of transportation and improved maneuverability, the Saiga-12 can be equipped with a quick-detachable stock and handle.

5. Self-loading hunting carbine "Saiga - 308"

Caliber: 7.62 mm
Cartridge: 7.62×51 (.308 Win)
Carbine weight: 4.1 kg
Total length: 1125 mm
Barrel length: 555 mm
Magazine capacity: 5.8 rounds

The Saiga-308 carbine is distinguished by the use of a 7.62 × 51 cartridge (.308 Winchester). Developed in 1996 and used for hunting medium and large game. The carbine bolt has three lugs and a spring-loaded drummer. Handguard-hunting type, expanding at the bottom. The barrel is cold forged, with a chrome-plated bore and chamber. A shock absorber is installed on the back of the butt, and a slotted flame arrester on the muzzle of the barrel. The butt on the Saiga-308 carbine is made quick-detachable.

6. Self-loading hunting carbine "Saiga - 9"

Cartridge: 9×53R
Carbine weight: 3.9 kg
Total length: 1125 mm
Barrel length: 555 mm
Magazine capacity: 5 rounds

In order to expand the range of powerful 9-mm weapons, for shooting at ranges up to 150-200 m at large animals, in 1998 the Saiga-9 carbine chambered for 9 × 53R was developed. The Saiga-9 carbine is generally similar in design to the Saiga-308-1 model with a permanent wooden stock and a hunting-type forearm, but differs from it in the barrel chambered for the 9×53R large-caliber hunting cartridge.

Hunting rifled carbines "Vepr"

In the early 1990s, during the period of conversion, the state order for military weapons dropped sharply. The problems of maintaining production capacities in working order in the absence of orders, maintaining the staff of gunsmiths, required the development and development of civilian weapons using the technologies of large-scale production of military weapons. As a result, the staff of the Vyatka-Polyansky machine-building plant "Molot" began to develop a hunting carbine based on the Kalashnikov light machine gun.

In 1995, serial production of Vepr self-loading hunting carbines was organized. The change in the design of the new weapon model, like that of the Izhevsk-made Saiga hunting carbines, affected primarily the trigger mechanism: parts that ensure automatic firing were removed from it. In addition, the location of the remaining parts has been changed so that the process of reassembling into a military weapon is not possible.

The production of Vepr carbines was organized with minimal changes in technological processes with limited production of original parts. Against the backdrop of an abundance of various weapons produced in the world, Vepr carbines have found their interested consumer both in the domestic market of Russia and abroad. Gradually, a whole family of hunting weapons was developed, in which new modifications are constantly appearing, some of which are shown below.

1. Self-loading hunting carbine "Vepr"

Caliber: 7.62 mm
Cartridge: 7.62×39
Weight: 4.3 kg
Length: 1010; 1180 mm
Barrel length: 420; 520; 590 mm
Magazine capacity: 5 rounds

Self-loading hunting carbine "Vepr". It has been produced since 1995 and is the founder of the entire series of hunting carbines from the Molot factory. New model inherited from the light machine gun a reinforced receiver and a heavy barrel with a chrome-plated channel and chamber for increased durability. A sector sight with a mechanism for introducing lateral corrections was also retained. To exclude a possible inertial pricking of the primer on imported cartridges, the bolt striker is spring-loaded. The stock is combined, with a pistol grip and a rubber recoil pad. To improve safety, the Vepr carbine is equipped with a flag-type fuse. The weapon can be equipped with an optical sight.

2. Self-loading hunting carbine "Vepr-308"

Caliber: 7.62 mm
Cartridge: 7.62×51; (.308 Win)
Carbine weight: 4.3 kg
Length: 1080; 1150 mm
Barrel length: 520; 590 mm
Magazine capacity: 5; 10 rounds

With such a mass of weapons, the 7.62 × 39 cartridge was not powerful enough, so in 1996 the Vepr-308 carbine appeared chambered for 7.62 × 51 and 7.62 × 51M domestic and foreign (.308 "Winchester") production. Such a cartridge significantly expanded the scope of the Vepr-308 carbine for various types of hunting. This model has become the main one for the Molot plant and is available in various versions. For greater locking strength, the bolt has three lugs. The flash suppressor for Vepr-308 resembles a sniper flash suppressor SVD rifles. In addition, the gas outlet unit has been improved.

3. Self-loading hunting carbine "Vepr-308 Super"

Caliber: 7.62 mm
Cartridge: 7.62×51 (.308 Win)
Carbine weight: 4.2 kg
Length: 1010; 1080 mm
Barrel length: 550; 650 mm
Magazine capacity: 5; 10 rounds

The Vepr-308 Super carbine has been produced since 1998. For the first time, a single stock is used on this model instead of a separate butt and forearm. The front sight block has been moved from the muzzle of the barrel and placed on the gas chamber. Used on a carbine new scheme installation and fastening of the magazine and optics, the magazine extraction mechanism has been improved. To increase safety, the carbine of the Vepr-Super series is equipped with a convenient push-button safety. The front part of the barrel with radially inclined holes performs the function of a muzzle compensator-flame suppressor. Taking into account the predominant use of an optical sight with carbines, the length of the sighting line has been reduced, and the sector sight has been replaced by a flip-over sight for shooting at a distance of 100 m and 300 m.

4. Self-loading hunting carbine "Vepr-223"

Caliber: 5.56 mm
Cartridge: 5.56×45 (.223 Rem)
Carbine weight: 4.3 kg
Length: 1010; 1080 mm
Barrel length: 420; 520; 590 mm
Magazine capacity: 5; 10 rounds

The Vepr-223 self-loading hunting carbine has been produced since 2000. It is a modification of the Vepr-308 model and has the same main components and parts. The main difference is the use of the 5.56×45 or .223 Remington cartridge. The locking of the bolt on the Vepr-223 carbines is carried out by turning the bolt on two lugs, unlike more powerful modifications.

5. Self-loading hunting carbine "Vepr-Pioneer"

Caliber: 7.62; 5.56 mm
Cartridge: 7.62×39; 5.56×45 (.223 Rem)
Carbine weight: 3.9 kg
Length: 1040 mm
Barrel length: 550 mm
Magazine capacity: 5; 10 rounds

Following other models of carbines, the Vepr-Pioner light carbine was developed, which has been produced since the early 2000s. While maintaining the overall basic scheme, the carbine has a number of differences: the receiver is shortened, the gas tube does not separate during disassembly. The trigger mechanism is mounted on a separate, easily detachable base (trigger guard), in front of which a latch of a replaceable box magazine is mounted. The stock of the carbine is solid, wooden with a pistol protrusion of the neck of the butt, a crest of the butt and a shock absorber on its back of the head, and a wide forearm. The front sight block is combined with the gas chamber. The two-position crossover rear sight allows you to conduct aimed shooting at a distance of 100 and 300 m. To increase safety, the Vepr-Pioneer carbines are equipped with a convenient push-button safety.

