What is the Chinese special forces. Chinese special versus Russian regular Chinese special forces hand-to-hand combat

The training of Chinese special forces is very high. The following combat episode can serve as confirmation of this. One day, 32 members of the Falcon Unit were sent to help the Afghan government free Chinese workers who had been taken hostage. No official information there is still no information about this operation by Chinese special forces, however, the Islamabad Times newspaper later wrote that Chinese special forces, without firing a single shot, released all the Chinese workers in the middle of the night, and also captured the terrorists holding them. This event was given the highest rating by US intelligence agencies.

It is believed that the training of Chinese special forces has no analogues in the world. It is carried out according to special methods that have been developed General Staff PLA tailored to each specific unit. In addition, each workout is designed in such a way as to bring their complexity to the level that corresponds to the maximum psychological and physical limit of human survival.

The Chinese leadership itself believes that the physical, psychological and professional training forces fighters special purpose country has no equal in the world. In general, the training of a Chinese special forces fighter can be divided into two components - basic and professional.

Demonstration of the physical capabilities of special forces soldiers

Basic training includes: the whole complex of conventional exercise on strength, agility and endurance plus hand-to-hand combat and self-defense without weapons, survival skills in field and extreme conditions, mountaineering training, crossing the water in full gear, all types small arms, as well as setting up tents, digging shelters in the snow and in the ground, providing medical care and rescue in the field, seizure of weapons, methods of ambushes and surprise attacks, actions in the mountains, in the forest, in the water, in the snow. But that's not all. It is necessary to mention landing and ski training. The latter is always held in the northeastern provinces of China with absolutely any weather conditions, including at temperatures around minus 40 degrees. And finally, orienteering with and without a compass, reading a map.

But most interesting stage is survival training, setting the rhythm of breathing and body movements in the water with hands and feet tied! Unfortunately, there is no data on how long it is necessary to stay in the water in this state and for what purposes. Such training, most likely, is carried out by fighters of the Chinese special forces units Night Tiger, Sharp Sword of Southern China and Falcon, based on their area of ​​responsibility. Quite interesting is the training of Chinese fighters' survival skills. Here is an example of a typical exercise. There is a group of 6 people. Their equipment is army boots, a knife, a lightweight machine gun and a helmet.

Each fighter can also take with them 1 kilogram of rice, 5 pieces of pressed biscuits, salt and matches. Before the group leaves for training, they are thoroughly searched to ensure that they cannot bring in any unauthorized items. Pay special attention to money and water. True, sometimes it is mentioned that people are still allowed to take a flask of water. After that, the group moves forward for a forced march. For 7 days, the fighters must overcome more than 200 kilometers (although some sources mention 300 kilometers), and about three days of travel falls on a mountainous area with a height of 2700 meters above sea level. Usually on such a route, most of the water sources are either not suitable for drinking, or even pose a threat to life.

Fighters must follow the tracks of birds and animals to determine those reservoirs that are suitable for receiving drinking water. The additional complexity of the forced march is created by the fact that, despite intense heat, clothing should be buttoned quite tightly as the area is full poisonous snakes and insects. Also, the mountainous section of the route, as a rule, is quite poor in vegetation and animals, as a result of which the group sometimes has to eat ants, mice and snakes. In addition to physical deprivation, the group during the throw must perform about 20 learning tasks of varying complexity. These include assaults, captures of "tongues", bypassing imaginary enemy ambushes, and many others.

The need to create special units within the armed forces of China was due to the specifics of the conduct of hostilities, which was typical of the 80s of the last century. In 1985 military leadership countries concluded that in the near future large-scale combat using traditional units will lose their .

Taking into account the analysis of the situation in the world, China adopted the concept of developing military formations with a special purpose.

China's military strategists calculated that, given the state of affairs in politics at the time, the most likely scenario would be a short-lived but very intense conflict on the country's periphery. The army began to prepare not for full-scale military operations, but for limited clashes on the border, which were supposed to be carried out with the help of high-tech special-purpose weapons.

