What are interdepartmental relations of a social worker. Basic principles of organization of interdepartmental interaction. The concept of "interdepartmental interaction in the social sphere"

1. Interdepartmental analysis and interdepartmental forecasting are used to collect data (information) necessary to identify problems in the organization of preventive work with families in a socially dangerous situation.

Interdepartmental analysis is aimed at joint analytical developments of subjects (participants) interagency cooperation where, on the basis of the results obtained, further forecasting of the effectiveness of preventive work with families in a socially dangerous situation can be built.

The combination of information flows organized by various subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction makes it possible to foresee the emergence of new problems in the family that is the object of interdepartmental interaction (for example, possible conflicts between a minor and his parents [other legal representatives]).

It seems necessary to analyze the totality of the data obtained by the body organizing and coordinating interdepartmental interaction (the commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the territorial [municipal] commission) from the point of view of forecasting scenarios for the development of events, which predetermines the alignment and tactics of using various professional forces.

2. Holding meetings of the commission of the subject of the Russian Federation, territorial (municipal) commissions, as well as advisory bodies created by them (if any): working groups, councils, headquarters, councils and other bodies.

3. Joint development of guidelines, rules, procedures, regulations that are mandatory for the subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction during their joint work, the establishment of which before the start of joint work with families in a socially dangerous situation affects the final result of interaction.

4. Coordination of documents necessary both for the organizational aspects of the implementation of interdepartmental interaction, and for the implementation of the most joint professional activity.

5. Carrying out joint comprehensive targeted activities, inspections, projects, operations, etc.

This form can be of two types.

Firstly, this is a set of measures designed for a long period with the consistent accumulation of information, professional experience in working with families in a socially dangerous situation, and the phased introduction of forces and means of various subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction (implementation of interdepartmental programs for the social rehabilitation of minors and families in a socially dangerous situation).

Secondly, these are short-term, single joint actions of subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction (for example, a survey of housing and living conditions in which a family lives).

When implementing this form, the body organizing and coordinating interdepartmental interaction (commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, territorial [municipal] commission), in agreement with other subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction, can determine the circle of participants in the event who have the professional skills necessary to perform the tasks.

6. Development of a unified strategy for joint interaction (for example, in the field of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency).

The results of joint strategy development can be implemented in proposals for the preparation of various organizational and tactical measures, complex operations, joint work plans, departmental acts (orders, resolutions) or local decisions.

7. Working meetings of heads or other representatives of subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction, which are organized to increase the efficiency of mutual information, response to a problem that has arisen (for example, the fight against neglect, homelessness and juvenile delinquency).

At such meetings, agreements are reached on the coordination of actions and the exchange of information, and plans for joint events are prepared.

8. Information interdepartmental interaction, which is implemented through information exchange between subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction, including using modern technologies(for example, information and telecommunications network "Internet", local interdepartmental networks, databases and others).

This form allows you to conduct network consultations, webinars, conference calls, teleconferencing.

When organizing interdepartmental interaction, various forms of interdepartmental interaction can be used simultaneously.

Interdepartmental information interaction is carried out within the framework of the provision of municipal and state services to the population. It involves the exchange of data and documentation, including in electronic form.


The exchange of information and documentation is carried out between municipal and state bodies that provide relevant services to citizens and legal entities. The system of interdepartmental interaction also involves authorized units subordinate to federal or territorial structures, multifunctional centers, specialized departments of extrabudgetary funds.


The organization of interdepartmental interaction acts as one of the directions of the reform of the administrative system. It is focused on increasing the availability of municipal/public services. This task implemented by reducing the amount of documentation provided by the applicant. The missing materials and information should be obtained by the authorized structures themselves.

Normative base

For the first time, the requirements for creating a system of interdepartmental interaction were formulated in Federal Law No. 210. Subsequently, they were included in the Concept for the Elimination of Administrative Barriers that Existed for a long time in the country, and increasing the level of accessibility of municipal / public services for 2011-2013. The program fixed the basics of interdepartmental interaction, general rules and terms for its implementation. The concept was approved by government decree No. 1021-r dated June 10, 2011. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade has developed Methodological recommendations for the transition of local and federal bodies to the provision of services through the system of interdepartmental interaction.


The exchange of data and documentation in electronic form is currently a priority area of ​​interagency cooperation. For this, the SMEV was formed. The electronic interaction system consists of regional segments. Thanks to SIEV, authorized bodies have the ability to quickly exchange necessary materials, which significantly reduces the time of consideration of applications.


The preparation of proposals concerning the organization of interaction between authorized bodies is assigned to the Interdepartmental Group. To implement the provisions of Federal Law No. 210 and the above Concept, a list of public services was formed, the provision of which is carried out as part of the exchange of data and documentation between the competent structures. Similar work is carried out by local government institutions.

SMEV functions

Within the framework of interagency cooperation:

Problems of interdepartmental interaction: registration

One of the tasks of the system is to ensure the reliability of the transmitted data. Currently, the outgoing document is registered by the sending authority, and then re-registered by the recipient structure. This raises the question of guaranteeing the integrity of the information bases of departmental systems. For example, an attacker, having learned the passwords of administrators, can change or delete this or that entry.

Unique identificator

It is assigned to each document, regardless of whether it is outgoing or incoming. The unique identifier acts as a serial number. It uniquely defines both the document itself and the registration card. Meanwhile, the number is unique for a particular departmental system. This means that messages with the same ID can end up in the central database.

Improvement of interagency cooperation

To solve the issue of guaranteeing the integrity of databases, according to experts, it is possible by introducing a third party. She will be administrative center systems. There would be no attached files in its database, that is, the documents themselves. At the same time, it would contain key information about them. Such a system, on the one hand, must be subject to sufficiently high requirements for performance and uninterrupted operation. At the same time, it must ensure the integrity, authenticity, and reliability of the materials sent.

This task is realized due to the fact that, in addition to the mandatory details that are provided for in the Regulations on the Rules for Office Work, the card also contains a checksum calculated according to the transmitted document. As a result, a triple registration of documentation is formed. With regard to the unique identifier, it is assumed that a single centralized system covering all regional segments. In this case, each document will be assigned its own number, regardless of the location of the registration authority.

Limited access

According to the Plan, the requirements for SMEV should provide for the possibility of working with official documentation. This means that departmental systems must comply with the standards established for software and hardware systems that process materials with limited access. The implementation of this task is difficult for most executive power structures. Experts believe that this problem has 3 solutions:

Digital signature

Another factor affecting the effectiveness of interdepartmental interaction is the Federal Law regulating the approval of documentation in electronic form. The government establishes additional requirements aimed at ensuring the compatibility of funds digital signature when registering and processing incoming messages. This moment extremely important for the organization of interaction. It should be noted that at the beginning of the 21st century, with federal structures Several certifying centers arose that used formats and standards that were incompatible with each other. As a result, each system needed its own private key: one for submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service, another for working with the Treasury, and a third for sending departmental documentation. In addition, incompatible funds were used by banking and other commercial entities.


Despite a number existing problems, the system of interdepartmental interaction has a number of positive aspects. First of all, citizens do not need to independently collect information in various municipal and state structures. To apply, he should provide only personal documents (birth certificate, passport, etc.). All other documentation that is required to provide the service to the subject, the department will collect independently. At the same time, the legislation establishes that the authorized body is not entitled to request from a citizen information that is at the disposal of another state structure.


