All about the oceans of the Earth. How many oceans on Earth: disputes over the exact number

    The correct answer would be that there are exactly 5 oceans on Earth. This is the Pacific Ocean, which is located on the eastern coast of Eurasia, this is the Atlantic Ocean, located off the western coast of Eurasia. This is the North Arctic Ocean(north of Russia) Indian Ocean(south of India). And there's more South ocean, it was discovered relatively recently, is located near Antarctica.

    I read on a site that has little to do with geography that this decision was never ratified - says wikipedia.

    How is it correct? What to say to children?

    From school curriculum We know that there are 5 oceans on earth. These are the Pacific Ocean (the largest), the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, the second largest, followed by the Arctic Ocean and the Southern (Antarctic) Ocean.

    According to the normal logical definition, an ocean is a vast area of ​​water connected by straits (or directly) to two or more oceans, having seas and gulfs, and separated from other oceans by continents and islands.

    Only 4 water areas fall under this definition:

    1) Pacific Ocean

    2) Atlantic Ocean

    3) Indian Ocean

    4) Arctic Ocean

    All the confusion began from the moment the IHO (International Hydrographic Association), without consulting geographers and based on the climatic difference of the oceans, decided to self-proclaim the Southern Ocean. Also, the allocation of the Southern Ocean has a political background - after all, the territory and water area south of 60 degrees south latitude cannot belong to any state. The decision to allocate the Southern Ocean has not yet been ratified - read Wikipedia.

    So the normal logical definition of 4 oceans is geography; The Southern Ocean is politics, human stupidity and greed.

    All the oceans on earth are interconnected, so we can assume that there is one World giant ocean consisting of four or five parts. And if we consider geographically and consider the body of water surrounding Antarctica, which is called the Antarctic Ocean, then in the end we get five of them. But this is the reasoning of scientists, and the existence of four oceans on earth is officially recognized: the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the fourth - the Arctic.

    Zmiter gave a complete answer to the question, there are 5 oceans on earth at the present time (check the clock, I have March 2012) - so the geographers decided, though he forgot to include the World Ocean here - this is the entire volume sea ​​water on the ground. So if you talk geographical language- then on earth there are not five, but six oceans!

    And I also want to remind you that there is an ocean of Grz, as well as an ocean of Slz, and humanity cannot do without them...

    And also on earth we have the Okean Elzy

    Today there is five oceans, while before 2000 there were only four oceans, all this happened because the union of hydrographers decided to separate or even open a new Southern Ocean.

  • How many oceans are there in the world

    An amazing thing, when I was in school (and I graduated only 9 years ago), we were told that there are 4 oceans on planet Earth: Quiet, Atlantic, Indian And arctic. And it turns out, there was another ocean Southern surrounding Antarctica.

    Live and learn!

  • In total, there are five oceans on planet Earth:

    1) The Pacific Ocean, which is the largest in area, and occupies about fifty percent of all land

    2) The Indian Ocean, which occupies about twenty percent of the Earth's land mass

    3) Atlantic Ocean, the second largest ocean

    4) The Southern Ocean, which has very conditional boundaries

    5) The Arctic Ocean, as you know, is almost entirely covered with secular ice.

    A few years ago, it was a big surprise for me when a child told me that there are 5 oceans on earth. I was taught that there are only 4 of them. It turns out that geography does not stand still, and they decided to add a fifth ocean. Taki added the South. But they say that there will be another one, but after some time (50-100 million years), when the crack in Africa will increase to the size of the ocean and fill with water.

    How many oceans are there on earth.

    • Pacific Ocean (largest)
    • Atlantic
    • Indian Ocean
    • Arctic Ocean
    • Southern (Antarctic) Ocean

    Yes. Valid 5. All as listed above. Pacific Ocean, Atlantic and Indian, then the Arctic Ocean and the Southern Ocean.

    On this moment, scientists distinguish five oceans on planet earth.

    The first is the Pacific Ocean, the second is the Atlantic Ocean, the third is the Indian Ocean, the fourth is the Arctic Ocean, the fifth is the Southern Ocean.

