Weather by month in Goa - gentle sun or monsoon winds? When is the best time to go on holiday to Goa? Goa sea water temperature

A former Portuguese colony and India's smallest state, Goa is incredibly beautiful beach resort, stretching for a good hundred kilometers along the western coast of the country. Read our article on the Tour Calendar, in which we explain why the best time to relax in this paradise is from November to the end of April.

Tourist season in Goa

If you're yearning for breathtaking sunsets, endless sandy Bounty-style beaches, a laid-back lifestyle, lively midnight parties and cheap shopping, go to Goa - the most Europeanized region of India. Here there is freedom in the air, and every piece of land is generously saturated with the bright rays of the tropical sun. Holidays in Goa can have many faces: it is designed both for wealthy devotees of a quality beach holiday located in the southern part of the state, and for undemanding party-goers, whose permanent refuge is the north of the resort. These two regions are complete opposites of each other - both in their concept and in the cost of the services provided. But this is the main charm of Goa, which offers a varied holiday for a diverse public for every taste and budget. This is probably why in mass tourist season, lasting here from November to May, about 2 million tourists come here in search of all-consuming relaxation, which is almost double the number of the local population.

High season

Somewhere in December, Dabolim Airport begins to operate in an intensive mode, receiving several charters and regular flights from many countries of the world every day. At this time in Goa you can observe a real “migration” of tourists: “southerners” languidly roll over from side to side on the golden sands, providing themselves with an even tan, or meditate secludedly in the shade of spreading palm trees on idyllic beaches, and “northerners” fall into nirvana on another trance party. The geography of foreign guests is extensive - Great Britain, Germany, France, Israel, the Netherlands. This could not have happened without Russia. There are so many of our compatriots (about 40,000 people) that some resorts have turned into a Russian “ghetto”, not only in terms of recreation, but also as the main place of residence (read “downshifting”). IN Lately There is also a trend of growing interest from married couples with kids. This was facilitated by the opening of a considerable number of hotels of world chains here. New Year's tours to Goa offered by travel agencies are selling like hot cakes, despite their relatively high cost. And today this tiny Indian state is one of the best-selling New Year's exotic destinations.

Low season

In May, the decibels of music emitted by the rave discos of North Goa become lower, the dance floors lose their former density, and in the southern part of the resort state hotels no longer reach full capacity. Coming low season, when a suffocating haze reigns in Goa, and water pours from the sky almost every day. Beach holidays in summer are not very popular due to the high water temperature and high sea waves, which in such conditions become not very friendly to people. Tours during this season, of course, are put up for sale, but as statistics show, they are not in great demand: purposefully expose yourself to the delights of difficult acclimatization in given time years - few people wish. Regarding the material side of the issue, there are savings in the low season, and quite decent ones: from the cost of air travel to the prices of taxi fares or public transport.

Beach season in Goa

Wide tropical beaches with silvery sand, playfully sparkling in the spilled rays of the sun and washing warm waters the boundless ocean - this is precisely the main treasure of Goa, attracting millions of tourists here - rich Indians, respectable Europeans and the “simpler tourist”, without any special requests. Throughout the year, the water temperature in the Arabian Sea remains above +25 °C, however, the main swimming season lasts from November to March - during the so-called dry season, when the rains become a thing of the past and the climate changes to a more comfortable way. When going for a beach holiday in Goa, you should know about one of its features - daily high tides (in the evening) and low tides (in the morning). Their exact schedule can be found in hotels or on information boards that should be at each beach. Typically the water level difference is about 2 meters. In summer, swimming is a great danger, as this is the season of strong undercurrents and large waves that can carry a person far from the shore in a matter of seconds. In addition, the water is very cloudy, and swimming in it is not very pleasant.

Diving season

No one comes to Goa specifically for diving yet. However, in this resort town there are several good dive sites and professional schools, aimed mainly at beginners, since the average visibility under water is no more than 8-12 meters. Best Season The period from October to March is considered for mastering this sport.

