How much does it cost to relax in Vietnam in March. Where is the best place to stay in Vietnam? What you can and cannot take in hand luggage on a plane

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This month is good for swimming, fishing, snorkeling, spa treatments, sightseeing and jungle adventures. Beach on about. Phu Quoc Sao Beach in March

Vacation in March checked by me personally more than once. I made a special plan for myself from north to south in order to check climatic features.

Statue of Christ in Vung Tau in March

I offer my options for recreation.

From Hanoi it is convenient to go on an excursion to the picturesque Halong Bay. The weather is great, fresh.

Phu Quoc Island is located in Gulf of Thailand, it's great to sunbathe, swim in clear water. Engaged in excellent snorkeling, looked at colored fish. heavy showers pass every night.

It's hot in Vung Tau during the day, there are big low tides on the sea. Evening embankment is suitable for a promenade. We had fun at the attractions of the local park until 22:00. Liked the view from the cable car.

It's very stuffy in Ho Chi Minh City. In addition to religious sites, cool museums, a viewing platform with a restaurant, we went to the shooting range.

Dalat - city eternal spring. Here it is curious to see plantations of coffee, tea, apiaries, greenhouses of flowers and vegetables. It is quite cool at night in the mountains. Of all the waterfalls, only Pongour in March is not particularly interesting, due to the lack of water.

Nha Trang is famous for its mud resorts and mineral waters. We are now regulars there, we found three pieces. The city beach is great for sunbathing, oh. Winpearl - for swimming.

Pongour Falls in March

Experienced Tips:

  • Winter clothes do not take with you..
  • On about. Phu Quoc fly Vietnamese low-cost airlines without luggage.
  • Take water-repellent sunscreen with you, and buy beachwear on the spot.
  • March 8 is a holiday in Vietnam, they give gifts, flowers. Take, ladies, what they give, everything is free.
  • On the route Ho Chi Minh City - Dalat - Nha Trang take buses, Vung Tau - boat, and Hanoi - air.

The southern resorts of Vietnam in March are characterized by stable hot weather and lack of precipitation. At the beginning of spring, tourists can calmly relax on the beaches, or have an interesting time studying the historical and cultural heritage countries.

Which resort to choose for a holiday in March

The magnificent weather that prevails in the south of Vietnam in early spring allows you to organize a magnificent, varied vacation. Most vacationers still go to exotic Vietnam for a great beach holiday. Tourists who prefer passive recreation usually go to Phu Quoc Island. Here you can swim in the calm waters of the Gulf of Thailand, take sunbaths, sit in a coastal restaurant where you can taste dishes of national Vietnamese cuisine. Extreme lovers prefer to stay in Nha Trang, where windy weather brings great waves for windsurfing. Those who want to experience the unusual underwater world Vietnam, can stop in Da Nang or Hoi An. Created here ideal conditions for diving.

As for the excursion program offered to tourists in Vietnam, it is safe to say that travelers will not be bored here. The country is famous for a huge number of remarkable places. There are both historical and natural attractions. Among the most popular tourist routes you can select the city of Da Nang. Here tourists are waiting for incredible natural objects. The most striking are the marble mountains, and the unique cave temples. Nature lovers will surely enjoy a trip to the highlands of Dalat. Here you can see magnificent waterfalls, mountain lakes, flowering gardens. Connoisseurs of beauty will be delighted with the picturesque landscapes of this paradise.

March is rich in holidays and festivals that will help you understand the culture and customs of the locals. Quang Nam Province invites travelers to a magnificent whale festival. The main event of the holiday is the launching of a decorated boat. It is also worth paying attention to the Giong festival, which takes place in the north of the country. This festival will help to create the right impression about the culture of the country.

Prices for tours from Moscow

The popularity of Vietnamese resorts in March is quite high, so the prices for tours are quite high. Book tours better Early booking. Most hotels offer a good discount to tourists who book a promotional tour. The average price of a ticket to Vietnam from Moscow in March is 52 400 rubles for two.

March is a dry and hot month in almost all regions of Vietnam. There is practically very little precipitation during this period of time, so the weather, one might say, is ideal for those travelers who yearn for the gentle and bright sun. intense heat in the month of March it does not happen in the northern part of Vietnam and in the mountainous regions, it will be just warm and comfortable there. So a holiday in March in Vietnam will be just a heavenly delight. The most important thing is not to make a mistake when choosing a resort.

First of all, you can go on vacation to such a popular Vietnamese resort as Nha Trang. There, in March, the average air temperature is kept at +29.3°C, and the water temperature is incredibly comfortable - +26°C. The beautiful beaches of Nha Trang are washed by the waters South China Sea, And his locals mostly busy fishing and serving numerous tourists. And they do a pretty good job of both. There is also a small seaport in Nha Trang.

Nha Trang is popular not only among tourists from all over the world, but also among the inhabitants of Vietnam itself, especially those living in Ho Chi Minh City. They often spend here not only their holidays, but also weekends. Nha Trang is considered to be one of the oldest Vietnamese resorts; it gained popularity back in the days when Vietnam was a French colony.

