45th separate special forces brigade. The difference between GRU special forces and airborne special forces. Russian paratroopers and the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict

In Chechnya, the airborne special forces are well known. Just the rumor of his appearance forced the militants to abandon their positions and hastily leave. During the first Chechen war, Dudayev promised to pay a huge sum to anyone who could capture at least one soldier of the 45th regiment. But the prize turned out to be unclaimed - not a single special forces soldier, alive or dead, fell into the hands of the enemy.

The 45th Regiment is one of the youngest units Russian army, it was formed on the basis of the 218th and 901st battalions special purpose, which celebrated its tenth anniversary this year. In the years" cold war"when the troops were preparing for a "fight on full blast", using weapons mass destruction, army special forces had to solve the corresponding problems. These units were intended for in-depth reconnaissance and sabotage (primarily against nuclear facilities) behind enemy lines. And if necessary, they could ensure a landing on enemy territory. Despite the fact that the Airborne Special Forces were created after the end of the Cold War, they are fully prepared to solve such problems in the interests of the Airborne Forces. But this is only one side of the coin.

Non-lethal weapons
Since input Soviet troops in Afghanistan, our Armed Forces continuously participate in various wars and conflicts. So, by the time the formation of the 45th regiment began, Airborne reconnaissance officers a wealth of combat experience was accumulated. And this experience, together with rethought foreign developments (a lot was borrowed from the British SAS, including the motto “The strongest wins”), was fully implemented when creating the new part. So the main task of the Airborne Special Forces is to solve any problems in local conflicts. In this sense, the 45th regiment is unique, the only unit in the Russian Armed Forces that has everything necessary for this. In addition to two special forces battalions, it includes a detachment of unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft, psychological operations squad, and special squad, staffed only by officers, warrant officers and contract soldiers, designed to solve extremely complex and especially important tasks. Including anti-terrorist ones. A sort of “mini-Alpha” for destroying terrorists at Ministry of Defense facilities.
The purpose of psychological operations is to disorient, demoralize the enemy, undermine faith in victory, and force him to stop resistance. In addition, the target of psychological operations may be the population of the combat area, neutral or hostile. Meaning psychological impact there was great pressure on the enemy throughout military history, but it has especially increased in our information age. Moreover, in “low-intensity” conflicts, where there is no front line, and the definition of people according to the principle of “friend or foe” can be very conditional. This is well understood, for example, by the Americans, who annually spend several times more on “non-lethal weapons” than on nuclear weapons. And this approach justifies itself. Take, for example, the actions of US troops in Panama and Haiti, where psychological operations forces played a decisive role.
The Russian Armed Forces are seriously behind the West in these matters. All the more valuable is the unique experience of the psychological warfare unit created within the 45th regiment.
In addition to the field printing press and equipment with sound amplification equipment, the psychological operations squad has a television station capable of broadcasting and rebroadcasting programs within a radius of 10 km. There is a small studio where you can edit and dub a TV program. All equipment is located in GAZ-66 kungs, which ensures high mobility and efficiency of work. Thus, the detachment has serious opportunities to influence public opinion in a combat zone.

What are special forces capable of?
But the core of the 45th regiment is, of course, special forces units. In this sense, the part did not arise out of nowhere. The 218th and 901st special forces battalions brought together already had considerable experience and brilliant victories behind them. So the soldiers of the 218th battalion carried out the “peace enforcement” operation, which, in fact, put an end to the bloody Transnistrian conflict. The 901st battalion was stationed in Sukhumi just before the start of the Georgian-Abkhaz war, and immediately found itself in the very epicenter of the unfolding events. The paratroopers ensured the evacuation of refugees - mainly vacationers caught up in the war.
But, fortunately, special forces have the opportunity to prove themselves not only in such a dramatic situation. For several years in a row, at international special forces competitions held in Bulgaria, soldiers of the 45th Regiment have taken first place, leaving both the Green Berets and the SAS team far behind.

