Neuro-norms, capsules. Complex for high potency and long intimacy Instructions for use of neuro norms darnitsa tablets



1 capsule of Neuro-norm contains:
Piracetam - 400 mg;
Cinnarizine - 25 mg;
Additional substances, including lactose.

pharmachologic effect

Neuro-norm is a combined drug with a pronounced nootropic activity. Neuro-norm also contributes to the normalization of microcirculation due to the improvement of the rheological properties of blood and anti-vasoconstrictor action. The active components of the drug Neuro-norm - cinnarizine and piracetam - mutually complement each other's action.
Piracetam is a cyclic derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid. Piracetam improves memory, increases the ability to concentrate and learn, and stimulates intellectual performance. Piracetam regulates the rate of propagation of excitation in the brain, stimulates metabolic processes in the nervous tissue, improves synaptic conduction in neocortical structures and communication between the cerebral hemispheres. In addition, due to the effect on the rheological properties of blood, piracetam improves microcirculation without pronounced vasodilation.

Cinnarizine is a medicinal substance that improves microcirculation in the vessels of the brain. The mechanism of action of cinnarizine is associated with its ability to block calcium channels and reduce the susceptibility of the vascular wall to vasoconstrictor agents (including norepinephrine and serotonin). Cinnarizine improves microcirculation, but does not cause changes in blood pressure and heart rate. In addition, with prolonged use, cinnarizine helps to increase the elasticity of erythrocyte membranes and reduce blood viscosity, which also leads to improved microcirculation and improved brain function. Long-term use of cinnarizine improves the state of brain cells under conditions of hypoxia and reduces stimulation of the vestibular system.
When using the drug in patients with impaired brain function, there is an improvement in concentration and cognitive functions.
Neuro-norm effectively eliminates dizziness caused by excessive excitation of the vestibular system and hypoxia.

After oral administration, the maximum plasma concentrations of cinnarizine and piracetam are reached within 1-4 hours. The pronounced therapeutic effect of Neuro-norm develops within 1-6 hours. The active components of the drug penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Cinnarizine is almost completely metabolized in the body, piracetam is excreted unchanged.
The half-life of cinnarizine reaches 3-6 hours, piracetam 4-6 hours. Piracetam is excreted mainly by the intestines, cinnarizine and about 30% of piracetam are excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for use

Neuro-norm is intended for the treatment of patients suffering from acute and chronic diseases of the brain, including ischemic stroke, encephalopathy against the background of portal hypertension, as well as in the period after a hemorrhagic stroke and in subcomatose and coma states in patients with intoxication or brain injury .
Neuronorm is used for the treatment and prevention of the consequences of traumatic brain injury, migraine, Meniere's syndrome and dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, which are accompanied by nausea, tinnitus, dizziness and nystagmus.
The drug is used in the complex therapy of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the central nervous system.

Neuro-norm can be prescribed to children with mental retardation to improve the ability to learn and memory, as well as to patients with asthenic syndrome of psychogenic origin, which is manifested by anxiety, excessive irritability, emotional lability and decreased attention and memory.
It is recommended to prescribe the drug Neuro-norm to patients in whom piracetam monotherapy leads to the development of insomnia and increased excitability.

Mode of application

Neuro-norm is intended for oral use. It is recommended to take the capsules after meals. Do not crush capsules. The duration of therapy and the dose of Neuro-norm is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.
Adults are usually recommended to prescribe 1 capsule of the drug three times a day.
In case of motion sickness, it is recommended to take 1 capsule of the drug half an hour before a walk. The drug should be repeated every 6 hours.

Children are usually recommended to prescribe 1 capsule of the drug twice a day.
It is not recommended to take the drug for more than 3 consecutive months. If necessary, Neuro-norm is taken in courses of 3 months, repeating courses 2-3 times a year.

Side effects

When using the drug Neuro-norm in patients, the following undesirable effects may occur:
From the peripheral and central nervous system: hyperkinesia, sleep and wakefulness disturbances, ataxia, headache, impaired coordination of movements and balance, tremor, dyskinesia, parkinsonism, excessive fatigue and anxiety, hallucinations. In addition, the condition of patients with epilepsy may worsen, as well as the development of lethargy, hypersomnia, depression and confusion.

From the gastrointestinal tract and hepatobiliary system: pain and discomfort in the epigastric region, digestive disorders, diarrhea, jaundice with cholestasis, vomiting, nausea, dryness of the oral mucosa, excessive salivation.
Allergic reactions: urticaria, anaphylactoid reactions (Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock), dermatitis, photosensitivity, excessive sweating, lichen planus.
Others: muscle rigidity, changes in blood pressure, thrombophlebitis, fever, increased libido, weight gain.


Neuro-norm is not prescribed to patients with intolerance to piracetam, cinnarizine and pyrolidone derivatives.
Capsules should not be taken by patients with galactosemia, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome and lactase deficiency.
Children under 5 years of age are contraindicated in the use of the drug Neuro-norm.
For children aged 5 to 8 years, the drug can be prescribed only under the supervision of a doctor.
Neuronorm should not be prescribed to patients suffering from severe renal dysfunction, acute disorders of cerebral circulation, parkinsonism, increased intraocular pressure and psychomotor agitation.

