Better a living dog than a dead lion. A living dog is better than a dead lion. It's better to be a living dog than a dead lion

It's better to be a living dog than a dead lion
The primary source is the Bible. The Book of Ecclesiastes (chapter 9, v. 4) says: “Whoever is among the living still has hope, since it is better for a living dog than a dead lion.”
Quoted: as words of consolation: while a person is alive, his hope for a better future is also alive.

  • - wing. sl. Plutarch says that while passing through a miserable Alpine town, Caesar said: “I would rather be first here than second in Rome.”

    Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

  • - From “Letters from the Black Sea” by the Roman poet Ovid, in which the poet says about Claudius: “She is better than her reputation”...
  • - The original source is a phrase from a Russian poet, a famous humorist and satirist in his time, the author of many aphorisms of Don Amiado...

    Dictionary of popular words and expressions

  • - From a letter from Anton Pavlovich Chekhov to his brother Alexander: “The difficult situation, the bad character of the women with whom you have to live, the idiocy of the cooks, hard labor, anathema life and...

    Dictionary of popular words and expressions

  • - From English: Better Dead Than Red. The title of the novel by writer Stanley Reynolds, which is apparently a paraphrase of the slogan of the English pacifists “Better to be red than dead”...

    Dictionary of popular words and expressions

  • - The ancient Greek historian Plutarch in his work “The Sayings of Uapeii and Generals” wrote about the Roman emperor Julius Caesar: “They say that when Caesar crossed the Alps and passed by the poor...

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  • - See MANAGEMENT - ORDER -...
  • - See GOOD -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - It’s better, it’s better, but not everyone gets it...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - As a joke about your own or someone else’s baldness...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - a teaser for song lovers music group"Nirvana"...

    Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

  • - Wed. Besser Unrecht leiden, denn Unrecht thun. Mieux vaut souffrir que nuire. Wed. Mieux vaut estre martyr que confesseur. Gabr. Meurier. Trésor de sent. XVI s. Wed. Melius est injustitiam ferre quam facere. Augustin. Psalm. 125, 8. Wed. Accipere quam facere praestat injuriam. It is better to accept than to offend. Cic. Tuscul...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - It’s better to be offended than to be the offender. Wed. Besser Unrecht leiden, denn Unrecht thun. Per. Mieux vaut souffrir que nuire. Wed. Mieux vaut estre martyr que confesseur. Gabr. Meurier. Trésor de sent. XVI s. Wed. Melius est injustitiam ferre quam facere. Augustin. Psalm. 125, 8...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Razg. Express Very good, excellent, wonderful. Aleksashka and Alyosha have eaten their fill of pies over the spring. Life - it’s better not to...

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

  • - See TRUE -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - healthy goofballs, why is it better for the hunchbacked Stakhanovs to live simply and calmly than to climb forward, make a career and end up in trouble...

    Dictionary of Russian argot

"It's better to be a living dog than a dead lion" in books

author Vishnevsky Janusz

Chapter IX. WHY IS IT BETTER TO BE HEALTHY THAN RICH Do healthy people have better sex?

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Chapter IX. WHY IS IT BETTER TO BE HEALTHY THAN RICH Do healthy people have better sex? YALV: And now we will try to prove that it is better to be healthy than young and rich. Health is most important, especially more important than any products that add color to life, making it, perhaps, not so

“It’s better to be the last dissident...”

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“It’s better to be the last dissident...” It’s better to be the last dissident, As always, without guilt, of course, Than to be considered the first president of a country torn apart by Himself. 1989

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Maybe you would be better?.. It was during the first so-called perestroika years. My wife, her brother and I were getting ready to go to the dacha, when suddenly the phone rang - younger brother my late friend and colleague Peter F. said that he must see me immediately. - Alyosha,

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What could be better? First published in General Erotic. 2002. No. 63. What could be better? - Nothing. A new luxurious mistress in a new luxurious car - and both of them joyfully and unquestioningly obey me, which means they love me. Of course, the concept of “luxurious” is relative: for me

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How I didn't want to be a dog

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How I didn’t want to be a dog One day another Racing coach lined us up and said: “You will be a horse, you will be a cat, and you,” he pointed at me, “will be a dog.” At first I thought that I was simply translating what was said incorrectly. It turned out that everything was fine with my translation, but

It's better to be lucky than right

From the book The Venture Entrepreneur's Handbook [Secrets of Startup Leaders] by Romance Andrew

Better to be lucky than right Another story from Charles Sella, founder and partner of the law firm GTC Law Group, describing the “lucky” outcome of the confrontation between two licensees: One company (I have no right to disclose the name) granted an exclusive license

7.1 “There can be better things than mountains...”