Universal Soldier Forge
The main contingent of special forces battalions are conscript soldiers. If a few years ago regiment officers had the opportunity to choose the best from conscripts, today the situation has changed. For airborne special forces a quota has been established - up to 10% of conscripts sent to the regiment may have a criminal record. The regiment's officers state that, compared to previous years, conscripts are increasingly less able to meet the level required for service in special forces. Until recently, almost all recruits had sports ranks, but today there are only a few of them. Previously, almost every third person had a higher or secondary technical education. And now a recruit with a completed secondary education is already a gift.
But even from such problematic material, the regiment is made into a super soldier in the full sense of the word. First of all, the recruit undergoes a series of psychological tests and physical tests to determine his level of readiness for service in special forces. Depending on it personal characteristics determine his future military specialty. For example, people who are calm, balanced and psychologically stable, phlegmatic, are ideally suited to work as a sniper or sapper. Some recruits are eliminated immediately - they end up in support units, or are transferred to other units.
Then the training begins. To say that service in special forces is “not honey” is, in general, to say almost nothing. Marching throws are replaced by night shooting, flowing into tactical training, which ends with frontal mountaineering, or, say, sapper training. Not everyone can withstand such a rhythm either. As a result, after six months, no more than 40% of the “young” remain in the special forces companies: some themselves begin to ask for transfer to another unit, others are expelled by the commander. Any vacancies that arise are filled through best fighters airborne divisions. And by the end of the first year of service, the green “newcomers” turn out to be competent fighters, capable of completing any task, fluent in weapons, communications and demolition equipment.
It must be said that, despite the enormous workload, there are no fewer people wanting to get into the 45th. Firstly, young guys here are simply interested. Secondly, the prestige of serving in the Airborne Special Forces is very high. And thirdly, there is no “hazing” here in its classic form. The regiment's officers are convinced that human dignity and self-respect are necessary qualities a special forces soldier, due to the specifics of his service, is obliged to take responsibility and show initiative. And the person is broken, psychologically depressed, and is ballast for reconnaissance. And finally, the very fact of serving in the 45th Separate Division is an excellent recommendation for joining other law enforcement agencies to work in the security service or security structure.

