The largest natural reserve in Crimea. Fauna of the Crimean reserve. Yalta Mountain Forest Reserve

Crimean reserves

The value of many corners of Crimea was noticed in ancient times. True, they were guarded mainly for hunting and recreation by the nobility.

Therefore, when the first Soviet reserve was created in 1923 (the current Crimean nature reserve), it was based on the hunting grounds of the Romanovs - the imperial family and grand dukes, protected since 1870 (for the first time in history Russian Empire), as well as a hunting reserve of the Yusupov princes and other Russian aristocrats. Nikitsky Botanical Garden and Climbing Wall Nikitskaya Cleft Much earlier, during the time of the Crimean Khanate, aristocrats and merchants considered the construction of gardens and flower beds, irrigated by cleverly arranged fountains, a sign of nobility and wealth. The improvement of mountain springs had the richest traditions in Crimea. Many mighty old trees and bizarre rocks about which legends were formed were considered sacred. Therefore the limitation economic use and even the inviolability of many natural objects in Crimea has centuries-old, and maybe even thousand-year-old traditions

Now natural reserve fund is formed according to international standards, covering different levels from a notable tree, rock or spring to vast areas with varied landscapes. Total land area and coastal waters various categories The reserve regime makes up about 5% of the peninsula's area. In some regions of Crimea that are valuable in terms of biological diversity, the percentage of protected landscapes is much higher; on average for the Mountainous Crimea it is about 10%.

The protection regime and tourism opportunities depend on the level of the protected area, so let’s briefly talk about this. The highest category includes state reserves. The lands, subsoil and water spaces within their borders are excluded from the economy forever and are transferred to specially created departments. They drive Scientific research and develop tourist and excursion work, primarily for environmental education. However, if you visit a water show with dolphins and seals at the Karadag biological station, you will see that education can be both fun and interesting! The reserve preserves typical or unique natural complexes in their natural form, without interfering with the course of centuries-old processes, but only by studying them.

Crimean Nature Reserve

Alushta, st. Partizanskaya, 42

Administration opening hours 8 – 17, closed. Sat, Sun

Driving along the Romanovskoye Highway (trout farm, the monastery of Kosma and Damian, the Savlukh-Su spring, the Gazebo of the Winds). Museum of Nature, Dendrozoo.

The Crimean Reserve and the Kosmo-Damianovsky Monastery The Crimean Reserve, after reorganization in 1928, occupies 33,397 hectares in the central part of the Main Crimean Ridge. The protected area is home to more than 1,200 species of plants (almost half of the total flora of Crimea), and over 200 species of vertebrate animals (half of those found in Crimea). Of particular value are oak, beech and hornbeam forests, which play an important water and soil protection role. The forests are home to Crimean red deer, Crimean roe deer, mouflon, black vulture, griffon vulture and other rare animals. The reserve has great scientific, cultural and educational significance. On the periphery of the protected area, several recreational areas and ecological trails have been created, where tourists in organized groups, without damaging nature, get acquainted with its riches. On Chatyrdag, the most beautiful “Marble” cave is equipped for public visits. In Alushta, under the management of the Crimean Nature Reserve, a Museum of Nature and a dendrozoo have been created, where you can get acquainted with the natural resources of mountain forests.

Cosmo-Damianovsky Monastery

It is located 18 km from Alushta, in the depths of the Crimean Nature Reserve (to visit you must take permission from the administration of the reserve in Alushta) near the healing spring Savlukh-su. Source after Chernobyl accident has become extremely popular because its waters remove radionuclides. According to an ancient legend, associated with many other places of the Byzantine Empire, two brothers Cosmas (Kozma) and Damian, who later died at the hands of an envious person, healed the sick for free at the spring. Their memorial day is celebrated on July 1/14. On this day you can go to the monastery without a pass to the protected area.

In 1856 was founded monastery, but in 1899 for the debauchery of the monks, the Holy Synod abolished it. A convent was set up here, the main occupation of the nuns was crafts, so they successfully survived both the NEP and collectivization, forming an agricultural artel, which ceased to exist only during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. Now the monastery has been reopened, popular with both pilgrims and tourists. Monastic buildings and ancient crafts are being restored, and mass production of Savlukh-su mineral water has been established.