    Interesting fact. Until 2000, scientists singled out only four oceans, but, later, they decided to single out a new ocean - the South.

    Also, scientists suggest that in about 50-100 million years, the crack in Africa will expand to the size of an ocean and fill with water, and then a sixth ocean will appear.

    Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic and Indian = 4

    It is generally accepted that there are four oceans. These are the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. But there is another one, which used to be called the Southern Arctic Ocean, and now it is called the Southern Ocean, or it has another name - this is the Antarctic Ocean.

    In 2000, the IHO (International Hydrographic Organization) decided that the world's oceans should be divided into five oceans. Here is a list (in alphabetical order):

    And until 2000, it was customary to divide the World Ocean into 4 oceans without the South.

  • How many oceans are on earth

    Officially, there are 5 oceans on Earth. List of oceans in descending order of area:

    • Pacific Ocean (155,557,000 sq. km);
    • Atlantic Ocean (76,762,000 sq. km);
    • Indian Ocean (68,556,000 sq. km);
    • Southern Ocean (20,327,000 sq. km);
    • Arctic Ocean (14,056,000 sq. km).

    The total area of ​​the Earth covered by water is (361,419,000 sq. km) 70.9%.

The second name of the Earth, " blue planet", did not appear by chance. When the first astronauts saw the planet from space, it appeared to them in this color. Why does the planet appear blue instead of green? Because 3/4 of the Earth's surface is blue waters World Ocean.

World Ocean

World Ocean - water shell The land surrounding the continents and islands. Its largest parts are called oceans. There are only four oceans: , , , .

And more recently, they began to allocate more and.

The average depth of the water column in the World Ocean is 3700 meters. The most deep point is in Mariana Trench- 11,022 meters.

Pacific Ocean

Pacific Ocean, the largest among all four, got its name due to the fact that at the time when the sailors led by F. Magellan crossed it, it was surprisingly quiet. The second name of the Pacific Ocean is Great. It is really great - it accounts for 1/2 of the waters of the World Ocean, the Pacific Ocean occupies 2/3 of the earth's surface.

Coast of the Pacific Ocean near Kamchatka (Russia)

The waters of the Pacific Ocean are amazingly clean and transparent, most often dark blue, but sometimes green. The degree of salinity of the water is medium. Most of the time the ocean is quiet and calm, blowing over it moderate wind. There are almost no hurricanes here. Above the Great and Quiet there is always a clear starry sky.

Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean- the second largest after the Pacific. The origin of its name still raises questions from scientists around the world. According to one version, the Atlantic Ocean was named after the titan Atlanta, a representative Greek mythology. Supporters of the second hypothesis argue that it owes its name to the Atlas Mountains located in Africa. Representatives of the "youngest", third version, believe that the Atlantic Ocean is named after the mysterious disappeared mainland Atlantis.

The Gulf Stream on a map of the Atlantic Ocean.

Salinity ocean waters- the tallest. Flora and fauna are the richest, scientists still find the most interesting specimens unknown to science. In the cold part of it live such interesting representatives fauna like whales and pinnipeds. In warm waters, sperm whales and seals can be found.

The uniqueness of the Atlantic Ocean is that it is he, or rather, his warm current The Gulf Stream, jokingly called the main European “furnace”, is “responsible” for the climate of the entire Earth.

Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean, in which many rare specimens of flora and fauna can be found, ranks third in size. In it, according to researchers, navigation began about 6 thousand years ago. The first navigators were the Arabs, they also made the first maps. It was once explored by Vasco de Gama, James Cook.

The underwater world of the Indian Ocean attracts divers from all over the world.

The waters of the Indian Ocean, clean, transparent and amazingly beautiful due to the fact that few rivers flow into it, can be dark blue and even azure.

Arctic Ocean

The smallest, coldest and least studied of all five parts of the World Ocean is located in the Arctic. The ocean began to be explored only from the 16th century, when navigators wanted to find the shortest route to the rich eastern countries. The average depth of ocean waters is 1225 meters. The maximum depth is 5527 meters.