The article presents a description of the existing system of interdepartmental interaction in the social support of families at risk and the results of implementation in educational organization a project based on a preventive approach in interagency cooperation when working with families at risk. The concept of "family at risk" and the system of interdepartmental interaction when working with problem families are considered. The main attention is paid to the study of the existing system of interdepartmental interaction and the study of its effectiveness. A model of organizing social support for families with children and the results of a survey of specialists working in the prevention system are presented, which made it possible to identify the specifics of interdepartmental interaction. The article substantiates the need to organize and coordinate work on the basis of an educational institution. A passport of the "Friendly Family" project is presented, aimed at working with families at risk on the basis of an educational institution. The results of the survey of project participants are described. The events most demanded by the participants of the project are called. Provides information about the dynamics of registered families.

family at risk

family at risk (sop)

interdepartmental interaction

preventive approach

educational organization

1. Alekseeva L.S. Russian family in conditions of social risks // Domestic journal of social work. - 2011. - No. 1. - P. 42-51.

2. Butaeva M.A. Causes and Threats of the Family Crisis in Modern Russia (Philosophical Aspects) // Social Policy and Sociology. - 2010. - No. 2. - S. 63-67.

3. Belicheva S.A. Socio-pedagogical support for children and families at risk: an interdepartmental approach (a manual for social workers and teachers): monograph. - M .: Publishing house Red.-ed. Center of the Consortium "Social Health of Russia", 2009. - 111 p.

4. Shirokalova G.S. Family at risk in everyday life // Family: phenomenology of everyday life: a collective monograph. - N. Novgorod, 2016. - S. 61-77.

5. Mamet'eva O.S., Kuzmenko N.I. The family of the "risk group" as an object of social work // Science today: a collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the international. scientific-practical. conf.: in 4 parts. - Scientific Center "Dispute", 2015. - S. 106-108.

6. Barsukova T.M. Prevention of family distress at the new frontier of social work // Social service. - 2011. - No. 9. - P. 37-39.

7. Mustaeva F.A. Social problems of the modern family // Sotsis. - 2009. - No. 7. - S. 109-113.

8. Akhlyustina E.V., Petushkova O.G. Algorithm for the implementation of case management in the activities of specialists in supporting families of the “risk group” // Scientific community of students. Interdisciplinary Research: electronic collection of articles based on the materials of the XIX student international. scientific-practical. conf. - 2017. - S. 216-224.

The relevance of the study is justified by the fact that Russia is currently undergoing serious socio-economic changes that affect the formation of a family. According to the studies of Russian sociologists (Alekseeva L.S., Kartseva L.V. and others) for early XXI century, a characteristic trend of social development is a significant increase in family troubles. The moral problems of society complicate the system of value relations in the family, and the pedagogical failure of parents reduces the educational potential of the family. Experts are increasingly talking about families at risk. Domestic scientists were engaged in the study of this problem: Belicheva S.A. , Shirokalova G.S. , Mametyeva O.S. and Kuzmenko N.I. and etc.

A “risk group” is a category of families that, due to certain conditions of their lives, is more susceptible to negative influences from society than others. The main reason for classifying families as a “risk group” is difficult life circumstances and family problems. Scientists (Barsukova T.M., Belicheva S.A., Mustaeva F.A. and others) consider the situation of family trouble as a situation of difficulty or impossibility for the family to fully fulfill its main functions and meet the necessary needs of family members. Depending on the depth of violations in the performance of intra-family functions, we can talk about the risk of the family moving into a socially dangerous situation (SOP). A feature of such families is a negative, destructive influence on the formation of the child's personality.

Research methods. The article presents an analysis of pedagogical and specialized literature, the results of a survey (specialists in the field of social support for families) and project participants.

The purpose of the article is to describe the existing system of work of interdepartmental interaction in the social support of families at risk and the results of the implementation of a project in an educational organization based on a preventive approach in interdepartmental interaction when working with families at risk.

With all the efforts of the state and various departments aimed at preserving family well-being, the number of disadvantaged families is growing from year to year. The table shows the statistics of family distress and its dynamics in Magnitogorsk from 2013 to 2016, confirming the theoretical conclusions of scientists (Table 1).

Table 1

Statistical data on families registered in Magnitogorsk

Total registered

Family at risk

A family in a socially dangerous position

According to statistics, in 2013-2015 there was an increase in families in a socially dangerous situation, but there is a trend of a significant decrease in families and children of the "risk group" category in the period 2014-2016. In 2016, on the contrary, for the first time there was a significant decrease in SOS, but there is an increase in the number of children living in them. These statistics show that families with many children are more often included in the category of families in a socially dangerous situation, as the number of families has decreased, and the number of children has increased.

Researchers are unanimous in their opinion that early prevention measures are effective measures in the activities of subjects when working with families of the “risk group”. The sooner family trouble is identified, the more successfully social support will be organized for families at risk and the risk of transition to the group of families of the SOP will be minimized. If the causes of family problems are identified, the solution to the problem is possible in the close cooperation of all specialists, including specialists from the bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency. In this case, the primary task is to organize effective interdepartmental interaction.

Focusing on the task - increasing the effectiveness of social support for families at risk, developed in accordance with federal law dated December 28, 2013 No. 442 “On the basics social service Citizens in the Russian Federation” and adopted for execution in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation a model program for the introduction of social support for families with children. On its basis, a model for organizing social support for families was developed (figure).

Model of organization of social support for families with children

It follows from the model that the work carried out with families is multifaceted. Its basis is the compilation of an individual program of social support for the family (IP SSS). At the same time, the model of work is focused on formal indicators, and a minor “drops out” of it, often suffering from unfavorable intra-family relationships. To study the opinions of specialists from bodies and institutions of the system of prevention and neglect of offenses working with minors and their families, a questionnaire was developed. In this questionnaire, attention was paid to questions on the problem of social disadvantage of children living in a family; the essence and specifics of interdepartmental interaction in the social support of families of the “risk group”, the legal framework used by specialists, as well as issues affecting state family policy.

The survey was conducted among specialists from the organs and institutions of the prevention system in the city of Magnitogorsk. 100 people took part in the survey: 46% of them were social teachers working in secondary general education schools, 30% were specialists in social protection of the population, 14% were specialists from the juvenile department of the internal affairs bodies of the Leninsky and Pravoberezhny districts, 6% were specialists from district commissions for minors and the protection of their rights in the Leninsky and Pravoberezhny districts, 4% are specialists from a healthcare institution.

The results of the study showed that the main problems of modern families with children are financial difficulties, the lack of separate housing, the problem of raising children, the deterioration of parent-child relationships, unemployment, and others.

The main factors that form family troubles are: lack of parental control over their alcoholism, destruction of family values, child abuse, infringement of children's rights, legal incompetence of families and insufficient psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents, low efficiency of the legal framework. As the results of the study showed, interdepartmental interaction in the social support of families of the "risk group" is not effective enough and needs to be improved. The center of such work, according to our plan, is an educational institution, and the key figure is a social teacher.

Based on this, the “Friendly Family” project was developed and implemented in 2016-2017, aimed at improving the social support of families at risk (Table 2). The aim of the project was to reduce the number of "risk" families, their transition to the category of conditionally adapted and, possibly, prosperous families. The main idea of ​​the project was to organize work with the family on the basis of an educational institution and involve specialists from different departments in accordance with the individual request of the families participating in the project based on case management technology.

table 2

Passport of the project "Friendly family"


School for Harmonization of Parent-Child Relationships

"Friendly family"

Basis for

project development

Reducing the number of families of the "risk group" registered in the MOU "Secondary School No. 34". Timely provided socio-pedagogical and psychological assistance to the family will allow it to move into the status of conditionally adapted and possibly prosperous.

Objective of the project

Facilitate interdepartmental interaction in the provision of psychological and pedagogical support for families at risk



Operational meeting with the director of the school.

Meetings with Deputy educational director.

Activities for parents.

Activities for children

project implementation

Short term - 8 months. From 09/30/2016 to 05/31/2017 (then children of GR families during the summer period will be from 5 to 22 June 2017 at the school summer camp)


Administration and teaching staff of MOU "Secondary School No. 34", subjects of the prevention system of the Leninsky district



Increasing the educational potential of the family.

