The name of the country in the territory. Modern political map of the world. Diversity of countries and their main types

The political map of the world is a thematic map that shows the state borders of all. It is called the mirror of the era, because it reflects all the processes taking place in the world at different stages of the development of human society.

By geographic location allocate:

  • insular ( , );
  • continental ( , );
  • having access to the sea (, Republic of Korea,);
  • landlocked ( , );

By territory size:

  • very large (, Canada, China);
  • large;
  • medium;
  • small;
  • "microstate" ( , ).

By number:

From the largest with a population of more than 100 million people - to small, with a population of less than 1 million.

According to the national composition of the population:

  • mononational (Japan),
  • multinational (Russia, China).

By form of government:

  • constitutional - Norway, Great Britain;
  • absolute - Japan, Saudi Arabia
  • theocratic - .


  • presidential -,;
  • parliamentary - most Western countries.

According to the state structure:

  • federal -, Russia;
  • unitary - , France.

According to the level of socio-economic development:

  • economically the developed countries- Japan, ;
  • developing - India, ;
  • countries with economies in transition - the majority of post-socialist countries.

The place of any country in the typology is not constant and may change over time.

Stages of formation of a modern political map. Features of the modern stage.

The process of formation of the political map of the world has several millennia, so we can talk about the existence of several periods in its formation. Usually distinguished: ancient (up to the 5th century AD), medieval (5th - 15th centuries), new (16th - late 19th century) and the latest periods (from the beginning of the 20th century).

Over the course of modern history, the political has changed especially actively. During the period of the Great Discoveries, the largest colonial powers were and. But with the development of manufactory production, England, France, and later the USA came to the forefront of history. This period of history was characterized by large colonial conquests in America, Asia and.

In the latest period of history, serious territorial changes are associated with the course of two world wars and the post-war reorganization of the world.

First stage(between the First and Second World Wars) was marked by the appearance on the world map of the first socialist state (the RSFSR, and later the USSR). The borders of many states have changed (some of them have increased their territory - France, in other states it has decreased). So, Germany, having lost the war, lost part of its territory (including Alsace-Lorraine) and all its colonies in Africa and Oceania. A large empire, Austria-Hungary, collapsed, and new sovereign countries formed in its place: Hungary, Czechoslovakia, the Kingdom, and Slovenes. Independence was proclaimed and. The division of the Ottoman Empire took place.

Second phase(after World War II) was characterized by significant territorial changes to: in place former Germany two sovereign states a - the FRG and the GDR, a group of socialist states appeared in Eastern Europe, Asia and even in (Cuba). Very large changes on the political map were due to the collapse of the world colonial system and the formation of a large number of independent states in Asia, Africa, Oceania, Latin America.

Since the early 1990s, a third stage has been distinguished recent history. To qualitatively new changes on the political map of the world, which had big influence the collapse of the USSR in 1991 can be attributed to the socio-economic and socio-political life of the entire world community during this period. Later, most of the republics of the former Union (with the exception of three states) became part of the Commonwealth of Independent States (). Perestroika processes in countries of Eastern Europe led to the implementation of predominantly peaceful ("velvet") people's democratic revolutions of 1989-90. in the countries of this region. In the former socialist states, there was a change in the socio-economic formation. These states embarked on the path of market transformations (“from plan to market”).

In October 1990, the two German states of the GDR and the FRG united. On the other hand, the former federal republic of Czechoslovakia broke up into two independent states - and (1993).

There was a collapse of the SFRY. The independence of the republics was proclaimed, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (as part of, and the autonomous province of Kosovo). The most acute political crisis of this former federation resulted in civil war and interethnic conflicts that continue to this day. At the end of the 1990s, countries carried out military aggression against the FRY, as a result of which Kosovo was practically separated from it.

The process of decolonization continued throughout the world. Independence received - the last of the colonies in Africa. New sovereign states were formed: the Federated States, the Republic of the Island, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (the former "trust" territories of the United States, which received the status of states freely associated with the United States).

In 1993, the independence of the state was proclaimed (a territory that was previously one of the provinces on the coast, and even earlier, until 1945, a colony of Italy).

In 1999, Xianggang, the former possession, returned under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China (PRC), and in 2000 the former Portuguese colony - Macau (Aomyn). There are very few non-self-governing territories (possessions of other states) left on the modern political map of the world. These are mainly islands in and. There are also disputed territories in different regions world (Gibraltar, Falkland Islands, etc.).

All changes on the political map can be divided into quantitative ones - related to territorial gains, losses, voluntary concessions. And qualitative ones - the change of one formation to another, the conquest of sovereignty, the introduction of a new state system.

