Federal civil servants: place in the structure. What do they say about indexing? What should sovereigns expect?

It is an honor to be a civil servant. They work for the benefit of the state and receive a decent salary for it.

However, not everything is as rosy as we would like. The crisis around the world, and even in the country, has made itself felt.

The Russian government is forced to take drastic measures to maintain normal conditions life of the country's citizens.

But how will this affect civil servants? What will happen to them wages? Is it true that there will be a reduction or not?

Who falls under the category of civil servants

The definition of “civil servant” means a common person, who is in a specific position related to ensuring the fully functional activities of the state.

At the same time, a civil servant receives a salary based on his position and level of responsibility exclusively from the state budget.

Public service is carried out in different directions:

  • civil sphere;
  • military sphere;
  • law enforcement activities.

All implementation features labor activity employees regulated by law“On the fundamentals of civil service on the territory of the Russian Federation.” This legislative act describes key points functioning of this system.

It must be remembered that civil servants can only be citizens of the Russian Federation, but some bills allow exceptions to be made.

Civil servants classify:

Latest innovations regarding remuneration

Despite the fact that citizens who are in public service are engaged in important matters, latest news it became known that the Government of the Russian Federation had decided to decrease wages this category of workers.

It is also worth noting that the decision to reduce wages also applies to employees of the presidential administration, top government officials, as well as employees of the Accounts Chamber and embassies.

The President of the Russian Federation also emphasized that civil servants, like no one else, must support the state in such difficult times and sacrifice a small part of their income in favor of maintaining the country’s budget.

In addition, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to increasing the retirement age for civil servants. From now on they will have to work longer. According to this reform, the retirement age will be increased gradually over the next few years.

For such drastic decisions prompted by the following factors:

  • global economic crisis;
  • difficult economic situation in the country;
  • reduction in the number of employees.

What do they say about indexing?

At the moment, it is still unknown whether civil servants will be able to count on wage indexation. According to latest information The issue of defrosting is being considered. At the same time, civil servants will be able to count on an increase in wages only if salaries for other categories of citizens are raised by at least 10%.

But what decision will be made (whether indexing will be unfrozen or, on the contrary, will be extended) remains unknown.

Staff reduction

Currently, the option of reducing the number of civil servants in 2019 is being considered. The funds that can be retained in this way are planned to be used to provide bonuses to the remaining employees. It should be noted that assumptions about reductions in the ranks of officials have not yet been confirmed. These are only estimated forecasts that follow from the current situation.

It is also worth noting that, according to the same officials, today the state apparatus is overcrowded, and most departments largely duplicate each other’s functions. To optimize work, reducing the number of employees is a forced measure that will allow the state apparatus to remain fully functional and at the same time reduce the burden on the country's budget.

Changes at the federal level

According to the latest information, we can say with confidence that in 2019 federal government employees wages will be increased.

In turn, to this category relate:

According to the latest information, the budget for 2019 already involves indexation in two stages. Over 12 months, it is planned to increase the cost of the unit of account twice by 4%.

In addition, according to the latest changes in current legislation, a process of optimization and modernization of the payroll system for civil servants is planned soon. Additional cash will be highlighted and to stimulate employees that fall into this category.

It should be noted that salary increases are expected for employees social sphere. As for teachers, medical workers and cultural figures, their income by the end of 2019 is projected to increase 1.5 times.

It should also be noted that today many young professionals strive to enter the public service. This is cool! The Russian Federation is in dire need of managers with modern views on life. Only young minds will be able to direct the movement of the country's economy in the right direction, to bring crisis situation. For this reason, the Government of the Russian Federation intends in the near future to develop a program of additional incentives for young specialists who entered the civil service.

The expected increase in wages for civil servants is described in the following video:

The salaries of federal civil servants in 2017 concern not only this category of citizens of the country, but also ordinary people. And in principle this is fair - civil servants do not contribute to Country's GDP no surplus product (to use the language of Marxists), that is, they live off our taxes. Therefore, knowing and understanding how much we pay officials is not only not shameful, but also necessary. The next stage of this awareness will be the demand for the quality of their work.

