Colonial map of the world. Colonial system: events and facts. USA

Marx, Adolf Fyodorovich (1838 - 1904 gg.) - Russian publisher. IN 1859 moved to Russia. Publishing house founder 1869 ), later joint-stock company“Partnership of Publishing and Printing A.F. Marx. Publisher of the illustrated magazine for family reading "Niva" ( 1870-1918 gg.). Adolf Fedorovich Marx was born February 2, 1838 in Stettin (now Szczecin), in the family of a tower clock manufacturer. After graduating from a commercial school, he worked as a clerk in the book trade. IN 1859 year he moved to Russia, worked for five years at the bookseller F. Bitepazh, and in 1863 year passed to M.O. Wolf. IN 1864-1869 years he taught foreign languages, served as a clerk in the board of the Petersburg-Warsaw railway. IN 1869 year A.F. Marx published the first books: "Statistical table of states and possessions of all parts of the world" and "Kumiss. Its physiological and therapeutic effect” by E. Shtalberg. WITH 1870 In the 1990s, Marx published Niva, a mass-produced weekly illustrated weekly magazine "for family reading", founded by him and the first in Russia. The journal published essays of a geographical and historical nature, popular articles"on sciences and art", on questions of medicine, etc. In the fiction section, translated novels and short stories were published, as well as works by Russian writers. The readers were especially interested in photo-correspondences about the most important world events and reproductions from paintings by prominent artists. WITH 1871 Marx began to practice mailing as an appendix to the "Niva" magazine "Paris Fashions", and from September 1879 year began to release free applications for "Niva" - paintings, portraits, calendars, etc. WITH 1894 of the year free apps collections of works by major Russian and foreign writers. In the beginning, the publisher published authors whose death had passed at least 50 years - in this case, there was no need to pay royalties: for example, among such authors were D. Fonvizin, I. Koltsov, I. Polezhaev, Catherine II, etc. Later, having strengthened his financial position, Marx got the opportunity to acquire rights from heirs of the classics. This publishing policy has borne fruit: the subscription to the journal has increased to 250 thousand copies and, due to their cheapness, the publications of A.F. Marx were distributed throughout the Russian provinces in unprecedented circulation. Among the publications of the company are collected works and individual works of M.V. Lomonosov, V.A. Zhukovsky, M.Yu. Lermontov, A.S. Griboedova, N.V. Gogol, I.A. Goncharova, F.M. Dostoevsky, I.S. Turgenev, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, N.S. Leskova, A.P. Chekhov, A.A. Feta, J.B. Moliere, G. Ibsen, M. Maeterlinck and others, beautifully designed Faust by I.V. Goethe and "Paradise Lost" by J. Milton. There were also published books on natural science, art, gift illustrated editions of large format - "Dead Souls" by N.V. Gogol ( 1900 ), "Lis Patrikeevich" I. V. Goethe ( 1901 ), “History of Arts” by P. P. Gnedich, etc. Along with books, Marx also published cartographic publications: “The Great World Desktop Atlas”, “The General Geographical and Statistical Pocket Atlas”, etc. 16 sheets of the Great World Desktop Atlas of Marx are devoted to European Russia. (According to Wikipedia).

Despite the fact that the great colonial powers have lost a lot of weight over the past century, metropolises and colonies still exist on the modern political map peace. Today, these territories are called variously: overseas departments, overseas territories, or unincorporated territories. Colonies may even have their own state flag and self-government bodies. But the meaning of this does not change: the colonies and their indigenous population are to some extent dependent on their mother countries and do not have political sovereignty.

IN modern world there are more than 50 colonies, the owners of which are in no hurry to part with their overseas territories. Let's see which of the metropolises today have the largest number of colonies - dependent territories that are not officially part of the state (metropolis).

Great Britain

From former glory british empire little is left. Nevertheless, today Great Britain owns colonies in all key regions of the planet.

1. Europe: the island of Jersey in the English Channel, the island of Guernsey in the English Channel, the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, the city of Gibraltar in the south of the Iberian Peninsula (disputed by Spain), Akrotiri and Dhekelia - military bases on the island of Cyprus.

2. Atlantic Ocean(no colonies caribbean): Bermuda, Saint Helena, Ascension Island, the Tristan da Cunha archipelago, the Falklands off the coast of South America (area disputed by Argentina), South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (area disputed by Argentina).

3. Caribbean Sea: Anguilla Islands, Cayman Islands (Cayman Islands), Montserrat Island, British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands.

4. Pacific Ocean: The Pitcairn Islands are five islands in the South Pacific.

5. Indian Ocean: British Indian Ocean Territory - a group of 55 islands. Colony formed contrary to UN decisions in 1965, disputed Seychelles and Mauritius.


