Why do you dream of a dying person being dead? According to Madame Hasse. What do kisses portend?

Why do you dream of a dying person?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a dying person in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune approaching from the direction from which you least expected it.

If you dream that you are dying - a warning to you: neglecting your business responsibilities. You are harming the cause and yourself. In addition, illness awaits you.

Wild animals that die before your eyes in a dream promise you a happy deliverance from the adverse influence on you.

A dream in which you see the death throes of domestic animals is unfavorable.

The image of a dying creature is the most vivid impression for our awakening consciousness: returning from this dream to our life duties, we will with great force feel the joy or sorrow of the event ahead of us and see it from a different, new side for us. This new point of view, inspired by a bad dream, will help us to gather ourselves and face the inevitable with calm determination.

Why do you dream of a dying person?

Azar's Dream Book

dying mother - sadness and anxiety

dying relatives - rich inheritance

the agony of a dying person - to longevity, happiness, health and wealth

dying father - misfortune, shame

Why do you dream of a dying person?

Modern dream book

A dream in which you see a dying person warns you that you are threatened by evil emanating from a source from which you previously drew only joy and inspiration.

Seeing the death throes of many people is a sign of failure that hangs over you and your friends.

If you dream that you yourself are near death, your inattention to matters will completely devalue their significance. In addition, the disease can destroy your health.

Seeing the death throes of wild ferocious animals means that you will be freed from evil spells.

Seeing the agony or death of pets in a dream is an extremely unfavorable dream.

Dreams about death, with their sadness and dramatic situation, have the most powerful impact on the consciousness of the dreamer, helping him to gather himself, strain his will and spirit, so that real life calmly and decisively face the difficulties that will befall him.

Why do you dream of a dying person?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Why do you dream of a dying person?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dying person - you see a dying person in a dream - misfortune will appear from the side where you do not expect it; if you lock all the doors, it will break into a locked door, it is inevitable. It’s as if you yourself are dying - this dream says that in the hope of the notorious “maybe” you are neglecting your direct responsibilities; for the time being you got away with some things; now the luck has run out; look for the causes of all troubles in your attitude to business; another interpretation of the dream: you will get sick soon. You dream that a pet is dying - the dream foreshadows some unfavorable circumstances for you. You see a dying wild animal - unfavorable circumstances after such a dream will disappear; a ray of hope will lead you on a straight path to success.

Why do you dream of a dying person?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Dying - Seeing a dying person in a dream means hope ( good news will bring comfort and strength). Seeing the death of your children in a dream means prosperity for them and family happiness.

Why do you dream of a dying person?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Dying (but not dead!) - to see - for a woman, a cooling of love feelings for her, for a man - deterioration of affairs, loss of hope. Dying yourself is a prosperous, calm period of life; But! Perish - see Separately.

Kissing the dead is a serious illness, your own death; goodbye (if it's close person) on a more subtle, energetic, mental (astral) level.

Why do you dream of a dying person?

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Dying - worrying about another person.

Why do you dream of a dying person?

Modern dream book

Dying – Profit

Why do you dream of a dying person?

Women's dream book

Dying - Seeing a dying person in a dream is a sign of trouble coming from where you least expected it. If you die in a dream, this means that by neglecting your business responsibilities, you are harming not only your business, but also yourself. Health problems are also possible. If a wild animal dies before your eyes in a dream, you can happily avoid someone’s negative influence on you. A dream in which you see the death throes of domestic animals is unfavorable.

Why do you dream of a dying person?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dying is an ambivalent image that represents one of the forms of being and at the same time the end of a negative experience, a transition from one state to another.

Why do you dream of a dying person?

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

A dead man can personify your desires, which have “died” due to prohibitions, some taboos, and the impossibility of realizing them because of this. That is, it is like killing oneself, abandoning oneself. If a person is actually alive, he appears dead in your dream - this is evidence of aggression towards this person, a desire to get him out of your way. If in a dream a deceased authoritative person appears before you as a living person, listen to his words, this could be providence itself, the voice of your true self.

Why do you dream of a dying person?

Online dream book

You saw someone dying - this suggests that there is an objective threat to you.

Why did the Dying Man dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

A dying child warns of the danger that awaits you.

