If you find gonorrhea where you can not work. How gonorrhea is transmitted - possible ways of infection. Treatment of gonorrhea in men and women

Caesarean section - operative delivery. Nowadays, this method of childbirth is quite widespread. The increasing number of pregnancy complications, both on the part of the mother and the child, leads to this state of affairs.

How is a caesarean section performed?

Operation caesarean section performed only under anesthesia. Nowadays, there is a gradual transition from general anesthesia to spinal anesthesia during these types of operations. The meaning of such anesthesia is to “turn off” the lower half of the body. The woman is conscious, she can take her baby in her arms immediately after removing him from the uterine cavity. In addition, during general anesthesia, the child receives a certain amount of drugs that are administered to the mother and is born slightly “stunned”, while there are no such features when choosing spinal anesthesia.
After anesthesia, an incision is made in the lower abdomen, opening of the uterine cavity and amniotic sac, followed by removal of the child. As with normal childbirth the umbilical cord is tied and cut. Then, through the surgical incision, the fetal bladder and placenta are removed. The wound is sutured in layers, a sterile dressing is applied. With caesarean section under spinal anesthesia, the child is immediately applied to the mother's breast, with general anesthesia - after a while, the woman needs to get out of anesthesia.

Early postpartum period

The postoperative period after caesarean section does not differ significantly from that period after other abdominal operations. A common practice is early activation of the patient. After 6-8 hours (depending on general condition) a woman is allowed to sit down in bed; after 10-12 hours - get up and walk. This tactic minimizes the risk of developing adhesive complications in the abdominal cavity, congestion in the lungs (especially likely after intubation anesthesia).
If the condition of the mother and newborn does not cause concern to the doctor, then on the second day they are transferred to the ward for joint stay (if such wards are available). A woman, most often, is prescribed antibiotic therapy to prevent infectious complications during the postpartum period, as well as painkillers. During this period, it is worthwhile to warn the young mother against taking care of the baby too actively, frequently lifting it in her arms (especially for large children), and sudden movements. To alleviate discomfort in the area of ​​the postoperative scar, it is recommended to wear a special bandage that supports the abdominal muscles.

The length of the postpartum period

The postpartum period in the case of physiological childbirth lasts 40 days. The postpartum period after caesarean section is up to 60 days. One of the main indicators of the course of the postpartum period is the so-called involution of the uterus: the process of its contraction and epithelialization inner surface. During this time, the woman has various degrees of severity bloody issues from the genital tract (lochia). It should be noted that, as a rule, the intensity of discharge in women delivered by caesarean section is less: after childbirth through the natural birth canal, discharge from the cervix, vagina, injured to one degree or another, is added to the discharge from the uterine cavity.
Since the integrity of the muscle fibers of the uterus, its vessels and nerves was violated during the operation, the rate of uterine involution slows down. If necessary, a woman is prescribed an appropriate drug therapy that stimulates the contractile activity of the muscles of the uterus, reducing bleeding from vessels damaged during incision. Most often, precisely because of the slow decrease in the uterus after childbirth, a mother with a baby after a cesarean section is discharged home a few days later than after a physiological birth.

Nutrition after caesarean section

On the first day after the caesarean section, it is allowed to drink only non-carbonated water, unsweetened tea. From the second day, the diet is gradually approaching the nutrition of the woman who has given birth: starting with the broth, pureed dishes, we gradually move on to a full-fledged diet rich in proteins, vitamins, microelements, which is recommended for a nursing mother.

Hygiene after caesarean section

The hygiene of a woman who has undergone a caesarean section in the first days after the operation must necessarily include a toilet of the external genital organs. Body washing is allowed, excluding the area of ​​the postoperative suture. You can take a shower immediately after discharge from the hospital. The scar area must be washed clean water, very carefully, excluding friction, exposure to detergents. It is recommended to take a bath, swim no earlier than one and a half to two months after childbirth.

Postoperative scar

The postoperative scar will remind of itself for quite a long time: up to six months, in some women - up to a year. This is due to the fact that during the surgical incision, the integrity of the nerve endings was violated, and their recovery is a long process.
Two months after the operation, a woman who has undergone a caesarean section is advised to start exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. I would like to note that the better the muscles of this group were developed, the smaller the subcutaneous fat layer, the faster and better the postoperative wound heals. It is not forbidden to use ointments that promote the resorption of scars, although you should not expect a special effect from their use. The course of the healing process is also influenced by the lifestyle that a woman will lead after surgery. A big role in how the postpartum period after cesarean proceeds is the help of relatives and close people to the woman who has given birth. Ideally, one of them should be constantly at home at this time. Any woman after childbirth to ensure the recovery of the body and quality breastfeeding needed good rest. The recovery postpartum period after caesarean section requires a serious limitation of the weight of the lifted weights. Overstrain of the abdominal muscles can lead to deformities in the area of ​​the postoperative scar, up to the formation of hernias.

