45 separate brigade of special purpose airborne. About special intelligence officers. To heaven - with a "soft jellyfish"

Among the divisions of the domestic special forces of the Airborne Forces, 45th Separate Guards Order of Kutuzov Order of Alexander Nevsky Regiment special purpose, or military unit No. 28337, occupies a special place. Firstly, the part belongs to the elite special forces troops, almost completely transferred to a contract basis. Secondly, among the recruits who want to join the ranks of military unit 28337, there is simply huge competition. And, thirdly, the 45th Special Purpose Regiment is the youngest of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation.

History of military unit 28337

The military unit, formed on the basis of two separate battalions in February 1994, is currently stationed in the city of Kubinka, Moscow Region (former academic town). In 2007, the unit was reorganized into the line 218th Special Forces Battalion, but in 2008 it was again given the name of the 45th Separate Guards Regiment.
Despite the fact that military unit 28337 was formed 10 years ago, its soldiers and officers took part in the fighting in Chechnya and South Ossetia (August 2008).

Youth competitions are regularly held on the basis of the military unit. The special forces group, formed on the basis of the regiment, has also been participating in international competitions between special forces units since 1995. The military unit regularly holds parachute jumping demonstrations and hand-to-hand combat at events in Moscow and the region.

1996 - 3rd place in the overall standings of the competitions of the program "Partnership for Peace" (Bulgaria);

1997 - champion of the competitions of the program "Partnership for Peace" (Bulgaria);
2005 - challenge battle flag, title "Guards", Order of Alexander Nevsky (from the disbanded 119th Guards Airborne Regiment);
February 2011 - Order of Kutuzov "For the successful completion of combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism shown by the personnel of the regiment."

Reviews of military unit 28337

At present, there are practically no conscripts in military unit 28337, it is being transferred to a contract basis. The contract is concluded for a period of three years, the criteria for selecting fighters are moral, physical and psychological preparation, as well as the ability to respond in difficult situations and the desire to serve in special conditions.

In order to enter into a contract for military service in the 45th Guards Regiment, the candidate is required to:

Be between the ages of 18 and 40 and Russian citizenship;
Have a certificate of form A-1 for health reasons;
Submit a report or statement of desire to serve in the special forces of the Airborne Forces indicating the unit;
Come to the unit itself and have an interview with the regiment commander and the head of the personnel department;
Pass physical fitness tests (standards for pull-ups, cross-country, etc.);
Pass psychological tests for service compatibility in special units of the Airborne Forces.

Such requirements do not stop almost anyone - military unit 28337, judging by the reviews, even attracts girls. True, few people want to go to “hot spots” and pass physical training standards, but there are plenty of people who want to work in a first-aid post, a psychologist or a radio operator in a unit.
Those rare representatives of the fair sex who serve in the ranks of the 45th Separate Guards Regiment undergo the same training as men and live in similar conditions. However, many contract soldiers with families are provided with housing in the garrison.

The paratroopers do not have part of the barracks, its function is performed by the soldiers' hostel. It consists of several blocks (two adjacent rooms for 4-6 people each). There are showers, bathrooms, a gym, a rest room and classes for military training in the soldier's hostel.
Eyewitnesses say that military unit 28337 currently has two battalions. One of them is engaged in providing the regiment, and the second - training fighters.
Those who served in the military unit also note that telephone conversations with relatives are allowed here in the evening.
For the period of study Cell phones are with the company commander.
Shoes are issued along with the uniform, but you can buy it yourself. Jump boots of the model of the armies of foreign countries are allowed.

As for classes, the special forces paratroopers of military unit 28337 master not only practical skills, but also the theoretical course of military affairs. However, more attention is paid to the physical training of soldiers, for example, forced marches over long distances, when the soldiers wear equipment and equipment.
The specific working conditions of the unit require knowledge of a certain military equipment and weapons. Therefore, both domestic models of machine guns and a collection of captured weapons from the Armored Museum in Kubinka are carefully studied by soldiers. Scouts are also trained in the military unit, so exercises are regularly conducted in the field.

45th Separate Special Purpose Regiment of the Airborne Forces

Special forces units are such separate units of the troops that are designed to perform special tasks and operations. They can be both part of the fleet, land and air force, and part of the police and internal organs. They use special tactics and means to carry out operations.

One of the types of special forces is the special forces of the Airborne Forces. This is a special forces unit that is part of the air force. landing troops. The special forces of the Airborne Forces were formed in Russia in 1994. On the basis of two special-purpose battalions - the 901st OBSpN and the 218th OBSpN, a single 45th special forces regiment of the Airborne Forces was formed. By July 1994 it was fully staffed. Already in December, the 45th regiment of the special forces of the Airborne Forces was sent to war in Chechnya to destroy armed gangs.

Separate units of the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces took part in the hostilities until February 1995, and from March to June of the same year, a free detachment of the regiment continued to operate in Chechnya. The 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces is considered one of the most legendary in the military history of Russia - many of its soldiers and officers were awarded medals and orders, including the titles of Heroes of the Russian Federation.

Armament of the special forces of the Airborne Forces

The special forces of the Airborne Forces are equipped with better equipment, equipment, weapons than the rest of the troops, and this requires a lot of funding. The special forces of the Airborne Forces use weapons that are rarely available to ordinary troops. For example, the SVD rifle is often used, which is very powerful and reliable. There is a known case when a good shooter shot down a jet attack aircraft from an SVD rifle, hitting the pilot.

Very often the so-called "Vintorez" is used - a silent sniper rifle. With its help, a well-trained sniper can hit a target at great distances. The Vintorez rifle is so powerful that it can penetrate a steel helmet at a distance of up to 400 meters. The first use of "Vintorez" falls on the First Chechen War. "Vintorez" is available only to special forces, ordinary troops do not have access to this weapon.

Many countries use the Steyr AUG universal rifle to equip special forces. This weapon is designed for combat in urban environments and for performing lightning-fast combat missions. The rifle magazine is made of translucent material, which allows you to even visually control the number of remaining cartridges in the magazine.

The Steyr rifle is automatic - it is also possible to install a grenade launcher, which makes it truly universal and indispensable for performing tasks by special units. It was not for nothing that at the end of the 19th century, Austria-Hungary adopted the very first sniper rifle of this company, the Steyr Mannlicher, into service with the troops. This already at that time indicated that the weapon was distinguished by reliability and efficiency. Since then, the rating of Steyr's weapons has not decreased. The Steyr rifles entered service with the special forces of the Airborne Forces quite recently, but they have already managed to earn the respect of the fighters for their fighting qualities.

One of the types of weapons that the soldiers of the special forces of the Airborne Forces are supplied with is AS "Val". This machine is a silent weapon, which is why it is used by a special forces detachment in sabotage operations. AS "Val" has the ability to attach to it a night and sniper scopes, which allows you to identify targets at a distance of up to 300 meters. AS "Val" is usually transported in a special case, its assembly takes from 30 to 60 seconds, depending on how prepared the shooter is.

Many countries buy into service Russian export, so-called "hundredth" versions of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. This list also includes the AK-103 assault rifle. This weapon is much more effective than the usual "Kalash", and therefore is used by the armies of many countries. Moreover, AK-103 is also used by some special forces units.

Another interesting version of the modernization of the Kalashnikov assault rifle is the AK-74M. AK-74M has the ability to mount an optical and night sight, a stock that can be folded to the side. It is possible to use an attached grenade launcher, which is very important and convenient for special units. That is why the AK-74M is used by many special types of troops.

Also, the AKS-74 model, a shortened Kalashnikov assault rifle, stands out from the modifications. Moreover, the mobility and compactness of the machine does not make it worse in terms of characteristics in comparison with versions with a long barrel. AKS-74 is complete in every sense, and is capable of hitting a target at a distance of more than 400 meters.