A contraindication to the use of the drug is also Huntington's chorea.
Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to prescribe the drug Neuro-norm.
Caution should be exercised when prescribing the drug to patients with kidney and liver diseases, porphyria, impaired hemostasis, and also before elective surgical interventions.
Athletes should not take the drug, as the active ingredients may give a false positive reaction during doping control.
Patients whose work is associated with the management of potentially unsafe mechanisms and driving a car should be especially careful when taking the drug Neuro-norm.


Neuro-norms are not prescribed during pregnancy.
If it is impossible to avoid taking the drug during lactation, you should consult with your doctor and decide on the abolition of breastfeeding. After the end of the course of therapy, it is possible to restore breastfeeding (it is recommended to consult a doctor first).

drug interaction

There is an increase in the sedative effect of Neuro-norm when combined with drugs that depress the central nervous system, including ethyl alcohol, sedatives and tricyclic antidepressants.
The drug, with simultaneous use, enhances the therapeutic effect of antihypertensive, vasodilating and nootropic agents, as well as oral anticoagulants.
The combined use of the drug Neuro-norm with thyroid hormones can lead to the development of tremor and anxiety.
The drug may change the indications of skin tests.


Taking high doses of the drug Neuro-norm can lead to an increase in the severity of the undesirable effects of piracetam and cinnarizine. In addition, acute intoxication with the drug can lead to the development of diarrhea (including blood in the feces), pain in the epigastric region, drowsiness, vomiting, extrapyramidal conditions and lowering blood pressure. Severe intoxication can lead to the development of coma. In children with an overdose of the drug Neuro-norm, the development of symptoms of excessive excitation of the central nervous system, including insomnia, euphoria, tremors, hallucinations and convulsions, is noted.

There is no specific antidote. If no more than 60 minutes have passed after taking an overdose, gastric lavage is performed and enterosorbent agents are prescribed. In case of overdose, symptomatic therapy is also indicated.
In severe conditions, hemodialysis is possible.

Description of the drug Neuro norms" on this page is a simplified and supplemented version of the official instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult a doctor and read the annotation approved by the manufacturer.
Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide on the appointment of the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Neuro-norm (NEURO-NORM) instructions for use


active substance: 1 capsule contains piracetam 400 mg, cinnarizine 25 mg
Excipients: lactose, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate
hard gelatin capsules: gelatin, titanium dioxide (E 171).

Dosage form


Basic physical and chemical properties:

Hard gelatin capsules with white cap and body containing white powder.

Pharmacological group

Psychostimulants and nootropics. ATX code N06B X.

Pharmacological properties


Combined drug. The active components of the drug are piracetam, a cyclic derivative of γ-aminobutyric acid, and cinnarizine, a selective calcium channel antagonist.

Piracetam is a nootropic agent that acts on the brain, improving cognitive (cognitive) functions such as learning ability, memory, attention, as well as mental performance. There are probably several mechanisms for the effect of the drug on the central nervous system: a change in the rate of propagation of excitation in the brain; strengthening of metabolic processes in nerve cells; improvement of microcirculation by influencing the rheological characteristics of the blood, without causing a vasodilating effect. Improves connections between the hemispheres of the brain and synaptic conduction in neocortical structures. After long-term use of the drug in patients with reduced brain function, there is an improvement in cognitive functions, improved attention.

Cinnarizine inhibits contraction of vascular smooth muscle cells by blocking calcium channels. In addition to direct calcium antagonism, cinnarizine reduces the contractile action of vasoactive substances such as norepinephrine and serotonin by blocking the calcium channel receptors they control. The blockade of calcium entry into cells depends on the tissue type, resulting in an anti-vasoconstrictor effect without affecting blood pressure and heart rate. Cinnarizine can further improve insufficient microcirculation by increasing the elasticity of the erythrocyte membrane and reducing blood viscosity. Increases cellular resistance to hypoxia. Cinnarizine inhibits stimulation of the vestibular system, resulting in suppression of nystagmus and other autonomic disorders. Cinnarizine prevents acute attacks of dizziness.


The combined drug is rapidly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

The therapeutic effect appears after 1-6 hours.

The maximum level of piracetam in the blood plasma is reached after 2-6 hours. The distribution of piracetam to all important organs is fast. Piracetam does not bind to plasma proteins and is not metabolized in the body, it penetrates well into tissues, through the blood-brain barrier and the placenta. Piracetam is excreted unchanged in the urine in about 30 hours.

The maximum level of cinnarizine after 1-4 hours is noted not only in the blood, but also in the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, spleen and brain. It binds 91% to plasma proteins. Cinnarizine is extensively metabolized in the liver. Approximately 30% of metabolites are excreted in the urine, the rest - through the intestines. The half-life is about 4:00.


Disorders of cerebral circulation

Supportive treatment for symptoms of cerebrovascular origin, which include impaired memory and thinking function, decreased concentration, mood disorders (irritability).

Prevention of migraine.


Supportive treatment for symptoms of labyrinth disorders, including dizziness, tinnitus, nystagmus, nausea, vomiting.

Motion sickness

Prevention of motion sickness.


Hypersensitivity to piracetam, cinnarizine or to any auxiliary component of the drug sensitivity to pyrrolidone derivatives.