The consequences of global warming are the melting of glaciers in the Arctic. A warm current carries a detached layer of ice with polar bears to the Arctic Ocean.

The Arctic Ocean is of great interest to Russia, Denmark, Norway, Canada, as its waters are rich in fish, and the subsoil is rich in natural resources. Seals are found here, birds arrange noisy “bird markets” on the shores. characteristic feature The Arctic Ocean is that ice floes and icebergs drift on its surface.

South ocean

In 2000, scientists managed to prove that there is a fifth of the oceans. It is called the Southern Ocean and includes the southern parts of all those oceans, except for the Arctic Ocean, which wash the shores of Antarctica. This is one of the most unpredictable parts of the oceans. The Southern Ocean is characterized by changeable weather, strong winds, cyclones.

The name "Southern Arctic Ocean" has been found on maps since the 18th century, but on modern maps The Southern Ocean began to be celebrated only in this century - just a decade and a half ago.

The oceans are huge, many of its mysteries have not yet been solved, and who knows, maybe you will solve some of them?

Traditional geography taught that there are four oceans in the world - Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic and Indian.

However, quite recently…-.

... - in 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization united the southern parts of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, creating the fifth addition to the list - the Southern Ocean. And this is not a voluntary decision: this region has a special structure of currents, its own weather formation rules, etc. The arguments in favor of such a decision are as follows: in the southern part of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, the boundaries between them are very arbitrary, to Antarctica, have their own specifics, and are also united by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.

The largest of the oceans is the Pacific. Its area is 178.7 million km2. It is also the deepest ocean: in the Mariana Trench, which stretches from the southeast of Guam to the northwest of the Marianas, its depth reaches 11,034 m. The highest seamount, Mauna Kea, is located in the Pacific Ocean. It rises from the bottom of the ocean and protrudes above the surface of the water in the Hawaiian Islands. Its height is 10205 m, that is, it is higher than even the highest Mount Everest in the world, although its peak rises only 4205 m above sea level.

The Atlantic Ocean extends for 91.6 million km 2.

The area of ​​the Indian Ocean is 76.2 million km2.

The area of ​​the Antarctic (Southern) Ocean is 20.327 million km2.

The Arctic Ocean covers an area of ​​approximately 14.75 million km2.

Pacific Ocean, the largest on Earth. It was named so by the famous navigator Magellan. This traveler was the first European to successfully swim across the ocean. But Magellan was just very lucky. There are often terrible storms here.

The Pacific Ocean is twice the size of the Atlantic. It occupies 165 million square meters. km, which is almost half the area of ​​the entire oceans. It contains more than half of all the water on our planet. At one point, this ocean stretches 17,000 kilometers across, stretching nearly half the globe. Despite its name, this vast ocean is not only blue, beautiful and serene. Strong storms or underwater earthquakes infuriate him. In fact, there are large zones of seismic activity in the Pacific Ocean.

Photographs of the Earth from space show the true size of the Pacific Ocean. This largest ocean in the world covers one third of the planet's surface. Its waters stretch from East Asia and Africa to America. In the shallowest places, the depth of the Pacific Ocean averages 120 meters. These waters wash the so-called continental shelves, which are submerged parts of continental platforms, starting from coastline and disappearing gradually under the water. In general, the depth of the Pacific Ocean averages 4,000 meters. The depressions in the west connect to the deepest and darkest place in the world - the Mariana Trench - 11,022 m. It was previously believed that there was no life at such a depth. But even there, scientists have found living organisms!

On the Pacific Plate, a huge stretch of the earth's crust, there are ridges of high seamounts. There are many islands of volcanic origin in the Pacific Ocean, such as Hawaii, the largest island in the Hawaiian archipelago. Hawaii has the most high peak in the world - Mount Mauna Kea. It is an extinct volcano with a height of 10,000 meters from the base at the bottom of the sea. In contrast to the volcanic islands, there are low-lying islands formed by coral deposits that have accumulated over thousands of years on the tops of underwater volcanoes. In this vast ocean, a wide variety of representatives are found. underwater world- ranging from the world's largest fish (whale shark) to flying fish, squid and sea ​​lions. The warm shallow waters of the coral reefs are home to thousands of species of brightly colored fish and algae. All sorts of fish swim in the cool deep waters, marine mammals, shellfish, crustaceans and other creatures.

