A costume scene for any occasion. Script for a holiday in Bollywood style. Parody of an Indian film. Scene.

LEADING. Premiere of the new Indian film "Blood Brothers". Episode one.
(There are two trees on the stage, played by two girls standing on chairs and holding twigs in their hands. SAID comes out, sits under the tree and plays the pipe. RAJA appears, dragging the resting MULINA by the hand.)
RAJAH. Mulina, you will be my wife.
MULINA. No no!
RAJAH. Ah well! (Raises his whip.)
SAID. Scoundrel! (Snatches the whip from the RAJA.)
RAJAH. We'll meet Again.
(Runs away. SAID and MULINA sing and dance around the trees.
LEADING. “You love me, fiercely, proudly, affectionately. Like a soaring bird, the sky is spread out with fate..."
(Two VILLAINS sent by RAJA appear. They attack SAYID from behind, stun him and take away the MULINA. SAYID comes to his senses and begins to sing a sad song, addressing the trees.)
LEADING. “I asked the poplar: where is my beloved? Topol didn't answer me, shaking his head. I asked the ash tree: where is my beloved? The ash tree showered me with autumn leaves.”
SAID. Mulina!
(SAID runs away. The scene changes to RAJA's house. RAJA comes out and takes a place in the chair. THE FOOL sits down at his feet. Two VILLAINS bring in a tied FLOW.)
RAJAH. Speak, Rashid.
FIRST VILLAIN. O noble Raja, may your name be glorified...
FOOL (yells). Bitter!
RAJAH. Shut up. Speak, Rashid.
FIRST VILLAIN. O great Raja, thy will be done...
FOOL (yells). Bitter!
RAJAH. Shut up or I'll kill you!

RAJAH. So what?

LEADING. End of the first episode. Episode two.
SECOND VILLAIN. Noble Raja, the deed is done.
RAJAH. So what?
SECOND VILLAIN. You promised a fee...
FIRST VILLAIN. One thousand rupees each.
(RAJA reluctantly takes money out of his pocket and throws it on the floor. THE VILLAINS fight.)
RAJAH. Carry on, Rashid.
FIRST VILLAIN. Oh great Raja. Let your kingdom come.
FOOL (yells). Bitter! Bitter-oh!!!
RAJAH. I'm so tired of you! So die!
(Takes out a gun and points it at the FOOL. Shot. SAID appears.)
MULINA. Said, how are you?
SAID. They shot.
RAJAH. Take him!
(Fight. Long and tasteful. SAID finally scatters the VILLAINS and rushes towards MULINE. But it turns out RAJA is holding a gun to her head.)
RAJAH. If you take even one step, I will kill her!
(SAID stumbles and accidentally takes a step. RAJA pulls the trigger. Misfires. MULINA punches RAJA in the gut and rushes towards SAID.)
SAID. Mulina!
(They dance and sing.)
RAJAH. Oh, woe is me, I missed again! (Puts a pistol to his temple and pulls the trigger. There is no misfire. Shot. SAID rushes to the corpse of RAJA, touches his temple and examines the blood on his fingers.)
SAID. Mulina, he has the same epithermal papule in his blood as my brother.
MULINA. So are you brothers?
SAID. Yes, we are twins. Oh, woe is me!
RAJA (jumps up). Oh, joy, I missed again!
SAID and RAJA (together). Bra-at!
(They rush into each other's arms. Songs and dances.)

Leading. “Kapoor Entertainment” in collaboration with Raj-Indiana-Puns presents a two-part feature film “Eternal Love”. Characters and performers:

Rich and famous, but very evil Indian Raja - ___________________ (artist name) Kapoor;

The young, gentle, dreamy and delightful beauty daughter of the Indian Raja - _________________ Kapoor;

Poor and very kind Indian Mother - _______________ Kapoor;

Poor and ragged, but very beautiful Son of a Poor Indian Mother - __________________ Kapoor.

First episode. Early Bombay morning. On the porch of her poor Indian ramshackle hut, the Poor Indian Mother and her handsome, ragamuffin son meet.

Mother. Good morning, son! Eat, you haven't eaten all night!

Son. Good morning, Mom! Who's my dad?

Mother. Oh, he was very rich and helped the poor!

Son. Oh mom, were we rich?

Mother. Yes, son. But one day there was a strong fire in which everything died, and only you and I remained alive!..

Son. I swear, MOM, we will be rich!

Leading. End of the first episode. The audience is crying!

“Kapoor Entertainment” in collaboration with Raj-Indiana-Puns presents a two-part feature film “Eternal Love”. Second series. Early beautiful Bombay morning. Along a beautiful Bombay street, along and across which beautiful and well-fed sacred cows lie here and there ( men voice), and from the beautiful bamboo windows of beautiful bamboo dwellings here and there beautiful Indian talking parrots peep out, slowly, a beautiful Indian girl walks, dancing and chanting, and smiles affectionately at every cow she meets, every elephant and parrot. An equally handsome, but very ragged young man walks towards a beautiful girl, just as slowly, chanting and dancing and smiling for no reason at everything that surrounds him. They see each other and immediately fall in love, very beautifully, in an Indian way. And then the young man, unable to contain his beautiful Indian feelings, begins to dance and sing very beautifully in Indian style. (in the dubbing of a song from an Indian film).

“Love me as I love you, with your blue eyes!

Love me as I love you, but don’t go out with others!” - the young man sings and dances. Five years have passed. The girl in love also cannot contain her feelings and also sings and dances:

“You are like the sun to me!

You are like the wind to me!

You are for me, my love,

There’s only one like this in the world!”

Another ten years have passed. Finally, they understand that singing and dancing for fifteen years in a row, even for an Indian and a Hindu, is bad manners (clinic!) and then HE addresses HER with his beautiful Indian voice:

Son. I've been looking for you for so long!

Daughter. Yes, but father will not allow us to be together, because you are very poor...

Leading. At this time, the Evil Indian Raja suddenly appears from the beautiful Indian bushes.

Rajah. Oh, criminal daughter! What is this ragamuffin doing next to you?

Son. Don't you dare yell at her, Evil Raja! I will protect her! Or I will protect you!

Leading. At this time, from other beautiful Indian bushes, as if by magic, Poor Indian Mother appears.

Mother. I will save you, oh my son!

Leading : The mother takes out a beautiful Indian dagger from her clothes and hits the evil Indian Raja right in the beautiful Indian chest!

Mother. This is your father's dagger, son!