The branch of the Crimean Nature Reserve off the northwestern coast of Crimea - Lebyazhye Islands - is of international importance; they are included in the Ramsard Convention on the Protection of Wetlands. Here is one of the largest Eastern Europe aggregations of waterfowl: more than 230 species, of which 18 species are listed in the Red Book. Every year, up to 5 thousand swans flock from the south to molt, and the colony of laughing coeds numbers more than 30 thousand individuals. During the summer season, seagulls destroy almost 2 million gophers and up to 8 million mice - pests of fields.

Yalta Mountain Forest Reserve

Yalta, Massandra, Doloss highway. 8 -18, no lane and out.

Pedestrian routes (Koreizskaya, Jewish, Botkinskaya, Shtangeevskaya trails), Uchan-Su roadblock, Trekhglazka cave

Museum of Nature +73654 23 28 91

The Yalta Nature Reserve was created relatively recently, in 1973, but it unites dozens of remarkable natural objects, some of which have been declared protected areas since 1947. The total area of ​​the reserve is now 14.5 thousand hectares from Foros and Baydarsky Pass in the west to Nikitskaya Yayla in the east, which is about 53 km in length. The northern border in some places coincides with the edge of the yayla, but on the Ai-Petrinskaya and Yalta yayla it also extends onto the plateau to protect remarkable plant objects and caves. In the south, the boundaries of the reserve are connected with the history of development of the coast; in the pristine areas of the coast near Foros, Sanatorny and Beregovoy, natural complexes of coastal rocks are already protected.

The main value of the reserve is the relict coniferous mountain forests of Crimean pine. There are also beech forests, mixed forests, and below - from fluffy oak. The flora as a whole includes 1,363 species of vascular plants, 183 species of mosses and 154 species of lichens. Among the rare plants, the most famous are small-fruited strawberry, tall juniper, blunt-leaved pistachio, and yew. The reserve has preserved dozens of luxurious and very ancient (up to a thousand years old) plants of these species. The faunal diversity of the reserve is impressive: 37 species of mammals, 150 species of birds, 16 species of reptiles. Badgers feel great here, there are many species bats, among birds, the largest species are very rare in Europe - the black vulture and the griffon vulture; among reptiles, the Crimean gecko, the yellow-bellied snake, and the leopard snake are very unique and attractive.

Walking along the mountain trails of the Yalta Nature Reserve Since the 2004 season, the reserve management has offered tourists a multi-day route that combines all the famous trails (Shtangeevskaya, Botkinskaya, Kalendskaya) and all the famous viewpoints. IN total paid visits are provided for 18 objects of the reserve, the price for visiting each is usually 6-10 hryvnia. If you are not going on a multi-day trip, then you need to pay right on the spot. Where the trails begin there are always signs and documents with a fee (with stamps) are posted. In general, they don’t require you to pay any fee “to repair the Failure so that it doesn’t fail so much,” but garbage removal and improvement of trails that are located on landslide slopes, as well as fire-fighting measures, require serious expenses.

Doctors of pre-revolutionary times were somehow able to use their own funds to organize the first health paths from ancient mountain paths. However, their houses, in the words of M. Zhvanetsky, stood out in those days with “wealth and lights.” Sergei Petrovich Botkin (1832 - 1889) was the first to draw attention to the importance of the Crimean climate in the treatment of patients, especially pulmonary patients. He believed that mountain walks train the body, strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory system and increase metabolism. Great importance he also gave importance to the emotional impact of nature on humans. The most beautiful path, which has a surprisingly smooth and gradual climb up the mountain, was named Botkinskaya in memory of the outstanding Russian doctor and still bears this name.

“You need to walk evenly, and under no circumstances take the climbs, as they say, in one breath. After the first ten minutes of the journey, you need to do the first self-test: count your heart rate. Suppose that if someone has a normal pulse of 68-70 beats per minute (more often in women), then during a stop it can be 120-140 beats. If your pulse returns to normal within 1-3 minutes (the sooner the better), it means your heart is not working badly, you can move on. The breathing rate should not exceed 18 times per minute. In case of severe weakness, dizziness or interruptions in the functioning of the heart, you should immediately stop the hike and return back after resting” - these recommendations must be followed in order to experience the healing and health-improving properties of the Botkin Trail.