What is happening to the salaries of federal civil servants in 2016

2016 was a year of total savings. Having finally realized that the president’s words that he needed to “be patient for a couple of years”, which he said in 2014, were nothing more than his incompetence or talking about the problem, the government began to seriously learn to live in new realities. These realities no longer exist and the same oil prices are not expected in the medium term. It is no longer possible to carefreely sit on the stove and spend income from the sale of hydrocarbons abroad; there is a catastrophic lack of money in the budget.

The government even had to start actively spending funds set aside in the form of a reserve, and if you do not save on expenses, then the reserve can be consumed very quickly, after which very bad times will come.

The result of total savings in 2016 was, for example, a very weak increase in pensions for elderly Russians - in February their pensions were raised by four percent instead of the required thirteen, and in the fall the traditional increase in pensions did not happen at all.

As for the officials’ apparatus, they were told in advance that, in principle, there was no need to expect wage indexation in 2016; no money was included in the budget for this. Therefore, throughout the year, this category of public sector employees received their salaries at the 2015 level, while the rise in prices spares no one - neither a pensioner from a distant village in the outback of the country, nor an employee of the presidential administration.

Whether there would be a salary increase for federal civil servants in 2017, at the time when their incomes were frozen, this question remained open - it all depended on how favorable the budget situation would be and whether there would be money to maintain the living standards of all citizens of the country.

Latest news on salary increases for federal civil servants in 2017

As a result, there will still be an increase in salaries for federal civil servants in 2017, to the delight of them and their families. Firstly, the economic situation has more or less stabilized, and funds have nevertheless been found to index pensions for pensioners, as well as salaries of public sector employees, including civil servants. Secondly, traditionally, on the eve of presidential elections, the authorities additionally pay for the loyalty of officials by increasing wages for this category of Russians.

In 2017, the budget allocated about 50 billion rubles to increase salaries for federal civil servants, and another 450 billion was allocated for the rest of the category of civil servants. This will please them with a good increase.

However, good news for officials they also coexist with decisions that are more controversial from their point of view. Thus, from 2017, a gradual increase in the retirement age for civil servants begins - every year this age will increase for them by six months. Firstly, this will allow the budget to save significant amounts in the future, and secondly, starting with officials, the government accustoms citizens to the idea that raising the retirement age will one day affect everyone, and the state simply starts with itself.

Thus, in 2017, the overall situation of civil servants will improve, their salaries will be slightly increased. This will restore its real value, compensating for what has accumulated over time. Lately inflation. Moreover, before presidential elections It is important for the authorities that officials do not grumble, but are satisfied with the current political power and knew which side to play on at the right moments in the presidential race.

For those officials whose retirement is approaching, the wait will be a little longer, but experts say that this is not so bad for the country, since the most experienced and competent personnel will continue to work for some time and will be able to benefit the state at a difficult time. development. Critics may say that such personnel may turn out to be the main carriers of the vices of the bureaucratic environment, but the authorities most often do not consider these vices to be their special problem.

The raging economic crisis brings with it many financial inconveniences for citizens Russian Federation. The government has to cut expenses in order to “cover” the low budget yield with the amounts saved.

The “hot” hand of officials may also fall salaries of civil servants in 2017, which is not expected to increase in the near future. For the situation in the country to improve a little, the price of oil must rise, and experts cannot say for sure when this will happen.

Who are civil servants?

This category of workers includes a circle of specialists who perform their job responsibilities in the civil service, and also receive wages directly from the state budget. First of all, these are the following persons:

  • migration service employees;
  • tax authorities;
  • customs officers;
  • border guards;
  • specialists from Rospotrebnadzor and Rosreestr.

All such employees are remunerated according to a different scheme, which differs from the salary scheme in private companies. It is not surprising that the income of these citizens is of great interest to Russians. Moreover, many amounts of civil servants’ salaries are kept secret, in contrast to the “transparent” salaries of their foreign “colleagues”.

Salary cuts during the crisis

During this crisis period, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a significant decision to reduce wages not only for civil servants, but also for employees of the state apparatus, that is, for persons close to the president.