End-stage renal failure, acute cerebrovascular accident (hemorrhagic stroke), Huntington's chorea, parkinsonism, increased intraocular pressure, psychomotor agitation.

Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction


Thyroid hormones.

When used together with thyroid hormones, increased irritability, disorientation and sleep disturbance are possible.


Clinical studies have shown that in patients with severe recurrent thrombosis, the use of piracetam in high doses (9.6 g / day) did not affect the dosage of acenocoumarol to achieve a PT value (INR) of 2.5-3.5, but with simultaneous use it was noted a significant decrease in the level of platelet aggregation, fibrinogen level, Willibrandt factors (VIII: C; VIII: vW: Ag; VIII: vW: R co), blood and plasma viscosity.

Pharmacokinetic interactions

The likelihood of changes in the pharmacodynamics of piracetam under the influence of other drugs is low, since 90% of the drug is excreted unchanged in the urine.

In vitro, piracetam does not inhibit cytochrome P450 isoforms CYP1A2, 2B6, 2C8, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, 2E1 and 4A9 / 11 at a concentration of 142, 426, 1422 μg / ml.

At a concentration of 1422 μg / ml, a slight inhibition of CYP2A6 (21%) and ZA4 / 5 (11%) was noted. However, the level of K and two CYP isomers is sufficient when exceeding 1422 µg/ml. Therefore, metabolic interaction with drugs that undergo biotransformation by these enzymes is unlikely.

Antiepileptic drugs.

The use of piracetam at a dose of 20 mg / day for 4 weeks and no longer changed the concentration level curve and the maximum concentration (C max) of antiepileptic drugs in blood serum (carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, sodium valproate) in patients with epilepsy.


Co-administration with alcohol did not affect the level of piracetam concentration in blood serum, and the concentration of alcohol in blood serum did not change with the use of 1.6 g of piracetam.


Alcohol / CNS depressants / tricyclic antidepressants: Concomitant use may increase the sedative effect of any of these drugs or cinnarizine.

diagnostic procedures.

Due to the antihistamine action, cinnarizine can mask positive reactions to skin reactivity factors during a skin test, so the use of the drug should be discontinued 4 days before it is carried out.

Application features

Neuro-norm can cause stomach irritation; its use after meals can reduce the effects of gastric irritation.

You should refrain from the simultaneous use of alcohol or antidepressants, since the drug may cause drowsiness, especially at the very beginning of treatment.

The use of the drug should be avoided in porphyria.

According to piracetam: due to the fact that piracetam reduces platelet aggregation, it is necessary to prescribe the drug with caution to patients with impaired hemostasis, conditions that may be accompanied by hemorrhages (ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract), during major surgical operations (including dental interventions), patients with symptoms of severe bleeding or in patients with a history of hemorrhagic stroke in patients who use anticoagulants, platelet antiplatelet agents, including low doses of acetylsalicylic acid.

Excreted by the kidneys, so special attention should be paid to patients with renal insufficiency. With long-term therapy in elderly patients, regular monitoring of renal function is recommended, if necessary, the dose should be adjusted depending on the results of the study of creatinine clearance.

Use with caution in patients with hepatic impairment.

According to cinnarizine: Patients with Parkinson's disease should only be prescribed if the benefits of treatment outweigh the possible risk of worsening the course of this disease.

The preparation contains lactose. Therefore, patients with rare hereditary forms of galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome should not use this drug.

Use during pregnancy or lactation

Do not use during pregnancy and lactation.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or operating other mechanisms

Given the possibility of adverse reactions from the central nervous system, care should be taken when driving vehicles or working with mechanisms.

Dosage and administration

Neuro-norm capsules should be taken orally after meals, without chewing, with water.

Disorders of cerebral circulation: 1 capsule 3 times a day.

Balance disorder: 1 capsule 3 times a day.

Motion sickness: 1 capsule half an hour before a walk, repeated every 6:00.


Do not apply.


Symptoms: increased manifestations of side effects of the drug. In rare cases of acute overdose, dyspeptic symptoms (diarrhea mixed with blood, abdominal pain), a change in consciousness from drowsiness to stupor and coma, vomiting, extrapyramidal symptoms, arterial hypotension were observed.

Treatment. There is no specific antidote. During the first hour after ingestion, it is necessary to wash the stomach. If warranted, activated charcoal may be given. Carry out symptomatic therapy. Perhaps the use of hemodialysis.

Adverse reactions

From the nervous system: embarrassment, nervousness, dizziness, hyperkinesia, ataxia, headache, insomnia, there may be a risk of worsening of the course and an increase in the frequency of epilepsy attacks, vestibular disorders, imbalance, tremor, hypersomnia, lethargy, dyskinesia, parkinsonism, fatigue. Prolonged use in elderly patients can lead to the development of extrapyramidal phenomena.

From the immune system: hypersensitivity, including anaphylaxis.

From the digestive tract: dry mouth, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, pain in the upper abdomen, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, obstructive jaundice, increased salivation, nausea, vomiting.

From the vestibular system: vertigo.

From the skin: angioedema, dermatitis, itching, rash, urticaria, photosensitivity, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), lichen-like keratosis, subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus and lichen planus.

Mental disorders: irritability, drowsiness, depression, anxiety, confusion, hallucinations.