From Chechnya to Sokolniki
The precious combat experience accumulated by the regiment, as is usually the case with us, is almost not in demand. But the regiment command resolves this issue independently. Fortunately, the psychological operations detachment has its own printing house - special forces soldiers print their own instructions and manuals. In addition, on the basis of the regiment a certain The educational center, where not only paratroopers are trained.
Today, when full blown fighting in Chechnya have ceased, the role of special forces capable of effectively conducting raids, search and other reconnaissance activities is increasing many times over. Consequently, the withdrawal of the 45th regiment from Chechnya is not expected in the foreseeable future.
Now the special forces are operating as part of a combined detachment stationed in the mountainous part of the republic near the village of Khatuni. This place, where the Vedenskoye and Sharoargun gorge connect, has a very great importance. Therefore, the responsibility is great, and the range of tasks solved by the combined detachment is wide. In addition to Airborne Special Forces fighters, it includes units of the FSB, special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Internal Troops and the Ministry of Justice. All have their own functions within the framework of a common task. Combat coordination begins in preparation for a planned replacement, at the base of the 45th regiment. The main emphasis is on tactical-special and fire training, as well as on life support issues. The loads are quite significant - during three months of training, fighters lose from 5 to 8 kg of weight, despite the fact that they receive enhanced nutrition.
It is known that SOBR and OMON in the Caucasus very often have to perform tasks that are not typical for them. As the experience of the "Khatuninsky" detachment shows, employees of police special forces, after joint activities with their fellow paratroopers, they operate successfully in emergency, “non-police” situations. In addition, having met and made friends before arriving in Chechnya, and having worked out in detail all aspects of the upcoming operations, people act as a single team. Regardless of departmental subordination.
Some of the regiment's units are stationed in Sokolniki in the barracks of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. But not only this circumstance forces the special forces to fight for the high honor of being officially called the “Preobrazhensky Regiment”.
As you know, the Preobrazhensky Regiment was the first regiment of the regular army of Russia. And the 45th is also, in a sense, the first regiment of the Armed Forces of the future, which has yet to be created. This is a completely new, comprehensive approach to solving problems, and a completely different attitude towards personnel, not as consumables, but as professionals of enormous value. It is known that Peter I considered his “amusing” men as the backbone of the future Russian army. Separate reconnaissance regiment The Airborne Forces, like the old Preobrazhensky Regiment, became a forge of experienced special forces officers. Many of those who went through his school serve today in Alpha, Vympel, Omega, and other special forces of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, and Federal Border Guard Service. But at the same time, officers who have served in the regiment for several years do not want to be transferred to other units, even though career opportunities in the regiment are severely limited. After all, for many he is the most real family, with which they cannot and do not want to break ties.
A special psychological climate has developed in the unit, the leading values ​​of which are absolute professionalism, corporatism, one might even say nepotism in itself. in a good way this word. This is best seen in the example of those who went into reserve. Those of them who managed to get a good life in life have now taken upon themselves the material support of those fighting in Chechnya. Thanks to their “sponsorship,” the special forces are probably the best equipped in the group: jackets and trousers made of membrane fabrics, light, warm sleeping bags, comfortable waterproof boots, modern optics and night vision devices, and communications equipment.
But the regiment veterans help not only with money. There was also such a case: by the winter of 1999, the time had come to replace the fighters who had been fighting in the Caucasus since the rebel invasion of Dagestan. But there was actually no one to change. During the "interwar period" the regiment was reduced by one battalion, and most of the personnel were in Chechnya. The situation is critical: you won’t send newly drafted and untrained soldiers to war?
Then, the veterans of the regiment who had retired to the reserve decided to “kick back the old days” and help their native regiment. Leaving prestigious, highly paid places, concluding six-month contracts, and forming their own special group, they went to the Caucasus. The first thing for them was the battle near Zandag, where the “veteran” group occupied an important height and repelled fierce enemy attacks for four hours. Thanks to the veterans, the regiment was able to replenish its strength and qualitatively train replacements.
Over the entire ten years of its existence, the Airborne Forces special forces have not emerged from wars. Transnistria, Abkhazia, Dagestan, both Chechen campaigns, Bosnia, Kosovo - not a single armed conflict can occur without the participation of fighters from the 45th separate. During this time, everything happened: the pennant of the Minister of Defense “for courage and military valor” and five heroes of Russia from among the soldiers of the regiment. There were, oddly enough, also moments when various accusations were made against the unit.
But, no matter what, the regiment was, is and remains the true elite of the Russian Army. And in the second campaign, the airborne special forces showed their best performance. Dozens of destroyed gangs and discovered militant bases, hundreds of guns, kilograms of explosives and drugs seized from secret warehouses - all this was included in achievement list Separate reconnaissance. This combat unit now lives and develops solely thanks to the enthusiasm, and even the “quixoticism” of its officers. The result of their labors is a perfectly functioning fighting organism, universal tool for solutions the most complex tasks. A real regiment of the future.


The story continues...
In order to preserve military traditions, in September 2005 the regiment was given the Battle Banner, the honorary name and state award of the disbanded 119th Guards Parachute Order of Alexander Nevsky Regiment. Since that time, the regiment began to be called the 45th Separate Guards Order of Alexander Nevsky Reconnaissance Regiment.
On February 1, 2008, the 45th separate reconnaissance regiment was reorganized into the 45th separate guards order of Alexander Nevsky special purpose regiment.
In August 2008, units of the regiment took part in the operation to force Georgia to peace. The regiment officer Hero of Russia Anatoly Lebed was awarded the Order of St. George, IV degree, for the skill and courage shown in this operation.
On July 20, 2009, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2006 No. 1422, the regiment was awarded the St. George Banner as an official symbol and military relic, the personification of honor, glory and military traditions.
In April 2010, the 45th Regiment's battalion tactical team performed combat mission to ensure the safety of citizens Russian Federation, including family members of military personnel and civilian personnel, on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.
For courage and heroism shown in carrying out command tasks, more than two thousand military personnel were awarded state awards. 10 servicemen of the regiment were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. These are Lieutenant Colonel Gridnev Vadim Alekseevich, Senior Lieutenant Ermakov Vitaly Yurievich (posthumously), Captain Zhidkov Dmitry Vasilyevich (posthumously), Private Lais Alexander Viktorovich (posthumously), Captain Lebed Anatoly Vyacheslavovich, Lieutenant Colonel Nepryakhin Andrey Anatolyevich, Lieutenant Colonel Pankov Vadim Ivanovich, Colonel Romanov Alexey Viktorovich , Captain Rumyantsev Alexey Viktorovich (posthumously), Major Yatsenko Pyotr Karlovich (posthumously).
The reconnaissance officers of the 45th Separate Guards Order of Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Regiment are faithful to the glorious combat traditions of the Airborne Forces and to their motto: “The strongest wins!”