But of all the versions of the Kalashnikov weapon, the machine gun remains the most powerful, of course. Moreover, there are so many variations of the Kalashnikov Machine Gun that it is used from arming vehicles to infantrymen. The Kalashnikov machine gun was developed back in the 60s of the last century, but its popularity and the popularity of modified versions have not faded to this day. Many countries use the Kalashnikov machine gun, including for arming special units.

If the conventional troops are armed with the well-known Kalashnikov assault rifle, then the special forces use the PKM - a modernized Kalashnikov machine gun. The power of the PKM is much more than a conventional machine gun and therefore the machine gun is used in special forces for assault operations.

Another popular weapon among all the weapons of the special forces of the Airborne Forces is the "Pecheneg" machine gun. The Pecheneg machine gun was developed on the basis of the PKM and is suitable both for destroying enemy manpower and for destroying firing and transport positions, air targets. Widely used in many countries, Russia is actively exporting the "Pecheneg" machine gun.

In addition to the Kalashnikov assault rifle, a very outwardly similar weapon, the AN-94 Abakan, is widely used. This machine was created according to the classical scheme, with a clip in front, like the Kalash. AN-94 Abakan is distinguished by its special accuracy and accuracy of shots. For example, from a distance of one hundred meters, a good shooter can hit two shots at the same point on the target. This makes the AN-94 Abakan suitable for combat missions. special operations where the lives of many people depend on the accuracy of the shot.

In addition to all used special troops and the troops of the Airborne Forces rifles, machine guns and machine guns, RPG-26 grenades are widely used. These grenades were developed back in the 80s of the last century and since that time have been in constant service with the army. This once again confirms the effectiveness of RPG-26 grenades both against manpower and against equipment and various fortifications and positions. RPG-26 grenades generally play a big role in the conduct of any hostilities, which is why they are used so widely in any wars.

Features of special forces units

The special forces of the Airborne Forces have a special status due to their specific activities. Each task of special forces requires special weapons, equipment, equipment. Consequently, the financing of special forces units is much greater than the financing of the rest of the troops. The preparatory level of soldiers has a reinforced training base and special training centers. The strongest centers are preparing special forces for the Airborne Forces.

Usually, in the special forces of the Airborne Forces they serve under a contract. The contract is explained by the high cost of training and preparatory tests. The contract in the Airborne Forces is, as a rule, not less than three years. In the special forces Airborne Troops a very high level of moral, physical, ideological and psychological preparation, which is due to the need for future special forces soldiers to work in special conditions.

The special forces of the Airborne Forces require special weapons and equipment, as mentioned earlier. This is due to the specific working conditions of the units. Therefore, the equipment and weapons of the troops are of a very narrow profile. Reconnaissance companies, battalions and other special forces perform tasks autonomously and in extreme conditions. This type of unit is also engaged in reconnaissance. Usually, special forces are thrown behind enemy lines, where the most important strategic points and centers are located.

The special forces of the Airborne Forces (Russian landing) travel very long distances on foot and wear all the equipment and equipment, which requires special training under the contract in the Airborne Forces. In our military store, a wide range of symbols of paratroopers is presented, which can be purchased at the best prices. Photo of a fighter of the 45th OPSPN:

A Brief History of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces

There was no official special forces of the USSR Airborne Forces. Similar units in Russia originate from the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces in 1994. After the withdrawal of these troops from Chechnya in 1995, a monument was opened in Sokolniki in honor of those killed during military operations. In May of the same year, the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces was awarded a diploma of the President of the Russian Federation, and the regiment took part in the parade on Poklonnaya Hill in honor of the victory over the Nazis 50 years ago.

From winter to spring of 1997, a detachment of the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces took part in peacekeeping operations in Gudauta, the zone of separation of the forces of Abkhazia and Georgia. In the summer of the same year, 45 Guards. The OPSPN were awarded the Battle Banner and the Order of Kutuzov, 3rd class. From the autumn of 1999 to the spring of 2006, a detachment of the regiment participated in operations against terrorists in the North Caucasus. In the summer of 2001, a memorial was opened in Kubinka in honor of the fallen soldiers of the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces. Every year within the regiment there are Days of Remembrance for the fallen soldiers. The glory of the Airborne Forces comes precisely from such heroes, in whose honor the monument was erected.

In February 2008, it was renamed the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces of the Order of Alexander Nevsky. In the summer of the same year, separate units participated in operations to persuade Georgia to peace. Officer Anatoly Lebed was awarded the Order of St. George IV degree. In the spring of 2010, a group of soldiers of the regiment carried out tasks for the security of Russian citizens on the territory of Kyrgyzstan. In 2012, the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces participated in joint exercises with the Green Berets in America, at Fort Carson.

Creativity associated with the special forces of the Airborne Forces

Many films have been made about the heroic deeds and operations of the special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces and many songs have been written. Many materials are presented in the information tape "Voenpro". Read about it in our many articles. Watch movies and listen to music - Voenpro has it all. The special forces of the Airborne Forces in Chechnya went through a lot, and greatly influenced the course of the war. Therefore, war veterans deserve eternal memory and respect. A bunch of documentaries talk about how it was in Chechnya to the soldiers. They talk about the horrors they have seen and what they have gone through.

A huge number of songs are still composed about veterans of the Chechen war and about those who died on it. Fighting comrades sing songs in honor and memory of their fallen friends, in honor of those with whom they were in conditions of life and death. Also on the Internet there are many amateur filming, both military operations and other special operations. The special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces are very popular among young people and many want to serve in it too.

Facilities mass media made a certain cult of the special forces of the airborne forces, which is why it is so popular today. Young people are simply “blowing their heads” from the thought that they can freely use weapons and kill people. Computer games and television are filled with murder and violence, and people turn into beasts, ready to tear the enemy to pieces.

So, many films related to the actions of the special forces of the Airborne Forces in Chechnya can be found here. A video of the special forces of the Airborne Forces can be found, for example, such a landing video:

An interesting clip was shot about the special forces of the Airborne Forces "Leshy" - Vyacheslav Korneev. This clip can be viewed at the following link:

45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces - soldiers of the future

Oddly enough, in Chechnya, the special forces are well remembered and know about him. Only the information that the special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces would soon approach forced the militants to leave their positions and leave their place of residence. When there was the first Chechen war, the leadership of the Chechen fighters promised a huge bonus to anyone who could bring at least one soldier of the 45th regiment into captivity. But no one received such an award, because during those hostilities not a single commando of the Russian Airborne Forces got to the Chechens, either dead or alive.

The 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces is, one might say, the youngest part of the Russian army. The regiment was created from two battalions in order to be ready to wage the Cold War. The units were supposed to conduct active reconnaissance, sabotage operations, mainly behind enemy lines. They also had to prepare a place for the landing of landing troops. Considering that the special forces of the Airborne Forces were created after the Cold War, they are still able to solve such problems and prevent such situations.

Ever since the time when Soviet troops entered Afghanistan, the Russian Armed Forces have been constantly involved in resolving various conflicts. Therefore, when the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces was formed, there was already enough experience to make the soldiers universal and truly prepared for war. In addition, many foreign developments and technologies were introduced, which affected the quality of the created special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces only in a positive way. Therefore, the main goal and purpose of the soldiers of the special forces of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation is to resolve any military conflicts and problems of a local nature.

Consequently, the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces is a unique combat unit in Russia, which has all the necessary weapons, equipment, and devices to solve its tasks. In addition to, directly, the battalions in the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces, it also has a detachment of aircraft that do not need pilots, a special-purpose detachment for solving super-important tasks, and a detachment for performing psychological operations.

