Valery Leontiev how old is it. How old is Valery Leontiev? When is his birthday? Barriers to Creative Career Development

Russian Mick Jagger - Valery Leontiev is almost 67 years old, and he is still irresistible, energetic and insanely popular. But unlike the outrageous rocker, Valery Leontiev's personal life has always been kept secret. But the more mysterious a person, the more interesting he is. What they just didn’t come up with about the legendary singer in 40 seconds extra years storytelling journalists. Fortunately, Leontiev's biography is so confusing that one can compose and compose. And each new spicy fiction added to his popularity. No matter what they say about him, he only smiled mysteriously, and sometimes mockingly, and only the only gossip pissed him off, so much so that the singer had to be reassured by the entire management of Channel One. And it is not surprising who wants to be a relative of Hitler. There are so many secrets in the life of a cult personality that we do not know where to start. Let's start, perhaps, from the stove - from the birth of Valery Leontiev.

From handyman to pop star: Biography of Valery Leontiev

By official version Valery Leontiev was born in March 1949 in the village of Ust-Usa of the Komi Republic in the family of Yakov and Katerina Leontiev. And according to the unofficial version, he was the son of his 16-year-old "sister" Maya. To hide the shame of her daughter, the 43-year-old grandmother became his mother. Who was the real father of the future singer is a secret behind seven wax seals. According to one version - a gypsy, God knows how he ended up in the regions of permafrost, and according to another - an underage fellow villager. Like it or not - who knows. They say that Valery Leontiev learned the secret of his birth in 2005, before the death of Maya.

Maya Rudaya (Leontieva)

The family moved from place to place three times until they settled in the city of Yuryevets. IN new school the strange boy was not loved. However, this is not surprising - white crows are shunned everywhere. In the 50s of the last century in the USSR, for a boy to smear his face with "Snezhinka" cream and sew outfits - obdurate savagery. Admitting that you're an alien that fell from Alpha Centauri would have caused less surprise among classmates.

Leontiev with early childhood was very artistic, but his parents did not really welcome his talents. Valery later admits that they often "knocked the crap out of him", and both at once. The future singer was engaged in a drama club, soloed in the choir, drew, danced and studied at a music school. He did all this intuitively and absolutely did not dream of a creative career.

At the end of the school, Leontiev wanted to enter the Far Eastern University and become an oceanologist, but the family never collected a ticket. But there was enough for a ticket to Moscow, and Valery submitted documents to GITIS, to the acting department. And 2 weeks later I took it. Shyness, indecision, poverty, provincial complexes and eternal parental reproaches about his oddities did their job. Upon returning to his native Yuryevets, Valery began to work. Electrician, postman, carpenter, handyman, loader and even tailor-cutter. Then there were 3 courses of the Mining Institute and a turn in consciousness - Valery realized that he wanted to sing, and that thousands of eyes would look at him.

The thorny path to glory Valery Leotiev

The singer's career began with a competition for young talents in Syktyvkar. That was in 1972, and 40 years later he will say: "If I had been given the chance to start all over again, I would never have repeated my path." The revolutionary in the pop world, with his performances on stage, broke inveterate Soviet stereotypes and shocked his colleagues - frozen mummies. Everything was wrong with him: a bright appearance, corrected by plastic surgery, uninhibited movements, a hypnotizing voice, unusual costumes invented and sewn by him, non-standard choreography.

They took him off the air, forbade him to go on stage, cut him out of Ogonki, closed the doors in the studio, did not print his photo, and in spite of everyone and everything he released albums, collected huge stadiums and caught thousands of bouquets from enthusiastic fans. Perestroika opened all doors for the singer, and there was no stopping him...

Personal life of Valery Leotiev: family, wife, children

They say that a person with that name could have a brighter and richer personal life. But who knows how it really was. According to rumors, the very first romance happened right after school. Leontiev fell in love with Katya Kosterina and left his parental home. 2 years they lived in civil marriage, and then parted when Katya became pregnant. Classmates are sure that the father of Irina, Katya's daughter, is Valery Leontiev.

Katya Kosterina's house, Irina Lazareva on the right (classmates consider her Leontiev's daughter)

He was credited with many novels - with the Valley, Vaikule, Pugacheva, Laura Quint. Laura was the only woman who admitted that their relationship was real and lasted 9 years, and they parted because of jealousy and resentment.

Valery Leontiev and Laura Quint

In the last two decades, Leontiev was credited with other novels - with men. No matter how much he dissuaded journalists that he was no gay, they did not believe him. A strange relationship with Alexander Bogdanovich, whom the press at first dubbed the son of Leontiev, added fuel to the fire. The singer himself did not recognize the relationship, but hinted at a strong male friendship.

And then everyone learned about the woman who played a fatal role in his fate...

Valery Leontiev and Lyudmila Isaakovich: a convenient wife or the love of the century?

It was Lyudmila Isaakovich, the head of the Echo ensemble, who heard Valery in one of the Syktyvkar restaurants and offered him a job. Thus began the ascent of the star to Olympus. They lived together for 20 years in a civil marriage, and then flew overseas and there officially became husband and wife. And after the wedding, they ended up on both sides of the ocean (Lyudmila stayed in Miami, and Valery returned to Russia), but continued to be a family, although they rarely saw each other - 2-3 months a year. But the wife categorically did not want children, and Leontiev even thought about a surrogate mother.

