Chupacabra footprints in the snow. Chupacabra in Russia and other countries: the mystery of a real vampire is solved! Chupacabra in the Rostov region

Even though we live in the world technical progress, even today we are surrounded unsolved mysteries that force scientists from all over the world to study unknown phenomena and give humanity reasonable answers to their questions.

The Chupacabra is a mysterious beast that has been haunting human minds since the 1950s.

The first evidence of its existence dates back to 1947, when the appearance of a mysterious animal was associated with the secret developments of the US military. But this version did not find true confirmation and remained just speculation. You can also find other versions, according to which the Chupacabra is nothing more than an alien from another planet, who was exiled to our earth to study earthlings. Scientists put forward their theory - the Chupocabra is a real, yet unexplored animal that appeared as a result of mutations.

And this unusual name, the beast received as a result of the fact that he hunts animals, with sharp fangs pierces two holes on the neck of the victim and completely sucks out the blood. Therefore, Chupacabra is translated from Spanish as "sucking goats." Second appearance mysterious beast It was noted in the seventies of the twentieth century in Spain, in Puerto Rico, where an unknown animal attacked goats and completely sucked the blood out of them, while leaving the body of the victim intact. Another mystery - the Chupacabra disappeared as mysteriously as it appeared. And only in 1992 its trace was noticed in Latin America. The beast also attacked domestic animals and sucked blood from them.

And already in the twenty-first century, traces of the Chupacabra were seen on the territory of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.

Eyewitnesses claim that the beast is really real, they clearly describe its signs, although depending on the territory, they differ somewhat and external signs(size, color, etc.). Many even offer photos of the Chupacabra. But how much you can trust them is still a question, because in the world high technology, photography evidence is controversial.]

General signs of a mysterious beast

What the Chupacabra looks like, we can only judge by the description of eyewitnesses and the photos provided. The animal that raged in the territory Latin America, are described as a beast from seventy centimeters to two meters high. The structure of the body resembles a kangaroo, and he moves in jumps, on his feet he has webbed paws. The whole body is covered with growths and spikes and is completely devoid of hair. At the same time, there are eyewitnesses who claim that the Chupacabra still has a short dark gray coat, and besides, it is also capable of flying. What opinions agree on is the similarity to a kangaroo and the presence of sharp fangs. To prove their words, eyewitnesses even provide photos.

An unknown beast that sucks the blood of domestic animals on our territory, according to eyewitnesses, is slightly different from its American counterpart. The Slavic Chupacabra has more resemblance to a dog, it does not have the ability to fly, but its favorite habitat is near water bodies. The mysterious beast has a dog's muzzle and fangs, the body is disproportionately folded, of a strange shape and covered with gray or even reddish hair. Below is a photo of an animal that is most likely the mysterious Chupacabra.

The beast attacks animals in the dark, so it most likely has good eyesight and perfectly orientated in the dark. The monster attacks poultry, rabbits, goats, calves and even cats. An attack on a person has not been recorded for the entire time of the existence of a mysterious and unknown beast to science.

Science of the Chupacabra

No one seems to doubt that the mysterious beast exists, because there are many confirmations of this:

  • victims, with characteristic features violent death;
  • eyewitness testimony;
  • photo, although their authenticity is also still in question.

The mysterious behavior and unusual appearance gave rise to many versions as to what kind of animal appeared in the open spaces of our and other territories. In scientific circles, they also cannot yet find a real explanation and attribute this beast to some class or species of animals.

Studying photographs and descriptions of the monster, scientists agree that the way the Chupacabra looks, it looked like a saber-toothed kangaroo that disappeared from the face of the earth many centuries ago. One of the versions is that it is somehow a reborn animal. However, it has not yet been confirmed.

Scientists studied the remains that fell to them, and presumably could be the remains of the Chupacabra, but after a detailed study, it was unambiguously established that they belonged to the studied animals, most often they were foxes, coyotes, dogs.

There is an assumption that the Chupacabra is an animal that received the right to life as a result of natural mutations. However, it still needs to be proven.

