Source Ah Yori Crimea. To the healing spring of Ai-Yori, Alushta region - a route from Vinogradnoye through Seraus. How to get to the Golovkinsky waterfall from Ai-Yori

Water has always given life to people, it irrigated gardens and fields, and was often deified, so many springs of Crimea were often associated with the names of saints, this was reflected in the names of springs and springs in Crimea. Many springs and springs of Crimea have the prefix Ai in their names, which means saint. Ai-Ilya, Ai-Alexy, Ai-Anastasia, Ai-Yori, etc.

In Crimea, on the slopes of Babugan-yayla, not far from Alushta, there is the source of Ai-Yori, the name, most likely, is distorted from Greek and means "Saint George".

The Ai-Yori spring is interesting because it never dries up, because it does not feed on ground or karst waters, but pours out from a great depth.

The water in the Ai-Yori spring is cold, low-mineralized, fresh, the water contains rare gases (radon) and nitrogen. If you look at the source, you can see how gas bubbles periodically appear from the depths. Also in the water are found in small quantities such elements as: iron, aluminum, manganese, silicon, titanium, copper, beryllium, vanadium, fluorine, barium, zinc, lanthanum, lead, strontium. The water in the spring is not radioactive.

The source of Ai-Yori is located in the zone of clay shales. It is located under the slope of the Romanov road. Not far from the source is a mountain with exactly the same name.

Source at a glance at it produces great impression. A spring from a spacious underground tunnel, which was formed naturally in a mountain slope. Water passes through a log gutter, rising to a decent height, and then falls from there in the form of an artificially created waterfall.

The Ai-Yori rock consists of igneous rock, which in its composition is close to the diorites and diabases of Mount Kastel, as well as other surrounding mountains. In the vicinity of the source, blocks of rocks are scattered everywhere, rounded in a natural way.

The fault, through which water flows out of the mountain, once saved the massif from destruction, freeing it from tectonic stresses during earthquakes.

Photographs are stored in the halls of the Alushta Museum, which show a very strong illumination above the source. Apparently, in this place from time to time there is an output of radiation energy to the surface.

On the Ai-Yori rock, there was an ancient Roman fortification, the barracks of which were built of stones that previously formed a single whole with the sanctuary of the Virgin, revered by the Tauris. Previously, the temple of St. George was located on the spring, in whose honor the spring and the rock are named. The spring flowed directly from under the altar, as in most temples placed above them.

Not far from the top of the mountain in ancient times there was a Taurus sanctuary, which was later dismantled by Roman legionnaires who were on guard in this place. Here, during the years of the Great Patriotic War the camp of the partisan detachment was located. Three monuments, a memorial plaque and a Book of Memory are installed on the Ai-Yori rock, where you can leave your note.

From the top of the cliff, there is a magnificent view of East Coast, Alushta and Mount Chatyr-Dag. Places for rest are equipped near the source.

Clean water is the source that gives life to everything new! To such natural wealth the Ai-Yori spring, known to the local population since ancient times, also applies.

In ancient times, in the vicinity of Alushta, near the mountain, a chapel of St. George was built. Previously, people built temples around springs, so that water would flow from under the altar. Thanks to the chapel, the source was called Ai-Yori, which is translated from Greek means Saint George. Later, the mountain, next to which the church stood, received the same name.


The spring passes through a natural tunnel from the depths of the mountain. The water is cold, fresh and slightly mineralized. It contains many mineral elements, but in small quantities. Here are some of them:


  • strontium,


Ai-Yori water is believed to have healing properties. It has a beneficial effect on human health, instantly quenches the feeling of thirst and fills with new strength and energy.

Why visit this place?

Ai-Yori spring is located in a picturesque place, between nature reserve and forestry. It's very beautiful landscapes, few people can resist not to be photographed against their background or not to shoot them on video.

Near the spring there is a font with cool running water. Anyone can dive into it.

An artificial waterfall was built 15 meters from the font for those who want to cool off in the shower.

Nearby is an observation deck from which you can see the coast of Alushta and the Chatyr-Dag mountain range.

Note to tourists

The place is available all year round and around the clock, but it is better to visit in daytime. A special level of physical fitness is not required, you can go with children. On a hike you need to take a supply of water, which can be replenished from a source. There is no guide on site, but the Ai-Yori tourist site is included in many excursions in Alushta.

    Funa fortress ruins

    mountains Demerdzhi, Kastel, Chatyr-Dag,

    Valley of Ghosts.

