Polit map of africa. Map of Africa in Russian. Political map of Africa in Russian

Our resource is dedicated to tourism and travel, which is why maps of foreign cities and countries are so important for my readers. To avoid getting lost in a foreign city or country, visit our website! This article will provide you with map of africa, on which streets and houses are clearly visible. Simply put, here you will see an interactive map of Africa with cities directly from satellite in Russian!

Map of Africa from satellite

Everyone knows what Africa is, am I right? But anyway, I'll give you a little tour. Africa is located near the Mediterranean and Red Sea, a little to the south, in general. Africa is also washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the west, and the Indian Ocean from the east. We have all at least once seen a world map or a globe and should know that Africa is a fairly large continent. And so it is, in terms of area, it is the second continent in the world, after the giant Eurasia. There are as many as 55 states in Africa, of which 4 are not recognized and five are independent territories on islands. In both complexity, Africa is inhabited by about a billion people. Based on the generally accepted theory, Africa can be considered the progenitor of the human race, on this moment It was in Africa that the most ancient remains of early human ancestors were found.

Now let's talk about tourism in Africa. We all know that there is nothing better than exotic travel and Africa is just right for this purpose. Wonderful and unusual animals for our eyes, interesting and different people, a stunning and unusual climate - all this awaits you in Africa. If you have not yet decided which country you want to visit, then below I will give a list of African countries with a tourist analysis. Well, as always, according to tradition, with a bunch of maps, so that if you are already planning to go, you will not get lost in any case!

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Africa is the second largest continent in the world, followed by Eurasia.

Interesting facts about African countries Oh:

  • Algeria is the largest country in Africa. More than 80% of the territory is occupied by the Sahara Desert.
  • Angola. The capital of Angola, Luanda, is considered the most expensive city to live in, but 50% of the country's population cannot read and write.
  • Benin is a small country, famous for the town of Ouidah, which is considered a stronghold of the Voodoo religion. Benin is one of the countries in Africa that is completely self-sufficient necessary products nutrition.
  • Botswana is one of the least explored countries in Africa. More than 70% of the territory is desert.

  • Burkina Faso is a state with very low level life. In the country it is rare to meet a person over 65 years old. The country is visited extremely rarely by tourists.
  • Burundi is a country without hospitals. There are only about 200 doctors and nurses in the entire state, so the level of medical care is one of the lowest in the world.
  • Gabon is one of the most stable and richest countries on the African continent. About 80% of the country's territory is occupied by tropical forests.
  • The Gambia is the smallest country in Africa by area.
  • Ghana is the first state in West Africa to gain independence from the British people.
  • Guinea is the leader in bauxite reserves. Included in 10 poorest countries peace.
  • Guinea-Bissau. There is not a single power plant in the country. Electricity is supplied from city generators and is turned on only for 2-3 hours a day.
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo. The main attraction of the republic is the Congo River, which is one of the deepest in the world.
  • Djibouti is one of the driest countries in the world.
  • Egypt is one of the cheapest and most popular resorts in the world. Famous for its developed infrastructure in tourist cities. But outside the tourist area, Egyptians live very poorly. It is in Egypt that one of the seven wonders of the world is located - the Pyramid of Cheops.

    One of the wonders of the world is the Pyramid of Cheops. Egypt

  • Zambia is the first African country to make banknotes from plastic rather than paper. The most visited place by tourists is the village of Mukuni artisans.
  • Zimbabwe. One of the world's coffee exporters. The country is very high level unemployment in 2019 – about 80%.
  • Cape Verde is a country of 18 islands. The state is engaged in the production and export of footwear.
  • Cameroon. Half of the state's territory is occupied by forests, which are home to the largest goliath frogs in the world. The population lives below the poverty line, but despite this, the people of Cameroon are always hospitable and good-natured towards tourists.
  • Kenya is the country with the largest international airport. Kenya is different from other countries. There are no seasons in the country, there are only seasons: dry and rainy.
  • Comoros Islands. Country where to pay bank card impossible. There are not even ATMs on the territory of the state.
  • Congo is famous for the most dangerous dormant volcano in the world - Newiragongo.
  • Cote d'Ivoire. More than 60 peoples live in the state. It is in this country that the most big church in the world.
  • Lesotho is located in the highlands. There are two diamond mines in the country.
  • Liberia. The country has not yet fully recovered from the war in 1980. The population lives below the poverty line. The only country in the world where there is not a single traffic light.
  • Libya. 90% of the area is covered by desert. A state with a very limited number of animals and plants. The lack of flora and fauna is caused by the arid climate.
  • Mauritius – tourist resort, which ranks second in terms of living standards on the African continent.
  • Mauritania. All the rivers in this country dry up in the summer, except for one - Senegal. 100% of the Mauritanian population professes Islam.
  • Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world. The country is the world's first producer of vanilla.
  • Malawi is the poorest republic in Africa. The country is famous for its orchids; more than 400 species grow on the territory of the state.
  • Mali. The country ranks among the world's leading gold exporters.
  • Morocco is a tourist country, visited by more than 10 million tourists every year. In the country, namely in Casablanca, there is the tallest religious building - the Hassan Mosque 2.
  • Mozambique. About 25% of the country's population does not consider themselves followers of any faith, although they are not atheists. Meat is rare in Mozambique.
  • Namibia. On its territory there is the world's largest underground lake. Tourists are attracted to Namibia by the “skeleton coast” - a surf line strewn with whale skeletons.