The main task of the psychological detachment of the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces is the demoralization and disorientation of the enemy troops - that is, the destruction of his faith in victory, in the meaning of resistance. Moreover, the detachment can set up "for" the civilian population of a neutral nature, which has not yet decided which side to defend. And this is especially important in our information age. Therefore, the psychological detachment of the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces, among other things, also has a compact television station, which makes it possible to broadcast programs within a radius of ten kilometers. That is, the impact on the civilian population is thus increasing.

The capabilities of the special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces are enormous. The core of the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces are special units. These units did not appear, of course, without reason - under the feet of the battalions consolidated into one regiment, there was already accumulated experience. Battalion fighters fought during the Transnistrian conflict, and already regimental fighters participated in operations during the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. Basically, during the Georgian-Abkhaz war, the special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces ensured the safety of civilians and refugees.

But not only in the war, the fighters showed themselves. For several years, during the international competitions of special units that take place in Bulgaria, the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces takes first place, bypassing the Green Berets and British special forces.

But the goal to achieve the status of a universal soldier of the special forces of the Airborne Forces is not so close. If earlier ordinary conscripts entered the school, now there are few of them. Consequently, there is no one to choose soldiers from. Previously, almost all applicants had sports categories in several categories, but now there are only a few such recruits.

Basically, they enter the service under a contract in the Airborne Forces, and from these recruits it is practically impossible to choose anyone sensible. Few have only a higher or specialized education, while the majority have a regular completed secondary education. And that is joy - if finished. But even from such applicants they make a real special forces of Russia. First of all, the applicant passes many tests in psychology and physical fitness to determine his readiness and ability to serve in these troops.

After personal characteristics are determined, they say which military specialty you are going to. For example, people of a very calm and balanced nature, like no one else, are suitable for working as a sniper or a sapper of the special forces of the Airborne Forces. The rest of the recruits, who have not been assigned anywhere, are transferred to support units, or to other military units.

After this type of selection, there is a quarantine, an oath, then, of course, they move on to the exercises. To say that it is very difficult to serve in the special forces of the Airborne Forces, for example, in military unit 33842, is the same as keeping silent. Constant training is replaced by forced marches and night shooting, facade climbing is replaced by tactical exercises or the training of sappers. And so constantly in a circle.

Naturally, not all potential soldiers of the special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces can withstand such loads and rates. Therefore, after about six months, of those newcomers who entered, only forty percent of the strength remains. Moreover, the number of different reasons. Someone gets health problems from such loads, someone can not stand it physically, someone is expelled by commanders because of poor progress. Those places that remain from the departed special forces of the Airborne Forces are filled at the expense of the best paratroopers. As a result, after the first year of the exercises, real fighters of the Airborne Forces elite, who are fluent in weapons and various devices, turn out from nobody.

But it should be noted that, despite the complexity of the exercise and the workload, there are no fewer people who want to serve in the special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces. All this because the service is very interesting and useful for guys. There is no hazing here, and service in 45 OPSPN - great start for work and service in other structures of the internal organs of the state. After the end of the service, you will be happy to be taken to any type of security, security and protection, secret units. The 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces is an excellent military and career prospect for a young man who is able to endure difficult service and workloads.

The result of your studies can be, at your request, participation in hostilities. Although the experience that has been accumulated by previous generations is little used according to custom in our country, the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces solves many issues on its own. The soldiers have manuals that are printed by some officers of the regiment, which leads to the correspondence of what is written with reality. In our time, when the main operations in Chechnya have ended, the role of the special forces of the Airborne Forces, which can be very useful in carrying out reconnaissance, search and all sorts of raid missions, is significantly increasing. Therefore, the complete withdrawal of the special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces from Chechnya is not yet planned in the near future.

IN given time special forces of the Airborne Forces in Chechnya operate as a free detachment near the village of Khatuni. The importance of this place is very great for the state, and therefore the special forces have huge tasks and responsibilities on their shoulders. The consolidated detachment also includes units of the FSB, special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and others. Everyone has their own tasks within the framework of a common goal. Especially important is the fire training of fighters in this operation, so the exercises train the fighters as needed. The loads are huge, because of this, the fighters lose five or even eight kilograms in a couple of months, even taking into account the fact that the food here is enhanced.

Moreover, the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB sometimes have to perform tasks that are not in their competence. Therefore, they work together with the special forces of the Airborne Forces in Chechnya, which has a specialization in military operations. of this type. All these parts of the detachment are friends with each other and actively help and support each other in difficult situations in order to achieve a common goal. No one pays attention to the subordination of departments in this situation.

Some of the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces is stationed in Sokolniki. There they are in the barracks of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. And this part is very actively fighting to be part of the Preobrazhensky Regiment according to all official papers. And there are several reasons for this.

Historically, the Preobrazhensky Regiment is the first regular armament regiment in Russia. And the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces can be said to be the first regiment of the new Russian army, the regiment of the future. And the attitude towards the fighters is completely new, compared to the old views. Now every soldier of the special forces of the Airborne Forces is a value in which a lot of finance and other resources have been invested. Previously, the fighters were cannon fodder without special specific training, which no one appreciated and did not consider in the war.

Now the fighters are highly professional and qualified. Now the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces is a place where experienced and skilled personnel of special forces are trained. Many of those who went through this school serve in the internal organs, Alpha, Omega, and many other promising places. But it is worth noting that after many years of service in the regiment, most officers do not want to be transferred to other places for a service that is more promising. All because of long years The 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces has become for them really a family and a home, which you cannot and do not want to leave.

In the regiment itself, special psychological and moral principles have developed that make its officers friendly and fraternal. This can be seen from the fact that those officers who retired and settled down regularly sponsor those fighting in Chechnya. It is interesting to note that veterans of the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces help not only with material resources.

It was such that when it was necessary to replace fighters in the Caucasus in 1999, a suitable replacement was not found. Then the reserve officers decided to come to the aid of the regiment. They abandoned their profitable official and career positions, and formed their own detachment of veterans, who went to the Caucasus. Their very first business was to occupy an important height and ensure there was a four-hour reflection of enemy attacks. At this time, the regiment was able to prepare new special forces soldiers of the Russian Airborne Forces to send them to the Caucasus.

For all the years of existence of the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces, its officers do not stop fighting. All conflicts that happened in Chechnya, Bosnia, Dagestan, Kosovo were resolved with the help of special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces. During this period, there were awards by the minister, and the awarding of five soldiers of the regiment with Heroes of Russia. And, oddly enough, various accusations were also present in the history of the regiment. But be that as it may, the special forces of the Airborne Forces are still the real elite of the Russian army.

His warriors have shown themselves excellently during the times of all conflicts and wars. A bunch of enemy weapons depots, drug depots were found, many lives of civilians were saved, many troubles were prevented. As a result, the officers deserved their proud existence with a strong and enduring body, and the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces is, indeed, the regiment of the future.

News related to the special forces of the Airborne Forces

There is news that the special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces have recently adopted a foreign Steyr Mannlicher rifle. Their total, which the soldiers received, amounted to more than thirty units. Alexander Kucherenko, representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense for airborne troops, spoke about this news. He says these are the first Mannlicher rifles foreign origin who entered the regiment. In general, the purchase of Austrian weapons began in 2010.

Moreover, they say that the supply of Austrian sniper rifles will not end there, and the regiment will be provided with them regularly. The fighters have already completed all the necessary training courses on the use of this weapon in the centers of the Ministry of Defense and are ready to use it. What exactly the model of the Mannlicher rifle was adopted is not specified. Prior to this, the special forces of the Airborne Forces used the SVD sniper rifle.

They also say that the replenishment also touched on equipment. Significantly increased the number of aircraft that do not need a pilot. Again, it is not said which devices were received. The special forces of the Airborne Forces also received about two dozen reconnaissance radar stations, more than three dozen other reconnaissance devices and several ground surveillance stations.

