Poke the nose of phraseologism with one word. Michelson's Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary What is poke your nose, what does it mean and how to spell it correctly. Phraseological units about arrogance

Explain what the word "nose" means in this phraseological unit: "poking your nose into other people's business" ??? and got the best answer

Answer from Maxim Yu. Volkov[guru]
intervene - Get involved, get involved, rub in, interfere, intervene (poke your nose). Intervene in a conversation, interrupt, interrupt speech; insert, screw in, paste in a word (joke). Climb where with your nose, climb into someone else's garden (get in the way of one's own business). ..Wed. permeate. … … Synonym dictionary
poke - poke, poke; led. sui; nesov. , transition (owls. stick). unfold 1. Invest, push inside something. , under what l. or for what. Put your hands in your pockets. □ [Pyotr Kirillich] silently wandered around the house and, looking around, thrust gold into the cracks of oak logs ... Small Academic Dictionary
Source: link

Answer from Sasha Avtunich[active]
The nose is your interest

Answer from Yoman Koval[newbie]
If you stick your nose to your beloved armpit or between your legs - that's your business,
And if it's for me, it's none of your business.

Answer from Great guy[guru]
That means: Do not climb where you are not supposed to. That is, do not meddle with your advice, mind your own business. People will take care of their own problems.

Answer from Alexey Baraev[guru]
The thing is that in this proverb the word "nose" is understood not as part of the face, not as an organ of smell, but as a very real wooden tag for commemorative notes.
Similarly, "notch on your nose" means "remember well", in the sense of making a mark-notch on a wooden stick.
Similarly, "to leave with a nose" = "to remain in one's own interests"

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Explain what the word "nose" means in this phraseological unit: "poking your nose into other people's business" ???

I present to you an overview phraseological units with the word nose .

It consists of over 40 phraseological units.

All phraseological units for the word nose are distributed by topic: deception and ridicule, demands and reproaches, unhealthy curiosity, arrogance, mood and condition, size and limitations, actions. The meanings of phraseological units are given.

Phraseologisms about deceit and ridicule

  • Stay with the nose (fail, be fooled)
  • Lead by the nose (deceive, mislead, usually promising something and not fulfilling the promise)
  • Pull the nose (1. hold, deceive, fool someone; 2. get ahead of someone in something and thereby shame, disgrace him)
  • Show nose (to tease someone (putting a hand with spread fingers to your nose))
  • Get a flick on the nose (to be in an uncomfortable position due to an unexpected verbal attack by your interlocutor)
  • I blow under my nose (humiliate, refuse to give back what was promised)
  • (Take away) from under the nose (in close proximity, from a very close distance from someone)
  • Snatch from under the nose (shamelessly intercept, beat something from someone)

Phraseological units about demands and reproaches

  • Even blood from the nose (despite any difficulties, obstacles; by all means)
  • Hack on the nose (remember firmly, forever)
  • To poke / poke with the nose (rudely point as a warning to something)
  • Poke in the nose (constantly, intrusively remind of something unpleasant; reproach, reproach for any faults, mistakes, blunders, etc.)
  • The nose has not matured (anyone else is young and inexperienced to do anything)

Phraseologisms about curiosity

  • Poke your nose (to intervene in something without sufficient knowledge, reason, skill or in someone else's business)
  • Curious Varvara's nose was torn off in the bazaar (reprimand to a person showing excessive curiosity)

Phraseological units about arrogance

  • Tear nose up (arrogant)
  • turn up one's nose
  • hold one's nose high
  • turn up one's nose (be arrogant)
  • Turn up your nose (to treat someone or something with contempt, with disdain)

Phraseologisms about mood and state

  • Nodding (lowering the head, forgetting, dozing for a moment (sitting or standing))
  • Hang up your nose (to be upset, to become discouraged)
  • Full, drunk and nose in tobacco (the formula for complete prosperity, contentment with life)

Phraseologisms about size and limitation

  • With a gulkin nose (1. very small; 2. very small)
  • With a sparrow nose (very small) - by the way, phraseological units with "sparrow"
  • On the nose (something for each (money, food, etc.))
  • Do not see beyond your nose (be extremely limited, not be able to notice the obvious)
  • (mumbling) under your breath (speak very quietly, indistinctly)
  • Under the very nose (so that the one who should have noticed did not notice it)

