On the relationship between the concepts of "state" and "nation". What are nation states Not a nation state

The ethnic picture of the world remains motley and contradictory early XXI centuries. There are over two thousand different ethno-national entities in the world, and about 200 UN member states. Some of them are predominantly mono-national (Austria - 92.5% Austrians, Norway - 99.8% Norwegians, Japan - 99% Japanese), in which are inhabited by a small part of representatives of other peoples Dov, others are multinational, uniting a number of indigenous ethnic groups and national groups (Iraq, Spain, Russia, etc.); the third - mainly the states of the equatorial part of the planet - consist mainly of tribal formations.

The problem of relations between the nation and the state has long been a subject of study and discussion. F. Engels found an internal connection between the nation and the state. K. Kautsky believed that the classical form of organization national life is the nation state. But since all "classical forms" often exist only as a model that does not always achieve full realization, in practice not all nations enjoy their statehood. M. Weber considered the ideal combination of national and state community, in which their coinciding interests are realized. One of the first who pointed out that the Ukrainian ethnos will become sovereign only when it has its own statehood was N. Kostomarov.

Nation (lat. - tribe, people) - historically arises in a certain territory as an economic, spiritual and political community of people with their specific consciousness and psychological characteristics, traditions. Modern nations were born as a result of the formation of market relations. The most important factors consolidation of people in the nation, their rapprochement and communication were commodity production and trade. Only with the formation of the world market, commodity-money relations acquired a universal character and became the basis for the destruction of the patriarchal-communal and feudal way of life, the formation of ethno-political communities as a global phenomenon. This process covers the period of the XVI - XX centuries. For the 20th century characterized by the further disintegration of colonial empires and the formation of the nation-states of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

In Europe, earlier than on other continents, national movements were born and a system of nation-states was formed. In the middle of the XIX century. The state of ethnic movements and the formation of nation-states can be divided into the following groups:

  1. post-integration, constituting one whole (English, Russian, Austrians, French, Swedes, Danes, goal Landes), and their dependent countries;
  2. pre-integration, close to unification or liberation from dependence (Germans, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese);
  3. integrated into foreign political structures while maintaining a certain integrity (the Irish, Norwegians, Belgians and those that were part of the Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Ottoman empires);
  4. disintegrated - divided between states (Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, etc.).

In terms of scale and consequences, the level of disintegration of Ukrainians was the highest. Only the internal collapse of empires created conditions for them to unite in a single state. Some of the peoples named above are still fighting for political self-determination today. But in general, the relationship between the formation of the nation and the state is obvious. Nations, self-determining, become the basis for the legitimation of statehood, the creation of viable economic systems and socio-cultural institutions.

The emergence and development of a nation-state is impossible without the majority of its citizens having a subconscious idea that would unite the population of the country into a nation. / The national idea turns the people, inspired by it, into the creator of its historical destiny, into a guide for the future.] When the population is deprived of such an idea, then the nation sleeps and remains in the state of an ethnos that cannot claim political self-determination and stable statehood. The national idea reflects the whole complex of problems of the nation's self-affirmation, its rights and freedoms, and the people feel their internal unity, the connection between generations and traditions, see the prospect of their activities. The highest manifestation of such an idea, according to J. Bell, is the people's understanding of the ideal device public life and own state. Then it will become an internal stimulus to political activity, and the national state will act as an external one, ensuring sovereignty and social progress nation as a political community. M. Grushevsky, M. Dragomanov, S. Dnistryansky, V. Ligashsky, I. Franko saw the need to translate the Ukrainian national idea into state building.

