Roman Kosh Crimea. Mount Roman Kosh in Crimea. Brief characteristics of the Roman-Kosh peak

Mount Roman Kosh is located in the southern part of Crimea near Gurzuf in the Babugan Yayla mountain range.
Roman Kosh is considered the highest point on the Crimean peninsula; its height is 1545 meters above sea level, the rock of the mountain is limestone. From the Turkic language Roma Kosh is translated as Forest Peak or Peak among forests (Orman is a forest Kosh is a peak)
An interesting fact is that until 1970 there was a bust of Lenin on the top of the mountain pointing towards Moscow.

Mount Roman Kosh is located on the territory of the Crimean Nature Reserve and entry here is officially prohibited. To climb the mountain you need to coordinate your visit with the ranger and take a guide.

There are two routes to climb to the top of Roman Kosh.
The first route begins in the village of Krasnokamenka (you can get to Krasnokamenka if you go along the Yalta-Simferopol highway, this village will be a transit one), you need to go through a motor depot, then an abandoned quarry and climb through the Forest, the road through the forest is not easy, it has a fairly steep climb. But all these difficulties are justified when you rise to the very Top where a panoramic picture of all the Crimean mountains and attractions located nearby opens in front of you.
The second way to reach the top of Roman Kosh is to follow the paths from Ai-Petri or Yalta in a northeast direction.

In the northeastern part of the mountain Roman Kosh has survived to this day Birch Grove, which scientists believe survived the Ice Age.

From the very top of the mountain there is a view of Ayu-Dag Bear Mountain, which is one of the main natural attractions of Crimea.

Mount Roman-Kosh is the highest point of the Crimean Mountains, located on the northern slope of the Babugan-Yayla massif opposite.

Many tourists climb Roman-Kosh to find treasures hidden by Crimean robbers. But most people climb Roman-Kosh in order to enjoy the wonderful scenery and see the whole of Crimea in full view from a bird's eye view.

Mount Roman-Kosh is part of the territory; it is the highest peak of Crimea, its height is 1545 meters. The mystery of the origin of the name of this peak, translated as “gorge of three mountains,” has not yet been revealed.

Many researchers believe that the mountain received its name in honor of the name of the “spirit of the mountains,” which was worshiped by local residents from time immemorial.

Since ancient times, the highest point of Crimea has been revered by people. On Roman-Kosh, many centuries ago, the ancient Tauri, whose temple was found in the valley, offered prayers to the pagan god of the mountains.

Climbing Roman-Kosh is an exciting event that anyone can do. Half of the journey passes through thick Pine forest, the height and width of the trunks of many trees is amazing, so incredible beautiful landscape remembered on long years, especially when among thick protected forest his owner, a red deer, meets, which happens quite often. The pine forest gives way to beech forest, pleasing with its purity and amazing taste pure water springs encountered along the way.

There is a legend that somewhere here lives the keeper of all Crimean springs and springs - a deer with silver antlers.

He makes sure that they do not dry out, so that the local inhabitants - birds and animals - can always drink the purest mountain water, and if the springs suddenly dry up, he rises to the highest point of the mountain and, striking with his hoof, brings life-giving rain to the ground.

If you meet this deer, life will be long and happy, but for this you need to drink the water and all the springs and springs of Crimea.

From Mount Roman-Kosh a beautiful panorama opens up: the Babugan-Yayly plateau stretching all the way to the top on one side, and on the other there is a basin separating the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains from the second – the inner one. Here you can see the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, where they once were, and in the distance you can see the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, and the Black Sea is visible at a distance of up to 150 km - almost half.

The attractions of Roman-Kosh include a 6-meter wooden cross, installed in 2001 in honor of the 10th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence, and the magnificent “Gazebo of the Winds” - a stone colonnade built in 1956, located 2-3 km from the top.