    “Skeleton Coast” is one of the most memorable places

  • Niger. About 80% of the republic's area is occupied by the Sahara Desert. Niger is first in the world in terms of birth rate.
  • Nigeria is the republic that ranks first in Africa in terms of population. The country is engaged in the production and export of oil and petroleum products.
  • Rwanda is the country with the tallest inhabitants on the planet. Not in Rwanda railways and trams. The country is one of the few in Africa that does not experience a shortage of drinking water.
  • Sao Tome and Principe are islands that are extinct volcanoes. The islands are popular with a local attraction - the Mouth of Hell (a place in the rocks from where a stream of sea water flows).
  • Swaziland is a country with 2 capitals: Mbabane and Lobamba. The country is ruled by a king, but his power is partially limited by parliament. The republic ranks first in the world in terms of the number of HIV-infected people.
  • Seychelles is one of the most expensive resorts peace. The Seychelles includes 115 islands, of which only 33 are inhabited.
  • Senegal. National symbol of this country - baobab. The famous Paris-Dakar rally is held annually in the capital of Senegal.

    The Paris-Dakar Rally is a dream for many

  • Somalia is one of the most armed countries in the world. For local residents constant wearing with myself firearms considered the norm. Somalia is a country with anarchy.
  • Sudan is a state where marriages with deceased people are legally permitted. Sudan is the world's largest importer of gum arabic.
  • Sierra Leone. One of the poorest countries in the world. Half of the republic's population cannot read or write.
  • Tanzania. A third of the country is occupied by nature reserves. The republic is characterized by a low level of education. According to statistics, only half of Tanzanian children attend school. The country has 2 capitals and the largest crater in the world - Ngorongoro.
  • Togo is a country known for having the largest traditional market in the world, where you can buy absolutely everything. Togo is a country of contrasts, where monolithic elite high-rise buildings border on the mud huts of the poor.
  • Tunisia is a popular tourist country, famous not only for its unique culture and nature, but also for its “Rose of the Sahara” landmark. This crystal is formed in the desert from salt and sand. Many tourists buy crystal as a souvenir to decorate aquariums and houses.

    The amazing phenomenon “Rose of the Sahara”

  • Uganda is the youngest republic in the world. Average age Ugandans are 15 years old. The country is home to one of the deepest lakes in the world - Albertina.
  • The Central African Republic is a state with incredible reserves of uranium, gold, oil and diamonds. But despite this, the country is among the 30 poorest republics in the world.
  • Chad. The country is named after Lake Chad, which is located on its territory. The country does not have a complete railway connection. This republic amazes with its dry and arid climate; the maximum temperature in the shade in summer reaches 56 degrees Celsius.
  • Equatorial Guinea is a country where the land is bright red due to the special composition of the soil. IN Equatorial Guinea Gold mining is available to everyone.
  • Eritrea is one of the poorest countries on the planet. Not in Eritrea national language. This country became famous in the world thanks to the 30-year war for independence.
  • Ethiopia is the most populous landlocked country on the planet. Ethiopia is an agricultural country where cereals, sugar cane, potatoes and cotton are grown.
  • South Africa is the most diverse national republic on the African continent. South Africa is the most developed country Africa.
  • South Sudan– one of the least developed republics in Africa. The country doesn't even have running water. South Sudan is famous for its constant civil wars and political upheavals.