Phraseological units about actions

  • Dig the ground with your nose (act energetically, persistently)
  • Break nose (break someone's nose until it bleeds)
  • Go powder your nose (go to the toilet (woman))
  • Keep your nose to the wind (depending on circumstances, changing conditions, change your views, beliefs, change your behavior) - by the way, phraseological units for the word wind
  • to pick one's nose
  • Bury your nose (into a book) (with enthusiasm, without stopping, read for a long time) - by the way, phraseological units about books, readers and writers
  • (to collide) nose to nose (directly, close, very close)
  • Feel with the nose (perceive something with flair, intuition)

Phraseologisms of writers about the nose

  • If the lips of Nikanor Ivanovich were to be put to the nose of Ivan Kuzmich ... (N.V. Gogol, "Marriage", see Gogol's phraseological units)
  • Click the mare in the nose - she will wave her tail (Kozma Prutkov, “The Fruits of Thought”)

Other phraseological units with "nose"

  • A mosquito will not undermine the nose (made in such a way that there is nothing to complain about)
  • Do not show the nose (do not appear anywhere)
  • Saddle your nose with glasses (put glasses on)
  • Blue nose (drunkard)
  • To punch in the nose (to make a strong impression, to draw attention to oneself)
  • Hit in the nose (sharply feel (an unpleasant smell))

So, as you can see, phraseological units with the word nose express various range of values. This distinguishes them favorably from less diverse

Poke your nose POKE YOUR NOSE where, what. POKE YOUR NOSE where, what. Prost. Contempt. Intervene in something without sufficient knowledge, reason, skill, etc., or in someone else's business. She was such a sneaky woman: where there is a quarrel in the family, there she sticks her nose(V. Ovechkin. Relatives).

Phraseological dictionary of Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Poke your nose" in other dictionaries:


    poke your nose- (inosk.) interfere Do not poke your nose into someone else's millet. poking around. Wed Every cultured person ... will be indignant at anyone who starts to poke his nose into his household business. Saltykov. All year round. March 1st. Wed Have mercy! Is there a way to calmly... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Poke your nose- Poke your nose (inosk.) interfere. Do not poke your nose into someone else's millet. poking around. Wed Every cultured person ... will be indignant at anyone who dares to stick his nose into his household business. Saltykov. All year round. March 1st. Wed Have mercy! There is… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    poke / poke [one's] nose- Where. Razg. Unapproved Meddling in your own business. FSRYA, 444; Versh. 4, 167; Glukhov 1988, 151; WWTP, 124 ...

    POKE YOUR NOSE- who in what, where to interfere. This means that a person or a group of persons united by participation in a common cause (X) unjustifiably and without sufficient grounds intrudes into what l. case or in whose relationship (P). Speaks with disapproval. informal ✦ … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    POK YOUR NOSE where, into what. PUSH YOUR NOSE where, into what. Prost. Contempt. Intervene in something without sufficient knowledge, reason, skill, etc., or in someone else's business. She was such a sneaky woman: where there is a quarrel in the family, there and ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Squeeze / squeeze (weave, torn) [your] nose- Where. Psk. Unapproved Same as sticking your nose in. SPP 2001, 58 ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    Nose encyclopedic Dictionary

    nose- a (y), preposition. about the nose, on the nose; pl. noses; m. 1. The protruding part of the face of a person or the muzzle of an animal between the mouth (mouth) and eyes; outer part of the olfactory organ. Straight, thin, small, long, short, snub-nosed, upturned, hooked nose. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    poke your nose- who in what, where to interfere. This means that a person or a group of persons united by participation in a common cause (X) unjustifiably and without sufficient grounds intrudes into what l. case or in whose relationship (P). Speaks with disapproval. informal ✦ … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language


  • Shadows of another. Stories, Alex Vedov. “For as long as I can remember, my mother always told me that I went after my father - just as inquisitive. And just as clumsy. In the sense that I constantly get into some unpleasant alterations. And ... Buy for 80 rubles eBook

This page contains phraseological units of various kinds, otherwise they are called phraseological units. These are phrases that, in terms of the composition of their words, do not correspond to true words, but at the same time are solidary in meaning. Proverbs and sayings do not count :-)

As you have already noticed, sorted into groups. The most popular of them concern water, body parts (nose, tongue, etc.) and bread. And also about animals and food. So let's go.