More about new

It was recently reported that a special forces detachment of the Airborne Forces destroyed a monument to the fallen soldiers of the SS detachment in Lithuania. The state is trying by all possible methods to prove that no such order was officially issued from the headquarters. What is the matter, they are still trying to figure it out.

According to the first information, it turns out that the commander of the special forces detachment of the Airborne Forces took all the blame. It seems that he, having drunk, gave the order to his detachment, which at that moment was on exercises in the Pskov region, to cross the border with Lithuania and destroy the SS monument there. The state confirms this version, motivating it by the fact that there was no communication with the headquarters during the exercises, and therefore he could not give such an order for objective reasons. The commander of the special forces of the Airborne Forces himself is under guard, and cannot comment on this.

The fact is that no one would have known, probably, that it was the special forces of the Airborne Forces who destroyed the monument, but the surveillance cameras filmed the crime. But the detachment worked so quietly that not a single civilian and not a single policeman saw the action itself. In addition, microphones were installed on the cameras.

And the Lithuanian government heard everything that the Russian special forces of the Airborne Forces said about those who allowed the installation of the SS monument. In general, at first the Lithuanian government was at a loss, because not every day a detachment of special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces destroys a monument in the center of a Lithuanian city. It could not even believe it, if not for the video. The Russian government did not comment at first, but was forced to do so under the influence of photo evidence provided to it. Now all the details of the circumstances are being clarified.

One day of teaching

The detachment of the special forces of the Airborne Forces moved very secretly and quietly through the dense forest. From all sides, the muzzle of a weapon protruded from the detachment, ready to fire at any necessary moment. The soldiers walked, covering each other, constantly observing and analyzing the situation around. It was necessary to constantly listen and sniff everything around.

It was already the third day of training, and the scouts of the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces were actively preparing for the previous competitions. The main part of the detachment are soldiers under contract in the Airborne Forces and young conscripts. The instructor said that in order to fully prepare a full-fledged soldier of the special forces of the Airborne Forces, at least three years are needed. It turns out that there was no sense from the conscripts, and they do not reinforce the group with anything. Although, the commander of the detachment said that the conscripts showed themselves very well in recent days and they are not a burden.

In addition to the commanders of the detachment, the group also included snipers, demolition workers and signalmen. Of course, everyone has their own kind of activity, task and specialization, but in the case of a missing link, each of the fighters is able to replace the other in a full-fledged way. The special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces are, indeed, universal soldiers capable of performing a variety of tasks.

The armament of the detachment was the most diverse. Some fighters had SVD sniper rifles in their hands, while others received Vintorez with their weapons. Some of the soldiers were armed with Kalashnikov machine guns. Of course, all fighters are trained in an excellent way to use edged weapons, so everyone must have a blade. In addition, all have pistols, and in some cases - with a silencer.

On this day of the exercises, the tasks were the most diverse and diverse. First, the special forces of the Airborne Forces had to carefully move through the forest, well disguised and preparing for a possible attack. After that, it was supposed to imitate the injury of one of the fighters and provide him with first aid. After that, it was necessary to capture the car, taking the enemy prisoner from it, and at the end it was required to overcome the water barrier.

The members of the detachment had the most diverse clothing and equipment, but mostly of high quality. In general, the soldiers of the special forces of the Airborne Forces wore what was not a pity and what was cheaper and better. This was due primarily to the fact that the soldiers dressed completely at their own expense. But, since the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces are universal soldiers, they are used to working in a wide variety of and specific conditions.

The shoes got a lot of attention. It was, oddly enough, non-standard, but, apparently, comfortable, high-quality and expensive. It also aroused interest in what soldiers of the special forces of the Airborne Forces use - socks or footcloths. It turned out that there is no special law, you can wear both the first and the other. The only difference is that it is more convenient for someone to use. Shoes are very important for the special forces of the Airborne Forces, because they have to bear the weight on themselves, sometimes reaching forty or fifty kilograms, but in this case they told me that the weight was about twenty to thirty kilograms.

After the detachment left the forest, the fighters crossed the road and successfully played a clash with an unexpected enemy, as a result of which one of the special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces was seriously injured. The wound was in the lower limb, and another bullet hit the eye. Everything was complicated by the fact that there was active bleeding that needed to be stopped.

The wounded soldier of the special forces of the Airborne Forces was pulled with a tourniquet on his leg, and his head was bandaged heavily with a bandage. After that, it was required to inject the drug into a vein. The injection was done for real, only instead of cardiac stimulants, ordinary harmless glucose was injected.

Before capturing the enemy, the special forces detachment of the Airborne Forces split up on different sides of the road. At the time when the truck drove up to the right distance, packages of paint flew into the windshield.

Under present conditions, bullets would have flown, but since there were exercises, paint packages flew. After that, the detachment performed a successful capture of a prisoner. This took about thirty seconds. The 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces, as always, worked promptly and professionally. It aroused interest in what they do with the prisoner, because the same one can be silent, as we often see in films. But I was informed that such situations, when the prisoner is silent, almost never happen in history.

If the prisoner refuses to speak, such psychological and physical methods are applied to him by the special forces of the Airborne Forces that his will breaks down and he gives out everything that is needed. After interrogation, the fate of the captured person can be decided in two ways. The first is that he will be left alive if the command of the special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces still needs him. Then his will is limited, but he remains alive. If there is no longer any need for a prisoner, he can be destroyed.

When the time came for the execution of the last task, that is, for the crossing of the river, the soldiers were visibly delighted. The special forces of the Airborne Forces took off everything except their hats and T-shirts. In combat conditions, black flippers are used for swimming, but in exercises they are yellow, so that if they are lost, they can be found. After full collection things and their packaging in special waterproof bags, the special forces of the Airborne Forces tied weapons to them. Next, a cable from plastic bottles is tied.

Two swimmers swim across to the other side, and the rest prepare for swimming and defend themselves. When two members of the Russian Airborne Special Forces have crossed over, the next two swim, using a rope made of bottles to facilitate movement. And so the swimming continues. After all the soldiers of the detachment moved to the other side, everyone was very tired and hungry. The commander said that the detachment had four or five hours to rest, and after that they could move on. If, of course, it is required.

Russian paratroopers are revered not only in their own country. They are respected by the whole world. One American general is known to have said that if he had a company of Russian paratroopers, he would have conquered the entire planet. Among the legendary formations of the Russian army is the 45th Airborne Regiment. He has interesting story, the central part of which is occupied by heroic deeds.

We are proud of our paratroopers, honor their courage, valor and readiness to defend the interests of the Motherland at any cost. The glorious pages of the military history of the USSR, and then Russia, appeared, largely due to the heroic deeds of paratroopers. The soldiers serving in the Airborne Forces fearlessly performed the most difficult tasks and special operations. The airborne troops are among the most prestigious formations of the Russian army. Soldiers strive to get there, wanting to feel involved in creating the glorious military history of their country.

45th Airborne Regiment: key facts

The 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces was formed in early 1994. Its base was separate battalions number 218 and 901. By the middle of the year, the regiment was equipped with weapons and fighters. The 45th regiment began its first combat operation in December 1994 in Chechnya. The paratroopers participated in the battles until February 1995, and then returned to the Moscow region, to the base of their deployment on a permanent basis. In 2005, the regiment received the Battle Flag of the Guards Regiment No. 119

From the moment of its foundation, the military formation became known as the 45th reconnaissance regiment of the Airborne Forces. But in early 2008, it was renamed the Special Forces Regiment. In August of the same year, it participated in a special operation to force Georgia to peace. In 2010, Regiment 45 Task Force provided security Russian citizens during the unrest in Kyrgyzstan.


