What is the dream of a guinea pig. Dream interpretation of a guinea pig, why does a guinea pig dream in a dream to see

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Why does the Guinea pig dream in a dream according to 6 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Guinea pig symbol from 6 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Big online dream book

If you dreamed guinea pig - this means that your malicious ill-wishers will try to press your business interests with all their dishonest forces. In their foul play, they will be helped by your inability to arouse the interest of other people and your senseless passivity.

The latest dream book

What is the dream of a Guinea pig in a dream?

A guinea pig is an unexpected but small nuisance from a well-known person.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Guinea pig is a reminder that a strong attachment to comfort takes away freedom.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if a Guinea pig dreams in a dream?

Guinea pig - experience happy moments.

Miller's dream book

If you dream of a guinea pig- it means that your enemies will try to oust your business interests, and your inability to maintain other people's interest in yourself will help them in this.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Sleeping guinea pig- warns that your inability to interest others will turn into failures for you in business relationship and you should think about your behavior.

Video: Why is Guinea pig dreaming

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I dreamed of a Guinea pig, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Guinea pig is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I saw guinea pigs, they were grazing in a meadow near a reservoir, I wanted to pick them up, but they didn’t give, then I went further and caught a dove, held it in my hands above my head, and it began to rise into the sky and lift me with it .... I let it go and he still pissed on me.

    Hello Tatiana! When I had a guinea pig, but she died of old age and I loved her very much. From Thursday to Friday, closer to the morning, I had a dream where I saw her alive and well, and also saw a white young lamb, then I saw that the fence was open, and behind it there were dogs who would like to overtake the lamb and I closed it during hedge. And then I don’t know how they broke out and started attacking my pig, and my pig defended itself so actively that the dogs retreated and I ran up to her and picked her up for protection, I was so afraid that they harmed her and was afraid to see blood. But oddly enough, the guinea pig was unharmed. And she clung to me with her cold little body and I warmed her. What does this mean? I woke up with a huge pain in my soul that she could be harmed and I could not protect.

    white sea pig. in a cage the belly is dirty. I released him, he became so joyful. I wanted to give him bedding from my dead pig. I stroked him, he squealed so happily ...

    I was sitting on the couch watching TV then between the couch I saw my guinea pig stroked once and he ran around the hall then ran into my room and I followed him and saw how he went through the wall and disappeared

    i dreamed that I was standing in my older brother’s room and from nowhere a small cage appeared with my Sonya, a guinea pig who died about 3 months ago. So I pick her up and run to the kitchen where my mom and dad were sitting, I rejoice and I say that Sonya is alive and well.

    Hello, my name is Ekaterina. I had a dream that we were with my best friend went to my homeland in Kabardino-Balkaria and decided to go to my school, where I previously studied before moving. play. We laughed at him for a long time and decided to go home to my grandmother.
    When we arrived at the house, we saw a large black guinea pig on the chair, she almost took up the entire chair and looked at us with an angry look. Nearby, in the next chair, my grandmother was sitting. And my dad was sitting on the sofa with me and my girlfriend. In my arms I held my guinea pig Dasha, her color was tricolor, as in life. I was very afraid for her, so I stroked her. I wanted to run away with my pig from the room, but for some reason we could not do it and that big black pig bared its teeth at us. I went back with my pig to the sofa. And my grandmother told me: “Katya, won’t you be very offended if your pig dies?” I said that of course I would be offended.
    But then my dad managed to get out of the room, and after 5 minutes he came running with a huge bucket of water and in his hands with polyurethane foam. He poured water on a black pig and filled it with foam. As a result, the black pig died, and we all survived.

    I dreamed that 3 guinea pigs appeared at home, they were cute, everyone liked them, they looked after them, and a lot of toads didn’t understand where they came from, but, in a dream, as if, together with the pigs, it’s not a pleasant feeling from toads, I don’t like them.

    I walk around the city, and several times in a dream I stumble upon veterans who are congratulated on the holiday, and guinea pigs for sale by the road (several times as well), if I’m not mistaken, I also saw a pregnant woman)

    I dreamed that I gave birth to a guinea pig. Only the birth itself was not. She just showed up. I also did not remember that I could get pregnant from someone at all and, together with my friends, figured it out. But the pig didn't care, I breastfed her and she said that my milk brings concentration.

    At first I saw a rat in my apartment and immediately began to look for a cat so that she could catch her, but she could not cope with her, then I grabbed her with my hands and began to choke her, I think we need to quickly take her out into the street. I take her outside, but suddenly she becomes a guinea pig. He let her go and she ran away.