The typology of the countries of the world is one of the most difficult methodological problems. It is dealt with by economists, political scientists, sociologists and representatives of other sciences.

V.V. Volsky understood the type of country as an objectively established relatively stable set of conditions inherent in it and features of development that characterize its role and place in the world community at this stage of world history.

Many wondered - how many countries are there in the world? In 2014, there are 194 (Vatican and UN members) independent states. Despite the fact that the UN has recognized the Vatican, it is not part of it. There are more countries in the world than states, since the concept of "country" is wider and larger than the concept of "state". Now there are 262 countries in the world.

Many countries do not want to recognize other states as "independent". Such states are called "unrecognized", now there are 12 of them. There are also many territories in the world with an uncertain status. There are also 62 dependent territories. Despite the fact that they do not have state status, unrecognized states, dependent territories and territories with undefined status are countries.

194 countries have the status of independent states:

There are 2 names in the list, the first is the name of the country, the second is the state. The links below are Interesting Facts about country.


Territories with undetermined status:

1. Republic of Abkhazia
2. Republic of China
3. Republic of Kosovo
4. Palestine
5. Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic
6. Republic of South Ossetia
7. Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
8. Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
9. Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic
10. Somaliland
11. Azawad
12. Azad Jammu and Kashmir

4 territories with a special status stipulated in international agreements:

1. Aland Islands
2. Svalbard
3. Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
4. Macao (Macao)

Quasi-public education:

Order of Malta - has observer status at the UN. The Order has established diplomatic relations with 81 countries, incl. with Russia. The Order of Malta is sometimes seen in the context of a dwarf state.

Everyone in school studied such a subject as geography, but if you ask any passer-by on the street: “How many countries are there in the world?”, then probably no one will give an exact answer.

It is noteworthy that such a question will confuse even experienced geographers or local historians, since several methods for counting countries and states have been adopted.

For the most accurate answer to the question, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "state" and "country".

States include territorial units officially recognized by other states as independent, have clear boundaries and related attributes, which include the presence of a flag and an anthem. The country does not always have these features. In particular, a colony or a disputed territory can be called a country.

The total number of countries that exist in the world today is officially registered by the UN

According to the UN, there are 192 states, a list of which is given on the official website of the organization.

Two states that can be found on the world map did not fall into this number, since they are not part of the United Nations. These are Kosovo and the Vatican. Also among the states that have this particular status is Taiwan, which has long since left the jurisdiction of China. The latter does not recognize the official status of this small country, since it has claims on the territory of Taiwan, so the UN, guided by political motives, does not include the state in the official list of countries in Taiwan. modern world. But it is not the only reason arguing how many countries there are in the world.

In addition to countries that have an unambiguous status, today there are 12 states in the world whose status is not defined.

In particular, 8 states were recognized as one of the members of the organization, 2 countries are recognized as such by neighboring states, and 2 remain unrecognized. At the same time, 8 states are not members of the organization, but according to all the rules international law they must remain independent until their political fate is precisely determined. In addition to Taiwan and Kosovo, this list includes South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Palestine, the Republic of Northern Cyprus, SADR, Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

Virtual States

There is the concept of "state", according to which every country that claims the right to be called a state must have borders. Spreading virtual reality makes it possible to get rid of this conditionality. A state created in virtual reality may have other attributes to be called such.

The virtual state has a coat of arms, a flag, banknotes

Also, such territorial units created in the network, according to the norms of international law, can declare their claims to the lands of Antarctica and the Arctic, which gives them the opportunity to fully become a state.

Similar prominent representative the virtual country is the Vestarctica, which was born in 2001, or the unrecognized state of Sealand, located in the waters surrounding the British Isles. There is also Wirtlandia and Vimperium.

Order of Malta, which also does not fall under common features states, however, is considered as such and is an observer to the UN.

The total number of states in the world that fully meet all the criteria is 195, but when all disputed territories and virtual countries are counted, the total number will be 262 states.

We advise you to watch the video, how many countries exist in the world:

The world is changing rapidly, as is the number of states in it. From this article you can find out how many countries there are in the world in 2019. Now total is 251 units.

Difference of countries and states

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The concept of "country" is much broader than the concept of "state". The state differs from the country in that it has its own authorities, national symbols, currency, control center, laws.

In order for a country to become a state, it must be recognized by all UN members, of which there are 193, and 2 observer members - the Holy See (Vatican) and Palestine.

A country is a territory that has physical-historical, cultural, geographical or cultural boundaries, which are either clearly fixed or blurred.

There are several types of countries:

  1. historical regions.
  2. cultural areas.
  3. Physical-geographical countries.
  4. Political (territories of independent states).