Family planning after caesarean section

The resumption of sexual activity after caesarean section is recommended one and a half to two months after the operation. Be sure to visit a gynecologist by this time, make sure that the recovery period runs smoothly, and discuss acceptable methods of contraception. It is better to postpone planning a subsequent pregnancy for two years - this time is enough to restore the strength of the mother's body, the formation of a strong scar on the uterus (ultrasound is performed to determine its quality).
Medical practice is currently moving away from the establishment that a history of caesarean section is a direct contraindication for natural childbirth in the future. Quite often, women who have undergone a caesarean section give birth to subsequent children through the natural birth canal.

Gonorrhea - like syphilis - is the most common disease that venereologists have to deal with. Modern treatment gonorrhea is carried out as soon as possible, so that the disease does not affect health in general and reproductive function in particular. But an untimely visit to a doctor can cause a complicated course of gonorrhea. A neglected form of sexual infection can lead to serious complications. How to recognize gonorrhea in time and what should be done in case of infection?

gonorrhea symptoms

Unfortunately, on early stage gonorrhea is almost asymptomatic. The first can appear 3-5 days after unprotected intercourse. The following symptoms are present:

  • Burning, itching when urinating;
  • Abundant discharge of yellow color with an unpleasant odor from the urethra. First, purulent discharge appears only with pressure on the head of the penis, and then spontaneously;
  • Increased body temperature (usually about 38 degrees);
  • Pain during bowel movements (in case of gonococcal proctitis).

If treatment is not started within a few days, then the inflammatory process spreads deep into the body. Testicles, prostate are affected; urination becomes more and more painful, blood may be present in the urine. The head of the penis is very swollen, small ulcers may appear on its surface. Explicit ones may appear only a week after infection. warning signs are:

  • Profuse yellow vaginal discharge;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.

Unfortunately, some symptoms of acute gonorrhea in women can only be detected by a medical examination. If a woman has not consulted a doctor and adequate treatment has not been started, then gonorrhea very quickly affects the internal genital organs. It affects not only the cervix, through the cervical canal gonococci penetrate directly into the uterine cavity. The infection spreads to the fallopian tubes, pus accumulates in them. This leads to the formation of adhesions, which can prevent conception or cause ectopic pregnancy. In addition, the adhesive process often gives complications during childbirth. Therefore, it is so important to start the treatment of gonorrhea in women as soon as possible.

If infection with gonorrhea occurred through oral contact, then it is affected oral cavity, tonsils and throat. Swallowing becomes painful, profuse salivation appears. Many patients find it difficult to identify the connection between such symptoms and unprotected contact, and therefore it becomes difficult to suspect gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea can also be contracted through unconventional intercourse without a condom. Infection is evidenced by the appearance of the following signs of gonorrhea in men or women: itching in the anus, pain during defecation, purulent discharge. Complications of gonorrhea in such a case can be extremely dangerous. An untreated infection can cause proctitis, inflammation of the tissue in the anogenital region, and even peritonitis, which, of course, is rare.

What should I do if I have symptoms of gonorrhea?

What measures should be taken if such unpleasant symptoms appear? You need to see a doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will conduct an appropriate diagnosis, correctly determine the stage and form of the disease, and prescribe an effective and most sparing therapy.

Be sure to limit all sexual contact, even with a condom. For the entire period of treatment, carefully take care of personal and household hygiene (try to use separate dishes, towels, washcloths). Conscientious treatment and compliance with all hygiene rules can prevent unpleasant consequences and complications of gonorrhea.

What should not be done if gonorrhea is suspected?

Never start treatment on your own. There are a lot of sources on the Internet describing how to treat gonorrhea, syphilis and other diseases. But often the described methods are, let's say, unreliable or outdated, and, therefore, one cannot vouch for their effectiveness and safety. In addition, you do not need to avoid visiting a doctor for another reason. Gonorrhea is accompanied by other sexually transmitted infections, often hidden. Outwardly, they do not manifest themselves in any way, they can only be detected in a laboratory study. Latent infections are also dangerous and need prompt treatment.

