Galkin age year. Maxim Galkin: personal life, rumors, latest news, photos and videos. Best show men

Comedian and TV presenter Maxim Galkin lost both parents in the early 2000s. It was not easy for him and his older brother to come to terms with a heavy loss. As it turned out, the woman was sick, and the body could not overcome the disease. “Mom passed away exactly 14 years ago, on April 9, 2004. On April 7, between tours, I visited her in Israel, where she was undergoing treatment. The deterioration came suddenly. They say when and where you leave matters, I don’t know, but then everything coincided. Mom died in the Holy Land, on the week of the most important Jewish holiday of Passover, in Good Friday, before the onset of Shabbat, on the eve of Orthodox and Catholic Easter, which were on the same Sunday that year. My brother and I flew to Israel when the Holy Fire descended, and took my mother to Russia on Sunday at Holy holiday Easter, ”Galkin recalled.

The artist is very grateful to his mother for what she did for him. The TV presenter shared the story of his family with subscribers. He published a clipping from an old newspaper in which they wrote about his parent when she was still small. Maxim, as it turned out, carefully stores everything related to the people closest to him.

“This is an article in the Svobodnaya Bolgariya newspaper dated July 31, 1946, where it is noted that five-year-old Natasha Pragina, my mother, performed successfully. Mom and her parents lived in Bulgaria for two years after the war, where Soviet troops were quartered. Grandfather Grisha with his grandmother and little daughter were settled in the house of a Bulgarian manufacturer. Despite the situation of such housing compaction, the two families became very close friends. Unfortunately, upon returning to the USSR, my grandfather, being a high-ranking military man, could not keep in touch with his capitalist friends from Bulgaria in Stalin's time, and the thread of friendship was cut off, ”Galkin recalled.

The famous showman told how more than 20 years ago he traveled to the country where his mother spent her childhood. They tried to find the place where Natalya Grigorievna lived as a little girl. Surprisingly, they managed to find the right house. Moreover, there they were waiting for a completely unexpected meeting.

“In 1996, I went to Bulgaria with my parents. We visited many Bulgarian cities, including the beautiful Sliven, where my mother lived as a child. Mom decided to try from memory, not really hoping for success, to find the house in which she lived. We walked around the old city and she stopped near one of the mansions. “This one, in my opinion,” my mother rang at the gate. A gray-haired man appeared in the yard. Mom said she lived here fifty years ago. The man's face changed, he smiled and exclaimed: "Natasha!" That was incredible! Half a century later! The man was the son of a manufacturer, in 1946 he was seventeen. In the photo he is with his mother on that memorable day. We sat for several hours at a party, he came elder sister, they recalled those years and our family with great warmth, ”recalled the showman.

Maksim Galkin- parodist, humorist and actor. Maxim Alexandrovich Galkin was born on 06/18/1976 in the family of a colonel-general. Father Alexander was a deputy for some time, but eventually devoted himself to the armored forces. Mother Natalya was a senior researcher at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The family is accustomed to moving around the territory former USSR because of the hard work of his father. At one time they even lived in Germany, after which they moved to Odessa. The family also lived in Ulan-Ude and Transbaikalia. Maybe it's for the reason permanent shift place of residence and acquaintance with different people the boy grew up very sociable. In Odessa, he studied 3 classes, then another 2 classes went to Ulan-Ude. Finally, the family returned to Moscow, and there Maxim graduated from high school.

Since childhood, Galkin has actively demonstrated his emerging talent. At 4 he improvised in kindergarten. After that, the boy's parents often recalled that the performance was very interesting. At school, Maxim is served in theatrical performances. He played Don Carlos, and Ostap Bender, and Tsar Solomon. But he was increasingly attracted to parodies.

He copied students, teachers and even the director in a very funny way. At the age of 13, inspired by the parody of Gennady Khazanov, he copied the speech of Mikhail Gorbachev. It turned out that the boy lives real talent Well, it turned out pretty bad. Also interested in literature. At school, he took up a novel called The Forces of Gloom, but soon abandoned it. Still, the vocation of the young Galkin was different and, most likely, he felt it.

In 1993 he graduated from the gymnasium, and then entered the Russian State University for the Humanities at the Faculty of Linguistics. In 1998 he graduated, but decided not to stop there: he entered graduate school. He proved himself to be a qualified and well-versed specialist in his field, but in 2009 he left graduate school after a quarrel with his supervisor.