The state is a political form of organization of society, which is controlled by public authorities and has a management apparatus to which all its inhabitants are subordinate.

Always independent and sovereign. But a country can be both sovereign and dependent.

Consider their differences:

A country State
Lack of power as such The presence of a system of power
Geographical and cultural features Political features
May be ruled by other states Always sovereign and independent
There may be no capital There is always a capital
Passport may be missing Having a passport
National currency - not always National currency is the main advantage

A country is a broader concept because it includes all the inhabited territories of the Earth, and states have more powers, but they must be recognized by the world community.

sovereign territories

Sovereign state - has a well-defined territory, a permanent population, its own power, independence from other countries, has the right to enter into international organizations and participate in the international distribution of labor.

On this moment, there are 195 such sovereign entities in the world. By continent they were distributed as follows:

Top 10 largest states by area:

Top 10 largest by population:

State Population mln/person Capital Largest cities
China 1398 Beijing Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu
India 1328 New Delhi New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata
USA 326 Washington Washington, New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Boston, Miami
indinesia 261 Jakarta Jakarta, Manado, Pontianak
Pakistan 211 Islamabad Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi
Brazil 208 Brasilia Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Curitiba
Nigeria 193 Abuja Abuja, Lagos, Ibadan
Bangladesh 208 Dhaka Dhaka, Chittagong
Russia 146 Moscow Moscow, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Rostov
Japan 126 Tokyo Tokyo, Kyoto, Yokohama, Sapporo, Osaka

Among the sovereign powers, there are 19 kingdoms:

  1. Bahrain.
  2. Belgium.
  3. Butane.
  4. Great Britain.
  5. Denmark.
  6. Jordan.
  7. Spain.
  8. Cambodia.
  9. Malaysia.
  10. Sweden.
  11. Tonga.
  12. Thailand.
  13. Monaco.
  14. Morocco.
  15. Lesotho.
  16. Swaziland.
  17. Saudi Arabia.
  18. Norway.
  19. Netherlands.

Unrecognized republics

The unrecognized republics are general definition territories that have independently declared themselves an independent state and have power, have a territory, but have not received international recognition.

The territory of the unrecognized republics may be under the control of one or more independent states.

There is a classification of unrecognized state formations:

Partially recognized
  • Khalistan;
  • South Ossetia;
  • Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus;
  • Abkhazia
Partially recognized states that control part of the land
  1. Taiwan (partially controlled by China).
  2. SADR - Saharan Arab Democratic Republic, most of which is controlled by Morocco
Unrecognized states
  • Islamic State;
  • Syrian Kurdistan;
  • Republic of Banksamoro;
  • People's Republic Euahlai - Queensland;
  • Republic of Murravarri;
  • Republic of How Pakumoto;
  • Sealand;
  • Nagalim;
  • Sultanate of Sulu;
  • Bakassi;
  • Waziristan;
  • Emirate of Shabwa;
  • Emirate of Abyan;
  • State of Shang;
  • State of Wa;
  • Jamaat Ash-Shabaab;
  • Al Sunna Walama'a;
  • Avdaland;
  • Transnistria;
  • Azania;
  • Galmudug;
  • Jubaland;
  • Hyman and Cheb;
  • Puntland;
  • Somaliland;
  • Nagorno-Karabakh Republic;
  • Donetsk People's Republic;
  • Lugansk People's Republic;
  • Catalonia;
  • Basque country;
  • Andalusia;
  • Tamil Eelam

Lands of undetermined status

Territories with an undetermined status are those lands where partially recognized government another country, or captured during hostilities and not recognized, or partially recognized by the UN.

Territories with an undetermined status are:

  1. Palestine.
  2. West Sahara.
  3. Sealand.
  4. Order of Malta.
  5. Bir Tawil.
  6. Abkhazia.
  7. Kosovo.
  8. South Ossetia.
  9. SADR.
  10. Somaliland.
  11. Azawad.
  12. Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
  13. Mary Bird Land.
  14. Antarctica.


A dependent territory is that part of the land on which a certain people lives and submits to another metropolitan state.

Such territories have neither political nor economic power. There are 58 such lands in the world.

by the most big lands are the islands:

  • Greenland;
  • Svalbard;
  • Puerto Rico;
  • Faroe islands;
  • New Caledonia.

Most dependent territories have:

  1. Great Britain (17);
  2. Australia.
  3. France.
  4. Netherlands.

Features of the Vatican

The area of ​​the Vatican is only 44 hectares. In addition, it is located in the vicinity of Rome, and is considered a city-state, and at the same time an enclave.