Phraseologisms with the word "water" and related to it

Storm in a teacupgreat excitement or irritability over trifles.
It is written with a pitchfork on the water- purely theoretical; that is, it is not known what will happen next.
Carry water in a sieve- to waste time in vain, to idle.
Get water in your mouth- to be silent, as if in fact the mouth is full of water.
Withdraw to clean water - reveal the truth, expose, find out the true face.
Come out dry from water- go unpunished, without consequences.
ride the wave- provoke aggression, raise unnecessary noise.
Money is like water- they disappear very quickly, and it is not so easy to return them.
To stay afloat- to continue to develop in spite of difficulties, to successfully conduct business.
Wait by the sea for the weather- expect pleasant events that are unlikely to wait.
Life abounds- when life is full of bright events, it does not stand still.
How to look into the water- predicted, as if he knew in advance. By analogy with divination by water.
How to sink into the water disappeared, disappeared without a trace.
Down in the mouth- about sadness, sadness.
Like water through your fingers- about what goes quickly and imperceptibly. Usually in pursuit.
As two drops of water- very similar.
How to drink to give- very simple; exactly, no doubt.
Like water off a duck's back- all for nothing. Similar to phraseologism - Come out dry from water.
Like snow on your head- about an impending event. Suddenly, suddenly, out of nowhere.
Sink into oblivion- to disappear forever, to indulge in oblivion.
Bathe in gold about very rich people.
The ice has broken- about the beginning of any business.
Pour water- to show negativity, to provoke.
A lot of water has flowed- a lot of time has passed.
Reckless- about a brave man who cares nothing.
Darker than clouds- Excessive anger.
muddy the waters- confuse, bewilder.
At the top of the wave- to be in favorable conditions.
Do not spill water- about a strong, inseparable friendship.
Pour from empty to empty
To go with the flow- act passively, obeying the prevailing circumstances.
Underwater rocks- about any hidden danger, trick, obstacle.
After the rain on Thursday Never, or not at all soon.
Last straw- about an event in which a person's patience is running out.
Pass fire, water and copper pipes - go through difficult trials, difficult situations.
a dime a dozen- a lot, a lot.
Don't drink water from your face- love a person not for appearance, but for internal qualities.
Get from the bottom of the sea- solve any problem without looking at any difficulties.
Hide the ends in the water- hide the traces of the crime.
Quieter than water, lower than grass- about quiet, modest behavior.
Pound water in a mortar- do something useless.
Wash your hands- to evade participation or responsibility in any business.
pure water- about something obvious, not having any doubts.

Phraseological units with the word "nose" and other parts of the body

grumble under your breath- to grumble, to speak indistinctly.
hang your nose- to be discouraged, upset.
lead by the nose- to deceive, to lie.
Chin up!- a command not to lose heart, not to be upset.
Turn up one's nose- to put oneself above others, to put on airs, to think of oneself as the main one.
Nick down- to remember completely.
nod off- doze with your head down.
Wrinkle your nose- think about a difficult task.
On the nose- about an event that should happen in the near future.
Can't see beyond your nose- limit yourself, do not notice what is happening around.
Nose to nose or Face to face- very close, on the contrary, very close.
Keep your nose to the wind- be aware of all events, make the right decision.
Stay with your nose or Get away with your nose- do without what you expected.
Right under your nose- Very close.
With a goofy nose- about a dove that has a small nose, that is, very little.
Poke your nose into other people's business- about excessive curiosity.
Poke your nose- that is, until you poke your nose, you yourself will not see.
Wipe your nose- to prove one's superiority, to win over someone.
bury your nose- Get completely immersed in something.

speak through teeth- that is, to speak indistinctly, barely opening your mouth.
speak teeth
- divert attention from the essence of the conversation.
Know by heart- that is, to know firmly, firmly.
Bare teeth or Show teeth- snarl, get angry; mock.
Too tough- not under force.
Not in the tooth with a foot- to do nothing, to know nothing.
Put your teeth on the shelf- starve, annoy, lacking in something.
Grit your teeth- go into battle without despair. Restrain yourself without showing your weakness.