Valery Leontiev and Lyudmila Isaakovich

The singer himself will somehow call his relationship with Lyudmila Isaakovich marriage-friendship, however, "not the first freshness and not the first passion." And later he will answer the burning, asked for the millionth time, question of another journalist about her personal life as follows: “My other half is my fans. Everything I did on stage, I did for them. Soulful aunts, maternally squeezing me after concerts, and carefully passing homemade dishes, and young girls who express their emotions so touchingly. I can’t imagine life without them, which is probably why I don’t leave.”

For more than 40 years, “everyone is running, running, running, running, and he shines for them.” And why? Yes, because he is in love with life, like his traffic light from the famous song. Here he is the mysterious Valery Leontiev, whose personal life is so interesting to all fans. What difference does it make what was or was not there in that personal life, the main thing is something else:

He turned himself on

So that in the fate of both yours and mine

The green light lasted.

The personal life of Valery Leontiev is a secret with seven seals. This also applies to his past, the artist prefers not to talk about his origin and rarely talks about his parents. There is a lot of confusion in the past of a celebrity. As it turned out, the singer for a long time He considered his mother to be his sister and his grandmother to be his mother.

Today, on the singer's birthday, The Day newspaper publishes the story of a woman who told sensational details this story.

Anna Vlasovna Moskaleva lives in the village of Zagoryanka near Moscow. She met Leontiev in 1949, when he was ... six months old. She graduated from college in Vologda region and came to work in the village of Novik-Bozh, in the Komi Republic. Once in a village she met Maya Leontieva.

We became friends, and I began to visit her house often. Maya was about 16 years old. The Leontiefs occupied part of a large house - two rooms and a kitchen. They lived poorly. There I first saw Maya's mother, Ekaterina Ivanovna. And six-month-old Valerka in diapers. It was her, her grandmother, Valera long years considered and called mother. And Maya is the older sister ...

The Leontiev family moved to Novik-Bozh from the Far East. Everyone in the village was sure that little Valera - younger son Maya, and it could not have occurred to anyone that the 15-year-old girl was actually the mother of Valery Leontiev. Trying to hide the family shame, the Leontievs even gave Valera's middle name the same as Maya's - Yakovlevich. Who was the real father of Valera is unknown.

Ekaterina Ivanovna herself gave birth to Maya, well, being married. However, by the time her daughter was born, she was an adult. Maya's real father was called Jacob, and he was a gypsy. When she was born, he left her mother. And after some time, Catherine married Jacob, but another. Yakov Leontiev worked as a livestock veterinarian at a reindeer-breeding state farm. So the family received the name Leontiev.

After some time, Maya went to study in Syktyvkar, Anna Vlasovna recalls. - And Valerka stayed with his grandmother. He was artificial - Maya breastfed him for only a few days. So Ekaterina Ivanovna raised Valerka. And I often helped her. And at all was have them in family his. They did not hide from me that Valera is the son of Maya. Once I asked Ivanovna: who is Valera's father?


Why doesn't she live with her husband?

He is not a match for her, - Ivanovna snapped.

But I didn't believe her. It is clear that Maya did not have any husband.

After studying, Maya went to work in Vorkuta, where she married a man named Rudaya and gave birth to a son, Igor, from him. For some time they lived together - Maya took Valera from her mother. But the marriage turned out to be short-lived - the young woman was left alone with her two sons. And again, Ekaterina Ivanovna took Valera to her place - for a long time already. By that time, she had already moved with her husband to Yuryev, and then to Nizhny Novgorod. Only after graduating from school, Valera went to live with Maya.

Valera entered the mining technical school, then the evening department of the branch of the Leningrad Mining Institute - the faculty of industrial and civil engineering. But after the second year, he left the institute and seriously took up vocals.

Moskaleva is sure that even now Valery Leontiev does not know the whole truth about his family. She heard how several times in an interview he called Ekaterina Ivanovna his mother.

When I first saw the singer Valery Leontiev on the screen, I didn’t think that this was the same Valery that I carried in my arms, ”she says. - But I heard his interview - Novik-Bozh, the father of a livestock specialist - I realized - he is! And much later I learned from neighbors that next to us, in Valentinovka, in the dacha, Leontiev lives with his mother.

I thought that he lives there with Maya, and rushed to Valentinovka ... Only the fourth time I was lucky. A woman came out of a neighboring house and said that Valera was late. He comes with his ballet, the music rumbles until the morning. I asked: "And mom?"

She recently died, the woman said. - She was very old woman.

How very old? I was surprised, but then I realized that we are talking not about Maya, but about Ekaterina Ivanovna ...

Original taken from a_glazunov in Anatoly Glazunov (Blockade). Zhidovsky Telebox.. Collection (continued).

What is the nationality of the singer Valery Leontiev?

This question is often asked. In official biographies, there is no answer. In unofficial ones, they say - Komi-Permyak or Khant, since he was born in the Komi Republic. Others say gypsies. Still others say that it has a Jewish admixture ... The singer himself stubbornly kept silent about his nationality for decades.

Also earlier he said that he was not a pederast. Then he stopped answering this unpleasant question for him. Then he said that he was not against the existence of homosexuals in Russia and on the globe.