In the meantime, people in different parts of the world are faced with mysterious creature, resembling either a dog, or a fox, or a kangaroo, with a disproportionate body and not yet amenable to scientific explanation, which sucks blood from domestic animals, is afraid of a person, although it terrifies him with its ugly appearance. In support of this, you can watch a video where information about the animal is briefly collected, and you can also see what is called the Chupacabra.

Starting from January last year in the village of Sedcha, Pukhovichi district, at least 30 farmsteads suffered from night robberies.

Most often, the raider visited the estate of Alexander Ageichik - six times. On the night of August 1, 32 rabbits and 15 broiler chickens died in the farmstead. The total damage from this robbery alone is almost 12 million rubles.

Neither high fences nor strong cages became an obstacle to the predator. The metal grids are torn to shreds.

Sturdy wooden structures are split and splintered.

If a lover of domestic animals needed to be pulled out of wooden block a rather big nail to rip the door off the cage, he pulled it out.

And the owner’s hunting dog, which is kept in a separate paddock in the yard, didn’t even bark that night ...

Alexander's son-in-law, Sergey Parkhimovich, accepts Active participation in housekeeping. And he is also very upset that the family will again be left without meat supplies. By the way, one adult rabbit in the market costs up to 450 thousand rubles. Yes, and it's a pity. The rabbit, with whom Sergei was photographed here, is the only one that somehow managed to survive.

After another robbery, which happened on the night of September 27, Sergei turned to the editorial office of the Minsk-Novosti agency:

“We need to somehow solve the problem. We suffer losses, women are afraid to go home from the train in the evening, small child you won’t let one out into the yard ...

Together with Sergei Parkhimovich, we studied the traces that the predator left in the garden on a freshly dug up piece of land.

The footprints are quite large, about the size of a man's fist, and go in a single line. The distance between them is about 65 cm.

It seems that a certain creature walked here on two legs. And is that why in the village Lately so often you hear talk about ... chupacabra. After all, they are now talking a lot around the world - from South America to Siberia.

For reference

Chupacabra is a creature unknown to science, a character of legends. Its very name comes from the Spanishchupacabras (chupar - suck, cabra - goat, literally - "sucking goats", "goat vampire"). According to numerous, but not documented evidence, this animal kills domestic animals under cover of night by sucking blood. It is impossible for a person to catch him at the place of robbery. Chupacabra became a hero feature films, series, books and cartoons.

The terrible rumors creeping around the village are reinforced by the fact that the unknown predator does not eat the animals he has killed and does not drag them away from the farmsteads, but drinks their blood.

However, if the tracks go in one line, this does not mean at all that the one who left them walks like a person. It's just that many quadrupeds put their paws in a trail - any more or less experienced hunter will tell you about this.

So talk about chupacabra should be stopped, although this overseas word itself has now become popular in Sedcha. Rumors arise where there is an event that excites people, for which there are no clear explanations.

Obviously, the night rogue has a lot of power. For example, taking out a rabbit that was huddled between a cage and a fence, he managed to push this cage away, and after all, it was once put in place by five people.

And in order to push the pickets in the fence as well as this creature can, a person will have to use a jack.

What kind of animal is this?

On the night of September 27, the predator ran around this rather big village in a circle. First, at about 2.00 he visited the farmstead of Alexander Ageichik. There, after the previous robbery, he had almost nothing to profit from - he strangled only two rabbits.

Then the animal moved to the other side of the village and killed three rabbits and two ducks there in the farmstead of Alesya Timoshchenko.

Two more rabbits were killed at Alesya's neighbor Oleg Shilai. And then the predatory animal made a real feast for itself.

“I left the house at six in the morning,” says a villager, head of big family Norik Khachikyan. – I look, all my rabbits are lying on the grass. I did not understand anything, turned on the yard light. The rabbits are dead, the cage doors are open. And the sheep that I keep gathered near the entrance to the house. Not all - two were missing.

I went around the site and saw one - dead.

Then he started looking for the other one. A little further away I saw him. And grabbed his neck...

