Fundamentals of sociology. The concept of "social

What is Social? The meaning and interpretation of the word sotsialnoe, the definition of the term

1) Social- - a set of certain properties and features of public relations (see) of this society, integrated into joint activities(interaction) by individuals or groups of individuals in specific conditions of place and time and manifested in their relationship to each other, to their position in society, to phenomena and processes in societies. life. S. is that common property, which is inherently different. groups of individuals, which is the result of the integration of individuals, certain properties of societies. relations. The nature and content of the relationship between different. individuals and groups of individuals depend on the place they occupy, and on the role they perform in various ways. societies. structures. S. is the result of joint activities of different. individuals. S. as a phenomenon or process occurs when the behavior of even one individual is influenced by another individual or groups of individuals, regardless of the physical. the presence of that individual or group. It is when interacting with each other that individuals contribute to the integration of certain properties of societies. relations. S. arises in the interaction of people, is determined by the differences in their place and role in specific societies. structures, which manifests itself, in turn, in differences. relations of individuals and groups of individuals to the phenomena and processes of societies. life. The content elements of S. are the concepts of equality, justice, and freedom. In a broad sense, S. is opposed to natural, as well as biological. Lit .: Pletnikov Yu.K. On the nature of the social form of the motion of matter. M., 1971; Osipov G-V. Sociology and socialism. M., 1990; Osipov G.V., Kabyshcha A.V. Paradama, subject and structure of sociological knowledge// Psychology. Basics general theory(under the editorship of Osipov G.V. Moskvicheva L.N.). M., 1996; Osipov G.E. Nature and society. There. G.V. Osipov.

2) Social- 1. The property of individuals and groups, which is formed in the process of socialization and integration of a person into society, social relations. 2. A special type, a form of regulation of behavior based on an anticipatory forecast of the behavior of others, which is possible due to mutual obligations, agreements.

3) Social- is a combination of certain properties and features public relations, integrated by individuals or communities in the process of joint activity in specific conditions, and manifested in their relationship to each other, to their position in society, to phenomena and processes public life(G. V. Osipov).


The totality of certain properties and features of social relations (see) of a given society, integrated in joint activities (interaction) by individuals or groups of individuals in specific conditions of place and time and manifested in their relationship to each other, to their position in society ve, to phenomena and processes in societies. life. S. is that common property, which is inherent in different. groups of individuals, which is the result of the integration of individuals, certain properties of societies. relations. The nature and content of the relationship between different. individuals and groups of individuals depend on the place they occupy, and on the role they perform in various ways. societies. structures. S. is the result of joint activities of different. individuals. S. as a phenomenon or process occurs when the behavior of even one individual is influenced by another individual or groups of individuals, regardless of the physical. the presence of that individual or group. It is when interacting with each other that individuals contribute to the integration of certain properties of societies. relations. S. arises in the interaction of people, is determined by the differences in their place and role in specific societies. structures, which manifests itself, in turn, in differences. relations of individuals and groups of individuals to the phenomena and processes of societies. life. The content elements of S. are the concepts of equality, justice, and freedom. In a broad sense, S. is opposed to natural, as well as biological. Lit .: Pletnikov Yu.K. On the nature of the social form of the motion of matter. M., 1971; Osipov G.V. Sociology and socialism. M., 1990; Osipov G.V., Kabyshcha A.V. Paradama, subject and structure of sociological knowledge// Psychology. Fundamentals of the General Theory (under the editorship of Osipov G.V., Moskvichev L.N.). M., 1996; Osipov G.E. Nature and society. There. G.V. Osipov.

1. The property of individuals and groups, which is formed in the process of socialization and integration of a person into society, social relations. 2. A special type, a form of regulation of behavior based on an anticipatory forecast of the behavior of others, which is possible due to mutual obligations, agreements.

This is a combination of certain properties and features of social relations, integrated by individuals or communities in the process of joint activity in specific conditions, and manifested in their relationship to each other, to their position in society, to the phenomena and processes of social life (G. V. Osipov ).

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One of the most important reasons that led to the rather late spin-off of sociology from other sciences - from philosophy (France), political economy (Germany), social psychology (USA), criminology (Great Britain) - and its formation as independent scientific discipline, lies in the uncertainty of the subject of sociological knowledge.