Best time for excursions

If you think that Goa is all about beach and “near-beach” joys, then you are deeply mistaken. This state, although very small, is very ancient. You will be greeted by the historical monuments of Old Goa, the colonial architecture of Margao and Panaji, the temples of Mapusa, as well as nature reserves and the amazing Dudhsagar waterfall. Among the most popular organized excursions are the crazy tour of North Goa at night, a trip to the Savoy Spice Garden and the sea cruise “The Gold of Vasco da Gama”. Most favorable time to explore the natural, cultural and historical heritage of Goa - from October to March.

Wellness season

While relaxing on the beaches of Goa, many wealthy tourists decide to combine business with pleasure and sign up for Ayurvedic treatments. This is a set of wellness procedures according to the world's oldest medical health care system, which is very effective in the fight against various chronic ailments. Ayurveda in last years is winning an increasing number of adherents from many countries of the world, and India is one of the leading countries actively practicing this method treatment. In Goa there are both specialized centers with the possibility of accommodation, as well as hotels with SPA centers where such services are provided. Best time for recovery - the wet season. The minimum course to achieve positive dynamics is 2.5-3 weeks.

Wedding season

An increasing number of couples in love choose Goa for their honeymoon or symbolic wedding ceremony. Quiet whisper of waves Indian Ocean, kilometers of golden sands stretching beyond the horizon, a gentle wind blowing through your hair - everything here is filled with romance, love and a unique oriental flavor. During wedding planning, in addition to deciding such important issues, as a choice of ceremony classical or Indian style, it is necessary to place special emphasis on the time of its implementation. The peak of weddings in Goa occurs during the dry season, and these are indeed the most optimal times when bad weather will not be able to darken the happiness of the young. However, it should be remembered that the earlier the order for the ceremony is made, the lower its cost and the greater the chance of organization on the required dates.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Goa has an enviable reputation as a state where... different religions coexist harmoniously with each other. Many celebrations of the unity of diverse cultures, music and dance festivals, as well as theatrical performances take place here. December 3 at Old Goa- Saint Francis Xavier's Day; December 8 - in Panaji and Margao the Feast of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception; December 25 - Catholic Christmas; 1st of January - New Year; January 6 - Feast of the Three Kings; February 2 - Day of Our Lady of Candelaria; February-March - a 3-day carnival on the eve of Easter led by King Mom; February-May - Rama's birthday; early March (November) - 5th cultural and cuisine festival on Margao beach; May - Walking on Fire / “Igitun Chalne”; fifth Monday of Lent in Old Goa - Procession of All Saints; March - Good Friday; March - “Shigmo” festival on the occasion of welcoming spring; end of March - April - Catholic Easter; June 24 - Day of John the Baptist; June 29 - Day of Saints Peter and Paul; August-September - Birthday of God Ganesh; October-November is the religious holiday of Diwali. For more information about holidays in Goa, see the section on holiday season in India.

Climate in Goa

Goa's location south of the equator in the coastal zone and the periodic dominance of monsoons determined the formation of a tropical climate type in this state. The weather here is hot and humid most of the year. The monsoon season is relatively short - from the beginning of June to the end of September.

Goa in spring

In many countries around the world, spring is considered the most attractive time of the year. But in the case of Goa, it's quite the opposite. The calendar spring months are the hottest. During the day, the mercury soars to +33 °C. Due to the fact that the daylight hours are very long and it is shining all this time bright sun, by the evening the air does not have time to cool down properly - +24..+26 °C, which, at a minimum, leads to sleepless nights, and at most, to poor health. The first two months are a complete drought. But in May the first precipitation falls - no more than 3 rainy days per month.