Moment: for the first time, one of the villagers saw the beast that caused so much trouble.

- ... no, it was not a wolf, - says Norik Khachikyan. - The size is slightly smaller than that of a wolf. It was still dark, so I couldn't see very well. Rushed into the house, called his. Everyone flew out into the yard together, I took the pitchfork in my hands ...

Norik's story is continued by his daughter Zhenya:

- The animal is very scary. Not like a wolf, smaller. When we all screamed, it reluctantly left the ram and ran towards the unfinished house at the end of the lot. Its walls are already under two meters removed. The beast ran slowly, waddling, but jumped over the wall so that it seemed to me that he could fly. It looks like a bear cub. The same clumsy and broad-shouldered.

The family returned to the house, and the beast again went out to the ram. In the morning I had to drive him out again.

The beast described by the villagers, according to the description, looks like a wolverine, a beast, although rare, but still found on the territory of Belarus. In Latin it is called Gulo , what does "glutton" mean...

Reference books about the wolverine say the following: “It looks like a bear, its body is squat, clumsy, its legs are short, the hind legs are longer than the front ones.” The feet of the wolverine - just like our suspect - are disproportionately large, given its dimensions: 10 cm wide and 9 cm long. This feature allows her to move around loose snow. Wolverine is strong and aggressive - it can, for example, fill up a deer. The wolf, if he sees that she is running nearby, only follows her with his eyes. Many cases have been recorded when the wolverine killed gray predator. That is why neither the hunting dog of Alexander Ageichik nor the pit bull of Norik Khachikyan barked during the night robberies.

And the closest neighbor Norika Elena Vasilievna lives alone. And she doesn't have a dog. So far, her three goats are intact. The grandmother worries about them: will they survive?

And now the main question: how to protect the villagers from the robber, who instills fear in them and brings losses? They repeatedly informed law enforcement officers about the adventures of an insatiable hunter. But, of course, the Criminal Code does not apply to her. Which is clear from the notifications that the villagers receive from Pukhovichsky district department internal affairs.

In this situation, I think that the administration of the Pukhovichi district needs to think about how to combine the efforts of the Pukhovichi forestry, the regional organization of the RGOO " Belarusian Society hunters and fishermen", Perezhirsky village council, and the same police, in order to cope with the scourge that has plagued the village of Sedcha for a long time. Moreover, the legendary Chupacabra has nothing to do with it.

Look at the idyll Alexander Ageichik and Sergey Parkhimovich create in the courtyard of their house.

Peace and tranquility should be here not only during the day, but also in the darkest night.

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Friday, 2 March 2012 13:45

For almost a month, an unknown animal has been terrorizing villages in the Galicia region of Ivano-Frankivsk region. The account of the killed rabbits goes on tens.

That this is not a dog, but some unknown creature, the peasants do not doubt.
She comes in late at night, pulls the rabbits out of the cages and
sucking the blood out of their necks.

Peasants claim that the Chupacabra destroyed rabbits in every tenth household.

An unknown animal does not run, but jumps on its hind legs, like,
the peasants say.

Show photographs with footprints in the snow - twenty centimeters long. And the distance between the tracks can reach 1.5-2 meters. At the same time, the front paw is small.

Footprint in the snow found in the Sumy region

Chupacabra with instinct

Interestingly, in most of the farms visited by the Chupacabra, she
leaves one live rabbit.

Rabbits are no longer kept in cages on the street, but are tightly locked in sheds. How to deal with a night guest, people do not know. Therefore, they hope that the Chupacabra will simply get tired of going to them.

Recall that in 2009 it was reported that the Chupacabra keeps almost the entire Western Ukraine at bay. She toured rural yards in several areas.

In June 2010, a chupacabra was seen in Central Ukraine - in the Korsun-Shevchenkovsky region. When hunting, the animal unbent the thick bars of the rabbitry or chicken coop, strangled chickens and rabbits, and sucked the blood out of them.