Usually, according to the established tradition, when defining the subject of sociological knowledge, this or that social phenomenon is singled out as a “key” one. These phenomena include: group interaction, social relations, social organizations, systems of social action, social groups, forms of human communities, social processes, social life.

The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences defines the subject matter of sociology as “the study of social aggregates and groups in their institutional organization, institutions and their organizations, and the causes and consequences of changes in institutions and social organization". In Webster's Dictionary, sociology is interpreted as the study of the history, development, organization and problems of living together as representatives of social groups.

Some authors (R. Feris) believe that the starting concept of modern sociology is the concept of “social structure”, and the main content of the category “social” is “equality-inequality”. It is with the analysis of the “foundations of the inequality of society” that the exposition of the theory and structure of sociological knowledge begins.

A number of similar definitions of the subject of sociology can be cited. Comparative analysis of these definitions gives a certain idea of ​​what acts as the main objects of sociological knowledge. But sociologists have not yet come to a consensus on the subject of sociology.

When isolating the social sphere of the life of a society, it is completely insufficient to point to objects that are subject to sociological study, since there are no such objects in society that sociology would not study. The same can be said about economics, demography and other social and human sciences. Therefore, when we are talking about the specific features of a particular science, from the most diverse objects of the surrounding reality, those connections and relations that are qualitatively different from other connections and relations and which thereby become the subject of this particular science and no other must be singled out.

The defining property of the subject of sociological knowledge is that it represents the totality of connections and relations that are called social. The task of sociology is to study these connections and relationships at the level of regularities, to obtain a specific scientific knowledge about the mechanisms of action and forms of manifestation of these regularities c. various social systems. So, the concepts of social, social connections and relations, the way of their organization are the starting points for understanding the distinctive features of the subject of sociological knowledge, and social patterns - for understanding its essence.

The specificity of sociology as a science lies in the fact that it: a) develops a general sociological theory that allows understanding society as a single objective-subjective social system; b) focuses on the social or asocial actions of individuals; c) analyzes and evaluates the consequences of these actions in the human dimension from the standpoint of not the average, but a specific person and the strengthening of social ties; d) raises the question of the social responsibility of people who perform certain social actions or make certain decisions. Sociology, in this sense, is the science of general and specific social laws and patterns of development and functioning of historically established social systems, of the mechanisms and forms of manifestation of these laws in the activities of individuals, social groups, classes, peoples, social public responsibility of power structures and individuals for the social consequences of the actions taken.

The concept of the social. In order to better understand the content of the concept of "social" and its difference from the concept of "public", we will make a short historical digression. In the works of K. Marx and F. Engels, when analyzing society, its processes and relations, two concepts are used - “public” (gesellschaftlich) and “social” (soziale). Marx and Engels used the concepts of "social", "social relations" when it was about society as a whole, about the interaction of its sides - economic, political, ideological; when it was about the nature of the relationship of people to each other, man to man, about their attitude to the factors and conditions of their life-activity, to their own position and role in society and to society as a whole, then Marx and Engels used the concept "social" (soziale) and accordingly spoke of "social relations".

In the works of Marx and Engels, the concept of "social" was often identified with the concept of "civil". The last concept was associated with the interaction of people within specific social communities (family, class, etc.) and society as a whole.

Since, in developing the theory of society, Marx and Engels focused on the interaction of all aspects of its life - social relations, some Marxist scientists in Soviet time began to equate the concepts of "public" and "social"; Gradually, the concept of "civil society" also disappeared from scientific circulation.

The situation is different in the countries Western Europe and the United States, where empirical sociology has received significant development. As a result, in French and English the concept of "social", being derived from the concept of "society" (society), has traditionally been used in a narrow (empirical) sense, which caused certain difficulties in designating phenomena and processes related to society as a whole. That is why at a certain stage in the development of sociology, the concept of “societal” (societal) was introduced, which is used to characterize society as a whole, the entire system of social relations (economic, socio-political, etc.).

In domestic science, the lack of a clear distinction between the concepts of "public" and "social" was to a certain extent due to some established linguistic traditions. In Russian, the concepts of "public" and "civil" were usually used. At the same time, the concept of “social” was considered as a synonym for the concept of “public”, and the concept of “civil” referred to legal science. Gradually, with the development of sociology, the concept of "social" acquired an independent meaning.

