The definition and role of the hijab in the modern wardrobe of Islamic women. Style lessons! summer fashion ideas for girls in hijabs! How to wear a hijab

Hijab is a national scarf for Muslim women, covering the neck with the head. It can go down to the shoulders. The main purpose of the headdress is respect for Allah and the prevention of sexual male attention. If you are traveling to the countries of the Middle East, you cannot do without a hijab and lessons on putting it on will be useful. A beautifully tied scarf will help create a unique look and look modest but attractive.

We tie a hijab beautifully - the basic rules

Please note the rules for wearing a Muslim women's headdress:

  • collect hair at the back of the head in a bun or ponytail and put it back before tying the stole;
  • use a special cap, a hijab is put on top of it. Muslim girls do this. The cap hides the hair and will not allow the handkerchief to slip off;
  • wear appropriate clothing for the hijab. A defiant and too open outfit with a Muslim scarf is inappropriate;
  • choose a scarf with a width and length of at least 1.5 meters, otherwise you won’t be able to tie it beautifully;
  • use pins, invisibility, a beautiful brooch or hairpin to fix the headdress.

We tie the hijab beautifully on one side

This is the easiest way to cover your head with a hijab. Your actions are as follows:

  • along the forehead line, cover your head with a scarf and cover your hair with it;
  • fasten the hijab tightly with a pin under the chin. The ends fall down;
  • throw the left half of the scarf on the left over your shoulder and stab at the back of the head;
  • throw the right half also to the left side, while covering your head with a stole;
  • fix the right part of the stole with a beautiful brooch at the temple on the right.

It will turn out a cute and slightly flirtatious female image.

We tie a hijab beautifully under the back of the head

If you want a magical transformation, tie a scarf under the back of your head. Put it on your head along the line of your forehead so that one end is longer than the other. Tie the ends under the back of the head. Wrap the edge shorter around the forehead and stab on the back side. Wrap the long end of the scarf around the neck under the back of the head and fasten it under the temple on the other side. You stab the free end in such a way in the back of the head that the headdress is under the chin, covering the neck with the chest and you are comfortable.

We tie a beautiful hijab - an interesting way

This interesting option for tying a tippet will allow you to create a unique female image. Your actions are as follows:

  • cover your head with a hijab;
  • connect the free edges, toss to the right over the shoulder;
  • wrap the neck with a scarf and again throw its edge to the right under the back of the head;
  • repeat wrapping, but now the hijab is not pressed tightly against the neck. It flows from the left side freely and beautifully.

Ultimately, the free edge of the scarf is located on the right. Tie this edge with a weak beautiful knot and decorate with an original brooch.

Show patience and skill when tying a hijab and you will definitely succeed. Experiment and come up with original ways to wear a headscarf. You can build an original Turkish turban on your head, decorate a headdress with ribbons or tie a double hijab. Come up with your own unique image and you will look feminine and attractive.

The Islamic religion imposes special requirements and rules on wearing clothes for Muslim women. Modern clothing designers annually develop new collections for Muslim women, in which the hijab headscarf plays the leading role. But not every Muslim fashionista knows how to properly and stylishly tie a hijab.

The headscarf is an integral part of the Muslim women's wardrobe, and the fair sex has long adapted to the various ways of wearing the hijab. Gone are the days when the hijab stole was necessarily made exclusively from dark, dense fabrics. Now Muslim women have access to headscarves made of fine textiles of various colors, styles with bright patterns and designer decor elements.

Fact! The hijab represents the modesty and purity of a Muslim woman. Therefore, modern fashion designers have to create fashionable images of Muslim women, without deviating from religious rules and traditions.

Under the hijab stole is meant a head scarf with a size of 1.5 meters, completely covering the head, neck line, ears, freely falling on the shoulders. But the face when wearing such a part of the wardrobe remains completely open.

The veil can be called the most conservative and closed part of the Muslim woman's clothing. A voluminous cape made of light fabric is worn over the main clothes and completely covers the figure of a woman from head to toe. According to the rules of Sharia, the color of such clothes is black, dark blue or white. It is permissible to wear a veil both with an open face and with a closed one. In this case, there are cutouts for the eyes in the cape. The rules for wearing such clothes depend on the internal requirements of Muslim countries.