Roman-Kosh is a place where you can feel the true grandeur of the Crimean mountains and their peace; it is here that you can feel and see all the natural beauty, as well as many of the sights of Crimea. The unique atmosphere and splendor of Roman-Kosh and the views from it will leave warm memories of this landmark of Alushta for many years and will remind you of how beautiful our nature is and how much joy contemplation of this beauty can bring to a person.


In its 3rd part. Height - 1545 m, composed of limestones. The name “Roman-Kosh” comes from the Turkic words “orman” - forest and “kosh” - peak, i.e. “forest peak” or “mountain among the forest”.

At the top of the mountain there is a stone tour, visible from afar. There is an inscription on it - “Top of Crimea”. In the 70s of the last century, a bust of V.I. Lenin was installed on the top. Ilyich's gaze was turned to the north, to Moscow. Today it is replaced by a cross.

Previously it was believed that the most high mountain Crimea is Chatyr-Dag (“Tent Mountain”) in the vicinity of Alushta. The Kebitsky and Angarsky passes separate Chatyr-Dag from other mountains, and therefore it really seems that Chatyr-Dag is the highest mountain peak. However, after precise geodetic instruments appeared, it turned out that the highest point of Crimea is Roman-Kosh.

Roman-Kosh is located on the territory of the Crimean Nature Reserve. Officially, entry into the reserve is prohibited. IN summer months There is a high probability that you will meet representatives of the reserve’s security at the Gurzuf saddle, who in most cases simply do not allow you to enter the plateau.

On the north-eastern slope of the town of Roman-Kosh, a relict grove of common birch has been preserved since ice age, and only in these parts the very rare motley bird nests rock thrush. From the top one can see: the Central Basin - a fan-shaped forest amphitheater with a clearing at the bottom; between the towns of Roman-Kosh, Babugan-Yayla and M. Chuchel (Tsyutsul) the river originates. Kacha (in the upper reaches of the Machin River, Biyuk-Uzen).

An unforgettable view opens from Mount Roman-Kosh. On one side is the Babugan yayly plateau (translated from Crimean Tatar as “yayla where belladonna grows”), which stretches almost to Alushta. On the other side, to the north, a forested interridge basin separates the Main Ridge from the second, inner ridge. Visible are the surface of the Partizan Reservoir near Simferopol, the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in the village of Nauchny, Chufut-Kale, Tepe-Kermen and Kyz-Kermen (mountains of the inner ridge, where in the Middle Ages the so-called " cave cities»).

One of the most amazing sights on Roman-Kosh is the running of a roe deer. Light and graceful, she barely touches the ground and again spreads in a jump-flight, tucking her legs.

The mountain is especially beautiful during sunset, when the rays of the setting sun illuminate this amazing and incomparable mountain with their mysterious light, far from the bustle of Ai-Petri and the crowded Demerdzhi. Only here you can feel the true peace and grandeur of the Crimean mountains.


Route to Roman-Kosh

You can climb Roman-Kosh from Gurzuf, starting from the branch of the road to the village of Partizanskoye (locals call it Lavender) from the Simferopol - Yalta highway. This branch is located near the trolleybus stop “Gurzufskaya Tropinka” (about 300 m towards Yalta). An asphalt road from the highway will lead you to the village. Partizanskoe, and from there along the old forest road (it is also called the “Romanov road”) you can go to the Gurzufskoe sedlo pass (1388 m). The former name of the pass was Gurbet-Dere-Bogaz (translated from Crimean Tatar as the “Gorge of Foreign Land” pass). The length of the path to the pass in a straight line from Gurzuf is about 7 kilometers. But along the “Romanovskaya road” it is about 20 kilometers, because it looks like a serpentine road, which is typical for mountain roads.

The entire journey from Gurzuf to Roman-Kosh will take approximately 6 hours one way, and it will require significant physical effort, since the road is constantly going up. Please note that most of the route passes through the territory of the Crimean Nature Reserve, so such a trip should be coordinated with foresters.

From Yalta, or from Mount Ai-Petri, moving along the mountain path along Yayla to the northeast (Mount Kemal-Egerek will remain on the left, then on the right is the Gazebo of the Winds).