He was born in 1949 in the village of Ust-Usa, Komi ASSR, Russia. By official biography, his father is a livestock specialist, reindeer breeder, Leontiev Yakov Stepanovich, originally from the Arkhangelsk region. Mother - Ekaterina Ivanovna Leontyeva (nee Klyuts) - from Ukraine. Valery Leontiev also had elder sister Mayan.

But other information has also been published. The aforementioned father is not his biological father at all, but the aforementioned mother is not his biological mother. His biological father is not exactly known. According to one version, the biological father of Valery Leontiev is the gypsy Yasha. His biological mother is "his older sister" Maya. I will post a note on this topic.

The secret of the origin of Valery Leontiev
Leontiev's path to Olympus was thorny and difficult. It began in the distant Komi Republic, where he spent his childhood. The singer's mother ended up in the Arctic after graduating from the Vorkuta Trade and Culinary School. She was assigned to the village of Ust-Usa. The rumor about the beauty of Maya instantly spread throughout the district. Many village peasants rushed after her, but the black-browed dark-skinned girl was impregnable. One day a gypsy named Yasha showed up in the village. A handsome man, about whom the entire local "woman's kingdom" sighed. The fire of Yasha's eyes burned the heart of the mother of the future star.
Valerka was born, but... the gypsy disappeared as suddenly as he appeared. Left with the baby in her arms, the girl returned to her father's house. Trying to hide the family shame, the Leontievs concealed the origin of the baby from the villagers and told everyone that Valera was the younger brother of his young mother. However, you can’t hide an awl in a bag ...

Having reached the age of majority, the girl married a man named Rudaya and gave birth to another son. Lived on Thursday. Neighbors complained that the youngest Igor was firing from his father's gun at cats and pigeons. Unlike his half-brother, Valera was distinguished by a soft and calm character. But he very painfully endured the ridicule of the neighbor boys about the number of iron teeth in his mouth. "Spit out the scrap metal," they teased.

Marriage with the second husband of Valery's mother also did not bring happiness. The eldest grandson was raised by a grandmother who lived in Nizhny Novgorod.

After school, Valera entered the Mining College. Then, as if on steps, to the Mining Institute. But here he seemed to stumble. After the second year, he leaves the walls of the alma mater and is seriously engaged in vocals, while simultaneously working as a draftsman at PechorNIIproekt.
Having won one of the song contests, Leontiev announced himself in Moscow, where many at first mistook him for a "monkey". This is how you can briefly describe the fate of Valery Leontiev. Further study of the biography of the singer led me to a woman who told a truly sensational news. Indeed, it turns out that all his life the singer considered his mother my own grandmother, and mother - sister ...

Anna Vlasovna Moskaleva lives in the village of Zagoryanka, Moscow Region. "Met" the future star when he was ... six months old.
However, everything is in order:

- I graduated from the Sukhona Milk Canning College of the Vologda Region in Sokol. According to the distribution, she ended up in the Trestkomimasloprom. At first she worked as a technologist in the Priluzhsky region, then in the Ust-Usinsky region. Here was the only plant in the USSR that processed deer meat into canned food.
Once - it was September 1950 - I came to the village store and there I met Maya, Valery's mother. She invited me to visit. Their house was at the very end of the village. They lived poorly. It was there that I first saw Maya's mother - Ekaterina Ivanovna, whom Valery Leontiev considered his own mother all his life. She was 46 at that time. Six-month-old Valera was busy in diapers.
By the way, Ekaterina Ivanovna played an important role in my life. Maya was then about 16 years old. Mother and daughter, it must be said, are not at all alike, although both are beautiful in their own way.

Maya is small in stature, fine, athletic, with a lively sheen under the arches of resinous eyebrows. Ekaterina Ivanovna was amazingly built - a chiseled figure, swift in her movements, and an excellent hostess. By nationality - Ukrainian, originally from the Zaporozhye region.
Once I came to them, I found Ekaterina Ivanovna's husband, Yakov Stepanovich Leontiev. He was a reindeer herder. In the autumn, the herds came to this station on their own, where they were sorted, getting rid of weak animals. At home, the owner stocked up on food and, together with the herd, again retired in the direction of the North Arctic Ocean. What did he look like? A thin blond of small stature, half a head shorter than his wife.
A few months later, Maya left to study in Vorkuta. Ekaterina Ivanovna stayed with little Valera. I was like a member of their family, and they never hid from me that Valera is the son of Maya. Together with Ekaterina Ivanovna, I nursed the baby. Who knew that she rocked the future pop star.

family secret
In the life of Valery Leontiev, misfortune happened again. In Anapa, at the age of 82, Georgy Rudoy suddenly died of a heart attack - a man with whom the artist had a relationship characteristic of father and son since childhood.
A family secret for many years hid the truth about the birth of Valery Leontiev, not only from his fans, but also from the singer himself.
Until adulthood, the artist lived with the confidence that he was the late son of Ekaterina and Yakov Leontiev, but, while still a schoolboy, he moved to live with Maya and Georgy Rudym. The couple took care of the boy and loved no less than their own two sons. For everyone around, including Valerik himself, Maya was his older sister ... In 2005, Maya died. And now it is impossible to find out who his father and mother really were, which made the elder Leontievs hide the truth about the birth of the singer. But family secret still excites countless fans of the artist. Journalists of "Life" visited the artist's parental home and found out that Georgy Rudoy could well be the father of the famous singer.