Harmonization of child-parent relationships.

Involvement of parents and children in joint leisure activities (joint pastime).

Awareness of the importance of preserving family values ​​and traditions.

Increasing the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents, legal knowledge, responsibility for raising children.

Improving the psycho-emotional state of children and parents

Project execution control system

The current and final control over the implementation of the project is carried out by the deputy. Director for VR MOU "Secondary School No. 34"

The project involved families of the "risk group", registered in the MU "TsSPSD" of Magnitogorsk, studying in the MOU "Secondary School No. in a difficult life situation.

During the implementation of the project, the expected result is to increase the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children, parents' awareness of the importance of preserving family values ​​and traditions; involvement of parents to spend joint leisure time with children, improvement of housing and living conditions for children in the family; normalization of the psychological climate in the family, harmonization of parent-child relations, etc.

Interdepartmental interaction in the social support of families with children during the implementation of the project was aimed at early identification and solution of family problems, prevention of family problems, assistance in overcoming difficult life situations. The subjects of the prevention system of the Leninsky district of Magnitogorsk took part in the project: PDN OP "Leninsky", MU "Center social assistance family and children" in Magnitogorsk", MU "Comprehensive Center for Social Services to the Population", the Commission for the Affairs of Minors and the Protection of their Rights of the Leninsky District, Department of Guardianship and Guardianship. These institutions provided social support to families of the "risk group" in the form of social, psychological, pedagogical, legal types of assistance, assistance in finding employment for adolescents and parents, as well as the provision of urgent social services.

After the implementation of the project on social support for families at risk in the MOU "Secondary School No. 34" in Magnitogorsk, a survey was conducted of parents who took part in the project. The survey was conducted among the parents of families of the "risk group" registered in the MU "CSPSD" and registered in the intraschool in the MOU "Secondary School No. 34" in Magnitogorsk. 30 people took part in the survey, of which: 80% were women and 20% were men. The age structure of the respondents is as follows: 27-30 years old - 20%; 31-40 years old - 50%; 41 and older - 30%.

The vast majority (50%) of the surveyed families belong to single-parent families. By type of family, they were distributed as follows: 20% - complete families and families with a non-native parent; 10% - guardianship. Large and low-income families also took part in the project, who received preventive assistance during the project implementation.

The answer to the question “Which activities implemented during the project did you like the most?” revealed that 40% of respondents liked psychological and pedagogical workshops, namely trainings for parents and relaxation techniques; Team work parents and children, especially Christmas tree and a trip to the pre-school educational institution "Uralskie Zori" - 25%; psychological and pedagogical consultations - 20%; pedagogical assignments - 10%. This suggests that parents are interested in activities that increase their psychological and pedagogical literacy, aimed at harmonizing parent-child relationships.

When answering the question “In your opinion, were all the activities of the project useful, interesting and meaningful for you?” 80% of parents answered positively; 15% found it difficult to answer, and only 5% answered in the negative. This shows that a larger number of project participants positively assess their participation in it and their readiness to solve the accumulated problems.

To the question “Do you intend to contact the social and pedagogical service of the school in the future to solve family problems?” 100% of parents answered positively.

As a result of the implementation of the project on social support, the number of families at risk who took part in the project and are registered with the MOU "Secondary School No. 34" decreased from 21 to 5. , also decreased from 10 to 6.

Based on the studied domestic experience interdepartmental interaction and based on the results of the study, we developed an improved “Regulations for interdepartmental interaction in the social support of families at risk” aimed at improving the work on identifying the need for families with children to provide them with assistance through social support. This provision has been approved by the State Committee for Health and Safety of the Administration of Magnitogorsk (an act of implementation has been signed).

1. The study made it possible to establish that quite a lot of attention is paid to interdepartmental interaction when accompanying families at risk, both on the part of theoretical scientists and on the part of the state, which is manifested in many scientific articles and special publications on the topic, on the one hand, and in improvement of the regulatory framework, on the other. However, at the same time, the number of families of the "risk group" does not decrease, and there is a danger of their transition to the category of families of a socially dangerous position.

2. The article presents a model that reflects the specifics of interdepartmental interaction in the complex solution of family problems. At the same time, the “educational institution” link was excluded from the overall coherent system of interdepartmental interaction. This fact affects the effectiveness of work with families at risk, which confirms the opinion of specialists working in the prevention system.

3. To improve the system of interdepartmental interaction in the social support of families of the "risk group", it is necessary to organize work in educational institutions, which makes it possible to implement the main ideas of the preventive approach.

4. The article shows that the creation of targeted projects implemented on the basis of an educational institution, integrating the efforts of various departments, is effective tool improving interdepartmental interaction when working with a family at risk in an educational institution.

Bibliographic link

URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=27232 (date of access: 02/19/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"


Chapter 1. Interdepartmental interaction in the social sphere: concept, management practice 16-77

1.1. The concept of "interdepartmental interaction in the social sphere" 16 - 49

1.2. Interdepartmental barriers in solving the problems of orphanhood in the territory 50-77

Chapter 2 Organization of interdepartmental interaction of social institutions in the territory 78-138

2.1. Principles and mechanisms of interdepartmental interaction of institutions in the social sphere 78-113

2.2. Overcoming interdepartmental barriers in solving the problems of neglected children and social orphans 114-138

Conclusion 139-140

Literature 141 - 159

Applications 160 - 173

Introduction to work

The relevance of the dissertation research.

Child neglect and social orphanhood are indicators of the crisis state of modern Russian society. According to official government data, the number of street children in Russia at the beginning of 2004 is about one million. Many researchers believe that the real number of homeless people is several times higher. Official statistics are unable to reflect the real picture of the phenomenon under study, since it takes into account only children registered in specialized institutions.

To date, not a single structure of the system for the prevention of neglect of minors has accurate information O families and children in a socially dangerous situation. Available data vary considerably by agency. Thus, as of January 1, 2003, 7,797 families were registered with the commissions for juvenile affairs and the protection of their rights in the Kemerovo region, which did not provide adequate conditions for the upbringing, maintenance and education of 9,949 children. According to the Departments of Education of the Regional Administration, the number of such families is 8890, children - 14972, social protection of the population, respectively, 9419 and 18525 people 1 .

According to the Administration of Kemerovo, in 2002, 2,893 orphans and children left without parental care were brought up and educated in the city. 1,665 minors are under guardianship, 103 children have been adopted. As of 01.01.2003, graduates of boarding schools

1 Submission of the Prosecutor's Office of the Kemerovo Region dated 16.04.03. No. 21-3-03 "On elimination of violations of the requirements of the legislation on the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children in the activities of commissions for minors and the protection of their rights, educational authorities."

from among orphans under the age of 23 - 308 people 2 .

As a result of the instability of socio-economic and political life, children increasingly find themselves in a difficult life situation, from which they cannot find a way out on their own. Objectively, the need for state and public protection of minors is maturing. Solving childhood problems depends on the efforts of the family and on the activities social institutions involved in the process of socialization of children.

The magnitude of the factors stimulating neglect and social orphanhood shows that only public services can resist the destruction of the material wealth of the family, mass unemployment, poverty, and crime. This is the only institution capable of integrating the efforts of all subjects of management in the social field.

The institutions of various departments of the social sphere are called upon to represent and defend the cultural, educational, medical, spiritual and other interests of children. "The social sphere, ideally, is designed to provide a sufficient level of well-being, from the point of view of the progress of social development, the availability of basic life benefits for the majority of the population" 3 .

Each department, within its competence, is responsible for solving certain problems of minors, for creating conditions for the implementation of their interests at various stages of the life of an orphan.

The positioning of the interests of orphans by social institutions often does not correspond to the direction and range of children's requests.