1994 was a particularly important year in the life of the future artist. He made his debut in the production of "Fountains of Love for Neighbour" on the stage of the student theater of Moscow State University. Immediately after this, he performed in the next performance of "Cabaret 03". In the same year, he participates in the Variety Theater program called "Debuts, debuts, debuts." It was there that he presented his famous number "Switching the Channels", in which he parodies Yeltsin, Zhirinovsky, Urmas Ott, Khasbulatov and Gorbachev.

Just this performance aroused interest in the young artist from such stars as Mikhail Zadornov, Gennady Khazanov and Boris Brunov. It was they who contributed to the popularity of Galkin. Khazanov helped organize the debut of a solo concert at the Variety Theatre, Yevgeny Petrosyan arranged a television performance for Maxim, and Zadornov universally called him his successor.

Since 2001, Galkin has already been holding solo concerts himself: he does not even need the help of outsiders. Then he was awarded the Triumph Prize, and a little later he was awarded the Golden Ostap. For the first time, Maxim made his debut as a singer with Alla Borisovna, performing a song that became a hit: "Be or not be."

At the same time, rumors spread about a secret romance. young artist and prima donnas Russian stage. Despite this, their active cooperation continues: filming, broadcasting, touring. From 2001 to 2008, Maxim hosts the famous TV show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 2001 became productive for Galkin as his debut as an actor: he appears in Jumble.

In the spring of 2002, he holds a concert in the Rossiya Hall. He also performs in concerts called "And I'm 26!", Which were broadcast before the President's New Year's address. Ignoring the sharp tongues of the public, Alla Borisovna and Maxim Galkin release the album "This is Love". Frequent television musicals with his participation ("Chasing Two Hares"), starred in "Bless the Woman."

In 2004, he worked on the voice acting of Clara and Dora. Crazy grandmas." A year later, Alla and Maxim announce their desire to live together. A little later, Pugacheva admitted that their romance had been going on since 2001 (although prima donna fans understood this without any confession).

In 2008, Maxim leaves Channel One and gets a job as a presenter on the Rossiya channel. Then they lead the show "Two Stars" with Alla Borisovna. At the same time, he leads the New Year's Parade of Stars and Star Ice. Later mass television projects followed. Among them are “Who Wants to Become Maxim Galkin?”, “Dandies Show”, “Dancing with the Stars” and many others. Since May 2012, he has been one of the jury members in the Make the Comedian Laugh program.

Achievements of Maxim Galkin:

In 2006 he received the Order of Friendship.
"Golden Ostap" and "Triumph" in 2001.
"TEFI" in 2007.
Today, according to numerous polls, Galkin is considered perhaps the best parody of the Russian stage.

Dates from the biography of Maxim Galkin:

1976 - birth.
1980 - funny improvisation in kindergarten.
1989 - a parody of Gorbachev inspired by Khazanov's parodies.
1993 - enters the Faculty of Linguistics.
1994 - debuts in Fountains of Love for Neighbour.
Since 2001 - constant solo concerts and the honorary award "Triumph".
2002 - performance in the hall "Russia".
2005 - Pugacheva and Galkin announce their relationship.
2006 - Order of Friendship.
2011 - wedding with Alla Borisovna.

Interesting facts of Maxim Galkin:

Galkin is the youngest host of the TV program "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" worldwide.
The first who parodied V. V. Putin.
Doesn't like it when someone makes a parody of him.
Loves to live in luxury. His own castle is much more expensive than Alla Pugacheva's mansion. He also planned a large wine cellar and a helipad.

Name: Maxim Galkin

Age: 40 years

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 75 kg

Activity: parodist, humorist, TV presenter, film actor and singer

Marital status: married to

Maxim Galkin - biography

Maxim Galkin is known throughout the country as a wonderful and magnificent humorist, whose talent cannot be surpassed. interesting and entertaining biography this showman, who, despite his youth, has long been known to the whole world.

Childhood and youth, the family of Maxim Galkin

Maxim Alexandrovich was born in the Moscow region in the Naro-Fominsk district, where his father, Colonel General Alexander Alexandrovich Galkin, served then. The second child appeared in this family on June 18, 1976, and the name was given to him - Maxim. His father served in the armored forces, so he always taught his two sons to discipline and order.

Maxim's mother worked at the Geophysical Institute and was very far from the world of show business. The father's service required the Galkin family to move from time to time according to distribution. So, from a small military town near Moscow, they were forced to move to Germany, and from there to Odessa, and then to Ulan-Ude and back to the capital.

Young Maxim Galkin played his first role as an actor successfully. It was back in the years of his childhood biography, in kindergarten, when the little artist was barely four years old, and he had to play a chicken.