Not so long ago, France owned vast territories in Africa and in other regions of the world. Most countries have gained independence today, but France is still the host a large number overseas territories, whose population exceeds the "colonial subjects" of Great Britain.

1. South America: French Guiana with a population of 240,000.

2. Atlantic Ocean (excluding colonies Caribbean): the islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

3. Caribbean Sea: the island nation of Guadeloupe, the island of Martinique, the island of St. Barthélemy, St. Martin.

4. Indian Ocean: Reunion Island, Mayotte Island in the Mozambique Channel (disputed by the Comoros), Amsterdam Island, Saint-Paul Island, the Crozet Islands, the Kerguelen Archipelago, the Eparse Islands (most of them are disputed by neighboring states).

5. Pacific Ocean: the territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands, New Caledonia, French Polynesia with a population of about 280,000 people, Clipperton Island.


The United States does not appear in school textbooks as a colonial empire, but today it is this state that is the largest metropolis in terms of dependent population (more than 4 million people).

1. Caribbean Sea: The United States Virgin Islands, the Freely Associated State of Puerto Rico is a state governed by the US Congress and effectively dependent on the US, with a population of 3.7 million.

2. Pacific Ocean: Guam Island, Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa (Eastern Samoa), a group of 9 islands - Minor Outlying Islands, the US-associated state of the Marshall Islands.

Kingdom of the Netherlands

To date, the Netherlands has only colonies on the islands of the Caribbean. These are the island of Aruba, the island of Curacao, the state of Sint Maarten on the island of St. Martin and the Caribbean Netherlands (the islands of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, Saba).


Once an influential Portuguese empire, today this country has only two overseas possessions in the Atlantic Ocean: the island of Madeira with a population of 270,000 people and the Azores with a population of about 250,000 people.


Today, Spain has lost almost all of its colonial possessions, it has several colonies located not so far from the state itself.

1. Atlantic Ocean: Canary Islands.

2. Mediterranean Sea: the cities of Ceuta and Melilla on the Mediterranean coast of Africa, opposite Spain, which have the status of autonomous cities, as well as the islands of Alusemas, Chafarinas, Perejil, Alboran.

All these territories do not have political sovereignty and their own armed forces, and their security is ensured by the army of the mother countries.

Search for a map of a city, village, region or country

The colony. Yandex map.

Allows you to: change the scale; measure distances; switch display modes - scheme, satellite view, hybrid. The Yandex-maps mechanism is used, it contains: districts, street names, house numbers, and other objects of cities and large villages, allows you to perform search by address(square, avenue, street + house number, etc.), for example: "Lenin street 3", "Kolonia hotels", etc.

If you did not find something, try the section Google Satellite Map: Colony or a vector map from OpenStreetMap: The colony.

Link to the selected object on the map can be sent by e-mail, icq, sms or posted on the site. For example, to show the meeting point, delivery address, location of a store, cinema, train station, etc.: align the object with the marker in the center of the map, copy the link on the left above the map and send it to the addressee - by the marker in the center, he will determine the place you specified .

Colony - online map with a satellite view: streets, houses, districts and other objects.

To change the scale, use the "mouse" scroll wheel, the "+ -" slider on the left, or the "Zoom in" button in the upper left corner of the map; to view a satellite view or a national map - select the corresponding menu item in the upper right corner; to measure the distance - click the ruler at the bottom right and put points on the map.

    List of countries and territories in the world that have ever been colonies This is the service ... Wikipedia

    This list lists the states from the Ancient World to the present time, which have ceased to exist. The list contains information about the time of existence, location, capital and form of government of states. Content 1 Ancient world and ... Wikipedia

    Colonization of the world 1492 modernity This article contains a list of the largest empires in world history, as well as large mono-ethnic states with monarchical form reign until 1945. Countries with other forms state government, ... ... Wikipedia

    Map of the Roman Empire at its peak Empire (from Latin imperium, literally power) type of state before the advent nation state. “A vast state that included in its composition the territories of other peoples and states” ... ... Wikipedia

    British Empire Empire ← ... Wikipedia

    "Colonization" redirects here. See also other meanings. A colony is a dependent territory without independent political and economic power, the possession of another state. The formation of colonies is the main tool for expanding influence ... ... Wikipedia

    "Colonization" redirects here. See also other meanings. A colony is a dependent territory without independent political and economic power, the possession of another state. The formation of colonies is the main tool for expanding influence ... ... Wikipedia

    "Colonization" redirects here. See also other meanings. A colony is a dependent territory without independent political and economic power, the possession of another state. The formation of colonies is the main tool for expanding influence ... ... Wikipedia

    Colonization of the world 1492 2008 Colonialism group domination system industrial developed countries(metropolitan) over the rest of the world in the XVI-XX centuries. Colonial politics is a policy of enslavement and er ... Wikipedia

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