Insufficient coordination of efforts is manifested in the course of work to identify a child who is in disadvantaged conditions. Belatedly, the facts of malicious evasion of parents from fulfilling their duties towards children become known. The decision is not made immediately

2 There should not be other people's children (from the experience of work on the prevention of neglect and
juvenile delinquency in Kemerovo). Kemerovo, 2003. - Issue. 3.- Sat.

3 Osadchaya G.I. Sociology of the social sphere: Proc. allowance - M: Publishing house of MGSU "Soyuz",
1999.-S. 28.

initiation of proceedings for deprivation of parental rights. According to child psychologists, the main character traits are formed in a child before the age of six or seven. As a result, social orphans fall under the tutelage of the state somatically, pedagogically and intellectually neglected, with severe mental trauma, having behind them a negative experience of living in a family.

Today, interdepartmental interaction, supported by the legislative and material base, is relevant. It is necessary to provide social support to graduates of boarding schools. When leaving the walls of a boarding school, an orphanage, graduates often find themselves thrown into life without the social experience necessary for independent living. Without the support of relatives and friends, without good education they usually cannot get a job. Due to lack of funds in local budgets, they are not given housing, social benefits are only declared.

Since the mid-90s, a network of institutions and organizations for social protection of the population has become widespread, providing various types of assistance and support to children in difficult life situations. Currently, more than 130 institutions operate in the Kemerovo region. Territorial specialized institutions provide such children with the opportunity for temporary residence, carry out social rehabilitation of minors, provide legal, medical, psychological, economic, and pedagogical assistance.

The current situation predetermines the scale and direction of the work of these institutions, forcing them to constantly increase the volume of social assistance, to find new, more efficient work technologies. Along with the traditional forms of work with social orphans, the activities of shelters for minors, centers for social assistance to families and children, social rehabilitation centers, etc. are being actively introduced (See Appendix 1). These structures provide social

support for those in need, being in close proximity to the family, the child. Social protection institutions are also in contact with the government authorities, on which the solution of the client's problems depends. Such a system allows you to assess the real life situation and find specific ways out at the managerial level. The increase in the number and variety of social protection institutions is designed to ensure the diversity of social services and their accessibility to the population. This testifies in favor of the widespread creation of social protection institutions, whose specialists are intermediaries and contactees with all structures of the social sphere. Social protection of the population was created as an independent system of institutions. In this sense, intradepartmental interaction is primary, and interdepartmental interaction is secondary. The logic of the functioning of social protection institutions transforms the secondary nature of interdepartmental interaction into primacy.

Solving the problems of neglect and orphanhood of children is hampered by the disunity of the actions of social institutions in the territory. Existing technologies for working with minors regulate the actions of departments when providing social assistance to a child in a socially dangerous situation: law enforcement agencies - when a teenager commits a crime, hooliganism, or if a child is seen vagrancy; social protection - when working with a dysfunctional family and, if necessary, temporary placement of a child for the purpose of social rehabilitation; education - when he is placed in children's residential institutions, etc. The fate of the child is passed "from hand to hand", goes through the stages of technology. If the department has fulfilled its task, then the child is removed from the register and either transferred to another structure (without further control over him), or is released from view altogether, and work with him is not carried out. Each department in its work uses its own criteria, reporting indicators,

gives meaning to concepts. All services do not have a single operational field and a single task. There is no reliance in the work on the information of other structures in the required volume. The irrational duplication of functions complicates the work.

So, the development of the system of social services is contradictory, sometimes inconsistent with the surrounding social reality. The existing network of social institutions for minors does not correspond to the acuteness and scale of the disintegration of children, and the system of social policy measures is inadequate to the needs of the modern family.

Specialized institutions are not able to solve the problems of neglected children and social orphans at a socially acceptable level due to weak interdepartmental interaction between various structures of the social sphere in the territory. The network of state institutions working with children is represented by various departments: education, health care, social protection, law enforcement agencies, housing and communal services, and culture. The issues of neglect and social orphanhood are dealt with by state authorities and local government. Also focused on the protection of children public organizations and funds. At the same time, none of the departments performs a coordinating function. Therefore, these structures cannot be considered as a single complex on the territory.

So, the relevance of the dissertation research is due to the needs of social practice, the acuteness of problems associated with children's restlessness, homelessness, orphanhood and a threatening increase in the facts of deviant behavior of children and adolescents. Another challenge of social practice is the prevention of violence against children, as well as the need for social rehabilitation in cases of crippled childhood. The demand for the research topic of social practice is also confirmed by the fact that social protection institutions that work directly with the population and

The territorial and managerial aspect of the interaction of social institutions is becoming relevant today, since society has the opportunity to combine the efforts of state, municipal authorities and institutions, organizations of the non-profit "3rd sector" to implement practical measures that mitigate the severity of orphanhood problems, especially in relation to social orphans, disadvantaged with living parents and by their parents. The development of recommendations, mechanisms for interaction between social institutions allows better use of the reserves of this sphere and save resources, achieve overcoming interdepartmental barriers in the interests of the well-being of children and the entire population.

The stated topic of the dissertation research is relevant in scientific terms, since in the sociology of management today there are few works that reveal the problems of interdepartmental interaction of institutions in the social sphere.

Development of the topic in the scientific literature.

The concept of "interaction" is used by researchers to explain a wide range of phenomena of social reality. A significant contribution to the study of this topic was made by such foreign scientists as M. Weber, T. Parsons, G. Simmel, E. Giddens and others. In domestic sociology, general problems of interaction were considered by B.N. Chicherin, M.M. Kovalevsky, P.A. Sorokin, K.M. Takhtarev and others. Among modern scientists, one can name V.V. Zheltova, O.S. Razumovsky, E.V. Rudensky, M.V. Udaltsov, V.P. Fofanova, L.L. Shpak and others.

The scientific literature considers such forms of interaction as socio-political (L.L. Shpak, V.V. Zheltov, etc.), informational (V.Z. Kogan, V.N. Shubkin, etc.), socio-economic (T.I. Zaslav-

Ekaya, F.M. Borodkin and others), intergroup (V.S. Ageev and others), social partnership (I.M. Model, B.S. Model, G.Yu. Semigin, A.I. Sukharev and others).

General issues social management reflected in the publications of Yu.P. Averina, V.G. Afanasiev, A.I. Prigogine, A.M. Omarova, T.M. Dridze, N.S. Danakina, E.V. Okhotsky, B.C. Komarovsky, N.M. Slepenkov, V.I. Dobrenkova and others.

Social policy in general and as a variety of regional policy is covered in the works of SV. Biryukova, N.D. Vavilina, L.G. Guslyakovoy, V.V. Zheltova, L.L. Shpak, F.E. Burdzhalova, G.I. Osadchey and others.

General problems of the social sphere are covered in the works of such authors as B.C. Barulin, V.N. Ivanov, V.N. Kovalev, Yu.E. Volkov, G.I. Siege-tea, SI. Grigoriev, L.G. Guslyakova, A.I. Lyashenko, A.M. Babich, E.N. Zhiltsov, E.V. Egorov, O.N. Viktorov, V.L. Kurakov, N.V. Bondarenko, E.N. Gri-bakin, and others.

Aspects of managing social institutions are reflected in the works of N.D. Vavilina, A.I. Lyashenko, M.V. Udaltsova, E.I. Kholostova, L.V. Topchiy, V.G. Popova, SA. Belicheva and others.

A narrow circle of authors (D.A. Kugan, E.V. Khizhnyakova, A.V. Gurevich, etc.) deals with related problems of inter-territorial and intra-territorial interaction of social institutions.

N.S. Danakin, B.C. Dudchenko A.I. Prigozhy, V.V. Shcherbina, A.V. Strygin and others.

Socio-economic, demographic, psychological

pedagogical and other problems of the family are described in the works of the staff of the Research Institute of the Family: A.G. Kharcheva, M.S. Matskovsky, SI. Hunger, St. Darmodekhina, O.I. Volgina and others.