Rajah. This is my dagger! It's you, my wife!

Leading. At this point in the hall you can hear the murmur of streams of tears - everyone is crying!

Son. Dad, I'm your son!

Rajah. Son, I'm dying, but I'm happy!.. Connect with this girl!

Son. Dad, but how can I connect with this girl? After all, she is my sister!

Rajah. No, my son! One day they gave me a baby. It was her.

Daughter. Dad, don't die in this happy Indian moment!

Mother. I will save you, oh my husband! I have a healing Indian balm from the beautiful Indian mountains.

Leading: He brings a glass of healing Indian balm from the table and pours it into dad!

Rajah. ( without snacking!) Oh, it seems life is pouring into me again!

Leading. The happy family united and merged in a beautiful Indian united ecstasy, expressed in a beautiful Indian dance, with a beautiful Indian song ( It sounds like "Jimmy-Jimmy"). And all the illegitimate, random, but very beautiful Indian children, having drunk a glass of the wonderful Indian balm from the high mountains, joined the happy Indian family, singing along with her a beautiful Indian song:

Jimmy, Jimmy... That's the name of each of us!

Jimmy, Jimmy... This name is synonymous with happiness,

Because the world is ruled by Eternal Love!

1. What is the name of the country where Indians live?

1. From ancient times until the 19th century, India did not have a common name. Foreign tribes such as the Persians and Chinese called the country, like the Indus River, Sindhu. The Greeks pronounced its name as Indos or Indicos. That is, the country got its name from the name of the Indus River. The Muslims who conquered India in the 12th-13th centuries gave it the name Hindustan, which meant the country of the Hindus.
2. Capital of India?
2. Delhi
3. What is the sacred animal in India?

3. A cow is a sacred animal for Hindus, so there are many cows on the streets of even large cities. It was believed that everything coming from a cow was holy and had healing properties. To cleanse himself of sin, the Indian served a cow.

4. How do Indians greet?
In India it is not customary to shake hands. As a greeting, Hindus join their palms as if in prayer and raise their hands to their chin, shaking their heads and repeating “Namaste.” This is how every Indian greets his friends and guests.
5. National game of the Hindus?
5. Chess. In ancient India, the army consisted of infantry, cavalry, chariots and elephants. But the Indians believed that royal power did not lie in the number of warriors, but in the skillful leadership of the state. A wise Brahmin advisor is most useful to the king. In India, they invented a game for kings - chess (nowadays the chariot figurine is called a rook, and the adviser is called a queen).
6. hero of the book - Mowgli
6. A fairy tale by the famous English writer R. Kipling about a boy who grew up in the jungle. He was raised by wise animals -??? Which? The leader of the pack is Akela, the bear Balu, the panther Bagheera, the elephant Hathi, the boa constrictor KAA, the jackal.
7. Which river flows
Oriental music is already playing in the hall.

The East is multifaceted and diverse like the starry sky. A lot of worthy peoples are united by this magic word - East

1But first, a word to those
Who loves you the most?
Who raised you, mentored you,

Who didn't get enough sleep at night?

I just had a messenger bring me good news:
Beyond a thousand lands there is a marvelous craftsman.
- The sparkle of your beauty captivates!
And the full moon loses its bright light,
He defeats any expert with his mind,
“Oh, Rusik,” After all, you are the sherbet of my soul!
O Prince, O light of my eyes,

We gathered you for a reason
Taste the dishes and share a toast.
Oriental hospitality can be felt in every corner of this room, and today you can taste and appreciate exotic overseas delicacies. For you - chocolate rivers, fruit banks, an Indian fairy tale, a sea of ​​colors and celebrations

5And while you are having a snack, I would like to tell you one story that you may know, which you may hear for the first time. So this happened a few years ago. In one town, namely in the village of Burundai, in the most ordinary apartment, a miracle happened: a tiny boy weighing 2900 was born. The baby grew, grew, grew, grew and grew! Many different people appeared on his path, but he forever settled the most special ones in his heart. And so, so many years of desperate searches led him to the one with whom today he shares his holiday, to the one whose love and support is more important than anything in the world. (Irisha)

Competition winners!

6I will be happy to share with you interesting facts about the history of birthday celebrations. This tradition was introduced by the ancient Egyptians. Initially, this day had the right to celebrate exclusively by pharaohs, kings, their heirs, and only men. The tradition of lighting candles on cakes originated in Greece. On the birthday of the moon goddess Artemis, they brought round honey cakes, like the moon, in which several candles were placed, to her temple as a gift. (cake)

My youngest's birthday!!!28 years old!!! For a mother, children are always small!

2He loves you for no particular reason:
For that. that you are a grandson. for that. that you are a son.
For that. that baby. for that. that you are growing.
For that. that he looks like his mom and dad.
And this love until the end of your days
He will remain your secret support! (grandfather)
3. It seems like yesterday
He was in a hurry to see you during the holidays,
Played naughty in the evenings
He happily teased the neighbors' dogs.

He has grown, you have not changed,
The same as many years ago.
You still know what happened and to whom,
Still the same look with sparkles.
Just look at her!
Well, who will say that this is grandma?!
Spectacular, full of energy and cheerful,
Beautiful, and smart, and sweetheart. (grandmother)

All actors speak a foreign language (a completely different text is possible). All Russian text comes through the microphone.


Yu is a young man,

D - girl,

P1, P2 - hooligans

A guy and a girl walk and look at each other. At the last moment they turn their heads and collide. The girl drops her suitcase with books.

Yu: Oh. Sorry! Now I'll collect everything.

D: I myself, no need.

Yu: No, no, I’ll collect it.

D: I can handle it.

The suitcase is already packed in the girl’s hands. During the entire subsequent dialogue, they go somewhere.

Yu: I'll help. This can’t be done, it’s my fault, I was thinking about my motorcycle.

D: No, I’ll do it myself, I’m already big and came here to study. Where can you stay here and where can you get an education?

Yu: Oh, I also recently started studying, let me show you.

D: No, I’ll ask these guys.

2-3 disheveled looking guys come on stage.

P1: (to the girl) Oh, we haven't seen you for a long time.

P2: (to P1). Probably never. Don't you see that she's coming?

P1: (to the young man) Yes, we haven’t seen you for a long time.

Yu: I don’t come to you anymore, I decided to study. At 47 years old, it’s high time to think about education.

The guys shrug their shoulders: they say, “If you don’t want it, whatever you want.”

D: (screams heart-rendingly) Oh, what will happen to us?