From the book Country plot from scratch author Shukhman Yuri Ilyich

7.1 “There can be better things than mountains...” “... only mountains,” if we remember the classics, and classics in general should be treated very carefully. In this case, we mean the mountains, where among the rocks they bloom luxuriantly. beautiful flowers, or rather, a combination natural stone and plants, and also

Can a living person be a successful heart donor?

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Can a living person be a successful heart donor? Surprisingly, a living person can easily sacrifice his heart for the sake of someone else and still live - provided, of course, that he receives a heart in return. This happens when someone with a serious illness

It's better to be a living dog than a dead lion

From book encyclopedic Dictionary catch words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

It's better to be a living dog than a dead lion. Source: The Bible. The Book of Ecclesiastes (chapter 9, v. 4) says: “Whoever is among the living, there is still hope for him, since it is better for a living dog than for a dead lion.” Quoted as words of consolation: as long as a person lives, his life is also alive

What is better - to be a free dog or to have a piece of meat every day? A Tale of Two Dogs

From the book Business Coach. Profession No. 1 author Sergeev Alexey Viktorovich

What is better - to be a free dog or to have a piece of meat every day? A Tale of Two Dogs Once upon a time in a knacker's farm, among many other dogs, there were two young dogs. different breeds. One had the blood of a Caucasian Shepherd in her veins, and the other was a collie. It so happened that they didn't

1. A good name is better than an expensive suit, and the day of death is better than the day of birth. 2. It is better to go to a house of mourning for the dead than to go to a house of feasting; for this is the end of every man, and the living will apply it to his heart. 3. Lamentation is better than laughter; because with a sad face the heart becomes better. 4. The heart of the wise is in

From book Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

1. good name better than an expensive suit, and the day of death is better than the day of birth. 2. It is better to go to a house of mourning for the dead than to go to a house of feasting; for this is the end of every man, and the living will apply it to his heart. 3. Lamentation is better than laughter; because with a sad face the heart becomes better. 4.

A living dog is better than a dead lion.

  • - On June 17, 1982, the square at the intersection of Serebristy Boulevard and Kotelnikov Alley received the name of one of the first Russian pilots, Lev Makarovich Matsievich, who died during a demonstration...

    St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

  • - village Lev-Tolstovsky district, Oktyabrsky village council. State farm estate named after. Lev Tolstoy. The state farm and the village were named after the nearby regional center - the urban-type settlement Lev Tolstoy...

    Lipetsk toponymy

  • - established in Brunswick in 1834; 5 classes; sign - an 8-pointed blue cross with a red radiant shield, above the cross is a lion in a crown...
  • - One of them was established in 1770 by Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, in 1818 it was transformed by Elector Wilhelm I into the Order of Elector William, and after the death of the last Elector of Hesse it was restored...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - 1) The Order of Zähringen L. was established by Charles Louis Frederick, leader. Duke of Baden, in 1812; has 6 degrees, to which the Order of Berthold was added in 1877 as the highest degree...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - the heart of Scorpio is the main stars in these constellations...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Primary source - the Bible. The Book of Ecclesiastes says: “Whoever is among the living still has hope, since it is better for a living dog than a dead lion.”
  • - From Latin: Ex ungue leonem...

    Dictionary of popular words and expressions

  • - From Latin: Ex ungue leonem pingere. Translation: Draw a lion, starting this drawing with its claw. The expression goes back to an ancient Greek source...

    Dictionary of popular words and expressions

  • - LION, lion, etc. cm....