An old friend and neighbor of the Rudykh family, Valentina Semyonovna Bumakova, still mourns Georgy as if she were her own.
- He was a wonderful person, - the pensioner begins with sincere warmth in her voice. - Georgy for Valerochka has always been like a father. Everyone was surprised at how reverently they treated each other. Not every father is like that. own child stretches like Zhora to Valerochka. While Maya was alive, they lived very happily and amicably. And when Maya died, I looked after Zhora like a neighbor. Helped - than she could, and just talked. Once I could not resist and nevertheless asked him: “Is it true that Maya was Valera’s real mother, and not a sister, as everyone thought?” Zhora was silent. And then he said: “A lot of things are said. I'll tell you one thing - I consider Valera to be my family - and that's it! But since Katya said that he was her son, then it should be so. And let them always think so ... ".

Here is another snippet from the interview.

They say that it was not my mother who gave birth to me, but some other woman.

Leontiev:“One day I was at home and my TV was on. Suddenly I hear: "Stay with us if you want to know the secret of Hitler's death and the secret of the birth of Valery Leontiev." Well, I "stayed with them." I think it's interesting how my fate is connected with the fate of the Fuhrer? It turned out - none. Just to increase the rating of the program, they blinded such an announcement. But in fact, at first they discussed an independent story about Hitler, and only then - separately about my birth. Aunts appeared in the studio of the “Let them talk” program, swearing that it was not my mother who gave birth to me, but some other woman. I am not familiar with such details of my birth. As I knew all my life that my mother's name was Katerina Ivanovna, I still know it now. In general, such gossip can unnerve someone, but I am no longer there ... But in general, of course, you need to be in good health so that the tower does not “move down” from all the stories that are told about me.
(Mikhail Margolis)

So, several versions. Valery Leontiev is the son of Ekaterina Ivanovna (nee Klyutz) and reindeer breeder Yakov Stepanovich Leontiev (nationality unknown). Valery Leontiev is the son of Ekaterina Ivanovna and an unknown man. The son of Maya and a gypsy named Yasha. The son of Maya and an unknown man. Maya's son and the repairman household appliances, whose name was Georgy Ruda (a strange surname, who is Ruda by nationality?) ... It would seem that millions of rubles and dollars for singing on stage, on TV, for discs - Leontiev is a lot, not a poor man. Well, pay the researchers, and they will dig up a lot of interesting things about the ancestors of Valery Leontiev in the archives. But the pevun does not want to have a detailed and evidence-based biography about his ancestors. Probably, he still fears that the archivists will suddenly prove that "it was not my mother who gave birth to me, but some other woman." And the biological father is not a livestock specialist and a reindeer herder at all. Suddenly, it’s true that half of the singer’s genes are from the gypsy Yasha ... A mixture of Ukrainian, gypsy and, maybe, some other blood ... He doesn’t want to dig.

And in spirit, Leontiev's whole life is in friendship and cooperation with the Jews. And, of course, Leontiev did not say a word for decades on the Russian-Jewish question. Not a word about discrimination against the Russian people.

Part of his childhood was spent in the Arkhangelsk region. In 1961 the family moved to the city of Yurievets Ivanovo region. He was engaged in drawing, dancing, was in a drama club, was a soloist in the school choir. After graduating from the 8th grade, he went to enter the Murom Radio Engineering College, but did not enter. In 1966 he graduated from high school, wanted to enter the Faculty of Oceanology at the Far Eastern University (Vladivostok). But the family did not have money for such a long trip. Then he went to Moscow and submitted a document to GITIS, to the acting department, but then he took the documents and returned to Yuryevets. Then he was a worker at a brick factory, worked as a ribbon-greaser at a flax-spinning factory, a postman, an electrician, a tailor and a fashion designer. Then he went to Vorkuta and there he entered the evening department of the Vorkuta branch of the Leningrad Mining Institute. At the same time, he worked as a laboratory assistant at the Research Institute of Foundations and Underground Structures, as well as a draftsman at a design institute. Everywhere he sang in amateur performances. There was no interest in mining at all, and in the third year he left the university.

The first appearance on the big stage was in 1971. A local competition "Song-71" was held in Vorkuta. There Leontiev took second place with the song "Carnival". He gave his first concert on April 9, 1972 on the stage of the Vorkuta House of Culture of Miners and Builders. Since 1972, his career as a singer begins. In 1972, he went to Syktyvkar for a festival-competition among amateur creative youth "We are looking for talents" and won this competition. After that, Leontiev - as the best of fifteen contestants - was sent to Moscow to study at the All-Union Creative Workshop of Variety Art Georgy Vinogradov. But he did not finish his studies here, a year later the director of the Syktyvkar Philharmonic Alexander Strelchenko took the group to Syktyvkar.
In Syktyvkar, Leontiev works in the ensemble "Dreamers". In 1974 (still under the CPSU), he released his first program called "Joy on the Road" and received his first badge of honor - "Excellence in work in the countryside."