In addition to schoolwork, the little humorist continued to try his acting skills. So, in school theaters, Galkin played a variety of roles: dogs, drunkards, King Solomon, Ostap Bender and others. His performances were not only liked by classmates, but also by teachers, and even the headmaster was delighted. And this only gave strength and desire to play more, trying to find their own unique image and their way to the stage. Maxim made parodies of all the people who surrounded him, and they were always enthusiastically received.

The first successful performance in his creative biography the showman Maxim Galkin refers to the age when he was in the sixth grade. He was able to independently voice all the heroes of the puppet show, which was shown to schoolchildren. But he had a special influence on the young talent, whose introduction Maxim Alexandrovich accidentally saw on TV.

Then he was only 13 years old, but he was so impressed by Khazanov's ability to parody Mikhail Gorbachev that he decided to do it himself. And he did great. But, by the way, in childhood, Maxim Galkin did not even try to become a humorist.

It is known that as a schoolboy Maxim liked to attend an art studio, his favorite subjects were geography and zoology. The comedian himself recalled that in his childhood he liked to cut out various figures of animals and lay them out on a map, determining their habitat. But soon the desire to devote his whole life to zoology disappeared. Then Galkin decided to become a writer and write his own fantasy novel. He even came up with his own kingdom and the characters that existed in it. But the book was never written.

Not even having time to graduate from school, Maxim applies for admission to the Russian State Technical University at the Faculty of Linguistics. And after graduating from school, he successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in this educational institution. He graduated from this university in 1998. But studying for Maxim did not end there, since he also enters graduate school. Already working on his Ph.D., he simply drops out.

Maxim Galkin's career

The creative biography of a cheerful and cheerful humorist begins at a time when Maxim Galkin is studying at the university. At this time, he studies foreign languages, is engaged in translations, but he also did not abandon creative experiments on the stage. He even decided to perform his number - a parody in 1994 on the stage of the theater of Moscow University. After that, there was a long break, for four years the future humorist did not go on stage, but already in 1998 Galkin participated in one of the variety programs, where he made parodies of Yeltsin, Putin and Zhirinovsky.

One of these performances was attended by Boris Brunov, who at that time was the artistic director of the Variety Theater. He noticed a young and talented parodist and invited Maxim to his team. So, the novice showman began to appear one after another performances. In 1999, he was noticed and, and offered to go on tour with concerts with him. So, young Galkin went on tour for a year and a half. And after his return, his career began to grow dramatically.

At first, he was awarded several awards, and in the summer of 2001 he was able to perform his first solo concert. In the same year, Maxim Galkin was invited to host the show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?". He hosted this show for a long time, but at the same time he was able to become the host of the popular festival "New Songs about the Main". Since 2001, he has been trying his hand at cinema.

Maxim Galkin: Biography of personal life

The first acquaintance of the parodist and showman Galkin with his future wife Alla Pugacheva took place in 2001. Their relationship developed rapidly and rapidly, and already in 2005 they began to live in civil marriage. But an important event in the biography of Maxim Alexandrovich will take place in 2011, when they got married. In 2013, this couple had two children with the help of a surrogate mother: Lisa and Harry. Now they are happy parents.

Biography Author: Tati 8689

Maxim Alexandrovich Galkin is a famous TV presenter, comedian and actor. The pop artist has gained great popularity among the public due to his talent, as well as hard work. The man began to show extraordinary abilities as a child, and after a few decades he became the most recognizable parody of the entire post-Soviet space. What is the phenomenon of Galkin? How was he able to succeed?


Biography of Maxim Galkin

Maxim Aleksandrovich was born into the family of a general. His father (at the time of the birth of his son) held a rather honorable position. He headed one of the departments of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation. The mother of the future artist has achieved success in scientific career. The woman worked at a prestigious institute. Members of the Galkin family often changed their place of residence. As a child, the boy managed to visit Odessa, Buryatia, and also Baikal. For some time Maxim lived in Germany. He returned to the capital as a teenager. It was during this period of time that the guy's acting talent began to be expressed. He was an active member of the school theater and also liked to parody his teachers.

2. Talented linguist.

In the early nineties, the guy graduated from Moscow Gymnasium No. 1543, and then went to study at the Russian State Humanities University. The future artist became a student of the Faculty of Linguistics. The young man achieved some success in his studies. On this moment TV presenter knows a few foreign languages. (French, English, Czech and German).