The reduction in payments should occur before the end of 2016, and may also continue into 2017. These forced measures are associated with the decline of the country's economy and the high level that leads to impoverishment of the population. Please note that the law came into force on January 1, 2016.

Even the top officials of the state will receive a reduced salary, some experts note. In view of the current situation, it is unlikely that any of the officials and civil servants will be able to hope for an increase in their salaries next year, the country's Prime Minister noted.

Let's say more, the government plans for this category of workers. This decision is due to many factors, the main ones being:

  • world ;
  • Russia's shaky economy;
  • mass layoffs;
  • liquidation of commercial organizations.

These reasons became decisive in the issue of reducing wages for federal employees. However, the government does not rule out that in 2016-2017 there will be an indexation of wages for this category of citizens. Although such measures will not be able to stop the inflationary surge, which has risen significantly this year. Accordingly, the small salary increase envisaged by officials will not be noticeable, so we can assume that there will be no increase.

An increase in funding for civil servants is possible if the country implements indexation of 10 percent or more. But we should not forget that in this situation the burden on the budget will become even greater, and this is what officials fear most.

Last changes

  • deputies;
  • attorneys general;
  • senators;
  • representatives of ministries;
  • representatives of audit organizations;
  • judicial workers.

47.5 billion rubles have already been allocated for these purposes. The rest of the public sector employees were also not forgotten. In 2018, a slight recovery of the country's economy is expected, after which the salaries of civil servants will begin to gradually increase.

All these conditions are included in the Budget Policy Project. According to this bill, in the coming years there will be at least a twofold increase in salaries. The government even calculated the amount that would be required to implement these plans - 450 billion rubles.

In addition, the remuneration system will be constantly updated and optimized. For these purposes, the budget includes an amount of 462 billion rubles. It includes 380 billion rubles, which are planned to be used for additional incentives for public sector workers. Of these, 193 billion rubles will be spent in 2017.

It should be noted that the Draft Budget Policy provides for changes in the structure of the wage fund. Now the share of incentive payments in it will be 40%, and the fund itself will double.

Thus, in 2017, a twofold increase in wages for civil servants will occur due to an increase in the incentive share of wages.

Will there be an increase in salaries for “public sector employees”?

Of course, the proposed salary increase for government officials may cause a storm negative emotions from other citizens who work in this area and are also considered government employees. Judging by the latest news, ordinary “state employees” can also count on an increase in their salaries, namely teachers, medical workers, representatives of culture, etc. will soon see large numbers in their salary “stubs”.

The increase in wages was planned for 2015, but in fact it will begin to occur only in 2017-2018. According to preliminary data, the salary of this category of people will increase by 1.5 times.

At the same time, specialists of the highest categories will receive the highest increase to their salary: doctors, honored artists and others.

Through such measures, the government plans to develop people's respect for work related to public service and show how significant it is for society. Now school graduates should think about what profession to connect their destinies with and where it is better to go to study after graduation.

Professor, Doctor of Political Sciences writes about Gorbachev’s activities and his rise to power in his article “General Liquidator of the USSR M. Gorbachev” Panarin Igor Nikolaevich:

“The main role in the collapse of the USSR was played by Stavropol Judas M. Gorbachev, who was brought to power in the USSR with the help external forces. During the 6 years of his leadership of the USSR, external debt increased by 5.5 times, and the gold reserves decreased by 11 times. The USSR made unilateral military-political concessions. M. Gorbachev caused the maximum damage to his Fatherland in the history of the country. Not in any country in the world never there was no such leader. Therefore, a Public Tribunal over Judas is needed to identify the reasons that contributed to his rise to power and destructive anti-state activities...”