A dying child means the collapse of your plans and hopes, family failures.

You dreamed of a dying friend - misfortunes await you from a direction where you did not expect them.

What does a dying friend dream about - it means a new point of view that you will have instead of the old one on many things. Perhaps this is the awakening of some new particle of your consciousness.

Why do you dream about someone dying in your sleep (interpretation by Rick Dillon)

Dying person - worry about another person.

The meaning of the dream about the Dying Man (from the book by Nina Grishina)

Dying person - Seeing a dying person means hope (good news will bring comfort and strength). Seeing your children die means prosperity and family happiness for them.

Why do you dream of a Dying Man (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Dying person - you saw a dying person in a dream - misfortune will appear from the side where you do not expect it; if you lock all the doors, it will break into a locked door, it is inevitable. It’s as if you yourself are dying - this dream says that in the hope of the notorious “maybe” you are neglecting your direct responsibilities; for the time being you got away with some things; now the luck has run out; look for the causes of all troubles in your attitude to business; another interpretation of the dream: you will get sick soon. You dreamed that a pet was dying - the dream foreshadows some unfavorable circumstances for you. You see a dying wild animal - unfavorable circumstances after such a dream will disappear; a ray of hope will lead you on a straight path to success.

The meaning of a dream about a seriously ill relative (Symbolic dream book)

Dying (deceased) relatives and acquaintances in a dream (but living in reality) - Report their well-being, or the rupture (separation) of relations with them. See Add. Death in a dream.

Why do you dream about someone dying in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Dying Man - Seeing a dying person in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune approaching from the direction from which you least expected it. To dream that you are dying is a warning to you: neglecting your business responsibilities. You are harming the cause and yourself. In addition, illness awaits you. Wild animals that die before your eyes in a dream promise you a happy deliverance from the adverse influence on you. A dream in which you see the death throes of domestic animals is unfavorable. The image of a dying creature is the most vivid impression for our awakening consciousness: returning from this dream to our life duties, we will with great force feel the joy or sorrow of the event ahead of us and see it from a different, new side for us. This new point of view, which arose under the impression of a heavy dream, will help us to gather ourselves and face the inevitable with calm determination, this is how we decipher what your dream means.

The meaning of the dream Dying (Modern dream book)

Dying - Profit.

Interpretation of the Dying from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

Dying (but not dead!) - Dreaming in a dream - for a woman, a cooling of love feelings for her, for a man - deterioration of affairs, loss of hope. Dying yourself is a prosperous, calm period of life; But! Perish - see Separately.

Why does a woman dream of a Dying Man (according to the dream book of Natalya Stepanova)

Dreamed of dying - Seeing a dying person in a dream is a sign of trouble approaching from where you least expected it. If you die in a dream, it means that by neglecting your business responsibilities, you are harming not only your business, but also yourself. Health problems are also possible. If a wild animal dies before your eyes in a dream, you can happily avoid someone’s negative influence on you. A dream in which you see the death throes of domestic animals is unfavorable.

We analyze the vision in which the Hopelessly Ill person dreamed (interpretation by psychologist A. Meneghetti)

Dying is an ambivalent image that represents one of the forms of being and at the same time the end of a negative experience, a transition from one state to another.


I dreamed about it about a year ago, but after that many negative events happened in my life. Very heavy. Maybe this dream is somehow connected with them... The dream is very vivid and memorable. In an unknown city, my grandmother and I cross the street, look at the lawn and see that a certain animal is sitting on the grass - a hybrid of a hare and a cat. I want to pet it, but it quickly climbs the tree. I follow him with my gaze, follow him all the way to the crown. And I see that at the crown level (4th floor) there is a balcony of the house, a balcony door, and rainbow marks are playing on the glass, like from gasoline. I understand that there is an unusual apartment there and I need to get there. We go into the house, and my friend joins us. It feels like the house is abandoned: rubbish, boards, dust, etc. We go up to the 4th floor. There is no door to the apartment, the room is visible from the stairs (sunlight and dust flies in the air), a man is lying on a bed by the window. He is dying. There is nothing else in the room. I hear an inner voice that says that if one of us enters the room, then everything in his life will be very bad, and if a grandmother or friend enters, they will die. But for some reason everyone wants to go. I use every conceivable and inconceivable means to persuade them not to enter the room and go in alone. I go to the bed. That man is wearing an old robe and a towel wrapped around his head like a turban. I crawl onto the bed. He says that he is dying and the only thing that can help him is if I kiss him. I lean down and kiss him on the lips. Then he laughs wildly, turns into smoke and flies out the window. I understand that it was the devil.