6. Self-loading hunting carbine "Vepr-Hunter M"

Caliber: 7.62 mm
Cartridge:.308 Win (7.62×51); .30-06 Sprg (7.62×63)
Carbine weight: 4.0 kg
Length: 1090 mm
Barrel length: 550 mm
Magazine capacity: 2; 3; 5; 10 rounds

The Vepr-Hunter carbine is another development of hunting weapons from the Molot factory. It uses a modified design of the trigger mechanism, a two-position push-button safety is located in the body of the trigger mechanism. The gas outlet mechanism is equipped with a regulator, the occurrence of which is caused by the variety of cartridges used. An optical sight bracket with a side mount allows firing from an open sight without removing the optical sight. Two main modifications of carbines are produced: "Vepr-Hunter" - a barrel with a slot-type muzzle brake, the front sight block is combined with a gas chamber; "Vepr-Hunter M" - the barrel without a muzzle brake, the front sight block is located at the muzzle. The butt is made according to the Monte Carlo type.

7.62 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle (AK)- an automatic machine adopted by the USSR in 1949; GRAU index - 56-A-212. It was designed in 1947 by Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov, prototypes of the machine were called AK-47. In the same 1947, according to the results of comparative tests, the machine was recommended for adoption.
AK and its modifications are the most common small arms in the world. According to available estimates, up to 1/5 of all small arms on Earth belong to this type (including licensed and unlicensed copies, as well as third-party developments based on AK). Over 60 years, more than 70 million Kalashnikov assault rifles of various modifications have been produced. They are in service with 50 foreign armies. The main competitor of Kalashnikov assault rifles - the American M16 automatic rifle - was produced in the amount of approximately 10 million pieces, and is in service with 27 armies of the world. According to many experts, AK is the standard of reliability and ease of maintenance. Based on the 7.62-mm Kalashnikov assault rifle, a family of military and civilian small arms of various calibers was created, including AKM and AK74 assault rifles and their modifications, a Kalashnikov light machine gun, Saiga carbines and smoothbore guns, and others, including abroad of the USSR.

Estimated relationship with other types of automatic weapons:
You can often find the opinion that the TKB-415 designer Bulkin, ABC-31 designer Simonov, StG-44 German designer Schmeisser and some other samples of small arms served as a prototype for full or partial copying in the development of AK. The veracity of opinions lies in the fact that the Kalashnikov assault rifle has absorbed best ideas from all the above (and other) developments, in particular, from StG-44 - the use of an intermediate cartridge, from TKB-415 - the receiver and the location of the gas outlet, etc.
For example, the similarity between the Kalashnikov assault rifle and the StG-44 is far from complete. So, they differ in the most important sign for automatic weapons - the method of locking the shutter: in the AK, the shutter is locked by turning around the longitudinal axis, in the StG-44 - by skew in the vertical plane. The layout and, as a result, the order of disassembly of these assault rifles also differ: in the StG-44, for disassembly, it is necessary to disconnect the butt, while the trigger mechanism is also separated; in the AK, the trigger mechanism is not detachable, and for disassembly it is not necessary to disconnect the butt, since the return mechanism is completely located in the receiver.

The principle of operation of AK-47 automation:
The principle of operation of the AK-47 automation is based on the removal of part of the powder gases through a special hole in the barrel walls and their special action on the piston. The cycle of work is carried out as follows: To fire a shot, you must press the trigger. The trigger goes beyond the cordon with the front sear. And under the action of the shock spring, it strikes the drummer. The capsule glows and the powder projectile ignites. Under the action of expanding powder gases, the bullet crashes into the rifling and moves along the bore. After the bullet passes the gas outlet holes on the barrel walls, part of the powder gases enters the gas chamber. Acting on the piston, gas gases throw powder gases back. In the process of movement, the bolt frame unlocks the barrel bore by turning the bolt and disengaging its lugs from the supporting surfaces of the receiver liner. After unlocking, the joint movement of the shutter frame and the shutter begins. A spent cartridge case is removed from the chamber, which is subsequently removed outside the aisles of the weapon. At the same time, the firing mechanism is cocked. Under the influence return mechanism, moving parts from the rearmost position move forward. In this case, the next cartridge is loaded into the chamber, the bore is locked. By the time the moving parts arrive in the extreme forward position, the firing mechanism is in the cocked position. The machine is ready for the next shot.

Weight, kg: first edition:
4.3 (AK without cartridges and bayonet), 0.43 (unloaded magazine),
late release:
3.8 (AK without cartridges and bayonet), 0.33 / 0.82 (unloaded / equipped store)
0.27 (without scabbard)
0.37 (with scabbard)
Length, mm: 870
1070 (with bayonet)
Barrel length, mm: 415
369 (threaded part)
Cartridge: 7.62×39mm
Caliber, mm: 7,62
Work principles:
40 (combat single)
100 (combat bursts)
~600 (technical)
Sighting range, m: 800
Maximum range, m: 400 (effective)
1000 (lethal)
3000 (bullet flight)
Type of ammunition:
Aim: sector

AK family: AKM (Modernized Kalashnikov assault rifle):

AKM (Modernized Kalashnikov assault rifle, GRAU index - 6P1)- modernization of the AK, adopted in 1959. In AKM, the aiming range has been increased to 1000 m, changes have been made to improve reliability and ease of use. The muzzle of the weapon has a thread on which silencers can be installed PBS or PBS-1, for the use of which it is necessary to use cartridges 7.62US with subsonic muzzle velocity. Also on AKM it became possible to install an underbarrel grenade launcher GP-25 "Bonfire".

AKMS(GRAU index - 6P4) - AKM variant with a folding stock. The stock attachment system has been changed relative to AKC(folded down and forward, under the receiver). The modification is designed specifically for paratroopers.

AKMSU- a shortened version of the AKM with a folding butt, designed for special forces and airborne troops. It was released in very small quantities and did not receive wide distribution among the troops. It did not officially enter service.

AKMN(6P1N) - variant with a night sight.

AKMSN(6P4N) - modification of AKMN with a folding metal butt.

Shooting from AKM is carried out with cartridges of the 1943 model (7.62 × 39 mm) with the following types of bullets: plain with steel core designed to defeat enemy manpower located openly or behind obstacles pierced by a bullet. The shell is made of steel coated with tombac, the core is steel, between the shell and the core is a lead jacket. Has no distinctive coloration.
tracer designed for target designation and fire correction at distances up to 800 m, as well as for defeating enemy manpower. The core consists of an alloy of lead with antimony, behind it is a cup with a pressed tracer composition. Bullet color - green.
armor-piercing incendiary designed to ignite combustible liquids, as well as to defeat manpower located behind lightly armored shelters at ranges up to 300 m. The shell is with a tombak tip, the core is steel with a lead jacket. Behind the core in a lead pan is an incendiary composition. The color of the head part is black with a red belt.