From the Angarsk Pass (for hardy tourists) - climb the Konyok ridge to Babugan-Yaylu, move southwest. The peak of Zeytin-Kosh (1537 m) will remain on the left.

Mount Roman-Kosh is one of most beautiful places Crimean peninsula, attracting a considerable number of tourists. There are several routes to get to the top of the mountain, where truly stunning views open up. We will tell you further about what paths lead to the mountain and what history it hides.

Photo of Mount Roman-Kosh

Height and coordinates of the mountain

It is the highest point of Crimea, which surrounds the highest yayla of the peninsula. Sources indicate a height of 1545 m, but many practical tourists claim, not unreasonably, that the actual height is 1547 m.

This mountain is located near the village on the lands of the Crimean Nature Reserve.
Adjacent to it is a small but popular village among vacationers.

The etymology of the name is based on two legends. According to the first, the name from Indo-Aryan can be translated as peace, bliss, nirvana. According to another, it’s just a pasture on a mountain.

Why is it so popular?

The significance of Roman-Kosh for both tourists and local residents difficult to overestimate. And it’s not at all about the height of the mountain itself. This is where it opens unique view on Chufut-Kale, Kyz-Kermen, places where unique cave cities were located in ancient times. From the top you can always see the Partizanskoe reservoir, the observatory, and, of course, the sea.

Since ancient times, representatives of different tribes and nationalities have revered this place. The ancient Tauri offered prayers to their god here, and the Byzantines, Romans, and Russes visited here.

Today, many romantics do not give up hope of finding countless treasures hidden here by pirates on the mountain. Others set off on a journey to meet the legendary “silver deer”, the permanent guardian of springs with the purest mountain water. However, most often people want to enjoy mountain air, breathe in the aromas of healing Crimean herbs and see Crimea from a new and unusual angle.

At the top of Roman-Kosh you can see the remains of Lenin's pedestal. These are echoes of the famous hike of 1966, when 1,200 pioneers decided to climb to the top on the occasion of the XV Komsomol Congress. The bust was repeatedly damaged, so it was decided to dismantle it from the top.

Today there is a cross at the top, which distinguishes this peak from others.

How to get there?

Since this is the territory of a nature reserve, you must first obtain permission from the environmental inspectorate. There was a period when lifting was allowed only as part of a group.

However, experienced tourists claim that today you can get to the top without any problems on your own, and if you meet with foresters, permission can be obtained on the spot for a small amount. Some say that in Lately no foresters or inspectors are encountered on the way at all.

There are several popular routes:

  • from the Angarsk pass through the Konek ridge, which leads to Babugan-Yayla;
  • through the villages of Massandra or Sovetskoye;
  • through Ai-Petri along the mountain path due northeast;
  • through Krasnokamenka.

It is the Artek trail, which leads from Krasnokamenka to the Gurzuf saddle, that is considered the shortest. To climb from here you need to turn onto Babugan and also visit the Gazebo of the Winds.

Getting to Krasnokamenka is not difficult with almost any transport along the Yalta-Simferopol highway. From popular Yalta you can get there by trolleybus for a nominal price.

The ascent begins at the foot of the Red Stone rock, which is surrounded by vineyards. The territory of the reserve is difficult to miss, since there is a barrier and a prohibitory sign there.

The road is very picturesque, it passes through a pine forest. Pines give way to beech trees, and along the way you can drink water from several mountain springs. The forest is quite dense, and therefore the possibility of getting lost is always present. It is better to go to the top for the first time with a group or guide.

At an altitude of 1388 m there is the Gurzuf saddle, the highest mountain pass of the peninsula. Another feature of Roman-Kosh is that, unlike its neighbor Ai-Petri, there are no serious or steep cliffs. However, it often blows on Roman-Kosh strong wind, and this should be remembered.

If you are lucky, then in the valleys of the mountain you can observe, however, only from afar, the deer and roe deer that live here in natural environment, as well as colonies of various birds.