The idea of ​​a "sovereign nation" or "political nation" was born in the French Revolution, when the so-called third estate, which constituted the majority of the population of France, won civil rights for itself. At the same time, the "state" concept of a political nation was formed, according to which the concept of "representative of the nation" was identified with the concept of "citizen of a sovereign state." "A political nation is a community that, along with an ethno-cultural essence, also has a legal and state structure" (G. Setton-Watson). It is this understanding of the nation that is most common in economically developed countries, where nation-states arose relatively earlier. Quite a few important role in their formation played the awareness of the peoples of their national and socio-economic rights, having carried out which, they brought their countries to the forefront of world progress. Accordingly, a sense of patriotism was formed, according to which a citizen defends his homeland, and it guarantees him personal security and other human rights. In the national-state idea, as we see, the need for the existence of a national state is clearly visible. However, in what direction should it develop and does it retain its connection with the nation? History knows examples when certain circumstances the state can evolve with the priority of the national or class - to totalitarianism, and when the universal remains leading in the national - to a democratic, rule of law state.

In the political concepts of F. Hegel, M. Weber, V. Lipinskiy, the idea of ​​a national state arises as an addition to the idea of ​​a legal state. liberal idea, substantiating the equality of civil human rights, does not resolve the issue of the equality of the rights of each ethnic group, in particular the right to its state self-determination. The national idea differs from the liberal one in that it seeks to solve not only the problem of the legal equality of people different nationalities, but also the question of the equality of nations, understood as their right to independent political development.

It is significant that where the idea of ​​the nation-state is combined with the concepts of the liberal-demo cratic perspective and the rule of law, the progress of society is obvious ( North America, Scandinavian countries). The nation-state proved its advantage in this variant. Empires will sink into oblivion, and "non-historical peoples", whom their ideologists predicted death (Nietzsche, Marx, Dontsov), create their own states, the number of which is growing. In other words, the national state, which ensures the ethnonational unity and political stability of society, guarantees the development relations, freedom and equality interethnic relations in its political field, it cannot but be at the same time a state of law, protecting the interests of a person, his rights and freedoms.

In modern society, with the priority of universal human values, the decisive role is played not by classes, but by political nations as communities. There are no other effective ways of modernizing society outside the national one (N. Berdyaev), and this applies to both the countries of the so-called "third world" and post-socialist ones. Even in conditions when the country is torn apart by class contradictions, civil wars, the nation, as an ethnic community, remains, rallying people around its national idea. The conquest of independence by an ethnos means its formalization into a nation-state. The German sociologist F. Gekkerman argues that the nation state forms an ethno-community that has "not so much a common origin as a community of value ideas (orientation), institutions and political beliefs."

Therefore, the nation state is a form political organization where the political-civil and ethnic affiliation of people are combined. It is "formed by the respective nation, compactly residing in a certain territory, as a result of its exercise of the fundamental right to political self-determination, which ensures the necessary conditions for the preservation and development of the heritage of this nation and the enrichment and development of all nations, ethnic groups living in this state" [Small encyclopedia! relationships do not lose their relevance.

Some states, as, for example, in Article 1 of the Romanian Constitution. Ideally, such a state assumes that all its citizens (or subjects) have a common language, culture and values, and that they are all part of a single society, with its and its problems.


Civic nationalism claims that the legitimacy of the state is determined active participation its citizens in the political decision-making process, that is, the extent to which the state represents the "will of the nation". The main instrument for determining the will of the nation is the plebiscite, which can take the form of an election, a referendum, a poll, an open public discussion, etc.

At the same time, the belonging of a person to a nation is determined on the basis of a voluntary personal choice and is identified with citizenship. People are united by their equal political status as citizens, equal legal status before the law, personal desire to participate in the political life of the nation, adherence to common political values ​​and a common civic culture.

At the end of the 19th century, Renan drew attention to the role of civic nationalism in everyday life: "The existence of the nation is an everyday plebiscite, just as the existence of the individual is the eternal affirmation of life." Indeed, as Gellner has shown, in modern nations throughout their lives, citizens actively affirm their national identity and thus the legitimate status of the state.

As for the “primordial” representatives of the nation from the cultural and ethnic point of view, according to civic nationalism, they may not exist. It is more important that the nation consists of people who want to live next to each other on a single territory.