Temperature and weather in Goa in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Temperature average+28 +30 +30
Temperature during the day+32 +33 +33
Temperature at night+24 +26 +27
Water temperature+28 +29 +30
Rain0 days0 days3 days

Goa in summer

In summer, monsoons rule the roost in Goa. The rains “charge” from the first days of June and do not stop until the end of September. Approximately 23-25 ​​days of each month are marked by precipitation. As a rule, showers last from 1.5 to 2 hours. Thanks to smooth running annual temperatures climate regime This season is not much different from those observed during the rest of the year. However, there is a slight decrease in daytime temperatures and a slight increase in evening temperatures, so in summer, in conditions of almost 100% humidity, it is very difficult to breathe in Goa. Usually, the lack of oxygen and heat are extremely poorly tolerated by many tourists. The condition of the Arabian Sea leaves much to be desired: The water is very warm, in the hottest month of the year (June), about +29, but dirty and cloudy. Strong winds cause rough seas, causing a lot of debris to wash up on the coast.

Temperature and weather in Goa in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Temperature average+28 +27 +27
Temperature during the day+31 +29 +29
Temperature at night+25 +25 +24
Water temperature+29 +28 +28
Rain22 days25 days23 days

Goa in autumn

September is completely subject to the violence of the elements, the “organizer” of which is the monsoon winds. The average daytime air temperature becomes a degree higher, and the nights are no longer so exhausting, and in the evening breeze they can even bring significant coolness. As we move towards the beginning of October, the amount of precipitation gradually decreases, and no more than 5-6 inclement days should be expected this month. The weather is improving right before our eyes, the amount sundial increases, and instead of clouds overhead, a piercing blue sky yawns more and more often. In the middle of the calendar autumn, the mass tourist season opens, you can already swim on the beaches, but they are still sparsely populated - the consequences of tropical rains on the coast do not have time to eliminate, and the sea needs some time to return to normal. But already in November the situation changes radically, and the coastal strips are occupied by multinational holidaymakers. This is the start of the dry season, which has an average of 1-2 cloudy days.

The smallest state of India, which is famous for its beaches, exotic nature and atmosphere of freedom. It is characterized by a subtropical climate with all its bright manifestations. Lush vegetation and picturesque landscapes attract tourists from all over the world.

Best time to go to Goa

The best time the period for visiting is considered from the end of October to the end of March. These days the air temperature rises to 32 °C. Air humidity is on average within 70%. These are excellent conditions for sunbathing, swimming and active recreation.

Popular activities here include windsurfing, kiting, wakeboarding, kayaking and scuba diving. The sea is calm, sometimes covered with small waves, so it will be comfortable to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the underwater depths while diving. During the season, the water warms up to 28 °C.

Weather table in Goa by month

During the day At night Sea Season
January +32 +20 +27 Beach
February +32 +21 +27 Beach
March +32 +23 +28 Beach
April +33 +26 +29 Beach
May +33 +26 +29
June +30 +25 +28
July +29 +24 +27
August +29 +24 +26
September +30 +24 +27
October +32 +24 +28
November +33 +22 +28 Beach
December +32 +21 +28 Beach

Seasons in Goa

The weather is not subject to the traditional change of seasons. Here the season of heavy tropical rains (late May - early September) gives way to the dry season (September - April). During the hottest period (April - May), solar activity increases. The air temperature reaches 35 °C, and sometimes reaches 39 °C. At this time, it is necessary to use protective creams, wear hats and quench your thirst in a timely manner. Maintaining water balance for the body is very important. To successfully complete acclimatization, you should pay close attention to such advice.

Monsoon season(late May - early September) brings high humidity and windiness. The peak occurs at July. It rains constantly, and the sea is covered with high waves. The water temperature does not drop, but swimming and going out to sea at this time is strictly prohibited.

Best time for excursions to Goa

clear weather November better than others for excursions, walks and visiting holy places. The heat is not so tiring, and the rains do not spoil the planned vacation. You can diversify your leisure program throughout the entire tourist season, the main thing is that the air temperature does not reach maximum levels.