The basis for the formation of the 45th separate guards regiment was the 218th and 901st special forces battalions. The fighters of the first battalion had taken part in three combat operations by that time. In the summer of 1992, the battalion served in Transnistria, in September - in the territories where the conflict between Ossetian and Ingush military groups took place, in December - in Abkhazia.

Battalion number 901 since 1979 was part of Soviet troops on the territory of Czechoslovakia, in 1989 he was redeployed to Latvia and transferred to the structure of the Baltic Military District. In 1991, the 901st Special Forces Battalion was relocated to the Abkhaz ASSR. In 1992, it was renamed the paratrooper battalion. In 1993, the formation performed tasks related to the protection of state and military facilities. In the fall of 1993, the battalion was redeployed to the Moscow region. Then the 45th regiment of the Russian Airborne Forces appeared.


In 1995, the 45th Airborne Regiment received the Diploma of the President of Russia for services to the country. In July 1997, the formation was awarded the banner of the airborne regiment number 5, which participated in the hostilities during the Great Patriotic War. In 2001, the regiment received Vympel from the Minister of Defense of Russia - for courage, high combat skills and real valor when participating in hostilities on the territory of Chechnya. 45 guards regiment The Airborne Forces owns the Order of Kutuzov - the corresponding decree was signed by the President of Russia. The military formation was awarded this award for the success in the heroic performance of military operations, the heroism and courage shown by the soldiers and the command. The regiment became the first carrier in recent history our country. In July 2009, the formation received the St. George banner.

The title of Hero of Russia was given to ten fighters, whose duty station was the 45th Airborne Regiment. The Order of Courage was awarded to 79 paratroopers. Ten military personnel of the regiment were awarded the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the second degree. Seventeen and three paratroopers received the Orders "For Military Merit" and "For Merit to the Fatherland", respectively. Medals "For Courage" were received by 174 servicemen, the medal of Suvorov - 166. Seven people were awarded the Zhukov medal.


Kubinka near Moscow - the 45th Airborne Regiment is based there - in July 2014 was the place where the anniversary celebrations dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the formation were held. The event was held in an open door format - the paratroopers showed their combat skills to the guests, the parachute units lowered the flag of the Airborne Forces from the sky, and the famous pilots from the Russian Knights team showed the wonders of aerobatics on fighter jets.

The legendary regiment as part of the Airborne Forces

Which includes the 45th regiment - Airborne Forces (airborne troops) of Russia. Their history dates back to August 2, 1930. Then the first paratroopers of the Air Force of the Moscow District made a parachute landing in our country. It was a kind of experiment that showed military theorists how promising the landing of parachute units could be from the point of view of combat operations. The first official unit of the airborne troops of the USSR appeared only the following year in the Leningrad Military District. The formation included 164 people, all of them were servicemen of the airborne assault detachment. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, there were five airborne corps in the USSR, each of which served 10,000 fighters.

Airborne Forces during the Great Patriotic War

With the outbreak of war, all Soviet airborne corps entered into battles taking place on the territory of the Ukrainian, Belarusian, Lithuanian Republics. The largest operation involving paratroopers during the war years is considered to be the battle with a group of Germans near Moscow in early 1942. Then 10 thousand paratroopers won the most important victory for the front. Parts of the Airborne Forces were connected to the battles near Stalingrad.

Paratroopers Soviet army honorably fulfilled their duty to defend the city. The Airborne Forces of the USSR army also took part in the battles after the defeat of Nazi Germany - in August 1945 they fought in the Far East against the imperial armed forces of Japan. Over 4,000 paratroopers helped the Soviet troops win important victories in this sector of the front.

After the war

Particular attention, according to military analysts, in the post-war strategy for the development of the USSR Airborne Forces was given to the organization of hostilities behind enemy lines, increasing the combat capability of soldiers, and interacting with army units, subject to the possible use atomic weapons. The troops began to be equipped with new aircraft of the AN-12 and AN-22 type, which, thanks to their large carrying capacity, could deliver vehicles, armored vehicles, artillery and other means of warfare behind enemy lines.

Every year, an increasing number of military exercises were conducted with the participation of airborne soldiers. Among the largest - held in the spring of 1970 in the Byelorussian ASSR. As part of the Dvina exercises, more than 7 thousand soldiers and more than 150 guns were parachuted. In 1971, exercises "South" of a comparable scale took place. In the late 1970s, the use of new Il-76 aircraft in landing operations was first tested. Until the collapse of the USSR, the soldiers of the Airborne Forces at each of the exercises repeatedly showed the highest combat skills.

Airborne troops of the Russian Federation today

Now the Airborne Forces are considered a structure that is called upon to independently (or as part of) perform combat missions in conflicts of various scales - from local to global. About 95% of the Airborne Forces are in a state of constant combat readiness. Landing forces are considered one of the most mobile branches of the Russian troops. They are also called upon to perform the functions of conducting combat operations behind enemy lines.

As part of the Russian Airborne Forces - four divisions, its own training center, institute, as well as a large number of structures that perform work on provision, supply and maintenance.

The motto of the Russian Airborne Forces is "No one but us!" The service of a paratrooper is considered by many to be one of the most prestigious and at the same time difficult. As of 2010, 4,000 officers, 7,000 contract soldiers, and 24,000 conscripts served in the Airborne Forces. Another 28,000 are civilian personnel of the formation.

Paratroopers and operation in Afghanistan

The largest participation of the Airborne Forces in hostilities after the Great Patriotic War took place in Afghanistan. The 103rd division, the 345th airborne regiment, two battalions, motorized rifle brigades participated in the battles. A number of military analysts believe that the specifics of warfare in Afghanistan did not imply the feasibility of using parachute landing as a method of transferring combat strength army. This, according to analysts, is due to the country's mountainous terrain, as well as the high level of costs for such operations. The personnel of the Airborne Forces, as a rule, were transferred using helicopters.

The largest operation of the USSR Airborne Forces in Afghanistan was the Battle of Panjer in 1982. More than 4 thousand paratroopers took part in it (with a total number of soldiers involved in the operation of 12 thousand people). as a result of the fighting, she was able to take the main part of the Panjer Gorge under her control.

Combat operations of the Airborne Forces after the collapse of the USSR

The paratroopers, despite the difficult times that came after the collapse of the superpower, continued to defend the interests of their country. They were often peacekeepers in the territories of the former Soviet republics. Russian paratroopers made themselves known to the whole world during the conflict in Yugoslavia in 1999. Soldiers of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation made the famous throw at Pristina, having managed to get ahead of the military from NATO.

Throw on Pristina

On the night of June 11-12, 1999, Russian paratroopers appeared on the territory of Yugoslavia, starting from neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina. They managed to occupy an airfield located near the city of Pristina. There, a few hours later, NATO soldiers appeared. Some details of those events are known. In particular, US Army General Clark ordered his colleague from the British armed forces to prevent the Russians from seizing the airfield. He replied that he did not want to provoke a third world war. However, the main part of the information on the essence of the operation in Pristina is not available - it is all classified.

Russian paratroopers in Chechnya

The troops of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation took part in both Chechen wars. Regarding the first - most of the data is still secret. It is known, for example, that among the most famous operations of the second campaign with the participation of the Airborne Forces is the Battle of Argun. The Russian army received the task of blocking a strategically significant section of the transport highways passing through the Argun Gorge. According to him, the separatists received food, weapons and medicines. The paratroopers joined the operation in December as part of the 56th Airborne Regiment.

The heroic feat of the paratroopers participating in the battles for 776 heights near the Chechen Ulus-Kert is known. In February 2000, the 6th company of the Airborne Forces from Pskov entered the battle with the grouping of Khattab and Basaev, ten times larger in number. During the day, the militants were blocked inside the Argun Gorge. Performing the task, the soldiers of the Pskov airborne companies did not feel sorry for themselves. Only 6 soldiers survived.