The Pacific - people and history

Sea voyages across the Pacific Ocean were undertaken in ancient times. About 40,000 years ago, the Aborigines crossed by canoe from New Guinea to Australia. Centuries later, between the 16th century BC. e. and X century AD. e. Polynesian tribes settled the Pacific islands, daring to overcome vast water distances. It is considered one of greatest achievements in the history of navigation. Using special canoes with a double bottom and sails woven from leaves, Polynesian sailors eventually covered almost 20 million square meters. km of ocean space. In the western Pacific, around the 12th century, the Chinese made great advances in the art of maritime navigation. They were the first to use big ships with several masts located on the underwater part of the vessel, steering and also compasses.

Europeans began exploring the Pacific Ocean in the 17th century, when the Dutch captain Abel Janszoon Tasman sailed around Australia on his ship and New Zealand. Captain James Cook is considered one of the most famous explorers of the Pacific Ocean. Between 1768 and 1779 he mapped New Zealand, East Coast Australia and many Pacific Islands. In 1947, the Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl sailed on his raft "-Kon-Tiki" - from the coast of Peru to the Tuamotu archipelago, which is part of French Polynesia. His expedition served as proof that the ancient native inhabitants of South America could cross vast sea distances on rafts.

In the twentieth century, the exploration of the Pacific Ocean continued. The depth of the Mariana Trench was established, and unknown species of marine animals and plants were discovered. Development tourism industry, pollution environment and the establishment of beaches threaten the natural balance of the Pacific Ocean. Governments of individual countries and groups of environmentalists are trying to minimize the damage caused by our civilization to the aquatic environment.

Indian Ocean

Indian Ocean is the third largest on Earth and covers 73 million square meters. km. This is the warmest ocean, the waters of which are rich in various flora and fauna. The deepest place in the Indian Ocean is a depression located south of the island of Java. Its depth is 7450 m. It is interesting that the currents in the Indian Ocean change their direction to the opposite twice a year. IN winter time, when monsoons prevail, the current goes to the shores of Africa, and in summer - to the shores of India.

The Indian Ocean stretches from the shores East Africa to Indonesia and Australia and from the coast of India to Antarctica. This ocean includes the Arabian and Red Seas, as well as the Bengal and Persian Gulf. The Suez Canal connects the northern part of the Red Sea with the Mediterranean.

At the bottom of the Indian Ocean are huge sections of the earth's crust - the African Plate, the Antarctic Plate and the Indo-Australian Plate. Shifts in the earth's crust cause underwater earthquakes that cause giant waves called tsunamis. As a result of earthquakes, new mountain ranges appear on the ocean floor. In some places, seamounts protrude above the surface of the water, forming most of the islands scattered in the Indian Ocean. There are deep depressions between the mountain ranges. For example, the depth of the Sunda Trench is approximately 7450 meters. The waters of the Indian Ocean serve as a habitat for various representatives of the animal world, including corals, sharks, whales, turtles and jellyfish. Powerful currents are huge streams of water moving through the warm blue expanses of the Indian Ocean. The West Australian Current carries cold Antarctic waters north to the tropics.

The equatorial current, located below the equator, circulates warm waters counterclock-wise. The northern currents depend on causing torrential downpours monsoon winds, which change their direction depending on the time of year.

Indian Ocean - people and history

Seafarers and traders plowed the waters of the Indian Ocean many centuries ago. The ships of the ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, Persians and Indians passed along the main trade routes. IN early middle ages V South East Asia settlers crossed from India and Sri Lanka. Since ancient times, wooden ships called dhou sailed in the Arabian Sea, carrying exotic spices, African ivory and fabrics.

