Timur Eremeev. Is Timur Eremeev the illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin? Facts from the biography of the young artist

Timur Eremeev- Russian theater and film actor. Born on November 17, 1983 in the town of Korolev near Moscow.

The actor’s filmography does not yet include many works. As of 2018, Timur has starred in 10 films. His first fame came in 2015, after Eremeev played the role of a receptionist in the comedy series “Kitchen”, and then, in the image of the same character, appeared in the logical continuation of “Kitchen”, the popular series “Hotel Eleon”.

On the set of the popular STS series “Hotel Eleon”

However, Timur gained much greater fame after loud scandal in the media. In one of the interviews, he admitted that he is the illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin. This statement outraged the daughter of the great Soviet actor, and she filed a lawsuit against Eremeev for the protection of honor and dignity. Until 2017, Karina was sole heir Spartak Mishulina. Litigation between Mishulina and Eremeev became the reason for several television broadcasts of popular talk shows. Thus, this story was repeatedly discussed in Dmitry Borisov’s programs “Let Them Talk” and “Live.” A DNA test conducted on “Let Them Talk” confirmed that Timur Eremeev is 99.9% the biological son of Spartak Mishulin, but Karina and her mother categorically disagreed with the results of the examination.

A DNA test showed that Timur Eremeev and Karina Mishulina are brother and sister

Personal life: Timur is married, his wife's name is . The couple are raising a daughter, Nika.

There are a lot of rumors around the personality of Timur Eremeev. One of them is that this young man is the son of the famous actor Spartak Mishulin in the Soviet Union. Is this true or is the information false?

An intriguing story about kinship young talent with the famous artist lasted for many months. Literally the whole country was worried about Eremeev and his long proceedings with Spartak’s daughter, and now the results of Timur Eremeev’s DNA test became known.

Previously, everyone knew that in official biography This outstanding actor clearly states that Spartacus had only one daughter, who was born to him at a fairly mature age.

It is reliably known that the young man was born in 1983 in the town of Korolev near Moscow. The boy’s name was chosen by his mother; she was a fan of the book “Timur and His Team” and named her son in honor of its main character.

The boy's family was truly creative, which is why the boy also in early childhood started dreaming about the stage.

Plus, Timur wrote poems and songs. At the same time, neither in ordinary school nor in music school did the boy particularly stand out; he was modest and thoughtful.

Already in the 10th grade, the young man firmly decided to enroll in theater and took an important step towards this goal - he began to study in the theater class of Moscow school No. 232 in the theater class at the Shchepkinsky School.

Thanks to this, the young man, after successfully passing the entrance exams, was immediately enrolled in the second year of “Sliver.” where he entered the second year under V.P. Seleznev.

True, Timur Eremeev, an already established actor, admits that he lacks the experience that is given in the first year, but it is impossible to change this. In “Sliver” the young man was enrolled with the Honored Artist, Professor Vladimir Prokhorovich Seleznev.

But after a year he transferred to IGUMO or Institute of Humanitarian Education and Information technologies to the People's Artist Russian Federation Vladimir Borisovich Korenev. The reason for this action is not known.

Among other things, Timur’s biography also contains a page dedicated to the army. The fact is that the young man did not evade conscription and went to serve for a whole year. The future star served as part of the artists of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army. It is noteworthy that it was in the troupe of this institution that he remained to work after receiving his diploma. He still works there to this day.

It should be noted that Eremeev is quite busy in his theater. The list of the young man’s performances includes “Man of La Mancha”, “The Inventive Lover”, “Dream in summer night" and "Adventures good soldier Seamstress."

Film career young actor can also be called stormy. He first appeared in films in 2007 in the feature film Nostalgia for the Future.

Then he played in two TV series “Moscow. Three stations" and " Unequal marriage" But real wolf popularity came to the young man only after the unusually rated TV series “Kitchen” was released, where he played the receptionist Yegor.

This character was so loved by the audience that he was transferred to a spin-off called, which is now gaining more and more popularity. In total, Timur Eremeev has 9 film roles, the last of which is the role of a bartender in the TV series “Unknown”.