In April 2011, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the 45th separate guards regiment of the Order of Alexander Nevsky appointments of the Airborne Forces the first in the modern history of Russia to be awarded the Order of Kutuzov. The regiment was awarded this high award for the successful completion of combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism shown by its personnel.

In the 45th separate regiment (now deployed to a brigade) of the special forces of the Airborne Forces in Kubinka, a celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Airborne Forces was held. As always, the paratroopers put on an interesting show. A ceremonial meeting with laying flowers and rewarding those who distinguished themselves, a ceremonial march, music and songs of the Airborne Forces, demonstration performances by paratroopers with the obligatory breaking of bricks with their hands. The highlight of the holiday was a simulated battle to capture a militant base on enemy territory with the release of a hostage. Scouts-climbers, troops, armored personnel carriers, anti-tank systems and even a tank took part in the battle! Congratulations on the 85th anniversary of the Airborne Forces!
Photos are clickable, with geographical coordinates and linking to a Yandex map, 08/02/2015.

1. Formal formation of the unit

2. According to tradition, the celebration of Airborne Forces Day begins with a solemn meeting and laying flowers at

3. Command

4. Passage in a solemn march, the banner group leads the passage


6. Znamenny group

7. After the ceremonial march, while preparations are underway for a simulated battle to free a hostage from a militant camp, military songs and the unofficial anthem of the Airborne Forces are played

8. Militant camp, bandits are having fun: someone is training in throwing knives and axes, while others are dancing lezginka to “Black Eyes”

9. And at this time, the scouts are descending from the cliff behind the militants (the wall of the barracks acts as mountains)


11. The militants do not sleep and their duty is set - the sentries are on watch. But our scouts are secretly approaching the sentries...

12. ... and take them off

13. At this time, the sniper destroys the leader of the militants (wrestling with a pistol in his hand) and eliminates the danger to the hostage, whom the bandits hastily take into the house

14. The capture group lands from a Mi-8 helicopter (Ural vehicle plays the role of Mi-8)

15. Demonstration of combat techniques (small deviation from simulating the capture of a militant base)

16. Each paratrooper undergoes a test run in an armored personnel carrier (a small deviation from simulating the capture of a militant base)

17. And now the landing using an armored personnel carrier is fighting to capture the militant base

18. Demonstration of the "Carousel" technique



21. Unfortunately, a paratrooper was wounded during the battle; he is being evacuated for medical treatment. medical care

22. The surviving militants hid in the building and their assault and cleansing begins

23. Under the cover of an armored personnel carrier, medical assistance is provided to a wounded soldier

24. The hostage has been released and is being evacuated

25. The militants called for help and a tank arrived to support them! - there he is on the right. But the paratroopers, using a requisitioned SUV (and they are now behind enemy lines) and an anti-tank missile system, destroy the militants’ tank

26. BA-BANG!!! and the militants no longer have a tank

Among the units of the Russian Airborne Special Forces, the 45th Separate Guards Order of Kutuzov Order of Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Regiment, or military unit No. 28337, occupies a special place. Firstly, some of them belong to the elite special forces troops, which are almost completely transferred to a contract basis. Secondly, there is simply enormous competition among conscripts who want to join the ranks of military unit 28337. And thirdly, the 45th Special Purpose Regiment is the youngest of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation.

