The only heiress of Vanga. Vanga's heiress makes terrifying predictions

Kaede Uber is a French schoolgirl whom Russian television dubbed the “second Vanga”. According to the NTV channel, before her death, the Bulgarian seer bequeathed to find her successor in Western Europe. Only in 2009 did the world learn about Kaede, who foresaw terrible terrorist attacks and an economic crisis in Europe and the United States. Her predictions for the future are terrifying. But is it worth believing the girl's words? ..

Biography Kaede Uber

There are very few reliable facts about Kaede. She was born in 2003 in the city of Montpellier in southern France with a severe genetic disease that caused problems with speech and vision. According to her parents, Kaede made her first prophecy at the age of five. She predicted that her cousin would break his leg, which happened. At first, Kaede guessed what would happen to her family, then she began to foresee events on a global scale. The girl learns the future in a dream, where the shadows tell her about future events.

Russian TV channels dubbed Kaede heiress Wangi

NTV claims that Kaede was aware of the financial crisis, the fall of Gaddafi, the explosions in Nice ... Nobody knows the girl at home. The seer's family believes that the Europeans will not believe Kaede. But in Russia, the clairvoyant received great fame. Since 2011, it has been promoted by the NTV channel, known for love to hoaxes. For the first time she appeared on the screen in the program "Vanga Returns", where Kaede was presented as a follower of the famous seer. Since then, the girl often appears on NTV.

Kaede Uber Prophecies for 2017

The girl made her last predictions in September 2016 for the notorious hoax TV channel. Kaede saw a major terrorist attack that will take place in January 2017, most likely in the United States. The clairvoyant's parents noticed that she began to fear the Muslims she encountered daily at school or in the city. The girl repeats that they bring death.

A young prophetess sees a threat from Muslims and warns about it

In addition, Uber promises that in the coming months the Russian Federation will not withdraw from Europe, Europe will tighten sanctions, and Putin will leave from power. Kaede also foresees the spread of an incurable disease around the world. The epidemic will start in Hong Kong.

Kaede's Unfulfilled Predictions

Although the Uber family claims that the girl foresaw many events on a global scale, her words are often wrong. In 2011, she spoke of the end of the war in the Middle East, but the conflict only intensified. Kaede promised an explosion next year nuclear bomb– fortunately, another miss.

Kaede's predictions about the application nuclear weapons did not come true

Hillary Clinton promised victory in the US elections. The price of success was to be the severe illness of the first female president. But the clairvoyant was wrong again. One of the latest prophecies says that in 2016 the President of Russia will fly to " warm countries". It is difficult to imagine the reason that will push Putin to such an act.

Note that Kaede is not the only "reincarnation" of Vanga. According to Vanga's niece Krassimira Stoyanova, only in Bulgaria were operating half a thousand swindlers, who were called followers of the clairvoyant. The seer said that she could not pass on her gift or teach someone clairvoyance. After all, no one told her how to look into the future.

Probably everyone knows about the famous soothsayer Vanga. But the fact that she has an heiress named, almost no one. And although the girl is only twelve years old, she can already predict the future and communicate with otherworldly forces. And most recently, she told what to expect people in 2016.

The clairvoyant Vanga herself spoke about this girl. And she also said after her death the gift will pass to another person.

Some esotericists think that this is not such a unique girl, but Vanga's soul moved into her, and she had such a gift.

On October 2, 2016, Kaede issued a new prediction that horrified everyone. There will be a lot of war and disease on earth.

First, the disease will appear in Hong Kong, and then it will move from one city to another. Doctors will not be able to find medicines to cure diseases. And a little later, the same flu will declare war on the whole world.

But in order not to catch this disease, you simply do not need to visit countries where it will spread.

Probably everyone heard the prediction of Vanga herself that in 4599 people will not die at all, because they will become immortal. But before they can achieve this, they must endure a huge amount of trials that are destined for them.

And already in 2088 a new virus will appear that will kill the population and no one can save a single person. Therefore, there will be very few people on the planet. All the medicines that will appear in production will not help. But the antidote for this disease will appear only in 2404.

In addition, the girl predicted that in 2016 a terrorist attack would be committed in the United States of America and there would be a lot of victims. There will be a lot of blood on the ground. People will die constantly. But most of all, you need to be afraid of the Arabs, who are gradually moving to this country.

