Julia Snigir with her son. Evgeny Tsyganov admitted: the illegitimate son of actress Yulia Snigir is from him. Julia Snigir and Evgeny Tsyganov

Yulia Snigir's grandfather told who is raising her son Fedor, whom the actress gave birth to from Evgeny Tsyganov.

Fedor, who was born in March of this year to actors and, almost does not see his parents and is in the care of his grandmother - the mother of the actress, Svetlana Leonidovna.

To take care of her grandson, Yulia Snigir's mother left her job and moved to Moscow - to an apartment rented for her by the actors.

Fedor's parents themselves are completely immersed in work. Julia is busy filming the TV series "Walking Through the Torments" in St. Petersburg. Evgeny also has a crazy schedule: he acts a lot, plays in nightclubs with his rock band Poka Pret, performs in the theater.

"Fyodor is growing up a hero. Such a strong man! I saw my grandson, but how! I nursed him - in the summer Yulia's parents brought Fedenka to us here, in the Tula region. He is so vociferous: if he wants to eat, he immediately screams demandingly. Yulia breast-fed him for the first time ", and then he was transferred to artificial nutrition. And Yulia is not tied - she is all on the road, on the set. She says that she cannot quit her job, she must feed her family. And we support her. Yulia relies on herself. Although Tsyganov helps, but he still has so many children ... Of course, Fedor’s content is more on Yulia, ”the paternal grandfather of the actress Viktor Siriskin, who lives in Tula, told reporters.

He confirmed that Yulia's father did not accept Tsyganov at first.

“He is worried about his daughter. But now they are gradually communicating with Yevgeny. Yulia Viktor Viktorovich’s dad loves Fedenka. So he softened. The baby should not reflect the misunderstanding of adults. And the child should have a father. joy, and everything else will be formed," said Fyodor's great-grandfather.

Who does Fedor look like? According to Yulia Snigir’s grandfather, to her mother: “To Yulia, it seems to me. I didn’t see the father of the child, Yulia didn’t show Tsyganova to us. And we don’t ask. And I see that Fedor is my mother’s son, her black eyes, smile. He is dark-haired, although his hair is still sparse."

Actors do not trust nannies: "Yulia's mother does not work, she is fully engaged with the baby. She does everything she needs - massages, and walks, and feeds. Fedor is completely on his grandmother. Tsyganov sometimes comes - and so he is constantly on the set."

It is not known whether Yevgeny Tsyganov's parents visit their grandson - Yulin's grandfather is also not aware of this.

But the grandmother of the actress - Lyudmila Yakovlevna Siriskina - said that recently Julia and Eugene baptized a child.

At the same time, the children of Yevgeny Tsyganov are not told that their father left the family: ex-wife the actor hesitates to tell them the truth.

After Yevgeny Tsyganov left the family, his wife Irina Leonova did not give up: the actress did everything to ensure that their seven children did not feel deprived of anything. According to friends, she is the best example for all women who have survived a divorce.

How Irina Pegova ran on secret dates to Evgeny Tsyganov

Meanwhile, she told interesting details from their joint past with Evgeny Tsyganov.

Irina Pegova and Evgeny Tsyganov were classmates. Later they played in the movie "Walk". According to the plot, Tsyganov sought reciprocity from Pegova.

“Aleksey Uchitel could not find the heroine for several months and approved me at the last moment. they began to say: “At first it seemed to us that it was not your role, but now we admit that it’s a 100% hit.” Pavel Barshak and Yevgeny Tsyganov, who were in love with my heroine, were classmates at GITIS, so they knew each other as flaky, "Pegova said about working in movie.

However, Alexey Uchitel categorically forbade Pegova, Tsyganov and Barshak to meet to discuss their characters.

The romantic relationship between Yulia Snigir and Evgeny Tsyganov began to develop rapidly in 2015. Just at the moment when it became known that the previous lover of the actor - Irina Leonova - was in position. What made the heroes of our article famous and what are their achievements?

biography, creative activity

Eugene was born in March 1979 in the capital of Russia, the city of Moscow. His parents were employees of the Moscow Research Institute "Titan". The actor was named after his great-grandmother, grandfather and father's aunt. Tsyganov has an older uterine sister named Ira.

The young man was educated at a music school in the piano class. Evgeny was noticed by the director and offered to play in the theater. Thus, for 4 years, from the age of 9 to 13, Tsyganov played various children's roles. At the onset of adolescence, the future popular actor decided for himself that he had grown out of such a repertoire.

When Eugene was 14 years old, he played in the rock band A.S., after the collapse of which, in 1997, he created a new musical ensemble called "Grenki" with a friend. For 7 years, Tsyganov was a soloist and guitarist in the band.

At the age of 17, Eugene began his studies at the school. Shchukin, after the first course of which he decided to go to GITIS. After graduation young artist invited to the troupe of the Moscow theater "Workshop of Peter Fomenko". Tsyganov played his debut film role in the film "The Collector", after which Evgeny was actively invited to shoot.