    Dictionary Ushakova

  • - Wed. Lieber ein lebendiger Hund, als ein toter Löwe. Heine. Reisebilder. 1. Ideen oder das Bach Le Grand. 3. Wed. Mieux vaut goujat debout qu"empereur enterré. La Fontaine. Matrone d"Epbèse. Wed. Val più un asino vivo che un dottore morto...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - A living dog is better than a dead lion. Wed. Lieber ein lebendiger Hund, als ein toter Löwe. Heine. Reisebilder. 1. Ideen oder das Buch Le Grand. 3. Wed. Mieux vaut goujat debout qu'empereur enterré. La Fontaine. Matrone d'Ephèse. Wed. Val più un asino vivo che un dottore morto...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Cm....
  • - Alive dead hits, the dead man screams obscenities, people run to the scream...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The living beats the dead, the dead roars at the top of his lungs...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 Singapore...

    Synonym dictionary

"A living dog is better than a dead lion." in books

"Kick a Dead Lion"

author Dolnik Viktor Rafaelevich

"Kick a Dead Lion"

From the book Naughty Child of the Biosphere [Conversations about human behavior in the company of birds, animals and children] author Dolnik Viktor Rafaelevich

“Kick a Dead Lion” No matter how much tyrants want to live forever, they are still mortal. When a tyrant dies, society becomes stratified. Those whom he could not deform give him their final honors exactly as much as, from their point of view, he deserved them. Those who loved him very much


From the book Vladimir Vysotsky: a trump card in a secret war author Razzakov Fedor

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN NOT LIVE “ALIVE” Vysotsky saw off the old year together with the troupe of his native theater. And, according to eyewitnesses, he was darker than a cloud. L. Georgiev recalls: “There was an empty chair near Volodya’s table. Marina Vladi was supposed to come (he came out two or three times

On the pathography of Leo Tolstoy (On the issue of epileptic seizures in Leo Tolstoy) Prof. Segalin G. V

From the author's book

“Even a donkey can kick a dead lion...”

From the book Life is like a MOVIE, or My husband Avdotya Nikitichna author Prokhnitskaya Eleonora Boleslavovna

“A dead lion can be kicked by a donkey...” At the beginning of 1964, the Moscow Music Hall began preparations for an important tour in Paris. The artistic director of the music hall, Alexander Pavlovich Konnikov, invited me. Boris understood that with my departure from the team there would be

Message of Leo Tolstoy Introductory remarks to the course by V. V. Bibikhin “The Diaries of Leo Tolstoy”

From the book The Diaries of Leo Tolstoy author Bibikhin Vladimir Veniaminovich

Message of Leo Tolstoy Introductory remarks to the course by V.V. Bibikhin “The Diaries of Leo Tolstoy” All people are clogged, and this is terrible. L. N. Tolstoy Recordings of V. V. Bibikhin’s lectures on the diaries of Leo Tolstoy will see the light of day for the first time in this edition. I hope this event will be

author Buzina Oles Alekseevich

On State Benefit, or the Pleasure of Kicking a Dead Lion

From the book Where Should We Go? Russia after Peter the Great author Anisimov Evgeniy Viktorovich

About state benefit, or the pleasure of kicking a dead lion The leaders were unanimous: Peter was a great reformer, he committed with Russia, as P.P. Shafirov wrote, “metamorphosis, that is, transformation,” but it is no longer possible to continue his reformist policy. In that

2. Conspiracy against Leo III by the relatives of Hadrian and other noble persons. - Attempt on the life of Leo III. - His flight to Spoleto. - Lev's departure to Germany and his meeting with Karl. - Rome is in the power of the optimates. - Alcuin's advice to Charles on how to deal with Rome. - Return of Leo to Rome, 799 - Court authorized

author Gregorovius Ferdinand

2. Conspiracy against Leo III by the relatives of Hadrian and other noble persons. - Attempt on the life of Leo III. - His flight to Spoleto. - Lev's departure to Germany and his meeting with Karl. - Rome is in the power of the optimates. - Alcuin's advice to Charles on how to deal with Rome. - Return of Leo to Rome, 799

3. Disturbances in Rome - Bernhard is sent to investigate them. - Death of Leo iii in January 816 - Buildings of Leo in Rome. - The nature of architecture and art of that time. - Title churches and famous monasteries of Rome

From the book History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages author Gregorovius Ferdinand