In the 15th century, the great Chinese navigator Zhen Ho led a large expedition across the Indian Ocean to the shores of India, Sri Lanka, Persia, the Arabian Peninsula and Africa. In 1497, the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama became the first European to sail a ship around the southern tip of Africa and reach the shores of India. It was followed by English, French and Dutch traders, and the era of colonial conquest began. For centuries, new settlers, traders and pirates landed on the islands lying in the Indian Ocean. Many species of island animals that did not live anywhere else in the world became extinct. For example, the dodo, a flightless dove the size of a goose that lived in Mauritius, was exterminated by the end of the 17th century. Giant tortoises on Rodrigues Island have disappeared XIX century. Exploration of the Indian Ocean continued into the 19th and 20th centuries. Scientists have done a great job of mapping the topography of the seabed. Currently, Earth satellites launched into orbit take pictures of the ocean, measure its depth and transmit information messages.

Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean is the second largest and covers an area equal to 82 million square meters. km. It is almost half the size of the Pacific Ocean, but its size is constantly increasing. From the island of Iceland to the south in the middle of the ocean stretches a powerful underwater ridge. Its peaks are the Azores and Ascension Island. Mid-Atlantic Ridge - large Mountain chain at the bottom of the ocean - every year it becomes wider by about 2.5 cm. The deepest place in the Atlantic Ocean is a depression located north of the island of Puerto Rico. Its depth is 9218 meters. If 150 million years ago there was no Atlantic Ocean, then over the next 150 million years, scientists suggest, it will occupy more than half of the globe. The Atlantic Ocean greatly influences the climate and weather in Europe.

The Atlantic Ocean began to form 150 million years ago, when crustal displacements separated the North and South America from Europe and Africa. This youngest of the oceans is named after the god Atlas, who was worshiped by the ancient Greeks.

Ancient peoples, such as the Phoenicians, began exploring the Atlantic Ocean around the 8th century BC. e. However, it was not until the ninth century A.D. e. Vikings managed to get from the coast of Europe to Greenland and North America. Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator who was in the service of the Spanish monarchs, laid the foundation for the “golden age” of the exploration of the Atlantic. In 1492, his small squadron of three ships, after a long storm, entered the Caribbean Bay. Columbus believed that he was sailing to the East Indies, but in fact he discovered the so-called New World- America. He was soon followed by other sailors from Portugal, Spain, France and England. The study of the Atlantic Ocean continues to this day. Currently, scientists use echolocation (sound waves) to map the topography of the seabed. In the Atlantic Ocean they lead fishing many countries. Humans have fished in these waters for thousands of years, but modern trawling has led to a significant reduction in fish stocks. The seas fringing the oceans are polluted with waste. The Atlantic Ocean continues to play a huge role in international trade. Many important trade sea routes pass through it.

Arctic Ocean

Arctic Ocean, which is located between Canada and Siberia, is the smallest and smallest compared to others. But at the same time, it is the most mysterious, as it is almost completely hidden under a huge layer of ice. The Arctic Ocean divides the Nansen Submarine Threshold into two basins. The Arctic Basin is larger in area and contains the greatest depth of the ocean. It is equal to 5000 m and is located north of Franz Josef Land. In addition, here, off the Russian coast, there is a vast continental shelf. For this reason, our Arctic seas, namely: the Kara, Barents, Laptev, Chukchi, East Siberian, are shallow.

And here I will remind you of what exists and recently . See what else is happening

All the existing oceans of the world, as well as seas and rivers, occupy approximately 70% of the surface of planet Earth. Huge bodies of water stretch for thousands of kilometers, they are completely deserted and have an incredible depth of tens of kilometers, thousands of all kinds of creatures live there, many of them are still unknown to world science.

Water plays important role not only for the climate, geographical features planet, but also for all the creatures living on it. It is known that without the presence of water in one form or another, life is impossible.

Oceans are the largest bodies of water on earth, which are located in the open spaces among the continents and together make up the so-called World Ocean.

Consider all of the 5 largest oceans (there are disputes that there are only 4 of them) and their main features.

World Ocean

First of all, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the concept of the oceans. This term refers to the largest part of the entire hydrosphere, within which most of all seas and oceans exist.