Timur's personal life as in student years, and now remains a completely closed topic. Even on his pages on social networks there is not a hint of family, only photographs from filming. Although he let it slip in one of his video interviews, he has at least one daughter, who fans speculate was born in 2016 or 2017.

Previously, there was a page on Wikipedia about Timur Eremeev, but it was deleted because... Inaccurate information about the actor was posted there.

Timur Eremeev

Timur Eremeev - biography, information, personal life

Timur Eremeev

Timur Sergeevich Eremeev. Born on November 17, 1983 in the village of Pervomaisky in the city of Korolev, Moscow Region. Russian actor theater and cinema.

Timur Eremeev was born on November 17, 1983 in the village of Pervomaisky in the city of Korolev, Moscow Region.

Mother - Tatyana, engineer.

In 2017, Timur declared himself the illegitimate son of the famous actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR Spartak Vasilyevich Mishulin.

Timur told a fascinating story about how his mother, who was originally from Vologda, met there famous actor, who came to the city to film the adventure film “Property of the Republic” (1971). And they have allegedly been in a relationship ever since. And 13 years later Timur was born. According to Eremeev, his mother even accompanied Mishulin on tour. In the family archive there is a cigarette pack with a portrait of Spartak Vasilyevich - drawn by his mother from life in 1981 on the Novosibirsk - Moscow train.

Timur Eremeev

At the age of 5, his mother took him to a performance at the Satire Theater, after which she introduced him to his father. Then they began to regularly go to Mishulin’s performances. “Sometimes after the performance the three of us would go for a walk, like real family. My father held my mother’s hand, my parents never quarreled in front of me,” said Timur.

Also, according to him, grandmother Nelly Leonidovna drew the boy’s attention to the fact that he was very similar to Spartak Mishulin. As a child, as Timur said, he copied Mishulin’s gait and other mannerisms, causing delight in his mother.

According to the actor, he and his mother lived in the suburb of Korolev, near Moscow, in the area of ​​the 1st May Factory, where his parent worked. It was a wooden two-story house, in which there was not even hot water. We got to the theater to see Mishulin by train - about half an hour's drive to the Yaroslavl station. “After evening performances we sometimes returned to last trains", he recalled.

Timur’s archive also contains a photo with a famous actor, whom he considers his father, taken in the theater (Mishulin in Carlson’s costume and makeup).

After Timur Eremeev declared himself the illegitimate son of Spartak Mishulin, the actor’s daughter, Karina Mishulina, filed a lawsuit. She called Eremeev an impostor who wants to promote himself on a well-known name.

As a result, Timur Eremeev and Karina Mishulina met on the talk show “Let Them Talk.” In the studio, Timur said: “I don’t give up a single word, I’m ready to answer for all my words... Karina or the family knew something.”

The program also included a DNA test to establish paternity.

Timur Eremeev - illegitimate son Spartak Mishulin? Let them talk

From the 10th grade, Timur studied at Moscow school No. 232, in the theater class at the Shchepkinsky School.

Later he entered the second year of college. Shepkin to V.P. Seleznev. From the third year, Timur became a student at IGUMO, course of V. B. Korenev.

He served in the army, and served as a member of the team of artists of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army (CATRA).

Remained in CATRA after finishing his service, among his works: “A long time ago” - Rtishchev; "The Inventive Lover"; “Hamlet” - Bernardo, 2nd gravedigger, Court Cavalier; “Forever Alive” - Kuzmin; “Madam Minister” - Courier; “The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik” - Lieutenant Lukash, 4th prisoner, 2nd doctor, cellmate; “Sevastopol March” - Battery Soldier; “The fate of one house (In the trenches of Stalingrad)” - Kerzhentsev; “Doctor Aibolit, or Adventures in the Land of Monkeys” - Ava; “Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich” - Prince Shakhovskoy; "Ma-Mouret" - Laurent, great-grandson; "A Midsummer Night's Dream" - Lysander, in love with Hermia; “Filumena Marturano” - Umberto; “Odnoklassniki” - Okopov, a person from the foundation; “Theatre Zvezda” - Alabyan, Gladkov, Member of the Arts Council; “Molière (The Cabal of the Holy One)” - Charles-Varlet de Lagrange; "Much ado about nothing"; "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"; "Man of La Mancha"

Since 2004, he has acted in films, making his debut in the film “Unequal Marriage.” Then in 2007 he starred in the film “Nostalgia for the Future” directed by Sergei Tarasov and the TV series “Matchmaker”.