3. Nickname.

In his youth, Galkin's friends often called him "Pushkin". The guy not only loved literature, but also had curly hair. The talent of the young man was noticed not only by relatives, but also by teachers. In 1994, teachers highly appreciated Maxim's debut role during a performance by the Moscow State University Theater. He participated in the play "Fountains of Love for Neighbour" and "Cabaret 03".

4. Anthropometric data.

Maxim Alexandrovich's height is 178 centimeters, and his weight is 75 kilograms. The famous showman at his age is in excellent physical shape. The artist prefers active rest. In his Instagram account, you can often see photos from various beaches.

Maxim Galkin's career

5. The beginning of a creative path.

In the early nineties, the young man participated in the popular Debuts, Debuts, Debuts program. The guy presented an excellent number, in which he parodied famous politicians (Zhirinovsky and Yeltsin). The talent of the future celebrity was noticed by Boris Brunov, who invited Maxim to become a member of his Variety Theater. After a short period of time, Galkin went on his first long tour with Mikhail Zadornov.

The parodist held his first personal concert in 2001 as part of the Slavianski Bazaar festival. The success of the event gave rise to the artist's solo career. Performances are becoming not only popular, but also regular. A program called "And I'm 26!" viewers were able to see on New Year's Eve.

6. Best show men.

Since 2001, the man has been the host of the popular show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Soon Galkin creates several successful show programs at once. They were shown on TV in 2006 on 1 April and on New Year. After some time, the guy was able to try himself as the host of the Star Ice and Dancing with the Stars programs. In the period from 2012 to 2016, Galkin was an integral part of the Muz-TV award. The seventh solo concert of the man won wide popularity. The project was called "25 years on stage".

7. Transition from channel to channel.

The man first appeared on television in 2001. The debut on Channel One was very successful. On TV, he appeared as the host of popular programs. In 2008, Galkin decided to change the team. On the TV channel "Russia" he worked until 2015, when he returned to the "First".

8. The best parodies.

Maxim Alexandrovich became widely known primarily due to his talent for parodies. In his track record several hundred numbers. He ideally copied the manner of speech and behavior of actors, colloquial artists, singers, poets and writers. Particularly memorable were the roles of Yeltsin, Zhirinovsky and Gorbachev. In Russia there is practically no famous politician, which Galkin did not parody. Most recently, there was a conflict between Galkin and representatives Communist Party Russia, when they did not like how the artist showed Lenin.

Personal life of Maxim Galkin

9. Alla Pugacheva and Galkin.

Maxim Galkin is a legal husband. The spouses have a fairly large age difference (27 years), but they are happily married. The relationship between a man and a woman began in early 2001. Four years later they began to live together. Soon, the film “Alla + Maxim. Confession of love.

10. Children of Galkin and Pugacheva.

Alla and Maxim have two children. The boy Harry and the girl Elizabeth were born in September 2013. They were born from a surrogate mother in a well-known clinic near Moscow.

11. Maxim Galkin and his house.

Maxim Galkin never hid that he loves luxury. The artist's mansion looks like a huge and impregnable castle. Overall size plot - more than a hectare. The house consists of six floors, an elevator, a large garage. Also on the estate there are greenhouses, a winter garden and a residence for servants.

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12. Scandal with Malakhov.

Recently, Galkin had a conflict with. The man spoke out sharply about the departure of Andrei Nikolayevich from Channel One. On his Instagram, the parodist said that there was no need to draw intrigue. Once you decide to leave, you can't change your mind.

To date, Maxim Galkin is one of the most popular and sought-after artists on the Russian stage. That is why Interesting Facts of it are so interesting to different people.

One of its main advantages can be called the presence of a subtle intellectual and extraordinary charisma. At the moment, the artist is considered the king of parody, as well as a very talented showman.

So in front of you short biography Galkina.

Maksim Galkin

Biography of Maxim Galkin

Maxim Alexandrovich Galkin was born on June 18, 1976 in Naro-Fominsk, Moscow Region. His father, Alexander Alexandrovich, rose to the rank of Colonel General and at one time headed the Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Later he worked as a deputy of the State Duma. Maxim Galkin's mother, Natalya Grigoryevna, is an associate professor of physical and mathematical sciences. She once worked at the Institute for the Theory of Earthquake Prediction of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Their family often moved to, and sometimes countries. Little Maxim began his schooling in Odessa, and finished in.

Childhood and youth

From childhood, Maxim showed excellent artistic data. At school, he participated in almost all performances, performing the most difficult roles.