An enclave is a territory surrounded on all sides by another state. Such city-states are still considered Singapore, Monaco and Hong Kong.

An interesting fact is that in addition to the Vatican, there are 3 more enclaves - San Marino (in the same Italy), as well as Swaziland and Lesotho (both are in South Africa).

Another name for the Vatican is the Holy See. The population of this country is 932 people.

Interesting facts about the Vatican:

  • length railway 0.86 km;
  • The President lives in the Lateran Palace;
  • in the Vatican there are 3000 rooms, most of them are open to the average layman. The most famous hall is the Sistine Chapel;
  • the country is guarded by soldiers from Luxembourg;
  • Peter's Basilica was built here.

Video: interesting information

There are 251 countries in the world, among which 195 are sovereign states. Political world is constantly changing, and therefore in the coming years, the formation of new and the disappearance of old ones is not excluded.

At the beginning of 2009, there were 193 independent states on the political map of the world. These states are full-fledged subjects of international law. How many countries are there in the world? The number of countries exceeds the number of states. Since the concept of a country is much broader than the concept of a state. There are countries that are not recognized by other states as independent states (), they also exist. Not having the status of states, the last three categories of territories still have the status of countries.

193 independent states

1. Australia - Commonwealth of Australia
2. Austria - Republic of Austria
3. Azerbaijan - Republic of Azerbaijan
4. Albania - Republic of Albania
5. Algiers - Algerian People's Democratic Republic
6. Angola - Republic of Angola
7. Andorra - Principality of Andorra
8. Antigua and Barbuda - Antigua and Barbuda
9. Argentina - Argentine Republic
10. Armenia - Republic of Armenia
11. Afghanistan - Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
12. Bahamas - Commonwealth Bahamas
13. Bangladesh - People's Republic of Bangladesh
14. Barbados - Barbados
15. Bahrain - Kingdom of Bahrain
16. Belarus - Republic of Belarus
17. Belize - Belize
18. Belgium - Kingdom of Belgium
19. Benin - Republic of Benin
20. Bulgaria - Republic of Bulgaria
21. Bolivia - Republic of Bolivia
22. Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnia and Herzegovina
23. Botswana - Republic of Botswana
24. Brazil - Federative Republic of Brazil
25. Brunei - Brunei Darussalam
26. Burkina Faso - Democratic Republic of Burkina Faso
27. Burundi - Republic of Burundi
28. Bhutan - Kingdom of Bhutan
29. Vanuatu - Republic of Vanuatu
30. Vatican - Vatican City State
31. United Kingdom - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
32. Hungary - Republic of Hungary
33. Venezuela - Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
34. East Timor) - Democratic Republic of East Timor
35. Vietnam - Socialist Republic of Vietnam
36. Gabon - Gabonese Republic
37. Haiti - Republic of Haiti
38. Guyana - Cooperative Republic of Guyana
39. Gambia - Republic of the Gambia
40. Ghana - Republic of Ghana
41. Guatemala - Republic of Guatemala
42. Guinea - Republic of Guinea
43. Guinea-Bissau - Republic of Guinea-Bissau
44. Germany - Federal Republic of Germany
45. Honduras - Republic of Honduras
46. ​​Grenada - Grenada
47. Greece - Hellenic Republic
48. Georgia - Republic of Georgia
49. Denmark - Kingdom of Denmark
50. Djibouti - Republic of Djibouti
51. Dominica - Commonwealth of Dominica
52. Dominican Republic- Dominican Republic
53. Egypt - Arab Republic of Egypt
54. Zambia - Republic of Zambia
55. Zimbabwe - Republic of Zimbabwe
56. Israel - State of Israel
57. India - Republic of India
58. Indonesia - Republic of Indonesia
59. Jordan - Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
60. Iraq - Republic of Iraq
61. Iran - Islamic Republic of Iran
62. Ireland - Republic of Ireland
63. Iceland - Republic of Iceland
64. Spain - Kingdom of Spain
65. Italy - Italian Republic
66. Yemen - Republic of Yemen
67. Cape Verde - Republic of Cape Verde
68. Kazakhstan - Republic of Kazakhstan
69. Cambodia - Kingdom of Cambodia
70. Cameroon - Republic of Cameroon
71. Canada - Canada
72. Qatar - State of Qatar
73. Kenya - Republic of Kenya
74. Cyprus - Republic of Cyprus
75. Kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyz Republic
76. Kiribati - Republic of Kiribati
77. China - People's Republic of China
78. Comoros - Islamic Federal Republic of Comoros