Square South Africa– 3.1 million sq. km. The region is characterized by the development of the mining industry.

Table: Southern African countries

North Africa is washed Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea. Area - about 10,000,000 sq. km. Most of this part of the African continent is occupied by the Sahara Desert.

Table: countries North Africa

West Africa is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Covers the Sahel and Sudan regions. This part of the continent is leader in the number of HIV infections and malaria.

Table: West African countries

StateSquarePopulation of the stateCapital
Benin112 620 10 741 458 Porto-Novo, Cotonou
Burkina Faso274,200 17 692 391 Ouagadougou
Gambia10 380 1 878 999 Banjul
Ghana238 540 25 199 609 Accra
Guinea245 857 11 176 026 Conakry
Guinea-Bissau36 120 1 647 000 Bissau
Cape Verde4 033 523 568 Praia
Ivory Coast322 460 23,740,424 Yamoussoukro
Liberia111 370 4 294 000 Monrovia
Mauritania1 030 700 3 359 185 Nouakchott
Mali1 240 000 15 968 882 Bamako
Niger1 267 000 23 470 530 Niamey
Nigeria923 768 186 053 386 Abuja
Senegal196 722 13 300 410 Dakar
Sierra Leone71 740 5 363 669 Freetown
Togo56 785 7 154 237 Lome

States Central Africa in 2019 have very good complex natural resources, therefore, countries are not only actively developing the industrial sector, but are also leading subjects foreign trade African continent.

Table: countries of Central Africa

StateSquarePopulation of the stateCapital
Angola1 246 700 20 172 332 Luanda
Gabon267 667 1 738 541 Libreville
Cameroon475 440 20 549 221 Yaounde
Democratic Republic of the Congo2 345 410 77 433 744 Kinshasa
Congo342 000 4 233 063 Brazzaville
Sao Tome and Principe1001 163 000 Sao Tome
CAR622 984 5 057 000 Bangui
Chad1 284 000 11 193 452 N'Djamena
Equatorial Guinea28 051 740 743 Malabo

East Africa occupies the high part of the continent. It is in this part that the most high point Africa - Kilimanjaro. Most of the territory is savannah. In East Africa the most a large number of national and protected parks. East Africa is characterized by frequent civil wars and armed conflicts.

Table: East African countries

StateSquarePopulation of the stateCapital
Burundi27 830 11 099 298 Bujumbura
Djibouti22 000 818 169 Djibouti
Zambia752 614 14 222 233 Lusaka
Zimbabwe390 757 14 229 541 Harare
Kenya582 650 44 037 656 Nairobi
Comoros (Comoros)2 170 806 153 Moroni
Mauritius2040 1 295 789 Port Louis
Madagascar587 041 24 235 390 Antananarivo
Malawi118 480 16 777 547 Lilongwe
Mozambique801 590 25 727 911 Maputo
Rwanda26 338 12 012 589 Kigali
Seychelles451 90 024 Victoria
Somalia637 657 10 251 568 Mogadishu
Tanzania945 090 48 261 942 Dodoma
Uganda236 040 34 758 809 Kampala
Eritrea117 600 6 086 495 Asmara
1 104 300 90 076 012 Addis Ababa
South Sudan619 745 12 340 000 Juba

On the territory of the African continent there are 55 countries that are bordered by:

  1. Mediterranean Sea.
  2. Red Sea.
  3. Indian Ocean.
  4. Atlantic Ocean.

The area of ​​the African continent is 29.3 million square kilometers. If we take into account the islands near Africa, the area of ​​this continent increases to 30.3 million square kilometers.

Table. Largest states in Africa:

List of the most major cities by population:

  1. Nigeria - 166,629,390 people. In 2017, it was the most populous country in Africa.
  2. Egypt - 82,530,000 people.
  3. Ethiopia - 82,101,999 people.
  4. Republic of the Congo. The population of this African country is 69,575,394 inhabitants.
  5. Republic of South Africa. There were 50,586,760 people living in South Africa in 2017.
  6. Tanzania. This African country has a population of 47,656,370 people.
  7. Kenya. This African country has a population of 42,749,420 people.
  8. Algeria. In this country tropical Africa Home to 36,485,830 people.
  9. Uganda - 35,620,980 people.
  10. Morocco - 32,668,000 people.