Nature Reserve "Cape Martyan" Yalta, Nikita, Nikitsky Botanical Garden

May-September, without lane and out.

From the east, the Cape Martyan nature reserve adjoins Nikitsky Garden with evergreen forest from tree juniper and small-fruited strawberry. In the center of the reserve, a small House of Creativity of the Academy of Sciences, now a Phytocenter, was built. The water area of ​​the reserve preserves the marine biocenoses of the South Coast in their natural form. It is significant that, unlike most of the coast, where there are artificial beaches with concrete structures that are constantly being destroyed, and in terms of the purity of the water, they do not shine, the shores near Cape Martyan are distinguished by the cleanliness and balance of beach sediments. Small beaches have long been considered especially valuable among naturists in many countries. However, the audience here is purely select - from the world of science and art.

Hiking routes along the ecological trail on the territory of the reserve must be ordered through the directorate of the Nikitsky Garden. An ancient path passes over the reserve to Ai-Danil, where the estate of H. Steven is preserved.

Karadag Nature Reserve

With. Resort, Biostation.

May-September, 8 - 17, without lane. and out.

736562 26 212, 26 290, 26 288

The Karadag Reserve is famous for its geological and mineralogical attractions: bizarre rocks, veins of gems and other rare minerals. Karadag is also interesting for its unique animals and flora, whimsically combining views of deserts, subtropics, steppes and forests. The main center for Karadag is the village of Kurotnoye. This is where the controls are located. Karadag Reserve and the Biological Station of the Institute of Biology of the South Seas of the Academy of Sciences. Performances with dolphins and fur seals are organized in the Dolphinarium building. There is a wonderful pebble beach. And in the beautiful old park there are rare plants, as well as exhibitions of reptiles and fish.

From the Biostation and from the village of Koktebel you can walk for a fee along a large ecological trail or take a sea excursion. The rocks here make up a whole fairy tale: the King and Queen march to the Throne; one of the vents of the volcano - the Devil's fireplace faces the sea and is cluttered with hardened lava; The devil's finger threatens the sky with a sharp multi-meter claw. But the most famous, of course, is the rock Shaitan-kapu (Devil's Gate), better known as the Golden Gate.

Kazantip Nature Reserve

Leninsky district, nearest locality Mysovoye village

the office is located in Shchelkino, building 33 (there are no streets in Shchelkino), apt. 12,

phone +736557 222-50 or 221-56.

Kazantip preserves unique steppe communities of plants and animals, as well as the best coastal habitats of valuable commercial fish Sea of ​​Azov. This reserve was created recently and is still in its infancy,

Opuk Nature Reserve

Leninsky district, Black Sea coast, nearest settlement. Yakovenkovo

The management of the Opuksky Nature Reserve is located on the central street of Kerch - st. Kirova 31a. phone +736561 4 05 01.

The best time to visit is May, the time of mass flowering of wild tulips.

Just like the Kazantip Nature Reserve, the nature reserve near Mount Opuk in the south of the Kerch Peninsula is only taking its first steps. Cape Opuk. Kerch Peninsula. Cape Opuk is a unique landscape complex - something like a fragment of the Crimean Mountains. The mountain range, visible from afar, is distinguished by its unique vegetation and microclimate. The massif is composed of limestones (as some researchers claim, reef stones); several grottoes open in the cliffs. The top, like all Crimean mountains, is flat, the slopes abound with ledges, cliffs, and crevices. And this is unusually good for nesting birds. In total, 43 species of birds are found here. In addition to the unusually beautiful and rare pink starling, these are the laughing gull, cormorant, shrike, rock pigeon, owl, shelduck, and peregrine falcon.