Yu: Don’t worry, like a real man, I won’t hurt you.

Yu: The young man hits all the guys in turn, they run away. The girl drops her suitcase.

D: Oh, how brave you are!

Yu: (picks up the suitcase and gives it to the girl) Nonsense, any man would do this in my place. Well, now I have to go.

About to leave. The girl starts singing (some Indian song)

"Translation of the song:

Wait, don't go,

We've barely met, and you're already leaving,

Like a stream in the blue sky, like a tit in a tree,

So I don't want you to leave.

Oh, why does the sun shine so much?

Oh, why do the birds sing like that?

Oh. why does spring exist in the world,

Oh, why do these obnoxious machines generate so much dust?

You entered my heart forever,

Forget about everything, come with me.

Darling, I would sing to you again, but

The song will end now.

Yu: It’s a beautiful song, but I didn’t understand a word of what dialect it was in.

D: Ah, covers his eyes with his hand.

The young man notices a tattoo on her elbow.

Yu: Where did you get it from?

D: She was there from birth.

Yu: I have the same one on... my leg. (It's interesting to play here)

Yu: So you and I...Oh! So you are my sister! You are mine...(in a businesslike manner) What is your name?

Yu: Gita, you are my most beloved sister. How did I live without you all this time?

D: But that means you can't love me.

Yu: No, I love you as only a brother can love.

D: No, leave me, (businesslike) How are you going to be torn to pieces?

Yu: Vijay.

D: Leave me, Vijay, we are not destined to be together. (runs away)

Yu: Gita! (runs after him)


Only 2 participants.

1:Knock-knock. I am a prince who has come to marry your princess.

2:On our princess?

1:On your princess.

2: I'll go tell the king.

2: So the prince came to marry 6 our princess.

1 (stood on the other side of 2): On our princess?

2:On our princess.

1: I'll go tell the queen.

1: There the prince came to marry our princess.

2 (standing on the other side of 1): On our princess?

1:On our princess.

2: I'll go tell the princess.

2: There the prince came to marry you.

1 (standing on the other side): Marry me?

2: Marry you.

1: No, not today.

2: Why not today?

1: Not today.

2: I'll go tell the king.

2:The princess said not today.

1 (standing on the other side): Why not today?

2: Not today.

1: I’ll go tell the servant.

1: No, not today.

2 (standing on the other side): why not today?

1: Well, not today.

2: I’ll go sit down for the prince.

2: No, not today.

1 (standing on the other side of 2): Why not today?

2: Well, not today.

1: We need to kill the servant. (Like strangling. He falls. He gets up and stands on the other side)

1:Knock-knock. I'm a prince. I have come to marry your princess.

2:On our princess?

1:On your princess.

2: I'll go tell the queen.

(This happens until the prince kills everyone and finds himself alone with the princess)...

1:Knock-knock. I am a prince, I have come to marry you.

2:Marry me?

1: Marry you.

2: No, not today.

1: Why not today?

2: Not today.

1: We must kill the princess. (Kills quickly.)

1:Oh! What have I done! I killed my love! Then I'll kill myself. (Kills)

(On the stage there are 4 chairs in a row and 2 “corpses” lie on them)

1: How much time were we given for the skit?

1: How long did it take us to finish?

2: For seven.

1:Okay. Let's do it again, just very quickly.

(I must say that before this everything happened quite quickly, but now everything is played out simply at the speed of light and the funniest thing is that the actors begin to get confused in phrases, they just say nonsense and laugh themselves, turning on the audience.)

This scene can also be played in English. language, for example. The words are simple and easy to translate.


One person plays the role of director. Any words - you can come up with some nonsense yourself, you can take it from a famous work. Depends on the age and number of participants. For the last time we played the beginning of “Kolobok” with two five-year-old children. The grandfather comes up to the grandmother and says: “If you, old lady, would bake a bun,” the grandmother replies: “What can I bake it from, there’s no flour.” The director says: “Okay, no, wait, let’s have a little more fun.” Children repeat the same thing, but having fun and holding their tummies. The director is again dissatisfied: “No, no, it’s too fun, it’s sad after all, there’s no pain.” The children repeat the dialogue again, sobbing and whining. The director may demand different things - slower, faster, more athletic, dancing. You can even be kinder and meaner.

It’s also cool if one child’s role is wordless or with some kind of interjection. For example, in this scene you can add a dog approaching the grandmother. She will also obey the director’s instructions - whine pitifully or yelp joyfully

Rehearsal at the theater.

(joke skit for children in grades 3-7)

The director and actors are on stage. A scene from the play is being rehearsed.

R. – So, now we will quickly go through this scene with you and go home. You are experienced people, let's treat this more professionally. Let's do without casualties today, you are all people of art. You all remember the text, so let's get started!

(The actors line up according to the mise-en-scene.)

1 act. - Oh, I feel so strange today. My whole body aches and my mood is somewhat uncertain.

Act 2 - My God, what is this? The whole house will soon be depressed!

Act 3 - Oh, don’t talk! Just some kind of attack! If only something had happened!

(Acts 4 and 5 run into the room.)

Act 4 - Guard!!! Ghost!!!

Act 5 - Oh! Help!!! Ghost!!!

1,2,3 act. – What happened?!!!

Act 4 - The ghost of our murdered ancestor!

Act 5 -Here he comes!!!

(Everyone looks at the door in horror. It opens and Act 6 enters the room.)

Act 6 – The day of reckoning has come, and I have come to punish you!!! (extends his hands to the actresses)

R. – I don’t believe it!!! I don’t believe a single word, not a single gesture! What kind of pomposity is this? What kind of manners? And then, everything is dry, sluggish, add humor, add colors, you need to play more lively, more fun! Let's first.

(repeation of all text and actions, but the actors are constantly laughing and laughing.)

R. - Stop! Are you kidding me?! What kind of comedy are you doing here?! This is not a circus!!! Well, let's get together! Fill the action with tragedy, worry about your characters. Let's start over!

(This time the actors pronounce the entire text through sobs and sighs.)

R. - Stop! No, you will definitely drive me into a coffin! What it is?! I'm asking you! Should I bring you a bucket with a rag to collect your tears? Who is interested in watching you sob? This scene has more depth than you imagine. Everything here breathes with the threshold of mystery, anticipation and anxiety. Let's do it again.

(the actors pronounce the text with a breath, looking around, shuddering.)

R. – Stop!!!

Everything is an act. - Well, what again?!!!