Later he appeared in the films “The House That the Housing Office Built”, “Moscow. Three stations”, “Great feelings”, “Farewell, beloved!”.

In 2015, he played a prominent role in the popular sitcom of the STS channel “Kitchen”, and also in 2016-2017 he starred in the spinoff of “Kitchen” - the series “Hotel Eleon”. His hero is the receptionist Yegor. His character enjoys authority among the rest of the hotel staff and was appointed to the position of senior receptionist. But he has a skeleton in his closet: in his youth, Yegor found himself in bad company and participated in theft, for which he received a prison sentence. Only the former hotel manager Mikhail Dzhekovich, who got Yegor the job, knows about this - he uses the skills of a receptionist if he needs to get into somewhere and open something or do other complex and delicate work.

In 2017, the actor starred in small roles in the detective series “Unknown” and the comedy “Call DiCaprio!”

Timur Eremeev's height: 190 centimeters.

Personal life of Timur Eremeev:

Married. My wife's name is Olga.

In 2016, the couple had a daughter, Nika.

Filmography of Timur Eremeev:

2004 - Unequal marriage - Maria's boyfriend
2007 - Matchmaker
2007 - Nostalgia for the Future - episode
2008 - The house that the housing office built - episode
2013-2014 - Big feelings - Dima
2013 - LJ - episode
2012 - Moscow. Three stations - Viktor Lysenkov
2014 - Farewell, my love! - episode
2015 - Kitchen - Egor
2016-2017 – Hotel Eleon – Egor, receptionist
2017 - Call DiCaprio! - Bank employee
2017 - Unknown - bartender

For several months, television viewers in Russia and neighboring countries continue to anxiously follow the fate of Spartak Mishulin’s son Timur Eremeev, who agreed to take a DNA test.

Remember where it all started. The young artist gave an interview to an open source of information that he is the illegitimate son of a famous people's artist. Spartak Mishulin was remembered by the older generation for the film “White Sun of the Desert” and a play about the adventures of a fictional fairy tale character Carlson.

Spartak Mishulin

In response to Timur's revelations, only daughter famous artist, actress Karina Mishulina, filed a lawsuit against the so-called son of Spartak Mishulin for libel and infliction moral damage. In the first episodes of the program “Let Them Talk,” a young woman accused Eremeev of adventurism, a desire to become famous, and other insidious intentions.

At the same time, all viewers and experts were divided into two opposite camps - some reproached Timur for unprincipledness and arrogance, others supported young man, wanting to tell the truth after 35 years of silence.

PHOTO: Son of Spartak Mishulin - Timur Eremeev in the “Let Them Talk” program

There was a spectacular pause in the program for a long time, heating up the situation and causing concern not only for the participants in the conflict, but also for the viewers. Before the results of the DNA test were announced, the mother of Spartak Mishulin’s son Timur Eremeeva agreed to talk in the studio about her feelings for the late artist.

According to the woman, she was unusually happy with the great artist, despite the fact that he never left his legal wife and did not offer her his hand and heart. To questions from experts regarding the official paternity of Mishulin’s illegitimate child, Tatyana Eremeeva replied that she simply did not want to create problems for the person she adored.

Tatyana Eremeeva (Timur's mother)

Before announcing the results of the DNA analysis, the specialist explained to all viewers how the materials for the study were taken. Biological traces deceased celebrity were able to extract Carlson from Carlson’s wig and identified it with the blood of Karina Mishulina herself, so that the country and the courts would have no doubts about the integrity of the research. It was she who insisted on conducting the analysis at the most famous Russian forensic clinic, fearing manipulation of facts and materials.

The actress herself behaved quite aggressively, indignant at Eremeev’s behavior and insulting him in live transfers. She stated that she would not allow anyone to discredit the name of her father or cause pain to her mother, who faithfully gave 35 years of her life to Spartak Mishulin.