The social problems of orphanhood are reflected in the works of researchers from the Research Institute of Childhood of the Russian Children's Fund and the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

(I.V. Anisimova, V.V. Belyakova, I.F. Dementieva, I.G. Zhiritskaya, N.P. Ivanova, A.M. Nechaeva, etc.). The causes of social orphanhood are considered in the works of V.V. Belyakova, V. Brutman, L.I. Kononova and others. State social policy in the interests of children is studied by E.M. Rybinsky, L.V. Kuznetsova, M.I. Nesmeyanov and others. The problems of violence against children in the family were considered in the works of L.S. Alekseeva, V.M. Zakirova, A.D. Kosheleva, M.R. Rokitsky and others.

By the joint efforts of researchers in the development of this topic, the following has been achieved:

Formed conceptual foundations for the study of social interaction in the territory;

The concept of the social sphere is disclosed;

The specifics of social protection institutions and the technologies of work of these institutions with various categories of clients, including children and families in difficult life circumstances, are determined;

Social problems are described And reasons for orphanhood.

Despite the results achieved, the principles and mechanisms of interagency cooperation necessary for a comprehensive solution to the problems of orphanhood in the territory remained poorly covered. Insufficient attention was paid to the development of problems of interaction in the territorial and administrative aspect, including taking into account the positioning of the interests of orphans and the presence of interdepartmental barriers.

Research problem- weak use of territorial and administrative mechanisms in the interaction of social institutions for a comprehensive solution to the problems of orphanhood.

Object of study- interaction of social institutions in the territory.

Subject of study- organization of interagency cooperation in solving the problems of orphanhood.

The purpose of the dissertation- optimization of territorial and administrative mechanisms of interdepartmental interaction of social institutions in solving the problems of orphanhood.

Tasks, realizing the purpose of the study:

to reveal the concept of "interdepartmental interaction in the social sphere";

give a typology of interdepartmental barriers in terms of positioning the interests of orphans and the possibilities of social institutions;

to characterize the principles and mechanisms of interaction of social protection institutions with other institutions of the social sphere;

to study the possibilities of a comprehensive solution to the problems of orphanhood on the ways of overcoming interdepartmental barriers in the social sphere.

Research hypotheses.

Hypothesis-base: the interaction of social institutions is a necessary condition for a comprehensive solution to the problems of orphanhood of children and adolescents in the territory; studying the problem of interaction in the territorial and managerial aspect makes it possible to optimize the processes of interaction in the interests of orphans.


Compliance with the principles of interaction makes it possible to develop a common, conceptually built management approach to a comprehensive solution to the problems of orphanhood in the territory;

Technological support of interaction processes contributes to the concentration of resources and efforts of the interacting parties in solving the key problems of orphanhood of children and adolescents in the territory;

Overcoming interdepartmental barriers leads to the unification of interaction processes and at the same time introduces a sufficient variety of forms, methods and means of achieving common goals by the interacting parties;

> The organization of interaction between social institutions depends on the competence of managerial personnel and the territorial and managerial capabilities of the interacting parties.

Theoretical and methodological basics research for the author steel systems approach and method of system analysis. The structural-functional approach was used to study the object and subject area of ​​the dissertation research.

The closest to the study of the processes, mechanisms and consequences of interdepartmental interaction in the social sphere are interpretative paradigms (social action paradigm, adaptive), as well as the functionalist paradigm.

The concepts of scientific and social management developed in domestic sociology, as well as the concept of social interaction, served as the basis for the dissertation research.

Useful for the author were the ideas and concepts of modern authors who develop the problems of organizations, technologies of intraorganizational and interorganizational interaction (N.S. Danakin, V.S. Dudchenko, A.I. Prigozhy, A.V. Strygin, V.V. Shcherbina, etc. .).

Research methods: structural-functional analysis, expert survey, questionnaire survey, participant observation, traditional document analysis, secondary analysis.

Empirical base of research. Information equipment.

IN The empirical base of the study included applied research conducted personally by the dissertation student and with her participation in 1998-2004.

From 1998 to 1999 on the basis of the orphanage-school with. Berezovo, Kemerovo District (departmental subordination - to the Department of Education of the Kemerovo District), a study was carried out social problems, the fate of orphans,

difficulties in the functioning of boarding schools, technologies for working with minors, interdepartmental relations of institutions in the process of arranging, living and leaving an orphanage from the walls of an orphanage. Within the framework of this study, interviews were conducted with employees and pupils of the Berezovsky orphanage-school (54 adolescents under 18 years old), the materials of the institution's work, accounting and reporting documentation for 1997-1999 were studied.

The study of the system of work with children deprived of parental care was also carried out on the basis of the Department of Social Protection of the Kemerovo District Administration, where the dissertation student was acquainted with the current and annual accounting and reporting documentation of this structure (1998-1999).

In the dissertation work, materials of participant observation during the period of work at the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children in Kemerovo (2002-2004) were used. In order to study the territorial and administrative mechanisms of interdepartmental interaction between social institutions, the following applied research was carried out on the basis of the Center:

> Participation in the work of the “Family” councils of Kemerovo microdistricts (2003-2004);

At Survey of members of the councils "Family" microdistricts of Kemerovo (2004, 100 people).

The dissertation uses materials from the current archive of the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children, as well as documents coordinating council“Family” and the “Council for Prevention, Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”, Kemerovo (for 2002-04).

In 2004 the dissertation student conducted an expert survey of 30 executives of social institutions in the city of Kemerovo (from among the participants in solving the problems of orphanhood and neglect of children in the territory).

Method secondary analysis research materials close to the dissertation issues of the international project "Stra-

partnership tag: local development” (1999-2002, project leaders, Ph.D., Prof. V.V. Zheltov, Ph.D., Prof. L.L. Shpak), materials of research conducted in the city of Berezovsky (Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children, director - Ph.D. N.B. Goryunova).

In addition, the information available on the British project on the problems of social protection of the population in Kuzbass was studied, materials of a sociological study conducted at the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children in Kemerovo "Social Services: Meeting the Needs of the Population" (Director - Chernyaeva I.A., scientific leader - L. L. Shpak, performers T. Yu. Mochalova, M. N. Bolshakova, E. V. Polichuk, N. B. Sinitskaya; 2002-2003, survey of 600 people).

Scientific novelty of the research:

The concept of "interdepartmental interaction in the social sphere" has been clarified;

A classification of interdepartmental barriers in the interaction of social institutions in relation to solving the problems of orphanage of children and adolescents (legal, organizational and managerial, innovative, social, psychological, cultural, communicative, religious, ethnic, gender, political, geographical and other barriers) is given;

In the territorial-administrative aspect, a technological process of interaction between social institutions is proposed based on the positioning of the interests of orphans and social institutions;

The principles and mechanisms of interaction between institutions of the social sphere in the complex solution of the problems of orphanhood in the territory are systematized.

Theoretical significance of the study.

IN dissertation developed conceptual provisions that characterize the social sphere in the territorial and administrative aspect in relation to the problems of orphanhood. A conceptual scheme of technical

nological support of the processes of interaction between institutions, taking into account interdepartmental barriers and positioning the interests of orphans. The dissertation provisions can be used as starting points for further study of territorial and administrative problems of the social sphere.

The practical significance of the study.

The main results of the dissertation research can be used in the activities of public authorities and local self-government, social institutions in the organization and conduct of interdepartmental work to address the problems of neglect and orphanhood.

The research materials can be used in university teaching courses in the sociology of management and sociology of the social sphere, in various forms of training and retraining of sociologists, political scientists, social workers, state and municipal employees.

The concept of "interdepartmental interaction in the social sphere"

We consider interdepartmental interaction in the dissertation as a kind of social interaction. The parties to the interaction are socially oriented subjects (subordinate organizations, institutions on the territory) that achieve their goals through certain professionally specialized measures and actions.