Because of the variety natural conditions The weather at different resorts in Goa may vary. Therefore, here you can find a comfortable place to relax throughout most of the year. During the dry season, the sweltering heat is difficult to bear, so it is better to postpone the trip for this time. The rainy season can open up for tourists special beauty waterfalls and mangrove forests. This time is chosen for meditation, yoga and solitude.

Goa is a small state in India, which is one of the ideal resorts in the world. Especially if you look at the climate of Goa. The weather here is milder and smoother over the months compared to other states. In Goa, temperature changes are insignificant.

The period from December to January is considered the coolest here, the temperature ranges from +19 0 C to +30 0 C. May-June is considered a hot time, the temperature reaches +30...+34 0 C. But thanks to the low humidity, this heat is tolerated comfortably . The remaining states of the country have a smoother monsoon period, as a result of which the temperature there has a greater contrast and there is less rainfall.

What determines the weather in Goa?

Most of India is located in Because of this, the weather in the country depends largely on the monsoons. In summer it rains from the Indian Ocean. They move to the northwest, gaining strength and power along the way. In June you can see thunderstorms that flood everything around. But closer to autumn the weather changes. Then the rains from the northeast are replaced by coolness, but without clouds.

February can meet 26 0 C at night and 30 0 C during the day. It is considered the driest month with little precipitation. Humidity increases (up to 70%). Otherwise, the weather is similar to January, with one exception - light rains provide the opportunity to freshen up, and the sea calls with its warmth and tranquility.

Weather in Goa in spring

In March, the temperature during the day is approximately +32 0 C, at night - + 29 0 C. The air has been dry since February, precipitation is also unlikely (1.1 mm). The wind is also small and warm, the days are mostly cloudless, their duration is 10 hours. The water no longer cools down as much, as it warms up to +31 0 C. In this regard, March is a less comfortable month compared to previous ones; the increase in air temperature is very noticeable.

In April, the wind rises and can reach up to 8 km/h, but this is pleasant as it allows you to cool down a little on a hot day. More and more clouds appear in the sky. The season ends in April.

May is considered the hottest month in Goa. The air warms up to +33 0 C, the night temperature drops to +27 0 C. Humidity rises to 75%, and the amount of precipitation increases. The air speed increases - up to 7 m/s, which is why it becomes dusty. The pressure is normal (about 750 mm Hg). The water temperature is still high: +30 0 C.

Towards the end of May the amount of rain increases as the rainy season begins in summer. By the way, in May it is not recommended to go to Goa for those who acutely feel pressure changes or who have problems with the cardiovascular system.

Holidays in Goa in summer

June is considered a hot and humid month. The air during the day warms up to at least +31 0 C, night temperature: +24...+25 0 C. This is the beginning of the rainy season, so for most of the month it rains with wind speeds up to 11 km/h. The sea cools down to +29 0 C, but due to strong winds There's a storm brewing, so it's unlikely that you'll be able to swim.

The weather for a beach holiday is not entirely comfortable, but a bonus for a trip to Goa in June will be significant discounts and the opportunity to do incredible things beautiful pictures against the background of a raging sea.

July is usually greeted with heat and moist air. Although sunny days in July it is the least, the air temperature will not decrease from this: +29 0 C during the day and +23 0 C at night. The sea cools down slightly - to +28 0 C. The wind increases to 14 km/s, rain is observed every day. The sea becomes dirty because it is constantly stormy. Right now the number of all kinds of living creatures, including poisonous ones, is increasing. So you need to be careful where you step. This month is optimal for those who prefer the absence of people and long rains on vacation in Goa. Weather by month: The rainy season begins to subside in July.

August is considered hot and humid. Daytime temperatures reach +29 0 C, night temperatures +24 0 C. It rains for almost half of the month. Humidity reaches 88%, which is the highest for the entire year. up to 10 km/h. Despite almost daily rains, you can enjoy the sun for about 4 hours every day. Those who don’t like it can vacation in Goa in August heatwave who are comfortable with light rains during vacation.

