Flag of the 45th Airborne Special Forces Brigade. Airborne special forces are the elite of the Russian armed forces. Episodes from recent history

Its full name is: 45th Separate Guards Order of Mikhail Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky reconnaissance regiment special purpose Airborne Forces of Russia. For those who are close to military topics, there is no need to explain anything here. Let us explain to the general reader:

  • The 45th Regiment is the youngest unit in our airborne forces.
  • The 45th Regiment was the only one in Russia to receive the rank of Guards in peacetime (after the end of the Great Patriotic War).
  • The regiment simultaneously trains special forces, paratroopers and intelligence officers - there is no other unit like it in the country.
  • The regiment is stationed in the city of Kubinka, Moscow region.
  • The regiment's motto: “The strongest wins.” The mascot is a wolf.

Today - and this is a reason for pride - he serves in the elite unit 101 Belgorod residents. And in 2005, only one of our fellow countrymen left for the regiment - Alexey Krasovsky. And even then he might not have gone: he had flat feet of the third degree, his parents were disabled people of the second group... But he wanted to serve, and at the same time he decided for himself: either in the 45th, or nowhere. Alexey was helped by his sporting achievements (CCM in football, winner of numerous karate competitions) and the fact that he was the best conscript in the city in terms of physical and educational indicators. The reputation of his uncle, who previously served in an elite regiment and now works in the Alpha special forces, also played a role.

Krasovsky did not let down either his relative or his small homeland - he was demobilized with the rank of senior sergeant and was awarded the Margelov medal. He does not lose contact with the regiment - he always comes to the unit on Airborne Forces Day, and in the fall and spring he meets the commander of the special forces company, senior lieutenant Sergei Ishtuganov, in Belgorod.

“He visits all military registration and enlistment offices, studies in detail the personal files of conscripts, selects the most worthy, and forms a team from them,” says Alexey. – For several days the guys pass the standards. Moreover, physical training, although the most important, is not a decisive indicator. You don’t just need strength, you also need brains; a reed woodpecker won’t get through there. Therefore, candidates are tested on basic knowledge of the Russian language, mathematics, physics, geography and other basic subjects.”

Break into the elite armed forces Many people wish that the competition for the 45th Regiment is steeper than for admission to universities. Last summer, 300 Belgorod guys wanted to leave with Sergei Ishtuganov, but only 60 passed the selection. The commanders are happy with our conscripts - they send letters of gratitude to the governor and to DOSAAF. Belgorod residents have even earned an interesting carte blanche: those who, after successful service, express a desire to become an officer, can go to the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School without competition - on the recommendation of the regiment command.

Knowledgeable people attribute the achievements of Belgorod residents to high-quality pre-conscription training. Most military-patriotic clubs (MPC) are in the field of airborne assault, and guys go into the army with a solid base of knowledge and skills.

“Many cadets of our clubs have 5-6 parachute jumps under their belts,” explains Deputy Chairman of the regional branch of DOSAAF Viktor Pogrebnyak. – And in the 45th regiment, as far as I know, according to the service program you have to make 12 jumps. There, of course, they jump not from the An-2, but from more serious aircraft, but when they have such experience, perform complex tasks much easier."

Last January, Viktor Alekseevich visited Kubinka to take the oath. Together with the leaders of two military-industrial complexes - “Rusichi” and “Fatherland” - he congratulated and gave farewell words to the recruits. He says that the conditions for living and serving in the regiment are excellent: comfortable beds, cabinets with individual keys, showers, tea rooms... In general, not a stereotypical army at all.

Do you want one? Get ready. We have obtained the minimum requirements of the 45th Regiment for you. Don’t want to or have already passed the military age? Just try what it's like to get into forty-five.

In the 45th separate regiment (now deployed to a brigade) of the special forces of the Airborne Forces in Kubinka, a celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Airborne Forces was held. As always, the paratroopers put on an interesting show. A ceremonial meeting with laying flowers and rewarding those who distinguished themselves, a ceremonial march, music and songs of the Airborne Forces, demonstration performances by paratroopers with the obligatory breaking of bricks with their hands. The highlight of the holiday was a simulated battle to capture a militant base on enemy territory with the release of a hostage. Scouts-climbers, troops, armored personnel carriers, anti-tank systems and even a tank took part in the battle! Congratulations on the 85th anniversary of the Airborne Forces!
Photos are clickable, with geographical coordinates and linking to a Yandex map, 08/02/2015.