African Development and Economy

If you take the corresponding maps of Africa, the countries differ not only in their diversity weather conditions, but also in abundance land resources and minerals.

The African continent ranks 1st in the world in reserves of the following breeds:

  • manganese;
  • chromite;
  • gold;
  • platinoid;
  • cobalt;
  • phosphorite

The industry of African countries is very well developed. This is especially true in the mining industry. Thus, last year, 96% of the total volume of diamonds was mined on the African continent. The resources of African countries make it possible to extract large quantities of gold and cobalt ores. On average, about 76% of gold and 68% of cobalt ores of the total world volume are mined on the continent.

Chromites are mined in an amount of 67% of total number, and the share of manganese ore production is 57% of the total volume.

Africa contains and produces 35% of the world's total uranium ore and 24% of copper. The African continent exports 31% of the world's total phosphate rocks and 11% of oil and gas.

Despite the small volumes of oil and gas supplies, 6 African countries are members of OPEC, the international organization of oil exporting states.

If we take the most developing countries in Africa in the field of mining, these will be:

South Africa is rapidly developing and rich in the mining industry. This country has deposits of all types of resources, except oil, gas and bauxite. According to statistics, it is in South Africa that about 40% of the continent’s total exports are produced.

South Africa is recognized not only on the African continent. This republic ranks first in the world in gold mining and second in diamond mining.

The manufacturing industry is in its infancy, but it is most developed in South Africa.

Industry Agriculture ranks second in the African economy. The agricultural sector is represented by tropical and subtropical agriculture. The main part of the products is exported. Thus, the African continent exports 60% of the total volume of cocoa beans. Africa also exports peanuts in the amount of 27% of the world's total, coffee - 22% and olives - 16% of the total.

Peanut cultivation is concentrated in Senegal, the largest amount of coffee is grown in Ethiopia, and the Republic of Ghana is popular for large volumes of cocoa bean cultivation and harvesting.

Livestock farming in the countries of the African continent is very poorly developed due to water shortages and the spread of a disease dangerous to livestock, spread by tsetse flies.

The mainland occupies 1/5 of the land mass globe and is inferior in size. Population - over 600 million people. There are currently more than 50 sovereign states, most of which were colonies until the mid-20th century.

European colonization began in this region in the 16th century. Ceuta and Melilla - rich cities in (in the territory of) the end points of the trans-Saharan trade route - were the first Spanish colonies. Next, mainly the West Coast of Africa was colonized. By the beginning of the 20th century. the “dark continent” had already been divided by the imperialist powers into dozens of colonies (see atlases of the New and Recent history 9,10,11 grades high school).

Almost all African states are classified according to typology into the group. The exception is the only economically developed state on the continent - the Republic of South Africa.

The success of the struggle of African states to strengthen political and economic independence depends to a very large extent on which political forces are in power.

In 1963, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) was created. Its goals are to promote the strengthening of the unity and cooperation of the states of the continent, to protect their sovereignty, and to fight against all forms of neo-colonialism.

Another influential organization is the League of Arab States (LAS), formed in 1945. It includes Arab countries North Africa and countries. The League advocates strengthening the economic and political cooperation Arab peoples.

Most African countries went from the era of wars of independence to the era of civil wars and interethnic conflicts. In many African countries over the years of independent development general rule became the privileged position of the ethnic group whose representatives were in power. Hence there are many interethnic conflicts in the countries of this region.

Civil wars continued for about 20 years in Angola and Mozambique; For many years, war, devastation and famine have reigned in Somalia. For more than 10 years, the interethnic interfaith conflict in Sudan (between the Muslim North and adherents of Christianity and traditional beliefs in the south of the country) has not stopped. In 1993, there was a military coup in Burundi, and there is a civil war in Burundi and Rwanda. The conflict spread to neighboring states. Civil wars are not uncommon in (the first of the countries of “black Africa”, which gained independence back in 1847).

Democracy does not take root in 23 out of 30 years extra years After gaining independence, the country lived under a military regime. In June 1993, democratic elections were held and immediately after that another military coup took place, all democratic institutions of power were again dissolved and banned political organizations, rallies and meetings.

Examples of the struggle for political power in Russia could be continued.

Nevertheless, there are practically no places left on the map of Africa where the problem of state independence has not been resolved. The exception is Western, which has still not acquired the status of an independent state, despite the 20-year struggle for liberation waged by the Polisario Front. In the near future, the UN intends to hold a referendum in the country - independence or joining Morocco?