But the girl's mother said that the girl is afraid of emigrants who come here from different countries.

Another girl told everyone that the US presidential candidate Clinton is in constant stress and a doctor is constantly on duty next to her. He is her personal physician. And the girl also said that Clinton has a huge number of diseases that gradually make themselves felt.

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Kaede uber is considered the heiress of the world-famous soothsayer Vanga. There are even rumors that Vanga herself predicted the birth of this girl, in whom she saw the return of her unique gift of foresight to our planet. Then it was still not entirely clear what Vanga had in mind when she predicted the birth of her heiress. They started looking for it since the beginning of 2000. But the heroine of our story was born only in 2003 during those terrible events that Vanga spoke about in her predictions. Namely, during the terrible fires in Europe. As you know, 13-year-old Kaede Uber, whose predictions stun the whole world, not only sees the future of people, but also knows how to communicate with the other world.

Predictions Kaede Uber

Kaede Uber has already predicted the terrorist attacks in Nice and Belgium. But this, according to her, the troubles will not end. And in the very near future, terrorist attacks will begin in America. The girl predicts a great tragedy in which there will be many victims.
The French girl Kaede Uber predicted many unpleasant events for the whole world for 2018. According to her predictions, a new epidemic will begin, caused by an unknown virus, against which there are no drugs. And this disease will come precisely from the East. Also according to her prediction, the world will face the next environmental issues such as severe water shortages and more.

The main predictions of Kaede Uber for 2018

A couple of years ago, the French girl Kaede Uber came to visit Russia at the request of people. She affably answered all the questions of passers-by who recognized her. It is worth noting that even Vanga herself did not understand what it was a gift or a curse? But when you have the gift of prediction, you simply have to share information with other people.

Top 15 Kaede Uber Predictions That Affect Everyone

The young prophetess prepared for these questions in advance. She does not always have enough words to answer all questions and correctly interpret her prophecies. For such purposes, she uses paper, pencils and other means.

Vanga's heiress has never been wrong in her predictions. This spring, she predicted terrorist attacks in France, and now, according to her, terrorist attacks will occur in the United States.

Not so long ago, when asked in which country the danger threatens, Kaede replied that in France. Many people remember the terrible events that took place in Nice, when a terrorist on a truck crushed almost a hundred people.

What danger threatens America? Kaede saw a suicide bomber with explosives in her visions. When she was asked the question, when will this terrorist attack take place? She replied that after four months. Indeed, in January this happened when a terrorist took hostages in a store.

Kaede sees all events in advance. So why can't it be prevented? Because the young French soothsayer was simply afraid to speak about her terrible visions mom. Now young Kaede Uber, whose predictions always come true, is terribly afraid of migrants from the east. She sees that they are a potential threat.

By the way, when asked what she would do after Barack Obama left her presidency, the French fortune teller replied that she did not see him in the future. Kaede also prophesies that in 2018 all sanctions will be lifted from Russia. As for the predictions for 2018 in Ukraine, new shocks await it too. A coup d'état is about to take place very soon.

Similarity between Vanga and Kaede

It is worth noting that many people really notice the gestures and movements of the Bulgarian seer in the young French fortune teller. Kaede, making his prophecies, just like Vanga raises up forefinger. The girl's mother complains that the stronger her gift manifests itself, the more her eyesight falls. So why not remember Vanga? She also lost her sight young age, and it looks like Kaede is following her path. Despite the fact that Vanga did not see anything at all, this did not stop her from making prophecies that always came true.

As for 2018, Kaede predicts the fall of the Russian ruble and even the departure of V. Putin from power. But in Ukraine, a woman will soon rule, and in the next few years, life in this country will improve. In 2018, Kaede advises not to go on vacation in Central Asia and to Hong Kong, as there is a terrible flu. But at the same time, the seer says that the diseases of war know no bounds. While in her predictions, she does not see anything good. Whether the predictions of the young Frenchwoman will come true or not, we will soon be able to check for ourselves.

Forecasts, portents and prophecies have always been and remain part of human existence. Few people are not interested in his future. And to get reliable information from the lips of the great soothsayers who have gained worldwide fame is a real gift!