History of military unit 28337

The military unit, formed on the basis of two separate battalions in February 1994, is currently stationed in the city of Kubinka, Moscow Region (formerly an academic campus). In 2007, the unit was reorganized into the linear 218th special forces battalion, but in 2008 the name of the 45th separate one was returned to it. guards regiment.
Despite the fact that military unit 28337 was formed 10 years ago, its soldiers and officers took part in the fighting in Chechnya and South Ossetia (August 2008).

Youth competitions are regularly held at the base of the military unit. The special forces group, formed on the basis of the regiment, has also been participating in international competitions between special forces units since 1995. The military unit regularly holds demonstrations in parachute jumping and hand-to-hand combat at events in Moscow and the region.

1996 – 3rd place in the overall competition of the Partnership for Peace program (Bulgaria);

1997 – champion of the “Partnership for Peace” program competition (Bulgaria);
2005 – Challenge Battle Banner, rank “Guards”, Order of Alexander Nevsky (from the disbanded 119th Guards Parachute Regiment);
February 2011 – Order of Kutuzov “For the successful completion of combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism shown by the regiment personnel.”

Reviews of military unit 28337

Currently, there are practically no soldiers on active duty in military unit 28337; it is being transferred to a contract basis. The contract is for a period of three years, the criteria for selecting fighters are moral, physical and psychological preparation, as well as the ability to react in a difficult environment and the desire to serve in special conditions.

In order to enter into a contract for military service in the 45th Guards Regiment, the candidate is required to:

Be between 18 and 40 years old and have Russian citizenship;
Have a certificate of form A-1 for health reasons;
Submit a report or statement of desire to serve in the Airborne Special Forces, indicating the unit;
Arrive at the unit itself and undergo an interview with the regiment commander and the head of the personnel department;
Pass physical fitness tests (pull-up, cross-country standards, etc.);
Pass psychological tests for service compatibility in special airborne units.

Such requirements do not stop almost anyone - military unit 28337, judging by the reviews, even attracts girls. True, few people want to go to “hot spots” and pass physical training standards, but there are plenty of people who want to work in a first-aid post, as a psychologist or as a radio operator in the unit.
Those rare representatives of the fair sex who serve in the ranks of the 45th Separate Guards Regiment undergo the same training as men and live in similar conditions. However, many contract soldiers with families are provided with housing in the garrison.

The paratroopers do not have part of the barracks; its function is performed by the soldiers' dormitory. It consists of several blocks (two adjacent rooms, designed for 4-6 people in each). The soldiers' dormitory has showers, toilets, Gym, recreation room and classrooms for military training.
Eyewitnesses say that military unit 28337 currently includes two battalions. One of them is engaged in providing support for the regiment, and the second is training fighters.
Those who served in the military unit also note that talking on the phone with relatives in the evening is allowed here.
For the period of classes Cell phones are with the company commander.
Shoes are issued along with the uniform, but you can purchase them yourself. Jumping boots made by foreign armies are allowed.

As for classes, special forces paratroopers of military unit 28337 master not only practical skills, but also a theoretical course in military affairs. However, more attention is paid to the physical training of soldiers, for example, forced marches over long distances, when soldiers carry equipment and equipment on themselves.
The specific operating conditions of the unit require knowledge of certain military equipment and weapons. Therefore, both domestic models of machine guns and the collection of captured weapons from the Armored Museum in Kubinka are carefully studied by soldiers. The military unit also trains intelligence officers, so field exercises are regularly held.

Back on January 6, 1995, the 45th OrpSpN, together with the USO FSK, occupied the complex of GNI buildings.1 At that moment, the regiment was engaged in the fight against snipers,2 so it can be assumed that similar events were planned and carried out in the area of ​​the Council of Ministers. As it were, on the morning of January 8 fighters of the 2nd and 3rd companies of the 218th Special Forces left the area of ​​the cannery. The special forces were deployed in at least three groups. Near 11:30 they got hit mortar attack 3 on Oktyabrskaya Street4 (besides this street, other places were also named - Gospitalnaya Street, etc. Revolutions between the State Tax Inspectorate and the Council of Ministers5).