R. – What are you doing?! How do you play! You're mediocrity! How do you talk, how do you move?! (referring to Act 6.) Is that how they choke?!!

(during this monologue, the actors move towards R., at his last words, the 6th act grabs him by the throat, the director falls.)

1 act. – Art requires sacrifice!!! (points to the Director’s “body”) Take it away!


“So guys, let’s start the rehearsal. Grandpa is approaching grandma...” The director pushes one child towards another, the other suddenly says: “I don’t want to be a grandmother, I’ll be a grandfather!”, the first, of course, does not yield. Verbal abuse turns into fighting. The director tries to intervene, but he accidentally gets it too, and he falls. The children quiet down with a guilty look, then one says: “Okay, so be it, I’ll be a grandmother.” The director, who has come to his senses a little, expresses his gratitude to him. Here the second one: “Yes, well, okay, I’ll be the grandmother.” Again an argument, again a fight, which ends with the beaten director no longer getting up. The children again look at him guiltily, peacefully agree on who will be who, without arguing with each other they agree, demonstrating the height of politeness and friendliness. But the director doesn't get up. "Well, okay, let's rehearse, and he... (gathering his arms scattered to the sides on his chest) let him be a kolobok for now..."


Robin Guth.

A boy all in rags comes onto the stage, sits down and begins to lament that he has no money... no food... no car... Sony Play Station... after that a cool guy in a fashionable outfit appears and says that he a rich man who has everything one could want. Here the clatter of hooves is heard from behind the scenes. Robin Hood appears with a bow and arrow and on a mop, that is, a horse. He announces to everyone that he is Robin Hood, who takes money from the rich and gives it to the poor. after which he shoots the rich man, he falls. Robin Hood takes his money and gives it to the poor man. The poor man gets up and starts shouting that he can now buy food, a car, and in general he is rich. After these words, Robin Hood shoots the former poor man, takes his money and says that he is Robin Hood, who takes money from the Rich and gives it to the poor! The clatter of hooves, Robin Hood gallops away on a mop, that is, a horse!

average counselor!

Presenter: so, meet the average counselor!

Presenter: 1st shift!

A pioneer leader and a detachment appear on the stage! The counselor is beautifully dressed and combed, has a satchel on his back, a notebook in his hands and a tie around his neck with a pen, he is very cheerful and constantly watches the children following behind him! The children are very disciplined, they are still well dressed and combed, etc... They move from one end of the stage to the other, cheerfully singing a squad song!

Presenter: 2nd shift

A pioneer leader and a detachment appear on the stage! The counselor is still beautifully dressed and combed, his backpack and notebook are missing. The counselor's vigilance is less, the children behave more relaxed!

Presenter: 3rd shift

A pioneer leader and a detachment appear on the stage! The counselor looks sleep-deprived, his tie hangs on his shoulder, his shirt is unbuttoned, there are traces of lipstick on his neck, he doesn’t look after the children at all, the children are fooling around, fighting, someone is hopelessly lagging behind, someone is falling in the bushes, someone is walking on their hands , in general, everyone is on their toes. The counselor does not react at all to what is happening...

Presenter: and finally, the 4th shift!

A squad appears on stage without a leader! Everyone is busy with their own affairs, no one pays attention to the absence of a counselor. Then someone came to their senses and asked the others about the counselor. Everyone gathered and returned backstage. After 5 seconds, a counselor flies out from behind the scenes in a completely indecent appearance (in shorts with a kipish on his head, etc., HE WAS SLEEPING) The children kick the counselor, he stands at the head of the detachment and with the song “oh frost, frost” they leave behind the scenes...


Jane appears and calls Tarzan. After some time, another Jane appears and also calls Tarzan. they look at each other.

1 d.: “It’s me Jane, who are you?”

Day 2: “No, it’s me Jane!”

They begin to pretend that they do not notice each other and together call Tarzan...

A 3rd girl appears and history repeats itself.

After the three of them called Tarzan, a completely crazy Papuan jumps out, does whatever he wants (if possible hangs on everything, like on vines) and asks which one of them is Jane.

The girls look at each other and take turns saying:

“No, it’s not me Jane, Jane it’s her” (pointing at each other) and they run away.

Computer science lessons.


5 students

The teacher is in the foreground, there are chairs behind, symbolizing the class.

W: Actually, I teach computer science in high school. But one day a teacher from an elementary school fell ill and I was asked to replace the second lesson...

The students enter and take their seats.

U: Hello guys.

The class stands up together and recites.

Teacher: Hello!

U: (stunned) Please sit down. Today we will go over the topic “Computer Design”. Let's write it down.

Teacher: (in chorus) Devices.

U: Yes, not “devices”, but “device”.

1: (raises his hand) Why does the computer only have one device?

U: No, why so many? This refers to how the computer is designed. Here you see a computer in front of you, it consists of several parts (shows). This is what this device looks like (points to the monitor).

2: On TV.

W: Correct. What does the TV do?

3: Shows.

W: Correct. This device, so similar to a TV, is called a monitor. Let's get together.

Teacher: Mo-ni-tor.

U: Let’s write down “The monitor is needed to display information.”

Teacher: (write down) In-for-ma-tsi-yu.

U: (shows the mouse) What does this thing look like, the one with a tail.

1: On a frog.

2: For a thing with a tail.

3: On the mouse.

4: On the turtle.

Teacher: That's right!.. It's a mouse. She has buttons. By pressing buttons we give commands to the computer. Let's write it down.

Teacher: (write down) Mouse... co-man-dy.

U: But this board with buttons (shows the keyboard), what do you think it is for?

4: To press buttons.

U: That's right, we press the buttons, and text appears on the screen. Who knows what it's called.

5: Button maker.

6: Printer.

U: And also... it's called a "keyboard". In chorus.

Teacher: Kla-vi-a-tu-ra.

U: Let’s write it down, you need a keyboard to type on it (that is, enter information into the computer).

Teacher: (write down) Print.

U: All these devices are connected to a box called a system unit. The system unit carries out our commands and solves the tasks that we set for it.

1: And in mathematics?

U: And in mathematics.

2: And about drawing?

U: And in drawing.

W: And for this reason too. Sit down.

U: Now let's repeat the names of different computer devices. What is the name of this device (points to the monitor)?

W: Well, I don’t even know. Here you are. (The children begin to look around in fear) Well, I mean, here you are..., answer.

1: TV.

W: Not quite right. Sit down. We know its real name. Well, who's ready?

U: Come on.