One of these unique people is a French girl with nice name Kaede Uber. Thanks to the ubiquitous Internet, we have a wonderful opportunity, without any hassle, by typing a simple combination of letters, to find out what fate has in store for us in the near future.

Kaede was born in 2003 in France, in major city Montpellier, in the southern part of the country. Unfortunately, even in the maternity hospital, the happiness of the parents was overshadowed by terrible words from the lips of doctors - their daughter was diagnosed with a serious disease that progresses at the genetic level and affects the organs that are responsible for the most important senses: hearing and vision.

It is because of eye problems that little Kaede will later be called the "heiress of the Bulgarian fortune teller", the "new Vanga". According to rumors, this girl received the gift of the world-famous clairvoyant Vanga. A blind Bulgarian seer herself predicted the birth of a baby with unique abilities to see things that are about to happen.

They began to search for the heiress of the great soothsayer at the dawn of the 2000s, but the girl was born only three years later, just at the time of the terrible events predicted by Vanga, namely, during the fires that raged in Europe.

According to the parents of the miracle girl, when Kaede was only 5 years old, she made her first prophecy. The girl predicted her cousin's injury. The little girl assured her family that her cousin would break his leg. And so it happened.

Since then, Kaede has been alerting relatives and loved ones of upcoming events. Only a few years later, the little fortune teller started talking about much larger events that should happen in different parts of the world.

The French schoolgirl, whose predictions come true with amazing accuracy, can not only foresee the future, but also enter into communication with the other world. kaede uber sees prophetic dreams. According to the teenager, some shadows, most likely the souls of the dead, tell her about what will happen soon. The more the girl's health worsens, the more her gift is revealed.

Kaede's predictions

In 2009, little Kaede foresaw the death of her own grandmother. Also, the little one, long before the incident, predicted the death of her stepfather. Kaede Uber spoke about the terrorist attacks in Belgium and Nice before tragic events. The girl predicted the global economic crisis, as well as the death of the Libyan dictator Gaddafi.

Surprisingly, in the fortuneteller's hometown, few people know about Kaede and her gift. The thing is that parents in every possible way protect their daughter from unwanted attention. However, in Russia the successor has become quite famous. For the first time they started talking about Kaede in 2011 at one of the Russian TV channels. The program had the sonorous name "Vanga returns." More than once on television, the girl was remembered as the heir to the great gift of the Bulgarian clairvoyant.

Then on for a long time a baby with unique abilities disappeared from the TV screens. Camera lenses and journalist microphones turned to Kaede in 2016. It was then that Russian correspondents invited the girl to our country, where Kaede, without a shadow of a doubt, told the audience about the future that awaits both Russia and other states.

What did Kaede predict for 2018?

During her visit to Russia, the little Frenchwoman made several important predictions. Kaede Uber happily shared her gift of foresight not only with journalists, but also with passers-by who recognized the girl on the street.

For questions about the future, the young seer always prepares in advance. Often Kaede has enough words to describe this or that vision. In order to correctly and easily interpret her prophecies, Vanga's heiress uses pencils, paper and other materials.

Kaede Uber is almost never wrong in his predictions. Not so long ago, she foreshadowed terrorist attacks in France. Many probably remember what happened in Nice when a terrorist drove a truck through a crowd of people. But now similar evil things will happen in the US. Indeed, one terrorist attack has already taken place: a terrorist took hostages in one of the stores.

By the way, about the United States: when asked what Barack Obama would do after leaving the presidency, Kaede replied that she did not see his political future. In addition, in, according to the girl, absolutely all sanctions will be lifted from Russia.

But Ukraine is waiting for new shocks next year. Kaede Uber clearly sees the coming coup d'état. How it will all end is not yet clear, but the fortuneteller spoke of a wave of protests that could overshadow the events of Maidan 2014 with their cruelty.

At present, the young clairvoyant, whose prophecies scare not only people, but also herself, is scared to death swarthy people from the east. They must have dreamed of her. According to the girl, she saw that in the future the threat would come from them.

Moreover, it is not yet known what kind of trouble fate promises us. Whether the beginning of the Third World War with the use of a terrible biological weapons or nature itself will rebel against humanity, and the Eastern nations will be the first to suffer from a serious disease.