    I dreamed that my Sorskaya pig, which died a month ago, ended up in my kitchen. She was twice her usual size and changed her color to black. The whole dream she wanted to bite me.


    First, I find a small sheaf of hay in my apartment on the balcony, which is tied up with my little son's tights. And then I see something moving in the hay. And I understand that this is a whole offspring of small guinea pigs. I see them running all over the balcony and I try to catch them. And then I see my dad, who accidentally stands on one of them and strangles her. At the end I see a big pig, which gave birth to them. It was from it that it was clear that it was a guinea pig, because those little ones looked more like hamsters.

    I just traveled around my city with a guinea pig, I was very worried that she might get lost. loved her very much, told everyone about her, offered to pet her. sometimes she turned into a white rat, but it didn’t bother me there in a dream, now I can’t say for sure who she was longer, for me - just a favorite pet. Very smart, I didn’t even restrict her freedom with either a cage or a leash.

    I was on my balcony, there was an aquarium with muddy water. I suddenly remembered that my guinea pig lives there, I thought that she had already died, but she was alive and everything was fine with her, I hugged her, stroked her ...

    I dreamed that I was feeding three guinea pigs, they were large, white and red in color, they were very cute and kind. I fed them with white bread along with the birds. Then a cage appeared in a dream, all the pigs were in their cage, the birds were gone, but something shook the cages and all the pigs ran out. End of sleep

    I have a Hryundel guinea pig. I dreamed of him, and two more unfamiliar pigs. So, this couple was very afraid of me, climbed under the bed, under the sofa at the table ... And then disappeared somewhere altogether. I don’t remember clearly , but I often looked for pigs. Please explain what this dream means, thanks in advance!

    I dreamed that my boyfriend came to my house and put a cage with 2 rats on the sideboard, the color is gray in my opinion. He himself sat down on the sofa in the corner and held a guinea pig in his hands. Then my neighbor showed that something black was running under my refrigerator, I went up, looked closely and it turned out that they were two very small mice. I tried to catch them, but I accidentally crippled one, what happened next I remember very blurry.

    In a dream, my guinea pig died .. Everything was very gray and cold.
    Right past the pig there was also a hamster, and a third animal, but I don’t remember exactly which one. At the end of the dream, I cried there, in a dream, and when I woke up, I was all wet and in tears. (cried at woo a lot)

    Hello. I dreamed that three adults, one cub and two rabbits appeared in my cage in the place of one guinea pig, and I (in a dream) cannot understand where they came from, because there was only one girl (guinea pig), and a feeling of joy and bewilderment . What could that mean.

    i dreamed that I came to my mother, capybaras were rushing around her apartment (well, I thought so) they were cute (3 pieces). Taking one in my arms, I realized that it was bright red cat me I played with him and let him go, the dream ended.

    I previously had a hamster. and in a dream I saw a hamster, at first I was surprised, I thought I forgot about him and did not give anyone that I had to feed him. and then the sister said that they brought it. I asked if it was a hamster or a guinea pig, to which she replied that it was a pig. She is white

    Good afternoon I dreamed that I was in a private house or apartment where a cat lives (I used to have a cat and now cats live everywhere I go). and I hear fuss, I go into the room and I see that the cat is scared, and an aggressive guinea pig hisses at him. they did not fight, the cat retreated, ran to me for help. I was also frightened, jumped on the door, low. the rodent needed only food - he collected some grains and went behind the closet. I, realizing that it was not safe to live here, in a dream began to think about what kind of trap to set so that the cat would not accidentally get caught, and the pig would probably get caught. in general, I woke up on this. I have right now complicated relationship with the authorities - they don’t want to raise salaries and I secretly look for a new job. Is this related and what does it mean?

    Hello, I dreamed tonight that a lot of guinea pigs gathered around me, of which I chose one that was very friendly, it seemed to me that it was a boy. He rolled over on his back and allowed to stroke his stomach, but at some point the guinea pigs disappeared and I was left alone in the middle of the cold ocean, with ice floes and an icy passage. I remember that it all ended with the death of some old man

    I dreamed of a large guinea pig of a white-red color - she squeaked loudly (looking for children), and a lot - about ten small guinea pigs of the same color (they were in a children's bed under a blanket). When I found them, I put them in a large cardboard box, their mother calmed down, and they all fell asleep together in this box. I was at a loss, did not know where to put them.