Maxim Galkin in 2003

As a sixth grader, he managed to arrange his first concert. On it, he showed the audience a puppet show. An interesting fact is that he voiced absolutely all the characters without outside help.

Galkin also liked to amuse classmates, imitating the voices of school teachers or the principal. It was then that Maxim for the first time in his biography encountered the genre of parody.

Once in an interview, he admitted that as a teenager he liked G. Khazanov, who often parodied various political figures, including.

Galkin's parents did everything possible for their son to develop his talents. Under their strict guidance, he began to visit the art studio, where he showed a keen interest in. Birds especially fascinated him.

After graduating from school, Maxim Galkin entered the Faculty of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

There he mastered several foreign languages, which were very useful to him in his extraordinary biography.

In 1998, Maxim continued his studies in graduate school, writing a dissertation on the topic "The correlation of the stylistic systems of the original and translated texts."

Parodies and show business

The creative development of Maxim Galkin took place within the walls of the student theater. Then he performed on various stages of the city, performing magnificent parodies of Russian and foreign politicians.

His talent was highly appreciated by the head of the Moscow State Theater B. Brunov, who offered the promising artist to work for him.

Already in the early 2000s, the whole country knew about Galkin. He was awarded various awards, and in 2001 he became the host of the super popular TV game Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.

Soon, he becomes a participant in the Slavianski Bazaar festival, speaking to the public with his own program. Since that moment of his biography, the artist has been actively touring cities and abroad.

Another proof of Galkin's extraordinary talent was the appeal of the famous humorist M. Zadornov, who called Maxim his successor.

The satirist worked closely with Galkin for a year and a half, giving joint concerts with him. It is interesting to note that Maxim worked without a producer, and never in his life financed his appearances on television.

In his speeches, Galkin incredibly accurately imitated the voices of politicians and cultural figures such as Gaidar, Chernomyrdin, Aguzarova, and others.

Having reached certain heights in this field, he wanted to try himself as a musical performer. This idea played important role in his biography.

In the end, Maxim sang in a duet with Alla Pugacheva herself the song "Be or not be", which became immediately popular. Later, he will continue to cooperate with the prima donna, and both of them will be successful.

In parallel with this, Galkin works as a host in different projects. N. Baskov and become his close friends.

In 2015, he became a member of the Just the Same TV project, where he managed to reach the final and share the victory with E. Dyatlov.

Maxim Galkin starred in the children's humorous film magazine "Yeralash", as well as in many musicals.

Maxim Galkin today

If earlier a talented artist was completely immersed in work, today he has to reconsider his priorities. With the advent of the family, he began to pay more attention to his wife and children.

In the spring of 2016, Galkin headed the new humorous TV project Maxim Maxim, which, by the way, was filmed in his castle. During this time, he was visited by a huge number of different celebrities.

At the end of the same year, Galkin headed the children's talent show "Best of All", which quickly found itself in the top lines of the rating.

In general, the biography of Maxim Galkin is interesting in that almost all of his undertakings were crowned, which clearly speaks of him.

In 2017, Galkin performed with the anniversary program "25 Years on Stage", where he showed his best numbers. It also featured famous stars stage.

Galkin was repeatedly invited to various programs and concerts as a member of the jury. Everywhere, wherever he appeared, a very warm welcome and recognition of the public awaited him.

Galkin's personal life

At the beginning of his creative activity, Maxim was constantly in front of everyone. However, when he married Alla Pugacheva, attention to his person became even greater.

This couple met back in 2001. After the prima donna divorced F. Kirkorov in 2005, she began to live with Galkin. They decided to legalize their relationship only in December 2011.

Alla Borisovna Pugacheva is 27 years older than Maxim Galkin

After their marriage, there was a lot of criticism of star couple. There were many who called the union of artists nothing more than PR, although the biographies of both hardly needed this.

It has been repeatedly suggested that due to big difference in age there can be no love between them. But time put everything in its place.

Today on Maxim Galkin's Instagram you can see many of his photos with his wife and children. These photos are in Once again prove that the age of love is not a hindrance.

In autumn 2013, Maxim and Alla gave birth to twins with the help of a surrogate mother. Today the whole family lives in a huge castle in the village of Gryaz.

Castle of Galkin and Pugacheva

Galkin's income

According to experts, it took about 50 million dollars to build and equip them with Pugacheva Castle. For the year, the artist's income is approximately 6 million dollars.

Now you know all the basic facts from Galkin's biography. If you liked this article, please share it in social networks. If you like it at all - subscribe to the site It's always interesting with us!

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