Another type of hijab is the veil. The burqa, like the veil, completely covers the woman's body, and the slit for the eyes is closed with a mesh. In the modern world, the veil is most often found in Asian countries.

Interesting! The net for the burqa is made of horsehair, it does not cause discomfort and allows air to pass freely.


Burka, in the countries of the Persian Gulf region, means a small face mask made of starched, mesh fabric. It is customary to wear golden cloaks for young girls who are soon to be married. Black cloaks are worn by adult women who have been married for a long time.

But in the countries of the Middle East, a burqa is considered a cape made of dense fabric that completely covers the female figure. There is a fine mesh at the eye slits.

Fact! It is from this piece of clothing that the Muslim burkini swimsuit gets its name.


Classic black headband. The niqab completely covers the head, face and neck, leaving only a narrow slit for the eyes. In the modern Muslim world, designers allow the production of such a headdress from colored, light, and even translucent fabrics. But not all countries support such a bold approach to women's clothing.


Head stole used as a cape on clothes. Himar completely covers the head, neck, shoulders and stomach, leaving the face open. Most often, this type of hijab is used by Turkish women.


A long, wide scarf made of light, colored fabrics is called a sheila. The headdress completely covers the head and falls on the shoulders. Most often, the sheila is used by Muslim fashionistas of the Persian Gulf countries.


The headdress of oriental princesses is divided into 2 components. A tight-fitting scarf is worn over the head. The second part of the product is a scarf in the form of a long sleeve, worn over a headscarf. The scarf falls freely and completely covers the neck and shoulders, the face remains open.

Women and girls wearing such a headdress can be found among the Crimean Tatars.


A variant of the Muslim women's swimsuit appeared at the beginning of this century, but has already managed to become the most revolutionary clothing in Islamic countries.

Such clothes are made only from polyester, which allows beautiful oriental beauties not only to swim in burkinis, but also to play sports. The set consists of tight, tight-fitting trousers and a long-sleeve tunic with a hood tightly fitting the head.

Interesting! Before the creation of the burkini, Muslim women bathed in long special dresses or shirts, which made it difficult to stay in the water for a long time and made it difficult to swim.

By definition, a hijab is any outer garment of a Muslim woman. But in the modern world, this definition has extended exclusively to women's headdresses in Islamic countries.

If initially only conservative colors of the hijab were allowed, now the fashion industry of Muslim countries offers a wide range of headwear made of colored, thin and even transparent fabrics.

Often there are headdresses with floral and animal patterns, designer decorations and finishes. And tying a hijab is a separate branch of the Muslim fashion industry.

How to put on

In countries with strict religious traditions, women wear the hijab all the time. The only opportunity for Muslim women to appear without a headdress is in front of their husband or close relatives.

You can wear a head stole in several classic or newfangled ways. And the prevailing opinion that the hijab is characterized as shapeless, ugly clothes of exclusively dark colors has remained in the distant past.

Modern Muslim women and girls clearly follow the latest fashion trends and always look well-groomed, stylish, elegant and feminine.

Interesting! The hijab for Muslim women is not only religious. The headgear is also used as additional protection from the hot sun, dry wind, dust and sand.

Ways to tie beautifully

The hijab is an item of women's wardrobe with a long history, which has remained an invariable attribute of the daily life of most Muslim women. Each time period brought its own innovations to the wearing of the hijab, consisting in the methods of tying and fastening the headscarf.


The most common method for wearing a headstole is as follows:

  1. The scarf is tucked along the entire length by 8-10 centimeters.
  2. The bent side of the headgear is evenly placed on the frontal part of the head.
  3. The ends of the hijab are thrown back so that one end is longer than the other.
  4. On the back, the ends are fixed with a knot or a special pin.
  5. The fixed tips of the stole are thrown forward.
  6. The short rest of the scarf is evenly distributed around the neck, and the long tip is draped in front and fixed on the shoulder or temporal part.