    I ended up in some room, there were many cages with guinea pigs, rats, hedgehogs. There was a very large guinea pig there and she looked at me with such penetrating eyes. Then I decided to pet her, she liked it. I saw in some cages a large offspring of hedgehogs and mice. There were about 40 small newborns. Then I told the seller that I want to buy a guinea pig girl (since I have a guinea pig boy) and she recommended that I should take a middle-aged one. Several of my friends were in this room. Then the dream changes dramatically. I find myself in the school yard, that Halloween is on, then I go to the toilet at school. And there the girl is crying unfashionable tap off with hot water I turned it off and went to the toilet. After that, I find myself on some floor with some kind of aunt, like a teacher. She tells me something, the weather was sunny, good, it was winter. She told me that I was beautiful. Then I find myself in the school yard and it seems to me that something terrible will happen and I was afraid. I thought it would be a bomb. But then I woke up.

    Hello, I dreamed how I went into the bathroom, went to the washbasin, and there was a black guinea pig in it, I had to wash something off my hand, but I didn’t touch it, she ran over the washbasin and lay down again, I went, then again she came to the bathroom, and she was already lying half-dead or something ... she was breathing heavily, so in general I have my own guinea pig and I thought to take that black pig to her, but I didn’t seem to take it and woke up

    i dreamed that the family brought a bunch of guinea pigs to the already existing one (white, black, and pigs with a muzzle and colors similar to a Neva masquerade cat, a dark muzzle smoothly turning into White color. I was also very surprised that the pig looked like a cat). And so they landed them in a small box and began to build a more spacious dwelling, but I was still indignant - why do we need so many pigs.

    I dreamed that I took a guinea pig and a rabbit from the cage, one rabbit was lying in the cage, and then the dead body was covered with maggots. Mongrel boules and on quiet creatures yak zvіti zabilar, and I even fearfully threw maggots from rabbits and guinea pigs

    I dreamed that I was standing in my boss's office in my hands with a cat, then he gives me two more guinea pigs and I put them in a cage. Then some fuss, a lot of people. I am already walking around the building in which they are doing repairs, looking for my office, I got lost and some worker helps me get out, puts me on an unusual elevator, which is all staggering and we eat up.

Some people keep guinea pigs as pets. It turns out that these cute animals are able to make a sound similar to a purr. But for this they need to trust their master very much. Why a guinea pig is dreaming, we will find out in proven dream books.

The guinea pig is a species of domesticated rodent. In nature, they are very active, clean, social and friendly. They do not like loneliness, so they are always looking for a suitable mate. Caring for and caring for each other is one of the important characteristics of these animals. Personifying the active life position They are very active and prolific. Females have a unique feature - to dissolve their own unwanted pregnancy or preserve the cubs, carrying them in themselves for a more suitable case of childbirth.

To a dreamer, such a sign can portend many interesting and pleasant things. It is important that the rodent in a dream is friendly to you, without showing any aggression. Great importance for a positive interpretation, it also has the color of an animal. The brighter, the more expect joy, fun and happy events.

The guinea pig is a symbol of diligence, goodwill, sociability and collectivism. It can reflect the bustle of life, activities invisible to others, a certain strangeness, sensuality, sometimes debauchery and dissatisfaction.

For women who dream of waiting for their own pregnancy, a guinea pig can signify a long-awaited conception and a successful resolution of childbirth. For those ladies who are looking for a companion, such a vision can be a harbinger of a happy meeting with their loved one. This person will be a very worthy choice, he will support you in every possible way, show his attention and care.

Very often, this small animal is dreamed of by those who completely devote themselves to laborious work. Sometimes the result of the sleeper's work is not immediately noticeable. But if the dreamer goes to the end to the goal, then he will achieve a lot.

This a pet symbolizes perseverance and determination for those who at a young age take their first steps in business. Courage mixed with timidity and caution is inherent in such people. They know what they want and how to get it, but they are held back by distrust of those in power.

For lonely people to feel on their knees a fluffy animal that purrs and sniffs sweetly - good sign. This symbolizes a change in your mood and attitude towards the world and people. Your gaze has become more open and trusting to those whom you used to be wary of. Peace, tranquility and tranquility will come in the soul, you will experience the happiness of being yourself.

Married women who are in crisis marital relations, such a plot will serve as an allusion to new stage life with a spouse, where again there will be love, understanding and harmony.