Personal life of Evgeny Tsyganov

During the filming of the film "Children of the Arbat" (after participating in which the actor gained true popularity), the young man met the theater and film actress Irina Leonova, with whom Eugene lived in civil marriage about 10 years. Being in a relationship with Tsyganov, the actress gave birth to a man of seven children. Evgeny Tsyganov, on the eve of the birth of his seventh daughter, Vera, left his large family and started an affair with actress Yulia Snigir. Despite the fact that so many years of marriage and common children connected him with his previous wife.

The comrades of the actor hoped to the last that the man would return to the family, improve his life and his personal life. Evgeny Tsyganov, after officially breaking up with Irina, continued to take care of the children: he visited them, helped financially, but did not return to his family.

Julia Snigir: biography, personal life

Julia Siriskina ( maiden name actress) was born on June 2, 1983 in the city of Donskoy (Tula region). Her father taught in a chess club, and her mother worked as a telephone operator. After studying at the gymnasium, the girl decided to go to the capital to get a decent education in Moscow.

However, on the first attempt, Julia was unable to enter the university; for a year she had to work as a secretary. In addition to work, the girl was actively engaged in studying English and the next year she was able to enter the Pedagogical University of the capital. While studying at one of the skits, Julia met a young man named Alexei Snigir, who later became her first husband.

After graduation, the future actress worked for some time as a teacher at school, but quickly realized that this was not her calling. The girl dreamed of a modeling career and did her best to get a job at a modeling agency. Her dream came true, and at one of the castings, Julia met Valery Todorovsky's assistant, who noticed the potential in the girl and recommended that she enter the theater. Assuming that Snigir will make a first-class actress.

Having starred in the movie "Inhabited Island", the girl became a famous and popular actress. However, in order to find herself, she had to not only change her profession, but also leave her husband.

During the filming of a fantastic picture, which became fateful for the actress, changes took place in the personal life of Yulia Snigir. The girl began an affair with a cameraman that lasted about 4 years, but the matter never came to an official marriage.

The actress met the popular Russian artist Daniil Kozlovsky during the filming of the film Rasputin. The young people were in romantic relationship about a year, after which they broke up due to the fact that Evgeny Tsyganov began to look after Snigir.

A novel by Yulia Snigir and Evgeny Tsyganov

Young people met in 2014 on the set during a joint participation in the television series "Where the Motherland Begins." A little later, Evgeny Tsyganov and Yulia Snigir met during the filming of the film "About Love". After which at star couple a romance began, which the actors kept secret. Julia and Eugene went to any social events separately.

In 2015, when a popular actor left his wife at the 7th month of pregnancy, the funds mass media there was information that Yulia and Eugene had an affair, but the young people denied this information. When it became known that the star of the "Inhabited Island" was in position, the guesses of the press were partially confirmed.

The birth of Fedor

Julia gave birth to a child in March 2016. This event took place in the Lapino maternity hospital near Moscow of the Mother and Child clinic, which serves many famous people from the world of show business. The boy was born a little ahead of time, weighing about 3 kg. It is known that the walls of the maternity hospital Yulia Snigir and Evgeny Tsyganov left the newborn together.

Since the girl is not officially married, she initially thought in the birth certificate of her son in the column where the father's data is indicated, to put a dash. However, Eugene insisted that the boy bear his last name.

Star couple today

On this moment Yulia Snigir and Evgeny Tsyganov are quite popular actors in the field of Russian cinema. This year, with the participation of Tsyganov, several films were released. Among which are the picture "Blockbuster" and the television series "You all piss me off." In the latter, the actor played the author of tabloid novels named Gennady Chernyshev.

Julia Snigir was also seen in the film "Blockbuster", however, in a minor role. In addition, the girl starred in leading role serial film "Walking through the torments", which will premiere on November 27, 2017 on the NTV channel.

This is his eighth child!

32-year-old beauty actress Yuliya Snigir gave birth to her first child. But for the actor Yevgeny Tsyganov, the son common with Yulia Snigir became the eighth child - a serious result by the age of 37. As familiar couples say, for the sake of this baby, Eugene left the family in which his seven older children grow up. However, daughter Vera, who was born in September by the actor's wife Irina Leonova, is not much older than her newborn son - only six months.

Officially, Snigir is not married, and, according to Yulia's colleagues, she was going to put a dash in the birth certificate in the column "father", because she did not want to advertise the name of her baby's father. But it seems that Eugene insisted that the child bear his last name. Employees of the registry office confirmed to us that their computer database contains data on the birth of a child by Yulia Snigir. The boy was named Fedor. And in the column "father" it is Evgeny Tsyganov who is indicated.

Yevgeny Tsyganov met a young mother from the maternity hospital, one of the actress's friends told KP. - He now lives with Yulia, takes care of both her and his son, to whom he gave his last name. Tsyganov is in love and happy. Julia said that everything is fine with them. They live in a civil marriage, they just don’t advertise it because of Tsyganov’s difficult situation.

