Dream interpretation of seeing an elderly woman. Dream book of the healer Evdokia. What does the dream portend: Woman

Why does an old woman dream? Dream interpretation

An old woman is often dreamed of as a harbinger of the fact that in reality you will be visited by thoughts about the eternal. You may be thinking about life and death. This dream can be a harbinger of illness and various injuries. In addition, gossip and quarrels may await you. Much depends on the appearance of the old woman you dreamed of. If you saw an evil old woman in a dream, you may be deceived in reality, and your competitors are preparing some kind of trick. Kind woman personifies the image of a mentor and protector. The dream speaks of the need to listen to the advice of parents and older people. If you meet a friendly woman in the forest or on the road, then wisdom and a good old age await you. A favorable sign for a man is a dream in which he shows signs of attention to an old woman, and she accepts his advances. The dream promises success in business and marriage with a good young woman. He will be happy in family life.

Woman in black according to the dream book

Almost everyone is wary of such a symbol as the woman in black. Of course, seeing something like this in a dream is scary to say the least, especially if it was an old woman. Well, how can you not think about death?! Although, when interpreting what a representative of the fair half of humanity dreams about, dream books often associate her image with tenderness, care and love. And if she is dressed in something dark, then they mention secrets.

Brief interpretations

If you dreamed of a woman in black, don’t be alarmed. Perhaps she predicts success for you. let's consider various stories dreams, in their brief reading.

  • Seeing a pregnant woman in a black dress in a dream means good changes.
  • An old woman in a dirty black hood means illness.
  • The young beauty dressed in all dark - for an interesting journey.
  • A girl sees herself in a dream wearing a fur coat the color of a raven's wing - to a quarrel with her beloved.
  • The man saw his wife in a blue-black fur coat - a sign of his dissatisfaction.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book, interpreting a dream with a woman in a black robe, foretells the following to the dreamer: forget about your desires. And if this lady dressed in the colors of the night is familiar to you, then this means that you may be deceived into a dubious event. To summarize, we can understand that a dream in which a girl dressed in a dark robe dreamed means problems and troubles.

Young widow as a symbol of personal problems

If a married girl dreamed that she was widowed and put on mourning clothes, then in reality she would have an unpleasant conversation with her husband, says Miss Hasse’s dream book. And if an unmarried young lady was wearing mourning clothes in a dream, a rejected admirer can publicly disgrace her.

For those who are wondering why a woman in a black evening dress dreams of, Slavic dream book suggests: a dress with a shade resembling a raven's wing, like any other clothing of a similar color scheme, symbolizes problems in your personal life, for example, such as a venereal disease.

An older lady is a sign of prosperity

Do you want to know why an old woman in a black lace scarf and black eyes dreams? According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, the old lady is the dreamer’s experience or skill; a lace scarf, especially a dark one, is a sign of a favorable arrangement of stars, a blessing, so to speak; well, the old woman with black eyes is a long-standing secret desire. If we put everything together, we get the following interpretation of the dream: thanks to your knowledge and skills, you will be able to achieve what you have long dreamed of.

And if you dreamed of an old woman in an ash-colored scarf, whose face is not visible, be careful in gambling, this dream symbolizes temptation, succumbing to which you will be left with nothing.

Mysterious stranger, or Danger never sleeps...

Dream books give unpleasant and frightening interpretations to dreams in which you met a woman dressed as death. In the Lunar Dream Book you can find the following explanation for this vision: a woman who looked like death in a dream symbolizes a hidden danger. If you meet this person in a cemetery, beware of accidents.

In a dream, a stranger, wrapped in a soot-colored cape, ran away from you? There are several interpretations of what this means in a dream: you tried to catch up with her - you will suffer from your own incontinence; if you failed to catch up, chance will help you avoid trouble; and if, having encountered a woman in a black cloak at night, you scatter in both directions, then an unpleasant incident awaits you.

Why do you dream about a woman in black?

Dream about a woman in black various reasons. The most common reason is personal experiences. A person’s state of mind is directly transmitted into his dreams. For this reason, you should limit yourself as much as possible from stressful situations and conflicts.

If a man dreams of a woman in black, this may portend a decrease in activity in the intimate sphere, possibly complete sexual impotence. Or, it simply reflects his lack of confidence in women, or the lack of them in his life.

Many personify the woman in black with death. This analogy takes place when the woman’s face was clearly visible in the dream. The face of death is usually ugly, wrinkled and disgusting. If the face is not visible, or the woman is beautiful, then the dream characterizes something else.

As a rule, black clothes symbolize grief, trouble, fear, resentment and obstacles. But a woman in black does not always portend trouble; this may mean, for example, that obstacles may arise on the way to fulfilling your plans, which will be created by a woman you know. But when a woman leaves, it can be taken as a symbol of the retreat of failure.

A woman, by herself, foreshadows betrayal, intrigue, gossip or betrayal. If a woman is pregnant in a dream, then this promises speedy changes in life in better side. You can really expect an addition to the family, or unexpected luck.