What else is a guinea pig dreaming of

  • feed the animal - in reality direct the flows of all kinds of blessings and wealth;
  • clean a cage for rodents - do charity and mercy. Your main life goal may be to help the needy and the sick;
  • white with blue eyes- in reality, you will experience a lot of positive emotions;
  • stroking and caressing a pet - get a decent reward for the laborious and creative process;
  • to see a dead one - to interrupt and spoil the plans of ill-wishers;
  • tame wild pig- be able to solve all your problems, get rid of credit debts, restore your reputation and good name;
  • buying thin and scary at the pet store is a good sign. This promises success and good profit in any business that you undertake. Moral satisfaction and pride in what you have done will go off scale;
  • catching a fleeing animal is a sign of lost profits. You were given a chance or a real opportunity to change your life, but you chose a different path, which you will later regret;
  • dreamed of an aggressive animal - be prepared for trouble and minor problems.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

These funny and active creatures can portend high sexual activity for a man and fertility for a woman. White rodents personify lust, passion, temptation, lust.

Seeing a couple of guinea pigs in a dream means settling down and making your final choice in favor of one sexual partner. intimacy now is not just an excuse for you to relax and have fun. You are ready to conceive future offspring, becoming a parent is a key task for you.

Seeing a pet nibbling either an apple or a pear is a sign that you want variety in sex. You are not used to restraining yourself. If you see a suitable goal that arouses your interest, be sure to achieve it.

Guinea pigs in a cage represent for the dreamer his marriage bond, which Lately greatly burden his existence. You have not felt the desire to make love with your other half for a long time. But decency, high morality and upbringing restrain from third-party intimate relationships. The sooner you put an end to the relationship, the sooner you will become happy and free.

Gustov Miller

To see these small rodents in your office is in reality to bring those who turn out to be not at all a friend and ally. These people will manifest themselves as selfish competitors who seek to destroy your business. Failure to secure support influential people, will give them the opportunity to push you. Learn to take a hit and not think about retreating.

A woman dreamed of pets - get ready for warm and lovely gatherings with friends at the hearth. The period when you should trust fate and a happy occasion. The more affectionate fluffy animals, the more chances for peace, tranquility, prosperity and family well-being.

Choose from the guinea pig market different colors- to a series of pleasant events that will take all your time and effort. It can be fruitful work promising great prospects financial stability and secure old age.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

White domestic rodents sitting in their house represent a good profit from profitable investments. The fatter the pet, the higher the chance of earning big money. Don't be complacent with what you have achieved. This one-time income will not become your main source of livelihood. Also, do not build far-reaching plans and rely on this money.

Dream interpretation guinea pig

Guinea pigs are very cute and harmless pets that tolerate captivity perfectly. They feel comfortable living in a cage surrounded by people. However, the animal seen in a dream is a symbol of troubles and failures.. What a guinea pig is dreaming of, you will understand if you turn to the creators of dream books for help.

Appearance of a pet

Guinea pigs dream of problems. After such a dream, you should be careful and very careful in absolutely everything.

Try to remember in as much detail as possible what the animal looked like. The correctness of the interpretation and its reliability will depend on this.

Guinea pig size

If you dreamed of a guinea pig

This type of rodent can reach one and a half kilograms and have a length of more than thirty-five centimeters, depending on the breed.

little animals

Small pigs dream of many competitors. Small troubles will be replaced by big ones. Enemies will do their best to reduce your successes to nothing and deprive you of profits. They will act insidiously and cold-bloodedly. You, with your ill-conceived and ridiculous actions, will only aggravate the situation, giving your ill-wishers the pleasure of your own defeat.

The dreamer definitely needs to rest, gain strength and believe in himself. You are too gullible and disinterested person who will never profit from others.

Large rodents

Large guinea pigs dream of ingratitude from loved ones. You will help a friend, and in return you will not even hear words of gratitude. After spending a significant amount of money on a friend, don't expect a refund.

If a large rodent bites you in a dream, then you can be let down and even betrayed!

Monochromatic color of the animal


These pets are good-natured and trusting in reality, but during the decoding of a dream, the color of their coat plays a dominant role.

Monochromatic pets

Almost all dream books agree that light tones are a benevolent sign, and dark ones warn the dreamer.

Guinea pig color and its interpretation:

  • white dreams of good news and good news;
  • light brown predicts fun and guests;
  • the redhead is considered the personification of a devoted, faithful comrade;
  • black - warns against betrayal.

multicolored rodents

Seeing a black and white pig in a dream is actually facing the treachery of friends. Do not trust new acquaintances and be on the lookout.

Dream black and white guinea pig

A multi-colored animal portends pleasant, unexpected surprises. For unmarried woman it can symbolize the appearance on the horizon of a guy with a complex character. He will test her for strength, but in the end it will turn out to be exactly the man she has been waiting for all her life.

View of various interpreters of dreams

Miller's dream book

Such rodents dream of the collapse of deeds and undertakings. Perhaps you are not charismatic and active enough. It is this circumstance that allows competitors to always be one step ahead of you. Failure to maintain interest in oneself is fraught with dismissal and neglect from others.