1. Formal formation of the unit

2. According to tradition, the celebration of Airborne Forces Day begins with a solemn meeting and laying flowers at

3. Command

4. Passage in a solemn march, the banner group leads the passage


6. Znamenny group

7. After the ceremonial march, while preparations are underway for a simulated battle to free a hostage from a militant camp, military songs and the unofficial anthem of the Airborne Forces are played

8. Militant camp, bandits are having fun: someone is training in throwing knives and axes, while others are dancing lezginka to “Black Eyes”

9. And at this time, the scouts are descending from the cliff behind the militants (the wall of the barracks acts as mountains)


11. The militants do not sleep and their duty is set - the sentries are on watch. But our scouts are secretly approaching the sentries...

12. ... and take them off

13. At this time, the sniper destroys the leader of the militants (wrestling with a pistol in his hand) and eliminates the danger to the hostage, whom the bandits hastily take into the house

14. The capture group lands from a Mi-8 helicopter (Ural vehicle plays the role of Mi-8)

15. Demonstration of combat techniques (small deviation from simulating the capture of a militant base)

16. Each paratrooper undergoes a test run in an armored personnel carrier (a small deviation from simulating the capture of a militant base)

17. And now the landing using an armored personnel carrier is fighting to capture the militant base

18. Demonstration of the "Carousel" technique



21. Unfortunately, a paratrooper was wounded during the battle; he is being evacuated for medical assistance.

22. The surviving militants hid in the building and their assault and cleansing begins

23. Under the cover of an armored personnel carrier it turns out health care to a wounded soldier

24. The hostage has been released and is being evacuated

25. The militants called for help and a tank arrived to support them! - there he is on the right. But the paratroopers, using a requisitioned SUV (and they are now behind enemy lines) and an anti-tank missile system, destroy the militants’ tank

26. BA-BANG!!! and the militants no longer have a tank

Hi all! Today we will touch upon such a topic as military service under contract in the Russian Airborne Forces. Namely, we will consider such issues as vacancies under contract in the Airborne Forces in 2019, those who serve under contract in the airborne forces, as well as the conditions for serving under contract in the Airborne Forces for military personnel and members of their families. The Airborne Forces will take a special place in our article.

Contract service in airborne regiments, divisions, military units, brigades

Contract service in the Airborne Forces is a job for real men!

Currently, the structural strength includes four full-fledged divisions, and there are also separate shelves, airborne and air assault brigades.

For those who have decided to connect their life, or at least part of it, with service in the Airborne Forces, I highly recommend studying the composition of the Airborne Forces and the locations of the units and subunits of the Russian Airborne Forces.

So, according to official information from the RF Ministry of Defense website mil.ru Airborne Forces consists of:

  • 76th Guards Air Assault Division, stationed in Pskov:
  1. military unit 32515 104th Guards Air Assault Regiment
  2. military unit 74268 234th Guards Air Assault Regiment
  3. military unit 45377 1140 artillery regiment and others
  • military unit 65451 98th Guards Airborne Division, located in Ivanovo:
  1. military unit 62295 217 Guards Parachute Regiment
  2. military unit 71211 331st Guards Parachute Regiment (location: Kostroma)
  3. military unit 62297 1065th Guards Artillery Red Banner Regiment (location Kostroma)
  4. military unit 65391 215th separate guards reconnaissance company and others
  • 7th Guards Air Assault (Mountain) Division, location – Novorossiysk:
  1. military unit 42091 108th air assault regiment
  2. military unit 54801 247 air assault regiment (location: Stavropol)
  3. military unit 40515 1141 artillery regiment (location in Anapa) and others
  • 106th Guards Airborne Division - Tula:
  1. military unit 41450 137th parachute regiment
  2. military unit 33842 51st parachute regiment
  3. military unit 93723 1182 artillery regiment (location: Naro-Fominsk) and others

Shelves and airborne brigade:

  • military unit 32364 11th separate guards airborne brigade, place of deployment - the city of Ulan-Ude
  • military unit 28337 45th separate guards brigade special purpose - Moscow
  • 56th Separate Guards air assault brigade. Location: Kamyshin city
  • military unit 73612 31st separate guards air assault brigade. Located in Ulyanovsk
  • military unit 71289 83rd separate guards airborne brigade. Location – Ussuriysk
  • military unit 54164 38th separate guards regiment Airborne Forces communications. Located in the Moscow region, in the village of Medvezhye Ozera