Weather in Goa in autumn

September is just as hot during the daytime - +29 0 C, but at night the temperature drops slightly to +23 0 C. The amount of precipitation decreases, the humidity level is approximately 86%. Sea water warmed up to +28...+29 0 C. The day lasts 12 hours, half of which will be sunny. The rest of the time, due to light rains, cloudiness remains.

October meets daytime heat at +31 0 C, which drops to +24 0 C at night. The amount of rain decreases (up to 4-6 times per month), as a result of which the humidity also decreases. A small number of clouds will provide the opportunity to enjoy the shine of the sun. Despite high temperatures, it is advised to take warm clothes with you when traveling to Goa this month, because the weather is becoming a little unpredictable.

In November, you can safely go on vacation without worrying about weather surprises. Average daytime temperatures are +30...+32 0 C, at night +23...+24 0 C. There is practically no precipitation, thanks to this the humidity is reduced to 70%. The wind is pleasant and warm. All day - bright sun.

"Bad weather" in Goa

The weather has been reviewed by month, so we can safely say that in May the air can warm up to +35 0 C, while the humidity rises. The period from December to February is the coolest, night temperatures drop to +20 0 C. Otherwise, the tropical climate reigns. From June to September, monsoons from the southwest bring rain. Most rainy month- July.

Season in Goa

If you want to definitely enjoy the ideal weather for a beach holiday, feel free to go on vacation to Goa from October to May, when the season opens there.

The peak occurs from late winter to March. Only then can you enjoy low humidity, clear skies, comfortable temperature+27...+30 0 C. You can also observe a constant slight breeze and a warm sea.

However, it is worth remembering that this is still winter, so the vegetation has more brown and yellow tones, and in some places there is dry grass, which is often burned at this time of year. Palm trees that are turning yellow also stand out.

Many travelers note that Goa is very beautiful between September and October, that is, immediately after the rainy season.

India, Goa: weather by month

The main air indicators are discussed in more detail below.

Precipitation level, mm (Goa weather by month)

And water temperature

When to go on holiday to Goa

In general, a holiday in Goa (the weather by month of which is discussed in detail) will be special and unforgettable in every month, but the optimal time for a holiday is still considered winter months(period from November to March).

Goa is the smallest but most popular state of India, located in the southwest of the country near the Arabian Sea. Fantastic nature, an abundance of beaches, excellent climate, beautiful mountains - all this attracts tourists from all over the world to Goa. The peculiarity of this region is its clear division into the southern part, intended for more respectable visitors, and the northern part, where young people come. It is young people who create a good reputation for the region, making this destination one of the most popular in the tourism market.

Climate Features

The climate in Goa, where the weather by month will always be quite hot for Europeans, is exclusively subequatorial with clearly defined dry (from October to May) and wet (from June to September) seasons.

Weather in Goa in winter

December is the most active month in Goa. Largest quantity tourists visit the state during the Christmas holidays.

Prices for housing and services traditionally rise in December, and the amount of precipitation approaches zero.

The temperature in December is very pleasant: +32 °C during the day and +21 °C at night. The water at this time is heated to 28 °C.

The climate in Goa during the winter months is fabulous. An umbrella won't be useful, but warm clothes you can take it. After 32-degree heat during the day, night temperatures of 16-19 °C do not seem very comfortable. average temperature water in January +27.5 °C.

Daytime temperatures in February fluctuate at 31.5 °C, dropping to 20.5 °C at night. At this time you will swim in warm 27-28 degree water. There are much fewer tourists compared to January, the nights are warmer, the sea is still calm, and there is no rain at all.

You can only add sunscreen to the list of necessary things for a holiday in Goa in February: believe me, you will return home from India with bronze skin.