The situation in Republic of South Africa, where there is a transition from “democracy for the minority” to non-racial principles of local and central control: the elimination of apartheid and the creation of a united, democratic and non-racial South Africa. For the first time, non-racial presidential elections were held. Mandela is elected as the first black president of South Africa. Ex-president- Frederik de Klerk joined the coalition cabinet. South Africa was restored (after 20 years of absence) as a member of the UN.

In conclusion, we note that for many African countries the transition to political pluralism and a multi-party system has become a great challenge. However, it is stability political processes in African countries is the main condition for their further economic development.

Option I
1. The state had the most possessions in Africa at the beginning of the 20th century:

2. Most African countries state structure are:

4. Largest deposits oil and gas are available in:
1) Libya, Nigeria, Algeria, Egypt 2) Libya, Nigeria, Zaire, Zambia 3) Algeria, Libya, Congo, Namibia

6. The population in Africa (as of 2004) was:
1) More than 600 million 2) more than 400 million 3) more than 800 million
7. Malagasy live in the territory:


9. In the global market, Africa stands out for its industry:

10 In terms of gold production, 1st place in the world is occupied by:
1) Congo 2) Egypt 3) South Africa

The leading sector of agriculture is:

12. Main area of ​​drought and desertification in Africa:
1) hylea 2) Sahel 3) selva
13. The state ranks 1st in the world in terms of maritime cargo turnover:

Option II

2. In the world market, Africa stands out for its industry:
1) mining 2) mechanical engineering 3) chemical

Over 70% of Africa's territory is occupied by:
1) mountains 2) lowlands 3) plateaus, plateaus, highlands
5. The state had the most possessions in Africa at the beginning of the 20th century:
1) Great Britain 2) France 3) Germany
6. Most African countries by government structure are:
1) federal 2) monarchies 3) unitary
7. Federal countries include:
1) Nigeria, South Africa, Algeria 2) Nigeria, South Africa.

Ethiopia 3) Ethiopia, South Africa, Egypt
8. Monarchies of Africa:
1) Lessoto, Morocco, Swaziland 2) Morocco, Swaziland, Zambia 3) Swaziland, Lessoto, Liberia

The “Copper Belt” is located on the territory of the states:
1) Zaire (Congo), South Africa 2) South Africa, Zambia 3) Zaire (Congo), Zambia
11. Most of all national parks located on:
1) south and east 2) south and west 3) north and east

The population in Africa (as of 2004) was:
1) more than 600 million 2) more than 400 million 3) more than 800 million
13. Malagasy people live in the territory:
1) South Africa 2) Nigeria 3) Madagascar
14. The largest oil and gas fields are located in:
1) Libya, Nigeria, Algeria, Egypt 2) Libya, Nigeria, Zaire, Zambia
3) Algeria, Libya, Congo, Namibia

The southern part of the mainland is inhabited by:
1) Arabs 2) Bushmen and Hottentots 3) Boers
16. Dutch settlers in Africa are called:
1) Boers 2) Bushmen 3) Creoles
17. Main area of ​​drought and desertification in Africa:
1) hylea 2) Sahel 3) selva

In terms of gold production, 1st place in the world is occupied by:
1) Congo 2) Egypt 3) South Africa
19. The leading sector of agriculture is:
1) crop farming 2) livestock farming
20. The state ranks 1st in the world in terms of maritime cargo turnover:
1) Liberia 2) Egypt 3) Senegal

Republic of South Africa / Constitutional foundations, characteristics of the form of government

The country has a 1996 constitution (came into force in 1997). The procedure for amending it depends on the chapter in which the amendment is being made.

So, to change ch.

To edit other articles, the majority in the National Assembly must be 2/3 of the votes. Since the adoption of the constitution, 14 amendments have been made to it.

The Constitution guarantees equal voting rights (active and passive), freedom of political associations, freedom of speech and press, inviolability of private property, etc.

According to the constitution, the main document that enumerates the main principles relating to human rights is the Bill of Rights.

According to it, rights are divided into several categories: universal human and civil rights, rights in the sphere of relations between a citizen and the state, environmental rights.

The form of government cannot be characterized unambiguously as either parliamentary or presidential: on the one hand, the president has a real political power, on the other hand, he is elected by parliament and resigns in the event of the latter’s self-dissolution, which does not allow us to talk about a certain autonomy of the branches of power characteristic of a presidential republic.