Rare for these places, springs with excellent water and excellent beaches create ideal conditions for relax. But before it was a military zone, and now it is a nature reserve. So, it’s as if the students – geologists, ecologists, biologists, soil scientists, historians – are not resting here, but are just blissfully enjoying educational practices. However, to do this, their managers must obtain permission from the environmental department in Simferopol. Opposite the cape in the sea there are several rock-islands made of gray spongy but dense Kerch limestone - Ship Rocks, Elken-kaya.

On the territory of Crimea there are 196 natural reserve objects of various categories with a total area of ​​220 thousand hectares, which is 8.3% of the total area of ​​Crimea. In the world, or more precisely in countries with a high environmental culture, 10% is considered optimal. In the most valuable regions, for example, on the southern coast of Crimea, specially protected natural complexes can occupy about 20%, and even over 50% of the territory. A significant part of reserves, nature reserves, natural monuments and protected areas are available for excursions, scientific and educational work, student practices and expeditions, as well as for international environmental programs and projects. The restrictions relate mainly to construction, economic activities, and the extraction of mineral and biological resources.

State reserves, natural monuments and other entry-level categories are declared protected, without taking them away from land users. In this case, forestry enterprises are required to provide the reserve regime, Agriculture, health resorts, military units (this also happens). Wildlife sanctuaries are formed for the time necessary to restore the numbers of species listed in the International Red Book or the Red Data Book. This means that let's say other types, for example, medicinal plants you can collect for personal use freely. But for protected rare species you will face a serious fine. Individual components of nature may be protected, such as in botanical reserves New World, Kubolach, Arabatsky; but there are also landscape reserves: Ayu-dag, Grand Canyon Crimea, Cape Aya, where everything is protected, including minerals and insects.

Natural monuments are small areas or individual natural objects. There, either the natural complex as a whole or individual components are preserved. The Belbek Canyon, Mangup-Kale, Karaul-Oba are complex. Geological natural monuments - Red Caves and Demerdzhi. There are also botanical monuments - giant trees, long-lived trees, for example the famous airplane pine on Ai-Petri, several 1000-year-old yews.

The term “reserve tract” appeared relatively recently. The word “tract” usually brings to mind a dark, remote ravine, a wild gorge, or, conversely, a piece of paradise among the monotonous steppe. The main thing is that the tract is a natural complex, standing out sharply among its surroundings, isolated.

Natural complexes of artificial origin can also be protected areas. Our parks and monuments of landscape gardening art are famous throughout the world. And they were created by the labor and talent of people from generally recognized world schools - French, English, German, Italian, and in last years also Japanese. Russian estate culture through hands and souls ordinary people made our family this miracle of capricious green aliens. Nikitsky State Botanical Garden, due to the uniqueness of its green collection, has also been declared a protected area with all its branches. Most of the protected landscapes of Crimea are available for excursions and even independent visits.

Crimean Nature Reserve - the largest protected area, where unique plants, animals and natural resources are collected on an area of ​​44 hectares.

The natural Crimean reserve is located in a specific place. Its territory is dotted with streams and rivers; the altitude of areas above sea level varies significantly. Here nature itself has created special conditions, which are successfully complemented by the Black Sea climate. The area is ideal for the life of many species of animals and plants, which are considered rare and are listed in the Red Book.

History of the reserve

Even during the imperial rule, on the territory of the modern reserve, then still a difficult-to-reach and practically unexplored place, the “Royal Hunting Reserve” was created. A plot was allocated forest area 3 hectares, where wild animals were brought from all over the world.
By 1925 its territory already occupied 23 hectares, and by 1949 nature education"Swan Islands" were annexed. Official status state reserve this area received only in 1991.
The forest part of the protected area is the highest section of the Crimean mountain range. It is surrounded on all sides high mountains. The ancient rocks that make up the reserve's sites are classified as Jurassic period deposits. There are limestone deposits, conglomerates, sandstones, and shale. Their presence and centuries-long transformation contributed to the appearance of caves, gorges, and natural cracks.

Fauna of the reserve

A special place in the Crimean Nature Reserve is occupied by invertebrates, mostly insects. There are more than 8 thousand of them here different types! Freshwater crabs, centipedes, ticks and scorpions - this is not the entire list of pleasant and not so pleasant inhabitants of the area.