Advice! So that the hair does not fall out from under the tippet, and the scarf does not slip off the head, they use thick knitted hats that are worn under the headdress.

With the help of a handkerchief

You can also tie a hijab with an ordinary large scarf. An even simpler way to wear a wardrobe item does not require skills and dexterity. To do this, the product is tucked up, thrown over the head and leveled along the oval of the face. To make the headdress stable and not slip off the head, it is fixed under the chin, and the tips are straightened or draped.

Using pins

To ensure that the scarf fits snugly to the head and does not slip, Muslim fashionistas and stylists recommend using ordinary or decorative pins that secure the hijab in the area of ​​the temples, neck or shoulder.

Also, decorative pins with jewelry and precious inserts are used to create festive and evening dresses.

Important! Using pins, you need to make sure that the fastener has pierced through all the layers of the hijab and fixed them clearly. Otherwise, at the most inopportune moment, the entire structure created from the tippet may be broken.

Wearing rules

A Muslim woman has to cover her head with a hijab throughout her life, therefore, every Eastern woman has a huge collection of headscarves. When wearing a headgear, the following requirements are met:

  1. Hair is completely removed under the stole.
  2. The scarf is slightly shifted to the forehead.
  3. Ears closed.
  4. The neck line is also completely covered with a scarf.
  5. If the headscarf or scarf is short, then be sure to wear a turtleneck or golf with a high collar.

Fact! To choose the right headdress, Muslim beauties take into account not only the shape and features characteristic of a particular person, but also the skin tone.

Creative ways to wear

Modern Islamic women are not afraid to experiment, which is why creative methods of wearing hijabs are emerging.

One such way is to use two bright, contrasting scarves. Choose narrow and wide scarves of various fabric textures and colors. A narrow scarf is tied over the head, and the ends are tied into a knot and left behind. The second product is tied on top, in exactly the same way, and a beautiful braid is woven from the free ends of two scarves and decorated with rhinestones or beads.

Fashion trends

Emancipated Muslim women living in Western countries often combine a headdress with ordinary jeans, trousers, suits and dresses. For the fair sex living in their homeland, this approach to the choice of clothing is unacceptable. Yes, in principle, they do not need such clothes, because they have their own style and fashion trends that suit them perfectly.

The classic image of a Muslim beauty is based on loose long clothes with closed arms and a top. But the colors of such products, oriental ladies choose already at their own discretion and taste.

Examples of stylish images

According to Sharia law, there are no special requirements for the process of tying scarves. The main thing is that the clothes cover the necessary parts of the female body. Therefore, stylists recommend that Muslim girls and women turn on fantasy and imagination in the process of choosing colors, tying styles and decorative elements for a hijab.

  1. Fashion for beautiful turbans, which are also classic hijabs, has flared up among Turkish women. In the largest cities of the country, special beauty salons have been opened, where oriental beauties are provided with beautiful styling services for such headdresses.
  2. In the jewelry stores of Islamic countries, there are special departments where they sell exclusively hairpins and pins for decorating women's hats.
  3. To create a romantic look, thin lace can be used as a trim for a hijab.
  4. You should not decorate the headdress too much, it is better to pay attention to fashionable shoes and accessories, which are bags, gloves or beautiful watches.

The average size of a Muslim head scarf is from 1.5 meters. This amount of fabric is enough to create beautiful tails and folds when tying a hijab in various ways. Therefore, multiple sequins, rhinestones and beads will be superfluous and inappropriate when creating the image of a stylish and spectacular oriental beauty.

According to professional designers and stylists, hair that is constantly covered with a headdress requires additional care. The head should be thoroughly ventilated several times a day, and the hair strands should be combed to enrich the hair follicles with oxygen. And of course, when choosing a hijab, it is necessary to give preference exclusively to products made from natural fabrics.

If women who do not profess the Muslim faith have to find themselves in a country with strict Sharia rules and laws, then a scarf that can be quickly wound around the head and beautifully straightened will be enough as a hijab.