"When WE We received information about the upcoming death of the Soviet leader (it was about Yu.V. Andropov), then we thought about the possible coming to power with our help of a person, thanks to whom we can realize our intentions. This was the assessment of my experts (and I always formed a very qualified group of experts on the Soviet Union and, as necessary, contributed to additional emigration of the necessary specialists from the USSR). This person was M. Gorbachev, who was characterized by experts as a careless, suggestible and very ambitious person. He had good relations with the majority of the Soviet political elite, and therefore his coming to power with our help was possible..." Margaret Thatcher

Analysis of events that occurred during the visit Gorbachev to England in December 1984, shows that they were waiting for him there. Gorbachev headed an insignificant delegation of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. It included Chairman of the Energy Commission of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Evgeny Velikhov, Head of the Information Department of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Zamyatin, Alexander Yakovlev, who had become director of the Institute of World Economy a year earlier, and international relations Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Gorbachev made the central theme of his visit to London disarmament. However, Gorbachev did not have any authority to make statements on behalf of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on this matter. However, Gorbachev was received by British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at a special country residence in Checkers. It was intended only for those foreign representatives, “with whom the Prime Minister intended to have a particularly important and at the same time confidential conversation.” Leonid Zamyatin wrote about this in his book "Gorby and Maggie". Yakovlev, in the already quoted interview with Kommersant, explained this by saying that the success of the meeting with Thatcher was predetermined by Gorbachev’s trip to Canada in May 1983 and his meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, where they were waiting for him too.

Being then the Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Gorbachev insisted on his trip to Canada, although there was no state necessity. The then Secretary General Yuri Andropov was against this visit, but then agreed. Alexander Yakovlev was the USSR Ambassador to Canada in those years.

During a meeting with the “Iron Lady,” as Margaret Thatcher was then called, the incredible happened. This is how Yakovlev, a participant in this meeting, described this episode in his memoirs, “The Pensieve of Memory”: “The negotiations were of a probing nature until, at one meeting in a narrow format (I was present at it), Mikhail Sergeevich brought it to the table General Staff map with all the secrecy stamps indicating that the card was genuine. It showed directions missile strikes in the UK... The Prime Minister was considering English cities, to which arrows have approached, but not yet rockets. Gorbachev interrupted the prolonged pause: “Madam Prime Minister, all this must end, and as soon as possible.” “Yes,” replied Thatcher, somewhat confused.”

Gorbachev himself does not deny this fact in his memoirs. "Life and Reforms": “I laid out before the Prime Minister of Great Britain large map, on which all reserves were plotted in thousandths nuclear weapons. And each of these cells, I said, is quite enough to destroy all life on Earth. This means that with the accumulated nuclear reserves, all living things can be destroyed 1000 times!”

Incredible, but Yakovlev And Gorbachev talk about the fact of disclosure of top-secret information national importance as if it were an ordinary thing. The question arises: on what basis and who provided Gorbachev with top-secret materials? Why was he not afraid to bring them to London?

The very fact of negotiations between Gorbachev and Thatcher on the basis of a top-secret map of the General Staff seems, at first glance, incredible. First of all, because such “frankness” could cost Mikhail Sergeevich not only his place, but also his “head”. During the period when Konstantin Chernenko was the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee (after Andropov’s death in February 1984), Gorbachev’s positions became quite shaky.

He only nominally fulfilled the duties of the “second” secretary, which he received under Andropov. Moreover, on the tacit instructions of Secretary General Chernenko, the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR conducted an investigation into some “Stavropol episodes” in Gorbachev’s activities.

But a multi-way combination MI6 upon coming to power in the USSR, Gorbachev took only seven years and cost only about a dozen high-ranking corpses. Was it worth it to waste time on trifles when a lot was at stake - the USSR (Empire), the unipolarity of the world on the one hand and some tens of millions of dollars on the other hand for JUDAS and the Stavropol bastard Gorbachev?

Of course, this was initially a complex operation - Communication with London was carried out through its channels Raisa's wife- Karaites, from ancient family slave traders of the Khazar Kaganate. She also achieved the emergency dismissal of a number of KGB officers of the USSR who tried to identify and document her connection with London in her time.

It is interesting that on April 24, 2001, in the newspaper “Zavtra”, Alexander Zinoviev, expelled from Russia and having lived in the West for more than twenty years, categorically pointed out pre-plannedGorbachev's implementation to the post of head of the USSR: “It was Gorbachev’s rise to supreme power and perestroika that served as the decisive event that plunged our country into a state of crisis and collapse... It was the result of outside intervention. It was grand sabotage operation from the West. Back in 1984, people who were actively working to destroy our country told me: “Wait a year, and our man will sit on the Russian throne”. And so they put their own man on the Russian throne. Without the West, Gorbachev would never have gotten into this post..."