It seems to me that on a symbolic level the unconscious offers you a test. It and at the same time you (you in his person) want to test yourself, whether you know how to avoid unwanted temptations in life, whether you hear the voice of your intuition (which you are well aware of in a dream - and maybe just as well in life; in in any case, the dream gives you the opportunity to understand what she is like, to inhale her aroma). The temptation of this dream is the desire to help a dying person (or maybe not a desire, but a sense of duty - it’s better for you to figure this out yourself). And you succumb to it; in the language of the unconscious, you succumb to the devil. He disappears, “turning into smoke and flying out the window,” i.e. on an unconscious level we're talking about that this dream test cannot but leave a “subtle” mark on your inner world. But subtle not in the sense of being barely noticeable, but in the sense of being on a subtle level. This means that on an unconscious level, at that moment you made a certain choice, which after some time moved from the subtle plane to a more material level - your life, your behavior - “many negative events happened in my life.”

To change the current situation, in my opinion, you need to realize: 1) that in a dream you had a temptation. Maybe this contradicts your views (you need to help a weak person, especially a dying person). However, the dream invites you to look at the situation from the other side - from the side that some life situations have, in addition to a single concrete, literal plan, other plans unknown to your mind, which thinks in rather stereotypical categories: good-bad, right-wrong. The devil in your dream is a certain substance of your inner reality, showing by its existence about certain forces that want to tempt you, to test your spirit. Her laughter (of this substance, energy) is evidence of her victorious mockery of you. After all, there was a message from intuition - but at that moment you attached too little importance to the divine; 2) what temptations in life did you continue to succumb to after this dream; 3) having realized these temptations in life (perhaps they are of a similar nature to temptation in a dream), you need to DO EVERYTHING ON THE OPPOSITE, no matter what the cost. This is the only way you can shift to your true inner values ​​that are in your unconscious.

The dream book offers various interpretations of why one dreams that a person has died. The symbol changes its meaning depending on who the deceased is in a dream and what his fate is in real life. Often, the interpretation of a sad and at the same time frightening story has a positive meaning.

Miller's Predictions

Miller’s dream book contains not only an explanation of why you dream that a person has died, but also advice on what to do if you dreamed about it. In a dream, words play a key role, including those spoken by the sleeper himself. They often help to accept the right decision or avoid danger. Everything said in night dreams should be taken literally.

Death of a living

One of the most disturbing stories that can be seen in a dream is when a person who is actually alive dies. Oddly enough, many interpreters consider what you dreamed to be a good omen. What the main character of the dream promises is what it means to dream that a living person has died long years health.

This is not the only explanation why I dreamed that I left this world alive. If a person who is alive in reality dies in a dream, problems in communicating with him may arise in the near future. The most common reason is disappointment in his actions or views.

Losing lovers

You should know why you dream that your loved one died, this moment experiencing difficulties in business or health problems. The dream book promises that his troubles will end soon and safely.

If a lover dreams that her beloved has left forever, it is advisable to pay more attention to the relationship: the likelihood of it breaking is high. In men's dreams, such a symbol means fear of displeasing others.

Blood relatives

The dream book contains many explanations of why you dream that a loved one, one of your blood relatives, has died. The appropriate interpretation of the dream will help you understand what each of them means. tragic events in a dream.

  • If you dreamed that a deceased loved one was your father, beware of treachery and deception;
  • The loss of one’s own mother warns against actions for which one will have to repent;
  • When a deceased loved one is an uncle or aunt, engage in self-development more diligently;
  • Seeing how a brother or sister died happens to those who are at odds with them in reality.

The dream book also mentions quite natural reasons why it happens to see such signs in a dream, for example, concern for those who are dear to you, despite strained relationships.

What did a friend take to his grave?