Keep your mouth shut- be silent, do not say a word.
Long tongue- about a person who likes to talk a lot.
bite your tongue- refrain from words.
Dissolve language- to say too much without refraining.
Tongue swallow- be silent, not having the desire to speak.

Be careful- be careful to avoid an emergency.
Keep ears up- be careful, careful, do not trust anyone.
For eyes and ears- about giving time with a surplus to complete any business.
Can't see your ears- about an item that will never get.
Blush up to your ears- to be very ashamed, embarrassed.
hang your ears- listen with excessive enthusiasm, trust everything.

Eyes popped out- about sincere surprise, amazement.
Eyes lit up
- longing for something.
shoot with eyes- expressively, coquettishly look at someone.
Like an eyesore- to bother someone, to annoy.
Pull the wool over someone's eyes- create a false, overly pleasant impression of yourself. Boast.
From point of view- about someone's opinion, judgment on a particular topic.
See through your fingers- look inattentively at the problem, do not be picky.
Ogle- to attract attention, to suck up.

You won't take it in your mouth- about food cooked tastelessly.
Lip no fool- about a person who knows how to choose something to taste.
pout lips- to make a displeased face, to be offended.
Roll your lip- wanting a lot with minimal opportunities.
With an open mouth- listen attentively; be surprised.

Flew out of my head- about forgetfulness, inattention.
Have a head on your shoulders- to be smart, quick-witted.
Puzzle over- to think hard, hard, trying to understand something.
fool your head- to deceive, fool, confuse.
From head to toes- completely, in full growth.
Put upside down- to give the opposite meaning to something, to distort.
Breaking my head- very fast.
Hit your face in the dirt- disgrace, disgrace before someone.

be at hand- about something accessible, close.
Keep yourself in hand- to maintain self-control, to be restrained.
How it was removed by hand- about the quickly passed pain, illness.
Bite your elbows- regret what you have done, with the inability to return back.
Hands down- Do the work diligently, without interruptions.
Hand in hand- about a joint, agreed deal or friendship.
At hand- about an object that is nearby, very close.
Grab with both hands- to take pleasure in any business.
Skillful fingers- O talented person capable of handling any job.

Get up on the wrong foot- Wake up feeling down.
Wipe your feet (about someone)- to harm, to get on your nerves, to annoy.
making feet- go, move.
Step on your heels- to catch up with someone or pursue, hanging on it.
Legs to hands- Do something immediately.
The devil himself will break his leg- about disorder, chaos in business or anywhere.
Get off your feet- very tired in any business or path.

Phraseologisms with the word "bread"

There is a gift of bread- do no good.
And that bread- about the estate of at least something, than nothing at all.
On your bread- live on your salary, without the possibility of anyone.
Not by bread alone- about a person who lives not only materially, but also spiritually.
Beat bread- to deprive the opportunity to earn money by selecting a job.
Survive from bread to kvass (to water)- to live in poverty, starve.
Sit down on bread and water- eat the cheapest food, save on food.
Daily bread- about the necessary for human life, its existence.
Bread and salt- an expensive greeting to guests, an invitation to the table.
Meal'n'Real!– an exclamation about the filing of vital priorities.
Don't feed bread- about a very busy or rich, not hungry person.