You can't assign yourself medications from gonorrhea. Incorrectly selected remedies can only relieve the symptoms of the disease, but not cure it. Gonorrhea lurks in the body, turning into a chronic form. Very often, sick people prescribe themselves a loading dose of antibiotics, hoping for recovery. Even if a miracle happens and all gonococci die, the consequences of such therapy for the stomach, intestines and liver are detrimental.

Often people with gonorrhea use various means for washing the urethra. However, washing by itself is an ineffective measure, they must be performed in combination with properly selected drug therapy.

Qualified diagnostics and treatment of gonorrhea

A qualified venereologist knows how to treat gonorrhea, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient. To begin with, a laboratory test is prescribed, during which the presence of gonorrhea and / or other sexual infections is revealed. Depending on the form of gonorrhea and the severity of the disease, treatment measures are determined. This is followed by the appointment of medications for the treatment of gonorrhea. If the infection occurred for the first time, then symptomatic treatment and antibiotic therapy are carried out to destroy the pathogen-gonococcus. In case of re-infection, treatment of chronic gonorrhea in men and women is carried out with the use of sulfa drugs, which increase the body's resistance to infection.

It is very important that in men or an infected woman it is carried out simultaneously with their sexual partners. Otherwise, re-infection with gonorrhea is inevitable and treatment is pointless.

The treatment of gonorrhea in pregnant women has some distinctive features. So, the use of antibiotics should occur only under medical supervision. Timely and properly selected therapy leaves a woman with fairly high chances of a happy motherhood.

Even if infection with gonorrhea has not been prevented, it is important to start treatment on time. To protect yourself from the consequences of gonorrhea, you should definitely seek qualified medical help. Self-treatment can only harm the body and provoke complications. In the future, this may result in frigidity, impotence or infertility.

An infectious inflammatory disease of the urinary tract in men was known as early as the 2nd century BC. e. The famous physician of antiquity, Galen, gave it the name "gonorrhea", which meant septum, mistaking the abundant discharge from the urethra for sperm.

Centuries passed before the causative agent of gonorrhea was isolated. It turned out to be a microbe from the group of diplococci, resembling 2 coffee beans, located with concave sides to each other. It happened in 1879. In honor of the scientist who established the cause of the disease, he was named Neisser's gonococcus. The disease itself, caused by Neisser's gonococcus, gonorrhea - is widely known among the people as gonorrhea.

The question involuntarily arises: the signs of the disease have long been known, the pathogen has been identified, antibiotics have been discovered. Why are more than 200 million primary cases recorded on Earth every year? Perhaps the reason lies in the ways of distribution, methods of infection with this microorganism.

Venereal diseases

Today, medicine knows many diseases belonging to the group of STDs (diseases that are predominantly sexually transmitted). The group of venereal diseases is especially allocated. These include:

  • Syphilis.
  • Gonorrhea.
  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Chancroid.
  • Venereal lymphogranulomatosis.

The term "venereal disease" was introduced by the French physician J. Betancourt in honor of the mythological goddess of love Venus. Thus, it was argued that the cause of occurrence lies in intimate, love relationships. Although it is more correct to speak not about Love, but about sexual promiscuity. For example, wars raged in Europe in past centuries. In the rearguard, next to the soldiers, there were canteens selling drinks, simple food, and often themselves. Returning home after the battles, the soldiers brought "gifts" to their wives and brides in the form of venereal diseases.

Casual sex, often able to alcohol intoxication, which reduces self-control, lead to the fact that infection with sexually transmitted diseases becomes very likely.

Often, a whole bunch can be transmitted along with gonorrhea. According to statistics, up to 80% of gonorrhea cases are mixed infections. There may be syphilis, Trichomonas, herpes virus type 2, chlamydia, hepatitis C and even HIV.

Features of gonococcus

To understand how gonorrhea is transmitted, you need to know some of the features of this microbe. Favorite habitat:

  • Cylindrical epithelium of the genitourinary tract (urethra, cervical canal).
  • Anus and rectum.
  • Vulva in girls and older patients.

Neisser's gonococcus prefers to exist intracellularly, it can be inside Trichomonas. Due to outgrowths on the surface (pilyam), it clings to cells, penetrating both inside and through intercellular channels, causing inflammation of the uterus, appendages, and pelvic peritoneum.

Gonococcus affects the mucous membrane of the eye, causing conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis. There is a lesion of the pharynx, tonsils. Gonorrheal endocarditis, meningitis, lesions of the knee joints are rarely observed.