1st group: 3rd company 218 special forces

Senior Lieutenant Vladimir Vitalievich Palkin
Sergeant Valery Afonchenkov
Private Yuri Khazov
Sergey Babin and others.

Sergeant Valery Afonchenkov from the 3rd company of the 218th Special Forces: “That day we went to storm the Council of Ministers. And before the throw through open area Lieutenant Zelenkovsky sent me earlier, and left Sergei [Tumaev] with him. I told them that I wouldn’t go anywhere without them, but they don’t argue with commanders. I managed to reach the building with the first group, but they were a little delayed. Then there were explosions, both near us and there, but we still didn’t know that the whole group was covered.”6

Private Yuri Khazov from the 3rd company of the 218th Special Forces: “We ran across the square and disappeared into the basement. The shelling was such that it seemed that the entire building would collapse on us, everything was shaking. The second group, where Sergei [Tumaev] was, got in touch : waiting for the end of the mortar shelling. Then communication with the group was lost. After some time, another group of paratroopers reported on the radio that they were covered with mines. The operation was canceled, and we returned."7

2nd group: 2nd company 218 special forces

Senior Lieutenant Sergei Nikolaevich Romashenko
Lieutenant Andrey Andreevich Avramenko
Lieutenant Igor Nikolaevich Chebotarev
Ensign Dmitry Vitalievich Lakota
Sergeant Maxim Nikolaevich Kislichko
contract sergeant Alexander Yuryevich Polikarpov
Private Sergei Petrovich Putyakov
Private Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Wenzel
Captain Andrei Viktorovich Zelenkovsky from the 3rd company of the 218th Special Forces
Private Sergei Vladimirovich Tumaev from the 3rd company of the 218th Special Forces
Lieutenant Vladimir Mikhailovich Artemenko from 218 Special Forces

From the description of the battle: “Romashenko’s unit was moving behind Palkin’s group. Suddenly the words of Sergei [Romashenko] cut through the air: “A strong mortar attack has begun, let me wait!” Romashenko did not make contact again. As it became known later, he was hit by the first blast wave was severely shell-shocked, but managed to report the situation to the command and controlled the unit until the end."8

Major Sergei Ivanovich Shavrin from the USO FSK: “They had to overcome the area, and at that time the first test mine arrived, then a series of four... One hit ours anti-aircraft installation"Tunguska", the ammunition detonated, killing three officers servicing the installation. A dozen and a half soldiers with full weapons were hiding behind the Tunguska. Plastic and flamethrowers began to burst. 8 people died immediately, the rest died from their wounds. Paratrooper Senior Lieutenant Igor Chebotarev went with us as the commander of the armored personnel carrier. That day he found himself in this group. Both his legs were blown off, and the officer died from loss of blood."9

According to the mother of Private Tumaev, at the site of the group’s death an armored personnel carrier was hit, the fuel from which began to leak and burn10.

Group 3 (only version for now!)

Major Alexander A. Skobennikov
radio operator
Perhaps in the same group were Senior Lieutenant Konstantin Mikhailovich Golubeev and Private Vladimir Vitalievich Kareev from the 901st Special Forces, who died on January 8.11

Major Alexander A. Skobennikov from the 45th Special Forces Regiment: “I myself barely survived. We advanced to a new frontier. We moved in small groups - three people at a time. We will run across open space, gather in some gateway or in a remote yard and forward again. The radio operator was following me. I heard him scream. I returned to him, he was sitting among the broken bricks and groaning - he had sprained his leg. While he was taking off his boot, he was setting the dislocation - there was an explosion ahead. We walked forward - a crater. As it turned out, the guys were hung with explosives and "Bumblebees", and all this detonated from a mine explosion. If the radio operator had not tripped, he and I would have ended up with the guys in this crater..."12

Identification and evacuation of the dead

Deputy commander of the 901st Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel V. Lozovoy: “After the end of the mortar raid [ around 14:00 hours 13], an additional group of the 901st battalion and one of the combined arms units with a first aid detachment came to the location of the group to provide assistance. After inspecting the area, all the wounded and killed were taken to the collection point on the territory of the 2nd city hospital."14