Some sleep researchers claim that a person who dreams of a woman in black clothes will soon have incredible luck, get rich, advance in work, or meet his destiny. If a woman appears in torn and dirty clothes, then, on the contrary, this is a sign of poverty, which awaits a person in the future tense.

Miller's dream book interprets such a dream in this way: if you dreamed of a woman in black, then your dreams are not destined to come true. Trouble and misunderstandings lie ahead. Alternatively, it is also possible that they will try to involve the person seeing such a dream in gambling, stock speculation or dubious activities. General characteristics Such a dream may result in troubles and troubles expected in the near future.

If a woman dreams of herself in a black robe, this foreshadows big quarrels in the family, with parents, husband, or even with her own children.

A woman in black, young and beautiful, promises the onset of a beautiful period in a person’s life, interesting travels, joy and pleasure. Or news may come about the addition of a person to the family who saw the dream.

For a woman in love, such a dream can foreshadow separations, quarrels and scandals. It can also be a symbol of approaching depression, apathy, or boredom.

If a woman dressed in black is naked under her robe, you should be wary of lies from those closest to you and gossip. A dream can be a sign that a person is sick with something.

Another interpretation of a dream in which a woman in black dreamed could be that the sleeper is experiencing strong dissatisfaction sexual desire, or simply dissatisfaction with the relationship. It is possible to expect an unexpected insult from an intimate partner that can shake the soul.

It is important to give meaning bad dreams should not be done, as bad energy in the morning will ensure a bad day. Thus, it would be a good idea to play it safe, be attentive to details, but not panic if a person had a bad dream.

Why a woman in black dreams was discussed in this article. Now any dream will only inspire confidence and will not raise unnecessary questions. A woman is not a threat, it can be good news, it is only important to correctly interpret the dream.

Why do you dream about the Old Woman?

You can find out for free in the dream book, Why do you dream about an old woman?, having read below the interpretation of dreams from online dream books Houses of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not an Old Woman, but something else, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

Why do you dream about an old woman?

Seeing an old woman in a dream

What does the dream Old Woman mean?

Old sick woman

Dream Interpretation Old Sick Woman dreamed of why an old sick woman dreams in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an old sick woman in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Old woman

Old woman - illness / dangers of life / your thoughts about death.

Evil old woman - enemies will chase / deceive.

Angry and disheveled - your evil self, your antipode.

Old woman in black - suspicions will come true / “angel of death”; her appearance and actions communicate something about the circumstances of your death, but not at all about the time when it will happen.

Old maid - your home or your family causes you suffering / an image of your callousness.

A kind old woman is a faithful protector / suspicions will not be justified.

To meet her on the road, in the field, in the forest is wisdom / sometimes a quiet, peaceful death that awaits you in old age.

The old woman in the hut is a certain dead person whose death you recently thought about.

Finding an old woman in a hole, in the middle of a field, in the mountains, etc. is a danger that awaits you not close, but suddenly / harm from the fact that you think little about death.

An old woman is chasing you - vain fears for life and health. Seeing an old cannibal woman is an image of your soul absorbing the vitality and good fortune of other people / you have a heavy hand and an evil eye.

Dream Interpretation - Sick

A sick person climbing onto a cart portends a great misfortune.

A sick person gets up - portends death.

A sick person is placed on a cart - portends death.

A sick person sometimes cries, sometimes laughs - portends recovery.

A sick person riding in a boat portends death.

A sick person singing songs portends great misfortune.

Feeling sick portends a joyful event.

Insects crawl out of a diseased body - you will get the position of charioteer, work related to transport.

Seeing yourself sick is a joyful event.

Another person supports a bedridden patient - a promotion.

Insects crawl out of a diseased body - get a position as a charioteer or a job related to transport.

A sick person climbs onto the cart - a great misfortune.

Insects crawl on a sick body - the disease goes away.

Raking manure into a large pile - portends wealth, material well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Sick, going crazy

Dreams about illnesses are generally unfortunate and good only for prisoners and criminals.

A dream in which you are sick is a sign of mental anxiety. However, if you feel physically unwell in a dream and cannot move or do anything, then you should take care of your health. Such a dream also foreshadows unpleasant conversations and worries that will disrupt the usual course of your life. Only for fugitives or criminals does such a dream foretell that they will be able to avoid retribution for their deeds. For young people, the dream predicts that their marriage may be unhappy. For old people, a dream predicts receiving help or support. For a young woman to dream that she is terminally ill, the dream predicts that soon an unusual incident will cause her to be disappointed in her marriage. For other people, such a dream may indicate their addiction to alcohol. A dream in which you visit a sick person predicts that you will soon receive bad news. The dream in which you beat a patient has the same meaning. Caring for a sick person in a dream is a harbinger of imminent happiness and joy. You will help a friend or relative who finds themselves in a difficult situation, and subsequently you will be generously rewarded for this. Seeing your relative sick in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that soon some event will bring discord into your family, and you will experience worry and grief. Sick children in your dream are a bad omen. See interpretation: children.