The search for a mysterious beast that attacks rabbits, chickens, and sometimes people, was carried out in the Rivne, Lvov, Chernihiv, Kyiv and Ternopil regions. And recently it was reported that last year, already in the Sumy region, there appeared a "brother" of the Chupacabra - the "wolf dog".

Opinions of experts about chupacabra

Experts say that the Chupacabra is an ordinary fox, only bald.

The conducted studies have shown that all "chupacabras" of Ukraine are ordinary raccoon dogs, which, due to the state of the environment natural environment and the diseases caused by it have taken on such a strange appearance.

Meanwhile, in the Sumy region (Ukraine), where the so-called "" raged last year, miracles continue.

On the evening of February 26 at 17.52 from the village of Volkovtsov, cryptozoologist Vladimir Litovka received an emergency message from Galina Prikhnenko about the screams (5 times) of an unknown creature from the side of the swamp (where a strange mound of earth was discovered in the fall of 2011).

In the following days, they went to study the situation in the specified area.
researchers anomalous phenomena.

Talking about the events described by an eyewitness, Vladimir Litovka said that the dog "Almaz" also behaved strangely, he was torn from the chain, but they did not let him in.

Vitaly Prikhnenko, who examined the area, found strange footprints in the snow. Main
the strangeness was not in their form, they appeared as if from nowhere!

During the cryptozoological reconnaissance, which was carried out on February 28,
managed to confirm the presence of strange footprints in the snow.

Vladimir Litovka emphasized: "...traces appeared out of nowhere 15 m from the edge of the swamp, then they were found in a meadow (40 m) in the direction of the village of Volkovtsy, and then the snow was trampled around the circumference and the creature's trail breaks off, as if someone
soared into the sky (!)".

An unknown predator that attacked the farm in the village of Osmilovichi, apparently, was different high intelligence and remarkable strength: he threw back the iron hooks on the rabbit cages, and removed the large door of the rabbitry from its hinges.

An unknown predator that attacked the farm in the village of Osmilovichi, apparently, was distinguished by high intelligence and remarkable strength: he threw back the iron hooks on the rabbit cages, and removed the large door of the rabbitry from its hinges. Vitaliy Savievskiy, deputy head of the veterinary service of the Ivanychevsky district of the Volyn region, with whom we visit the affected farms, explains:

A domestic dog or a monkey like a chimpanzee can be trained to open hooks by long training, but a forest predator is incapable of this.

In the neighboring village of Staraya Lishnya, Nadezhda Shevchuk showed us a hole under a rabbitry that had been boarded up. The predator skillfully tore out the boards, penetrated inside and tore nine rabbits. The killing turned out to be pointless - the beast did not touch the meat.

Whether it was a feral dog or a wolf, my companion commented, I would certainly have tasted fresh rabbit meat.

But the unknown killer did the most incredible thing in the village of Zastavnoye: he strangled 20 rabbits, 15 chickens, 20 guinea pigs, and the guard dog guarding the courtyard was killed in the backyard. At the same time, the attacker somehow broke the massive chain on which the dog was sitting. This is the handwriting of a very large predator.

Mysterious "feats"

More than two dozen such stories have accumulated throughout Ukraine this year. Moreover, “exploits” cannot have a single author: domestic animals were killed in the Rivne region and near Kharkov, near Kiev and in Transcarpathia ... Geographical dispersion and an abundance of mysteries forced specialists in the unknown to deal with the problem.

Artyom Bilyk, head of the coordinating council research center for the study of anomalous phenomena "Zond" at the Kiev National technical university, candidate of technical sciences.

Predators that destroy domestic animals on the territory of Ukraine are compared with a similar animal that hooligans in South America. There he was nicknamed "chupacabra", which literally means "sucking goats", or "goat vampire". The Ukrainian "chupacabra" turned out to be smarter, more dexterous, and her appetites are more abrupt.

Kyiv scientists considered various possibilities, starting with the simplest ones. It cannot be a wolf: it would get food at least once every five days, and the “chupacabra” reminds of itself in the same area once every two weeks or even once a month. The version associated with the fox also disappears: the redhead kills as much as she can eat, but does not commit excess, senseless killings.