Cuban contract service in airborne special forces in the 45th special forces brigade

Let's start with the brigade, which, apparently, every second candidate aspires to join. Namely, in the 45th brigade (regiment) of the Airborne Forces. To avoid repetition, I will immediately give a link to the material where we have already told everything about this military unit in the article

Contract service in the Tula Airborne Forces

For many, the contract in the Airborne Forces became a successful springboard and a good lesson in life.

The next most popular is the 106th Guards Airborne Division, which is located in the hero city of Tula. Full name 106th Guards Airborne Tula Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Division.

The division includes units:

  • parachute regiments
  • communications department,
  • material support division (MS),
  • medical squad,
  • engineering unit

Accordingly, it’s quite a lot for contract service in the 106th Airborne Division.

Contract servicemen serving under contract in the Airborne Forces in the city of Tula, during their service, live in separate living quarters (cubbies) for 4-6 soldiers. Those who do not want to live on the territory of the unit, as well as family military personnel, have the right to rent housing in the city itself. In this case they are paid financial compensation for renting housing.

Also, every serviceman can use it to solve their housing problems.

Since the unit is located in the city itself, there are no problems with employment of members of military families.

Airborne Forces contract service Ryazan

Those who wish to serve in the Airborne Forces in Ryazan should contact the 137th Parachute Regiment, military unit 41450 Regimental address: Ryazan - 7 Oktyabrsky Gorodok

The conditions for entering a contract in an airborne regiment are the same as for other candidates for a contract.

In 137 PDP, in addition to regular units, for example, PDB, there is:

  • special center,
  • airborne training ground

Military unit 41450 has a club, a library, a museum of military glory, a stadium and a gym.

There is a garrison military hospital on the territory of the Ryazan garrison.

There are also no problems with employing family members of contract workers. The military unit is located within the city limits. Accordingly, the state fulfills them in full.

Contract service Pskov Airborne Forces

The next place for future contract soldiers to serve is the oldest unit of the Airborne Forces, namely the 76th Guards Air Assault Division, located in the city of military glory Pskov.

As part of the 76th Guards. The DSD has the following divisions:

  • three air assault regiments
  • Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment
  • separate reconnaissance battalion
  • separate communications battalion
  • repair and restoration battalion and others

The conditions of service and living conditions for contract servicemen are the same as in other military units of the Airborne Forces

Service under contract of the Airborne Forces Ulyanovsk

For those who have chosen to serve in the Airborne Forces and also live or are ready to move to the city of Ulyanovsk, they are lucky, because the 31st Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade (31 Air Assault Brigade) is located here, military unit 73612 address Ulyanovsk, 3rd Engineering travel

The 31st Airborne Brigade includes:

  • parachute and air assault battalions
  • artillery battalion
  • engineer company

Since 2005, all units of the brigade have been staffed exclusively by contract soldiers.

Contract in the Airborne Forces in Crimea

Back in 2016, the then commander of the Airborne Forces, Vladimir Shamanov, announced that during 2017, the 97th Airborne Assault Regiment would be recreated in Dzhankoy, Crimea. But there is no information about this yet.

Monetary allowances for military personnel under contract in the Airborne Forces

In addition to the basic payments that are due to every serviceman of the Russian Army, the Airborne Forces are entitled to, namely in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 2700 dated December 30, 2011, the salary of a contract soldier of the Airborne Forces is increased by 50 percent of the salary for a military position, provided that the serviceman has fulfilled established by the Minister of Defense Russian Federation rate of skydiving for the past year.

For military personnel, for each complicated parachute jump, the allowance increases by 1 percent.

It is worth noting that in the 45th Airborne Brigade (Regiment), military personnel receive an additional 50% of their salary for military service in a special forces unit.

Airborne Forces contract service reviews

Our Airborne Forces are rapidly developing. More and more models of modern military equipment. This means that the Airborne Forces will constantly require professional military personnel.

Regarding the reviews, I would like to say that it depends on the military unit where the service will take place, and sometimes on the military man himself. What can you say about this? How is your contract in the Airborne Forces?