"Children visit"

With the mother of his seven children, actress Irina Leonova, Evgeny also lived without a stamp in his passport, in a civil marriage. The couple met 12 years ago on the set of the TV series "Children of the Arbat". Today, Leonova does not act in films and does not attend social events.

She has no time! She is constantly busy with kids, - the neighbors of the house where a large family lives, told us. - Lately We rarely see Evgeny here, although he used to walk with children before. They say he created new family. But we don't ask. Yes, and Irina is silent. He does not allow himself to be sad - probably so as not to upset the children. Eugene visits the children: he will run in, run away - that's all.

"KP" called Tsyganov's mother to clarify with which of the two women the actor finally decided to build a family.

Eugene is an independent person, he does not live with me, and I don’t know with whom he is now, - Lyubov Viktorovna told us. - What, a forty-year-old man to control? There are different sons - children up to retirement age. And Eugene grew up to be a real man and makes decisions himself.

- He left seven children for a new lover?

He didn't leave anyone! He still loves his children, he is a wonderful father!

- Do you personally know Snigir?

I know Yulia Snigir as wonderful actress. She is very beautiful. I know all of Evgeny's partners, because there are birthday parties that friends come to. And these girls - both Snigir and Peresild - are also friends. Naturally, I am familiar with them.

- How do you feel about the fact that Eugene has many children?

All children are wonderful! Yes, there are many children. For some, this may seem terrible, for others it is wonderful. Everyone has their own opinions.

- Will you accept any choice of Eugene - and his new woman?

I didn't tell you. Don’t let Evgeny’s personal life worry you, he will figure it out himself ...

The actor's friends confirmed that the artist visits his children from his marriage with Leonova, takes care of them, and helps their mother financially.


Novels in film and in real life

Before marriage, Yulia Snigir was Yulia Siriskina. Snigir is the surname of her first husband, Muscovite Alexei, for whom she, having come from small town Donskoy Tula region, married in the early 2000s. Today, neither Alexei nor his parents want to remember that marriage.

She shook our nerves, I don’t want to talk about her, ”the former mother-in-law of Yulia told KP.

According to family acquaintances, the girl insisted that her husband's parents register her in their apartment. And when they did, she asked her parents to be registered as well. This caused outrage in the family.

Yulia, then a student of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute with a degree in teacher foreign language", from the second year she began to go to model castings. Then the assistant to actors Valery Todorovsky drew attention to her, who suggested that Julia try out in the film "Hipsters". She did not get the role, but she became infected with the spirit of cinema and exchanged the pedagogical institute for the Shchukin school. As a model starred in Roma Zver's video "See you soon".

Her marriage to Alexei Snigir broke up after a few years. In 2008, Yulia met with cameraman Maxim Osadchim, ex-husband actress Elena Korikova. It was he who brought Snigir to the shooting of the film "Inhabited Island" to his friend Fyodor Bondarchuk. In 2010, Yulia was invited to his film "Sky on Fire" by a young director Dmitry Cherkasov.

In the movie crowd, they gossiped that Cherkasov was in love with Yulia, which is why, they say, he is filming, ”actress Gulnara Nijinskaya told KP.

Following this, new rumors appeared: allegedly Snigir began an affair with a partner in the film "Rasputin" Danila Kozlovsky. They really often appeared together at secular parties. In 2013, Snigir and Kozlovsky starred in the film Die Hard: A Good Day to Die.

With Evgeny Tsyganov, Snigir played a married couple in the serial television film "Where the Motherland Begins", which was released in 2014. On the set of this picture, mutual feelings could arise between them.

Julia Snigir finally showed her grown son from Evgeny Tsyganov. Followers called the picture published on Easter the best gift.

"Forever" - signed photo Julia.

Fans were delighted with the picture posted by the actress, even though the baby was photographed from the back. little son Yulia Snigir and Evgeny Tsyganova are looking at ice cream in the window, which caused emotion among the fans. Followers tirelessly praised the baby and wished star family all the best.

Julia Snigir and Evgeny Tsyganov // Photo: Instagram

"What a good and wonderful baby! Happy Easter! Well-being, peace and goodness to you, Yulechka, and to your whole family”, “Oh, lover of sweets”, “Musical fingers”, “Here he is”, “Beautiful baby” - subscribers scattered in compliments.

Julia Snigir first became a mother in 2015. She gave birth to a son, a colleague in the shop, Evgeny Tsyganov, who, in addition to the child from Yulia, also has seven children born in a civil marriage with Irina Leonova. Eugene left Irina pregnant from him and went to Yulia Snigir.

Despite the unprecedented resonance around love triangle with the participation of Evgeny Tsyganov, the actor did not comment on his personal life. Last year, he first posted a photo of Yulia Snigir to the microblog, thereby confirming the affair with her. Julia, like her lover, is in no hurry to devote outsiders to the details family life. Therefore, each personal photo is valued by the fans of the couple worth its weight in gold.

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