Civic nationalism is more pronounced in those young nations that arose in an already existing state with a fairly homogeneous population in terms of culture. This is exactly what happened in pre-revolutionary France, so early nationalism actively supported the ideas of individual freedom, humanism, human rights, and equality. He was characterized by a rational belief in universal and liberal progress. However, he played an important role in more late time. Thus, in the middle of the 20th century, the national liberation struggle of the third world countries against colonialism often relied on civic nationalism as a path to the integration of society, contrasting it with the “divide and conquer” principle characteristic of imperialism. The exponents of such ideas were Gandhi, Nehru, Mandela, Mugabe.

The political and philosophical substantiation of the concept of national states was given in the works of J. Bodin (“The Book of Six States”), who formulated the concept of “sovereignty”, N. Machiavelli (“Sovereign”), who developed the category of “state interest” and G. Grotius (“On law war and peace”), which laid the foundations of the corpus of international law; as well as in the works of T. Hobbes and B. Spinoza.

Among the main goals of the nation state are:

Such goals can be reflected in the constitution, the educational program, the concept of economic development and other official documents.


see also


  1. Zorkin V. Apologia for the Westphalian system // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, No. 4150 of August 22
  2. Westphalian era Chapter from: Zyuganov G. A. . Geography of Victory: Fundamentals of Russian Geopolitics. M., 1997.
  3. Penrose J. Nations, states and homelands: territory and territoriality in nationalist thought (English) // Nations and Nationalism. 2002 Vol. 8, no. 3. P. 277.

To consider this issue, one should apparently proceed from the fact that the state as a political institution is called upon to maintain the internal and external stability of the community on the basis of which it arose and developed. In this regard, it is important to clarify the concept of the nation-state, since different interpretations This concept can also determine the different directions of the state ethnopolitics.

In the textbook "Ethnology", authored by G.T. Tavadov, a fairly common, albeit deeply erroneous, definition of a nation-state is given: "A nation-state is a state formed by an ethnos (nation) on the basis of an ethnic territory and embodying the political independence and independence of the people." In this case, the author, in essence, puts an equal sign between the "ethnos" (ethnic community) and the nation, and therefore it turns out that there are "national" states and there are those that cannot be considered national. Meanwhile, all modern states are national, because they are built on the basis of the sovereign right of the nation to self-determination, and it is civil, and not ethnic communities that have such a right. And the nation-state is a territorial community, all members of which, regardless of their ethnicity, recognize their community, stand in solidarity with it, and obey the institutionalized norms of this community.

In addition to the postulate that there is a national state, for the purposes of ethno-political analysis, it is necessary to determine another important provision: what is the ethnic component in state building, i.e. what is a mono-ethnic state and what is a multi-ethnic state.

In world practice, a state is considered to be mono-ethnic, in which 95% of the population or more are representatives of one ethnic tradition. But there are very few such states in the world (Iceland, Norway, Portugal, Albania, Armenia, Malta, Jamaica, Yemen, Hungary), in the vast majority of countries there are several or even many ethnic groups in the population. The heterogeneity of the ethnic composition of the population, combined with religious and racial differences, sets the state institutions the task of integrating a multi-ethnic society, developing a nationwide ideology and values ​​that cement state foundations.

Each state solves this problem in its own way. In the United States of America for a long time the idea of ​​a "melting pot" dominated. Researchers and politicians imagined American society to be such a cauldron, in which heterogeneous ethnic and racial components formed an alloy called the American nation.

By and large, the Soviet ideologists had a similar idea, according to which in the USSR, from the numerous socialist nations, through the “flourishing and rapprochement”, a “new historical community of people”, called the “Soviet people”, was formed. This people was declared a typologically new community for the reason that internationalism was characteristic and all this was called "multinationality". In world science, law and politics, “multinational (or transnational) corporations are known, “multinational armed forces” are known, and “multinational” has always meant transstate formations or ties. In fact, when translated into common language, it was about multi-ethnicity. It is no coincidence that in Soviet and post-Soviet times the concepts of "national" and "multinational" were translated from Russian as "ethnic" or "multi-ethnic". Thus, the concept of "national" was given exclusively ethnic content. A quote from Tavadov's textbook is a vivid confirmation of this. In fact, the Soviet people were not a new, but an old historical community, known since the time of M.V. Lomonosov, N.M. Karamzin and A.S. Pushkin as "Russian people" or "Russians". In the XVIII century. even the Russian language was called the Russian language.