Hijab is a garment that covers the entire body (excluding the face) worn by Muslim women in the Middle East. In our country, there is a misconception that the hijab is a beautiful headdress. In fact, these are clothes that have their own deep meaning, and women who cover their hair and head and other parts of the body in this way express respect for Allah.

The word "hijab" comes from the Arabic "curtain, barrier" and there is a whole science of how to tie a hijab quickly and easily. For example, the size of a hijab in length and width must exceed one and a half meters, otherwise it will not work to tie a headdress beautifully and correctly.

How to tie a hijab in stages in a master class for beginners

Before you tie a scarf on your head, you should remove your hair. This is necessary for convenience and so that the hair does not become the reason that the scarf suddenly untied.

Hair should be pulled into a bun at the back of the head and secured with hairpins. In some cases, women use a special cap.

First option:
  1. We fix the stole under the chin with a pin.
  2. We wrap the head with the long end of the scarf as shown in the photo.
  3. We fix the stole with a pin on the back of the head.
  4. At the end, you should drape the stole on the chest.

Second option:
  1. We throw the fabric over the head, making sure that one edge of the scarf is much longer than the other.
  2. We pin the stole at the back with a pin.
  3. We fix the tippet on the back of the head.
  4. At the end, we throw the long end of the stole over the shoulder and fasten it with a pin.

Third option:
  1. We put a hair cap on our head, and put a scarf on our head,
  2. We pin the stole at the back with a pin,
  3. We place the shorter edge of the stole on the chest,
  4. We throw the short part of the stole over the left shoulder.
  5. We place the long end (left) of the stole on the chest,
  6. We pin the end of the stole near the temple with a pin,
  7. We wrap the long end of the stole around the head.
  8. We pin the end of the stole near the left temple.
  9. In conclusion, it is worth evenly positioning the fabric of the stole on the chest and shoulders.

Video on the topic of the article

There are many options for how to properly tie a scarf as part of a hijab. We offer you a video for review. Enjoy watching!

The hijab is a traditional women's accessory, a head scarf of a special shape, which, according to the rules of the Koran, must be worn by women. There are many ways to tie a hijab correctly, according to the norms of the Koran, and at the same time doing it in an original and aesthetic way. Hijab differs from other traditional clothing - niqab, khimar, veil, and jilbab - in that it usually covers only the neck and hair, while opening the oval of the face and eyes.

The main rules for tying a hijab

  • Translated from Arabic, the word "hijab" means "to hide from sight", therefore, to tie a hijab correctly means to hide the neck, forehead and hair from view under this scarf.
  • When tying a hijab, do not make it too tight, do not make it tight around the neck and head very tightly.
  • Hijab is a very beautiful traditional clothing that can simultaneously tell about the spiritual qualities of a woman, decorate, make more beautiful, but at the same time speak about her religion.
  • When choosing a hijab, you should not prefer bright, flashy shades and fabrics that do not have a dense, but a translucent texture, because in this case they will not fulfill their main function.
  • The hijab should be made of dense fabric, most often plain, which would completely hide the outlines of the neck and the appearance of women's hair.
  • The hijab should not have bright prints and images.

A Muslim headscarf is a garment that has a special, sacramental character, talking about the spirituality of a woman, therefore, wanting to know how to tie a hijab, it is important not to forget about all other clothes, striving to ensure that they also comply with the norms of the Koran.

Several methods for tying a hijab

Wearing a hijab is strictly regulated, but there are dozens of methods for tying this Muslim scarf that do not go against the norms of the Koran, but at the same time are original and feminine.

Method number 1. Classical

  1. When tying a hijab, you should hide all the hair under it. To do this, you need to collect them. You can use special hairpins that will hold the hair well.
  2. Ears, like hair, must be covered with a hijab. In the event that the hijab cannot completely hide the hair and ears, an underkerchief (lower hijab) should be additionally used and covered with it on the hair and forehead under the kerchief.
  3. Wrap the right and left ends of the Muslim headscarf around your neck and pull both ends forward so that they meet at the front.