Sergeant V. Afonchenkov from the 3rd company of the 218th Special Forces: “Then there was an identification of the corpses, or rather what was left of them. Two were missing and one could not be identified. There was no Zelenkovsky, Tumaev and Wenzel. If you think that then Zelenkovsky was found and buried, then this is not so. The funeral was fictitious, with an empty coffin - so that the mother would pay the insurance. Me and Yura Khazov and another from our group [Sergei Babin] had to identify the remaining corpse. And we identified it. These were the remains of Sergei [ Tumaeva]."15

Private Yu. Khazov from the 3rd company of the 218th Special Forces: “When the remains were unloaded at the cannery, we recognized all but three bodies. Then we identified two more, and one was taken to Mozdok unidentified. The body was completely burnt, with the exception of a small piece on back. In the burnt remains of clothes lying around here, Valera and I found a piece of the sweater that Seryoga was wearing. And I also noticed one detail that no one paid attention to - even from the day of conscription it struck me that Sergei had one Half of the upper teeth were exactly chipped off.<...>It was this very tooth that I noticed on the charred skull. We also saw Sergei’s weapon - a piece of twisted metal, and he never let it go.”16 (Subsequently, a tag with Wenzel’s last name was mistakenly attached to Tumaev’s body. Under his own name, he was buried only on March 19, 2001, and Wenzel Since that time he has been listed as missing.)

Losses of 218 rSpN

Major S.I. Shavrin from the USO FSK: “After several days of fighting, in one of the companies of the 45th Airborne Regiment, three people remained out of twenty-seven who entered Grozny.”18

“In Vladimir [Palkin’s] company, four people remained safe and sound. All the officers were out of action, only two survived.”19

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

1 Antipov A. Lev Rokhlin. The life and death of a general. M., 1998. P. 170.
2 Skobennikov A. Grozny sacrifice // Soldier of fortune. 1999. No. 5. (http://www.duel.ru/199928/?28_6_1)
13 Film "Matka nieznanego zolnierza". 2000.
14 Yakov V. Killed and betrayed // Izvestia. 1996. November 1.
15 Yakov V. Killed and betrayed // Izvestia. 1996. November 1.
16 Yakov V. Killed and betrayed // Izvestia. 1996. November 1.
17 Film "Matka nieznanego zolnierza". 2000.
18 Boltunov M. Everyone has their own war... // Fact. 2002. No. 3. January 18. (http://www.mosoblpress.ru/balashiha/show.shtml?d_id=915)
19 Kretsul R. Fate named “landing” - author’s version. (

Thanks to cinema and television, most Russians know about the existence of special forces units that are subordinate to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU special forces). However, these special units They are far from the only ones in the Russian armed forces, it’s just that their “colleagues” are less known and not so “publicized.” At the same time, in their professionalism and combat experience they are hardly inferior to the famous GRU special forces. First of all we're talking about about special forces units of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation or special forces of the Airborne Forces.

Special units of the Airborne Forces appeared quite a long time ago, during the Great Patriotic War. In February 1994, on the basis of two separate special-purpose battalions, an airborne special forces regiment was formed. Closer to our time, this unit took Active participation in both campaigns in the North Caucasus, and was later deployed in the war with Georgia in 2008. Its permanent location is Kubinka, near Moscow. At the end of 2014, the airborne regiment was deployed into a brigade.

Despite the fact that the tasks performed by the GRU special forces and the Airborne Special Forces are largely similar, there are still differences between these units. However, before talking about the airborne special forces, a few words should be said about the history of special forces in general.

History of special forces

Parts to carry out special operations were created in the USSR almost immediately after the Bolsheviks came to power. The units were engaged in reconnaissance and subversive work in hostile territory. IN neighboring countries pro-Soviet partisan detachments were created, the work of which was supervised military intelligence from Moscow. In 1921, a special department was created in the Red Army, which was engaged in collecting intelligence information for the leadership of the Red Army.

Having survived several reorganizations, the intelligence department of the Red Army in 1940 was finally transferred to the subordination of the General Staff. The GRU special forces were created in 1950.