3. Disturbances in Rome - Bernhard is sent to investigate them. - Death of Leo iii in January 816 - Buildings of Leo in Rome. - The nature of architecture and art of that time. - Title churches and famous monasteries of Rome Upon receiving the news of the death of the emperor, the pope should have

3. Leo IV walls Porto and transfers the harbor to the Corsican colony. - He builds Leopolis near Centumcellus. - Civita Vecchia. - Restoration of Gorta and Ameria. - Church buildings of Leo in Rome. - Offerings of the Lion. - The wealth of church treasuries. - Frascati

From the book History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages author Gregorovius Ferdinand

Million for the city of the dead Lion

From book Secret history Ukraine-Rus author Buzina Oles Alekseevich

Million for city ​​of the dead Leo Today's Lviv is not worth conquering. The train from Kyiv arrives here early in the morning. Shivering from the cold, you walk through dead streets, the houses on which have outlived their builders and owners. Mailboxes covered with several layers

It's better to be a living dog than a dead lion

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

It's better to be a living dog than a dead lion. Source: The Bible. The Book of Ecclesiastes (chapter 9, v. 4) says: “Whoever is among the living, there is still hope for him, since it is better for a living dog than for a dead lion.” Quoted as words of consolation: as long as a person lives, his life is also alive

S. Tretyakov. Living "living" person

From the book Literature of Fact: The first collection of materials from LEF workers author author unknown

S. Tretyakov. A living “living” person (About the book by V.K. Arsenyev “In the wilds of the Ussuri region”, publishing house “Book Business”. Vladivostok, 1926) Literature of fact, opposed by Lef to fiction, usually originates in areas adjacent to literature - in journalism and in every way

1. A good name is better than an expensive suit, and the day of death is better than the day of birth. 2. It is better to go to a house of mourning for the dead than to go to a house of feasting; for this is the end of every man, and the living will apply it to his heart. 3. Lamentation is better than laughter; because with a sad face the heart becomes better. 4. The heart of the wise is in

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

1. A good name is better than an expensive suit, and the day of death is better than the day of birth. 2. It is better to go to a house of mourning for the dead than to go to a house of feasting; for this is the end of every man, and the living will apply it to his heart. 3. Lamentation is better than laughter; because with a sad face the heart becomes better. 4.

(11): And I turned, and saw under the sun that it is not to the swift that the race is won, nor to the brave victory, nor to the wise bread, nor to the wise riches, nor to the skillful favor, but time and chance for all of them.

1. “A living dog is better than a dead lion” (1-10)

The words "under the sun" are repeated often in this book. They mean that the author views the world from a human point of view. If we consider death as the end of everything, then this is the fate of everything and everyone. In this case, life “under the sun” is meaningless. However, the author found three truths about life under the sun: 1) it is better to be alive than dead - a living dog is better than a dead lion; 2) do what you do with joy; 3) what you do, do it with all your might.

2. “It is not the nimble who run successfully” (11-18)

One more thing. Success and happiness do not necessarily come to the capable. God controls every person's life, as well as this world. His wisdom better strength, even if this wisdom is not recognized by others. God bestows His wisdom on those who fear Him and view the world from His perspective.

Prayer: Lord, grant me wisdom; help me to work as hard as I can.

One word: Success does not come to the quick

Author Dolnik Viktor Rafaelevich

"Kick a Dead Lion"

From the book Naughty Child of the Biosphere [Conversations about human behavior in the company of birds, animals and children] author Dolnik Viktor Rafaelevich

“Kick a Dead Lion” No matter how much tyrants want to live forever, they are still mortal. When a tyrant dies, society becomes stratified. Those whom he could not deform give him their final honors exactly as much as, from their point of view, he deserved them. Those who loved him very much

“Even a donkey can kick a dead lion...”