  • 1. History
  • 2 Awards
  • 3 Eyewitness impressions
  • 4 Instructions for mothers
    • 4.1 Parcels and letters
    • 4.2 Contacts
    • 4.3 Your visit
  • 5 Where to stay

Among the units of the Russian Airborne Special Forces, the 45th Separate Guards Order of Kutuzov Order of Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Regiment, or military unit No. 28337, occupies a special place. Firstly, some of them belong to the elite special forces troops, which are almost completely transferred to a contract basis. Secondly, there is simply enormous competition among conscripts who want to join the ranks of military unit 28337. And thirdly, the 45th Special Forces Regiment is the youngest of the composition Russian Airborne Forces Federation.

Official sleeve insignia of the regiment


The military unit, formed on the basis of two separate battalions in February 1994, is currently stationed in the city of Kubinka, Moscow Region (formerly an academic campus). In 2007, the unit was reorganized into the linear 218th special forces battalion, but in 2008 the name of the 45th separate guards regiment.
Despite the fact that military unit 28337 was formed 10 years ago, its soldiers and officers took part in the fighting in Chechnya and South Ossetia (August 2008).

Stand “Combat path of the 45th separate reconnaissance regiment of the Airborne Forces”

Youth competitions are regularly held at the base of the military unit. The special forces group, formed on the basis of the regiment, has also been participating in international competitions between special forces units since 1995. The military unit regularly holds demonstrations in parachute jumping and hand-to-hand combat at events in Moscow and the region.

Memorial complex in memory of the regiment soldiers who died while performing combat missions


1996 – 3rd place in the overall competition of the Partnership for Peace program (Bulgaria);

1997 – champion of the “Partnership for Peace” program competition (Bulgaria);
2005 – Challenge Battle Banner, rank “Guards”, Order of Alexander Nevsky (from the disbanded 119th Guards Parachute Regiment);
February 2011 – Order of Kutuzov “For the successful completion of combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism shown by the regiment personnel.”

Presentation of the Order of Kutuzov to the 45th OGPSN

Eyewitness impressions

Currently, there are practically no soldiers on active duty in military unit 28337; it is being transferred to a contract basis. The contract is for a period of three years, the criteria for selecting fighters are moral, physical and psychological preparation, as well as the ability to react in a difficult environment and the desire to serve in special conditions.

Regiment soldiers training on an obstacle course

In order to enter into a contract for military service in the 45th Guards Regiment, the candidate is required to:

  • Be between 18 and 40 years old and have Russian citizenship;
  • Have a certificate of form A-1 for health reasons;
  • Submit a report or statement of desire to serve in the Airborne Special Forces, indicating the unit;
  • Arrive at the unit itself and undergo an interview with the regiment commander and the head of the personnel department;
  • Pass physical fitness tests (pull-up, cross-country standards, etc.);
  • Pass psychological tests for service compatibility in special units Airborne Forces

Passing the obstacle course

Such requirements do not stop almost anyone - military unit 28337, judging by the reviews, even attracts girls. True, few people want to go to “hot spots” and pass physical training standards, but there are plenty of people who want to work in a first-aid post, as a psychologist or as a radio operator in the unit.
Those rare representatives of the fair sex who serve in the ranks of the 45th Separate Guards Regiment undergo the same training as men and live in similar conditions. However, many contract soldiers with families are provided with housing in the garrison.

Parachute jumping and helicopter landing simulators

The paratroopers do not have part of the barracks; its function is performed by the soldiers' dormitory. It consists of several blocks (two adjacent rooms, designed for 4-6 people in each). The soldiers' dormitory has showers, toilets, Gym, recreation room and classrooms for military training.
Eyewitnesses say that military unit 28337 currently includes two battalions. One of them is engaged in providing support for the regiment, and the second is training fighters.
Those who served in the military unit also note that talking on the phone with relatives in the evening is allowed here.

Training room in part

For the period of classes Cell phones are with the company commander.
Shoes are issued along with the uniform, but you can purchase them yourself. Jumping boots made by foreign armies are allowed.