The rivers are full of trout, chub, and minnows. Frogs and toads, lizards, snakes, snakes, and marsh turtles jump along the banks of reservoirs. Many representatives of birds nest in gorges and caves, far from humans, who pose a threat to their offspring. Not uncommon in nature reserves and the bats- there are more than 15 species of them out of 18 living throughout the Crimea.

Large vertebrates in the reserve include roe deer, acclimatized mouflons and wild boars, red deer. Here, in large quantities There are badgers, hares, martens and even squirrels brought from Altai.
Most of the animals living in the protected area are listed in the Red Book. Strict recording and monitoring of the number of individuals of the endangered species is carried out.


The vegetation of the Crimean Nature Reserve is quite diverse. Representatives of the flora grow here as nature intended, based on their own characteristics and needs. On the lower tiers of the mountain range, powerful downy oaks with an undergrowth of hornbeams feel comfortable. Above are sessile oaks mixed with ash and hornbeam. Hornbeam-beech forest plantations, soil and climatic conditions at an altitude of 800-1200 meters they are quite suitable.
In the high-mountain meadows, which are called yaylas, fragrant herbs and flowers bloom from spring to autumn: St. John's wort, thyme, oregano, crocuses, Crimean edelweiss, wheatgrass, hedgehog, sleep-grass, timothy.
The vegetation cover of the Crimean Nature Reserve is also represented by pines, beeches, lindens, Stephen and field maples, euonymus, mountain ash, aspens, dogwoods, and alders. Many tree species are listed in the Red Book and are at risk due to a significant reduction in area.


Location on the map

The unique nature of the Crimean peninsula needs protection and conservation. For this purpose, many protected areas have been organized on this land.

Protected areas of Crimea

Protected areas make up more than five percent of the peninsula's land. They are based on the natural reserves of Crimea. These include six government institutions, on whose territory economic activity is completely excluded. The main nature reserves of Crimea (list):

These are not all the reserves of Crimea. The list of territories under state protection continues with 33 more state reserves.

There are nine protected areas in Crimea. These are small plots of land on which some object of interest to scientists is located. In addition, Crimea has 30 magnificent parks and 73 protected natural monuments.

Today, all reserves of Crimea are accessible to visitors. Some parks and reserves charge a nominal entrance fee.

Crimean Reserve

This is the oldest reserve in Crimea. It was founded in 1923. In addition, it occupies the most large territory. It stretches from Yalta to Alushta. This land is full of interesting natural attractions.

Excursion groups regularly come to this unique Crimean reserve. The bus takes them along the Romanovskoe Highway - a mountain serpentine road. The first stop is at a trout farm. Further, the road goes around the ancient Kosmo-Damianovsky monastery. Today it has been revived, and every year on July 14, the day of Damian and Cosmas, pilgrims from all over the Earth try to get here.

After the monastery the road goes even higher into the mountain. There are stops near all interesting and memorable places along the bus route. For example, at viewing platforms where tourists enjoy beautiful views coast. At the Kebit-Bogaz pass, all tourists stop to honor the memory of the partisans who fought in 1941-1944 against the fascist occupiers on the land of the Crimean Reserve. A monument was erected to them here.

On the Chuchelsky pass (1150 m) you can see Mount Roman-Kosh(1545 m) - the highest on the peninsula. Then the road will lead travelers to the Gazebo of the Winds. From this place there are extraordinary views of the South Coast. At the “Red Stone” you can admire the beauty of Yalta from above, and breathe in the perfectly clean air filled with the smells of pine needles that the pine forest exudes.

Swan Islands

The reserves of Crimea are very different, each of them is unique. Experts call the Swan Islands on the peninsula an ornithological reserve. It is of international importance and is part of the Crimean Nature Reserve.

These are six separate islands that stretch along the Karkinitsky Bay for eight kilometers. The largest of them is the fourth. Its length is 3.5 kilometers, with a width of 350 meters. A security zone is designated on the shore and on the water around the reserve.

These islands appeared as a result of sand and shells, so their number and general form, may change over time. They rise equally above the surface of the water - no more than two meters.