If you dreamed that the deceased was an old acquaintance, Hasse’s dream book advises not to worry about his fate in vain. Often what you see in a dream foreshadows only temporary alienation.

The esoteric dream book claims that a deceased acquaintance symbolizes getting rid of painful memories, false remorse, regret about what cannot be returned, and others negative emotions from past.

The most pronounced character traits of the dream hero also serve as the key to interpretation. Perhaps the sleeper will be able to adopt or correct some of them in himself.

Abstract dead man

Interpreting why one dreams that a stranger has died, Longo’s dream book focuses on the dreamer’s experiences. If the death of a stranger greatly upset you, some event in reality will force you to reconsider your views.

If you happen to see a stranger, an unknown person die, and do not feel regret, in reality you will be able to remove obstacles and achieve harmony with yourself.

Sad news

The dream book explains in detail why you dream about how you were told that a person has died. The plot often foreshadows the successful completion of what was started. Helpful information will help improve your financial situation.

When in a dream you happen to find out about someone’s death, in reality intrigues lie in wait. It is possible that it was with the light hand of the one about whom the sad news was reported.

Signs of the deceased

If a girl dreams that a young man has died, the dream book warns that the relationship is on the verge of a crisis, from which there are two ways out: either improve it or stop it.

When the death of a friend appears in a dream, Vanga’s dream book warns of injustice.

If you dreamed that a patient died, in reality he will recover.

What do kisses portend?

Some interpreters consider it a dangerous sign to kiss the deceased. The symbol foreshadows an illness, possibly a serious one, as well as significant losses and irreparable losses.

At the same time, Velesov’s dream book states. that kissing the deceased in a dream is a good omen. The dream promises many years of health and prosperity.

How much water has flown under the bridge

Predictions are predominantly favorable if the person actually died, and quite a long time ago. For a widow, the repeated funeral of her husband foreshadows a new marriage. If you dreamed about this, it’s time to stop mourning and return to normal life.

Since the time of Aesop, another explanation has been known: a meeting with a long-dead person promises that the weather outside the window will soon change. A dream in which a recently deceased person comes to life reflects a feeling of guilt.

Risen from the Dead

Zhou-Gong's dream book offers an interesting explanation of why one dreams that a person died and then woke up. The sleeper will soon learn amazing news. If you use information wisely, you will be able to avoid trouble and even benefit from a dangerous situation.

If a dead person is resurrected and the dreamer is involved in this, in real life he should beware of scammers. The image also suggests that the past can unexpectedly remind itself of itself.

If you dreamed that a person died, you should not give in to fears and anxieties. This dream does not portend anything bad or terrible. He tells us about the departure of the past, the old from your life and the emergence of new opportunities and radical changes.

There are very rare cases when you dream about the death of a person and in the end it means his death in reality. For the one who supposedly died in your dream, on the contrary, the dream promises longevity and good health.

In fact, general interpretation this dream comes from the opposite: to see in a dream, then he will live long and enjoy life; if an unmarried woman saw someone’s death, it means that she will soon find her family and love happiness.

Sometimes there are cases when a seriously ill person dreams that he is dying, or you dream that the patient himself is dying, this may indicate his death in real life.

Seers interpret differently what it means to dream that a person has died. Much depends on the nuances night dreams: do you know the deceased, who he was to you in reality. It is not uncommon for a terrible event in a dream to foreshadow joyful changes.

Miller's version

The psychologist not only explains what dying means in dreams, but also gives advice on what to do. First of all, the dream book recommends paying attention to the words that were spoken by the characters in the vision. Often they help make the right decision and get out of predicament. Conversation in a dream does not need to be interpreted; it must be taken literally.

If a (now living) person died in a dream and came to life again, Miller promises a successful completion of all affairs.

Died alive

It is alarming to see in a dream how a healthy person died in reality. But usually this plot, on the contrary, means that the character will live for a long time.

Another version of why you dream that a person who is alive in reality has died. Relations with him will deteriorate, a serious quarrel is possible. The probable reason is condemnation of his worldview and actions.

A loved one has passed away

In a dream, a deceased lover is good sign. If a character now has health problems at work, then soon they will end, and luck will smile.