Tactical specifications:

Weight, kg: 3.1 (AKM without a bayonet with an unloaded light alloy magazine)
3.3 (AKMS without a bayonet-knife with an unloaded light alloy magazine)
3.6 (AKM without a bayonet-knife with an equipped light alloy magazine)
3.8 (AKMS without a bayonet-knife with an equipped light alloy magazine)
0.17 (light alloy magazine)
0.33 (steel magazine)
0.26 (bayonet-knife without scabbard)
Length, mm: 1020 (with attached bayonet)
880 (without bayonet)
640 (AKMS with stock folded)
Barrel length, mm: 415
Cartridge: 7.62×39mm
Caliber, mm: 7,62
Work principles: removal of powder gases, butterfly valve
Rate of fire shots / min: 40 (combat single)
100 (combat bursts)
~600 (technical)
Muzzle velocity, m/s: 715
Sighting range, m: 1000
350 (according to the chest figure),
525 (according to the running pattern)
Concentrated fire is conducted at a distance, m: up to 800 (for ground targets),
up to 500 (for air targets)
Maximum range, m: 400 (effective)
3000 (bullet flight)
Lethal action, m: up to 1500
Muzzle energy of a bullet, j: 2030 J
Type of ammunition: detachable box magazine for 30 rounds (it is possible to use magazines from RPK for 40 rounds)
Aim: sector


AK74 (GRAU index - 6P20, there are also names AK-74 and AK 74)- Kalashnikov assault rifle of 5.45 mm caliber, developed in 1970 by designer M.T. Kalashnikov and adopted by the armed forces of the USSR in 1974. Is further development AKM. The development of the AK74 is associated with the transition to a new low-impulse cartridge 5.45 × 39 mm.

AK74N- "night" version of the AK74 with a side rail for attaching night sights.

AKS74(GRAU index - 6P21) - a variant of the AK74 with a side-folding metal butt of a pentagonal shape. Designed for use in the airborne troops (an assault rifle with a non-folding buttstock cannot be conveniently and safely placed in a parachute suspension system). Replaced by AK74M, which has a folding plastic stock.

A-60- a prototype of a modernized machine gun, developed by Izhmash designers in the mid-1980s. The main differences from the AK74 are: a 460 mm long barrel with a reduced muzzle brake and a hinged receiver cover that folds up during disassembly (similar to the AKS74U). Weight (with an empty magazine) - 3.46 kg, muzzle velocity - 920 m / s. Later, the A-61 variant appeared, on the basis of which the AK74M was created.

Main differences from its predecessor:

  • a new cartridge of 5.45x39 mm caliber (instead of 7.62x39 mm), which has a flatter bullet trajectory, which led to an increase in the direct shot range by 100 meters, and is also lighter (weight savings of 1.4 kg with a wearable ammunition load of 8 shops);
  • a new muzzle brake-compensator, which serves to increase the accuracy of the battle and reduce the recoil energy;
  • shop made of light and durable plastic.
  • Can be used with underbarrel grenade launcher GP-25 or GP-30 or GP-34. The accuracy of automatic fire has improved compared to AKM by almost 2 times (in linear dimensions). Accuracy of a single fire - approximately 50%

    Tactical and technical characteristics:

    Weight, kg: 3.3 (AK74 without cartridges)
    3.2 (AKS74 without cartridges)
    3.6 (AK74 equipped)
    3.5 (AKS74 curb)
    5.9 (AK74N equipped, with night sight)
    5.8 (AKS74N equipped, with night sight)
    3.4 (AK74M without magazine)
    5.6 (AK74M with NSPUM night sight, no magazine)
    5.5 (AK74M with NSPU-3 night sight, no magazine)
    0.23 (empty magazine)
    0.32 (bayonet-knife 6x4 without scabbard)
    Length, mm: 1089 (with attached bayonet)
    940 (AK74)
    940/700 (AKS74 with unfolded/folded stock)
    943/704 (AK74M) with unfolded/folded stock
    Barrel length, mm: 415
    Cartridge: 5.45×39mm
    Caliber, mm: 5,45
    Work principles: removal of powder gases, butterfly valve
    Rate of fire shots / min: 40 (combat single)
    100 (combat bursts)
    ~600 (technical)
    Muzzle velocity, m/s: 900
    Sighting range, m: 1000 (open sight)
    300 (night sight)
    Direct shot range, m: 440 (according to the chest figure),
    625 (according to the running figure)
    Maximum range, m: 3150
    Lethal action, m:: -------
    Muzzle energy of a bullet, j: 1377
    Type of ammunition: box-shaped sector magazine for 30 rounds (it is possible to use magazines for 45 rounds from RPK-74)
    Aim: adjustable open, mount for optical is not provided (except for AK74M)

    Used ammo:
  • 7N6 (1974, steel bullet, non-heat-strengthened core, not produced) - a steel core in a lead jacket, with a bimetallic sheath.
  • 7H10 (1992, increased penetration, heat-strengthened stamped core). Armor penetration - 16 mm from a distance of 100 m.
  • 7U1 (subsonic bullet for silent shooting).
  • 7N22 (1998, pointed core, heat-strengthened, made of U12A high-carbon steel, by cutting with subsequent grinding of the ogival part). Armor penetration - 5 mm from a distance of 250 m (grade 2P), 1.9 times better than 7N6.
  • 7Н24 (increased manufacturing accuracy, heat-strengthened tungsten carbide core)

  • The steel-core bullet of the 5.45 mm cartridge, when fired from the AK74, provides the following penetrating action:
  • Penetration with a probability of 50% of steel sheets with a thickness of:
  • 2 mm at a distance of 950 m;
    3 mm at a distance of 670 m;
    5 mm at a distance of 350 m.
  • Penetration with a probability of 80-90% of a steel helmet at a distance of 800 meters;
  • Penetration with a probability of 75-100% of body armor at a distance of 550 meters;
  • Penetration of 50-60 cm into the parapet of dense compacted snow at a distance of 400 meters;
  • Penetration of 20-25 cm into an earthen barrier from compacted loamy soil at a distance of 400 meters;
  • Penetration with a probability of 50% of a wall made of dry pine beams with a section of 20x20 cm at a distance of 650 meters;
  • Penetration of 10-12 cm into brickwork at a distance of 100 meters.
  • Modifications:

    AK-74M - AK74 upgraded. Equipped with a side-folding plastic buttstock and a universal mount (dovetail rail) for attaching sights, both optical and night, on the left side of the receiver. Thus, the AK74M replaced four models at once: AK74, AKS74, AK74N and AKS74N. The handguard and handguard of the gas tube are made of impact-resistant glass-filled polyamide AG-4V. The changes also affected the muzzle brake, which received open chambers, which allows it to be cleaned without removing it. To reduce the likelihood of mechanical damage to the receiver cover, the latter was significantly reinforced. A latch has appeared in the design of the guide rod of the return spring, which allows you to shoot from the GP-25 or GP-30 underbarrel grenade launcher without using an additional fastening of the receiver cover, which is necessary in such cases for the AK74. With new machines, it is possible to use the PK-A and PK-01 collimator sights. In 1991, the AK74M was put into service and its mass production began at the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant.
    AK-74M3 - modification of the AK-74M for the BZK "Permyachka-M". Changes include: a target designator, a red dot sight and a night sight attachment. Used grenade launcher GP-34. It is assumed that the data from the machine to the helmet's monocular will be transmitted either via Bluetooth or by wire.