Even now M. Gorbachev has close and friendly relations with London. And the fact that he celebrated his anniversary in London did not even cause anyone to doubt where his customers were, and in whose interests he worked and continues to work, participating in the bombing national security Russia and announcing Perestroika-2.

In London, a concert was held at the Royal Albert Hall dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the ex-president of the USSR, laureate Nobel Prize world of Mikhail Gorbachev. Not a single official one Russian person there was no one in the hall. There was a Russian ambassador, but only as a silent guest - he did not say a single congratulatory word.

There is a version that Gorbachev and his wife were recruited by the CIA back in 1966 during their trip to France. The notorious Z. Brzezinski, who occupies one of the leading posts in the United States, hinted at this. It should be noted, as I.N. points out. Panarin himself Brzezinski was implemented a long time ago MI6 into the American establishment and carried out, and continues to carry out to this day, work in the interests of the City of London.

At the very least, Gorbachev’s anti-Soviet activities began immediately after coming to power, which indicates his preliminary “preparation.” The Gorbachev couple traveled around the world surprisingly often. While still the first secretary of one of the largest regions of Russia, Stavropol, and a member of the CPSU Central Committee in September 1971, the Gorbachev couple visited Italy, allegedly at the invitation of the Italian communists. Based on the results of the Gorbachevs’ trip to Italy, their psychological portraits. They were clarified during Gorbachev’s trip at the head of the party delegation in 1972 to Belgium. Probably, Mikhail Sergeevich was not deprived of attention during his trips to Germany(1975) and in France(1976).

But Western experts could gather the richest information harvest in September 1977 during the Gorbachev couple’s trip to France. They came there on vacation at the invitation of the French communists. Then, in Western special laboratories, psychologists, psychiatrists, anthropologists and other specialists human souls Based on this information, they tried to recognize the character of the Gorbachevs and their vulnerabilities.

Today, M. Gorbachev is a wealthy man, to put it mildly, having not only royalties for his memoirs in the form of bribes from owners in London, he has real estate in Europe and beyond. This is a topic for another discussion.

There is an assumption that Gorbachev may also have a commercial interest in London. drug promotion. The fact is that immediately after he became Secretary General, he ruined the matter according to the so-called Stavropol Drug Transit, in which he himself was involved (the investigative group was disbanded). So Gorbachev’s drug connections are quite possible, apparently.

Well, the fact that the British Empire has always been the organizer of drug trafficking in the world has long been no secret to anyone. As well as the fact that there is a version that Princess Diana was killed by agents MI6 precisely for what she was going to tell in 2 weeks at a press conference about Drug trafficking British Empire , as the main source of income for the royal house.

It is quite possible that Gorbachev was hooked MI6, not only using his contact wife, his irrepressible greed, suggestibility and morbid ambition, because it was not for nothing that M. Gorbachev had a nickname from the time he worked in the Stavropol Territory "Teddy Bear", but, apparently, MI6 was aware of drug trafficking in the Stavropol case. After all, M. Thatcher had a plump folder with compromising information on the former Stavropol combine operator, prepared for her by the resident of the foreign intelligence of the KGB of the USSR in London and at the same time an agent of British intelligence MI6(since 1974) Colonel Oleg Antonovich Gordievsky. It was the same O. Gordievsky, who was sentenced to death in the USSR, who fled to London, and later Baroness Margaret Thatcher, already the ex-Prime Minister of Great Britain, awarded him the Order of St. Michael and St. George at the Carlton Club in London...

Apparently, in the case drug transit was involved and Shevardnadze, which was also tied to London. It is noteworthy that Shevardnadze fled to London after resigning from the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. So an interesting chain emerges: English Royal House – M. Gorbachev – E. Shevardnadze.

A little history on Stavropol drug transit

The financial sins of the Soviet economic elite, whose affairs became the subject of attention of KGB officers, became increasingly obvious. However, the “business owners” were covered by high-ranking party officials. In 1982, the “committee” seriously took on the Krasnodar and Astrakhan secretaries. But few people know that third on this list was the former secretary of the Stavropol Regional Committee of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev.