Since 1975, Leontiev has been a soloist in the Echo group. Then the penetrating Lyuda Isakovich helped. Judging by the surname - a Jew. I quote: “Since 1972, she led the local ensemble “Echo”, where she met a young, but very promising, in her opinion, young Leontiev. Lyudmila Isakovich decided that Syktyvkar was small for such a "fish" as she, therefore, feeling sympathy for Valera Leontiev, she suggested that he seek his fortune in Moscow together. Leontiev agreed. They were sheltered by Luda's "older friend" Batak and provided with housing. The career of the young Leontiev immediately went up, and Lyudmila Isakovich, becoming his faithful companion in the group (she worked as a bass player for a long time) and part-time muse, she began to feel like a shadow, his second self. She experienced his creative crises and failures, rejoiced at his achievements. Then she went to America. They were married for about 40 years, but rarely met.

The group's first program was called "Carnival in the North" and was released in 1976. Then the program "Smile of the Northern Land" was released. Leontiev and the Echo group traveled all over the Soviet Union with her. But performances were mainly held in provincial houses of culture.

In 1978, the singer sang for the first time on the stage of the Oktyabrsky Grand Concert Hall.

Some officials do not like Leontiev's performances, he "shows off too much", this is different from other singers. In 1980, Leontiev's performance was even removed from the New Year's "Spark", but the Jewess Lyudmila Isaakovich takes the initiative in her own hands: she connects all her connections, calls and asks " the right people for help and Leontiev is still shown on New Year's Eve.

A year later, Leontiev began working at the Gorky Philharmonic.
In the same year, he took part in the First All-Union Competition for the best performance of songs from the countries of the socialist community. The festival was held in Yalta. Leontiev received the first prize for his performance of the composition “In Memory of a Guitarist” to the music of David Tukhmanov (Armenian by nationality) and poems by Robert Rozhdestvensky (real name - Robert Stanislavovich Petkevich, his own father - Stanislav Nikodimovich Petkevich, by nationality - Pole).

In the summer of 1980 he won the main prize of the 16th International Pop Song Festival "Golden Orpheus", which was held in Sopot. He also received a special prize from the Bulgarian fashion magazine Lada for the best stage costume. The costume was designed and sewn by myself. In 1980 he sang in various combined concerts, at the Variety Theatre, Oktyabrsky and Luzhniki. In 1981 he won the popularity prize among the undemanding public at the "prestigious" music festival"Yerevan-81".

In 1982, Leontiev - major operation. He had a tumor removed from his throat. He began to think about how to live if he could not sing. He entered the Leningrad Institute of Culture named after N.K. Krupskaya. He began to master the specialty "director of mass performances." But it soon became clear that he could continue to sing and Leontiev continued to give concerts. But he continued his studies.

In 1983, the singer went to work at the Voroshilovgrad Philharmonic in the Ukrainian SSR. A year later, he was given a whole section in the author's evening "Holy love for music" by composer Raymond Pauls, which took place in the Moscow concert hall "Russia". In 1985 Leontiev received the prize Lenin Komsomol. Then he went to Afghanistan and Chernobyl with a group of artists. In 1987 he became the Honored Artist of Ukraine. Graduated from high school.

“His concerts are a super show - a fusion of pop, music hall, ballet, circus, light and laser effects” And he had and still has many admirers and admirers, even among Russian girls and women of low quality. Which grew up during the lack of information and powerful Jewish zombies.

In total, Leontiev released about 25 studio albums. He has acted in films several times.

Appeared on the screens of Teleyashik as a hero documentaries about his life and work. “I don’t say goodbye to you”, “Valery Leontiev” and “On the way to Olympus: Valery Leontiev” were aired.

After the discount of the CPSU and the Second Great Leap of the Jews into power, Leontiev's financial situation improved significantly. They began to pay a lot more to the stage. And it became freer.

I am quoting from an interview.
- The fact is that I never existed in socialist aesthetics. She has always been a stranger to me. Even in those years when this song sounded eighteen times a day, and now even more so.

Do you want to say that you are far from politics?

I don't care and don't need it. I would never work in this field. Although ... in 1996 I was nevertheless drawn into a political game. Just then the whole country chose the president. There was a tour, and we, the artists, had to travel around the country and campaign for Yeltsin ...

What do you mean you had to - you were forced?

It was necessary to save Russia from Zyuganov. I don't know how much our participation helped. Someone counted five percent, someone ten ... But it was separate case. Since then, I have never come close to politics. Sometimes I even feel sorry for politicians... They are unhappy people in their own way. From morning to evening at work ... It is not clear when they sleep, eat, when they make love?
(Moskovsky Komsomolets": Interview with Valery Leontiev. 2002).

He did not understand and does not understand that it is impossible to be outside of politics. The Jews ruled under the CPSU, and he was on friendly terms with the Jews and did not particularly upset the officials of the CPSU. He was a typical conformist. Then he took the side of Boris Yeltsin. He himself admitted this. Although he did not understand well in politics, he lived and sang during the Second Great Leap of the Jews into power after 1991, and was clearly on the side of Yeltsin and the Jews. He saw the strengthening of the Jews in the Telebox, but did not object to the strengthening of the Jews. He "did not notice" how millions of Russians under Yeltsin fled from the former Soviet republics. Tens of thousands of Russians were brutally killed. Thousands of Russian women and girls were raped, and how many thousands were tortured to death ... And the singer Leontiev sang and sang at the top of his voice, earned money. Like all modern stage. Not a single song about suffering, about discrimination against Russians. And if he sang at least one song on this topic, the Jews would kick him out of the stage. Note that he was not afraid to sing on this topic, he simply did not see the discrimination of the Russian people. He has such a head, such eyes.
In 1996 he was given the title of " National artist Russia". In 1998, on the Square of Stars near the building of the State Concert Hall "Russia" in Moscow, the name sign of Valery Leontiev was laid. In 2005, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. In 2007, he received the Order of Peter the Great, I degree, from the Academy for Defense Security and Law Enforcement Problems, as well as the Order of Mikhail Lomonosov. Funny, but true.