In external environment gonococcus is unstable. It dies when dried, in a soapy environment, when heated above 56 degrees, under the influence of direct sunlight.

In mucus and purulent secretions, the microbe remains active as long as the humidity of the environment remains. In the blood, it dies under the influence of the bactericidal properties of the serum.

Source of infection

Who can get gonorrhea? Men, women and children. Any age.

The source of infection is a sick person. It rarely happens in the acute stage of the disease. Since the clinical manifestations in the form of mucopurulent discharge from the urethra and vagina, burning and itching of the genital organs, urination disorders (sometimes you cannot urinate without tears), and the sexual intercourse itself is often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, do not have to intimacy. With suppuration of the glands of the vestibule, the entrance to the vagina is generally closed by the edematous and inflamed Bartholin gland. With ascending gonorrhea, symptoms of general intoxication, heat also unlikely to induce sexual exploits.

It should be noted that in 70% of cases gonorrhea is asymptomatic or with minimal symptoms. Besides, incubation period from 3–5 to 20–30 days, when infection has occurred, but there are no signs of the disease, suggests some sexual activity, making such a person a source of infection.

Ways of infection

Given the instability of the gonococcus in the external environment and the favorite habitats, the answer to the question of how you can get gonorrhea is obvious. 99% of the transmission routes for gonorrhea are sexual. Is it possible to get gonorrhea in the absence of vaginal sex? Of course yes. Oral sex, anal sex, the use of a shared vibrator and other sex toys are similar in terms of risk of infection to traditional sexual contact.

How else can gonococcus be transmitted:

  1. Most patients recognize the fact of the sexual route of infection, to put it mildly, uncomfortable, although it is the main one. Some, realizing that they have caught gonorrhea, seek advice from friends or buy antibiotics at the pharmacy on their own. This is a dangerous path. Having suppressed the symptoms, he translates the disease into a chronic stage, threatening exacerbation and complications, especially infertility.

  2. Others try to explain gonorrhea as a household infection. Baths, saunas and swimming pools are especially often suspected. How credible are these explanations? Of course, if a person is completely untrained in hygiene skills, he can sit on a bench where a sick person has just sat and his discharge remained on it, if he uses a common washcloth or towel with a sick person, wiping his intimate places, you will have to accept this version.
  3. Mothers are responsible for infecting their newborn babies during childbirth if there was no examination of vaginal smears before the birth.
  4. Controversial is the intrauterine route of transmission of infection to the fetus.

And yet how real is the everyday way? Real. The girl sleeps with her sick mother in the same bed. Mom uses her towel and washcloth for her daughter immediately after personal use. A long-standing case of mass infection of children in kindergarten a nanny who wipes the faces of babies with a hollow apron after wiping her genitals with this apron after urinating. The result is an epidemic of rhinitis.

Most infections are characterized by the development of immune complexes against the disease. Having been ill once, for example, with measles, a person will never get sick with it. It's not like gonorrhea. You can get infected with gonorrhea more than once. There is no immunity to this infection.


Whatever the route of infection, treatment should only be carried out by a doctor. Before starting treatment, screening for syphilis and HIV is mandatory.

It is very important to establish the source of infection and sexual contacts, in other words, from whom it was infected and whom it infected. They are also subject to examination and treatment. If the source of infection cannot be established, the patient is assigned serocontrol for 6 months or preventive treatment for syphilis.

After treatment, it is important to make sure that there are no gonococci, so the cure is always monitored. The patient is considered cured in the absence of complaints, clinical manifestations and the absence of gonococcus in smears taken after provocation 7-10 days after the end of the course of antibiotics and monthly for 2 months.

Children of mothers with gonorrhea should be examined and treated.


Notification of the presence of gonorrhea or mixed sexually transmitted diseases for most families, it is quite tragic and negatively affects the psyche of children. The simplest rule is to forbid casual sex. Sex in marriage or with a permanent proven partner is a guarantee of safety.

If this rule is not observed, then it is important:

  • Use a condom (although it does not give a 100% guarantee).
  • Immediately after suspicious sexual intercourse, apply local bactericidal agents.
  • To the apologists of the free sexual relations it is recommended to visit a dermatovenereologist once every six months with the necessary tests.
  • Young people need to eliminate the lack of knowledge on the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and STDs, the ethics of sexual relations.
  • If gonorrhea is detected, get treated by a specialist, assist in identifying the source of infection and sexual contacts, and undergo a control of cure.

Pregnant women require mandatory examination and sanitation of the genital tract before childbirth.

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