Andrei Livanov: biography and death. Irina Bezrukova told in detail what caused the death of her only son What happened to the son of Livanov

Andrey Igorevich Livanov - rising star domestic cinema. The artist is the son of the famous Russian actor Igor Livanov. Andrew was prophesied brilliant career to the cinema. However young artist a different fate awaited. Not so long ago, the actor suddenly passed away, and the reasons tragic event and thus remain unclear.

What did Andrey Livanov manage to become famous for? Biography, career, personal life of the artist - all this will be discussed in our material.

Briefly about the family of Andrei Livanov

Parents young actor are famous Russian artists Irina Bakhtura and Igor Livanov. When the boy was 10 years old, the family broke up. At that time, Igor devoted himself entirely to filming movies and endless tours. Therefore, the guy remained in the full care of his mother.

After some time, Irina Bakhtura married a second time. Her chosen one was famous actor Sergei Bezrukov, who became the second father for little Andrei. Together new family traveled regularly, had fun. The stepfather did not refuse anything to Andrei and in every way encouraged him in any endeavors. In the upbringing of the boy also took Active participation father - Igor Livanov.

early years

Andrei Igorevich Livanov was born on December 6, 1989 in Moscow. The boy attended an elite private school called " golden ratio". Even in his youth, the guy began to take part in theatrical performances creative group "Nord-Ost".

Closer to adulthood, Andrei Livanov began to comprehend stage skills in the studio of the Moscow Art Theater. Soon, the aspiring artist partially lost interest in acting. The young man was expelled from the prestigious educational institution due to regular absenteeism.

Later, Andrei Livanov applied for admission to the Institute of Oriental Studies. Here he studied Japanese culture. After studying at the university for a little over a year, the guy in Once again decided to change careers. As a result, Andrei Livanov still received higher education, having graduated from the Moscow State University majoring in linguistics.

Film debut

Andrey Livanov began acting in films in young age. So, when the boy was 11 years old, he was offered a role in the film "I am a doll" by the authoritative Russian director Yuri Kara. The debut work brought the novice actor wide recognition and granted him the status of one of the most promising young domestic artists.

After the first resounding success in Andrei's career, a rather long period of calm followed. Livanov Jr. switched to participating in theatrical productions. Only at the age of 17 he was entrusted with a role in the adventure film "Rescuers: Eclipse".

Career Development

In 2006, Andrei, the son of Igor Livanov, received an offer from his stepfather to star in his autobiographical project called The Irony of Sergei Bezrukov. Documentary was received quite positively by the audience. However, on this, as it became known later, Andrei's career in cinema was completed. The young artist returned to theatrical activities, in particular, he regularly played on the stage of the Moscow Provincial Theater. Here the guy was in the position of administrator.

Cause of death of Andrey Livanov

In the spring of 2015, the life of a young artist suddenly ended. Shortly before the appearance of information about the tragedy, friends could not contact the young man. The actor did not show up for work and did not answer calls. Therefore, the rescue service workers, who were called to Andrey's place of residence, had to break down the door of the apartment. The lifeless body of the 25-year-old artist was found on the bathroom floor. The cause of Andrey Livanov's death remained unclear for a long time. There were no signs of violent death at the scene.

A few days before the event, Andrey's parents - Irina and Sergey Bezrukov - went on a business trip. Soon the guy began to call his mother, complaining of a high temperature. At young man began to appear general malaise, probably caused diabetes from which the artist suffered. After a serious deterioration in his condition, Andrei turned to the emergency service. The doctors who arrived at the specified address could not get into the apartment. It was decided to call rescuers.

When a few hours later, the doctors managed to get into the room, it was already too late. The cold body of Livanov was in the apartment. Nearby lay several syringes and ampoules with insulin. Probably, the actor began an acute attack caused by diabetes. The young man tried to inject. However, this did not help him save his life.

What happened after the death of a young artist?

Upon learning of the death of the child, Irina Bezrukova immediately left Irkutsk, where she was on tour and flew on an urgent flight to Moscow. Her husband Sergei also canceled all events scheduled for Eastern Siberia and then followed his wife.