The Chupacabra terrorizing Ukraine must be very large: there are eyewitnesses who claim that the beast jumped over a one and a half meter fence from a place. In some places he left traces. The stride length is 1.1 meters. This is such a massive beast that even seasoned hunters lost in conjecture.

Of the exotic versions, the wolverine and the hyena were considered. It seems that in terms of size, intelligence and diet, these animals are suitable for the role of "chupacabra". Yes, here's the trouble: if the wolverine lived in these latitudes, then no later than two hundred years ago. And the nearest area of ​​\u200b\u200bsettlement of the hyena is the South Caucasus.

Traces of eccentrics

True, one cannot completely exclude such an assumption: rich eccentrics bring exotic animals from abroad, which, if the opportunity arises, run away. Once, a crocodile, a native of South America, was caught in the Dnieper, which swam away from the garden pool during the flood period. But this version loses its credibility when you compare similar cases of attacks almost throughout the entire territory of Ukraine.

Another version that deserves consideration is mutants who escaped from the Chernobyl zone. How bizarre they can be, the geneticist, Professor Konovalov demonstrated to the readers of AiF (see the note “Invasion of Mutants” in No. 17, 2009). In principle, it cannot be ruled out that smart and strong beasts with an unusual set of signs fled from the Chernobyl forest throughout the country.

And finally, Artyom Bilyk mentions an extremely low probability assumption, which, however, should not be discounted: this is the “branching universe” hypothesis, built by American physicist Hugh Everett. Parallel Worlds can exist completely independently of each other, but under certain conditions, some objects have the ability to move from one world to another.

If all other versions are discarded, - Bilyk concludes not without irony, - we will have to stop at Everett's hypothesis.

While the facts of the atrocities of the “goat vampire” are accumulating, the list of his “exploits” is growing: in the Vinnitsa region, an unknown predator attacked a person for the first time - a cyclist escaped with scratches on his neck; here the "chupacabra" showed its "corporate style": all the blood was sucked out through the neat holes on the rabbit's neck, while the meat remained untouched.

While her art is being investigated by veterinarians, criminologists and anomalous amateurs. At the disposal of enthusiasts there are patches of gray wool - a comparative genetic analysis could sharply narrow the range of assumptions. However, big science is still on the sidelines. Maybe not enough victims?

Continuing the theme of the "chupacabra" rampant in Eastern Europe, we, as promised in the previous news, this time we will touch on the situation in Poland. Mindful of the words of individual scientists about the fact that if a wolverine could act as a bloodsucker that inspires fear and horror in Ukraine, then its traces would probably have been seen on the territory of Belarus or Poland. Therefore, the editors of "Ufolenta" decided to look for them in the West, fortunately, in February we made the assumption that events similar to those in Ukraine could have occurred in some neighboring states.

As it turned out, "chupacabras" are also found on the territory of our western neighbor, and 2009 there turned out to be just as turbulent as in Ukraine...

The earliest mention that could be found refers to September 1998 - then, in the vicinity of Radom, on the edge of the Kozienicka Forest, two people met a strange animal in the forest (unfortunately, the description is missing), and the bodies of three dead goats were also found. The latter bled out from round holes about two centimeters in diameter, located under lower jaw. Of the oddities, it was also noted that even after a day after death, goat carcasses did not show rigor mortis. In general, little is known about this incident. It is worth adding that Martin Mizera, the head of the Polish group NPN ("On the Threshold of the Unknown"), was later looking for information about him.

The next time the "chupacabra" appeared in the vicinity of Goleniow in Western Pomerania (north-west of Poland, not far from the border with Germany) in November-December 2004. This time, the victims of an unknown predator were traditional rabbits, also exterminated without exception, as well as other domestic animals. In a single case, a roe deer killed by him was also found near one of the farms. The beast attacked at night, broke the cages, tore off the doors from them, leaving expressive claw marks on them. Arranged local residents the round-ups did not give a result: the "chupacabra" could not be caught. In total, according to the general results, 13 farms affected by the raids lost 116 rabbits, 21 chickens, 5 ducks and one goat. In this case, it was said that the bodies of the killed rabbits were found in a crippled state: with torn off heads, ears, paws ... An examination of several carcasses showed that the rabbits were killed with a single blow of the paw to the region of the heart.