Hike to Roman-Kosh (video)

A fascinating hike to the top of the Crimean peninsula – Mount Roman-Kosh. How to do it correctly, and how not to go astray.

Despite its relatively small height, Roman-Kosh, like other mountains, demands respect. When going even on a one-day hike, you should definitely take with you:

  • matches (several boxes) and other sources of fire;
  • windbreaker from rain (weather in the mountains is changeable);
  • a replacement pair of shoes with non-slip soles;
  • a spare pair of socks;
  • special insect repellent;
  • a first aid kit with the necessary minimum of medications;
  • several sandwiches, chocolate (bitter black is best);
  • water bottle, which can then be used to collect natural spring water.
  • During the actual ascent, you must carefully monitor the route markers. If after 10 minutes of a move from the fork you have not encountered a single new mark, the best option– go back to the last fork. It would be a good idea to stock up on a route map in advance or ask local residents about it in advance.

    You need to be very careful on a forest path, since it is quite easy to lose it in the depths of the trees, especially if the weather is foggy.

    Before getting up, you should not eat too much or overeat. Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited, and it is also better to refrain from smoking.

    If your blood pressure has risen, various chronic diseases have worsened, dizziness and malaise have appeared, you should wait until you get up and reschedule it for another day.

    Climbing Roman-Kosh is a fascinating and not very burdensome event that anyone can do. healthy man. When following everything necessary measures safety, the climb can become the highlight of the entire trip around Crimea.

    Roman-Kosh on the map of Crimea

    GPS Coordinates: 44.613889 N, 34.234338 E. Latitude/Longitude

    Roman-Kosh is the highest mountain in Crimea - 1545 m. It is clear that these are not the Alps or Everest, but visit the most high mountains Crimea is also interesting. Roman-Kosh is located a few kilometers from the Wind Arbor and belongs to the territory Crimean Reserve. But with good luck, you will reach the top of the mountain, passing the local forest rangers.

    Official entrance to the territory of the Crimean Nature Reserve prohibited. In the summer you can often meet representatives of the reserve's security there, who rarely allow tourists onto the plateau. I personally haven’t gone yet for this very reason, but if you walk along the “secret” paths on a boring Tuesday, you probably won’t see anyone.

    The mountain range stretches from the northeast to the southwest of Crimea. 180 km. Roman-Kosh is located on the Babugan-Yayla massif. The most high point Crimea - 1545 meters above sea level. This is where the Crimean Nature Reserve is located, and Roman-Kosh is an integral part of it. Roman-Kosh is believed to be of Indo-Aryan origin and is translated as “supreme peace.”

    The soil consists of large soluble rocks (limestone, rock salt, gypsum) called karst. When water dissolves limestone, underground karst caves are formed.

    Also watch the video:

    Nearby there is also an excellent mountain – Kush-Kaya, (). I’ve been there a couple of times, but I never went to Roman-Kosh :) And also Besetka of the Winds, which I mentioned earlier. I’ll also write to her, don’t miss it.

    The grass cover in summer and autumn is very scarce, many scientists have today They argue how much greenery there was on the territory of Yalta in ancient times. If you go lower from the top, you can see melted snow between the limestone fragments, which creates good conditions rapid growth of herbs such as yarrow, oregano, elecampane, etc... Often on Mount Roman-Kosh you can see a roe deer or deer running along the mountainside.

    According to legend, in the caves of Mount Roman-Kosh, pirates and robbers hid treasures that they looted through honest and backbreaking labor :). Then the mountain was called “Robber”. Later, governors and khans hid on it from enemies, where they kept gold and jewelry. But despite the rich legend, not a single gold coin was found in the Roman-Kosh caves.

    That's all, dear friends, subscribe and receive new interesting articles in your email.

    The weather, of course, cannot always please the soul of a traveler, GisMetio will definitely help you :)

    For dessert: video from Roman-Kosh, they know how to clip videos :)

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