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  • Countries of the world
  • Africa
  • South Africa
    • Year of formation
    • Geographical location, area, borders
    • Population
    • Human Development Index 1980–2012
    • Language(s)
    • Historical sketch of political traditions
    • From the origins of statehood to the end of the Boer War
    • The formation and development of apartheid
    • Dismantling apartheid and transition to democracy
    • Constitutional foundations, characteristics of the form of government
    • Separation and interaction of various branches of government
    • Features of the executive branch
    • Heads of state (presidents) 1961–2014
    • Heads of government (prime ministers, after the proclamation of the republic) in 1958–1984
    • Features of the Legislative Branch
    • Features of the judiciary
    • Territorial-state structure
    • Local government and self-government
    • External influences on the formation and functioning of political institutions
    • Internal conflicts and splits
    • Official ideology, ideological schisms and conflicts
    • Religion and the state, the role of religion in politics
    • Features of the party system
    • Representation political parties in the National Assembly following the 2004 general elections
    • Political role of the military/security forces
    • NGOs, corporate components of the political system, interest groups and pressure groups
    • Position and role of the media
    • South Africa's ranking on the Press Freedom Index, 2002–2012
    • Gender equality/inequality
    • National economy in the context of the world economy
    • Main economic indicators in 1990–2010
    • South Africa's GDP structure, according to World Bank in 2011
    • Weight in the world economy 1990–2006
    • Resources of influence on the international environment and international processes
    • Military spending 1990–2010
    • Participation in international organizations and regimes, main foreign policy counterparties and partners, relations with Russia
    • External and internal threats state security
    • South Africa's ranking on the Corruption Perceptions Index, 1995–2012
    • Placement of the country's territory in an area of ​​increased risk of natural disasters
    • Economic threats
    • Threats to human security

A union (trade union, trade union) is a form of government structure in which the federal state is public education with legally defined political independence.
Federal device design:

Austria 2. Australia.

3. Argentina. 4. Belgium 5. Bosnia and Herzegovina 6. Germany 7. Russia 8. Switzerland 9. Serbia 10. Canada 11. Mexico 12. USA 13. Argentina 14. Brazil 15. Venezuela 16. Nigeria 17. Nepal. 18. India 19. Malaysia 20. Federated States of Micronesia 21. Myanmar 22. United United Arab Emirates 23. Pakistan 24. Saint Kitts and Nevis 25. Sudan. 26. South Sudan 27. Somalia. 28. Ethiopia.
The rest of the countries are united.
United country- a form of government in which its parts are administrative-territorial units and do not have the status of a public entity.

Unlike the federation, single state, there are the highest powers state power, uniform for the whole country, a single legal system, a single constitution. Most countries are united.

Map of Africa from satellite. Explore satellite map of Africa online in real time. Detailed map Africa created on the basis of satellite images high resolution. As close as possible satellite map Africa allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and landmarks of Africa. Map of Africa from satellite easily switches to regular card(scheme).

Africa- a part of the world that includes the continent of Africa and numerous islands. In terms of area, Africa is the second continent after. Africa is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. In total, Africa has 55 states, 5 unrecognized countries and the same number of dependent island countries. According to scientists, Africa is the cradle of humanity, because it was on the territory of this continent that the remains of hominids, the ancient ancestors of modern man, were discovered.

The climate in Africa is varied. This the only continent, which includes climatic zones, ranging from southern subtropical to northern subtropical. Since Africa is crossed by the equator and many areas receive little to no rainfall, Africa has no natural climate regulation.

In terms of nature and wildlife, Africa is the most exotic continent with great diversity, contrasts and beautiful unique landscapes and landscapes that can hardly be seen anywhere else.

Africa– a real treasure trove of various attractions that relate to different civilizations and peoples. The most popular and visited African attractions are Egyptian pyramids, Serengeti reserves, Victoria Falls. In Africa, the modernity of large states and the identity of small, few peoples and tribes are harmoniously combined.

The African world is not just beautiful, unique and inimitable. It is this exoticism that attracts tourists. Africa is a fairly hospitable country, and any traveler will find entertainment to suit his taste. In Africa, you can go surfing, diving, ecotourism, or prefer a calm and measured holiday on lakes or on the ocean or seashore. Africa is also famous for its desert safaris and national parks.

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