Diverse world of birds

The reserves of Crimea and Lebyazhy Islands in particular are the largest nesting and wintering grounds for waterfowl and wading birds on the peninsula. This unique reserve complex is located on the route along which birds migrate annually, going for the winter from Europe to the countries of Asia and Africa.

These places are favored by black-headed gulls, gray and white herons, waders, flamingos, pelicans and other representatives of birds. But main pride Swan Islands - mute swans. In the summer season, more than 6,000 individuals gather here. Mute swans are found on the islands during the molt, when the birds are very vulnerable. And at the end of autumn, whooper swans gather on the islands and stop to rest before a long flight to their wintering place.

Sea inhabitants

Crimean reserves do a lot of work to protect not only birds. Dolphins that live in the Black Sea - bottlenose dolphins and white drums - found protection in the Swan Lakes. big jerboa and white polecat, porpoises. Reptiles also live here - steppe viper, yellow-bellied snake and lots of fish. Black Sea salmon, which is quite rare these days, is especially prized.

Crimea - Opuksky Reserve

At Cape Opuk, located on the coast of the Kerch Strait, there is a mountain of the same name, which is a striking landmark of Crimea. In its vicinity, the Opuksky Nature Reserve was opened in 1998. Boundless steppes stretch over more than one and a half thousand hectares. They are inhabited by rare animals, birds, marine inhabitants and a variety of plants.

All the reserves of Crimea have some kind of characteristic feature. In spring, the Opuksky Nature Reserve amazes with the abundance of white, yellow, crimson, black and purple tulips. And at night, countless numbers of bats fly out of the caves where stone has been mined for many years to get food.

Mount Opuk

Its height is only 183 meters. It is oblong in shape and does not differ in lush vegetation. Mount Opuk is located on a wide base, with a gentle slope in the north and steep slope with rocks and stepped screes in the south.

This reserve is recognized as an archaeological site. When excavations were carried out at the foot of the mountain, scientists discovered the remains of ancient structures, building foundations, and the ruins of the walls of the village of Cimmerik. In the 5th century BC it was part of the Bosporan kingdom.

Pink starlings

This place is also famous for the fact that pink starlings nest only here in Crimea. These birds have amazingly developed genetic memory. For several thousand years, these beautiful birds have been flocking to the reserve, to the slopes of Mount Opuk overgrown with thorns, hawthorn and rose hips. Today, the population of the pink starling colony has doubled.


At a distance of four kilometers from Cape Opuk, in the Black Sea, there are four small islands. They are called Ship Rocks. This one is composed of fairly dense reef limestones with high strength. The largest stone “ship” rises 20 meters above the water. These rocks got their name because of their resemblance to sailboats. Today they are inhabited by crested gulls, rock pigeons, black swifts, and cormorants. They hatch their chicks here in pre-made nests.

Park Lviv

In 2006, on the territory of the former military base, where there were only dilapidated buildings without communications, through the efforts of animal lovers, with the help and support of government officials, a unique Lviv Park was created in Crimea, not far from Belogorsk.

This is an extraordinary lion reserve in Crimea, which has no equal in Europe. The park territory stretches over 20 hectares, over which there are metal platforms raised six meters above the ground. Their length is several kilometers.

More than 50 lions currently live in the safari park - this is the largest population in Europe. Animals were collected from South Africa, Europe, Ukraine, etc. In a very large enclosure, in conditions as close as possible to natural environment, live several prides - families of lions.

Animals, as befits kings of beasts, roam freely throughout the park.
In addition to the safari park, the reserve has its own zoo, equipped with large, clean and animal-friendly enclosures that fit perfectly into the surrounding landscape. In total, two thousand animals live in the safari park.

It should be noted that Taigan Park differs from many similar establishments in that the animals here are well-fed, well-groomed and peaceful. In the zoo, animals are allowed to be fed, but only with food that can be purchased in the pavilions located on the territory.

In the summer heat, lions and bears are given a refreshing shower. Near most of the enclosures there are benches surrounded by dense trees that create a pleasant shade. Roosters, quails, chickens and other living creatures run freely here, which can be heard, but not always visible because of the foliage. The territory of the Lions Park is beautifully designed - numerous walking paths, animal sculptures, a lot of shrubs and flowers planted in picturesque flower beds.