Despite refusing to communicate with ex-wife, shortly before the funeral, Andrei's father, Igor Livanov, appeared on the threshold of the Bezrukovs' apartment. The actor came here, wanting to support Irina and Sergey, who were almost completely responsible for the upbringing of the child. Before entering the house, the father of the deceased artist told reporters that his son had previously complained of a serious illness, especially after returning from a tourist trip to Vietnam.

The closest comrades of the departed Andrei Livanov were also shocked by the tragedy. The incident was a particular blow to best friend young artist Rodion Gazmanov.

Currently, Irina Bezrukova, according to her words, has fully recovered from the loss of her beloved son. She started life from scratch and continues to develop acting career. However, Sergei Bezrukov could not cope with the heavy blow of fate. Shortly after the death of his adopted son, the actor divorced his wife. Probably, it was Andrei who served as the link that connected, it would seem, strong marriage famous artists.

0 March 15, 2015, 12:30

Tragic news is reported by the Russian media: Andrei Livanov, the 25-year-old son of Irina Bezrukova from her first marriage to Igor Livanov, died in Moscow.

The body of a young man was found in his apartment in the southwest of the capital. At that moment, Irina and Bezrukov were on a business trip and could not contact him for some time. Also, Livanov did not appear at the Moscow Provincial Theater, where he worked as an administrator.

The director of a cultural institution came to visit Andrey, who discovered the body. Medical workers who arrived at the scene found no signs of violent death. The reason for the incident is still unknown.

Edition managed to contact the father of the young man, Igor Livanov. The actor noted that a few days ago Andrei returned from a trip to South-East Asia. Almost immediately after arrival, he felt unwell.

He complained of feeling unwell and having a high temperature. I asked how it was, he said everything was fine. What exactly was the temperature, he did not specify. I have a text message with my son. I thought my son was just sleeping. I have been on such trips and I know how hard it is to come back after them. Most likely, he would not go to the doctor, I think he was at home and lying,

Igor said.

Also, the actor strongly denied the information that the cause of death could be drug abuse:

Never had drugs! The son was a sick man, if there were drugs, they would have killed him completely. He did not drink, smoke or use drugs.

The marriage of Andrei's parents broke up when the boy was 11 years old. Since then, he has lived with his mother and stepfather, Sergei Bezrukov.

News in the blogs of our user Muse.

Irina with her son (2008)

The wife of Sergei Bezrukov, Irina, interrupted her tour in Irkutsk, which she went with her husband. The 49-year-old actress flew to Moscow on an urgent flight to say goodbye to her only son. It is not difficult to understand that Irina is now in a state of shock. In turn, Sergei Bezrukov nevertheless decided not to cancel the performances scheduled for March 16 and 17, despite the tragedy. According to the theater workers, today it is known that the production of "Pushkin" on the stage of the Zagursky Musical Theater with Bezrukov in leading role will run on schedule.

As it became known, just before his death, the 25-year-old stepson of Sergei Bezrukov, Andrei Livanov, himself called the emergency service 112 and asked the doctors for help.

Arriving at the scene, the doctors could not get into the apartment and called rescuers to break into front door but it was already too late.

On March 14, at 19:47, Andrei Livanov himself dialed the emergency number 112 and managed to complain of severe malaise. Immediately after Livanov's call, the doctors tried several times to contact him, but he did not pick up the phone and did not get in touch. Already at 19:53, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived at the scene, at about 20:30 the rescuers were able to break the door to the apartment, but it was too late - they found a young man in the bathroom man dead, next to the deceased were insulin syringes.

Earlier it was reported that employees law enforcement and medical workers consider his serious illness as one of the main reasons for the death of Andrei Livanov. As the police found out,

the young man suffered from a severe form of diabetes mellitus for about three years. At times, his blood sugar rose to critical levels.