In contrast to the American and Soviet models that define the complex integrity of the population by state (the American nation and the Soviet multinational people), there are models of the nation state in which the main role in the formation of a nation is attached to an ethnic group. So, in modern Latvia, the assistant to the prime minister for national security officially declares that "the Russian community does not fit into the concept of the national Latvian state." An attempt by a dominant ethnic group to declare itself as a state nation and to consolidate this thesis in ideology and in its legal status leads to the formation of the so-called ethnocratic state. Ethnocratic ideology is characteristic of African states, and it is especially widely used during the formation of states.

An ethnocratic state should be understood as such a state in which an ethnic group that is predominant numerically or politically dominant, enjoys power and privileges in relation to others, it identifies with the state exclusively itself, denying minorities the right to membership in the nation or to independent "nation-building". In this case, the dominant ethnic group positions itself with the help of state ideology and state institutions(directly or indirectly) as the only "true", "real", "real" nation and demands that representatives of other ethnic groups be culturally equal to it. Such a state model is sometimes called constitutional nationalism. It aims to cement the ethnic majority and to reject or isolate unwanted ethnic or racial minorities ( bright to that examples are the apartheid regime in South Africa, as well as the constitutional foundations of the post-Soviet state).

The regime of constitutional nationalism can be relatively soft and extremely hard. In the latter case, he completely denies rights to certain groups of the population. Thus, in the Central African state of Burundi, the Tutsi ethnic group, which has dominated for many centuries, which was made their privileged ally by German colonists before the First World War (the Tutsis were overseers on banana and tea plantations), and then they were used for the same purposes by the Belgians, began in 1972 repressive actions against the Hutus with the aim of reducing the number of the latter, and, if possible, their complete physical destruction. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Moreover, the conditions for the conflict began to ripen long before it began, because the practice of separating communities began at school: Hutu and Tutsi children were separated: some sat in one corner of the classroom, others in the other. Before the active confrontation, marriages between Hutus and Tutsis were not a rare occurrence. The first massacre as a result of the protests of the world community was stopped; but the ethnocratic idea turned out to be stronger than the voice of the world community, and in 1988 clashes between Hutus and Tutsis resumed.

But the largest ethnic Civil War the end of the 20th century, associated with the confrontation between the Hutus and the Tutsis, took place in neighboring Rwanda in 1994. Then about one million people died. This confrontation serves a prime example African political tribalism. By the time the Rwandan authorities provoked the massacre of the Tutsis, the position of the latter had already been significantly weakened.

In the late 1950s during the process of decolonization, the Hutus began to actively demand the transfer of power to the majority (the Hutus made up 85% of the country's population). In 1959, the first clashes between the communities took place. In 1962, the first presidential elections in Rwanda were held, as a result of which the Hutus took leading political positions in the country. Large-scale oppression of the Tutsi began, which provoked them to fight for the return of their lost positions. This struggle resulted in a series of attacks on government offices and subsequent massacres of Tutsis. On the territory of Uganda, refugees from Rwanda formed the Rwandan Patriotic Front, which led the struggle for reform government controlled in Rwanda and partition political power between the main ethnic communities. In 1990, the RPF launched a major offensive and closed in on the capital, Kigali. In turn, the central government declared all the Tutsis living in Rwanda to be accomplices of the RPF, and the Hutus who sympathized with the struggle for the rights of the Tutsis were traitors. The attack on the capital with the help of France was repulsed, but a large-scale guerrilla war broke out in the country. opposing sides in Tanzania, an agreement was reached on a ceasefire and on the beginning of a process of democratic change in Rwanda. However, the country's president, Habyarimana, was in no hurry to implement the agreements and STARTED forming people's militia units in the country, the number of which reached 30,000 people. They were armed with the main machete, which then used the destruction of the Tutsis.