Russian paratroopers and the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict

In the 90s airborne units The Russian Federation performed in the territories where the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict took place, mainly peacekeeping functions. But in 2008, the paratroopers participated in combat operations. When the Georgian army attacked South Ossetia, units of the Russian army, including 76 airborne division Russia from Pskov. According to a number of military analysts, there were no major amphibious landings in this special operation. However, according to experts, the participation of Russian paratroopers had a psychological effect - primarily on the political leadership of Georgia.

45th regiment: renaming

Recently, information has appeared that the 45th Airborne Regiment may receive the honorary name of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. A military formation with this name was founded by Peter the Great and became legendary. There is a version that the initiative regarding the fact that the 45th regiment of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation should be renamed comes from a statement by the President of Russia, who expressed the opinion that formations named after famous regiments, such as Semenovsky, Preobrazhensky, should appear in the Russian army. At one of the military councils of the Russian Airborne Forces, as indicated in some sources, the proposal of the President was considered, and as a result responsible persons received the task of preparing information on the start of work on the creation of historical army regiments. It is quite possible that the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation will receive the title of Preobrazhensky.

In Chechnya, the special forces of the Airborne Forces are well known. Just a rumor about his appearance forced the militants to abandon their positions and hastily leave. During the first Chechen war, Dudayev promised to pay a huge sum to anyone who could capture at least one fighter of the 45th regiment. But the award turned out to be unclaimed - not a single commando, either alive or dead, fell into the hands of the enemy.

The 45th regiment is one of the youngest units of the Russian army; it was formed on the basis of the 218th and 901st special-purpose battalions, which celebrated their tenth anniversary this year. During the years of the Cold War, when the troops were preparing for a "fight to the fullest", using weapons of mass destruction, the army special forces had to solve the corresponding tasks. These units were intended for deep reconnaissance and sabotage (primarily against nuclear facilities) behind enemy lines. And if necessary, they could ensure the landing of troops on enemy territory. Despite the fact that the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces was created after the end of the Cold War, it is fully prepared to solve such problems in the interests of the Airborne Forces. But this is only one side of the coin.

non-lethal weapon
Since the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan, our Armed Forces have been continuously involved in various wars and conflicts. So, by the time the formation of the 45th regiment began, the scouts of the Airborne Forces had accumulated a wealth of combat experience. And this experience, together with rethought foreign developments (a lot was borrowed from the British SAS, including the motto "The strongest wins"), was fully implemented when creating a new part. So the main task of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces is to solve any problems in the conditions of local conflicts. In this sense, the 45th regiment is unique, the only unit in the Russian Armed Forces that has everything necessary for this. In addition to two special forces battalions, it includes a detachment of unmanned aerial vehicles, a detachment of psychological operations, and special detachment, staffed only by officers, ensigns and contractors, designed to solve extremely complex and especially responsible tasks. Including anti-terrorist ones. A sort of "mini-Alpha" for the destruction of terrorists at the facilities of the Ministry of Defense.
The purpose of psychological operations is to disorientate, demoralize the enemy, undermine faith in victory, and force him to end resistance. In addition, the population of the combat area, neutral or hostile, can be the object of psychological operations. Meaning psychological impact on the enemy has been great throughout military history, but especially it has increased in our information age. Especially in "low-intensity" conflicts, where there is no front line, and the definition of people on the basis of "friend or foe" can be very arbitrary. This is well understood, for example, by Americans who annually spend several times more on "non-lethal weapons" than on nuclear weapons. And this approach pays off. Take, for example, the actions of US troops in Panama and Haiti, where the forces of psychological operations played a decisive role.
The Russian Armed Forces are seriously lagging behind the West in these matters. All the more valuable is the unique experience of the psychological warfare unit created within the 45th regiment.
In addition to a field printing press and equipment with sound amplification equipment, the psychological operations unit has a television station capable of broadcasting and rebroadcasting programs within a radius of 10 km. There is a small studio where you can edit and sound a TV program. All equipment is located in GAZ-66 kungs, which ensures high mobility and efficiency of work. Thus, the detachment has serious opportunities to influence public opinion in the war zone.

What can special forces do?
But the core of the 45th regiment is, of course, spetsnaz units. In this sense, the part did not arise from scratch. The 218th and 901st special-purpose battalions brought into it already had considerable experience and brilliant victories behind them. So the fighters of the 218th battalion carried out the operation of "peace enforcement", which, in fact, put an end to the bloody Transnistrian conflict. The 901st battalion was stationed in Sukhumi just before the beginning of the Georgian-Abkhazian war, and immediately found itself in the very epicenter of the unfolding events. The paratroopers ensured the evacuation of refugees - mainly vacationers caught in the war.
But, fortunately, the special forces have the opportunity to prove themselves not only in such a dramatic environment. For several years in a row, at the international special forces competitions that take place in Bulgaria, the soldiers of the 45th regiment take first place, far leaving behind both the Green Berets and the SAS team.

Forge of universal soldiers
The main contingent of special forces battalions are conscripts. If a few years ago the officers of the regiment had the opportunity to choose the best among the conscripts, today the situation has changed. A quota has been set for the special forces of the Airborne Forces - up to 10% of the recruits sent to the regiment may have a criminal record. The officers of the regiment state that compared to previous years, recruits are less and less consistent with the level required for service in special forces. Until quite recently, almost all recruits had sports ranks, but today there are only a few of them. Previously, almost every third had a higher or secondary technical education. And now a recruit with a completed secondary is already a gift.
But even from such problematic material, the regiment is made into a super-soldier in the full sense of the word. First of all, a recruit undergoes a series of psychological tests and physical tests here to determine his degree of readiness for service in special forces. Depending on his personal characteristics, his future military specialty is determined. For example, people who are calm, balanced and psychologically stable, phlegmatic, are the best suited to work as a sniper or a sapper. Some of the recruits are screened out immediately - they fall into support units, or are transferred to other units.
Then the training begins. To say that service in special forces is "not honey" is, in general, almost nothing to say. March throws are replaced by night shooting, flowing into tactical exercises, which end with facade climbing, or, say, sapper training. Not everyone can stand this rhythm either. As a result, after six months, no more than 40% of the “young” remain in spetsnaz companies: someone himself begins to ask for a transfer to another unit, someone is expelled by the commander. The vacancies that have arisen are filled by the best fighters of the airborne divisions. And by the end of the first year of service, the green “newbies” turn out to be competent fighters who are able to perform any task, who are fluent in weapons, means of communication and subversive equipment.
I must say that, despite the huge workload, those who want to get into the 45th are not getting smaller. Firstly, young guys are simply interested here. Secondly, the prestige of service in the special forces of the Airborne Forces is very high. And, thirdly, there is no "hazing" in its classical form. The officers of the regiment are convinced that human dignity and self-respect are necessary qualities commando, due to the specifics of his service, is obliged to take responsibility and show initiative. And the person is broken, psychologically depressed, for intelligence - ballast. And, finally, the very fact of serving in the 45th separate is an excellent recommendation for entering the service in other law enforcement agencies to work in the security service or security structure.