From the book Life is like a MOVIE, or My husband Avdotya Nikitichna author Prokhnitskaya Eleonora Boleslavovna

“A dead lion can be kicked by a donkey...” At the beginning of 1964, the Moscow Music Hall began preparations for an important tour in Paris. The artistic director of the music hall, Alexander Pavlovich Konnikov, invited me. Boris understood that with my departure from the team there would be

Live dog Parody-cipher

From the author's book

Live dog Parody-cipher

From the author's book

Live dog Coded parody Don't talk about me. No need to talk about anyone. Take care of yourself, the rider of the mattress. I was not an extra mouth, but an extra tongue, a latent rodent of vocabulary. Now in your eyes of the barn cat, who kept the grain from spoilage and damage, one can read sadness,

author Buzina Oles Alekseevich

On State Benefit, or the Pleasure of Kicking a Dead Lion

From the book Where Should We Go? Russia after Peter the Great author Anisimov Evgeniy Viktorovich

About state benefit, or the pleasure of kicking a dead lion The leaders were unanimous: Peter was a great reformer, he committed with Russia, as P.P. Shafirov wrote, “metamorphosis, that is, transformation,” but it is no longer possible to continue his reformist policy. In that

2. Conspiracy against Leo III by the relatives of Hadrian and other noble persons. - Attempt on the life of Leo III. - His flight to Spoleto. - Lev's departure to Germany and his meeting with Karl. - Rome is in the power of the optimates. - Alcuin's advice to Charles on how to deal with Rome. - Return of Leo to Rome, 799 - Court authorized

From the book History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages author Gregorovius Ferdinand

2. Conspiracy against Leo III by the relatives of Hadrian and other noble persons. - Attempt on the life of Leo III. - His flight to Spoleto. - Lev's departure to Germany and his meeting with Karl. - Rome is in the power of the optimates. - Alcuin's advice to Charles on how to deal with Rome. - Return of Leo to Rome, 799


From the book Stockholm in the times of Astrid Lindgren. History of everyday life author Chesnokova Tatyana

VIII. “IT WAS A REAL LIVE DOG”... In the animal world. City-forest and city-garden. Peculiarities of capital fishing A kid, feeling lonely, dreams of a dog. After all, mom has a dad, Busse and Bettan always go together. And only the Kid has no one. And so for a day he was born,

Million for the city of the dead Lion

From the book The Secret History of Ukraine-Rus author Buzina Oles Alekseevich

A million for the city of a dead Lion Today's Lviv is not worth conquering. The train from Kyiv arrives here early in the morning. Shivering from the cold, you walk through dead streets, the houses on which have outlived their builders and owners. Mailboxes covered with several layers

Living water of the Dead Sea

From the book I Explore the World. Wonders of the world author Solomko Natalia Zorevna

Living water Dead Sea The Dead Sea and the Jordan River flowing into it are located in the deep tectonic Ghor depression. This is the lowest point of land surface on Earth, located 395 meters below sea level. Water of the Dead seas are almost eight times saltier than normal

Which dog is better?

From the book My Friend Laika author Kuznetsov Nikolay Vasilievich

Which dog is better? In the distant years of my youth, I, like every novice hunter, wanted to have a good hunting dog. My ideas about such a dog, as well as the requirements for hunting, were very inconsistent. They were then compiled from hunting data

Demand and response (“top dog” - “bottom dog”)

From the book Awareness: exploring, experimenting, exercising by John Stevens

Demand and response (“top dog” - “bottom dog”) Sit comfortably and close your eyes. (...) Now imagine that you are looking at yourself sitting opposite. (...) Create some visual image of yourself sitting here opposite you, perhaps as if you

It’s better not to tease this city. Squeezed by the police, on trial, living in a feeling of growing delirium, feeling the executioner’s fingers on its throat, living Moscow still goes to a rally on October 27, 2013

From the book Moscow against Mordor author Polikovsky Alexey

It’s better not to tease this city. Squeezed by the police, on trial, living in a feeling of growing delirium, feeling the executioner’s fingers on your throat, living Moscow on October 27, 2013 still goes to a rally. Two play rock and roll on the corner of Bolshaya Dmitrovka.

1. A good name is better than an expensive suit, and the day of death is better than the day of birth. 2. It is better to go to a house of mourning for the dead than to go to a house of feasting; for this is the end of every man, and the living will apply it to his heart. 3. Lamentation is better than laughter; because with a sad face the heart becomes better. 4. The heart of the wise is in

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

1. A good name is better than an expensive suit, and the day of death is better than the day of birth. 2. It is better to go to a house of mourning for the dead than to go to a house of feasting; for this is the end of every man, and the living will apply it to his heart. 3. Lamentation is better than laughter; because with a sad face the heart becomes better. 4.

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