The Polish analogue of "chupacabra" was nicknamed "skua" by the locals, after the name of a demonological folklore character well-known here. According to a few descriptions, the growth of the animal reached one and a half meters, had blue luminous eyes. The tracks he left didn’t look like a dog’s (one of official versions there was an assumption about a stray dog). After several weeks of terror, attacks on rural farmsteads stopped by themselves, however, according to some, they managed to repel the predator not without the help of a certain sorceress.

Among other things, these events of late 2004 are interesting mainly because the mysterious “skua” was identified thanks to the efforts of members of the Polish Center for the Study of UFOs and Anomalies (CBUFOiZA), which conducted its own investigation. During their stay at the scene, they managed to collect samples of the predator's fur, which were subsequently transferred to scientific institutions for examination. In the laboratory of the Agricultural Academy in Poznan, it was established from them that the wool clearly belongs to a predator, and from among possible contenders were excluded dog, wolf, lynx and wild cat. The second stage was the study of samples in the molecular laboratory in Zurich (Dr Cloud Schelling, Depertement fur Nutztiere Abteilung Veterinarmedizinisches Labor, Zurich) with DNA extraction from them and subsequent comparison with the database. According to the presented conclusion, the studied material belonged to a representative of the Gulo gulo species, in other words, to the wolverine. The territory of Poland is also not included in the wolverine habitat. Its migration to Western Pomerania could have come from the northern regions of Scandinavia or Russia.

Again, the trail of the Polish "chupacabra" surfaced in the summer of 2009, almost not far from Warsaw - in the vicinity of Sokhachev. On the night of June 28-29 (from Sunday to Monday) in the village of Kornelin, the household of the Antonyak family lost eight goats at once. The latter were found dead the next morning. The predator overcame the metal mesh fence and methodically strangled the animals. Rounded holes were found on their bodies (on the neck and on the sides), through which, it is assumed, blood was sucked out. One of the goats had its head completely gnawed off, while the other had its throat torn out. With all this, the owners immediately noted the oddity: with such injuries on the ground, there was practically no blood, which the victims with such injuries should have simply expired. From this it was concluded that the goats were bled. The rest of the bodies of the dead animals were untouched. The invited veterinarian, after examining the "crime scene", preferred to get off with a dubious version of the "attack by feral dogs."

At the "crime scene" (By Fundacja Nautilus)

Another Polish ufological organization, the Nautilus Foundation, was already investigating this case. In addition to interviewing the affected owners and carefully documenting the information, the members of the group managed to identify eyewitnesses who observed a strange animal in the vicinity of Sokhachev, including on the eve of the attack on the farmstead in Kornelino. The testimony featured a creature up to one and a half meters tall, capable of standing on two legs and moving in long jumps. Glowing red eyes and a resemblance to a kangaroo were also noted. The artists invited to the expedition, according to eyewitnesses, drew up sketches of a strange animal:

In September 2009, news of another bloody massacre came from Opolshchyna, where an elusive predator ruled in two villages of the Velyki Lasowitsy commune. The picture is still the same: 30 rabbits, 18 turkeys, 8 geese and 5 chickens were killed, along with torn claws wooden doors, a blood-drenched chicken coop and a bunch of feathers.

In general, we can say that here we are seeing a similar picture with larger-scale events in Ukraine. These are pieces of the same mosaic, which gradually begins to take shape in front of us into a single picture. Whether the history of the European "chupacabra" will be finally put to an end - time will tell. In the meantime, we can only state that the identified predator of 2004 from Western Pomerania is a weighty argument in favor of the wolverine version. However, the constant statements of eyewitnesses about the two-legged mode of movement of the "unseen beast" still haunt.

Viktor Gaiduchik 22.04.2010


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