Weather in Goa in spring

The weather in Goa during the spring months and in March in particular is considered less comfortable than in winter. However, you still won’t have to complain about it at this time: the average daytime temperature in March is +32 °C, while at night it drops to +23 °C. Therefore, for a comfortable sleep you need an air conditioner. The water temperature in March is +29 °C.

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April is the last month of the “high” season, so the beaches of Goa are gradually emptying, and prices for accommodation and tours are becoming lower. The reason is an increase in temperature, which during the day during this month can even reach 40 °C. Although its averages are much lower: 33 °C during the day and 25.5 °C at night.

Humidity in April stays at 75-80%, there is still little precipitation, but winds are already starting, and waves often appear on the sea. The average water temperature in April is 29.5 °C.

The wind softens the heat, so you can safely plan your vacation at this time. However, be careful if you can't stand the heat - try not to go out in the sun at lunchtime.

May is the most hot month to Goa. The average daytime air temperature is 33 degrees, but it can warm up to 45 °C. The average temperature at night is +26 °C.

The weather in May is still sunny, but the number of rainy days increases to 3-7 per month, and the overall humidity is at 75%.

Holidays in Goa in May will be ideal option for those who are not averse to saving money, but it is advisable to choose housing only with air conditioning. The average water temperature in Goa in May is +29.5 °C.

Weather in Goa in summer

In Goa, the temperature during the summer months is not very favorable for beach relaxation or walks to attractions: it is hot, humid and constantly raining. The rainy season begins in June, and at this time it is difficult to find a working cafe, and many infrastructure facilities simply close.

Most likely, you won’t be able to swim either, since due to strong winds, the Arabian Sea often upsets tourists with storms.

The average temperature in Goa during the day is 30 °C, at night 25 °C. Water temperature +29 °C. In June, Goans like to organize various festivals dedicated to the rain.

July is the rainiest month in Goa. Water pours from heaven almost constantly at this time, and strong wind prevents swimming even during periods when the clouds clear for a short time. Wind speeds in July often reach 14 m/s, which consistently causes storms and the sea water becomes quite dirty.

The temperature in July is relatively comfortable: 29 °C during the day, 24 °C at night and 28 °C for the water temperature, but this is of little use. In general, July is suitable for tourists who love rain and deserted beaches.

In August, rainfall gradually decreases, but Goa is still far from optimal conditions. The sea remains dirty and it rains almost every other day. Air and water temperatures are approximately the same as in July.

In general, the temperature in Goa for the months of the year traditionally remains at high level, fluctuating by 3-4 degrees in different seasons.

If you still decide to go on holiday to rainy season in Goa, then in the summer do not forget to take:

  • umbrella,
  • waterproof clothing,
  • cold pills,
  • two dozen pairs of socks.

Always keep your feet dry and warm. Avoid the sea during high tides and storms, and beware of poisonous animals, for which this is the peak of their reproduction.

Weather in Goa in autumn

The weather in Goa gradually improves during the autumn months in order to appear before tourists in the most favorable light in winter.

September is considered a slow month, so most beach cafes and other similar places are closed at this time. However, it rains every other day, the temperature is comfortable, and the number of sunny hours increases to 6 per day.

The average air temperature in September is 29.5 °C daytime and 24 °C – at night. Water temperature +27.5 °C.

October in Goa is unpredictable: the weather can be either lucky or unlucky. But, according to statistics, the amount of precipitation at this time is significantly reduced to 4-6 rainy days per month.

It is in October that the tourist season in Goa gradually opens. There are more and more establishments operating, and prices are not yet so high.

The average daytime temperature in October is 31.5°C, dropping to 24°C at night. The water temperature is kept at 28.5 °C. When planning a vacation during this time, do not forget to take warm clothes with you just in case.

In November, the full season begins in Goa with minimal rainfall, stunning calm weather, pleasant breeze and moderate humidity of 70%.