PHOTO: Karina Mishulina and Timur Eremeev

According to the young woman, the widow of the popular artist is so worried about the revealed facts from the life of her late husband that she lost all her teeth and turned gray overnight.

Experts in the studio also asked Spartak Mishulin’s son, Timur, who did a DNA test with Karina, why he started this whole story with the restoration of paternity.

The young man explained that he has a little daughter growing up and sooner or later “ good people“In pursuit of sensation, they can hurt her. Therefore, it is better to understand everything now. This became the main argument in a conversation with my mother, for whom all the fuss with the scandalous clarification of the details of her personal life turned out to be wildly unpleasant.

As the woman said, she never claimed a special place in the biography of a people’s artist and a married man.

As a result, the DNA test showed that everything told by Timur Eremeev and his mother Tatyana Eremeeva turned out to be true - the young man really is the son of Spartak Mishulin with a probability of 99.9999...percent! A huge cake was rolled out into the studio amid applause and cheers, and the presenter congratulated the guest on winning the case in the trial.

The young man refused to celebrate the victory alone and tried to explain himself to his sister, who refused him in unflattering terms. She didn't even go into the studio and said backstage that she didn't believe the test results.

Facts from the biography of the young artist

The future artist was born in 1983 in Korolev, Moscow Region. After graduating from school, he was admitted to Shchepka, from there he was able to transfer, with the help of his father, to IGUMO on the course of Vladimir Korenev. The wife of the late Mishulin also remembered this, saying in an interview that the young man was too annoying and did not give way to Spartak Vasilyevich.

DNA showed that Timur is the son of Spartak Mishulin

Now, after the scandal with paternity clarification, these words sound somewhat unfair, since Eremeev does not give the impression of an arrogant adventurer.

After graduation, Timur was enrolled in the troupe of the Russian Army Theater, where he still serves, periodically participating in various television projects. The sitcom “This Is Love!” brought him popularity. which he came across completely by accident. As the actor says, he was invited to audition for “Kitchen,” but the authors of the situational comedy about 6 friends who are in love with each other paid attention to the artist’s photograph even when selecting actors.

A little later, when work on the ups and downs in the lives of three couples came to an end, Timur was approved for the role of receptionist at the Ellion Hotel, which became very symbolic - the artist’s mother for a long time She worked as a watchman in a small cooperative house where Mishulin’s family lived and in the theater where her chosen one served. Therefore, as Eremeev himself admits, he often asked about funny incidents from Tatyana Anatolyevna’s practice.

In 2018, he starred in the comedy series " New person"together with Tatyana Arntgolts, Maxim Vitorgan and Vladimr Epifantsev. It was the growing popularity that made the young artist talk about family ties with a famous Soviet artist.

Personal life of Timur Eremeev

The actor is happily married to a girl named Olga, and they are raising their daughter Nika together. After a scandalous investigation on the air of the program “Let Them Talk,” it turned out that he now has a paternal sister, Karina Mishulina, who was born in the marriage of Spartak Mishulin with Valentina Kazakova.

As the actor wrote on social networks, he never pursued the goal of becoming famous due to the celebrity of his late father and is not going to gloat over his sister, who filed a lawsuit for libel. He hopes that his new relatives will forgive him and they will communicate normally, maintaining friendly relations.

Timur with his wife and daughter

Karina did not react to this post in any way, stating at the end of the program that she would insist on satisfying the lawsuit and repeating the examination in another independent laboratory. According to her, it turns out that as a result of research it turned out that not all chromosomes in the DNA chain are the same in the male line. She remains aggressive towards the Eremeev family.

The artist himself is not angry with his late father for the fact that he participated so little in his life. For Eremeev’s mother, Spartak Mishulin turned out to be the only love of her life.

Father and son met when Timur was barely 10 years old and then, upon meeting, he felt nothing for the inconspicuous middle-aged man with sly dark eyes. But when the late artist began to tell various stories from his life, he listened to him with bated breath. And he was always proud of his relationship with the famous Carlson, who lives on the roof...