UN peacekeeping forces stationed in the country informed the leadership of the organization about the impending ethnic cleansing, but Canadian General Romeo Dallaire was ordered not to interfere in the situation. On April 6, 1994, the plane carrying the presidents of Burundi and Rwanda was shot down by a rocket (according to one version, it was launched by radical Hutus). The death of President Habyariman was the signal for the start of the extermination of the Tutsis. At the same time, all Hutu politicians and journalists who called for dialogue were the first to be killed. Hutu armed formations, together with the army, systematically exterminated the Tutsis wherever they were caught. In the first two weeks, 250,000 people were killed. The country's radio stations played the role of coordinators of ethnic cleansing, calling for pogroms and providing information about the location of the Tutsis. It was reported on the air that Tutsi lands would be given to those Hutus who destroyed them.

During the entire period of the pogroms, UN peacekeepers did not interfere in what was happening, and a significant part of them, on the instructions of their governments, left the country. One of the most dramatic episodes of this conflict is associated with the departure of the Belgian peacekeepers. In one of the schools in Kigali, which they guarded, two thousand Tutsis, who had escaped during the pogroms, were hiding. After the Belgians were ordered to leave the school building, people abandoned to their fate were killed by the Rwandan military. In the outback, people were killed even in the buildings of churches, where they came in search of shelter. These events became the background against which the events of Gilles Courtmanche's novel "Sunday by the Pool in Kigali" and its screen version unfold. Then the confrontation between the Hutus and the Tutsi spread to the territory of the Congo, where a huge number of refugees representing both ethnic groups moved.

An example of an "inverted ethnocracy" is Sri Lanka. Historically, it was inhabited by Sinhalese who profess Buddhism. With the arrival of the British and the creation of extensive tea plantations, significant groups of Hindu Tamils ​​began to move to the island from the Hindustan peninsula, who settled mainly in the north of the island and worked on tea plantations. Despite the fact that the Sinhalese prevailed in numbers, the British preferred the Tamils, who therefore occupied the most prestigious places in the colonial administration and bureaucracy. After gaining independence in 1947, the Tamils ​​were gradually forced out of key positions in the state apparatus by the Sinhalese. Then the Sinhalese began to settle in territories that were previously perceived exclusively as Tamil, other measures were taken to strengthen the position of the Sinhalese, and finally the Sinhala language was declared the only state language of the country, and Buddhism was declared a constitutional religion. The Tamils ​​felt disadvantaged, and a protest movement intensified among them, which escalated in the 1980s. into guerrilla warfare under the slogan of creating independent state Tamils ​​in northern Sri Lanka. As a result of huge efforts, the main pockets of resistance of the Tamils ​​managed to be broken by government troops, but the conflict has not been completely overcome so far. Tamils ​​complain about pogroms and infringement of their rights, Sinhalese see open separatism in the Tamil protest movement and nothing more.

IN last years the concept of the nation state is under double pressure: on the one hand, it is weakening under the pressure of transnational institutions, the system of international law and the processes of globalization; on the other hand, the state as a form social organization society is experiencing the pressure of ethno-political movements and is forced to confront the challenges of politicized ethnicity. Moreover, these challenges arise where the processes of intrastate integration, the development of democratic institutions and civil society, it would seem, have gone so far that they exclude the possibility of the emergence of ethnopolitical movements and the actualization of the ideas of ethnic nationalism.

However, in modern Europe, where efforts were made to develop national minorities and where the principles of the inviolability of state borders after the Second World War were repeatedly confirmed by state leaders and interstate agreements, at the end of the 20th century, the third wave of nationalism rose in the past century. It is often associated with the third geopolitical redistribution of the world, which was the result of the end of " cold war”, caused by the confrontation of two social systems. To some extent, this is true, but ethno-political movements in Europe were actualized before the collapse and liquidation of the socialist Eastern Bloc. For example, Ulster "exploded" in 1969, when no one in the world could even imagine that Soviet Union the October crisis of 1970 in Quebec, where prominent politicians were killed by Quebec separatists, will break up, shocked Canada. In continental Europe, the most problematic character by the 1960s. acquired the ethnopolitical problems of Belgium. For more than a century, this country has developed with complete dominance in the political and cultural life one ethnic group - the Walloons. French was the only official language of the country. The French-speaking provinces were the most economically developed, and the basis of the financial bourgeoisie and the Brussels bureaucracy were Francophones. It is no coincidence that the Flemings during the First World War supported Germany, hoping for help from the latter in creating an independent state.