Social is a set of social relations of a given society, integrated in the process of joint activity (interaction) by individuals or groups of individuals in specific conditions of place and time. Any system of social relations (economic, political, etc.) concerns the relationship of people to each other and to society. Therefore, each of these systems always has its own distinct social aspect.

The social is the result of the joint activity of various individuals, manifested in their communication and interaction.

The social arises in the course of people's interaction, is determined by the differences in their place and role in specific social structures, which, in turn, manifests itself in various attitudes of individuals and groups of individuals to the phenomena and processes of social life.

Associated with the life of people in society, their relations in society or to society, public. Social sciencies. Social Psychology. social laws. Social danger of crime. Social hygiene. Social insurance. Social education. Social Security.

2. Reorganizing social, production relations in society. social revolution. “Only the class of proletarians that contains the whole of society is able to carry out a social revolution.” Lenin .

3. Generated by the conditions of social life, the conditions of a particular social environment, social formation. Social diseases under capitalism. social instincts. social feelings.

4. adj., by value associated with belonging to a public group, class. Social environment. Various social strata of society. social background. Social status.

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


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Social ( social relations, social sphere) arises as a result of the interaction of people regarding the satisfaction of their vital needs: food, clothing, housing, security, procreation, spiritual development, creativity, etc. As a result of this interaction (repeated repetition of certain joint actions), social statuses and roles, values ​​and norms are developed, social institutions, formed social system society or social community.
Social interaction presupposes coordination and mutual complementation of joint activities. Therefore, the most important components of the social are the mutuality of expectations and the predictability of the behavior of an individual or group.
Properties such as interaction - the distribution of roles - and a certain predictability of mutual behavior are also characteristic of some species of the animal world, for example, monkeys, wolves, lions, ants, bees, etc. However, interaction in the animal world is predominantly instinctive (reflex) in nature and is directed , mainly to meet biological needs and preserve the species.
Unlike animals, human interactions are conscious, goal-oriented and aimed at satisfying a wide variety of needs (material, spiritual, creative, etc.). Acting consciously and purposefully, people improve the mode of production, expand the range of their needs and ways to satisfy them. In addition, people have the ability to accumulate experience and knowledge and pass it on to future generations. As a result, each new generation, as it were, relies on the experience and knowledge of all previous generations and becomes the bearer of new social qualities.
Social qualities are those that are acquired by an individual (group) as a result of upbringing and training, i.e., as a result of socialization.
Often in social sciences such concepts as "social" and "public" are identified. WITH scientific point of view, such an identification is illegitimate, since these concepts are not identical. Public is a broader concept and, in addition to the social, includes many processes, phenomena and states that are not related to the social. For example, sexual instinct, the process of childbearing, consumption in order to maintain physical existence, various innate reflexes, etc. The social is a certain part of the social that arises as a result of social interaction.
Social in the broad sense of the word covers all spheres of human relations. This is due to the fact that economic, political and other types of relations arise in a certain sphere of life and about a certain (private) interest. In them, the subject of activity acts indirectly, through the corresponding type of life activity, as if by one of its facets, while being only a means of developing one or another sphere. Social relations arise from a complex of interests and needs. In them, the subject is presented holistically and directly, by all its sides, since the subject of the social is not a certain sphere of life, but the person himself. Social relations are relations in the formation and development of the subjects of social relations themselves. In them, a person is not a means, but the goal and the highest meaning of all types and forms of activity.