There are many cafes and restaurants in Alushta. Souvenir shops sell Crimean wines, therapeutic mud, natural cosmetics, juniper souvenirs and other local products.

Here you can rent accommodation for a tourist with any income. The following are available to choose from:

    hotels 3-4*,

    hotels 1-2*,

    private houses.

Bicycles and cars can also be rented.

Mobile operators Win Mobile and MTS operate in Crimea. Other Russian operators work in roaming.

From the beginning of May to the end of September, various holidays, festivals and competitions are held, many tourists combine event and sightseeing tourism.

How to get to the source of Ai-Yori?

Address: Russia, Republic of Crimea, Alushta. The source is located on the slopes of Mount Ai-Yori near Alushta.

You can get to the mountain both by public and private transport. Any type of car is suitable for driving. There is a non-equipped parking lot.


The source does not dry up even in the hottest summer, because it is filled not with ground or karst waters, but with waters coming from great depths.
Ai-Yori - means "Saint George". The source is located not far from Alushta, on the slopes of the mountain of the same name, which is part of the Babugan mountain range.

The source does not dry up even in the hottest summer, for the reason that it is filled not with ground or karst waters, but with waters coming from great depths.

The spring water is fresh, slightly mineralized, and is considered curative. It contains trace elements such as beryllium, vanadium, barium, fluorine, zinc, strontium, lanthanum, manganese, etc.

The source of Ai Yori is located right under the slope of the picturesque Romanovskaya road, which was laid among centuries-old beech forests in the 19th century for royal family. The road is also the border between the Alushta forestry and the Crimean natural reserve.

In ancient times, on Ai-Yori, just like on the neighboring mountain - Seraus, there were defensive fortifications, and there was a church near the spring. During the Second World War, a detachment of partisans was located in this area, as two monuments on the top of the mountain remind of.

Not far from the source there is an excellent observation point, which offers a stunning view of the entire Alushta coast, Alushta, the Chatyr-Dag mountain range.


Where is the Source "Ai-Yori"? It's simple, look at the mark on the map, write down the address or 44°40.367′, 34°20.211′ Please read the directions below the map. You should definitely visit this place!

How to get to the Ai-Yori Source


Source "Ai-Yori"

Walking tour from Alushta to the source of Ai-Yori

We we live in the world high speeds. Like race cars on the Formula 1 track, we strive forward in life, to new horizons and achievements. AND in this race everyone is heading towards their own goal. Winning is what interests many. And, above all, victory over yourself.

Obstacles stand in our way. They take our time and heat our nerves. We are losing strength. Stress becomes our constant companion, and even sleep no longer brings relief. A continuous series of nightmarish days develops into weeks, months. What's next? At this moment, a person realizes that he needs a vacation.

Where to go? I propose to go to a place where there is no asphalt and concrete, no noisy cars, no offices and the sounds of working office equipment, you don’t suffocate from exhaust gases, there are no high-rise buildings, shopping centers, cafes, no buildings at all, not a single one. And there are no people around either. And that's good, because now in general no one wants to see.

But what is there? And there is clean air and green foliage tall trees, there is the bare earth of the planet, there is space. The source is buzzing. Birds are singing. Silence. A special energy that can restore a person's vitality. She is there, this place - Ai-yori's source of power in Crimea.

What is waiting for you?

The first element in your path is Air. Ai-Yori spring is located at an altitude of 570 meters above sea level. The walk from Alushta takes about 1 hour 20 minutes. Climbing up, the path will take you over the hills where oaks grow, and in some places there are pines. On the route, your heart starts to beat faster, your breathing quickens and becomes deeper. In one hour of travel through the forest to the source of Ai-Yori passes through your lungs twice more oxygen than when you walk all day in the park in a metropolis. The cleansing of your body has begun.

Since ancient times, Ai-Yori has been considered a sacred place. People come up here to be alone with nature, clear their minds of negative thoughts and recharge with positive energy. The Ai-Yori spring never dries up; its water, filled with microelements useful for the body, originates at great depths in the bowels of the earth. Water flows out of the mountainside, runs like a stream along a chute and breaks off a ledge with an artificial waterfall.

Climbing up to the source of Ai-Yori, you will find your clothes soaked with sweat. Now it's time to drink from the source, and then plunge into the cool water of the equipped font. The water temperature in the spring does not exceed 17 degrees even in summer. You can stand under the waterfall and enjoy strong blows cool water. Washing with healing water The best way be cleansed from negative energy in organism.

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