    Tactical and technical characteristics:

    Weight, kg: 3.4 (with equipped magazine)
    Length, mm: 1089 (with unfolded stock and bayonet)
    940 (with unfolded stock)
    700(with stock folded)
    Barrel length, mm: 415
    Cartridge: 5.45x39
    Caliber, mm: 5,45
    Work principles: removal of powder gases, butterfly valve
    Rate of fire shots / min: 40 (combat single)
    100 (combat bursts)
    ~650 (technical)
    Muzzle velocity, m/s: 900
    Sighting range, m: 1000
    Direct shot range, m:: 440 (according to the chest figure),
    625 (according to the running figure)
    Maximum range, m: 3150
    Lethal action, m:: 1350
    Muzzle energy, j:: 1377
    Type of ammunition: box magazine for 30 rounds
    Aim: adjustable open, optical mount provided


    5.45-mm foldable shortened Kalashnikov assault rifle, AKS74U (GRAU index - 6P26) - a shortened modification of the AK74 assault rifle, was developed in the late 1970s - early 1980s for arming the crews of combat vehicles, aircraft, gun crews, as well as paratroopers. It is also used in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and security structures due to its small size.

    Features of the machine:
    Differences from AKS-74:

  • trunk shortened by 2 times,
  • shortened gas piston rod,
  • a special muzzle is installed, which serves as an expansion chamber and a flame arrester,
  • receiver cover is hinged to the receiver in front of it,
  • rear sight installation at 200 and 400 meters.

  • From the point of view of all mechanisms, the AKS74U is completely similar to the AK-74.

    Advantages of AKS74U:

  • high mobility and the possibility of concealed wearing;
  • high bullet penetration.
  • Flaws:
  • small effective range of fire;
  • low stopping power of the bullet;
  • prone to rapid overheating when firing.

  • Ammo:
    Shooting from AKS74U is carried out with 5.45 mm cartridges with the following types of bullets:
    ordinary is designed to defeat enemy manpower located openly or behind obstacles pierced by a bullet. The shell is made of steel coated with tombac, the core is steel, between the shell and the core is a lead jacket. Has no distinctive coloration.
    tracer is designed for target designation and fire correction, as well as defeating enemy manpower. In the shell in the head part there is a core, and in the bottom part there is a checker of the pressed tracer composition. The color of the head part is green.

    A bullet with a steel core of a 5.45 mm cartridge when fired from the AKS-74U provides the following penetrating action:

  • Penetration with a probability of 50% at a meeting angle of 90° steel sheets with a thickness of:
  • 3 mm at a distance of 500 m;
    5 mm at a distance of 210 m.
  • Penetration with a probability of 100% of a steel helmet at a distance of 500 m;
  • Penetration with a probability of 50% of body armor at a distance of 320 m;
  • Penetration of 15-20 cm into the parapet of compacted loamy soil at a distance of 400 m;
  • Penetration with a probability of 50% of a wall of dry pine beams 20 cm thick at a distance of 400 m;
  • Penetration of 6-8 cm into brickwork at a distance of 100 m.
  • Options:
    AKS74UN2 ("night") - a variant characterized by the presence of a strap for attaching a night sight. For shooting in natural light conditions at night, a universal modernized night shooting sight (NSPUM) joins it.
    AKS74UB ("silent") - option for forces special purpose, characterized by the replacement of the standard choke tube with a thread for attaching a silencer (usually PBS-4) and the ability to install a silent underbarrel grenade launcher BS-1M. In this form, the machine forms a silent rifle-grenade launcher complex 6S1 "Canary".

    Tactical and technical characteristics:

    Weight, kg: 2.7 (without cartridges)
    3 (equipped)
    0.215 (magazine)
    2.2 kg (NSPUM)
    Length, mm: 730/490 stock extended/folded
    Barrel length, mm: 206,5
    Cartridge: 5.45×39 mm (with ordinary and tracer bullets)
    Caliber, mm: 5,45
    Work principles: removal of powder gases, butterfly valve
    Rate of fire shots / min: 650-700
    Muzzle velocity, m/s: 735
    Sighting range, m: 500
    Direct shot range, m: -------
    Maximum range, m: 2900
    Lethal action, m:: -------
    Muzzle energy of a bullet, j: 902
    Type of ammunition: 30-round box magazine
    Aim: open

    And in conclusion about the Kalashnikov assault rifle:

    The symbols of the twentieth century have become many inanimate material objects, one way or another demonstrating a clear technical progress which acquired the character of a real revolution in just a century. This and spaceship, and intercontinental strategic missile, and an atomic submarine, and a computer, and a nuclear bomb, and other achievements of applied science. Among all these attributes of the modern world, the Kalashnikov assault rifle, the most replicated sample of small arms on the planet, takes its place. He was depicted on coats of arms and flags, children were named after him and songs were composed. A unique silhouette was minted on coins, the heroes of the movies courageously squeezed the forearm in their hands, and the trunks spewed out merciless flames that crushed enemies. Without this weapon, it is impossible to imagine the history of the 20th century. Of course, it’s bad that the whole second half of this century passed under the roar of shooting, but perhaps the fact that the most outstanding machine gun in the world was created in Russia can serve as some consolation.

    Automatic weapons of two world wars

    Already at the end of the 19th century, rapid-fire weapons appeared in mankind. machine guns different systems were accepted into the arsenals of the armies of the states of Europe, Asia, America; the ability to mow down the chains of the advancing enemy troops became familiar. After the outbreak of World War II, the production of automatic carbines and submachine guns reached unprecedented levels. The soldiers of the Red Army fired from the PPSh, the soldiers of the Wehrmacht scribbled from the MP-38, the Thompsons were very popular with the American GIs. There were other examples of rapid-fire weapons, less common and more powerful. The difference between an assault rifle and a submachine gun was the type of ammunition used. Both our PPSh and the German MP-38 were designed for the 9 mm round-headed straight pistol cartridge. Unlike them, the MP-43 (aka Stg 44, aka Schmeiser) fired rifle cartridges of 7.92 caliber (x 33 mm), which achieved greater penetrating power.

    This rapid-fire carbine, like the American M1, was used by advancing infantry to suppress weakly fortified pockets of resistance. It was not easy to carry such a weapon, but the effect justified such difficulties. Already in 1942, the leadership of the Red Army had a desire to obtain a similar model, combining high firepower with compactness and relative lightness. But there was another aspect that was important. The new weapon had to be simple and trouble-free, shoot in any conditions and not be capricious.

    The idea is good in its execution. In the Stalinist USSR, the distance between words and deeds was minimal. In the summer of 1943, the People's Commissariat of Defense announced a competition, inviting all specialized design organizations to take part in it. The cartridge was already ready - it was developed by engineers Elizarov and Semin. The ammunition was an 8-gram pointed bullet of 7.62 mm caliber in a lead-filled brass jacket, mounted in a bottle-shaped sleeve. The total length of the cartridge is 41 mm, the powder charge enclosed in the primer case provided the initial speed and energy impulse sufficient to effectively defeat enemy manpower at distances over a kilometer. Now it was necessary to create a rapid-fire tool that realizes this potential.