2: And there is also a keyboard.

U: Yes, there is, but what is this TV called?

3: And you can type on the keyboard.

U: Thank you. (Everyone gives up.) Let's repeat it again. This device is called a monitor. In chorus.

Teacher: Mo-ni-tor.

U: A monitor is needed to show information.

Teacher: In-for-ma-tsi-yu.

T: What is a monitor for?

Forest of hands. The teacher points to 4. He gets up and is silent.

U: Well, be brave. You wanted to answer yourself.

U: (raising 5) Help him.

5: Watch a movie. I always watch movies on TV with my mother. Yesterday there was a very interesting film about how...

U: Thank you. (irritated) Everyone sit down. Who can tell me what this NON-TV is called for displaying computer information?

Forest of hands. The teacher consistently points to the students. Then he grabs his head.

6: Can I go out?

1: My pen doesn’t write.

U: Take another one.

2: And Petya pesters me.

U: Petya, don’t pester the girl.

1: Or maybe red.

3: Can I come out too?

4: We also have a computer at home.

5: But we have a dandy.

6: What is your name?

2: You can listen to music on your computer.

3: What is the mouse pad for?

4: Can a computer solve your homework?

5: And then we have swimming...

At all! (everyone falls silent) Guys, I came up with an idea. Let's do some exercises. Everyone stood up.

The guys get up and do exercises, they don’t stop even during the dialogues.

Handles to the sides. We wrote, we wrote, our fingers were tired.

6: But we didn’t write much!

U: It’s okay, now you’ll go swimming, and you’ll write there. One, two. Once. Two. Turns. One, two, one, two. Now let's walk. One, two. One, two. We turned and walked towards the door. One two three four. One two three four.

The teacher counts and conducts until everyone leaves the class. Then he sighs heavily. He wipes his forehead and turns to the auditorium.

U: And although everything ended almost happily, since then I prefer not to take a replacement. Especially in the lower grades.

What are you talking about!


What are you talking about?

I carry different things.

- Why do you need awkward things?

I carry different things. Here I bring chalk.

- What did you fail?

I bring chalk to Mishka; He will need it.

- If his wife gets it for him, why are you talking about it?

More news for Mishka: the brand he is looking for has been found.

- Tamarka?

- Pretty?

Beautiful, so green...

So how? Does Tamarka have green hair?

He has been looking for this brand for a long time, there is an arch drawn there.

– Is Tamarka drawn?

Get off (leaves).

(after him) - Then say hello to Tamarka, Mishka and his wife!!!


There is a table on the stage with a chessboard on it. There are two chairs behind the table, and two buckets behind the chairs. Instead of figures there are glasses of water (black and transparent)

The first player makes a move with his glass (he can slam the clock, if there is one) and turns away into the hall, begins to wink at someone, smile...

Meanwhile, the second one also makes a move and writes something down.

The first one makes his move again and again approaches someone in the hall...

The second one also makes a move.

(During the process, everyone can make some comments, like: “Oops”, “Here it is!”...)

After several such moves, let’s say the first one sees how the enemy has left and loudly exclaims: “You are impudent!” The beret eats his figurine and pours the contents of the glass onto the enemy...

He gets up and again makes some signs to the audience, saying what a great guy he is.

The second one, without hesitation, takes it and pours water on his chair.

The first one sits down and immediately jumps up, tries to deny himself... takes a glass and throws everything in the opponent’s face...

The second one does the same...

The first one grabs a bucket (and of course there is water in it) and throws everything at the enemy. While he is trying to come to his senses, he runs into the hall.

The second one grabs the bucket and runs after the first one, catches up with him and throws everything out so that it gets on the spectators... BUT - In the second bucket there is no longer water, but confetti!


D: Sashenka (or Vassenka, there are many variations), let’s do it again!

M: That's enough for today

D: Well please!!! Please, this is so cool

M: Well, why so much and for so long? No no no. Come on tomorrow

D: Well, you're welcome.

M: Well, okay, I persuaded you

CHORUS (singing): And Lenin is so young

And young October is before you

In general, the best “channels” are miniatures from camp life, that is, what most observed with their own eyes. Some of the actions of everyone’s favorites (For example, “bathing Seryozha Petrov” or “Vasya in the dining room” or “Masha at nap time” and a lot of things, you just need to collect some funny tricks.

For example:

The main characters are Yushchenko and Tymoshenko, Yushchenko runs and persuades Tymoshenko to shout - YU-SHCHEN-KO! YU-SHEN-KO!

School in different eras.

The presenter comments on everything that happens.

Scene 1, primeval.

A primitive mother explains to primitive children how to survive in the wild. Three girls are sitting. Two boys, smeared with ash and wearing tattered clothes (he tore one of his own), are running after a cute little girl who is pretending to be a monkey. One of the boys, who was plump and large, had a huge club in his hands, just a drin, in my opinion it was part of the root and trunk of a lilac, in general it looked impressive. In general, they run around the stage after the monkey, trying to kill it. They kill. A blow to the head. The monkey lies on his back, twitching his leg. The primitive man takes her by the leg and drags her to the girls - they begin to dissect her, i.e. cook, separating pieces from it, such as the flute part, bones for dogs, well, in general, everything is as it should be. Primitive man runs out to the middle of the stage and hits the floor with his drum.

I had a little idea, namely blood! When the hunters killed the monkey, it was supposed to quietly splash blood around itself and leave a bloody trail. But I had very little time for this event, so I entrusted it to the children - everything seemed easy - a small bottle, paints, water and done. But it didn't work out.

Scene 2, the Middle Ages or, rather, antiquity, or the Middle Ages through the eyes of children - a ball.

The Teacher and Children perform minuettes and all kinds of ballet movements. It’s like they’re studying dancing and other arts. And then that same crazy primitive man with his drum runs out onto the stage. He is covered in blood, of course, he recently killed a monkey. Everyone on stage gets scared and runs away. Primitive man goes to the middle of the stage and hits the floor with his drum and leaves.

Scene 3, Present time.

Teachers and children will portray the current school with all its attributes in a cloying and boring way. The same primitive man bursts in and wants everything the same as in scene 2.

And now the most important thing, the thing that was the reason for all this clownery with primitive man, if done correctly everything will be just great, I succeeded.

the presenter says:

Dear Sirs, you have looked at three miniatures, a school - in primitive times, the Middle Ages and the present. They are so different, but of course you saw something in common. Namely, rudeness, ignorance and rudeness at all times. And no matter how progress leaps across the Earth by leaps and bounds, if we do not eradicate these three vices in you and me, then we will remain at the level of primitive people!