The death of a relative in a dream predicts the beginning of a favorable period. However, a dream may mean that you have stayed in one place, and you urgently need to change the state of things.

The dying man was babbling something incoherently - listen to what your loved ones are saying. It is very likely that the sleeper is fixated on himself and ignores the opinions of the people around him.

The deceased made a request in a dream, but you were unable to fulfill it, which means that in reality you forgot about your duty. This story is a warning for successful life complete all tasks.

Seers, explaining why you dream that a loved one has died, advise taking into account who exactly he was to you.

  • If your father died, be careful, in reality you will encounter an insidious person who will try to deceive you.
  • You lost your mother in a dream - think about your every step, avoid dishonest actions. There is a high probability of making a mistake and repenting for a long time.
  • If your uncle or aunt died, the dream book recommends devoting more time to self-development.
  • A brother or sister died before our eyes, which means that in reality you cannot find them with mutual language, constantly quarrel, get offended. It's time to stop the hostility! The dream book notes that although the relationship is strained, you continue to worry about the fate of your relatives. This means they are dear to you.

What did the dead man take with him?

If the person who died in a dream is an old friend, Miss Hasse’s dream book recommends not to worry. You may quarrel and stop communicating, but this is temporary and the relationship will resume soon.

The Muslim dream book interprets this plot as getting rid of unnecessary things. Harsh memories, feelings of guilt, regrets about what happened - everything will become a thing of the past.

It is necessary to take into account the characters in the dream; perhaps a person will be able to adopt and correct these traits in himself.


Why do you dream that a person has died and you remain indifferent? Difficulties that arise in reality will resolve themselves, and you will find inner harmony.

Sad news

Death was reported, the dream book speaks of the successful completion of all started projects. And the information received in reality will be useful and will help you earn extra money.

Another thing to dream about is death. In reality, intrigues are woven around you; the instigator is probably the person who delivered the sad news in a dream.

In a dream, a woman dreamed of her beloved dying. Forecasters warn that relationships are on the verge of breaking down. The only way to save is to start working on yourself and take communication with your partner to a new level.

Vanga’s dream book, if a friend dies, warns that you will encounter injustice and will not be able to change anything.

If a patient died, in reality this person, on the contrary, will begin to recover.


Why dream of kissing the deceased. Many seers consider this an unfavorable sign that can lead to serious illness, large financial losses, and the loss of something valuable.

But Velesov’s dream book, on the contrary, assures us that this is a good omen. A person has been waiting for many years happy life and good health.

Things from days gone by

Why dream of a person’s death if he died many years ago. Usually this plot is interpreted positively.

For a woman who has repeatedly buried her husband, the dream book hints that it is time to take off the ostrich and live, enjoying the new day. It is very likely that you will meet your husband, which will lead to marriage.

Aesop, if you re-experienced the loss of a long-dead person in a dream, predicts a dramatic change in the weather.

In addition, seeing the deceased alive again means that you are tormented by a feeling of guilt.

Resurrection from the Dead

Why do you dream when a deceased person wakes up as if from a deep faint? Zhu-Gong gives an interesting interpretation of this plot. In reality, they will report amazing news. The dream book draws attention to the fact that if you are able to use the information correctly, you will avoid trouble and benefit.

In a dream, you took part in the revival of the deceased. Beware of robbers and scammers. The dream book also warns that events from the past may remind you of yourself.

Other interpretations

Why do you dream of a deceased person who was far away - perhaps advancement awaits you? career ladder or replenishing your personal budget. However, you will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve your goals.

When death in a dream was right next to you, and you suffered very much in a dream, then personal changes cannot be avoided. Perhaps someone will report a happy addition to your family circle.

It is also important to remember who exactly died in the dream. Its further interpretation depends on this. For example, the death in reality of living parents speaks of financial success, winnings and fortune in these matters.

More more information can be found on the page - why you dream that a person has died.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After reading the interpretation of sleep from the dream book, it is recommended to visit the section. The likelihood of a dream fulfilling depends entirely on the day of the week and lunar day when I had a dream. The meaning of the lunar day can be found in the section . In chapter " lunar horoscope» favorable and unfavorable days, by which you can predict the fulfillment of dreams, as well as avoid unwanted situations in the future.

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