Museum-reserves of Crimea

This ancient city on the coast of Crimea lived for more than two thousand years. It was founded by the Herakliots - natives of the city of Heraclea in 422-421. BC e. A hundred years later it was already the largest city-state in the Northern Black Sea region.

It was a slave-owning republic, distinguished by a democratic form of government, and was a center of crafts, trade and culture. Its population was more than twenty thousand people.

Since the 5th century. n. e. Chersonesos became part of the Byzantine Empire. After a nine-month siege in 988, the city was taken by the Russian prince Vladimir. Here the Grand Duke converted to Christianity. Ancient Chersonese Tauride suffered twice from the Tatar hordes in the XII-XIV centuries. By the middle of the 15th century. the city was gone.

The reserves of Crimea, photos of which you can see in our article, are of great interest to scientists, historians and archaeologists. That is why now the land of ancient Chersonesos is always crowded. Excavations are still ongoing here, with international expeditions taking part.

By visiting this museum-reserve, you can see the ruins of an ancient theater, neighborhoods ancient city, defensive walls with Zeno's tower and other architectural structures.

Today we presented to you only some of the reserves of Crimea. We were unable to tell you about most of them. Therefore, come to the peninsula to see the beauty of this land with your own eyes.

The nature of Crimea has long been subject to severe anthropogenic pressure - the peninsula has been densely populated for a long time, a significant part of it has been turned into residential areas and agricultural land. But people take care of the land where they live - there are only about 30 protected zones in Taurida. The Crimean Nature Reserve is the largest in area and one of the oldest.

Where is the Crimean Nature Reserve located on the map?

Its main part is located in the urban district of Alushta and the Simferopol region, geographically it is adjacent to. However, it has several more branches throughout the region.

Royal hunting area

But in 1957, Secretary General N.S. Khrushchev deprived the object of its special status, again turning it into a region of “royal hunting.” He himself came here, and then L.I. Brezhnev, as well as their high-ranking guests from other countries. The reserve was fully revived only in 1991.

Strict security

Many famous natural attractions are located here. But potential guests of the mountain or Chatyr-Dag caves need to know - the Crimean Nature Reserve is closed and strictly protected.

Rest there is allowed only with the approval of the administration, as evidenced by the tourist having a special pass. It is not difficult to obtain, the prices are modest, but the number of visitors is limited so as not to create a large burden. In most cases, groups are assembled for a visit, accompanied by one of the employees as a guide and tour guide.

“Wild” tourists constantly penetrate here, bypassing all this “bureaucracy”. But such “amateur artists” do not have to be offended if they are caught by a strict forester, expelled from the reserve, and even given a considerable fine.

Natural and human wealth

An inquisitive tourist should fulfill the official requirements and visit the reserve - there is a lot to see. But not only natural resources are collected here - for example, there are more than 80 historical and cultural monuments, dating back to the era of the Tauri.

The reserve belongs to the famous highlands - Yalta Yaila, Babugan-Yayla, ; the river Avunda originates there. The Savlukh-Su spring is known as healing due to its high silver content. The complex, rugged terrain makes it possible to beautiful photos. There are many karst cavities in the protected area, and some are open to access.

Since the reserve presents different zones mother nature,
There are forest, mountain, and steppe plants here. Flower lovers will especially enjoy spring, when lumbago, saffron, violets, and irises bloom. Many species (orchis, lumbago, saffron, Crimean pine, juniper) are listed in the Red Book.

Many animals are also rare; there are more than 200 species of vertebrates alone. Red deer, wild boars, and mouflons live here. In the mountains you can find the rarest predator birds– vultures, griffon vultures. Romantics will have an excellent opportunity to listen to nightingales - there are three subspecies of them in the reserve.

There are also interesting cultural sites in the Crimean reserve. Believers willingly visit the current one. Its activities are associated with the features of the Savlukh-Su spring (it begins near the monastery monastery).

Recently, another historical landmark appeared here - and a monument to the Crimean partisans. The latter is installed near the Red cordon. It immortalizes fighters against the occupation from protected areas, 500 of whom died fighting the enemy.

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