From the musculoskeletal system: muscle rigidity.

From the blood and lymphatic system: hemorrhagic disorders.

Others: asthenia, arterial hypertension, thrombophlebitis, hyperthermia, increased sexual activity.

With a long course of treatment, in rare cases, an increase in body weight can be observed.

Best before date

2 years.

Storage conditions

Store in original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.Keep out of the reach of children.


10 capsules in a blister pack; 2 or 6 blisters in a pack.

On prescription.

It normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system, eliminates the manifestation of the first symptoms of impotence, prevents the development of other disorders in the pelvic organs. By increasing blood flow to the head of the penis, the remedy makes the erection strong and stable. In a man, the sensitivity of nerve endings increases, respectively - the sensations received during ejaculation become vivid and unforgettable.

The complex of organic components Effex Neuro contributes to the complete relaxation of the body. It dilates blood vessels and tones the soft tissues of the penis. The dietary supplement is intended to be taken as a course in order to obtain a long-term effect. It does not require a doctor's prescription to use it.

Dosage and method of taking Effex Neuro

Do not use the supplement more than three times a day

Dosage and method of administration are indicated in the instructions for Effex Neuro. The drug should be taken three times a day, one capsule with food, washed down with plain water. The duration of the standard course of treatment is three months. If necessary, it can be increased. Do not use the food supplement more than three times a day.

Effex Neuro is compatible with alcoholic beverages, however, when they are consumed, the rate of assimilation of the active components decreases in the patient. The action of the drug is manifested after 3-5 days of admission. A positive result of treatment is maintained for three months.

Price - from 1199 R

Benefits of Effex Neuro

Benefits of Effex Neuro:

  • does not cause physical and psychological addiction;
  • has a minimum of contraindications for health reasons;
  • quickly absorbed and absorbed by the walls of the stomach;
  • is a harmless product for long-term use.
  • The advantage of taking Effex Neuro is the positive effect that the drug has not only on the reproductive system, but also on other vital processes in the body of a man. Under the action of dietary supplements, the process of producing seminal fluid begins to be activated and the speed of movement of spermatozoa increases.

    Composition and form of release of Effex Neuro capsules

    The composition and form of release of Effex Neuro is represented by capsules made on the basis of a complex of plant elements:

    Effex Neuro capsules are covered with a protective film shell. Each capsule contains 0.36 grams of active ingredients. The composition of the drug is not toxic. Amino acids, which are the basis of the medicinal formula, improve the quality of erection, maintain normal testosterone levels and ensure high sexual activity.

    Interaction with other drugs

    The high interaction of Effex Neuro with other drugs is due to its natural composition. BAA not only does not violate the action of medicinal substances, but also effectively works when interacting with them. Effex Neuro is not contraindicated during treatment with synthetic drugs, including selective inhibitors. The food supplement is compatible with organic nitrates.

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    Contraindications and restrictions on admission

    Contraindications and restrictions on taking Effex Neuro:

    1. acute intolerance to the active ingredients;
  • diseases in which sexual activity is contraindicated;
  • recovery period after surgery, heart attack, stroke.
  • The drug has no contraindications from the nervous system. It is harmless in diseases of the liver or kidneys. Effect Neuro causes side effects in rare cases. As a rule, they manifest themselves in the form of dizziness, nausea and loss of strength. Side effects do not cause complications. When they appear, it is recommended to reduce the daily dose of the drug.

    Terms and conditions of storage

    If the storage rules are violated, the shelf life of dietary supplements is reduced. Before using the drug, you should read the recommendations from the manufacturer, as well as exclude the presence of contraindications.

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    Price - from 1399 R

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    Customer Reviews and Visitor Comments

    I did not find anything good in this dietary supplement.

    You can take it exclusively for "just like that." The husband drank and there is no effect. Do not trust charlatan sellers.

    It makes sense to drink for prevention. Vitamins won't hurt.

    there is no recovery process after taking Effex Neuro. I just threw away the money in vain.

    Complete crap. Don't get fooled by promises.

    Up to a fig of capsules it is necessary to accept. For me, a quick effect is more justified than a course intake.

    Same with speed. Potency was affected a little, but not much. There are more effective supplements.

    I tried Effex, but the Emperor's Power is cooler anyway.

    Taking capsules Effex Neuro has completely changed digestion. I don't like this kind of bullshit. either diarrhea or constipation.

    I freely accept and have normal sex. For "heavy trucks" only Viagra is suitable, not supplements.

    Normal nutrition replaces all kinds of dietary supplements. I have never taken medicines and dietary supplements, only normal food and more seafood.

    With pressure full AHTUNG.

    Unhealthy sex is contraindicated.

    Even after 2 months of taking Effex Neuro capsules, there is no effect. All lies and just money grabbing. I will never buy supplements again.

    It’s a pity that it doesn’t work right away. I can’t take strong pills, so I only drink Effex Neuro. From other additives, the pressure immediately rises.

    From these capsules, my blood pressure also jumps. I watch before the reception, especially in the evening.

    Nonsense is complete. None of the reported effects appeared.

    To maintain the existing potency and erection, you can drink it once a day. This dosage is enough.

    Bad as Bad. It doesn't differ from others. Doesn't show any obvious progress.

    I didn’t understand at all what Effex Neuro was for.