As for classes, special forces paratroopers of military unit 28337 master not only practical skills, but also a theoretical course in military affairs. However, more attention is paid to the physical training of soldiers, for example, forced marches over long distances, when soldiers carry equipment and equipment on themselves.
The specific operating conditions of the unit require knowledge of certain military equipment and weapons. Therefore, both domestic models of machine guns and the collection of captured weapons from the Armored Museum in Kubinka are carefully studied by soldiers. The military unit also trains intelligence officers, so field exercises are regularly held.

Selling sweatshirt 45 ORP Airborne special forces embroidery
The embroidery of the regiment emblem on the chest is made of very high quality, the embroidery on the back is the emblem of the regiment. Sweatshirt with zipper, two pockets in front. Located in Moscow Region.

Size: XL (52-54)
In stock: 2 pcs
Price: 1600 ₽ + delivery

Sell ​​sweatshirt Airborne Forces Russia Nobody but us embroidery
The embroidery of the chevron and the emblem of the troops on the chest is made of very high quality, the embroidery on the back of the Airborne Forces motto “Nobody but us.” Anorak-type sweatshirt, one common pocket at the front. Located in Moscow Region.

XL (52-54) - 2 pcs (both product options)
XXL (54-56) - 1 piece (second version of the product)
In stock: 3 pcs
Price: 1500 ₽ + delivery

Selling T-shirt 45 ORP Spetsnaz Airborne Forces black cotton embroidery
The embroidery of the regiment chevron on the chest is made of very high quality on the same fabric base as the product itself, and the embroidery on the back is SPECIAL FORCES of the Airborne Forces.
Fabric 100% natural cotton, Türkiye. Doesn't stick to the body, the skin breathes. Located in Moscow Region.

XL (52-54) - 4 pcs.
XXL (56) - 6 pcs
XXXL (58) - 2 pcs.
In stock: 12 pcs
Price: 800 ₽ + delivery

Selling T-shirt 45 ORP classic black cotton print
Black T-shirt - classic 45 ORP. Used by part of the special forces in all companies. It has been worn for many (more than 10) years, the design remains the same. High-quality image printing. Fabric 100% natural cotton, Uzbekistan. Located in Moscow Region.

52 - 2 pcs
56 - 2 pcs
In stock: 4 pcs
Price: 600 ₽ + delivery

The bottom row of photos are taken from the web just to show what the fabric looks like and how the polo will fit your body.

Selling polo 45 ORP Spetsnaz Airborne Forces black cotton embroidery
A small batch was made according to a special order for the 20th anniversary of the regiment.
The regiment embroidery on the chest is made of very high quality on the same fabric base as the product itself, the embroidery on the sleeves is the Airborne Forces flag and the Russian flag, and the Airborne Special Forces embroidery is on the back.
A classic English polo design, it has remained virtually unchanged over more than half a century of history. Classic men's wardrobe. Fabric - natural cotton, Türkiye. Doesn't stick to the body, the skin breathes. Classic - traditional stripes on the collar and elastic bands of the sleeves.
The bottom row of photos are taken from the web just to show what the fabric looks like and how the polo will fit your body. Located in Moscow Region.

S (46-48) - 2 pcs.
M (48-50) - 2 pcs.
L (50-52) - 3 pcs
XL (52-54) - 2 pcs.
XXXL (56-58) - 4 pcs
In stock: 14 pcs
Price: 1100 ₽ + delivery

Selling T-shirt 45 ORP Spetsnaz Airborne Forces with a wolf black cotton print
T-shirt black with gray wolf- totem 45 ORP absolutely new, home storage. High-quality image printing. Material: fabric 100% natural cotton, produced in Uzbekistan. Manufactured by Voentorg JSC, Moscow. Year of manufacture 2015. Model discontinued. Located in Moscow Region.

Sizes: 50, 54, 56
In stock: 1 piece of each size
Price: 600 ₽ + delivery

Selling T-shirt "Antiterror" black embroidery

Selling flags of the Airborne Forces and 45 ORP Special Forces Airborne Forces
The flags are completely new. Home storage. Located in Moscow Region.
Dimensions: 90x130 cm

Flag "901 ODShB Airborne Forces No one but us"
In stock: 1 piece
Price: 800 ₽ + delivery

Flag "Airborne Forces No One But Us"
In stock: 2 pcs
Price: 750 ₽ + delivery

Flag "The strongest win" black
In stock: 1 piece
Price: 800 ₽ + delivery

Flag "45 Guards OP Special Forces Airborne Forces Kubinka" with St. George's Ribbon
In stock: 2 pcs
Price: 900 ₽ + delivery

Selling Airborne Forces and Russia flag
The flag is completely new. Located in Moscow Region.