In addition to a wonderful beach holiday (and the beaches of Nha Trang stretch for more than six kilometers), the city offers vacationers a visit to a huge number of restaurants, cafes, bars, night discos and clubs, beauty salons and massage parlors. There are several diving centers in the city, there are healing springs and healing mud. Located near Nha Trang, the island of Hon Che is connected to the resort by the longest cable car in the country, and on this island itself there is a beautiful amusement park.

In addition to beach recreation and entertainment in Nha Trang, you will find an interesting cultural program with visits to such historical sights as the ancient Cham towers, Monkey Island, Long Son Pagoda and many ancient temples. In Nha Trang, you can easily find a hotel to your liking in accordance with the price and level of comfort you personally need. Here, literally everything is provided for all categories of tourists, depending on the level of their income. IN Lately local entrepreneurs are trying hard to gradually turn Nha Trang into Vietnamese Pattaya.

Another good Vietnamese resort for a holiday in March is Phan Thiet (Mui Ne). Here, the average air temperature in March is kept at +32.3°C, and the water warms up to +27°C during this period. Phan Thiet is a resort town located in the southern part of Vietnam, approximately 200 kilometers from Ho Chi Minh City. It is washed by the waters of the South China Sea.

When we are talking about the Vietnamese resort of Phan Thiet, then Mui Ne is immediately implied, since this fishing village is located about 22 kilometers from the resort town. In fact, Mui Ne is just a beach located on a peninsula. The main number of local beaches and the hotels themselves are concentrated just in the interval, on the coast between Phan Thiet and Mui Ne. The locals call this place Mui Ne Beach.

Mui Ne Beach is perhaps one of the most popular Vietnamese resorts among Russians. You can see for yourself when you come here. In local cafes and restaurants you will be kindly offered a menu in Russian, on the streets of the resort you can find signs in Russian, and then go on some interesting excursion, which will also be conducted in Russian.

The convenience of Mui Ne Beach lies in the fact that all the hotels here are located right on the beach, and the local tourist infrastructure is well developed and continues to develop. There is not yet an abundance of nightlife, but still they are. Tourists at the resort expect restaurants, bars, massage parlors, and in the surroundings you can see some of the historical and natural attractions. Lovers can play golf on the beautiful local courses, and fans of water sports are waiting for windsurfing and kiting.

It is great to relax in the month of March on the island of Phu Quoc located in the Gulf of Thailand. It is often compared to the Thai island of Phuket, approximately equal in size. However, it is even less developed and there are much fewer attractions. But tourists tend to come here for a calm and measured beach holiday. average temperature air in March in Fukuoka - + 31.2 ° С, and water temperature - + 29 ° С.

The beaches here are very clean and incredibly beautiful, here you can find a place for complete privacy even in the midst of the season. However, there are plenty of cafes and restaurants here. Here you can rent a motorbike or mountain bike to explore the island on your own and bring home a bunch of great photos. You can go on an eco-trip to the jungle or mountains, or both together. You can visit a farm where pearls are grown, and at the same time look into the pearl museum. You can also go to a farm where hot black pepper is grown. Fans of fishing Phu Quoc will seem like a real paradise, exactly the same opinion will develop among fans of diving.

Another great island to visit in Vietnam is Con Dao. It is located in the southern part of the country. Here is beautiful beach holiday, opportunities for diving and snorkeling, there are few tourists here, so the rest here is considered very calm. Here you can visit national park with exotic animals and plants, as well as several historical attractions. The average air temperature in March is +29.5°С, and the water in the sea is +27°С.