    Contender for victory - Sudayev

    The proposal of the NPO competition, chaired by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin, assumed the unconditional participation of all defense enterprises involved in the design of small arms. But it was no longer necessary to push the Soviet engineers, they already worked in full force in three directions at once. Engineers created an automatic rifle (the so-called automatic carbine for a rifle cartridge in the USSR), a hand-loading rapid-fire carbine and a self-loading carbine. As of the summer of 1944, among other designs, the Sudayev assault rifle (AS-44) was in the lead. They did not manage to launch it into a series before the end of the war, but it passed practical tests in East Germany immediately after the Victory, and, in general, they were crowned with success. The claims of the military personnel of the Western Group of Soviet Forces, who held it in their hands and fired from it, were mainly reduced to heaviness. The competition was extended until 1946, there was nowhere to rush, and only the optimal model should be adopted.

    Dream Kalashnikov

    The great designer himself told a story about how he had an irresistible desire to give his native country the best small arms in the world. In 1942, he, a sergeant, was wounded and, hiding behind some kind of hillock, watched with pain and horror as German infantrymen shot our soldiers point-blank from their submachine guns. Then he decided that never, in any other armed conflicts, Soviet soldiers should be defenseless. They will receive the most reliable, most powerful and trouble-free small arms, a real combat machine. Kalashnikov was prompted to engage in designing by his personal military experience, which can only be bitter.

    Undergoing treatment in the hospital, the sergeant did not waste time. He managed to sketch out the general layout of the new sample and offered it for consideration. Specialists from the Moscow Region Shchurovsky NIPSMVO (Scientific Testing Range for Small Arms and Mortar Weapons) became interested in this project and sent Sergeant Kalashnikov to Kovrov Plant No. 2, where he was to expand the circle of special knowledge and participate in the manufacture of prototypes.

    The first "Kalashnikov"

    The Kalashnikov assault rifle of the first version (AK-46) was a compilation of the most successful solutions used in the American Garand (M-1) rifle and other designs known to him (in particular, Garandovsky's rotary bolt was used), united by a common innovative idea. It was a carbine with a seven-shot magazine, with the ability to shoot in short bursts. The receiver is made detachable, the fire modes were switched by a lever located on the left.

    The new model did not embody the whole range of ideas of the novice designer, but even then, in 1946, the main line was outlined, expressed in maximum reliability, simplicity and manufacturability.

    It should also be noted high level the competition that the newcomer had to endure from experienced gunsmiths - the Tula "bisons" Dementiev and Bulkin. After two rounds of comparative tests, the Kalashnikov assault rifle was excluded from the competition, the characteristics of which did not suit the commission. It was a heavy blow, but the young designer did not give up, especially since the officers of the Shchurovsky NIPSMVO, having already managed to believe in his offspring, supported their comrade. The friendly team achieved its goal: the project was not closed, but only sent for revision.

    The Bulkin assault rifle (AB) had many advantages; fresh ideas, however, he did not have the main thing that Kalashnikov wanted to achieve (simplicity and reliability). The young engineer, who recently wore sergeant's shoulder straps, also lacked technical and practical experience. But he had the main thing - a frantic desire to make the best automatic machine in the world for his native country.

    1947, second round

    The engineer Zaitsev, a designer with invaluable experience, undertook to help the talented inventor. Together they completely revised the layout concept of the sample and made many changes to it. The Kalashnikov assault rifle AK-47 outwardly had little in common with its prototype of 1946, it looked more like an AB. This does not indicate plagiarism, the internal scheme remained the author's, but some borrowing still took place. In the Stalinist USSR, copyright in general had a slightly different meaning than in today's Russian Federation: national interests were put at the forefront, and not personal ambitions. Inventions and achievements of engineers were considered the property of the entire people and state, and not of the person who made them. In addition, in those years, many designs and schemes of the different equipment(from radios to aircraft) were simply copied from foreign samples. And one more thing: without talent it is impossible to create something outstanding, even if you collect all the talented solutions into one mediocrely arranged mechanism.

    The new Kalashnikov assault rifle - 47 - was ready by December of the same 1946 and took part in the second round of the competition, along with modified samples of Bulkin and Dementiev. The commission faced a difficult task: out of three options, each of which had its own advantages (but also disadvantages), to choose a new weapon for the Soviet Army. AD and TKB-415 (Bulkin system) showed very good accuracy of hits, much better than the Kalashnikov assault rifle. Reliability characteristics, however, lagged behind competitors, pollution and shock led to failures.

    The decision of the commission members was unexpected for experienced designers from Tula. They considered reliability to be more important than performance data, which, however, were recommended to be improved in the course of finishing work. Military experts understood that it was still impossible to make an ideal weapon, and it was time to rearm the Soviet Army.

    Re-equipment and improvement of production

    People of the older generation remember that in the late forties, soldiers, passing through settlements during the exercises, the new Kalashnikovs were worn behind the back exclusively in canvas covers. Even the appearance of this small arms was a mystery. Its production began at the Izhevsk plant, by the middle of 1948 the first batches began to arrive in military units. The official adoption took place in December 1949. Two modifications were then made: AK (usual combined arms) and AKS (for the Airborne Forces, equipped with a folding metal butt). The caliber of the Kalashnikov assault rifle was still the same 7.62 mm.

    In the very first years of operation, serious changes were made to the design regarding the receiver. For the first samples, it was performed by stamping, which was dictated by greater manufacturability and the desire to reduce costs. Inside it was a milled liner, fastened with rivets. When the riveting hammer was struck, the box was bent, almost imperceptible in appearance, but entailing a malfunction of the mechanism. Savings turned into costs, the percentage of defects increased, from military units complaints and returns to the manufacturer. In 1951, it was decided to manufacture the receiver from a solid forging by milling.

    There were other design changes(in order to increase reliability, reduce weight and improve shooting accuracy).

    "Kalashnikov" walks around the planet

    In the 60s, the secrecy stamp was removed from the main small arms of the Soviet army. This was facilitated by many factors, in particular, the widespread distribution of AK around the planet. If in Korea, Chinese volunteers and units of the People's Liberation Army were armed mainly with PPSh, then the Vietnamese partisans beat the aggressors using the new Kalashnikov assault rifles. As is always the case, in the course of hostilities, weapons fell into the hands of the enemy, and the Americans were shocked by the amazing reliability of the samples made in the USSR.

    Along with other products of the Soviet defense industry, the Kalashnikov assault rifle was supplied to the armies and armed formations of different countries. Sometimes military aid was gratuitous and was provided in response to a promise to pursue a Marxist policy in regions extremely remote from the Soviet borders. As a result, our weapons were not always disposed of by regimes friendly to the Soviet Union.

    Disassembly and assembly of the Kalashnikov assault rifle was included in school curriculum for basic military training (NVP). For this purpose, in the seventies, units decommissioned from military service served, in which the barrel was sawn with a cutter, and the striker was ground. The caliber has changed, since 1974, a new Kalashnikov-74 assault rifle began to enter service. He had a number of design differences from the prototype.