Special units of the Airborne Forces appeared in the 30s, immediately after the appearance of this type of troops in the USSR. The first part of the Airborne Forces was formed in 1930 near Voronezh. Almost immediately, an obvious need arose to create our own airborne reconnaissance unit.

The fact is that Airborne troops designed to perform specific functions - operations behind enemy lines, destruction of particularly important enemy targets, disruption of enemy communications, seizure of bridgeheads and other operations of a predominantly offensive nature.

To conduct a successful landing operation, preliminary reconnaissance of the landing site is necessary. Otherwise, the operation is in danger of failure - this happened many times during the Great Patriotic War, when poorly prepared landing operations cost the lives of thousands of paratroopers.

In 1994, on the basis of two separate special forces battalions of the Airborne Forces, the 901st and 218th, the 45th was formed separate regiment Airborne special forces. A few words should be said about the units that made up the regiment.

The 218th battalion was formed in 1992, and before joining the airborne special forces regiment, it managed to take part in several peacekeeping missions: in Abkhazia, Ossetia and Transnistria.

The history of the 901st battalion is much longer and richer. It was formed in 1979 in the Transcaucasian Military District as a separate air assault battalion, then was transferred to Europe, to the site of the intended theater of operations. At the end of the 80s, the Baltic states became the location of the unit. In 1992, the 901st battalion was renamed a separate parachute battalion and transferred to the subordination of the Airborne Forces headquarters.

In 1993, during the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, the 901st battalion was located on the territory of Abkhazia, after which it was transferred to the Moscow region. In 1994, the unit became a separate special forces battalion and became part of the 45th Special Forces Regiment.

The regiment's military personnel took part in both Chechen campaigns and in the operation to force Georgia to peace in 2008. In 2005, the 45th Special Forces Regiment received honorary title"Guards", the unit was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky. In 2009 he was awarded the St. George Banner.

In 2014, an airborne special forces brigade was formed on the basis of the 45th separate regiment.

More than 40 servicemen from the unit were killed in various conflicts. Many soldiers and officers of the regiment were awarded orders and medals.

Why do you need airborne special forces?

The functions of the Airborne Special Forces are very similar to those performed by their colleagues from the units of the Main Intelligence Directorate. However, there are still differences. And they are associated with specific tasks that the Airborne Forces must solve.

Of course, airborne special forces can conduct sabotage and reconnaissance operations behind enemy lines, but first of all they must prepare the possibility of landing for the main airborne units. The concept of “prepare” in this case is interpreted very broadly. First of all, we are talking about reconnaissance of the landing area: management is obliged to have maximum information about where the paratroopers will land and what awaits them there.

In addition, scouts, if necessary, prepare a landing site. This could be the capture of an enemy airfield or a small bridgehead. If necessary, sabotage is carried out in the area, infrastructure is destroyed, communications are disrupted, chaos and panic are created. Airborne special forces can also conduct operations to capture and briefly hold important objects behind enemy lines. Most often, such work is carried out during offensive operations.

One more difference should be noted between the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces. Units of the Main Intelligence Directorate can operate anywhere on the planet (it’s not for nothing that their emblem depicts Earth). Airborne special forces usually operate closer, within the flight range of airborne transport aircraft, usually no further than two thousand kilometers.

Airborne special forces are rightfully considered the elite of the Russian army. Therefore, the requirements for training and equipment of fighters are very strict. Not everyone is able to pass the selection process and become a fighter in this unit. An airborne special forces fighter must be resistant to stress, endurance, and have excellent command of all types of weapons. Special forces have to operate deep behind enemy lines, without any support from big land", carrying tens of kilograms of weapons, ammunition and equipment.

The unit's fighters are equipped the best views weapons, ammunition, equipment of Russian and foreign production. They don't spare money for special forces. It should be noted that any special forces (Russian or American) is a very expensive “pleasure”. Sniper rifle"Vintorez", Kalashnikov assault rifles of the 100th series, large-caliber rifles domestic production- this is not a complete list small arms, which is used by scouts.

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