From Chechnya to Sokolniki
The precious combat experience accumulated by the regiment, as is usually the case with us, is almost not in demand. But the command of the regiment decides this issue on its own. Fortunately, the psychological operations detachment has its own printing house - the special forces print their own instructions and training manuals. In addition, a certain training center arose on the basis of the regiment, where not only paratroopers are trained.
Today, when full-scale fighting ceased in Chechnya, the role of special forces capable of effectively conducting raids, searches and other reconnaissance activities is increasing many times over. Consequently, the withdrawal of the 45th regiment from Chechnya is not expected in the foreseeable future.
Now the special forces operate as part of a combined detachment stationed in the mountainous part of the republic near the village of Khatuni. This place, where the Vedeno and Sharoargun gorges meet, is of great importance. Therefore, the responsibility is great, and the range of tasks solved by the combined detachment is wide. In addition to the fighters of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces, it includes units of the FSB, special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Internal Troops and the Ministry of Justice. All have their own functions within the framework of a common task. Combat coordination begins even in preparation for the planned replacement, on the basis of the 45th regiment. The main emphasis is on special tactical and fire training, as well as on life support issues. The loads are very significant - in three months of training, fighters lose from 5 to 8 kg of weight, despite the fact that they receive enhanced nutrition.
It is known that SOBRs and riot police in the Caucasus very often have to perform tasks that are not characteristic of them. As the experience of the "Khatuninsky" detachment shows, the employees of the police special forces, after joint activities with their fellow paratroopers, they successfully operate in emergency, "non-police" situations. In addition, having met and made friends before arriving in Chechnya, having worked out in detail all aspects of the upcoming operations, people act as a single team. Regardless of departmental subordination.
Part of the units of the regiment is stationed in Sokolniki in the barracks of the Preobrazhensky regiment. But not only this circumstance makes the special forces fight for the high honor of being officially called the "Preobrazhensky Regiment".
As you know, the Preobrazhensky Regiment was the first regiment of the regular army of Russia. And the 45th is also, in a sense, the first regiment of the Armed Forces of the future, which has yet to be created. This is both a completely new, comprehensive approach to solving problems, and a completely different attitude towards personnel, not as consumables, but as professionals of great value. It is known that Peter I considered his "amusing" as the backbone of the future Russian army. A separate reconnaissance regiment of the Airborne Forces, like the old Preobrazhensky Regiment, became a forge of experienced special forces officers. Many of those who went through his school today serve in Alpha, Vympel, Omega, and other special forces of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, and the FPS. But along with this, officers who have served in the regiment for several years do not want to be transferred to other units, even though career opportunities in the regiment are very limited. Indeed, for many, he is the most real family, to break the connection with which they cannot and do not want to.
A special psychological climate has developed in the unit, the leading values ​​of which are absolute professionalism, corporatism, one might even say nepotism in the very good sense this word. This is best seen in the example of those who have retired. Those of them who have managed to get a good job in life have taken on the material support of the warring in Chechnya today. Thanks to their "sponsorship", the commandos are probably best equipped in the group: jackets and trousers made of membrane fabrics, light warm sleeping bags, comfortable waterproof boots, modern optics and night vision devices, communications equipment.
But veterans of the regiment help not only with money. There was also such a case: by the winter of 1999, the time had come to replace the fighters who had been fighting in the Caucasus since the rebel invasion of Dagestan. But there was really no one to change. In the "interwar period" the regiment was reduced by one battalion, and most of the personnel were in Chechnya. The situation is critical: you can’t send just called up and untrained soldiers to war?
Then, retired veterans of the regiment decided to "shake the old days" and help their native regiment. Leaving prestigious, highly paid places, signing semi-annual contracts, and forming their own special group, they went to the Caucasus. The first thing for them was the battle near Zandag, where the "veteran" group occupied an important height and repelled fierce enemy attacks for four hours. Thanks to the veterans, the regiment got the opportunity to be understaffed and qualitatively prepare a replacement.
For all ten years of its existence, the special forces of the Airborne Forces have not come out of wars. Transnistria, Abkhazia, Dagestan, both Chechen campaigns, Bosnia, Kosovo - not one armed conflict can do without the participation of fighters of the 45th separate. During this time, there was everything: the pennant of the Minister of Defense "for courage and military prowess" and five heroes of Russia from among the fighters of the regiment. There were, oddly enough, moments when various accusations were made against the unit.
But, in spite of everything, the regiment was, is and remains the true elite of the Russian Army. And in the second campaign, the special forces of the Airborne Forces proved to be the best. Dozens of destroyed gangs and discovered bases of militants, hundreds of weapons, kilograms of explosives and drugs seized from secret warehouses - all this was included in achievement list Separate reconnaissance. This combat unit now lives and develops solely thanks to the enthusiasm, and even the "quixoticism" of its officers. The result of their labors is a perfectly functioning combat organism, universal tool for solutions the most difficult tasks. A real regiment of the future.


The story continues...
In order to preserve military traditions in September 2005, the regiment was given the Battle Banner, an honorary name and a state award of the disbanded 119th Guards Airborne Order of Alexander Nevsky Regiment. Since that time, the regiment became known as the 45th Separate Guards Order of Alexander Nevsky Reconnaissance Regiment.
On February 1, 2008, the 45th Separate Reconnaissance Regiment was reorganized into the 45th Separate Guards Order of Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Regiment.
In August 2008, units of the regiment took part in the operation to force Georgia to peace. The officer of the regiment Hero of Russia Anatoly Lebed was awarded the Order of St. George IV degree for the skill and courage shown in this operation.
On July 20, 2009, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2006 No. 1422, the St. George banner was awarded to the regiment as an official symbol and military relic, the personification of honor, glory and military traditions.
In April 2010, the battalion tactical group of the 45th regiment carried out a combat mission to ensure the security of citizens of the Russian Federation, including members of the families of military personnel and civilian personnel, on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.
For courage and heroism shown in the performance of command assignments, more than two thousand military personnel were awarded state awards. 10 servicemen of the regiment were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. These are Lieutenant Colonel Vadim Alekseevich Gridnev, Senior Lieutenant Vitaly Yuryevich Ermakov (posthumously), Captain Zhidkov Dmitry Vasilievich (posthumously), Private Lais Alexander Viktorovich (posthumously), Captain Anatoly Vyacheslavovich Lebed, Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Anatolyevich Nepryakhin, Lieutenant Colonel Vadim Ivanovich Pankov, Colonel Alexei Viktorovich Romanov, Captain Alexei Viktorovich Rumyantsev (posthumously), Major Yatsenko Pyotr Karlovich ( posthumously).
Scouts of the 45th Separate Guards Order of Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Regiment are true to the glorious combat traditions of the Airborne Forces and their motto: "The strongest wins!"

In April 2011, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the 45th Separate Guards Order of Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Regiment of the Airborne Forces was the first in the modern history of Russia to be awarded the Order of Kutuzov. The regiment was awarded this high award for the successful fulfillment of combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism shown by the personnel.

July 25 - Day of formation of the 45th separate regiment of special forces of the Airborne Forces, now - the 45th separate guards orders of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky special forces brigade of the Airborne Forces.

The 45th Separate Guards Order of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Regiment of the Airborne Troops (45th Guards OPSPN Airborne Forces) was formed in February 1994 on the basis of the 218th ODSHB and the 901st ODSHB.

901st Separate Special Purpose Air Assault Battalion.

The 901st ODSHB was formed on the basis of the order of the Chief of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces in the territory of the Transcaucasian Military District by the end of the 70s.
Then this battalion was moved to Czechoslovakia, where it was included in the structure of the Central Group of Forces. On November 20, 1979, the Oremov Laz garrison in Slovenia became the new location of 901 ODSHB in Slovenia (some sources indicate the garrison in Riechka as the location).

The battalion was equipped with approximately 30 BMD-1 combat assault vehicles. In March 1989, the number of TsGV troops began to decrease, and this process affected 901 ODSHB. At the turn of March and April, the entire battalion was moved to the Latvian Aluksne, where it was enrolled in the PribVO.