Phraseologisms on the topic of cuisine and food

free cheese- bait, luring into a trap.
Boil in your own juice
- live your life. Or help yourself without the help of others.
Not worth a damn- about what is insignificant and not worth any cost.
donut hole- about something empty, not having any content.
For seven miles of jelly slurp- go somewhere unnecessarily.
brew porridge- to create a problem, they say, he brewed it himself - and disentangle it yourself.
And you can’t lure with a roll- about someone who can't be forced to change his mind.
Like chickens in cabbage soup- about getting into unexpected trouble. Kur - in old Russian "rooster".
Like clockwork- very simple, no problem.
Live like a lord- about a profitable, comfortable life.
You can't cook porridge- about joint action with someone with whom there will be no sense.
Milk rivers, kissel banks- about a fabulous, fully provided life.
Not at ease- feel uncomfortable. In an awkward situation.
Not salty slurping- not getting what you expected. To no avail.
For no rugs- an analogue of a phraseological unit And you can’t lure with a roll.
Neither fish nor fowl- about an ordinary person who does not have anything bright, expressive.
cut off hunk- about a person living independently, independent of others.
Professor of sour cabbage soup- about a person who talks about things that he himself does not really know.
Easier than a steamed turnip- nowhere is easier, or very simple.
To fix the mess- Solving complex, advanced problems.
Side of the bake- about someone or something unnecessary, optional, secondary.
Seventh water on jelly- about distant relatives, which are difficult to determine.
dog eat- about any business with a rich amount of experience.
Grated roll- about a person with rich life experience, not lost in difficult situations.
Radish horseradish is not sweeter- about an insignificant exchange for something that is not better.
Worse than bitter radish- about something completely unbearable, unbearable.
Nonsense on vegetable oil- that does not deserve any attention. Absurdity.
An hour later, a teaspoon- about inactive, unproductive work.

Phraseologisms with animals

Chasing two rabbits Trying to do two things at the same time.
To make mountains out of molehills- greatly exaggerate.
tease the geese- to annoy someone, to provoke anger.
No brainer (Goat understandable)- about something very clear, obvious.
And the wolves are full, and the sheep are safe- about a situation in which both here and there are good.
Like a cat with a dogliving together with constant cursing.
Like a chicken paw- to do something carelessly, carelessly, crookedly.
Like a chicken and an egg- about any subject that is difficult to part with.
Like a mouse to groats- to pout, to express dissatisfaction, resentment.
When cancer on the mountain whistles Never, or not at all.
Cats scratch at heart- about a sad, difficult condition or mood.
crocodile tears- crying for no reason, compassion for a non-existent sign.
Chickens for laughter- stupid, absurd, absurd, ridiculous.
Chickens don't peck- O in large numbers some person's money.
Lion's share- a big advantage in the direction of something. The biggest part.
Martyshkin labor- a useless process of work, vain efforts.
bear stepped on ear- about a person without a musical ear.
bear corner- a remote, isolated place. Far from civilization.
Disservice- help that brings more evil than good.
Cast pearls before swine- to conduct intelligent conversations in front of little understanding fools.
You can't ride on a crooked goat- about any person to whom it is difficult to find an approach.
On a bird's eye- not have anything legal grounds, provision.
Not in horse food (oats)- about efforts that do not give the expected results.
Don't sew the mare's tail- completely unnecessary, out of place.
I'll show you where the crayfish hibernate- a prediction of revenge, an undesirable position.
Bury your head in the sand- try to get away from the problem without solving it.
Release the red rooster- arson, start a fire
Bird's-eye- With high altitude giving an overview of a large space.
Put a pig- to mischief, to do something unpleasant.
Watch like a ram on a new gate- to look at something with a stupid expression.
dog cold- severe cold, causing inconvenience.
Count the crows- to yawn, to be inattentive to something.
A dark horse- an obscure, little-known person.
Pull the cat's tail- to delay the case, to work very slowly.
Kill two birds with one stone solve two problems at the same time.
Though the wolf howl- about any situation without the possibility of changing it for the better.
The black cat ran- break friendly relations, quarrel.