A December 2006 televised "prank" by Belgium's state-owned French-language channel that reported that Flanders had announced its secession from the Kingdom of Belgium was taken seriously by a large number of the country's citizens, showing the fragility of relations between the communities.

Among the crisis regions of Europe in the second half of the 20th century were not only Ulster and Belgium, but also the Basque Country and Catalonia in Spain, Val d "Aosta and South Tyrol, Lombardy in Italy, Corsica and Brittany - in France. Today, it is on the verge of collapse not even Belgium, but Great Britain, for Scottish nationalism is on the rise and supporters of an independent Scotland are close to becoming the politically dominant force in the Scottish Parliament, and the independence referendum itself may take place in the coming years.Secessionist movements are now popular in many European countries.All of them have an "ethnic" justification, their inspirers proceed from the opposition of their ethnic groups to the rest of the population.By its nature, ethnicity is concentrated mainly in the sphere of culture and does not imply the presence political program or concepts. But under certain conditions, it can perform a political function.

The nation state is an organization of a politically (state) united people - nation, acting as social basis public political power of the state and the collective bearer of state sovereignty.

According to P. A. Sorokin, “a nation consists of individuals who:

  • - are citizens of one state;
  • - have a common or similar language and a common body of cultural values ​​derived from a common past history...;
  • - occupy the common territory on which they lived and their ancestors live.

Only when a group of individuals belongs to the same state is connected common language and territory, it really forms a nation.

In such understanding of the nation state - this is a state in which both government and society are united by a single history, common goals and challenges for future development. At the same time, the concept of a nation acquires not a national-ethnic, but a confessional or political-cultural meaning (for example, in Russian Empire the Russian nation was formed not on a national basis, but on a confessional basis: every person who professed Orthodoxy was considered Russian, respectively, an individual's belonging to the Russian nation was determined not so much by the fact of birth from Russian parents, but by the fact of baptism. - R. R.).

The legal interpretation of the nation as a community of equal citizens, first introduced by the French Constitution of 1791, found application in modern law. In the preamble of constitutions French Republic 1946 and 1958 (the preamble of the Constitution of the French Republic of 1958 contains a reference to the preamble of the Constitution of 1946 - R. R.) on behalf of the nation, the rights of citizens are guaranteed, "the solidarity and equality of all French people in relation to the burden arising from national disasters" is proclaimed. In addition, it is fixed that "The French Union is made up of nations and peoples", that is, a clear distinction is made between the concept of "nation" as a state entity and the concept of "people". A similar approach is reflected in the Spanish Constitution. In Art. 2 speaks of "the indestructible unity of the Spanish nation, which is one and indivisible for all Spaniards" . And in Art. 11 of the concept of "citizenship" ( nationalidad) and "nationality" are identified.

As an ethno-state unity, the nation appears in the basic laws of a number of sovereign states that have emerged on the territory former USSR. Thus, an attempt is made to legally consolidate the statist model of the nation and state mono-ethnicity, which in fact does not exist in this state, but on the contrary, there is a complex national structure. In the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for example, the state is considered as a form of self-determination only Kazakh nation (part 1 of the Fundamentals of the constitutional order). And the preamble to the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic speaks of the desire to “ensure the national revival of the Kyrgyz” and adherence to the “idea of ​​national statehood”.