    3 months of admission and I returned to a normal, fulfilling sex life.

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    "Effex Neuro": reviews of doctors and patients, properties of the drug

    The life of modern men involves a huge responsibility. Representatives of the stronger sex are forced to work hard in order to support themselves and their families, help their spouse with the housework, and also raise children. In addition, every man would like to maintain sexual activity even in adulthood. Unfortunately, such unfavorable factors as stress, overwork and various diseases have an extremely unfavorable effect on the sexual function of the stronger sex. Due to disappointments in their sexual life, men experience severe discomfort and become withdrawn. Is there a way out of this difficult situation?

    Biocomplex for the restoration of sexual function: how does it work?

    In the modern world, there are many drugs that can help in solving this problem. One of them, the Effex Neuro biocomplex, reviews of doctors and patients about this remedy, is discussed in the article. This drug is a dietary supplement, it contains vitamins and trace elements that restore sexual function in men. It helps to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, get rid of premature ejaculation caused by nervous experiences, and also increase the desire for physical intimacy. About the action of the drug "Effex Neuro", the reviews of doctors and patients who took it claim that it has the ability to withstand stressful situations, increase sperm production and cope with impotence.

    Instructions for use

    The medicine is available in the form of capsules (one box of the drug contains sixty pieces). This biological supplement must be consumed for three months. If necessary, the patient can extend the course of therapy. The drug should be taken with food, the daily dose is from one to three capsules. The medicine is prescribed to persons from eighteen to sixty-five years. As for contraindications, these include individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug. By studying the information about the drug "Effex Neuro" (instruction, reviews of experts and consumers), you can be sure that this dietary supplement contains components that have beneficial properties for the male body. They have certain positive effects, for example:

    1. Due to the action of amino acids, the functioning of the reproductive organs improves, the production of serotonin in the brain increases.
    2. Goryanka contributes to the treatment of sexual disorders.
    3. Thanks to zinc, the production of male hormones is enhanced. As a result, sexual intercourse lasts much longer.
    4. B vitamins contribute to the restoration of strength.

    "Effex Neuro Evalar": reviews of experts

    Most doctors advise taking this biocomplex to many patients who come to them for a consultation about problems in the intimate sphere. Doctors say that the drug has many positive properties. For example, it has no side effects and is well tolerated by the body. The composition of the biocomplex includes useful substances. The medicine can be taken for a long period without harm to health. The effect it has remains for a long time. The drug is easy to take, and it is suitable for almost everyone. The medicine not only eliminates problems with potency and premature ejaculation. About "Effect Neuro" reviews of real people who have tried it, indicate that it enhances sexual desire and sensations during intercourse.

    Patient opinions

    Many representatives of the stronger sex try this drug to restore their sexual function. Reading the reviews, we can conclude that problems in the intimate sphere appear in both mature men and young men. The occurrence of these dysfunctions is associated not only with age-related changes or serious diseases of the reproductive system. Often there are situations when, due to nervous overstrain, intellectual overload or unpleasant experience in relationships with women, men lose their sexual desire and begin to experience difficulties with potency. As for the effect of the drug "Effex Neuro", the reviews about it are mostly positive. Men, as well as their wives, are satisfied with the persistent and lasting effect. The quality of intimate life among married couples has increased significantly, and husbands have forgotten about sexual problems and complexes. However, about the Effex Neuro remedy, reviews do not always indicate the merits of the medicine. Some talk about its shortcomings, for example, that the drug acts for a long time and it takes a lot of time to feel the result. However, it should be remembered that "Effects Neuro" is a dietary supplement consisting of natural ingredients. Therefore, a quick effect from such a drug should not be expected.

    Biocomplex for men Evalar "Effex Neuro" - reviews

    Great tool!

    Advantages: Excellent help Breathed new feelings

    I would like to talk about this tool for men. I want to write about him, because he really helped my husband and me in difficult, let's say, family times. At some point, the husband began to step back a little in sex.

    Great tool!

    Pros: great help

    My wife and I decided to try

    Benefits: Extends the duration of PA

    We have been living with my wife for 8 years together, we have known each other for 10 years already. We know each other inside and out. And we speak openly about some shortcomings in sex and try to settle everything together. The problem with the duration of sexual.

    The tool is not bad, but clinically inadequately studied in practice

    Advantages: Price and availability - in my opinion, it is in the first place, not counting the effect - 80%, for medicine this is a fairly high figure.

    Disadvantages: Less studied in clinical practice, especially at the level of reproduction. It is not used enough in the practice of doctors, which actually affects the main minus. In general, the disadvantages of this complex were not noticed.

    This drug was used by me in practical medicine, in patients who used it (10 people), 8 actually showed changes in metabolism at the level of spermatogenesis, general state of mind and energy. This vitamin complex is necessary with.

    Glad I tried

    Pros: great help

    I even signed up for this! Excuse me gentlemen moderators! I’m still far from “adult” male problems, but for self-criticism it’s the best! Has passed for thirty years, and with duration of sexual intercourse somehow till now.

    Great product for men

    Pros: super prolongs PA

    Well, I won’t talk about problems in bed - who swam - he knows who has everything in order - they don’t need to know. My husband and I stumbled upon Effex by accident. The meeting turned out to be positive.