    Its performance characteristics are as follows:

    New AK 1974

    The AK-74 was announced as a new rifle complex, including, in addition to the machine gun, also the RPK-74 machine gun, which is distinguished mainly by a reinforced receiver and an elongated barrel. Research has also been carried out in the field of metallurgy, aiming to reduce weight. To improve ergonomics and reduce costs, the butt, handle and forearm began to be made from plywood-veneer compositions or polymers. But the main difference was the new caliber of the Kalashnikov assault rifle - 5.45 mm. The recoil decreased, the bullets received steel cores and a shifted center of gravity. Five types of ammunition have been developed for the AK-74, including those for silent firing, increased penetration, and others. In the future, an underbarrel grenade launcher and mounts for sighting systems, optical and night vision were added to all this arsenal.

    The plastic magazine of the Kalashnikov assault rifle became lighter, it became possible to place not 30, but 45 rounds of ammunition in it with the same weight. In the standard version, its capacity remained unchanged.

    Accuracy has improved, but when using cartridges with a displaced center of gravity, problems arise when overcoming easily penetrated obstacles.

    New shortened Kalashnikov assault rifles were also received by special forces of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They differ in barrel length, lighter weight and compactness due to the folding stock.

    About authorship

    Disassembly and assembly of the Kalashnikov assault rifle is very simple, with partial implementation, no tools are required. There are still no analogues in the weapons world, but there are vague hints of borrowing the design and even the whole idea in the press. main reason opinions about the allegedly unclean history of the creation of an outstanding weapon model, as a rule, is a certain external similarity of the Soviet machine gun (and especially its horn store) with the same "Schmeiser" and poor awareness of lovers of "fried" facts in the field of device various systems weapons. It would be useful for such connoisseurs to first try to disassemble the German assault rifle, clean and lubricate it, and after that already discuss whether M.T. Kalashnikov stole his offspring or nevertheless created it himself.

    Where is it for sale?

    Nowadays, it is much easier to acquire weapons than in the past. There are quite official ways of selling, in which almost any sample can be registered as a sports or hunting “trunk”. But there is another way.

    Over the past two decades, many armed conflicts and wars have thundered on the territory of the former Soviet Union, during which it was almost impossible to control the safety of property in army warehouses. Shooting from a Kalashnikov assault rifle has become a familiar sound background for residents of many previously calm and peaceful regions, and its presence in the house has acquired the character of having an ordinary household item needed in the household. So it was in Nagorno-Karabakh, Chechnya, Transnistria, Ossetia, Abkhazia and other regions earlier united country. Depending on the availability and number of unregistered "trunks", the price for which you can buy a Kalashnikov assault rifle on the black market is formed. It, as a rule, is in the range from 400 to 1500 US dollars, depending on the technical condition, model and country of origin. Caliber also matters. Together with the degree of availability of ammunition, it affects the amount that the owner asks for a unit. Soviet-style weapons were produced in different countries, sometimes under an official license, and sometimes counterfeit. The technology is simple, its organization requires not very sophisticated equipment, but in terms of the use of special alloys and high-quality steels, a real Russian Kalashnikov assault rifle behaves best. Its price is usually higher than Chinese, sometimes twice or more. They also ask dearly for shortened modifications - they are in honor of criminal groups, while in real combat conditions the AK-47 or AK-74 behaves more reliably. At regular versions fewer failures, lesser degree barrel overheats. But, as they say, to each his own.

    Pneumatic Kalashnikov assault rifle and other toys

    Sociologists note that modern children show much less interest in shooting toys than in constructors or, for example, cars. Those who happened to grow up in the sixties and eighties did not even dream of the variety offered by the current retail chains specializing in goods for babies and teenagers. It was difficult to imagine that it would be so easy to buy an almost exact copy of the German MP-38, parabellum, PPSh or a Kalashnikov pneumatic machine gun, made in full size in all details, twenty-five or thirty years ago. And what is characteristic, there is no queue for these “treasures”, despite the fairly affordable price. Perhaps this is due to the fact that modern children watch much less films about the war, or, on the contrary, there are too many documentary shots on TV that capture the suffering of people who have fallen into the midst of not at all joyful events. However, computer "shooters" are still popular among young people, and the Kalashnikovs do not play them. last role. Maybe this is not bad, but it’s better to remember that the great designer created his machine gun to protect his native country, and not for trouble.

    Who knows the history of the Kalashnikov assault rifle? But this is a legendary machine used by most of the world's countries. It is not only one of the most popular small arms, but also one of the most significant inventions of the twentieth century. During the existence of the AK-47, more than fifty million modifications of this machine have already been released. A legendary weapon that has received recognition from most countries of the world. The history of the creation of the Kalashnikov assault rifle will be told to the reader in the article.

    Creator of the AK-47 small arms

    Who invented the Kalashnikov assault rifle? This was done by a well-known weapons designer-developer - M. T. Kalashnikov. As a lieutenant general, he was also a doctor of technical sciences, in Soviet time- a member of the CPSU, a participant in hostilities, the owner of many medals, awards and orders, a public figure, a deputy who received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov - native Altai Territory, was born in a large, large family on November 10, 1919. WITH early years was interested in studying the action of various mechanisms. Once, after graduating from school, the young man independently dismantled a Browning pistol in order to familiarize and study in detail the weapon device.

    Upon reaching the age of 19, he was called up for military service, where he received the specialty of a tank driver.

    Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov began to show his inventive talent during his service. One of his first developments was an inertial recorder, counting the number of shots fired from a tank gun. Then, for several months, he was fascinated by the development of a tank engine life meter. The result exceeded all expectations - the invention worked clearly, accurately recording the operation of the engine.

    During the Great Patriotic War was a tank commander, but in the autumn of 1941 he was seriously wounded. It was during the treatment that he began to make the first sketches of automatic weapons. He developed his idea, taking into account his own impressions received during the battles, studied special literature, and listened to the opinion of his colleagues. This occupation captivated the talented young man so much that in a few months he developed his first model of firearms. Although the sample submachine gun was not recommended for mass production for a number of technical reasons, however, the great Soviet scientist in the field of mechanics A. A. Blagonravov noted the originality of the idea, as well as the design of the sample itself.

    The development of the Kalashnikov assault rifle began in 1945. After several years of design, refinement, and combat testing, Kalashnikov automatic systems were adequately evaluated and recommended for army weapons. For the greatest development state importance the one who invented the Kalashnikov assault rifle received the first degree, and was also awarded the honorary Order of the Red Star.

    Development history

    In what year was the Kalashnikov assault rifle created? In 1943, under the rifle cartridge received for armament, the caliber of which was 7.62 mm, small arms were needed. On a competitive basis, the development of weapons specifically for a cartridge of this caliber started. The main task was to surpass analogues, to create a worthy replacement

    Among competitive works there were others successful projects well-known developers, but Mikhail Kalashnikov's automatic system (also known as the AK-47) outperformed its competitors in terms of design and production cost according to the results of the competition.

    In 1948, Mikhail Kalashnikov went to the motorcycle plant in the city of Izhevsk to produce a trial batch automatic systems in order to test them with the help of military tests. A year later, mass production of the AK-47 started at the machine-building plant in the city of Izhevsk. By the following year, the AK entered service with the army of the Soviet Union.