79. Congo - Republic of the Congo
80. DR Congo) - Democratic Republic of the Congo
81. Colombia - Republic of Colombia
82. North Korea
83. Republic of Korea
84. Costa Rica - Republic of Costa Rica
85. Cote d'Ivoire - Republic of Cote d'Ivoire
86. Cuba - Republic of Cuba
87. Kuwait - State of Kuwait
88. Laos - Lao People's Democratic Republic
89. Latvia - Republic of Latvia
90. Lesotho - Kingdom of Lesotho
91. Liberia - Republic of Liberia
92. Lebanon - Lebanese Republic
93. Libya - Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
94. Lithuania - Republic of Lithuania
95. Liechtenstein - Principality of Liechtenstein
96. Luxembourg - Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
97. Mauritius - Republic of Mauritius
98. Mauritania - Islamic Republic of Mauritania
99. Madagascar - Republic of Madagascar
100. Macedonia - Republic of Macedonia
101. Malawi - Republic of Malawi
102. Malaysia - Federation of Malaya
103. Mali - Republic of Mali
104. Maldives - Republic of Maldives
105. Malta - Republic of Malta
106. Morocco - Kingdom of Morocco
107. Marshall Islands - Republic of the Marshall Islands
108. Mexico - United Mexican States
109. Mozambique - Republic of Mozambique
110. Moldova - Republic of Moldova
111. Monaco - Principality of Monaco
112. Mongolia - Republic of Mongolia
113. Myanmar - Union of Myanmar
114. Namibia - Republic of Namibia
115. Nauru - Republic of Nauru
116. Nepal - Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
117. Niger - Republic of Niger
118. Nigeria - Federal Republic of Nigeria
119. Netherlands - Kingdom of the Netherlands
120. Nicaragua - Republic of Nicaragua
121. New Zealand- New Zealand
122. Norway - Kingdom of Norway
123. UAE - United United Arab Emirates
124. Oman - Sultanate of Oman
125. Pakistan - Islamic Republic of Pakistan
126. Palau - Republic of Palau
127. Panama - Republic of Panama
128. Papua - New Guinea - Independent state Papua New Guinea
129. Paraguay - Republic of Paraguay
130. Peru - Republic of Peru
131. Poland - Republic of Poland
132. Portugal - Portuguese Republic
133. Russia - Russian Federation
134. Rwanda - Republic of Rwanda
135. Romania - Romania
136. El Salvador - Republic of Salvador
137. Samoa - Independent State of Samoa
138. San Marino - Republic of San Marino
139. Sao Tome and Principe - Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
140. Saudi Arabia - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
141. Swaziland - Kingdom of Swaziland
142. Seychelles- Republic of Seychelles
143. Senegal - Republic of Senegal
144. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
145. Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Kitts and Nevis
146. Saint Lucia - Saint Lucia
147. Serbia - Republic of Serbia
148. Singapore - Republic of Singapore
149. Syria - Syrian Arab Republic
150. Slovakia - Slovak Republic
151. Slovenia - Republic of Slovenia
152. USA - United States of America
153. Solomon islands- Solomon islands
154. Somalia - Somalia
155. Sudan - Sudanese Republic
156. Suriname - Republic of Suriname
157. Sierra Leone - Republic of Sierra Leone
158. Tajikistan - Republic of Tajikistan
159. Thailand - Kingdom of Thailand
160. Tanzania - United Republic of Tanzania
161. Togo - Togolese Republic
162. Tonga - Kingdom of Tonga
163. Trinidad and Tobago - Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
164. Tuvalu - Tuvalu
165. Tunisia - Tunisian Republic
166. Turkmenistan - Turkmenistan
167. Türkiye - Republic of Turkey
168. Uganda - Republic of Uganda
169. Ukraine - Ukraine
170. Uzbekistan - Republic of Uzbekistan
171. Uruguay - Oriental Republic of Uruguay
172. Federated States of Micronesia - Federated States of Micronesia
173. Fiji - Republic of the Fiji Islands
174. Philippines - Republic of the Philippines
175. Finland - Republic of Finland
176. France - French Republic
177. Croatia - Republic of Croatia
178. CAR - Central African Republic
179. Chad - Republic of Chad
180. Montenegro - Republic of Montenegro
181. Czech Republic - Czech Republic
182. Chile - Republic of Chile
183. Switzerland - Swiss Confederation
184. Sweden - Kingdom of Sweden
185. Sri Lanka - Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
186. Ecuador - Republic of Ecuador
187. Equatorial Guinea- Republic of Equatorial Guinea
188. Eritrea - State of Eritrea
189. Estonia - Republic of Estonia
190. Ethiopia - Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
191. South Africa - Republic of South Africa
192. Jamaica - Jamaica
193. Japan - Japan

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