    Relationships have changed

    Advantages: the quality of sexual intercourse to new heights!

    My husband and I also decided to finally try something from such biocomplexes. Not to say that there were problems, but 8 years of marriage (happy!), Of course, leave some imprint on sex. Husband "tolerate" during intercourse for a long time.

    Thanks to the manufacturers!

    Pluses: The former male power has returned!

    Cons: Can't name them. and they are unlikely to be.

    Hello! Yes, as it turned out, men's health will not be with us forever. I could not decide to go to the doctor for a long time, I already talked with my wife. This is a very delicate problem for men when you lose desire, potency, and your former mood. head.

    I did not feel the effect myself.

    Pros: None for me.

    Cons: Didn't live up to expectations.

    Bought after reading reviews online. For some, it may work, but I didn’t feel the effect on myself, although I even took it with the red root from Evalar, on the advice of the seller. Maybe the nervous tension was strong, or maybe.

    effective and harmless

    Advantages: effective, harmless

    On the one hand, sex is just a small part of the relationship between a man and a woman, a limited sector within which we satisfy our natural physical needs. But if you look deeper, you can see emotions and feelings, inseparably.

    A good tool - caused a new surge of feelings!

    Advantages: helped without negative consequences!

    Cons: none

    Most likely the reason for the cooling of feelings with his wife is the stress at work. You come home, you don’t want anything, just relax. We decided to try this drug from the domestic manufacturer Evalar. The pack was enough for a month, in this.

    works, I'm happy.

    Advantages: tangible result and improvement in all respects.

    Cons: long wait for pros

    So... I've always had some problems with the duration of intercourse. As I joked sometimes - I don’t have problems, I get that pleasure ... But jokes are jokes, and laughter is not very funny. All my attempts.

    Dummy. Pay attention to who writes positive reviews and analyze, everything will be clear.

    Cons: wasted money

    Effect Neuro

    "Effect Neuro" is used to correct problems (and prevention) that occur in the genital area of ​​men. In its composition, it has a plant extract, amino acids and vitamins, and is considered a biological product. Such a composition of active substances has a positive effect on the functioning of the genital organs (internal and external), which manifests itself in the form of a good erection, timely ejaculation, increased sexual desire. In addition, the drug improves sleep, slightly lowers blood pressure, gives vitality.

    • Contains additional components to improve potency
    • 2 Daily Values ​​of Zinc per Daily Dose

    There are contraindications, consult a specialist

    iHerb discount code GVJ260

    What are the properties of Effect Neuro

    Sexual activity for a man is a fundamental factor in health and social well-being. Throughout life, a strong half of humanity is exposed to psychological and physical causes that adversely affect sexual function. In most cases, you can return male power to its previous level. To do this, pharmaceutical concerns are developing tools that have a positive effect on intimate life.

    Types of stimulants

    Stimulants are conditionally divided into groups:

    • natural - tinctures, decoctions or infusions of herbs, roots, flowers;
    • chemically synthesized;
    • combined.

    Important! Which drug to give preference depends on the degree of pathological changes in the reproductive system.

    Most stimulant drugs are developed by foreign companies. In order to be able to buy the drug cheaper, they are distributed through Internet sites. However, even in this case, the price remains high. Therefore, men do not always really acquire high-quality products and get a positive effect.

    Stimulants manufacturer "Evalar"

    The Evalar company is the largest manufacturer of biologically active additives in Russia. Products can be bought not only in the country, but also abroad, due to the affordable price and high quality. The most popular remedies among men are Effex Sildenafil, Effex neuro, Effex neuro Evalar, Effex Red root tincture.

    An alternative to standard vitamins are Effex Vitamins for men. Several variants of such complexes are produced. The drugs have proven themselves in the treatment of diseases of the intimate sphere. Depending on the type of pathology, you can buy the most effective remedy at a price almost two times lower than the market price.

    Composition of Effex Neuro

    Biologically active additive Effex neuro belongs to the series Effex Vitamins for men. It is a unique composition that has a complex effect. According to the instructions for use, the drug contains the following chemical elements:

    1. Amino acids - agrinin, tryptophan, glutamine. They are the building material of germ cells, provide the body with energy, which increases endurance and male strength, and contributes to the growth of muscle mass.
    2. B vitamins - pyridoxine, niacin, nicotinamide. They improve the functioning of the nervous system, stimulate mental activity, increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones.
    3. Trace elements - zinc. Participates in the synthesis of male sex hormones, improves the quality of the ejaculate and reproductive capabilities.
    4. Herbal extract of Goryanka. Provides high sexual activity, maintains a stable and long-lasting erection, increases sexual desire and attraction to a partner.

    The complex of useful substances in the composition of dietary supplements gradually affects metabolic processes. However, the result at the end of the course of treatment is comparable to the effect of the drug Effex Sildenafil.

    Positive effects of dietary supplements

    The experience of using Effex neuro, according to the reviews of men, indicates the high effectiveness of the drug. This is due to the balanced composition of dietary supplements. Natural components gradually restore impaired functions and provide the following positive effects:

    • Formation of resistance to stress factors and negative impacts of society.
    • Potency increase.
    • Increased sexual activity and stamina.
    • Ensuring stable erectile function.
    • Normalization of hormonal background.
    • Improving the quality of genetic material and reproductive ability.
    • Reducing the incidence of premature ejaculation.
    • Increased sensitivity of the genitals.