The first military unit with special functions appeared in China in 1988. To date, practically in all military districts of the country there are special ones, the number of each of which, according to some sources, exceeds a thousand people. Parts of the special forces report directly to the military leadership of the district.

In addition, special airborne and amphibious assault units have been created in the PRC. The Chinese Ministry of Public Security also has its own special forces.

Chinese special forces: at the limit of human capabilities

At its core, Chinese special forces are one of the main components of the forces rapid response. This elite units to be conducted fighting in local conflicts. For these purposes, special forces units are equipped with high-tech weapons and appropriate military equipment. Such equipment makes it possible to inflict pinpoint strikes on the enemy, being out of his reach.

The functions of special forces are not limited to the conduct of regional operations. Special forces can lead tactical intelligence, and also take part in the suppression of the actions of separatists in the course of anti-terrorist measures.

Chinese special forces soldiers are the elite of the armed forces. They are fluent in hand-to-hand combat skills, trained in handling firearms and edged weapons. Mandatory requirements for candidates for special forces are developed moral and volitional qualities and excellent physical fitness. The service in special-purpose units is characterized by a high workload. The complexity of training sometimes exceeds the usual ideas about the limits of a person’s mental and physical capabilities.

The creation and equipping of special forces units in China is taken very seriously. This is due to many reasons, not least separatist sentiment in Tibet, but also the problem of Taiwan. Special forces are available in all power departments. In the police, for example, there are even combat women's units designed to deal with drug couriers. As part of some units involved in the protection of the state border, there are famous companies of "Tigers". There are five such companies on the border with Russia. But still, the most trained and combat-ready are the special forces of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA). Currently in ground forces 11 such units (according to the number of districts) with sonorous names like "Black Panthers". They have been around for 10-12 years. The number of personnel in the detachments, which are currently 100 percent complete, is about 150 soldiers and officers. Most of the military personnel are re-enlisted. Organizationally, the detachment consists of a control unit and four combat groups, each of which can be divided into 5-10 subgroups capable of acting independently.

The Black Panther Detachment is a typical special forces unit and is located on the territory of the Nanjing Military Region. Officers and soldiers pass complex system selection and even more complex training in many specialties. This is, first of all, hand-to-hand combat, communications, demolition, confident control of armored, automotive and water-motor equipment, airborne and mountaineering training, survival in various natural and climatic conditions. Great importance given to the study of traditional Chinese medicine. According to some reports, special forces officers receive skills in controlling hang gliders and other special equipment.
Particular attention in the training programs is given to the conduct of hostilities at night with the use of silent weapons and compliance with the maximum sound and light masking. The personnel are learning to target corrected aviation munitions (KAB) used from N-5 (Il-28), N-6 (Tu-16), Su-27 and J-8-II carriers using laser designators.
The most curious thing is that the detachment has special unit computer countermeasures armed with state-of-the-art facilities penetration into the computer networks of the enemy on its territory and transmission of the captured information to its command via tropospheric and satellite communication channels. The detachment has the ability to spread viruses in enemy computer networks that can disrupt its operation. automatic systems troop control. The computer countermeasures unit can also be used for psychological warfare.
The detachment has its own training and residential complex, consisting of a well-equipped barracks (by the standards of the PLA) and classrooms, where classes are constantly held with military personnel (various specialists from the army and the military-industrial complex are widely involved in training) in the following areas:
- patriotic education and constant improvement of the general educational level of soldiers and officers (90% of the detachment's military personnel have diplomas of higher and secondary special education and 100% are computer literate, many received the appropriate diplomas in the detachment);
- analysis and study of military operations in local conflicts, modeling of the actions of your detachment in various conditions(the experience of operations "Desert Storm", "Desert Shield", military operations in Afghanistan and Chechnya is especially carefully studied);
- study and collection of information about the latest foreign developments in the military field. (The detachment's database contains detailed information about the equipment, weapons, organizational and staffing structure of the armies of more than two dozen states).
The military personnel of the detachment are not engaged in household activities. These functions are assigned to the personnel of the infantry unit. Therefore, special forces have the opportunity to give combat training 10 - 12 hours a day.
characteristic feature The practical training of the fighters of the detachment is the constant monitoring by the command of the effectiveness of the classes. Detailed analysis The actions of each student are carried out using video recording equipment. When conducting classes, for example, in fire training, this gives a high result with a relatively low consumption of ammunition. The military personnel of the detachment are trained in elementary combat techniques and commands of some armies and. can easily carry out "masquerade" actions. IN daily activities distinctive feature the uniform of the personnel of the detachment is a helmet, blue color, which gave the special forces a reason to joke: "We are almost UN troops."