Since in the national state national interests "merge with the tasks of the state into one whole, into the totality of public and public interests", then, according to supporters of the etatist approach, the interests of the nation as a single entity are expressed, first of all, in international law where the nation acts as a state. Thus, in the UN Charter, for example, the United Nations actually means an organized union of states. According to G. Kelsen, the UN Charter regulates relations between nation-states, and K. Okeke believes that in the UN Charter the concepts of "state" and "nation" are interchangeable.

Depending on the understanding of the nation, mono-national and multi-national states are distinguished. In mono-ethnic states, the names of the nation and the titular nationality coincide (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, etc.). In polynational states, the concept of a nation is complex and is expressed by the concept of a “multinational people” (USA, Australia, Russia, etc.).

The fundamental principles of the nation state are:

  • - equality of national-ethnic groups (nationalities, nationalities, ethnic groups) that form a nation. Inadmissibility of national discrimination and racism;
  • - legal consolidation state language along with the preservation of languages ​​of interethnic communication;
  • - national self-determination (cultural autonomy). The inadmissibility of secession - the exit of a local national-ethnic group (national subject) from the composition of a single state - a single nation.



(nation state) Literally: a sovereign community dominated by one nation. Mythological and intellectual construction, possessing a high degree credibility and great political power; the basic unit in the study of international relations. Although this concept has a specific meaning, it is often misused, especially in relation to the "real" world. The essence of the meaning lies in the coincidence of two initial concepts: nation and state. A state refers to a political organization that has sovereignty (sovereignty) both within its own geographical boundaries and in relations with other sovereign states. The world of nation-states implies international system sovereign and legally equal communities. A nation can rather be called people who have a common culture, language, ethnic origin and deep historical traditions. For many members of the nation, this manifests itself in a sense of collective, communal identity. When the concepts of "nation" and "state" coincide, the ruling elites receive additional, extremely effective legitimacy, allowing them to more confidently carry out their policies. Unfortunately, there are no - and never have been - nation-states in the true sense of the word. Nevertheless, when the authorities tried to achieve the legitimacy and political stability associated with the assertion of sovereignty, the idea of ​​a nation-state gained many supporters. It was skillfully used in the creation of nation-states in the 19th century. and until relatively recently was the goal of the governments of many countries of the Third World (Third World), hoping that the nation would serve as a support for the socio-economic development of the country. To unite the people, the authorities usually create an image of the enemy - internal or external. However, this strategy very often leads to an unstable position of nation-states in the world system. In the second half of the XX century. the role of nation states in international relations decreases as other structures gain strength: huge transnational corporations, international organizations, etc. The emergence of a "supra-nationality", especially clearly expressed in the case of the European Union ( European Union) can turn a simple model of one-dimensional sovereignty in the form of a nation-state into an even more inappropriate one. modern development. The same applies to the problems of minorities living outside their national borders (for example, Germans outside Germany or Hungarians outside Hungary). For comparison cm.: nationalism (nationalism).

Policy. Dictionary. - M.: "INFRA-M", Publishing house "Ves Mir". D. Underhill, S. Barrett, P. Burnell, P. Burnham, et al. Osadchaya I.M.. 2001 .

Political science. Dictionary. - RSU. V.N. Konovalov. 2010 .

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    nation state- It usually develops where the beginning of the formation of the nation went simultaneously with the formation of the state, in connection with which the political borders of the state practically coincide with the ethnic ones. This is especially true for countries Western Europe And… … Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

    NATION STATE- political form of self-determination of the nation, i.e. a state formed by the respective nation, which lives compactly in a certain territory, as a result of its exercise of the fundamental right to political self-determination. In perfect... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary "Constitutional Law of Russia"


  • Russian national state. The life world of historians of the Stalinist era, Yurganov A.L. The book is devoted to the study of the life world of Soviet historians of the Stalinist era (1929–1953). The emergence of Stalinism in historical science is viewed through the prism of the origin, ...
  • The Russian National State Life World of Historians of the Stalinist Era, Yurganov A. The book is devoted to the study of the life world of Soviet historians of the Stalinist era (1929-1953). The emergence of Stalinism in historical science is viewed through the prism of the origin, ...

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