    The drug Effex neuro, according to the instructions, should be taken daily for 3 months. A single dose is one tablet, which is divided into three doses. The company produces the drug in a bottle of 60 pieces. Therefore, given the duration of therapy, it is possible to profitably buy dietary supplements.

    Restriction for taking the drug

    The biologically active additive does not contain chemically synthesized substances, unlike the stimulant Effex Sildenafil. When taking the drug, men rarely notice adverse reactions. Therefore, preference is given to vitamin complexes of the Effex group, Sildenafil and its analogues are inferior to the drug in this regard.

    Contraindications for taking dietary supplements are limited to individual intolerance to the stimulant and age up to 18 years. Therefore, almost every man can afford to buy it. No other negative effects were noted.

    Attention! If adverse reactions occur, stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor.

    Sometimes on the Internet you can see recommendations: buy this or that drug. If we compare Effex neuro and Effex Sildenafil, then the visible result of the latter will be noticeable after a short time. However, a chemical-based stimulant has a number of contraindications.

    Therefore, men with some concomitant pathology cannot use the drug. A dietary supplement that contains natural ingredients is a good alternative to fast stimulants.


    The drug provides a complex effect and restoration of lost functions in men of any age. This allows us to recommend it to a wide range of consumers with problems in the intimate sphere.

    Mr. Joy, Yan Vissarionov

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    Effex Neuro for potency - will return the pleasure of intimacy

    Effex Neuro for potency can significantly prolong sexual intercourse in men and improve the quality of sexual relations. Capsules prevent the development of neurogenic premature ejaculation. The product is made on the basis of natural herbal ingredients. Actively increases sexual desire in men and is not addictive.

    A good drug, helped me regain masculine strength, despite my already middle age. This made our family life with my wife interesting and vibrant again. Didn't notice any side effect.

    Since I began to take this remedy, intimate life, one might say, sparkled with new colors, sensations became aggravated and intensified at times, strength and endurance increased.

    An effective drug, but you definitely need to drink a course to help! There are no side effects, the composition is natural, which is very pleasing. After 40 I recommend keeping at home in reserve.

    To be honest, the drug really made me feel young again. I recommend it to everyone, do not be shy, the drug really helps, it has been tested, male power will return to you.

    You won’t believe it, but it really helped me, my wife is delighted with me again, my old feelings returned, I recommend it to everyone. Even the so-called inferiority complex disappeared, I am pleased with the result.

    I took Effex Neuro in order to restore potency. Took 3 months. There really is an effect, by the end of the first month I noticed that the desire for intimate life had returned. It has become more regular, I hope it will not take long to grow old.

    The drug gave me back my self-confidence, the complexes went away, my wife is also happy. Potency as in youth and generally became more healthy, hardy and cheerful. I recommend.

    It's herbal, but very effective. Problems with potency are a thing of the past, forces appeared out of nowhere. I did not feel the effect of addiction and side effects.

    Well, I finally found a tool that suits me completely. I tried different “pacifiers”, I don’t even remember all the names, there were so many of them. And no effect. This works great.

    It is difficult to talk about it, but against the background of constant swearing with my wife, it became really bad in bed. And because of this, even more abuse. It's just a vicious circle. Okay, this drug has been found.

    Effex Neuro really, really helped me, my potency was restored and even better than it was, I can’t complain about anything now, and I’m 50. The drug was easily tolerated, I definitely recommend it.

    I have been in the gym for more than 10 years and of course I have been taking steroids all this time, at one fine moment I decided to give them up and this is where problems arose! I turned to a specialist, he recommended the drug effex in capsules to support the body during a difficult period. I took 1 capsule a day for 3 months in a row, during which time I managed to forget about problems in bed, the quality and duration of sexual intercourse became better, I became even more active and purposeful in life. The drug is definitely top, I am completely satisfied with the effect! And the price is acceptable, such tablets usually cost several times more. Friends in the hall also experienced the positive effect of taking these capsules, only it took someone 2 months, someone 4, everything is individual and everyone's body is different, but one thing remains the same - the drug works!

    I had no problems with the duration of sexual intercourse, but with the resulting sensations and emotions, they happened. Sometimes I just didn’t get any satisfaction, despite the fact that the girl tried and even knocked down her breath. The neuro effect sharpened the sensations and thereby increased the desire to have sex. Now I do not have the impression that I am doing a tedious physical exercise.

    I have long distrusted the advertising of drugs, especially since their price, as a rule, is always higher than the real cost. I don’t believe many “esculapians” who prescribe more expensive drugs, receiving dividends from pharmaceutical companies or pharmacies for this. Therefore, I always check the composition of this or that medicine, looking for analogues, the price of which does not include the cost of marketing tricks.

    Having thoroughly rummaged through the Internet, I discovered a drug from the pharmaceutical company Darnitsa (Kyiv) Neuro-Norm, which is a complete analogue of Phezam.

    Earlier Phezam was prescribed to me by a neuropathologist as a means of preventing migraines and attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia, manifested by such symptoms as a feeling of lack of air, rapid heartbeat, anxiety, panic attacks, meteorological dependence, inhibited reaction and so on.