As Andrei's father, Igor Livanov, says, his son, who lived with his mother Irina Bezrukova and stepfather Sergei Bezrukov, could not be left alone. "Andrey had a very high level blood sugar. He had a personal doctor who prescribed him a diet and himself formed the menu of his diet. I don’t know how long he was unattended and because of what death could have occurred - maybe he ate the wrong thing or didn’t survive the flight. He doesn’t live with me, my son reassured all my questions like this: “Dad, everything is fine, don’t worry!” Igor Livanov told law enforcement officers.

IN tragic death 25-year-old Andrei, his biological father, actor Igor Livanov, blames the expedition to Vietnam, from which his son and ex-wife returned a few days ago. According to the inconsolable father, it was after this trip that the guy felt bad.

Andrei's correspondence with a friend, created in the best traditions of literary travel notes, indirectly confirms the words of Igor Livanov.

The essay indicates that Irina felt unwell in Vietnam. Andrei decided not to report his health,

focusing on the beauties of the resort country.

Irina published Andrei's story on her Facebook page a few days before the tragedy. “My son's correspondence with a friend.. Enjoy)) Journal of Jonathan Wurgenappelsmitchestercherriontopshire… Expedition to Vietnam, day 5. 11:13 local time… Dear friend, Wolfgang, I am writing to you from a strange country. Our expedition reached the central part of Vietnam. What a marvelous place it is! We were greeted by a very impressive number of friendly natives. You know, my friend, they have a very strange accent. in English. Most peculiar I must say! Imagine, they do not finish half the word! Imagine my surprise when "mil" turned out to be milk and "masa" turned out to be massage! I believe that Professor Edgeworth would be extremely interested in studying the features of local phonetics.

"Love of my life.. You are beautiful, wise, pure and bright.. my friend.. My best friend.. I love you.. Ma"

There is a flat area and rather sparse vegetation. Most of the plants were planted by hand local residents(What a hard-working people, I tell you!). Of course, scorched grass, palm trees and sand prevail, but there are also well-kept gardens. On the territory of the hotel you can find a neatly cut lawn (Here, of course, is not native, a three-hundred-year-old lawn, which was cut by ten generations of Murpincherkastr gardeners ... but also nothing). This brings to mind about native land... And the queen! God save the queen!

Mountains rise along the border with Cambodia. We can say that it has become a natural border between countries.

The natives are very friendly, but, alas, because of the damned Frenchmen (Blasted Frenchmen!) Beads and other trinkets are not exchanged for gold!

On the contrary, they themselves offer this garbage on every corner!!! I beg your pardon... emotions have gotten the better of you... control yourself, Jonathan, you're the squire of Her Majesty the Queen!

The cuisine here is pleasant, although not very diverse (This, of course, is not divine fish & chips for you ... but also nothing).

The most common are rice, pork, beef, wheat and vegetables. Sometimes in rather salty, savory and spicy combinations,

but in general, without any perversions (Like eggs of roosters, kidneys of a snake or all sorts of insects!). Seafood is much less common, usually shrimp and squid. They do not particularly prefer fish (Try to feed it to foreigners) ... strange people ...

Son of Irina Bezrukova and actor Igor Livanov. As the press reported, the young man died of acute heart failure. But him stepsister, Nina Livanova, spoke about what really happened.

“Finally, after all the crazy days, after the death of Andryushka, I managed to contact the mother of my deceased brother, Ira Bezrukova, she answered. In general, I finally heard the story first hand. Andryusha had a very mild degree of diabetes, which did not affect the quality of life. he never injected himself with insulin and did not know how. And there were no syringes at home and no one found them. Although there were many witnesses at the opening of the apartment. He didn't call an ambulance. Didn't call or call, that's a lie. And his temperature was a maximum of 37.5 (there is a thermometer by the bed). Everything was in place, nothing unusual, there was no phone near the body. He just went barefoot to the toilet, fell and hit himself to death on the tiles. Failed to the extreme. Why - they do not know, perhaps from weakness the head was driven. About the autopsy: they took analyzes of body fluids for poisons and drugs and all that, as expected, but the autopsy itself was superfluous due to the obviousness of the situation. and he would not have wanted either, and so the parents asked not to do it, and the investigators did not consider that there were reasons not to respect the request. So the situation did not arouse any suspicions from the police. Everything was obvious. He fell. Everything else is lies and lies. The entire Internet is in "heart failure", "drugs", "why there was no autopsy, a dark matter" ... and the sun did not smoke a single cigarette in his life and could not stand alcohol.