Method #2. Oriental flower

  • Comb your hair and gather it into a high tight bun. This must be done so that when tying a Muslim scarf, everything turns out beautifully and the hair does not get confused with the fabric. For this type of tying, a medium-length Muslim scarf should be used in a dense, but not heavy, plain fabric (for example, thick silk).
  • Cover your head with the lower hijab, cover your forehead and ears with it and connect its lower edges at the chin, stabbing them with a pin. It is very important that the lower hijab completely covers the neck, otherwise the method of tying will not be fully consistent with the Qur'an.
  • Cover your head with the top hijab, wrap the cloth around your neck and fold the ends into ropes.
  • Wrap these "ropes" around the head at the top and connect at the top. This is a very beautiful traditional method, using which you can apply the lower and upper hijabs of two different, but well-matched colors. In this case, azure blue and violet, terracotta and pale yellow colors will perfectly harmonize.

Method number 3. We tie a hijab in the form of a braid

This season, this type of tying a Muslim headscarf is the most used. In order to use this method, it is necessary to use a dark colored under hijab and a lighter colored over hijab. For example, blue and dark blue, light violet and dark purple. This will create a nice contrast.

  1. Gather your hair in a bun
  2. Tie the lower hijab, covering the forehead and wrapping it around the neck, then gather at the back of the neck
  3. Cover your head with the top hijab, bring the fabric back and connect it at the neck in the same area where the bottom hijab is attached
  4. Taking the two ends of the top scarf and combining the two ends of the bottom hijab into one strip, braid the braid
  5. Fasten the braid at the bottom with a decorative hairpin and put it on your shoulder or let it go behind your back

Method number 4. Tie a hijab using a pin and a brooch

  • We comb and collect the hair in a tight bun at the back of the head.
  • We cover the head with the lower hijab, remove its ends behind the neck and stab it with a simple pin. The bottom scarf should hide the forehead and ears, and also completely pick up all the hair.
  • We cover the head with the top hijab, wrap it around the neck and release the two ends forward. One end should be longer than the other.
  • We lift the longer end in the opposite direction and pin it at the ear with a decorative pin or a decorated brooch.

This is a very elegant method that beautifies a woman and at the same time conforms to the norms of the Qur'an.

Oddly enough, in the modern world, where men and women have equal rights, there are prohibitions. First of all, this concerns the Islamic religion, where, according to the Koran, every girl is obliged to cover herself with traditional clothes.

To the question: "What is a hijab?" - many will answer that this is a scarf or cloth covering the head of a Muslim woman. Agree, this is too simple an explanation of the term for a religion such as Islam. After all, many people know that a piece of clothing sacred to Muslims must comply with Shariah norms, which means that it should not attract attention, should not be transparent and tight.

Woman in hijab: headlong into religion

If in Islam it is any clothing that completely covers the female body from head to toe, then for a Westerner it is a scarf with which Muslim women cover their heads and necks. The Koran says that the hijab is a garment that fully complies with all Sharia norms, that is, it is long, not defiant, and does not fit the female body.

What is hijab in terms of spirituality? There is a definite answer to this. As one Muslim woman said: "A woman in a hijab is comparable to a vessel with a lid. If it is not there, then everyone knows what is inside."

Hijab is not a style of a woman, but a position in life, and to come to the decision to wear it is a very bold step, especially being in a non-Muslim country. But for the Islamic religion, being a woman does not mean wearing long clothes and covering your head. First you need to put on the "inner hijab" (cover your soul), and the need to wear the "outer" will come with time.

Hijab as art

Despite the numerous Sharia prohibitions regarding the correct wearing of the hijab, the city dwellers of the Persian Gulf turned the traditional Muslim attire into a real art. They prefer an abundance of shades and decorations in an evening or home look, and at the exit - a plain hijab or abaya.

Ever since the Persian Gulf states experienced lightning-fast economic growth, the most famous fashion houses have begun to work on the look of traditional Muslim clothing, turning the wearing of a hijab into a real work of art.