School of snakes.

(puppet show)


Snakes (mitten dolls)

The teacher is on stage.

U: Hello, you can crawl in.

Four heads and three tails rise above the puppet curtain.

U: Where did you forget your tail?

A tail appears.

T: Get ready for the lesson.

The tails are placed under the heads.

T: The topic of our lesson today is “Snake dangers and their avoidance.” The main enemy of the snake is the mongoose. What should we do when we see a mongoose? Let's try to imagine this.

All the snakes shout "Ahh" and hide. Only the trembling tails are visible.

U: It is by these tails that the mongoose pulls the snake out of its hole.

He comes up and pulls one tail. The tail disappears but the head pops up. The teacher recoils.

U: There is no need to be afraid. Crawl into place.

Heads appear. They are listening.

U: But not only teeth, but also hypnosis serve as protection from danger for a snake. Now we will try to conduct a hypnosis session with you. To do this we need to go into a trance. Close your eyes.

Everyone covers their eyes with their tails.

W: Not so.

Everyone begins to frantically turn to each other asking: “How, how?” Then, when the teacher starts speaking, everyone starts swaying and humming quietly. One (“student”) sways more and more, and by the end of the monologue he screams heart-rendingly.

U: Okay, don't close it. Just go inside yourself. Slowly, slowly begin to sway from side to side. Feel it with your whole being. As your mind connects with your opponent's mind, mentally command him to surrender. If he does not obey immediately, then try again and again, you can even shout at him.

Student (screams heart-rendingly) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa A nearby tail hits him on the head.

W: Well, almost like that. Only to myself. Now let's try to look out for prey.

He approaches the curtain with his back; during the monologue, two listen to him, and two make horns with their tails. Then one of them begins to “look at the teacher in love.”

U: In order to see the prey, you need to stretch your body forward, tense up and concentrate your gaze on one point.

Turns around. Everyone takes the starting position.

U: (addressing the “lover”) You are already doing it. Now let's practice hissing.

After each teacher’s words, the snakes hiss (in different ways).

U: First, let’s try to hiss affectionately. Now it's calm. Now it's scary. Now it's scary.

The student screams heart-rendingly: “A-aaaaaaa!” A nearby tail hits him on the head.

U: Now let’s look at the process of a snake hunting.

During the monologue, the snakes depict what the teacher is talking about. One of them attacks her neighbor, but when she turns around she pretends that nothing happened. And the second is for the teacher.

U: When lying in wait for its prey, the snake curls up into a ring and becomes silent, peering at the place where the victim is supposed to appear. When the prey appears, the snake stretches its neck, as if hanging over it, and conducts a session of hypnotic suggestion. After which it opens its mouth wide and rushes at the victim.

At this moment, the extreme student bites the teacher’s ear. The teacher grabs his ear. Says the last phrase and runs backstage. The snakes bow and crawl away.

The teacher's last phrase: You are already doing it. The lesson is over. Next we'll go over safety precautions when working with snakes. Goodbye. You can crawl away.

Have you ever noticed that the first spring holiday is dedicated to Women? And there is a reason for this: after all, Woman is Love, the beginning of a new Life, Woman is the guardian of the Family. And as every representative of the fair sex transforms, this year is never complete without a warm home holiday or corporate party. But it happens that in the modern big world (due to life circumstances) not a single man is present at a home holiday, and this also happens in the work team. On such occasions, women gather in bright groups and celebrate their day soulfully and cheerfully.

Proposed script for an Indian party on March 8 for the women's company "Indian MaloDrama" will help you spend such a women’s evening in an extraordinary and fun way: with games, quizzes, songs and dances, and besides, with an exotic flavor and meaning.

Hint for organizers: If the company is small, then after the second banquet break, the party participants are randomly divided into two teams. If a lot of people gather at the party, teams of five to six players are formed from the winners Auction "What do we know about India" And Quizzes "India. Deep Dive." Also in the latter case, the time when the teams will prepare for Dance competition, guests can be occupied with additional games from Appendix 1. Required Music tracks and pictures are included. Fragments from Indian films are at the discretion of the organizers.

Decor(if required): Indian flower garlands (they are not difficult to find in stores, and they are not difficult to make yourself), candles (India is a hot country, and, as a rule, all festive events take place in the evening), fountains, a lot of greenery and illuminated red lanterns.


1. Incense

2. Screen on which the video will be shown

3. Cosmetic pencils for the competition "Bindi"

4. Long pieces of fabric, sheets, large tablecloths, curtains, pageant pins "Sari"

5. Beads, beads, coins with holes, beautiful buttons, ready-made strings of beads (maybe New Year's) chains, pendants, threads, needles - for the competition "Bryamki"

6. Postcards and pens; bananas and oranges for the competition "Dedicated to Lakshmi"

7. Prize flowers (they can be made or drawn on small cardboards), you can find stickers with flowers that will not be awarded, but will be stuck on the winner’s hand (and in close company - on the forehead)

Scenario of an Indian party for a women's company.

Presenter: Hello dear! Once again we gather in the absence of men. What to do? This is the specificity of our company. Of course, on this day, or rather, especially on this day, I would like to receive gifts and compliments from the strong half of humanity, but we are not cut out for it either. Everyone is familiar with Nekrasov’s phrase about a Russian woman who, as soon as she looks, will give a ruble, and taking into account inflation, a chervonets, and “will easily enter a burning hut with a horse at the ready.” But there are other lines there:

On weekdays he does not like idleness.
But you won't recognize her,
How the smile of joy will disappear
The stamp of labor is on the face.
Such heartfelt laughter
And such songs and dances
Money can't buy it. "Joy!"
The men repeat among themselves.

So, my dears, we will not refute the statements of the classic and will spend our holiday with all the breadth of the Russian soul. With one small nuance. However, more on this a little later. And now I suggest we raise our glasses.

Without fireworks and without pomp,

Without the “happiness and health” stamp,

Which rhymes easily and simply

With "great love".

With all my heart I wish you all

Great love and true friendship,

To be in the thick of big events,

And to be in demand, needed,

Just to sing when you feel like it,

And take risks, albeit dangerous.

From the heights of spiritual flight

Understand that EVERYTHING in life is beautiful!

A short banquet break

Tracks 1, 2, 3 are playing

Presenter: In connection with all of the above, I dare to say that our girls’ get-togethers will be no more boring than a mixed party. Do you agree?