Mikhail Zadornov on the death of his stepson Bezrukov: “It was an accident!”

The writer wrote a column about the late son of Irina Bezrukova and Igor Livanov

The trouble came to the house of Sergei Bezrukov last weekend. While the actor and his wife Irina were on tour, the police found Bezrukov's stepson, the son of his wife and the famous artist Igor Livanov Andrey, dead in a Moscow apartment. The guy's father told the police that the young man had diabetes.


Irina Bezrukova: "He was too good for this world"

The actress thanks for the sympathy and remembers her untimely departed son

Irina Bezrukova and Igor Livanov, their families and friends, people from all over the country and abroad bring condolences. The life of Andrei Livanov, the 25-year-old son of theater and film artists, was tragically cut short last weekend, his body was found by the police in a Moscow apartment. The circumstances of death are being investigated. It is known that the young man suffered from diabetes and had recently returned from a trip to Vietnam, where he rested with his mother.

Almost three years ago, the son of Irina Bezrukova and Igor Livanov was buried. Then the press reported that the young guy died of heart failure due to the use of illegal substances. But today it became known true reason Andrei's death.

Step sister's confession

Nina Livanova always treated her named brother well - they supported each other, talked about their lives and just loved to spend quiet evenings with their family.

The pain of loss began to subside a little, oh " bad habits Livanov Jr. stopped talking, so the girl decided to tell the whole truth about how Andrei actually died.

Igor and Irina with their son on vacation

The young guy has long come to terms with the fact that he was diagnosed with diabetes. Fortunately, the degree of the disease was very mild and did not affect the quality of life. The son of a famous artist has never been treated with insulin and did not even know how to give injections.

This is the first fact that proves that the information from three years ago is a lie and nothing more.

Nina also told other details that had not been made public before. Namely:

  • there were no syringes in Andrey's apartment - this was proved by the people present at the opening of the premises;
  • the guy did not call an ambulance - there was no ambulance number in outgoing calls, and the phone itself was too far from the body;
  • before the media said that Livanov Jr. had a very heat(what happens under the influence of drugs), but the thermometer, which lay on the bedside table, showed 37.7;
  • after death, the necessary tests were taken to check for the presence of poisons and drugs in the body - they turned out to be negative.

Andrew with his father

So Andrei Livanov died not because he succumbed to weakness, but because of a stupid and banal accident.

How the tragedy happened

The young actor was unwell for a few days or so. He rested at home, taking light medications and periodically measuring his body temperature (which is why there was a thermometer by the bed).

Irina Bezrukova spoke for the first time about the causes of her son's death

Most likely, Andrei wanted to go to the toilet, and he went barefoot to the bathroom. There, the guy slipped, fell unsuccessfully and hit the tile so hard that he died in an instant.

Due to the obviousness of the situation, the relatives refused to perform an autopsy. Irina Bezrukaya is sure that her son would not want this either, and the investigators saw no reason to refuse the woman's request.

Memories of parents

Irina Vladimirovna remembers her son with warmth in her heart. She always said that Andrei had an incredible soul, and from childhood he had an inner core that reflected his essence.

The guy was always very close to his mother and loved to share his thoughts with her. All of them are recorded in the artist's diary and in difficult times Irina loves to reread them.

Andrey Livanov died by a tragic accident

One of the phrases that turned out to be, to some extent, prophetic, sounds like this: “Life is lethal. Sometimes suddenly lethal. Unfortunately, in Andrei's case, these words turned out to be true.

Irina Bezrukova and are very grateful to friends, relatives and fans who supported them in the most difficult times. With such support, it is much easier to survive the rain and go in search of a new sun.

Parents are glad that now everyone knows the real cause of their son's death and now no one can denigrate his memory with dirty gossip.

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