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When defining the subject of sociology, sociologists most often refer to the category of "social", thereby emphasizing that this is its difference from other sciences that study society: economics, political science, and the like.
The object of sociological knowledge is the whole set of properties, connections and relations, which are called social.
The problem of the social runs through the entire history of sociological thought. When considering it, the emphasis is most often placed on the fact that the social is an effect that arises as a result of the interaction of individuals. But joint actions are also inherent in herd animals. According to another opinion, the social is due to human nature, is a kind of equivalent to the manifestation of feelings of affection, attraction. Here the distinctions between the social and the animal-instinct are blurred. Seeing the incorrectness of the previous approaches, the representatives of the approaches of the representatives of "sociologism" (E. Durkheim) interpreted the social as special essence, a special extra-living reality. M. Weber, highlighting "expectation" as the essence social life, came closer to understanding the social as a kind of emergent property, effect " magnetic field". In this case, it is a special type, a form of regulation of behavior based on an anticipatory forecast of the behavior of others (including in relation to the subject of the action itself), which is possible due to mutual obligations and agreements. The mutuality of expectations-obligations constitutes a kind of invisible "magnetic field" of social reality, without which economics, politics, etc. are impossible. (for example: Money would become simple pieces of paper).
Morality, law, traditions (culture) are the nodes of systems of mutual expectations.
From the point of view of Marxism, the social is the result of the consciousness and behavior of man as different from the animal. species(being) that owns the intellect.
In the works of K. Marx, the concepts of “social” and “public” are distinguished. The first he used in the analysis of the attitude of people to each other, to the conditions of life. The second was used in the analysis of social relations at the level of society as a whole, the interaction of its parties: political, economic, ideological.
The social in Russian sociology has several meanings. 1) they designate a certain sphere of public life, within which the necessary vital needs of members of society are satisfied, there is an interaction of various communities of people that differ in age, property, nationality and other characteristics. This definition social is based on relevant scientific traditions and is used in documents, legal acts, names of institutions, etc. When talking about phenomena related to social sphere, mean problems wages And social protection, national and class relations, problems of health care, education, pension provision, etc. However, with this use of the term "social", many phenomena of social life (in particular, politics, economic relations, institutions) are not considered as forms of social ties and go beyond the scope of social life.
2) the terms "social" and "public" are often used as completely identical. With such an interpretation, the social corresponds only with the public. Of course, society higher education, the brainchild of the social. Only in society as a whole, social as special property acquires the most developed forms. But the social is wider than the public, it can also characterize intergroup interaction, interaction in small groups, etc. Therefore, to designate processes, phenomena, effects that occur only within the framework of the whole society, we use the term "public" (in scientific literature there is its analogue - "societal").
3) “social” in the broadest sense, as a qualitatively new, special, human-specific form of regulation of behavior and the properties generated by it human life. The social permeates all the phenomena of a special (social) state of life - both its elementary forms and complex formations and systems.
Social, from the point of view of G.V. Osipov, is a set of certain properties and features of social relations integrated by individuals or communities in the process of joint activity in specific conditions, and manifested in their relationship to each other, to their position in society, to the phenomena and processes of social life. A social phenomenon or process occurs when the behavior of even one individual is influenced by another individual or their group (community) - regardless of whether this individual or community is present. It is in the process of interaction with each other that individuals influence each other, thereby contributing to the fact that each of them becomes the bearer and spokesman of any social qualities. Thus, social connections, social interaction, social relations and the way they are organized are objects of sociological research.
In sociology, the social is understood as:
1) a property inherent in individuals and communities, which is formed as a result of the processes of socialization and integration of a person into society, into social relations.
2) social reflects the content and nature of interactions between subjects (individuals, groups, communities) as a result of certain actions performed by a person. social roles which he takes upon himself by becoming a member of the community.
3) the social is the result of interactions and can be expressed in culture, assessments, orientations, behavior, spiritual activity, people's way of life, etc.
This approach to the concept of "social" allows sociologists to distinguish between the levels of its manifestation: individual, group, general social (societal), as well as spheres, for example, socio-economic, socio-political, etc. This distinction is of great methodological importance in the empirical analysis of problems (that is, the specific study real world, real human relationships). For example, knowing about the character social norms at the level of society, we can determine their relationship with the group and interpersonal options for their functioning. And vice versa, by studying personal and group values, to reach the general social level.
The social permeates all the phenomena of a special (social) state of life - both its elementary forms and complex formations and systems. Social qualitatively transforms common beginnings human life - they are socialized:
- The social structure of the needs of a person whose natural program of life activity (the program of metabolism, preservation and procreation, etc.) is supplemented by a sociocultural program that ensures the inclusion of the individual in society and his development in society, which is also vitally inevitable, i.e. richer is formed in qualitatively needs system.
- Formed new type efforts to meet needs - purposeful activity in the name of the goal, which is a conscious need.
- A new type of coordinated efforts of individuals is emerging - a social community, which is characterized by meaningful coordination, regulation of behavior. Each member of the community, carrying out his actions, takes into account the reaction of others, consciously focusing on the values, norms, principles, and laws accepted in the community.

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