One of main characteristics of this concept is the general salt composition of all water spaces included in it. It covers 70.8% of the planet's surface and is divided into the following main parts:

  • Atlantic;
  • Indian;
  • Quiet;
  • Arctic;
  • South ocean. As for this point, it is still considered controversial, but this will be discussed below.

The origin of the entire hydrosphere is a mystery to modern science. The first attempts to explore the oceans began in the 1500s and continue actively even today.

How many oceans on earth - 5 or 4

Why scientists even now cannot come to an agreement on the question of how many huge reservoirs are present on Earth? The problem here is the difficulty of determining the boundaries of each of them, or maybe the essence of the issue is somewhere deeper?

Historically, scientists have divided all the expanses of water into 4 regions or oceans. Such a system existed for a long time, but in the 21st century it was revised by specialists who came to the conclusion that it is worth highlighting the 5th ocean - the South, whose waters were previously attributed to the rest.

It is worth noting: such a decision has found its understanding in the society of researchers, but at the moment it has not yet been officially approved, has no legal force, therefore, sometimes disputes and disagreements arise on the basis of this.

The location of the oceans on the map of the hemispheres with the continents

Continents and expanses of water alternate on the map with each other.

Any map takes into account the following accepted boundaries of these objects:

  1. The Pacific Ocean is located in both the Southern and Northern Hemispheres. It extends to the shores of all 6 continents of the planet. Its territory begins near Antarctica and stretches to the Arctic Circle.
  2. The Atlantic, which is also present in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, washes the shores of all of America, Europe, and Africa.
  3. Indian almost entirely located only in the southern part of the planet. Washes the shores of Africa, India, Australia.
  4. The Arctic Ocean is located around North Pole. It is isolated from other large expanses of water and washes the shores of Russia, Canada, and Alaska.
  5. Near Antarctica is the Southern Ocean, and it washes only its icy rocky shores.

A map of currents operating throughout the world allows you to more clearly see these divisions.

Pacific Ocean

The largest in terms of area. It got its name because during most of the expeditions of the great traveler Magellan there were tolerable conditions and storms did not seethe.

The area is 178 million km2. Here the average depth is about 4 km, but the deepest place on the planet is also located here - Mariana Trench with an incredible depth of 11 km!

The largest ocean received its name in 1520, and since then it has been established in world practice.

Life is developed here and there is a huge number of fish, animals, as well as representatives of the flora.

Atlantic Ocean

The second largest and warmest water region on the planet, with an area of ​​92 million km2.

The average depth in it is almost the same as in the Pacific, and is 3736 m, but the maximum is slightly less - 8700 and is called the Puerto Rican Trench.

It contains on its territory many volcanic islands, passes over the belt of instability of the earth's crust.

The life of the Atlantic reservoir boils at any time of the year. The density of plankton available here is as much as 16,000 pieces per liter of water.

There are a huge number of varieties of fish, sharks, corals and other things.

In northern tropical latitudes sailors encounter powerful winds and hurricanes, which, according to legend, are capable of breaking huge oak ship masts and throwing overboard cannons weighing more than one ton.

Indian Ocean

Third largest water body Earth, occupies 20% of the water surface. The area is 76 million km 2. The average depth is similar to the previous case, and the maximum reaches 7.7 km.

It got its name from the country of India, which, even before our era, was always considered the richest region and attracted invaders, traders and colonialists.

Indian waters are famous for their wonderful azure and blue hues. The volume of salt water here is somewhat higher than in other regions of the planet.

Since the region as a whole is very warm, the humidity of the air is always increased, and the nearest lands constantly experience heavy rains.

Arctic Ocean

The smallest one also has the smallest depth. The list of countries washed by it is also small, and the diversity of life in the North Pole region is not so great due to extreme weather conditions.

The average depth is 1.2 km, and the maximum is 5.5, so this ocean is considered as the shallowest.

The ocean got its name from the suggestion of the Russian navigator Admiral Litke F.P. in the early 19th century. The size of this water region is not as impressive as the frosts, northern winds, the presence of most interesting forms life.