In early March, my sister and I went to Vietnam, Nha Trang. Not our young age and not knowing English prevented us from relaxing on to the fullest. The manager Farida helped us pick up a ticket. We are grateful to her, she patiently selected a tour for us for several hours. We checked into the IВIS hotel, 24 floors, with a large hall, a shop, a cafe that arranges a seafood buffet at night ... 4 elevators, immediately coming for export, always free ... When we didn’t like the room that we were offered, (since there is around construction site), a Russian-speaking receptionist at TNAO, offered another option on the 21st floor, which suited us, we could see the sea, the city, and the mountains, and we didn’t hear much noise. Our hotel was on the second line and this was an advantage, since the Vietnamese get up early to loud music, do exercises and a huge amount of transport starts to drive along the first line ... Very decent hotel, clean, cleaned every day, changed towels, bathroom accessories and brought every day .033 water per person. A huge restaurant, we took a ticket with breakfast, the cuisine is mainly Vietnamese, the choice was so big that even before the end of the trip we didn’t try everything ... But a couple of times we came to breakfast late, there was no choice, but we didn’t remain hungry. On the third floor, under the open sky, there was a very cozy, not large swimming pool with sun loungers, beds with pillows. To the sea 7-10 minutes. At the reception, except for TNAO, no one could explain anything to us, they didn’t even try ... they turned away or worked on the computer, it’s a pity there are a lot of our compatriots there, and almost no one knows Russian, so they didn’t give us water or food for the road ... When there was no TNAO practically could not achieve anything ... English could be explained everywhere ... The hotel is located in the center, so it was easy to navigate .. Nearby there is a square where various events took place daily .. and the central market, where you can buy almost everything for a tourist ... We also visited the fruit and vegetable market, which was also not far away. We visited huge shopping malls where you can buy not expensive fruits and vegetables in the supermarket, but in the store you can buy good things from natural silk and cotton ... A huge amount of transport, and the lack of traffic lights at first strained, but then they got used to crossing the road slowly without turning around, they themselves went around us .. At every step "APTEKA", but they do not have medicines with chemical composition, there is from everything, but all from herbs, we found out that they do not have cancer and cancer centers, we were amazed, because there was such a cruel chemical warfare with the Americans ... The first days the sea was calm and quiet, but three last days there were huge waves, unfortunately before that, after the weekend, when the sea was still calm, having come to the beach, on Monday we were horrified, the whole coast was a garbage dump, which was not there, even dead dog it was not possible to enter the water ... We were explained that this is how the residents themselves walked on the weekend. But when on Tuesday morning we came to the sea, everything was cleared and we were met by a clean, calm sea ... Every day we had dinner in different cafes (there are just a huge number of them), many cafes arrange a buffet of all kinds of exotic creatures (frogs, crocodiles, snakes, etc.) .e) There are many cafes with a Russian menu, there is everything you want, but sometimes you get into bad cuisine, especially if the cafe belongs to our compatriots ... The first tour OVERVIEW OF NHA THANG was provided to us for free. visited Buddhist temple Weather Long Son with a statue. We saw a show of snakes and crocodiles ... we tried all the famous varieties of Vietnamese coffee, visited a pearl factory ... The next excursion was WINPERL LAND, it's just a fabulous entertainment complex, we get to it by cable car across the sea, there is a huge territory of the water park, a beach equipped with sun loungers with white sand and a quiet, transparent sea bay. An amazing aquarium, a huge zoo at a height, and an arboretum with unprecedented birds and plants ... This place is good to visit with children, there are a lot of entertainments for them ... And a bewitching show from a musical fountain .. This is a huge territory, it’s not realistic to go around everything in a day, after such an excursion, I had to rest for a very long time, we were very tired, age takes its toll ... We bought the tour from our guide, the prices are about the same as in the travel agency on the street ... I wanted to see a lot, but there was little time and finally decided to go on a two-day excursion in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). On the Internet, having received information about street agents, we decided to purchase an excursion to PINEAPPLE, which was closer to our hotel. A young guy from Russia, he was very polite with us, talkatively convinced us to go by a comfortable bus than by plane, because the plane is more expensive and you need to get to the airport yourself ... (prices, like everywhere else, are not cheaper ..) In the evening we went to the appointed time, Sasha also met us, wrote us a pink receipt and put us in a GAZEL with a Vietnamese driver. It was already dark when they brought us to some place, other Russians were also brought to us. When the bus was served, we entered it, the Vietnamese girl looked at our receipt for a long time, after which she simply kicked us out .. everyone was planted without problems .. we were two older women in in another country, not knowing whom to turn to (no one knew Russian), they stood on the street in confusion, I tried to call Sasha on the phone he gave us, the phone of course did not answer ... When the bus had already started, the girl called out to us and gave us two seats at toilet .. Yes, the bus is really comfortable, bunk comfortable beds, water, a blanket, but we didn’t have to fall asleep, we were very upset, the noisy Chinese could not calm down for a long time, there were small children nearby who were constantly crying and of course the proximity to the toilet ... So that’s the whole the trip was second-rate for us, then we found out everything, held on to the Russians so that they would not leave us anywhere, they had other receipts at the milestones, besides this they had boarding passes, instructions, everything was scheduled to the minute, we didn’t have anything ... We visited war museum, Cathedral Notre Dame de Saigon, central post office and lacquer factory, Cu Chi Tunnels. There was a boat ride on the Mekong River and a junk ride on the Mekong Canal. We visited a cocoa candy factory. It was even more difficult to leave, we tearfully asked the Russian-speaking guide not to leave us, and put us on the bus, he did a good job with someone on the phone and handed us over to some Vietnamese girl, she took us through the whole city to the bus, only when we got to know each other a little with such famous city. She put us on a bus with the Vietnamese, who apparently went to work, drove for a very long time, from the beginning they picked everyone up, then they brought everyone somewhere ... While we were driving, we weren’t sure if we were going to Nha Trang, no one knew Russian ... We were brought in after dark, to some place and showed with their hand that they weren’t going any further, it was terrible ... Fortunately, there were taxis there, and we lived in the center, we could explain .. In general, the trip was terrible, we got nervous, tired, and didn’t see the city, for two days is a very big load, one day should be left for the city, for shopping, for rest .. We were in Saigon and did not see it .. it's a shame. Everything else was good.

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