Dimensions: 15x23 cm
In stock: 1 + 1 pcs
Price: 100 ₽ + delivery

Selling patch and chevron 45 ORP Airborne Forces and "Polite People" Lurex embroidery
The chevrons are new and already rolled onto the material, the stripes are new and not rolled. Manufactured in Moscow. Year of manufacture 2003-2007. Located in Moscow Region.
The chevrons are of a new type on new velcro. New Airborne Forces lapel patches embroidered in protective color on Velcro. Manufactured in Moscow. Year of manufacture 2015. Located in Moscow Region.

In stock: 33 pieces in total
old-style battalion and regimental chevron with wolf - 250 ₽ + delivery
Regimental chest patch with a wolf of the old style - 250 ₽ + delivery
regimental (brigade) chevron with a new type of carnation - 200 ₽ + delivery
Russia Airborne Forces chevron with flag - 100 ₽ + delivery
chevron Airborne Troops Russia - 100 ₽ + delivery
round ministerial chevron with eagle and sword in a rubber wreath, old style - 50 ₽ + delivery
round ministerial chevron with eagle and sword in a wreath, embroidered old style - 100 ₽ + delivery
Ministerial chevron with an eagle and a sword in khaki color on Velcro of a new type - 100 ₽ + delivery
Airborne blood group chest patch, military intelligence, special forces - 100 ₽ + delivery
Airborne Forces lapel patches embroidered in protective color on Velcro of a new type - 100 ₽ per pair + delivery
chevron Polite people with a yellow and khaki cat on Velcro - 150 ₽ + delivery
chevron Polite people with a khaki cat round on Velcro - 100 ₽ + delivery
camouflage ensign's false shoulder straps "Flora" embroidered in khaki color - 100 ₽ + delivery
senior warrant officer's false shoulder straps camouflaged "Number" with khaki color - 100 ₽ + delivery

Selling ceramic mug 45 ORP 250 ml white
1. The strongest win! classic
2. The strongest win! vintage
3. The strongest win! 45 OP SpN
4. Born in the USSR.

The mug is brand new, never used, stored at home. It perfectly maintains the temperature of the drink, the handle is very comfortable and does not heat up. The mug is made of ceramic and coated with transparent matte lacquered paint. On the front of the mug is the official logo - the chevron of the 45th Airborne Special Forces Regiment. The mug is a product made of high-quality ceramic alloy with graphic application of the corresponding symbols. Material: 100% ceramic. Volume 250 ml. Year of manufacture 2013. Located in Moscow Region.

In stock: 1 piece each
Price: 400 ₽ + delivery

Selling a badge "Special forces 45 ORP" with a wolf and wings, brass

In stock: 1 piece
Price: 300 ₽ + delivery

Selling a badge "Instructor parachutist 100 jumps" with pendant 10/25 golden star brass Russia
The product is completely new, never used. Material: brass alloy metal, deep embossing. Manufactured by Mosshtamp Plant LLC, Moscow. Year of manufacture 2000-2002. Located in Moscow Region.

The sign is made of heavy metal using hot enamel. The badge is awarded by order of the commander for the training of personnel, as well as for excellent results in fire and tactical training. The qualification mark is made in the form of an open parachute, on the white dome of which the golden inscription “Parachutist Instructor” is stamped. In the middle of the lines there is an image of an airplane and the number “100”, and at the bottom there is a smaller parachute with a figurine of a golden-colored paratrooper. The upper part of the sign is crowned with a golden five-pointed star. The lower part of the sign is decorated with a small pendant, with the number “10” stamped on one side and the number “25” on the other side.

Dimensions: 29x70 mm
In stock: 1 piece
Price: 300 ₽ + delivery

Selling breastplate "USSR Guards" remake brass Russia
The product is completely new, never used. Located in Moscow Region.

Dimensions: 35x50 mm
In stock: 2 pcs
Price: 150 ₽ + delivery

Selling breastplate "Russian Guard" brass Russia
The product is completely new, never used. Material: metal brass alloy. Located in Moscow Region.

Dimensions: 40x50 mm
In stock: 1 piece
Price: 100 ₽ + delivery

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