The concept of "interaction" attracted the attention of researchers in various fields of scientific knowledge.

Attention to action and interaction appeared in the works of Plato, Aristotle, Spinoza, Hobbes, Kant, and other thinkers. They considered interaction in order to study and explain the causality, development, unity-diversity of things, etc. For example, Plato, in the doctrine of the ideal state, considered the interconnection and interdependence of the phenomena of the world and believed that people are constantly in need and unite for the purpose of mutual assistance. Hegel and Schopenhauer identified action and being 4.

The interaction is considered by many modern scientists (L.S. Vygotsky, E.V. Ilyenkov, etc.) from ontological and evolutionary positions. It leads to self-change, self-development of a person throughout life (ontogeny) and, as a result, to the improvement of society (social evolution).

The problems of social action and interaction were developed by many representatives of sociological thought of various schools and trends: the theory of conflicts (R. Dahrendorf, L. Koser, and others); sociological theories international relations(V. Blanch, M. Shaw and others); the theory of social exchange (D. Homans, P. Blau and others); symbolic interactionism (G. Mead, G. Bloomer, D. Moreno, etc.); phenomenological sociology and ethnomethodology (A. Schutz, P. Berger, G. Garfinkel, T. Lukman, etc.), the concept of impression management (E. Hoffman, etc.), etc.

Adherents of the concept of exchange understood social interaction as a constant exchange of values ​​(tangible and intangible). Exchange actions occur according to the "stimulus - reaction" scheme. From the point of view of symbolic interactionism, social interaction is a dialogue between individuals with a "personal self". It is realized at two levels - interpersonal and intrapersonal. For interacting subjects, it is important the world and the situation. They form meanings and try to interpret other people's actions from symbols. There is not a direct influence on each other, but mediated by the use of symbols. External interactions influence the formation of internal self-reflection, which determines the structure of the personality.

Max Weber (1864 - 1920) first introduced into sociology and scientifically substantiated the concept of "social action". He believed that sociology "is a science that seeks, by interpreting, to understand social action and thereby casually explain its process and impact." The action is social if it is subjective, that is, it is personally meaningful (motivated) and focused on the response of others. Interaction is purposeful, purposeful and manageable. Social action by an individual or a group of individuals is a central category in the theory. P.P. Gaidenko in the preface to the publication of Weber's works writes that "the category of social action, as the initial" cell "of social life, does not make it possible to understand the results public process which very often do not coincide with the direction of individual actions.

American sociologist Talcott Parsons (1902 - 1979), developing the theory of action 10, was based on the fact that individuals are endowed with the desire to act. In the process of interaction, they organize and unite. Individuals have expectations about each other's actions that define social rules (norms) and generally accepted values ​​that help ensure the nature of responses. From Parsons' point of view, people are connected by common symbols learned at a conscious and unconscious level, which are elements of cultural traditions. He considered the "single act" as the basic unit of the theory. This is the limit of fragmentation of the action. Acts do not exist in isolation, but are always connected with other acts. In his work "The Social System" (1951), he introduces the concept of "unit of action" as a unit of analysis. In the single action model, there is only one actor. Then Parsons began to consider the social system as based on interaction and introduced the status-role concept. Within the framework of this concept, social interaction was studied by the author as a system of standardized relations of actors with a certain status and performing mutually expected roles relative to each other. This system develops as a social structure that is normatively fixed and regulated by cultural patterns and performs the function of integrating society. An action orientation is "a specific combination of choices related to objects and built on the basis of the options available in some particular situation" . The main elements of Parsons' system of action are the doer (actor), the goals of the activity, the situation, the means of achieving the goal, the conditions for action, normative regulators, motives, the action as such, the result. Parsons considered the social system as self-organizing, reproducing the balance and balance between all subsystems due to their functional expediency. Parsons' student Robert Merton studied the functional connections and interactions of the systems of the social structure of society, their influence on the activities and behavior of people in society. P. Sorokin, G. Simmel proved the need to study social interaction not only between individuals, but also between complex social formations.

Interdepartmental barriers in solving the problems of orphanhood in the territory

In the process of interdepartmental interaction, a number of difficulties, obstacles, and barriers to solving social problems are encountered.

A barrier is usually understood as a kind of obstacle, obstacle, difficulty in moving or doing something. In the literature, they write about a barrier as an obstacle to the success of something, an obstacle to action and the development of activities.

In interdepartmental interaction, barriers are circumstances (of a subjective and objective nature) that make it difficult for the participants in the interaction to achieve the goal. They complicate the work, hinder the coordination of actions, joint decision-making and the provision of social assistance to those in need.

Interdepartmental barriers in the interaction of social institutions in relation to solving the problems of neglected children and social orphans can be classified into legal, organizational and managerial, social, psychological, cultural, communicative, religious, ethnic, gender, political, geographical, economic.

The main managerial barriers that complicate the interdepartmental interaction of institutions in solving the problems of neglected children and social orphans are 42: The complexity of the administrative object;

The information delay characteristic of complex systems; The orientation of the subject making managerial decisions. The leader is simultaneously included in various social systems: official, group, socio-political, family, etc. Each system determines its role, rights and obligations. These roles may not coincide, provoking conflict, contradiction, barrier.

The issue of strengthening interdepartmental work is relevant at all levels of social sphere management. However, there may be no barriers to the interaction of institutions on the territory, they may not be so acute at the level of ministries and, accordingly, they may not be taken into account or inadequately perceived when building interdepartmental interaction and creating a regulatory framework.

Considering organizational interaction in the theory and practice of social management, A.V. Strygin believes that the stability of this interaction is achieved with consistency in order for the functioning of various organizations within the framework of a single environment for them. These goals should match those of the environment itself. A sufficient level of resource provision is also a condition for stability. Violation of one of the conditions leads to the emergence of barriers, organizational gaps. The main reason causing the processes of a destabilizing nature is the lack of an effective mechanism for organizational support of decisions made on various levels, the consistency of these decisions and the orderliness of organizational interactions. He comes to the conclusion that organizational interaction is a means of achieving more high level organizational effectiveness 43.

The emergence of interdepartmental barriers is associated with an organizational and managerial contradiction, the essence of which is that the objective need for various kinds of interactions is associated with high organizational differentiation, the desire for departmental autonomy and isolation of management.

One of the main reasons that give rise to contradictions in joint work is the lack of a coherent, logical concept that adequately reflects the reality of the concept of development of the social sphere. This circumstance manifests itself at all levels of government. On the territory, a general scheme of actions of institutions of various departments with a certain category can be developed. But there is no single concept within which all participants are considered as a single whole, interaction problems have not been identified and solved, the principles of joint work have not been developed and introduced into everyday practice. In the absence of a clear understanding of the content and specifics of the interdepartmental model at the federal and regional levels, it is difficult to jointly solve the problems of a particular territory and institutions located on it.

Without a unified concept of joint action, each institution independently builds interdepartmental work on individual case principles. An effective solution to the problems of neglected children and social orphans is impossible without a holistic concept of institution management. If goals, mechanisms, principles of interdepartmental work are not defined at the level of the administration of the institution, possible participants are not clearly identified, and those responsible for the results are not appointed, then joint activities will be left to chance. Without intra-organizational coordination of actions, each middle manager (head of department, foreman) will independently build interdepartmental work based on personal connections and relationships, territorial specifics (presence of sponsoring organizations in the service area, institutions that can help in solving specific problems).

The conducted dissertation research revealed the disunity of efforts within the institutions. The heads of structural subdivisions in most cases are placed in competition among themselves, which leads to the desire of each subdivision to increase their performance by any means. As a rule, there is an increase in quantitative indicators due to qualitative ones. There is no desire among the branches to share their information with others and to seek to help each other. For example, the head of a territorial branch works with sponsors in his area and may be hostile if a representative of another branch of the same institution begins to interact with “his” sponsors, since each branch is placed in a situation of competition in the main areas of activity.