(Continuation of "Leontiev and the Jews" - follows)

The collection "Zhidovsky TV box" in a fuller volume, the Fundamentals of Russian Cosmism and other books of the author can also be read here: (little red censorship here).
“Get up, Russian people!”
Don't be afraid, Russian people!

Valery Yakovlevich Leontiev. Born March 19, 1949 in the village of Ust-Usa (Komi ASSR). Soviet and Russian singer, actor. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1996).

Father - Yakov Stepanovich Leontiev, came from Pomors of the Arkhangelsk region.

Mother - Ekaterina Ivanovna Leontieva (nee Klyuts), was born in Ukraine.

Parents worked as veterinary reindeer breeders.

Had an older sister Maya (1930-2005).

Some sources claim that Valery Leontiev is a Mansi by nationality. However, he himself claims that he has Russian and Ukrainian roots.

In one of the programs “Let them talk!” the TV presenter expressed the version that the singer's mother was his older sister Maya, and Yakov Stepanovich and Ekaterina Ivanovna were in reality his grandparents, who declared him their son in order to cover up for an early birth unmarried daughter. Valery Leontiev threatened Malakhov with a lawsuit, but the scandal was settled.

He was the late child in the family. He spent his childhood in the village of Upper Matigory, Kholmogory district, Arkhangelsk region.

In 1961, the family moved to the city of Yuryevets, Ivanovo Region, where Leontiev graduated from high school.

In my school years, I wanted to become an oceanologist, I was going to enter the Far Eastern University, but due to financial problems in the family, I had to part with my plans.

In 1966, he submitted documents to GITIS, but at the last moment changed his mind and took them back.

Returning to his Yuryevets, in search of work, he managed to try many professions - an auxiliary worker at a brick factory, an operator at a dairy factory, a ribbon-oiler at a flax-spinning factory, a postman, an electrician, a tailor, etc.

Later he moved to Vorkuta, where he entered the branch of the Leningrad Mining Institute, worked as a laboratory assistant at the Research Institute of Foundations and Underground Structures.

On April 9, 1972, the first solo concert of Valery Leontiev took place. "It happened in the village of Loima, Komi ASSR. It was a fierce winter, and I had to work in an unheated building former church. There were forty people seated on the benches. And in order to warm both ourselves and the audience, we chipped ice from firewood, chopped logs and stoked the stove," he said.

In the same year, he won the regional competition "Song-72" in Syktyvkar with the song "Carnival in the North". The prize for winning the competition was training at the Creative Workshop of Variety Art of Georgy Vinogradov in Moscow.

However, the singer did not complete his studies and in 1973 he returned to Syktyvkar, where he worked as a soloist in the local philharmonic society.

In 1974, Valery Leontiev became the soloist of the Dreamers group, which was soon renamed into "Echo". Valery works with this team to this day.

In 1978 he graduated from the correspondence department of the Leningrad Institute of Culture.

In 1979, Valery Leontiev moved to the Gorky Philharmonic on the condition that the latter send him to the All-Union Competition in Yalta. For the performance of the 12-minute ballad "In Memory of the Guitarist" by David Tukhmanov, Leontiev received the first prize in a competition broadcast throughout the country.

Then he continued to collaborate with Tukhmanov, the songs “The Beloved Side” to the verses of Igor Shaferan, “There in September” to the verses of Leonid Derbenev (for the first time on the TV screen in the Music Kiosk program) and others appeared. The song “Dancing Hour in the Sun” Tukhmanov brought Leontiev first prize at the Golden Orpheus festival in Bulgaria in 1980.

From July 28, 1982 to 1995, he worked at the Voroshilovgrad (now Lugansk) Philharmonic Society as a soloist-vocalist of the pop genre, artistic director of the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Echo". It was during this period that he was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1985), and in 1987 Valery Leontiev was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR.

In the 1980s, a period of work began with. They collaborated most actively in 1984-1986, then the hits "Green Light", "Inactivity", "Years of Wanderings", "Eclipse of the Heart", "Disappeared sunny days" and etc.

Valery Leontiev - Sunny days have disappeared

During the years of perestroika in 1987, the Ministry of Education of the USSR considered the participation Soviet Union in the prestigious European song contest Eurovision. USSR Minister of Education Georgy Veselov proposed to send Valery Leontiev. However, the idea of ​​Georgy Veselov was not supported by the Central Committee of the CPSU and Gorbachev. Even in the Ministry of Education, the majority was determined that the USSR was not yet ready for such radical steps.

He took part in the Pauls program "Holy love for music" at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia". The song "Farewell to Mom" ​​marked the beginning of cooperation with Laura Quint.