Another mystery: the head of the KGB of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev, presumably knew something about Gorbachev’s Stavropol past and tried to stop him. And therefore, it is no coincidence that Gorbachev, almost immediately after coming to power, struck a blow at the Azerbaijani security officer. In October 1987, Heydar Aliyev protested against the policies pursued by the Politburo Central Committee Communist Party Soviet Union and personally by General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, resigned from his positions. So what could they know? about the last Soviet General Secretary “competent authorities”? What scared Mikhail Sergeevich so much?

The southern direction has become a matter of concern for some time law enforcement THE USSR. From the Republic Afghanistan, where is the contingent Soviet troops carried out an “international mission”, “hard” drugs began to arrive along with the coffins of dead servicemen. Analysts from the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR saw a particular danger in the fact that the transit and distribution narcotic substances "protected" both high-ranking officers of law enforcement agencies and individual representatives of the party apparatus.

Attempts to calculate the geography of transit flows of Soviet drug dealers were made by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR Vasily Fedorchuk, his deputy for personnel Vasily Lezhepekov and the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Viktor Chebrikov. On instructions from the Council of Ministers of the USSR, they sent the head of the psychophysiological laboratory of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mikhail Vinogradov, to develop a method for covertly identifying law enforcement officers who either used drugs or were in contact with drug-containing substances.

The republics of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan were chosen as testing grounds for testing the method. special brigade took part in the annual preventive examination of personnel of internal affairs bodies. As a result, it turned out that police officers in these republics, from generals to privates, personally used drugs in 60 out of 100 cases. But the most important thing, for the sake of which the operation was planned and which the immediate director of the study, Mikhail Vinogradov, did not know about at the time, was confirmation of the information that all drug flows from Central Asia and the Caucasus With from the very beginning converged on Stavropol Territory.

And now it has become clear why, back in 1978, Mikhail Gorbachev was “pushed” from the first secretaries of the Stavropol Territory to the insignificant position of Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee for “failed” agriculture. Removed from under attack? Or maybe, on the contrary, they were exposed to the repressive skating rink of the “committee”? After all, by that time the security officers they let him go outside.

Gorbachev was saved by a miracle. True, one can also say that this miracle was man-made. Strange quick deaths of two general secretaries, Andropov and Chernenko, who in theory were supposed to be groomed and cherished by the doctors of the Fourth Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health, still haunt many specialists and historians. Be that as it may, after coming to power, Mikhail Sergeevich immediately defeated a group of experts The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, which dealt with the scandalous “Stavropol drug transit”, sent some to resign, some to retire.

But the southern accent in the activities of the Secretary General only intensified. It is no coincidence that Gorbachev pulled out the Georgian Shevardnadze, placing him in the key direction - foreign policy, appointing Eduard Amvrosievich, who had hitherto had nothing to do with diplomatic work, to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. Shevardnadze covered Gorbachev from the rear, and together they then quietly and not without benefit for themselves surrendered the foreign policy positions of the great country.

They went too far; they could have been exposed by loyal secret services.

In July 1991, the President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev and his American colleague George Bush signed the Strategic Offensive Arms Treaty (START-1) in Moscow. For the first time two largest nuclear powers world agreed on equal terms to reduce their nuclear arsenals. A remarkable touch. The famous meeting in Malta, December 1989. General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev and US President George H. W. Bush said at the end of the meeting that their countries were no longer adversaries.

And on the eve of the historic visit, a terrible storm broke out at sea. It seemed as if nature itself was preventing something, trying to prevent some terrible tragedy. But what? Knowledgeable people they tell how during negotiations on deck Soviet ship appeared dazed American journalist, who said to his colleagues in the purest Russian: “Guys, your country is over...”

There is an assumption that as soon as Rajiv Gandhi met with Gorbachev and outlined a plan for the USSR’s strategic turn to the East and strengthening the USSR-India connection, Gorbachev reported to his masters about this dangerous initiative. His owners decided to completely destruction of the Gandhi family.