Principles and mechanisms of interdepartmental interaction of institutions in the social sphere

Each social problem is unique and requires an individual approach to its resolution. However, the process of their resolution has generally significant positions - principles. The principles of interdepartmental interaction are the initial fundamental requirements that guide the interacting subjects in organizing a joint solution of social problems. Principles are the most important foundation of the management mechanism. They synthesize social laws and specific approaches to their implementation. The content and orientation of the principles of interdepartmental interaction in solving the problems of neglected children and social orphans is determined by a number of factors: the strategic goals of the state, society as a whole; legislative regulation; scientific validity; purpose and nature of joint work; departmental interests: the specificity and importance of their implementation through interaction; subjective factor; availability of a resource base; territorial features: development of social infrastructure, geographical position, local social policy, national composition, etc.; attitude to the interaction of institutions on the part of higher structures; the specifics of the problems to be solved. The main principles of interdepartmental interaction of social institutions in solving the problems of orphanhood can be grouped according to several criteria: The criterion of regulatory force (legal, social responsibility subjects of management, social control); according to the degree of organizational and managerial technologization (the principle of adequacy, feedback, coordination of interdependent actions, the principle of automated accounting in information exchange, the correspondence of functions to the vested powers); according to the criterion of compatibility of professional activities of personnel (competence, continuity, consistency of interests, measures of participation in interdepartmental coordination, compliance with the rules business relations); program-target criterion (complexity and consistency, scientific and methodological validity of the principle of end-target orientation, continuity of social assistance to orphans, problem-oriented orientation of the activities of institutions); Have a moral criterion in relations with children (principles of social justice, humanism, tolerance, complicity in fate).

In practice, the principles of interdepartmental interaction, as a rule, are not used in isolation, but in close interconnection, which reflects their objective conditionality and directs joint efforts towards achieving common goals.

Among the principles of organizing interdepartmental interaction of social institutions in solving the problems of neglected children and social orphans, the principle of social partnership seems to be one of the most important. In the scientific literature and in practice, social partnership is interpreted ambiguously. Some understand it as a type of relationship between the state, the employer and the worker. Others understand social partnership in a broader sense, namely as a specific kind of public relations between social subjects (social groups, layers, classes, etc.). Still others - as an ideological basis for coordinating and protecting the interests of various social groups. Following A.I. Sukharev, we believe that social partnership is not limited to social and labor interaction. "Interaction becomes a partnership if the interest of one subject cannot be realized without the participation of another and the simultaneous satisfaction of the needs of other subjects" .

Social partnership, as a system of civilized social relations, implies activities based on the coordination of interests, opportunities, methods of work, which ensures the implementation of mutually intersecting interests of institutions of various departmental affiliations while achieving common purpose. Effective interdepartmental interaction is possible on the basis of respect for the positions and interests of the parties, using the advantages of the negotiation process. Partnership is characterized as a process of multiplication common interests 6l.

The partnership nature of the relationship presupposes the significance of the goals achieved. Interdepartmental interaction can be implemented on the principle of social partnership, provided that the interests of achieving socially expected goals (effective solution of the problems of street children and social orphans, etc.) will dominate over departmental bureaucratic interests, when joint work will be a conscious value for all participants rather than the individual actions of each institution. The implementation of these conditions contributes to the increasing importance of the social tasks of the functioning of institutions at the level of state management structures and in society. Bye government bodies are not aware of the crisis situation in Russian society, the need to implement an adequate family policy, the importance of solving real problems of children will not be able to dominate bureaucratic procedure in the functioning of departmental structures. The public also should not be aloof from what is happening and, with the help of appropriate mechanisms, should influence management activities to address the problems of street children and social orphans. All participants in interdepartmental interaction should perceive each other as partners in achieving common goals.

The effectiveness of interdepartmental interaction to a decisive extent depends on the implementation of the principle of social justice. Children who find themselves in a socially dangerous situation do not have the opportunity to enjoy the rights guaranteed by law. The joint work of social institutions should be aimed at preventing this imbalance by providing social guarantees, creating opportunities for equal access to benefits. Compliance with this principle, on the one hand, determines the necessary conditions for the development and decent existence of the child, on the other hand, it establishes a connection between the specifics of a particular problem and the degree of participation of state structures in the life of a minor.

Overcoming interdepartmental barriers in solving the problems of street children and social orphans

The solution of the problems of child neglect and social orphanhood in the territory is carried out on the basis of interagency cooperation. An analysis of the situation of minors who are in a socially dangerous situation shows that the ongoing interdepartmental interaction is not built optimally. Teamwork various kinds of barriers, inconsistency of interests and actions of the participants in the interaction interfere. Optimization of interdepartmental interaction of social institutions in solving the problems of neglected children and social orphans depends on overcoming the barriers that exist in the practice of joint work.

Overcoming obstacles in the interdepartmental interaction of institutions is facilitated by the introduction into practice of social and managerial technologies of cooperation (for example, mastering the procedures for coordinating interests, decisions, actions; creating a unified information and analytical base; concluding agreements of mutual understanding; optimizing document flow between institutions, etc.).

According to the developed by V.K. Potemkin and M.Kh. Balkiz's principle of evaluating the effectiveness of the mechanism of social partnership 79 can identify the main factors that stimulate interdepartmental interaction in solving the problems of street children and social orphans in the territory, and the restrictions that impede it (see Table 5).

The identified factors and limitations of interdepartmental interaction in solving the problems of neglected children and social orphans in the territory are of practical interest, since they are the object of state influence in order to optimize existing

When organizing interdepartmental interaction, it is important to study and, if necessary, optimize the two previous types of interaction. The formation of interdepartmental interaction is carried out through the action of internal and external mechanisms. The effectiveness of interdepartmental interaction depends on intradepartmental interaction, which in turn is determined by the activities of individual institutions and the coordinated actions of all departments and individual employees of each institution.

Intra-organizational interaction based on partnership means the formation of coordinated actions between the units within the organization. The activities of the departments of the institution should be based on a common goal, a single policy, perceived by all as a single whole. Departments within an institution will function effectively and coherently if the structure and functions are consistent with the goals of the organization. Design organizational structure should be based on the strategic goals and plans of the institution, as this ensures its sustainability. “The structure of an organization is developed from the top down. This allows us to proceed from the hierarchy of goals and objectives, to optimize the implementation of the construction of a chain of interrelated elements of the horizontal and vertical structure, to establish the ratio of official powers and responsibilities” 80.

Intraorganizational interaction depends on the logic of managerial and organizational culture, the consistency of goals, tasks of structural units and individual performers, the correspondence of their rights and obligations, resource provision and goals, communications and feedback within the institution. In management, there is an opinion that structural units, as a rule, are more interested in realizing their goal than the overall goal of the institution (M. Meskon). Management will be effective if the institution is dominated by the feeling of “WE”, each specialist feels himself a necessary link common system. Interdepartmental interaction should be based on the common values, goals and objectives of the functioning of all incoming institutions, their interdependence.

Interdepartmental and interdepartmental interaction is a dialectical unity. On the one hand, if there is no intradepartmental interaction, then it is impossible to talk about the effectiveness of interdepartmental relations. On the other hand, commitments to interagency cooperation can have a positive impact and accelerate the resolution of many intradepartmental problems.

Social protection of the population is a relatively young sphere of practical activity of the state in the implementation of the main directions of social policy. A number of researchers note that today social work is generally focused on meeting the vital needs of clients, without qualitatively changing the social situation that caused difficulties 81. The possibility of direct contact with clients and their problems determines the adaptive potential of social protection institutions 82. Optimal forms of social security are being developed and providing social assistance to the population. Social protection is trying to organically integrate into the existing system of the social sphere. An analysis is being made of the need for the existence of institutions and the demand for the services offered among the population. Territorial institutions, being in direct contact with clients, have a unique opportunity to build their activities based on an analysis of the needs of the population and taking into account the real state of the social environment.