Now the clothes have a more complex style, a variety of inserts and embroideries, scarves are trimmed with rhinestones and stones, including precious ones. Unfortunately, foreign designers and fashion designers cannot yet get used to the fact that the hijab should completely cover the body, so the models show hair on the shows, and their hands are decorated with henna patterns and jewelry.

This Western vision of traditional Muslim attire appealed to young fashionistas, and many of them began to abandon Islamic prohibitions in favor of the style proposed by fashion designers.

Perfume, makeup and hijab

Many will agree that the interest of the Russian people in the East increased during the show of the series "Clone". Everyone remembers how our mothers, grandmothers, sisters were looking forward to the onset of the evening in order to find themselves in a mysterious oriental luxury for an hour. Most of us admired the beauty of Zhadi: a girl covered from head to toe in traditional Muslim attire. The only thing that was open to the gaze of others was her perfectly made-up eyes. And few people know that girls in a hijab before going out have no right to use cosmetics and perfumes. After all, fragrance and makeup will attract male attention.

The only allowed cosmetic product for eyeliner is antimony, and henna is allowed for hands.

Muslim cosmetics

Islam has a different concept of beauty, and such a concept as a Muslim woman's cosmetics is the best way to explain the subtleties of this religion. For lips, a woman uses only truth and sincerity, for her voice - a mention of the Almighty (prayer), for her eyes - a modest and warm look, for her hands - useful deeds, and for her body she finds patience and chastity. This is what a hijab is in the concept of a true Muslim woman.

Ringing jewelry

Jewelry in combination with a hijab is a separate issue, where permissibility depends on what they are and how much they are. But compared to cosmetics, a compromise can be found here. A woman wearing a hijab should not wear only those types of jewelry that attract attention. For example, it is strictly forbidden to wear jewelry on the ankles, as they will make a sound while walking. What is the point of wearing a hijab if in this way a woman will notify the opposite sex of her presence?

How obligatory is the hijab for children

This question is quite common, but perhaps many mothers of daughters have not yet figured it out completely, as they believe that their child is still not enough to wear a hijab. In fact, it is. According to Sharia law, a child who has not reached the age of majority is not responsible for his actions, that is, his actions are not considered haram. But this does not mean that he should do whatever he wants, and his parents will not pay attention to him.

True Muslims (and not only), despite their age, explain to the child the main provisions of religion: the prohibition of deceit, foul language, theft, envy. They should also tell him about the need to fast and pray.

By allowing a child to commit haram actions from childhood, parents doom him to the fact that upon reaching adulthood, he will consider this to be the norm, and it will not be so easy to retrain him. Explaining to a little Muslim woman what is forbidden and permissible, the family will be sure that a personality with the correct religious concepts is being formed in it.

Muslim parents who take care of their children will instill in their child the culture of clothing according to Sharia. But this is on condition that the mother herself follows all the instructions of the Koran regarding appearance. Having a model in front of him, the child will begin to perceive Muslim clothing not only from a theoretical, but also from a practical point of view.

Children in a hijab evoke a feeling of tenderness and gratitude to their parents for many. Until the age of majority, a girl has the right to wear what she wants, especially since many collections for little Muslim women are being created in the world. Thus, a girl from a young age will begin to get used to long dresses, skirts and scarves. in accordance with Islam, a girl becomes an adult when one of these three signs appears:


wet dream;

The appearance of hair around the genitals.

How to wear a hijab (photo)

First you need to take a stole or any other fabric and cover your head with it, securing the edges with a pin on the back of the head. The result should be a hat with long ends. Then one end is transferred to the opposite shoulder and secured with a pin, thereby covering the shoulder. Do the same with the second end of the scarf, just fasten it not on the shoulder, but in the temporal region.


Summing up and understanding what a hijab is, we draw conclusions:

1. Every woman must cover her awrah - unprotected places, that is, the whole body, except for the hands and face.

2. The hijab should not be translucent, fit the figure and have bright colors.

3. The covering must take place in the soul and only then go to the body.

4. Before going outside, a girl in a hijab should not use perfumes and cosmetics.

A Muslim woman must understand that covering her body with a hijab is not an infringement of her rights, but a protection of her honor and dignity.

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