1979 - formed on the territory of the Transcaucasian Military District as the 901st separate airborne assault battalion
1979 - transferred to the Central Group of Forces in Czechoslovakia
1989 - transferred to the Baltic Military District (Aluksne)
May 1991 - transferred to the Transcaucasian Military District (Sukhumi)
August 1992 - transferred to the headquarters of the Airborne Forces and renamed the 901st separate airborne battalion
1992 - transferred as a separate battalion to the 7th Guards Airborne Division
1993 - during Georgian-Abkhazian conflict performed tasks for the protection and defense of military and government facilities on the territory of Abkhazia
October 1993 - transferred to the Moscow region
February 1994 - reorganized into the 901st separate special-purpose battalion
February 1994 - transferred to the newly formed 45th Separate Special Purpose Regiment (VDV)

218th Separate Airborne Assault Battalion for Special Purposes

In 1972, the 778th separate special-purpose radio company of 85 people was formed as part of the Airborne Forces. The main task of this unit was to drive the landing aviation to the drop point, for which the groups of this company had to land ahead of time behind enemy lines and deploy the drive equipment there. In 1975, the company was reorganized into the 778th OR REP, and in February 1980 - into the 899th separate special-purpose company with 117 people. In 1988, the 899th Special Forces Special Forces was reorganized into the 899th Special Forces Company (with a staff of 105 people) as part of the 196th Airborne Forces Ops. Later, the company was deployed to the 218th separate air assault battalion.

July 25, 1992 - formed in the Moscow Military District. The points of permanent deployment were in the Moscow region.
June-July 1992 - took part as peacekeeping forces in Transnistria
September-October 1992 - took part as a peacekeeping force in North Ossetia
December 1992 - took part as a peacekeeping force in Abkhazia
February 1994 - transferred to the newly formed 45th separate special-purpose regiment of the Airborne Forces

History of the 45th Guards. individual reconnaissance regiment Airborne.

By July 1994, the regiment was fully formed and completed. By order of the Commander of the Airborne Forces, in order of historical continuity, the day of the formation of the 45th regiment is indicated to be the day of the formation of the 218th battalion - July 25, 1992.
On December 2, 1994, the regiment was transferred to Chechnya to participate in the liquidation of illegal armed groups. The units of the regiment took part in the hostilities until February 12, 1995, when the regiment was transferred back to its place of permanent deployment in the Moscow region. From March 15 to June 13, 1995, a combined detachment of the regiment operated in Chechnya.

On July 30, 1995, an obelisk was opened on the territory of the regiment's deployment in Sokolniki in honor of the soldiers of the regiment who died during the hostilities.
On May 9, 1995, for services to the Russian Federation, the regiment was awarded a diploma of the President of the Russian Federation, and the military personnel of the regiment as part of the consolidated airborne battalion took part in the parade on Poklonnaya Hill dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany.
From February to May 1997, the regiment's combined detachment was in Gudauta as part of a peacekeeping mission in the zone of separation of the Georgian and Abkhaz armed forces.
On July 26, 1997, the regiment was awarded the Combat Banner and Certificate of the 5th Guards Airborne Rifle Order of Mukachevo Order of Kutuzov III degree regiment, disbanded on June 27, 1945.

On May 1, 1998, the regiment was renamed the 45th Separate Reconnaissance Regiment of the Airborne Forces. The 901st separate special-purpose battalion was disbanded in the spring of 1998, in 2001 a linear battalion was created on its basis
special purpose as part of the regiment (called "901st" out of old habit).

From September 1999 to March 2006, the combined reconnaissance detachment of the regiment took part in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus.

On February 2, 2001, the regiment was awarded the pennant of the Minister of Defense "for courage, military prowess and high combat skills."

On August 8, 2001, on the territory of the regiment in Kubinka, in the presence of the commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel-General Georgy Shpak, a new memorial complex was opened in memory of the soldiers of the regiment who died in combat missions. Every year, on January 8, the regiment celebrates the Day of Remembrance for the fallen soldiers.
In April-July 2005, it was decided to transfer to the 45th regiment the Battle Banner, the title of "Guards" and the Order of Alexander Nevsky, which belonged to the 119th Guards Parachute Regiment, which was disbanded in the same year. The solemn ceremony of the transfer of distinctions took place on August 2, 2005.

In 2007, the 218th separate special-purpose battalion was reorganized into a linear one, having lost its numbering and the status of a separate military unit. Since that time, the regiment consists of two line battalions.

The name of the 45th separate regiment of the special purpose of the Airborne Forces was returned to the regiment.

In August 2008, units of the regiment took part in the operation to force Georgia to peace. The officer of the regiment, Hero of Russia Anatoly Lebed was awarded the Order of St. George IV degree.

On July 25, 2009, on the day of the regimental holiday, a small consecration of the throne of the garrison church of the 45th separate guards regiment, consecrated in honor of the icon, took place in Kubinka Mother of God"Blessed Sky".
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 170 dated February 9, 2011, the regiment was the first in modern history to be awarded the Order of Kutuzov.

The award ceremony took place on April 4, 2011 at the location of the regiment in Kubinka. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev personally attached the badge and ribbon of the order to the St. George's banner of the regiment.

In May-June 2012, the regiment's reconnaissance platoon participated in joint exercises with the "green berets" at the American military base of the 10th group special forces(English 10th Special Forces Group), located in Fort Carson.

In the spring of 2014, a separate reconnaissance detachment of the regiment took part in the operation to annex Crimea to the Russian Federation.

During the general increase in the number of the Russian Airborne Forces at the end of 2014, the 45th separate regiment was deployed into a brigade.

Battle path

1994-1995 - First Chechen War
1997 - Georgian-Abkhazian conflict
1999-2006 - Second Chechen War
2008 - Georgian-Ossetian conflict
2010 — ensuring the safety of Russian citizens on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic


Kolygin, Viktor Dmitrievich - 1994-2003
Kontsevoi, Anatoly Georgievich - 2003-2006
Shulishov, Alexander Anatolyevich - 2006-2012
Pankov, Vadim Ivanovich - 08.2012 - present

Regiment awards

August 2, 2005 - The title of "Guards" and the Order of Alexander Nevsky were transferred from the disbanded 119th Guards Airborne Regiment.

February 9, 2011 - Order of Kutuzov "For the successful completion of combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism shown by the personnel of the regiment."


218th separate battalion (before inclusion in the regiment)
For courage and heroism in the performance of peacekeeping missions in 1992, many servicemen of the battalion were awarded government awards.

901st separate battalion (before inclusion in the regiment)

Order "For Personal Courage" - 43 people
Medal "For Courage" - 21 people
Medal "For Military Merit" - 27 people

45th separate regiment

Heroes of the Russian Federation:

Hero of the Russian Federation Gridnev Vadim Alekseevich

Hero of the Russian Federation Ermakov Vitaly Yurievich (posthumously)

Hero of the Russian Federation Zhidkov Dmitry Vasilievich (posthumously)

Hero of the Russian Federation Lays Alexander Viktorovich (posthumously)

Hero of the Russian Federation Lebed Anatoly Vyacheslavovich

Hero of the Russian Federation Nepryakhin Andrey Anatolyevich

Hero of the Russian Federation Pankov Vadim Ivanovich

Hero of the Russian Federation Romanov Alexey Viktorovich

Hero of the Russian Federation Rumyantsev Alexey Viktorovich (posthumously)

Hero of the Russian Federation Yatsenko Pyotr Karlovich (posthumously)

For the performance of combat missions awarded:

Order of St. George - 1 person
Order of Courage - more than 100 people
Order "For Military Merit" - more than 40 people
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" - 3 people
George Cross - about 40 people
Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree with swords - 60 people
Medal "For Courage" - 174 people
Suvorov medal - more than 180 people
Zhukov medal - more than 60 people

Combat losses of the regiment

During the participation in hostilities, the regiment lost 43 people killed, more than 80 soldiers were wounded.

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