A program where the results of a DNA paternity test were announced:

Timur Eremeev is an aspiring theater and film actor who has played in 13 films. Most famous works with his participation - “Hotel “Eleon”, as well as “Kitchen”. The guy gained particular popularity after exclusive interview to the glossy publication “Caravan of Stories”, where he stated that he was the son of Spartak Mishulin.

The childhood of a “famous” boy

Timur was born in the fall of 1983 in the town of Korolev near Moscow. Eremeev was raised by his mother Tatyana, who works at a local enterprise as an engineer. The boy learned about his possible biological father when he was 5 years old. The future artist was named after the literary character in the book “Timur and His Team.”

Timur Eremeev as a child with his mother

Since childhood, Eremeev was fond of reading, writing poems and songs. From the tenth grade he studied in the theater class of a specialized school at the Shchepkinsky School. After graduation, Timur was transferred to the second course of “Slivers” in the workshop of V.P. Seleznev. The following year, he already studied at IGOIT on the course of Vladimir Korenev.

Then Timur was drafted into the ranks Russian army. He served as part of the TsATRA troupe, where he later remained to work. There he played in 20 performances.

Cinematic debut

The young actor’s first role took place in the serial film “Unequal Marriage” in 2004, where he played a young man of one of the main characters. The next role went to Eremeev 3 years later in the film “Nostalgia for the Future.” For eight years, Timur had to play exclusively minor, unnoticed characters in films such as “The Matchmaker”, “Moscow. Three Stations”, “LJ”, “Big Feelings”, “Farewell Beloved”.

Timur Eremeev in the series "This is Love"

In 2015, the premiere of the humorous culinary series “Kitchen” took place, in which Eremeev played a guy named Egor. It was after this role that the artist gained fame, people began to recognize him and ask him to take pictures.

Timur Eremeev on the set of the series "Hotel Eleon"

A new wave of popularity overtook Timur in 2016-2017, after the release of the top-rated sitcom Hotel Eleon, where he played a lovelorn receptionist. In 2018, two films will be released with Eremeev’s participation: “Call DiCaprio” and “New Man.”

PR or sincere feelings

At 34 years old, Timur Eremeev is married to a girl, Olga, and has a one-year-old daughter, Nika. IN social network The aspiring actor actively shares family photos on Instagram. In his free time from filming, the guy spends time in the company of close friends and relatives.

Timur Eremeev with his wife and daughter

In the fall of 2017, the person of Timur Eremeev found himself at the center of a scandal. The newly minted host of the “Let Them Talk” program took on the task of covering this event – Dmitry Borisov . The program was called “Son or Impostor,” due to the fact that the actor called himself the son of the legend of Soviet theater and cinema, Spartak Mishulin. Such a statement seemed absurd for the biological daughter of a people's artist Karina Mishulina.

Timur Eremeev and Karina Mishulina in the program “Let Them Talk”

The woman filed a lawsuit against Eremeev’s pseudo-brother, whom she called a fraudster and a scoundrel. She is completely sure that there is no relationship between Timur and her father. In two episodes of the show “Let Them Talk,” the host and viewers persuaded Karina to take a DNA test. In the third program, the girl finally agreed to this, donated blood and brought the stage costume of Spartacus, from which they also took biological material for research.

Throughout all episodes of the talk show, Eremeev was actively supported by the studio audience, as well as famous people. The guy brought a stack of telegrams addressed to his mother by Spartak Mishulin. At detailed analysis Timur’s lawyers established that the dates from these documents coincide with the cities of the legendary artist’s tour. If Eremeev nevertheless slandered Karina’s family, namely her father, he will be punished for this and will pay an impressive amount of money as moral damages.

Timur Eremeev is very similar to his alleged father Spartak Mishulin

At the end of the third broadcast, it turned out that Spartak Mishulin was a loving man. So, suddenly there were more potential heirs of the eminent artist, who, like Timur, claim kinship with Spartak. At the end of November, the results of DNA analysis for the Y chromosome of Eremeev and Mishulin will be ready, they will be announced by Dmitry Borisov live on the next episode of “Let Them Talk.”

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