    The main parts of the AK, their purpose:

    1. The rifled barrel of the machine, including the bullet entry, as well as the chamber. Directs the flight of the bullet.
    2. The receiver is designed to connect the mechanisms into a single structure.
    3. The butt contains a specially created nest, where a canister with tools for cleaning the gun is placed.
    4. Sights, consisting of a sector sight and a front sight, are necessary for direct control of the location of the barrel channel relative to the aiming point. They are used to aim a firearm at a target while a shot is being fired. The position of the front sight is easy to change to adjust the location of the midpoint.
    5. The cover (removable) of the receiver prevents damage to the internal mechanisms.
    6. The bolt carrier, connected to the gas piston, is one of the main elements of a firearm, which actuates the bolt element and also triggers the trigger.
    7. The shutter closes the barrel channel before firing. Advances a cartridge from the magazine directly into the chamber. Also on the shutter is a special mechanism with which to extract fired cartridge case from the chamber or cartridge (in the event of a misfire).
    8. The return mechanism, thanks to a special spring, returns the bolt carrier to its extreme forward position.
    9. A gas tube with a handguard regulates the direction of movement of the gas piston with the help of directional ribs.
    10. The trigger mechanism includes a trigger, a spring trigger retarder, a trigger, a spring automatic trigger, a sear, and a translator. Provides trigger release from cocking, switching from single to continuous fire. Using this mechanism, you can stop shooting, as well as fix the fuse.
    11. The handguard is necessary for comfortable holding of the weapon during combat shooting, it performs the function of protecting hands from contact with hot metal, thereby preventing burns.
    12. The magazine has a box type, holds three dozen rounds. Thanks to the spring, the cartridges move directly into the receiver.
    13. The bayonet-knife is attached for use at the time of close combat.
    14. The muzzle brake is a special compensator designed to increase the stability of the weapon during the shot. Partially removes powder gases during firing, due to this, it significantly reduces the recoil of the barrel. Contributes to an increase in accuracy during burst firing (appeared in the AKM version).

    Most young men can easily list the main parts of the AK-47, since assembling an assault rifle in a certain time is a mandatory part of the basic military training course in school.

    The total number of AK elements is about a hundred parts.


    The first version of the release of the AK-47 was distinguished by the following main characteristics:

    • The weight of the Kalashnikov assault rifle is 4.8 kg (excluding the bayonet-knife).
    • The length of the automatic system was 870 mm (including the knife - 1070 mm).
    • (initial) - 715 meters per second.
    • Barrel caliber - 7.62 mm.
    • Cartridge - 7.62 x 39 mm.
    • The Kalashnikov assault rifle magazine contains thirty rounds.

    Rate of fire:

    • when firing bursts - 100 shots in one minute;
    • when firing single cartridges - 40 shots per minute;
    • the technical rate of fire is approximately 600 rounds per minute.

    Shooting stats:

    • maximum bullet flight - 3 km;
    • lethal shot range - 1500 meters;
    • direct shot range - 350 meters.


    The history of the Kalashnikov assault rifle contains information that the very first version designed by Mikhail Timofeevich during the competition was the AK-46. This version of the weapon was invented in 1946, but after a detailed study and a number of combat tests, this model was recognized as unsuitable.

    However, the creation of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, the next year, 1947, was the year of the development of the famous AK-47.

    Together with the AK, by 1949 they adopted the folding version of the AK - AKS, created for the special forces, into service with the Soviet army.

    Then, from 1959, the history of the Kalashnikov assault rifle moves to new stage. The AK-47 is being replaced by the modernized Kalashnikov assault rifle (AKM). From the same year, it was the AKM that became the most common version of the Kalashnikov. Compared to previous models, the AKM has improved firing range indicators, the shape of the buttstock has been changed, a muzzle brake-compensator has been added, and the weight has also been reduced, a bayonet-knife has been added. Together with this model, a modification of the AKMN was released, which has a night, optical sight.

    Together with AKM, the armament was replenished with a similar model, but the butt of which is folding - AKMS. In addition to this version, there was also an AKMSN, that is, a night version with a special optical sight.

    Over the next few years, the development of an automatic system for use with a 5.45 x 39 mm caliber cartridge was actively underway. By 1974, a new modification came into service - the AK-74 and AK-74N (a model that includes a night and optical sight). A special development for the special forces was a new version AKS-74, that is, a model with a folding butt, another model was called AKS-74N - a night modification with an optical sight.

    By 1979, a shortened version of the AKS-74 - AKS-74U and AKS-74UN - appeared specifically for arming the landing troops, containing fasteners for night and optical sights.

    In 1991, a modernized AK-74 called AK-74M was received for arming the army. The unique automatic machine put into mass production managed to replace several models at the same time.

    It was the AK-74M version that became the basic version for the development of the entire hundredth series.

    The 100th series of AKs are various versions of the AK-74M designed for export. For delivery to other countries, only automatic systems of the hundredth series are currently used, since this series surpasses the previous ones in terms of material quality, modernity technological process, improved shooting performance.

    The latest modern model of the fifth generation is the AK-12 model. This sample appeared in 2012.

    Record holder of the Guinness Book of Records

    The Kalashnikov assault rifle, the dimensions of which you already know, occupies one of the leading roles in the weapons environment. For its reliability, he won the well-deserved unconditional recognition of most countries of the world. Together with all its modifications, it occupies more than 15% of small arms in the world, which is why it is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most common weapon.

    AK outside Russia

    A few years after the adoption of the AK-47 into service, a production license was given to about two dozen countries. The license was transferred mainly to states that were allies under the famous Warsaw Pact. Also by that time, more than a dozen countries began to produce AK without a license.

    Around the world, there are about 100 million different variations of the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

    Application in battles

    First combat use AK occurred during the suppression of protests in the autumn of 1956 on the territory of Hungary. Then it was a symbol of the Vietnam War and was actively used by the soldiers of the Vietnam People's Army.

    However, the rapid spread of the Kalashnikov assault rifle around the world occurred during the war in Afghanistan, when the CIA actively supplied them to the armed formations.

    And then, thanks to the reliability and ease of operation, the soldiers of Iraq during the hostilities on the territory of their country preferred the AK-47 instead of the M16.

    AK as a civilian weapon

    Various variants of the Kalashnikov automatic system are very popular among civilian weapons, especially among those countries where gun laws are quite liberal.

    At the time of the appearance of the very first AK models in the United States of America, it was allowed to own automatic weapons. Later, a law was passed prohibiting the sale of similar weapons civilians, but this did not apply to guns officially registered before 1986. Therefore, some still own combat samples of AK.

    As for most of the world's countries, the storage of such automatic systems is prohibited by law. Those who own AKs illegally buy them for how much does a Kalashnikov assault rifle cost? The price of AK varies depending on the modification. So how much does a Kalashnikov assault rifle cost approximately? According to unofficial data, the price of AK on the black market is in the range of $1,000 (about 55,000 rubles).

    AK at present

    Over time, the Kalashnikov assault rifle (weight, dimensions and other technical characteristics were presented to your attention in the article) was subjected to many critical reviews of leading experts, its shortcomings are increasingly discussed, many call the model frankly outdated. During its existence (and this is already more than 60 years), the requirements for weapons systems in general have changed, modern world, of course, dictates new rules, requiring improvement, modernization.