Guests respond...

Indian party. Game block 1.

Presenter: Then let's begin! Today is our holiday, dear ladies! And we have the right to a special day. During the long winter, we were all tired, cold and missing the sun. I really want bright colors, warmth, music, flowers and new experiences! And therefore, I suggest you take a trip to where all this is, to India. How do you like this idea? I'm sure it was unexpected. But should we be afraid of difficulties? Welcome to a magical land!

Track 4 plays in the background.

this track can be used for all “Indian” competitions where there is no special link).

Presenter: Our Indian evening is called "Indian MaloDrama". Why, I’ll explain in the finale, but now let’s remember what we know about India, or rather, what associations does the name of this fabulous country evoke in you?

Auction "What do we know about India"

An auction is being held

The most common associations about India:

Ayurveda, incense, Buddha, Buddhism, Vedic culture, Vishnu, Ganges, Indian tea, indigo, Indian cobra, Indian elephants, Indians, Hindus, yogis, Kamasutra, karma, curry, castes, Samsara wheel, colonization, Krishna, Hare Krishnas, lotuses , mongoose Riki Tiki Tavi, mandala, mantras, Mowgli, meditation, many-armed, mudras, untouchables, nirvana, monkeys, OM, spices, spot on the forehead, raja, rickshaw, rice, sari, swastika, sacred cows, Taj Mahal, belly dance , third eye, Hindi, henna, chakras, turban, chess, Shiva

(Hint for organizers: The participant who gave the last answer is considered the winner and is awarded a “flower token”).

Presenter: Well, did you feel Indian exoticism? And now we will have the opportunity to breathe in the smell of India.

(The presenter lights incense).

Presenter: While we enjoy the aromas of incense, let's try to dive into the topic more deeply. Now we will try to pull out from the depths of our memory what we forgot to mention in the first competition, or expand the named concepts and terms by deciphering them. I want to warn you that the questions will be simple, complex, and even humorous. An exact, encyclopedic definition is not necessary. The main thing is to get the point across. You can even do it on your fingers.

Quiz "India. Deep Dive"

(Hint for organizers: Answers to the quiz questions are given in brackets. You can read out additional information, or even accept it as the correct answer if the exact answer highlighted is difficult bold italic. You can determine the number of questions yourself by choosing the most interesting ones).

1. What is the name of the spot on the forehead of Indian women?

(Bindi. Additionally: only married women wear bindis. This sign gives a woman a place in her family and is considered a sign of prosperity)

2. What are mudras?

(mudras- finger yoga, folding the fingers in a certain way, ritual placement of the hands in the system of symbols of magical and healing practices)

3. How many minarets does the famous Taj Mahal temple have?


4. What does American actor Harrison Ford have to do with India?

Hint for the Leader: In case of a hitch, you can give a hint that the question is a joke.

(actor played Indiana Jones)

5. Holy river of India?


6. Who is Raj Kapoor?

(Indian actor who played the Tramp in the film of the same name)

7. Try to pronounce the famous mantra, which I will now read translated into Russian: “Oh, all-pleasing and attractive Lord, oh, the internal energy of the Lord’s pleasure, engage me in Your devotional service.” Let me add that we are talking about the Hindu God, and you all probably know this mantra.

(Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare)

8. Indigo - what is it?

(Dark blue dye, originally from India, obtained from the juice of some tropical plants)

9. What is Sanskrit and what does it have to do with Russia?

(Vedic Sanskrit is the language of our Slavic-Indo-Aryan ancestors. For reference: Vedic Sanskrit- This native language of all Slavic peoples, and awareness of this fact is very important for the general spiritual and cultural orientation of modern people. The Slavic linguistic mentality is directly related to the Sanskrit language and has its genetic roots in it (SKS: Russian "KoreN" - from Sanskrit "KaraNa, i.e. cause, root basis").

10. What game, which appeared at least one and a half thousand years ago in India, is still popular?


11. What Indian... let's say, invention did the wise grandfather Lenin pay attention to? Excuse me (non-Freudian slip), grandfather Levi, being in great mental turmoil and not knowing what trick to come up with for his new brainchild?

Hint1 (if needed): His invention, patented in 1873, breaks sales records to this day.

Hint 2: the surname of the wise grandfather Strauss

(Indigo dye, with which the first JEANS were dyed)

12. What is the name of the famous Indian film studio?


13. Decipher the phrase: “Volga in the evening”

Clue , if necessary: ​​the famous Indian treatise on love.


14. Famous Russian artist who is directly related to India?


15. What is Zen?

(originally - teaching about enlightenment, in modern world - detachment from everyday trifles)

16. Jawaharlal Nehru is a world-class Indian politician. Question: What was Nehru missing?

(question is a joke. Answer : Nehru has everything in moderation)

For the correct answer, participants receive an incentive flower

Presenter: Well, now it's time to relax and fill your glasses. After all, Indian folk wisdom says: “There is a small break between the first and second.” Who is ready to recite the mantra? Sorry, should I make a toast?

The floor is given...

Banquet break during which excerpts from Indian films are shown or Indian melodies are played.

Indian party. Game block 2

Presenter: Are you relaxed? Shall we continue? What shall we continue? Should we relax or start moving? (reaction of participants) Move! There will still be time for nirvana. But first, let's divide into teams.

(Hint for organizers: In case of a large number of participants, two teams of 5-6 people are formed from the winners of previous competitions).

Presenter: Now we will start transforming. Let's feel like real Indian beauties. What should you do first for this?


Presenter: Right! You need to draw spots on the forehead. Remember what they are called? That's right, BINDI. And you, my dear beauties, now have to make such a spot between your eyebrows, where, according to Buddhists, the sixth chakra or third eye is located. By the way, this point is also called the “residence of hidden wisdom.” It's time to show your wisdom to the world)))

Bindi competition

Props: cosmetic pencils

Presenter: On command, participants choose a pencil and find a mirror (in the hall, in the purse, in the cosmetic bag) and apply a bindi. Don't forget that you are a team. Help from friends is not forbidden, both in finding a mirror and in applying makeup. The fastest team wins. The beauty and neatness of the bindi can affect the results.

A competition is held and the winners are announced

Competition "Sari"

Presenter: Wonderful! We continue the transformation. Now you need to change clothes. What do Indian women wear? That's right, a sari. Somewhere from my youth a line came out: “Your white linen sari floats like a gentle mist over the meadows...” And look how beautiful the girls are in these traditional Indian clothes!