New song programs were prepared annually, the premieres of which were held in Leningrad in the Oktyabrsky concert hall, and since the mid-1980s in Moscow at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall: “I'm just a singer” (1982), “Running through life” (1984) , "Alone with Everyone" (1985), "Star Story" (1986), "Confession" (1987), "It seems to me that I have not lived yet" (1990), etc.

The old dream of the theater led Leontiev to work on a rock opera. Thanks to his enthusiasm and energy, the premiere of the opera Giordano (1988, music. Quint, art. V. Kostrov, director V. Druzhinin) took place at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", in which Leontiev played three diverse roles: Giordano, Jester, Satan.

In 1991, Valery Leontiev received the The World Music Awards as the best performer, the leader in sales of sound carriers in the USSR.

From 1992 to 1998 he worked with Alla Dukhova's ballet Todes. Since 1998 he has been working with his ballet Dangerous Liaisons.

In 1993, his show "Full Moon" at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" was recognized best show of the year.

In 1997, together with the composer Y. Chernyavsky, he recorded the albums "On the Road to Hollywood" and "Santa Barbara" in the USA.

On March 28, 1998, in the very center of Moscow, not far from the Kremlin, a solemn ceremony of laying Valery Leontiev's personal star on the "Square of Stars" was held.

In 2006, he sang a duet with. In August 2006, a concert was held in Sochi for the heads of the CIS, at which Leontiev presented a program of four songs. At the end of the performance, when the artist was called for an encore, he decided to perform the song "Hope". Unexpectedly, Vladimir Putin joined him and Leontiev handed him the microphone.

In 2009, Leontiev's nominal star appeared on the "Avenue of Stars" of the Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk.

In 2015, a creative evening of Valery Leontiev took place on the New Wave in Sochi.

In 2017, Valery Leontiev will celebrate the 45th anniversary of being on stage.

Socio-political views of Valery Leontiev

In 2014, he supported Vladimir Putin's policy on Ukraine and Crimea.

In April 2017, the singer “Who would have thought that while I was finishing the concert in Volgograd, someone was adding me to the black list of performers in Ukraine. I did not plan to offend Ukrainian legislators with my visit to a reserved corner of Russia, and, of course, I will see Ukrainian fans and friends," the artist said in his commentary.

Valery Leontiev. Casanova. Let them talk

The growth of Valery Leontiev: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Valery Leontiev:

Wife - Lyudmila Isakovich, a former bass player, and now a groomer (specialist in animal care), lives in the USA.

They have been together since 1972, officially registered their relationship in 1998. Later, according to media reports, they broke up, Leontiev left his ex-wife a house in Miami. At the same time, the artist himself denied these rumors.

The singer was credited with a relationship with, Larisa Dolina,. The latter confirmed that they had an affair.

There were also many rumors that the artist has an adult daughter.

did a lot plastic surgery in order to rejuvenate one's appearance: facelifts, Botox injections, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, abdominoplasty, hip correction, etc. and so on.

Valery Leontiev has repeatedly declared his tolerant attitude towards homosexuality: “As recent studies show, this is predetermined at the genetic level. In general, it seems to me that everything created by God and nature has the right to be. But if it is a sin, then, then, it means God has sinned against himself."

Filmography of Valery Leontiev:

1981 - At someone else's holiday - Oleg
1985 - Don't go, girls, get married - cameo
1985 - Insurance agent - guy in a restaurant
1991 - Psychic - Chinese

Discography of Valery Leontiev:

1983 - Muse
1984 - Dialogue
1984 - Premiere
1986 - Disco
1986 - Velvet Season
1988 - I'm just a singer
1990 - A matter of taste
1990 - Sinful way
1993 - Night
1993 - Full Moon
1994 - At the gates of the Lord
1995 - On the road to Hollywood
1998 - Santa Barbara
1999 - Rope dancer
1999 - Everyone wants to love
2001 - Augustine
2003 - Maple Leaf
2004 - Night call
2005 - I'm falling into the sky ...
2009 - Years of wandering
2011 - Artist
2014 - Love-trap
2017 - This is love

Video clips of Valery Leontiev:

1980 - There, in September
1981 - Mask
1981 - Who is to blame?
1982 - Where did the circus go
1983 - Hang gliding
1984 - Singing mime
1985 - Steamboats
1986 - Arena
1986 - Lighthouse
1986 - Horse, my horse
1987 - Dog Show
1988 - Margarita
1989 - Drawing
1990 - Santa Maria
1990 - Emelya
1990 - Black Sea
1991 - Night
1992 - At the gates of the Lord
1993 - Casanova
1994 - Confession
1995 - On the road to Hollywood
1997 - Hafanana
2000 - Eternal love
2000 - Augustine
2001 - Red cat
2001 - Adjuster
2001 - Michelle
2002 - Not like that
2003 - Night call
2004 - A mi double (with Dmitry Gordon)

The famous performer Valery Leontiev became the first musician to combine singing with dramatic art. He became the first artist who dared to impress the Soviet audience with the outrageousness and brightness of the show, and he did not lose. His original style of performance, coupled with his talent and amazing voice, brought the singer immense popularity. How old is Valery Leontiev? In March 2017, the popular performer will turn 68 years old, because he was born on March 19, 1949.