Professional and organizational formation dates back to the mid-80s of the 20th century. The starting point for the development of special forces was the conclusion made in June 1985 by the Military Council of the CPC Central Committee, headed by Deng Xiaoping, that there was no possibility of large-scale armed conflicts using conventional armed forces in the foreseeable future.

The next powerful impetus for the reassessment and reform of military concepts came from the Gulf War.
The most probable was an intense, short-lived and high-tech conflict on the periphery of China.
The first most functionally completed unit was formed in 1988 in the Guangzhou Military Region.

Organizational structure

Each military region of China (there are seven in total) has its own special forces regiment subordinate to the command of the region (3 battalions, with a total number of about 1000 people), while each level has its own special forces unit: corps - battalion (total 18 battalions, each 300-400 people each), brigade - company (about 120 people), at the regiment level - platoon (30-40 people) Level of training, as well as equipment from regiment to brigade, from brigade to corps, and from corps to district rises significantly.
Special forces regiments by military districts (VO) are scheduled as follows:
1) Shenyang VO - "Dongbei Tiger" ("Dongbei" in Chinese, Northeast, Manchuria, which has become a common name for the three northeastern provinces of China);
2) Beijing VO - "The Magic Sword of the East";
3) Nanjing Military District - "Flying Dragon", formed in 1992;
4) Guangzhou Military District - "Sharp Sword of Southern China", formed in 1988;
5) Lanzhou VO - "Night Tiger";
6) Jinan VO - "Hawk";
7) Chengdu Military District - "Falcon", formed in 1992.
In addition, special forces include units of the amphibious assault "Shock Marine" and the airborne assault "Sharp Sword of the Blue Sky".
They do not belong to spetsnaz, but they are trained in a light spetsnaz program, which, nevertheless, is much harder program training of ordinary soldiers of the PLA 162nd (as part of the 54th army), 63rd (as part of the 21st army) and 149th (as part of the 13th army) high-readiness divisions. The next in terms of training level are 1st (Hangzhou, Nanjing VO), 38th (86 thousand people, Baoding, Beijing VO), 39th (75 thousand people, Yingkou, Shenyang VO) and 54th army (89 thousand people, Xinxiang, Jinan Military District) rapid reaction army (readiness time from 2-7 days). Moreover, the last groupings are the three most equipped and combat-ready armies of China.
In addition to the army special forces, there are also special forces of the Armed Police (hereinafter referred to as VM, one of constituent parts armed forces of China) and subordinate to the Ministry of Public Security (hereinafter referred to as MSS) units of the Special Forces of the Public Security Forces.
There are also special divisions, about which in open access there is only fragmentary information, and even that appeared only recently - the Panther anti-terror units (according to some sources, it may have been assigned to the Chengdu Military District, it may have been a predecessor or in some way part of the Falcon), the Snow Wolf (subordinate to the VM, at the moment, together with the Beijing Special Forces, the MOB is involved in preparing for the security of the Beijing Olympics in 2008, by the way, the total number of security forces at the Olympics will be more than 10 thousand people) and others ...
The “elite” of China’s special forces, a unit in which only the best of the best have been gathering from all over the country since 1982, is the Vostok anti-terrorist unit stationed near the Beijing Airport, the full name is the special police anti-terrorist unit No. 722 MOB of the Special Forces Training Institute VM. The Institute itself was founded in 1983. Over the 23 years of its existence, it has released more than a thousand people, most of whom became special forces instructors. The strictness of training can be indirectly evidenced by the fact that for all this time, almost half a century, 3 (three) graduates received “full honors”.

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