Interpretation of the latest dream book

A guinea pig is a symbol of the troubles and troubles that a friend will bring you.. The dream interpretation indicates that the dreamer must definitely reconsider his social circle and stop communicating with unreliable people.

The guesswork of the medium Hasse

This dream book claims: the rodent dreams of a good and pleasant meeting. You will spend time with your family, enjoy communication with loved ones and recharge with positive emotions.

Fedorovskaya's conclusions

The passivity of the dreamer will play a cruel joke with him. As soon as people around realize that you are not going to defend your opinion, they will immediately try to push you out from wherever possible.

A white guinea pig dreams of pleasant and joyful events. Most often they concern family or relatives. There will be an opportunity to spend more time with your loved ones, which will allow you to relax a little and take a break from worries. Also, the sign seen may portend the arrival of guests whom you will be glad to see, despite their unexpected visit.

Always find time to connect with your loved ones. Don't let work or affairs get in the way of supporting you. family ties and took all their free time.

If in a dream I had a chance to stroke a guinea pig

A dream in which a guinea pig was stroked promises a profit, an increase in income. The results of your labors will bring a worthy reward, which will become an incentive for new achievements. It is possible to receive a profitable business proposal or closing a deal with new business partners that will bring big dividends.

Try to fulfill your obligations. Maintain your business reputation on high level, in the future it will help you achieve a worthy position in society.

What does a dream about a guinea pig seen by a woman mean

For a woman, seeing a guinea pig in a dream means that she will soon be invited to some kind of festive event. You will spend time in a cheerful and welcoming company, where you will feel very comfortable and calm. Perhaps, during the upcoming celebration, you will find a new acquaintance, who may later become a good friend or life partner.

Try to be more open and sociable. Don't lock yourself in. Let your sensuality and femininity emerge.

Dreamed of a dead guinea pig

According to the dream book, a dead guinea pig means getting rid of troubles and overcoming all difficulties. Such a vision is a favorable sign for any undertakings. Success and luck will accompany you in everything. If someone has bad intentions towards you, he will be defeated and will not be able to carry out his plans.

A sweet and harmless creature, which in reality can disturb only with a loud chirp, in a dream becomes the embodiment of failure. What problems will the guinea pig bring to the dreamer, what is the dream of a small domestic animal? There are many nuances here, the interpretation of which is available to the creators of dream books.

see a pet

According to Miller's dream book, if a person saw a guinea pig in a dream, he lacks charisma. He does not know how to interest people, and as a result, it is easy for competitors to squeeze him in the market. Sadly, friends often neglect his interests for their own good.

A big dream book warns against passivity, which ill-wishers will hasten to take advantage of. If you dreamed of a cheerful pet, a small but offensive nuisance lies in wait due to the actions of a well-known person. The interpretation of sleep in Hasse's dream book prophesies happy moments spent with family.


Possible different variants developments that completely change the interpretation of sleep. I dreamed of stroking her - to receive a decent wage for work. Why dream of playing with her: this is a symbol of future joyful events, an invitation to a celebration is not excluded.

Feeding this animal in a dream is regarded as helplessness in front of competitors, you are ready to give way without a fight, resign yourself to the consequences of defeat. The interpreters also prophesy to the one who fed the rodent that those who need his help will soon appear. In selfless support, a person will not count on any gratitude, but the recognition of others will be pleasant.

Why dream of buying a new pet? This is an event that will be followed in reality by success in work that will bring pleasure and sufficient income. Giving a guinea pig to friends or strangers - to the emergence of new friends or useful acquaintances.

If you dreamed that you had bitten a person, this indicates his loneliness, lack of friends. According to a different interpretation of the dream, in reality, friends will let him down if she bites unexpectedly.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that killing a guinea pig is a favorable sign - dream books often give an interpretation of sleep “from the contrary”. Enemies will not be able to harm you, no matter what they do. I dreamed of putting her in a cage - soon you would have to recognize your enemy.


A guinea pig is an animal that feels great at home, in a cage. They take her on a leash only for a walk, for her own safety. Why is she dreaming? Ivanov's dream book claims that this is a useful reminder: the desire for comfort deprives one of freedom.

I dreamed about walking her on a leash - you will be able to influence loved ones. Why dream that you didn’t close her in a cage and she ran away? Dream Interpretations warn against carelessness: someone in the service is trying to harm you. If a non-working person saw this, it's time to show restraint in order to adequately survive empty gossip and slander.

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