    However, despite the shortcomings discovered over time, the history of the Kalashnikov assault rifle continues. It is rightfully considered a legendary weapon. Having gained a reputation for simply being a reliable machine, it is undoubtedly still for a long time will be in high demand. It does not cease to copy, improve, refine characteristics. Monuments are erected to the Kalashnikov assault rifle, depicted on coats of arms, considered a symbol of good luck and even depicted on coins. Its recognition took place all over the world, and, undoubtedly, AK left an indelible mark on the history of weapons not only in Russia, but also in most foreign countries.

    The new machine gun, developed by M. T. Kalashnikov, was adopted by the army in 1949. The shortened 7.62x39 cartridges of the M 43 model and the AK 47 Kalashnikov assault rifle became a significant achievement of the USSR defense industry. Only M. T. Kalashnikov could achieve the combination of all the necessary technical characteristics of a weapon with the principle of removing powder gases from the barrel.

    In September 1941, as a tank commander, he, then still a sergeant, was seriously wounded and during his wounded leave he tried himself as a weapon designer, and in 1942 he created his first machine gun. This weapon, loaded with Tokarev cartridges, had an unsheathed barrel, a second pistol grip in front of the magazine, and a folding metal shoulder rest. This machine, like the next one - caliber 9 mm, was not produced. Nevertheless, Kalashnikov was included in the Moscow team of designers and focused on developing an assault rifle for new shortened cartridges. The prototype was ready in 1946, and then it was improved and eventually registered for the competition. Kalashnikov presented two prototypes and documentation for the project.

    According to the terms of the competition, he named them with a special cipher: the name consisted of the initial letters of his first name and patronymic, Mihtim. In his memoirs, Kalashnikov describes this competition as follows: “I felt confident enough until such aces as Degtyarev, Simonov and Shpagin appeared ... With whom did I want to measure my strength? Already after the first tests, some samples were completely rejected, and were not even recommended for improvement. For a designer, this is a heavy blow when the work of many sleepless nights suddenly turns out to be unclaimed. However, it's better than losing a thousand soldiers because of your weapons. My Mihtim was among the three models that were recommended for appropriate improvement before new tests ... The second test was to take place in conditions closest to combat.

    The loaded machine gun was placed in the swamp water, then someone ran with it for a while and opened fire on the run. The machine was contaminated with sand and dust. However, he shot, and not bad, although he was completely in the mud. Even after the machine was dropped several times from a great height onto a cement floor, there were no malfunctions or interference with reloading. This ruthless examination ended with an unequivocal conclusion: "The 7.62 mm assault rifle developed by Kalashnikov should be recommended for adoption."
    This is how this machine gun appeared, which became the prototype of a whole generation of weapons.

    The Soviet armed forces have been equipped with Kalashnikovs since 1949. Motorized rifle detachments, security and service units of the air force and naval forces received a version with a stationary wooden butt; airborne troops, tank crews and special units- modification with a folding metal shoulder rest. In the Soviet Union, the automatic weapon was officially called the automatic weapon of the Kalashnikov system (Kalashnikov assault rifle), in the special literature the abbreviations AK and AK 47 are used. In the special press and literature of other countries, this automatic weapon is often assault rifle, and the version with a folding metal shoulder rest is often called AKS, or AKS 47.

    The AK 47 Kalashnikov assault rifle works on the principle of removing the energy of powder gases from the barrel. Locking is carried out by the lugs of the bolt turning around its axis. The pressure of the powder gases that occurs after the shot, through the hole in the barrel, acts on the gas piston and on the shutter, which, when reverse course turns out of its locking device in the housing. The barrel rifling pitch is 240 mm. Even at very high or low temperatures the weapon fires flawlessly. To supply ammunition, carob magazines made of steel or light metal for 30 rounds are used. On the right side is the fuse lever, which is also used as a fire translator.

    Although the weapon has a fairly short aiming line (378 mm), good accuracy is achieved when firing: for example, with a single fire from a distance of 300 m, it is 25 and 30 cm. The effective range of a Kalashnikov assault rifle is 400 m with a single fire, when firing bursts - 300 m, when firing at group targets - 500 m, when firing at group targets - 800 m, and at air targets - 400 m. The bullet retains its penetrating power up to 1500 m. automatic - from 90 to 100 rds / min.

    The sighting device includes a mobile sector sight, mounted at a distance of 100 to 800 m, and a front sight with side protection, mounted on a rather high protruding holder. The version with a folding metal butt has a length of 645 mm, with the butt folded out - 880 mm. A bayonet can be used for both versions. A ramrod is fixed under the barrel. The Kalashnikov assault rifle can be disassembled with just a few movements and without special tools. Since 1959, the Kalashnikov assault rifle has been produced in a modified version: the AKM model with a stationary wooden or plastic stock and the AKMS model with a folding metal shoulder rest. The length of both models corresponds to the length of the first versions. Both the length of the barrel and the length of the aiming line are identical.

    But there are also differences. AKM and AKMS assault rifles weigh much less. The trigger is equipped with an additional latch for single-fire mode. This ensures that only one cartridge is ignited. The stock, buttstock and shifter are also improved. In addition, a new bayonet has been developed that can be used as a saw or as scissors for cutting barbed wire. The length of the weapon with the bayonet installed is 1020 mm. Further improvements were directed towards hit accuracy. A few years later, the outlet of the Kalashnikov assault rifle began to be equipped with an asymmetric compensator, which had a positive effect on the stability of the weapon when firing in bursts. Hit accuracy has been greatly improved. In addition, the weapon of the second version has a long effective range, can be equipped with an additional sight for shooting in the dark, as well as an active or passive night vision device.

    The Kalashnikov assault rifle was the model for the Galil automatic rifles developed in Israel. Finnish designers also focused on Soviet machine guns when they developed automatic rifles of models 60,62 and 82 of the Valmet weapon system. The design principle of the Kalashnikov assault rifle has decisively influenced small arms development projects in many countries. According to experts, by the middle of 1985, more than 50 million Kalashnikov-type assault rifles were produced. The weapon of this system, as experts from many countries are convinced, is one of the most common modern models of small arms in the world. It can be used in any combat and extreme climatic conditions. This applies not only to machine guns, but also to light and universal machine guns of the same system. AK 47, AKS 47, AKM and AKMS assault rifles have a caliber of 7.62 mm, AK / AKS 74 assault rifles - 5.45 mm, light machine guns of the RPK type - 7.62 mm and RPK 74 - 5.45 mm. Universal machine guns of the PK/PKS and PKM/PKMS models are equipped with rifle cartridges 7.62x54 R.

    Tactical and technical characteristics of the AK 47 assault rifle

    Caliber, mm 7,62
    Muzzle velocity (v0), m/s 715
    Rate of fire, rds / min 600
    Supply of ammunition magazine for 30 rounds
    Weight in a charged state, kg 4,80
    Cartridge 7.62x39
    Weapon length, mm 870
    Grooves/direction 4/p
    Sighting range, m 800
    Range of effective action, m 400

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