The musician was born in the small village of Ust-Usa (Komi ASSR) in the family of a veterinary doctor. When the future artist reached the age of eleven, the Leontievs moved to the city of Yuryevets, in the Ivanovo region, where the performer's school years and youth pass.

Having received eight classes of education, the artist went to enter the technical school of the city of Murom, but his attempt failed, and the singer returned to continue his studies at school. After the tenth grade, the guy planned to apply to the Faculty of Oceanology. But for this it was necessary to go to Far East, but he failed to raise money for a ticket. The singer decides to travel to Moscow, where he wants to study at GITIS. But, frightened and not waiting for the entrance exams, he takes the certificate and returns to Yuryevets.

And the reaper and the reader

Before becoming famous, Valery studied many professions, and he had to earn extra money as an electrician and a postman and a laborer at a factory. In addition, Valery tried to be a tailor, and even a fashion designer - these professions will be useful to him in the future to create stage costumes.

A few years later, the musician will again try to graduate from high school and enter distance learning in the Institute. But science doesn't care much young man, and therefore Valery throws a higher institution.

In parallel with his studies, the singer works in the laboratory of one of the scientific institutes, and moonlights as a draftsman at the KBI. IN free time continues to perform in amateur art circles and continues to sing.

First success

Leontiev made his debut on the big stage in 1971. Then in Vorkuta there was a regional competitive festival"Song-71", and the artist performed there with his composition "Carnival", taking the second place of honor. A few months later, the musician gave his first solo performance on the stage of the Vorkuta Palace of Culture - this moment can be considered the beginning of a career.

Further, the young performer went to Syktyvkar, where he won a prize at the amateur competition “We are looking for talents”. Leontiev was sent to study at the All-Union School of Variety Art in Moscow. But Leontiev did not finish his studies, and a year later he returned to Syktyvkar together with the team created by Alexander Strelchenko.

In The Dreamers, the artist did not stay long, and a year later he released his own program, which was called Joy on the Road.

In the future, he falls into the Echo group, and the group releases the concert program Carnival in the North. The next album "Echo in the North" was popular, and with it the team traveled almost the entire territory Soviet state. True, the scenes of performances were most often the venues of provincial recreation centers.

First achievements

  • At the First All-Union Competition, held in Yalta (1975), Valery received a prize for performing the song "In Memory of a Guitarist".
  • In the 80s, the musician became the owner of the title of the best performer on international competition"Golden Orpheus". Moreover, not only his singing was noted here, but also the stage costume, which Valery sewed himself.
  • The popularity of the artist is growing, and he performs in many combined concert programs along with other popular performers. Valery is applauded on the stages of Oktyabrsky and Luzhniki.
  • In 1981, the musician became the winner of the Yerevan-81 festival.

Political persecution and loss of voice

Leontiev's outrageous performances did not go unnoticed by foreign journalists, and many of them began to compare Valery with Mick Jaeger. This turn of events caused indignation among Soviet officials, and the artist was denied performances. This period was one of the most difficult in the artist's life, because without a stage he could no longer imagine his existence. An old friend, Raymond Pauls, helped singer Valery Leontiev get out of political disgrace. This famous composer, not fearing the condemnation of the authorities, constantly invited Leontiev to perform at his concerts. And soon, the incident was forgotten and Leontiev again began to appear at all major events.

In 1982, a difficult moment came in the artist's life when, after removing a tumor on his throat, the question was whether he would sing. To distract Valery decided to get higher education and entered the Krupskaya Institute (Leningrad). It soon became clear that the singer had not lost the opportunity to perform his compositions, and therefore the artist went on a big tour about it. But, despite the rather busy schedule of tours and concerts, Leontiev graduated from a higher institution.

During his professional activity Valeriy has released 25 studio albums and hosted an incredible number of performances. Each of his shows is accompanied by a "theatrical" production, directed by the singer himself. In addition, his concert costumes have become a legend, because in the days of the "Soviet power" not a single performer allowed himself such bold and outrageous images. His songs became insanely popular, and they could be heard from every receiver. The hits "Hang-glider", "Everyone wants to love", "Margarita", "Casanova" and many others quickly found themselves at the top of all charts, and held the lead for quite a long time.

Valery has always taken his personal life very seriously and has never commented on his relationship. Perhaps because of this secrecy with outrageousness, the artist was often accused of homosexuality. He steadfastly withstood these rumors, not defending himself and not trying to refute them. Despite the heightened secrecy, the journalists managed to establish that the singer had long been married to bass player Lyudmila Isakovich. They began to live together since the distant 72nd year, but only in 1998 officially registered their relationship. Their 44-year marriage breaks all stereotypes about the "fickleness" of celebrities.

Artist's life now

The artist released his last studio album in 2009, and for the time being nothing new appeared in the artist's repertoire. The number of concerts and performances also cannot be called numerous, but this is not surprising, given the age of the singer. How old is Leontiev now? According to the passport data, the musician is already 67 years old, but you can’t tell by looking at it. After all, Leontiev always watched his figure, and therefore earned the title of "sex symbol" of the Russian stage.

In addition, the singer does not deny that he repeatedly went under the surgeon's knife in order to rejuvenate. In 2014, the artist's anniversary concert was held, where he celebrated his 65th birthday. And looking at this fit, youthful and energetic person, no one would have guessed his real age. So, perhaps in the future he will please us with new hits more than once.

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