Test about France in Russian. Test “France (French Republic): geographical location, nature, economy. The term "Spring of Nations" refers to...

Option 1.
1.Napoleon was proclaimed Emperor of the French in
A. 1799 B. 1802 V. 1804

A. French invasion of Spain
B. Battle of Borodino
V. “100 days of Napoleon”
G. Battle of Austerlitz
D. "Battle of the Nations" at Leipzig
3. Reasons for the weakening of Napoleon’s empire:
A. decline in industry and trade
B. people's dissatisfaction with continuous wars
B. France's refusal of aggressive policy.

4. The system of measures introduced by Napoleon prohibited everyone dependent on France
countries to trade with England. Historians believe that she caused no less harm
France than England. This:
A. continental blockade B. trade war C. “closure” of England

Under the terms of the Congress of Vienna, Prussia received the Rhineland and Westphalia,
Austria - Lombardy and _______________, power over ____________ was restored
Roman region.
6. Match:
1. creation of the French Bank
2. ban on strikes by workers
3. development of the police investigation system
4. encouragement of entrepreneurship
A. domestic politics
B. strengthening policy
regime of personal power

Control test. Topic: France under Napoleon.
5. legislative protection of the property of the “new rich”
1. In May 1804 Napoleon was proclaimed
Option 2.
A. first consul B. consul for life C. emperor of the French
2. Place the following events in chronological order.
Write down the correct combination of letters.
A. Napoleon's entry into Berlin
B. siege of Zaragoza
V. Battle of Waterloo
G. Battle of Marengo
D. expulsion of the French army from Russia.
3. The document about which we're talking about, Napoleon considered his “true glory.” He
secured the inviolability of private property, equality of citizens, freedom
conscience. This:
A. Civil Code B. Declaration of Independence C. Constitution
4. Reasons for the weakening of Napoleon's empire
A. the desire of the peoples of countries dependent on Napoleon for freedom
B. Negative consequences continental blockade for the French economy
B. decrease in Napoleon’s aggressive activity.
Find and indicate the letter of the position that is superfluous in this list.
5. Read the text and fill in the necessary words in place of the gaps.
Under the terms of the Congress of Vienna, Prussia received the Rhineland and Westphalia. Was
The German Confederation was created from _________. Emperors of Russia and Austria, King of Prussia
created ______________.
6. Match:
1. edition of the Civil Code
2. lavish balls, construction of luxurious palaces
3. “tax in blood”
4. continuation of recruitment in France
A. policies that contributed
strengthening France
B. the policy that led
empire to fall
History 8th grade. Gudzishevskaya N.V. MBOU Secondary School No. 1, Vilyuchinsk

Testing on the topic: France in the first half of the 19th century

Option 1

1. As a result of the collapse of the Napoleonic Empire, power was restored in France:

A) Bourbons B) Directories C) three consuls D) Jacobins

A) with the new revolution B) with the weavers’ strike movement

C) with the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty D) with rallies and demonstrations of workers

3. “Krol-bourgeois” is:

4. “Live working or die fighting!” - slogan:

C) rebel weavers in Lyon in 1831 D) rebel weavers in Lyon in 1834

5. Year of the global industrial crisis:

A) 1846; B) 1847; B) 1848; D) 1849

6. Who headed the Provisional Government in 1848?

7. The Provisional Government opened for the unemployed:

A) Workhouses B) Factories C) national workshops8. What did France receive for helping the Sardinian kingdom in its fight against Austria?

A) Savoy and Nice; B) Piedmont; B) Corsica; D) Sardinia.

9. Who was elected president in 1848?

10. The reign of Louis Philippe was called:

A) July Monarchy B) Second Republic D) Second Empire

Testing on the topic: France in the second half of the 19th century

Option 2

1. After the defeat of Napoleon’s army, the following became king:

A) Charles X B) Louis XVIII C) Louis Philippe D) Louis Napoleon

2. The Charter of 1814 established in the country

A) republic B) monarchy C) constitutional monarchy

3. To get out of the financial crisis, the Provisional Government in 1848 introduced a decree on:

A) 13% tax B) 20% tax C) 35% tax D) 45% tax

4. “Bread or lead!” - slogan:

A) those who rebelled during the July Revolution B) those who rebelled during the February Revolution of 1848

C) rebel weavers in Lyon in 1831 D) rebel Parisian workers in June 1848

5.Who suppressed the uprising of Parisian workers in June 1848?

A) Lamartine; B) Guizot; B) Louis Napoleon Bonaparte; D) Cavaignac.

6. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte became emperor in...

A) 1851; B) 1852; B) 1853; D) 1854

7. Who was Napoleon III related to Napoleon I?

A) son; B) nephew; B) grandson; D) brother.

8. "The Empire is the World" said:

A) Charles X B) Louis XVIII C) Louis Napoleon Bonaparte; D) Cavaignac.

9. The regime established after the revolution of 1848 was called:

A) First Republic B) Second Republic

C) Third Republic D) Fourth Republic

10. In 1854, France, together with England, participated in the Crimean War on the side of:

A) Turkey B) Russia C) Austria D) Prussia

Test "France ( French Republic): geographical position, nature, economics"

1 France is located:

A) Western Europe

B) Eastern Europe

2. What does the outline of France look like:

A) Rectangle.

B) Pentagon

3. Capital of France:

A) Paris

B) Marseille

4. The territory of France is washed by:

A) Caspian and Black seas

B) Northern and Mediterranean seas

5 On the territory of France there are mountains:

A) Pyrenees

B) Alps and Pyrenees

6. Correct the text

Most large rivers countries - Loire, Rhine, Seine, Garonne. In the north and west of France, the climate is influenced by the cold Gulf Stream, so the weather here is rainy in both winter and summer. In the east of the country, summers are usually hot and Cold winter, and in the south there are hot, dry summers and warm. Wet winter.

7. Remove the extra word.

Most of France lies in the broad-leaved and hard-leaved forest zone.

8 France is:

A ) Monarchy

B) Republic

9Fill in the missing words.

In France they mine __________________, _____________, ____________. In the southwest of the country there are deposits of ____________.

10 The territory of France is divided into:

A) Regions

B) States

6. The largest rivers of the country are the Loire, Seine, Garonne. In the north and west of France, the climate is influenced by the warm North Atlantic Current, so the weather here is rainy in both winter and summer. The east of the country usually has hot summers and cold winters, while the south has hot, dry summers and warm, wet winters.

7. Most of France lies in the zone deciduous forests.

9. They mine in France iron ore, coal, bauxite. Oil fields are located in the southwest of the country.

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