An important feature of this reservoir is that it is the freshest.

South ocean

At the moment, the legally established Southern Ocean does not yet exist, and many people mean by it some parts of the other oceans considered. The maximum depth of the region is 8.2 kilometers, the area is taken at the level of 20 million km 2 with a little.

It consists of 13 seas that wash the shores of Antarctica. The first attempts to distinguish this region separately were made by travelers and cartographers in the 1600s.

As a conclusion, it should be said that all the considered reservoirs in different times had other names, but history decided to leave behind them the names that are valid today.

The youngest of them is the Atlantic, formed after serious tectonic changes, the largest is the Quiet, which is also the oldest. The oceans, in descending order of area, are listed in many reference books and tables. Know this information at least in in general terms important, because our Earth so interesting and varied.

It is they who concentrate in themselves most of this indispensable element for the life of all organisms. The available oceans of the earth are located in various parts planets, so it is important to know how many there are in total, what are their features.

Basic information

It is known that more than 70% of the Earth's surface is water resources. All this is usually called the World Ocean (this includes fresh sources, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans). In turn, the global oceans are divided into several independent ones, so it is important to know how many continents there are on earth, how many oceans, in order to have an idea of ​​how our planet has changed over time and what changes are possible in the future.

When answering the question of how many oceans are 4 or 5 on earth, it must be remembered that research and scientific research in the field of natural sciences does not stop. That is why quite recently it was believed that there were only 4 oceans on our planet. However, an increasing number of specialists and researchers are inclined to think about isolating a reservoir located off the coast of Antarctica into an independent, full-fledged ocean. If you count it, it turns out that there are 5 full-fledged oceans on Earth:

  • Quiet.
  • Indian.
  • Atlantic (the name is received, according to mythology).
  • Arctic.
  • Southern.

It turns out that for those who share the point of view of scientists who consider the reservoir off the coast of Antarctica a full-fledged ocean, total will be equal to 5, for representatives of the "old school" - 4.

Briefly about each of the oceans

It is interesting to know not only how many oceans are on earth, but also a little about each of them in order to have an idea of ​​​​the features and ecological wealth of our planet. It is generally accepted, based on the results of research and diving, that the Pacific is the largest and deepest of the available. It is followed by the Atlantic. The average for these indicators is Indian, and the coldest, but also the most
small - the Arctic. Relative to the Southern Ocean, there is no unambiguous information. The answer to the question of how much of the earth's surface is occupied by the world's oceans will be a figure of 71%.

What is called the ocean

In order to confidently answer the question of how many oceans there are on planet earth, you need to know what exactly is customary to refer to them. Scientists have established that the concept includes a water body, which is located near or among the continents. He is in constant interaction with the earth's crust and is influenced by the Earth's atmosphere. Also answering the question regarding what part of the earth's surface is occupied by the oceans, you need to indicate the figure of 360 million km 2, which is approximately 70% of the entire planetary surface.

The main division occurs into 4 oceans, since the South has conditional boundaries, based on the established geographical norms and rules in this regard. But at the very beginning of the new century, the International Hydrographic Organization adopted a division into 5 parts. This point has not yet been documented, since disputes still take place, and the legal procedure required for such changes is also underway. Thus, at this stage, it is believed that the Southern Ocean can be conditionally called the fifth on Earth. Experts now call it South Sea, indicating that it does not have its clear independent boundaries. It is also believed that its waters are mixed, that is, the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans enough not to single out the South into an independent ocean.

What is known about the oceans

It is interesting to know how the main bodies of water on Earth differ from each other. For each of them, scientists have collected enough information to give people an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diversity biological forms and geography of each region. So the largest ocean on the planet is the Pacific, which is also in first place in terms of depth. Area - 179.7 million km 2. It is he who takes the lead in terms of water reserves, since it occupies about 50% of the entire surface of the planet, and the volume of water is an impressive 724 million km3. Scientists have found that maximum depth reaches 11022 meters. This figure was recorded in the legendary Mariana Trench.