To date, in order to identify problems that arise within the institution, analyze the demand for activities, adjust and optimize management decisions, it is relevant to carry out sociological support, the purpose of which is to optimize activities based on the scientific justification of managerial actions. Sociological support ensures the relationship between science and practice, contributes to the flexibility of the management system, makes it possible to quickly respond to the current situation, adjust the tasks of activity in connection with the emerging demands of the environment.

Since 2002, specialists from the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children in Kemerovo have been working on the implementation of the consulting project “Sociological Support for the Social Development of the Center for Social and Social Development” 84. The goal of the project is to optimize the activities of the institution in the provision of social services to the population. The experience of establishing institutions of social assistance to families and children in Russia shows that it is necessary to develop the fullest possible list of services, taking into account the specifics of the territory. During the implementation of this project, taking into account the requirements of the population, a list of social services of the Center was developed. Packages of services have been formed according to the criteria of mandatory and optional, uniqueness and complexity of provision. Service packages have been created for various categories the population served by TsSPSiD.

Sections: School administration

Childhood is a complex multidimensional phenomenon that is of major strategic importance for the sustainable development of any society. This phenomenon is mediated by many cultural, socio-economic, environmental and other factors. The upbringing of a growing person as the formation of a developed personality is one of the main tasks of modern society.

The multipolarity and diversity of the process of growing up and the entry of a child into adulthood is associated with various kinds of difficulties. Today's socio-economic reality is such that there is an extensive layer of problems that a child has to face on the way of entering society, and sometimes even being alone with them.

In modern society, many state, commercial and public organizations and institutions of various ministries and departments introduce the tasks of educating the younger generation into their activities. However, the effectiveness of solving such problems by a separate group of specialists is much lower than the possible results of teamwork.

The creation of a system of interaction between subjects of education and social partners of other departments should be addressed to the personality of the child, aimed at its development, unlocking the potential, originality and spiritual forces, leveling the negative consequences of the influence of often hostile social environment. In a word, there are plenty of problems, and it is necessary to actively work on their resolution, using the opening opportunities for interdepartmental interaction between health authorities, education, physical culture and sports, social protection of the population, environmental services, and various public organizations.

Within the framework of organizing interdepartmental interaction, educational institutions should take into account the diversity of functional relationships and their mutual expediency. The most relevant options for the development of social contacts are presented in the following scheme, where in the subtext some variants of the tasks solved by the interaction of various structures and departments are presented.

Thus, the definition of a specific task becomes fundamental in building interdepartmental interactions, for the solution of which it is necessary to build contacts with one or another department or institution. Further work is built in stages in accordance with the task.

Stages of interdepartmental interaction in educational institutions:

  1. Development of a program for expanding the social ties of the institution, taking into account the educational policy of the region.
  2. Creation of mechanisms for interdepartmental interaction of program executors.
  3. Development of legal and regulatory framework and improvement of the organizational and managerial base for the implementation of mechanisms for interdepartmental interaction.
  4. Creation and implementation of interdepartmental projects aimed at solving certain problems (integration of children with developmental problems general education school and society; formation healthy lifestyle life and improvement of the population; involvement of the population in physical culture, sports and tourism; prevention of deviant and addictive forms of behavior in children and adolescents, etc.)

It is important to note that if the task is determined by the national educational policy and / or socio-economic factors of the development of society, then the responsibility for the formation of the legal framework and mechanisms of interaction lies with the administrative block of the educational institution. At the same time, employees and pupils of the educational institution should also actively work to expand social contacts, establish partnerships, create and implement interdepartmental projects.

Interdepartmental interaction in the formation of a safe educational space

The modern school, in fact, being the most important link in the formation of the personality of the 21st century, protects the child from the aggressive impact of the negative manifestations of the social environment, since children today are the most vulnerable part of society, open to all dangers and threats. Juvenile delinquency, drug addiction, vagrancy, mental and physical health disorders, the weakening of the influence of parents on the upbringing of children, socio-economic polarization, the growing negative influence of the media on children and adolescents create considerable difficulties in working with them.

Today it is difficult for the school itself. She has a lot of problems. Therefore, even with a strong teaching staff, good material equipment, and favorable territorial distribution, the school alone cannot solve the problems of upbringing, training, maintaining the health, and sometimes the life of the younger generation. An objective vital need was the formation of a relatively new direction of social activity - the formation of a safe educational space. The most important component of this activity is the accumulation of experience in interdepartmental interaction of an educational institution in order to form a mass culture of safety for all participants in the educational space.

To ensure more efficient and purposeful work within the framework of the task at hand, while expanding the social contacts of an educational institution, it is advisable to develop a scheme and plan of activities in this direction.

For each direction, activities are planned with different structures and in various forms:

Interaction in the education system involves increasing the professional competence of educators in institutions for improving their qualifications; organization of continuous basic and additional education through the interaction of the school with institutions of additional education for children and adolescents, including those specializing in sports and recreation, tourism and local history work, artistic and aesthetic, heroic and patriotic education; protection of the rights of students with the help of the inspection for the protection of children's rights in the educational authorities.

Interaction of an educational institution in the healthcare system involves the organization of medical support for the educational process in cooperation with children's territorial polyclinics, reproductive health institutions (antenatal clinics, medical diagnostic centers for marriage and family, etc.); assessment of the health of young men of pre-conscription age by medical commissions at military registration and enlistment offices; ensuring sanitary and hygienic well-being under the control of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

Office of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Management organizes and provides course training for the commanding staff of civil defense facilities (educational institution), teachers-organizers of life safety, life safety teachers, class teachers on issues of protection from emergencies, promotes the organization of specialized classes "Young Rescuer", the activities of the children's and youth movement "School of Safety" .

Department of Internal Affairs interacts with educational institutions through departments for the prevention of offenses, juvenile crimes, territorial police departments, security companies.

Department of State Fire Service carries out course training for educators under the fire-technical minimum program, participates in teaching children the rules of fire safety, using the possibilities of a fire-technical exhibition, organizing exercises and trainings with students, promotes the organization of specialized classes "Young fireman".

State Road Safety Inspectorate contributes to teaching children the rules of the road through the organization of children's youth centers, towns, the organization of the "Safe Road" competitions, the posts of young traffic inspectors in educational institutions, etc.

Military commissariats organize the work of draft commissions, assist in the organization and conduct of pre-conscription training for senior boys, including five-day gatherings for boys in grade 10, and participate in the professional orientation of students.

Department of Social Protection promotes the organization of social assistance to children through the work of social protection services of local governments, through the organization of social assistance to children left without parental care, the organization of specialized work with low-income families. The connection of the educational institution with the social protection authorities is carried out by social educators.

One example public organizations actively interacting with schools, the All-Russian Water Rescue Society should be noted. OSVOD provides course training for rescue specialists on the topics "Swimming and water rescue instructor", "Water rescue combatant". Joint events with public organizations dealing with the problems of children with disabilities, etc., can be productive and interesting.

Prosecutor's office supervises the implementation of the main legislative acts regulating the activities of an educational institution in the field of protecting the rights of children.

Thus, we can say that the educational institution has taken on the mission of rallying society in educating the younger generation, our future.

As a conclusion, I would like to note two main features of interdepartmental relations:

  1. They objectively necessary for the full implementation of the tasks of general education in modern conditions.
  2. These relationships are mutually beneficial. for both sides. On the one hand, state organizations see the school as the most adapted structure, uniting a large organized part of the population, through which it is possible to effectively solve their departmental tasks. On the other hand, the school gets the opportunity to attract material, organizational and other resources of departmental organizations to solve its problems.

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