    So why pay more when you can buy inexpensive domestic analogue of Phezam - Neuro-Norm, the price of which is 40 UAH. (60 capsules per pack).

    So, Neuro-Norm:

    The composition of the medicinal product:

    1 capsule contains piracetam 400 mg, cinnarizine 25 mg

    pharmachologic effect:

    Due to the combination of cinnarizine and piracetam, the drug has an antihypoxic, vasodilating effect, improves blood circulation and the functions of auditory and visual analyzers. Piracetam stimulates redox processes, enhances glucose utilization, and improves blood circulation in ischemic areas of the brain. It improves energy processes by increasing the synthesis of ATP, increasing the activity of adenylate cyclase, improves the processes of glycolysis and protein synthesis, which leads to an increase in the resistance of brain tissues to hypoxia.

    Cinnarizine, due to the blockade of calcium entry into the cell, has a vasodilating effect, increases the resistance of cells to hypoxia. Cinnarizine and piracetam potentiate each other's action, providing a more pronounced effect.

    Indications for use:

    Supportive treatment for symptoms of cerebrovascular origin, which include impaired memory and thinking function, decreased concentration, mood disorders (irritability). Supportive treatment for symptoms of labyrinth disorders, which include dizziness, tinnitus, nystagmus, nausea, vomiting; Prevention of motion sickness. Prevention of migraine.

    If you drink the drug one capsule 3 times a day, at least a month, the results are impressive: memory and sleep improve, energy appears, and headache attacks appear much less often.

    Now I take Neuro-Norm instead of Phezam. I did not notice any difference in efficiency, but there is a difference in price:

    Phezam(60 capsules) from Balkanfarm - 65 UAH. (about 195 rubles),

    Neuro-Norm(60 capsules) - 40 UAH. (about 120 rubles).

    Usually, I take Neuro-Norm in spring and autumn when the weather starts to change, and I start to "storm": headaches, lethargy, fatigue, and a sluggish brain .

    There is one But! When taking Neuro-Norm, metabolic processes are so activated that appetite wakes up just "brutal" And I'm definitely gaining a couple of kilos. Although, for such a “suffocate” like me, weight gain is only good

    P.S. I found another complete analogue of Phezam and Neuro-Norm. It's called Cinatropil. But this is for the future.

    Thank you for your visit! Health!!!

    The composition of the medicinal product Neuro-Norm

    caps. contour cells. pack., No. 10

    caps. contour cells. Pack., No. 60 UAH 12.42

    Piracetam 0.4 g

    Cinnarizine 0.025 g

    Other Ingredients: Lactose Monohydrate, Aerosil, Magnesium Stearate.

    Dosage form


    Pharmacological properties

    a combined drug that improves cerebral circulation and metabolism of nervous tissue. It has a vasodilating, nootropic and antihypoxic effect in diseases of the central nervous system, prevents the aggregation of activated platelets, and reduces the excitability of the vestibular apparatus. It intensifies the biosynthesis of DNA and phospholipids, glycolytic processes and glucose utilization, increases the concentration of ATP, stimulates the integrative activity of the brain, promotes memory consolidation. Facilitates the learning process. The components included in the drug mutually potentiate the action of each other, without increasing the toxic effects. With regard to the effects on the central nervous system, the sedative effect of cinnarizine predominates. The therapeutic effect appears after 1-6 hours.

    Rapidly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The time to reach the maximum concentration of cinnarizine in the blood plasma is 1-3 hours, piracetam - 2-4 hours. Both components are rapidly distributed in all vital organs, penetrate through the BBB into the brain tissue. Cinnarizine is metabolized in the liver by N-dealkylation. The half-life of cinnarizine is 3-6 hours. The half-life of piracetam is 4-6 hours. Piracetam is excreted in the urine unchanged, cinnarizine is mainly in the form of metabolites (2/3 with feces and 1/3 with urine).

    Neuro-Norm - indications for use

    acute and chronic vascular diseases of the brain, including ischemic stroke, recovery period after hemorrhagic stroke, encephalopathy with portal hypertension, coma and subcoma after intoxication and brain injury; consequences of craniocerebral injuries, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the central nervous system, dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus (dizziness, tinnitus, nystagmus, nausea and vomiting), Meniere's syndrome, asthenic syndrome of psychogenic origin (anxiety, emotional discomfort, increased irritability, emotional lability, impaired memory, attention), migraine prevention, the drug is also used to improve memory and education of children with intellectual retardation.

    Neuro-Norm is especially indicated in cases where piracetam monotherapy is accompanied by increased excitability and insomnia.


    hypersensitivity to the drug, liver or kidney disease, accompanied by their functional insufficiency, parkinsonism, pregnancy, breastfeeding, age up to 5 years (in this dosage form).

    Usage Precautions

    the content of cinnarizine in the preparation can cause a positive reaction in athletes during doping control and change the results of the determination of radioactive iodine. When using the drug, you should refrain from driving and performing other potentially hazardous activities that require increased attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

    Interaction with drugs

    when taken simultaneously, it can enhance the effect of sedatives that depress the central nervous system, tricyclic antidepressants, alcohol, nootropic and antihypertensive drugs. Vasodilators enhance the effect of the drug, and hypertensives weaken it.

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