- the great visionary of the twentieth century. Many of the old woman's prophecies, at the time of the prediction, seemed simply fantastic. “An alien sun will illuminate the earth, guests from another planet will come, do not be afraid, everyone will be saved ...” During the life of the seer, other questions were much more relevant. "The old leaders will leave, others will come to replace them, the veil will fall, people will see the world." This is one of the predictions that Vanga made in the mid-seventies. And only ten years later, it became clear that it was about perestroika in Russia. collapsed iron curtain. And for the first time in a long time, the inhabitants of the USSR got the opportunity to see how they live in other states. Many of Vanga's predictions sound creepy. “You can’t have weapons, that’s bad. When Europe is empty no one will live there. The sixteenth year is empty Europe, cold.

Even during the life of Vanga, many people began to declare themselves her students and followers. But several times, according to eyewitnesses, Vanga talked about who could become her successor. “My gift will go to a little blind girl from France, she will not be like everyone else, she is special. This child is a miracle! Find her!" . Everyone almost forgot about this prophecy, few believed that the successor would make itself felt. In one of the tiny French towns, NTV journalists managed to find one that could be a follower of Vanga. This seven-year-old girl's name is Kaede.

Kaede made her first prediction at the age of five. At night, a man came to her, who said that her cousin had to be more careful, as he could break his leg. The parents took the daughter's story for a childhood fantasy, but were very surprised when the next day, the boy fell and sprained his ankle. But the predictions were repeated, Kaede predicted the birth of a child with her aunt. And my aunt really had a baby ahead of schedule. Also, the girl predicted minor everyday events. Informed in advance about the visit of uninvited guests, the results football matches and guessed the weather. Once a girl came with her mother to the store and asked her to buy a postcard for her grandmother with an inscription about the wish for a speedy recovery. The girl's mother was surprised, because the girl's grandmother was healthy. But, returning home, the woman found out that a few hours ago, the old woman was taken to the hospital. Parents asked their daughter in surprise about how she would find out about upcoming events, to which the girl said that shadows come to her every night dead people who say what will happen tomorrow. Kaede is afraid of these shadows and doesn't consider them friends. The little soothsayer does not know who Vanga is, but claims that she comes to her.

The parents of seven-year-old Kaede, at first did not believe that their daughter could see the future. But every time the girl made a prediction, it came true! In France, almost no one knows about the unique gift of little Kaede. Parents hide from everyone the phenomenal abilities of their daughter. They are afraid that crowds of people will line up near the house. And only outside their country, in Russia, they decided to tell about the gift of their daughter. To this end, the little fortuneteller and her father flew to Moscow to shoot at the NTV studio. The girl agreed to tell what the future holds for humanity, and also agreed to help Tatyana Druzhinina from Rostov region. This woman, whose five-year-old daughter Anya was lost a month before Kaede's arrival in Moscow. Mom left her daughter behind a fence in the yard for a few minutes, and when she returned, the girl was gone. Since then, nothing is known about her. In search of the girl, the police, residents and volunteers repeatedly combed the entire district, but the child was never found.

Kaede has a rare genetic disease, a genetic disorder. As a result of this violation, the girl lags behind in development. The girl lost a small part of the seventeenth chromosome, which resulted in a slow development of speech and psychomotor skills. The girl cannot draw a circle, let alone write. Moreover, doctors warned that in a few years the girl would become completely blind as a result of a genetic disease. But Kaede herself reassures her loved ones that eyes closed she sees even better.

In the studio of the NTV channel, the girl was given several photographs and asked to comment on the events in the Middle East. To which the girl said that the war would end soon. And when I saw the photo nuclear explosion, claimed that this would happen in 2012.

After reviewing a photo of a little Russian girl, Kaede said that five-year-old Anya is with an adult tall man with blond hair. That Anya is ill and she will never return home to her mother. When asked about the motives of the man who kidnapped the girl, the young soothsayer replied that the kidnapper's goal was to take the girl to another city. The work of a man is connected with furniture. There is a danger for Anya, but not so strong. Let's hope that everything will end well for the five-year-old Anya and her mother. Video, watch online.

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