Phraseological units with objects, other phraseological units

dead hour- for a long time.
Beat the thumbs- to do simple, not so important business.
Throw to the mercy of fate- to leave somewhere without helping and without being interested.
Green light for you!- free access to any business, act.
Put a spoke in wheel to intervene, intentionally interfere with someone.
go around the mountain- do something great.
Keep in line- treat someone strictly, for the good of one's will.
Keep your pocket wider- about too high and unrealizable hopes, expectations.
live happily ever after- to live in pleasure, happily, with prosperity.
From dirt to Kings- suddenly and abruptly achieve amazing success.
out of the ordinary- different from the usual, special.
Reinvent the wheel- try to do something from an already proven, reliable means.
From time immemorial- a long, long time ago.
The stone fell from the soul (from the heart)- a feeling of relief when getting rid of something oppressive.
oil painting- Everything is well and beautifully converged.
Roll a barrel- act aggressively towards someone.
Mom don't worry- about something extraordinary, beyond the ordinary understanding of things.
Change the awl for soap It's pointless to change one useless thing for another.
Cover yourself with a copper basin- suddenly and abruptly disappear, deteriorate; perish.
Found a scythe on a stone- Faced with an irreconcilable contradiction of opinions and interests.
Does not burn- not so important, not urgent.
Not far away- nearby, not too far away in time or space.
Not a bastard- not simple, not stupid.
It is too expensive- about the inconsistency with someone's income, financial capabilities.
From our table to yours- the transfer of any property to another person.
Shelving- leave something for an indefinite period of time.
Go too far- to be overzealous in something.
The song is sung- someone or something has come to an end.
Shoulder- about the ability to cope with something.
Essentially- Naturally, of course.
Add fuel to the fire- deliberately aggravate the conflict, provoke.
The train left- lost time to do something.
One, two - and miscalculated- about something in a small amount that is easy to count.
Born in a shirt- about a very lucky person who miraculously escaped tragedy.
Make ends meet- Difficulty coping with financial difficulties.
move a mountain- a lot to do.
Sitting on pins and needles- to be impatient, waiting, if you want to achieve something.
At least henna- about the indifference of a person who does not care about someone else's misfortune.

poke your nose POKE YOUR NOSE where, what. POKE YOUR NOSE where, what. Prost. Contempt. Intervene in something without sufficient knowledge, reason, skill, etc., or in someone else's business. She was such a sneaky woman: where there is a quarrel in the family, there she sticks her nose(V. Ovechkin. Relatives).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Poke your nose" in other dictionaries:

    poke your nose- POV, shove, shove; sui; vain; populated; suya; nesov. Dictionary Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    stick one's nose- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    poke your nose

    POP- POK, shove, shove, and (reg.). Suyu, suesh, inconsistency. (to poke). 1. whom what. To invest, lay, shove somewhere (colloquial). Don't stick your hands in your pockets. Put your hand in your bosom. "Women put pacifiers on children." A. Maikov. 2. whom what. Carelessly put, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    POP- POV, shove, shove; sui; vain; populated; suya; incompatibility 1. whom (what). Invest, put where. with difficulty, as well as carelessly or imperceptibly. C. hands in pockets. C. things in a suitcase. S. what n. to whom n. into hands. 2. trans., what. Giving a bribe (simple) ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    poke- Poke a snout or paw (colloquial fam.) interfere (not one's own business). without ceremony puts his paw in your intimate life. Chernyshevsky. Poke your nose or poke your nose into interfering (not one's business). He sticks his nose everywhere... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    nose- throw yourself in the nose, turn up your nose, see no further than your nose, drive by the nose, stick your nose out, speak through your nose, speak under your nose, turn up your nose, hack at your nose, peck your nose, a mosquito will not undermine your nose, climb your nose, stick your nose , on the nose, nose ... ... Synonym dictionary

    POKE YOUR NOSE- who in what, where to interfere. This means that a person or a group of persons united by participation in a common cause (X) unjustifiably and without sufficient grounds intrudes into what l. case or in whose relationship (P). Speaks with disapproval. informal ✦ … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    nose- a (y), preposition. about the nose, on the nose, pl. noses, m. 1. The organ of smell, as well as part of the face, muzzle, located above the mouth and being the outer part of the organ of smell. Greek nose. Aquiline nose. Snub nose. □ Black nose [of a puppy], means from evil ... Small Academic Dictionary

    Nose- a (y), preposition. about the nose, on the nose; pl. noses; m. 1. The protruding part of the face of a person or the muzzle of an animal between the mouth (mouth) and eyes; outer part of the olfactory organ. Straight, thin, small, long, short, snub-nosed, upturned, hooked nose. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Trap with all conveniences, Valentina Andreeva. Friday evening, December 1, promised a fun event, but unexpectedly led to a series of confusing and unpleasant events. It all started with the fact that Irina, hurrying with a cake to ...

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