The average daily temperature on the thermometer is 33 °C. Nights in Goa during this period are warm, but not hot - 22 °C. The water temperature is 29 °C.

So, the closer to winter, the better the weather conditions.

Weather in Goa by month: Table

MonthDaytime temperature, °CTemperature at night, °CWater temperature, °C
January31,6 19,6 27,4
February31.5 20.5 27.7
March32 23.2 28.7
April33 25.6 29.4
May33 26.3 29.5
June30.3 24.7 28.8
July28.9 24.1 27.9
August28.8 24 27
September29.5 23.8 27.6
October31.6 23.8 28.6
November32.8 22.3 28.9
December32.4 20.6 28
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Climate of Goa

The climate of Goa is typical subequatorial, with a pronounced rainy season, as well as a long holiday period.

The relatively dry season lasts from October to May. The air temperature in Goa at this time is about +30 °C during the day, and at night it can be cool: daily temperature changes reach 10-15 degrees.

The weather in North and South Goa becomes favorable for recreation in March: during the day +25…+36 °C. The hottest weather is usually characteristic of May: on average the air temperature is +33 °C. At the same time, humidity increases (about 73%) in anticipation of a rainy summer.

The rainy season in Goa begins at the end of May and ends only at the end of September. At this time, air humidity increases sharply, tropical downpours occur daily, and at times it rains continuously for several days.

The influence of the subequatorial climate in Goa is noticeable all year round: the water off the coast does not cool below +26 °C, the daytime air temperature is also consistently high, +27…+28 °C.

Climate and weather in Goa by month

January- a favorite time of holidaymakers who choose Goa as a resort destination. In the middle of winter in the heat Indian state real summer: during the day on average +30...+32 °C, at night +19...+20 °C, and the probability of precipitation is close to zero. At this time, there are consistently many vacationers in Panaji, Candolim, Colva, Calangute and other cities and resorts in the region.

In February The southern state remains the center of beach holidays in India. The weather in Goa is as comfortable as in January: not only for sunbathing on the shore or conquering the sea, but also for excursions to waterfalls, ancient temples and fortresses.

In March The air humidity increases slightly and the water in the sea off the coast warms up another degree. Daily temperature changes are softening, so during evening walks you can already do without a cape: during the day +32 °C, at night +23 °C.

In April The weather in Goa, as a rule, does not bring surprises: it is hot and sunny during the day (+31...+32 °C), warm at night (+25 °C). The water temperature in the resorts of Goa reaches +28 °C.

May- last month holiday season, when the water heats up to +29 °C, and at night it is warmest, +26 °C. With increased humidity, the summer heat is felt more strongly, so traveling is no longer as comfortable. At the end of the month it starts to rain.

In June and July The weather forecast in Goa does not promise anything good: these months are the peak of the monsoon season. The average monthly precipitation is 850 - 900 mm. For comparison: for temperate countries continental climate The average annual precipitation ranges from 600 to 700 mm. Humidity is approaching 90%.

In August the volume of precipitation decreases to 620 mm, but this is practically unnoticeable: showers still occur almost every day.

September- off-season month, total precipitation is about 250 mm. The rains gradually subside, and in late September the first tourists already arrive at the resorts of Goa. During the day in Panaji the average is +29 °C.

October— the beginning of the holiday season. Installed favorable weather in North and South Goa. The number of sunny days increases to 10 per month, the wind weakens. There is still a chance of showers, but they will be short-lived. During the day on the coast it is +31 °C, at night +23 °C.

In November the weather in Goa is favorable not only beach holiday, but also sea excursions. Air humidity finally drops to 70%, the air warms up to +32 °C and above. The water temperature in Goa resorts in November is +27 °C.

December comes high season. Rains are becoming rare, so it is comfortable both on the beach or in the sea, and during excursions. With the onset of dusk, the heat subsides, and at night it is fresh - about +21 ° C.

To choose optimal time for travel, see also

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