The promotion of Gorbachev to the post of General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee was actually the first operation to implement the Soviet counter-revolution. Gorbachev was simply bought: in addition to the loans collected and stolen by his administration for 80 billion. dollars, let us remember another anecdotal case when Kohl proposed by the USSR 160 billion marks for the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Germany. Gorbachev agreed to 16 billion... It's hard to believe that the rest of the money was not paid to him.

In addition to all this, they created an incredibly positive image for him in Western media. There is also information that during the Maltese meeting Gorbachev was “gifted” 300 million dollars, Shevardnadze – 75 million. Countless universities and foundations gave Gorbachev awards, prizes, diplomas, and honorary degrees. The more Gorbachev sold out the country, the more he was praised. He even received the Nobel Prize. For peace.

In 1990, “In recognition of the leading role in the peace process, which characterizes the important component life international community» Mikhail Gorbachev was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Mikhail Sergeevich became the second, and to date the last, representative of Russia to receive this award. The first Nobel Peace Prize laureate was Andrei Sakharov in 1975. It was Gorbachev who brought back Academician Sakharov from political exile.

Depending on the department, income varies significantly (see table). Of course, in comparison with the average salary in the country (36.7 thousand rubles for 2016), the salaries of officials are impressive. On the other hand, we should not forget that we are talking about employees of federal government agencies, most of them are located in Moscow, and in the capital the average salary is 87.1 thousand rubles. In 46 federal ministries, services and agencies (68.7% of the total) earnings are lower than the capital average.

In total, there are 38 thousand civil servants in federal government agencies. The most representative department is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 3233 people. In second place is the Ministry of Defense, 2865 people. In third place is the Ministry of Economic Development, 1,790 people. The Investigative Committee has the fewest civil servants - 10 people. The greatest understaffing is in Spetsstroy, the Supreme and Constitutional Courts. There is practically no need for personnel in Roshydromet and the Central Election Commission.

Officials on regional level much more work: 682 thousand people in federal government agencies and government agencies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 307 thousand people. - in municipal service positions. But their salaries are much lower. Based on the results of 9 months of 2016, the average earnings of civil servants amounted to 41.7 thousand rubles, and for municipal employees - 36.9 thousand rubles. “My salary is 30 thousand rubles. and haven’t gotten up for 5 years. But the responsibilities are only increasing,” said AiF Irina, civil servant from the Arkhangelsk region. “It’s very disappointing to hear when people say that officials are shoveling money and getting paid 100 thousand.”

“In my opinion, the three most difficult types of work are the work of a teacher, a researcher and work in the field of management,” says Vyacheslav Bobkov, General Director All-Russian Center standard of living.- People holding these positions should earn decent money. Their salary should be no less than the average income budget, 7-11 subsistence minimums. That is, a minimum of 80 thousand rubles, and preferably one and a half times more, because at least one more dependent must be taken into account - a child. It turns out that civil servants are closest to this bar. And this is good. The bad thing is that the gap between the salaries of officials and the average salary in the country is so large. The problem is not that civil servants earn a lot, but that the rest earn little. The average socially acceptable budget in the country (per employee) is 55 thousand rubles. (this is 5 subsistence minimums), and the average salary is one and a half times less than this indicator. Therefore, until the state brings average earnings to this figure, officials could also shrink: reduce their income by this same one and a half times. Then the population would not have questions about their wages.”


Average salary (RUB)

How much is the salary
increased (decreased) over the year (%)

Government Apparatus

Administration of the President

Accounts Chamber

Federation Council (excluding senators)

State Duma (excluding deputies)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Finance

constitutional Court

Supreme Court

Presidential Administration

Federal tax service


Ministry of Eastern Development

Ministry of Economic Development

Central Election Commission


Ministry of Affairs North Caucasus

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Health


Ministry of Defence

Ministry of Education and Science

Ministry of Sports

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection

Ministry Agriculture

Ministry natural resources

Federal Antimonopoly Service

Prosecutor General's Office

Ministry of Communications


Ministry of Industry and Trade


Department of Energy



Federal Customs Service

Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services

Ministry of Culture

Ministry of transportation


Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights

Service bailiffs










investigative committee

Federal agency on subsoil use

Federal Agency for Affairs

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