The second, but no less important, is the Atlantic. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis ocean is slightly more than half of the Pacific, that is, 91.6 million km 2, and in terms of water volume it loses significantly to it, since this figure is 29.5 million km 3, the maximum depth is slightly less and is 8742 meters. This indicator was found in the ocean trench, which is located on the border with the Caribbean Sea.

Small (20% of the Earth's surface) - the Indian Ocean. Its area is about 76 million km 2, the volume of water reserves is 282.5 million km 3. Scientists have recorded the greatest depth in this ocean, which is 7209 meters - recorded in the Sunda Trench. Feature - the least seas.
The Arctic Ocean is considered the smallest on the planet (if you do not take into account the South). So, its area is 14.75 million km 2, the volume of water reserves is 18 million km 3, and the greatest depth is recorded at around 5527 meters. This place is located in the Greenland Sea. The peculiarity of this ocean is that almost 75% of its surface is under a thick layer of ice for most of the year.

ocean currents

It is interesting to know how many oceans there are on earth, since each of them has such a phenomenon as currents. They influence climatic conditions continents nearby. Under the concept of "flow" fall the processes of movement of water, carried out in a horizontal direction.

Specialists take into account how many oceans are on earth and their names when they make calculations on weather phenomena for a certain territory or area. This is important because it is the ocean currents that are caused by the action of the wind force, the difference atmospheric pressure and differences in such an indicator as the density of sea water. There are such phenomena as ebbs and flows - they are determined by the influence of the Sun and Moon on our planet. Also, taking into account how many oceans there are on earth and their names is important for understanding the features of the fauna and flora of the area. This is important, because it is the currents that carry large volumes of water over considerable distances, therefore, the inhabitants of the depths, algae, move along with them. Currents can be thousands of kilometers long and hundreds of kilometers wide. No less important for researchers is knowledge of the thickness of ocean currents, as there is evidence that it can reach several kilometers.

The most famous and significant for the formation of the Earth's climate is the Gulf Stream. This current moves large volumes of water, reportedly exceeding all indicators that are recorded in all fresh water bodies on the planet.

Ocean currents contribute not only to the exchange of water, but also to the redistribution of heat. Under their influence, significant changes in the coast occur, and ice also moves at a high speed. In addition, the currents big influence on the circulation of the earth's atmosphere, and consequently on the climate in various parts of the earth. Currents can be warm or cold. They will be referred to as warm when the temperature indicators exceed those of the environment of a particular region. Therefore, cold currents are those in which the temperature will be lower than that of the environment and water.

Impact on the planet of the oceans

You may not know how many continents and oceans there are on earth, but everyone knows that there is an ocean. It has a great influence on the planet, since the vital activity of all living organisms depends on it.
A significant mass of its waters forms a planetary climate, and it also serves as a source for the formation of precipitation. About 60% of the total volume of oxygen (O 2) enters the atmosphere from the oceans. It actively regulates the content in the atmosphere of the content of gas components such as carbon dioxide. Feature - the World Ocean is able to absorb its excessive amount if it is formed on Earth in the process of life and activity of all living organisms, including humans.

At the bottom of the World Ocean, an event significant for biology and ecology occurs - the accumulation of a huge mass of various substances of mineral and organic nature. The processes taking place in the depths of all seas and oceans have a strong influence on the entire earth's surface and her bark. Additionally, at the bottom of the oceans there are various mineral deposits. Up to 1/3 of the world's oil reserves are located in oceanic depressions. Many processes taking place on land depend on the features of the topography of the ocean floor.

Conclusion on the topic

To know how many oceans in total on earth is needed not only for general development, but also in order to determine the characteristics of the region. Since there are disputes about how many oceans there are on earth, you can combine all water masses in the concept of the oceans. major oceans the lands are both in a cold climate and in a warm one, so all continents depend on currents. They are the ones who define the features. weather phenomena, amount and intensity of precipitation in a particular country. Consequently, the oceans have a great influence on the planet; without them, the biology and ecology of the planet will be disrupted.

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