Pictures or footage are shown - Indian girls in saris

Presenter: To make it easier for you to change clothes, I will show you the pattern for tying a sari. Look carefully, remember well.

On the screen there are patterns for tying a sari; it would be good if the presenter demonstrates and conducts a small master class.

Presenter: Attention, time has passed!

Music sounds - girls tie saris.

(Hint for organizers: You can hold the competition in another way. The team dresses one girl. Speed, beauty and “strength” are assessed, to determine which a fashion show takes place after the next competition “Bryamki” saree.rar

Competition "Bryamki"

Presenter: What beautiful Russian girls we have in India! However, remembering real Indian women, it seems that something is missing in our beauties? Nobody can tell me?


Presenter: Perhaps you are right. There are not enough decorations. Alas, in the prepared props there were no diamonds, diamonds, or even simple jewelry, and therefore now you will make “breasts” for yourself - jewelry that will decorate the image and add charm.

Competition "Bryamki"

Participants are encouraged to make beads, necklaces, etc. from scrap materials. After the “jewels” are ready, the girls decorate their legs, arms, necks and heads.

The one who puts the most “expensive trinkets” on herself wins.

Presenter: I announce a big fashion show of “Sanskrit” (read Indo-Russian) beauties!

The "Great Fashion Show" is held

Indian music sounds

Presenter: Are you worried? I suggest you take a break. Who's ready to say their mantra? By the way, mantra - translated from Sanskrit - “verse”, “spell”, “magic”. Isn’t it a toast with which we invite all possible joys to our heads?

Toast. Banquet break

2. Perhaps you will come up with your own, more interesting phrases. From the attached dictionaries, make one (in several copies), which will contain words from the given phrases plus six to eight words for intrigue.

3. If you nevertheless accept the given variants of tasks, please note that in the second phrase there are fewer words and one is repeated twice. Either equalize the phrases by the number of words, or take the difference into account when summing up).

Indian music sounds.

Heldcontest "Sanskrit School"

Presenter: Well, now we can, and should (!) remember about Indian music, or rather, the songs that we all know well from the films of the Bollywood film studio.

Simultaneous translation competition

Presenter: You have become acquainted with Sanskrit, and I believe that now you can easily cope with the next task.

Song from an Indian film. Video.

Presenter: You will have the opportunity to enjoy this passage more than once, and the task will be as follows: You will have to make a line-by-line translation of the song. Something like this...

A simultaneous translation competition is being held

Teams watch an excerpt from a film and come up with a “simultaneous translation”

As an example, you can show the “translation” of an excerpt from the film “Revenge and Law”

And the Presenter will have to voice the example. Just be sure to rehearse so that on time with long pauses(according to screen action) in a faceless monotonous voice read:

There are women in Russian villages
With calm importance of faces,
With beautiful strength in movements,
With the gait, with the look of queens,—

Wouldn't a blind person notice them?
And the sighted man says about them:
“It will pass as if the sun will shine!
If he looks, he’ll give me a ruble!”

Competition "Dedicated to Lakshmi"

Presenter: It's time to get out of your chair and get to work. In any country in the world (it seems to me) women have many things to do: they work, take care of the house, and take care of children. But in India, the multi-armed goddess Lakshmi helps women cope with their affairs. We don’t have such joy, and therefore at the end of the day we are often surprised: did I really manage to do everything? Or maybe this goddess helps us out of old memory? For nothing, do we have the same roots? Or, may the Indian gods forgive me for my blasphemy, do our women trace their ancestry back to the many-armed goddess herself? However, to be honest, it’s hard for me to imagine how you can work with so many hands. After all, this goddess’s number varies from two to eight! So I propose to test my incredible theory.

The competition “Dedicated to Lakshmi” is being held

Indian music sounds.

Conditions: Each team invites two participants who depict the goddess Lakshmi with four arms. To do this, one of the participants stands behind the other and, putting her hands under the hands of the front one, adds a pair of hands to her. Goddesses are encouraged to comb their hair and apply lipstick at the same time; write (draw) two congratulations to the opposing team at the same time; fill glasses, drink and have a snack (let's put it this way: in the right hand of the First - the "front" person - a bottle, which the Second, standing behind, opens with his left hand, then in the Second's left hand - a glass, with the First's right hand pours intoxicating drink); Peel and eat a banana and an orange according to the same principle as in the previous version.

The most dexterous "goddess" wins

Dance competition

Presenter:“Time for work, time for fun” - all things have been redone, the time has come for joy, love, music. And all these three components can be replaced with one word: DANCE. It's probably no secret to anyone that Indian dances are talking, because every movement in them has its own meaning. Now you can look again at how they dance in India. Try to remember some steps.

You can demonstrate any dance from an Indian film on the screen.

(Hint to the organizers: You can print out a few pictures of Indian dance poses and distribute them to the teams. Warn participants that the dance can be performed either by a group or by a single dancer with backup dancers from the rest of the team).

Presenter: We will not exactly follow the sign language of Indian dances, but we will try to do something original in the Indian spirit. Now each team will receive their musical excerpt and go to rehearsal, and for me, another zen-banquet break will come)))

(Hint to the organizers: If there are spectators in the hall, then the Presenter holds additional competitions for them, see Appendix 1).

A dance competition is being held.

Musical fragments - tasks:

Track 5 is playing. The song "Mosquitoes" performed by Zhanna Bichevskaya

Track 6 is playing. Folk song “I’m with a mosquito” performed by Tamara Strelkova

Track 7 is playing. Song of Princess Zabava from the cartoon "The Magic Ship"

(Hint for organizers : You can choose two of the proposed options, or choose your own music. But it is desirable that it be domestic music, this is precisely the point of the competition).

Presenter: It's time to take stock. Count your tokens - flowers.

After the counting, the winners are announced: in the team championship, in the individual championship and among the fans (if there are any).

Presenter: Did you enjoy our bachelorette party?


Presenter: Well, now I have to tell you why our holiday has such a strange name: “Indian MaloDrama”. I’ll explain: why Indian, I hope it’s clear? But LITTLE, because there is never too much of a good thing. Why then Drama, you ask? This is exactly why: because a holiday is ALWAYS not enough. Well, yes, what age are we? Before we know it, April Fool's Day will be approaching, and summer won't be far away. AND SUMMER is the biggest holiday. So see you next time, see you again, dears!

(Also, in memory of this party, you can arrange a special photo zone with props or print and install one of the tantamares for a spectacular photo)

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