Going crazy in a dream or experiencing panic as a result of some kind of mental illness means that you should beware of the machinations of enemies who are up to no good. See interpretation: madness. To see a dream in which you are sick with the same disease as someone means that you should be wary of exposure and refrain from participating in risky ventures.

Dream Interpretation - Sick

Sick, illness - To be sick in a dream - do not worry, everything will be fine with your health. Visit the sick - your request will be fulfilled; look after the sick - you will have joy and happiness. “sick - damp weather” if you dream of some kind of sore, then there will be good, good health.

Dream Interpretation - Junk

Seeing people dressed in old clothes in a dream is a sign of mental anxiety. Vagrants or beggars rummaging through old things are a harbinger of long and hard work to achieve a high goal. Dealing with a junk dealer in a dream means prosperity.

Old things piled up in a heap mean that deep down in your soul you condemn yourself for your weakness and cowardice, but you are not able to get rid of them. Old faulty and unrepairable mechanisms that belong only in a landfill mean that all your hopes for change for the better will be in vain.

Seeing an old abandoned Gothic-style castle in a dream means there is a danger of being robbed or robbed. An old neglected cemetery in your dream means that you will outlive all your family and friends.

If in a dream you exchange an old car for a new, luxurious and expensive one, you will provide not only for yourself, but even for your children and grandchildren. Throwing away old gloves means that you will suffer losses as a result of elementary deception and your own naivety. Seeing decrepit old men in a dream means that in reality you will come to despair from the failures that are pursuing you.

Dream Interpretation - Sick

Seeing yourself sick means health.

Having a sore head is an honor.

Visiting the sick is a joy.

Dream Interpretation - Old woman

Symbolizes extreme decline, close proximity to death, representing a matrix for many other images (mother, baby, child, dog, eagle, monk, nun, etc.). The symbol is super-negative because it hides a human-deforming deviation monitor. Indicates a vampiric hold that causes damage to the subject.

Dream Interpretation - Sick

Sick - to be sick - there is no need to worry.

Dream Interpretation - Old things

If you see old things in a dream, then the dream indicates that your business has fallen into disrepair and poverty and need await you. Getting rid of old things in a dream means the opposite. See interpretation: clothing.

Buying old things in a dream foreshadows an unsuccessful deal, as a result of which you will be left with nothing. See interpretation: antiques.

Dream Interpretation - Old woman

why do you dream about a woman...



smells bad. The woman in black is like death. Storm - to a change in life. And mirrors are a connection with the other world.


Moreover, you need to study yourself from all sides and choose the direction of your future life path.


Serega Tsygankov


Urfin Juice

Married, of course!!!


Any dream about women is a harbinger of intrigue and quarrels. For a woman to see herself with a beard in a dream is a sign of imminent widowhood or separation from her lover. For a woman to see herself naked in a dream is a sign of dishonor and humiliation. For a man to see a naked woman in a dream is a sign of big troubles due to lies that he himself will come up with. Arguing with a woman in a dream means that you should not blindly believe what you are told. Trust but check. For a man to see a pleasant but unfamiliar woman in a dream is a sign that his chances of a successful outcome are slim; sometimes a dream predicts risky ventures and gambling, which you should try to avoid. If a woman has red hair, then do not expect a quiet life. Blondes dream about good news and a quiet time. In general, to see a pleasant-looking woman smiling at you in a friendly manner in a dream means that this day will bring you good luck and joy. Kissing a woman in a dream is a sign of grief or disappointment. Seeing or meeting an old and ugly woman in a dream is a harbinger of bad conversations about you. Such a dream warns you that you should be more careful and not give rise to gossip. If you dream that you are attracted to a stranger, then be afraid of false friends and do not trust strangers. A laughing woman in a dream is a sign of disappointment due to unfulfilled hopes. Seeing a disheveled or poorly dressed woman in a dream is a sign that you should take care of your health and condition. A woman praying is a sign of consolation in misfortune; pregnant woman - to worries and troubles; with a child in your arms - to great trouble. See what a lady dreams about, what a girl dreams about, what her hair is about, what her eyes are about, what her clothes are about.
If you dreamed of a young woman - to joy; if you dreamed of a beautiful woman - to pleasure; if you dreamed of an old woman - to gossip; if you dreamed of an ugly woman - to trouble; if you dreamed of a pregnant woman - to unexpected profits; if you dreamed of an unfamiliar woman, for a man it means trouble; for a woman - to a quarrel with a loved one.

13579 02468

Long black hair means something good. The rest is alarming. If the mirrors are not broken, then it’s not scary.

Dmitry Titov

Seeing a brunette woman is a sign of gossip, in addition, it symbolizes that you will refuse
from struggling in some matter where there was a chance of success.
The appearance of mirrors means the appearance of insurmountable obstacles...

Alex Babichev

To nothing. It's just a dream. The 21st century is just around the corner, don’t bother yourself with all this nonsense;)

Alexander Zakharov

Usually to the pole

Vlad Khrebtov

someone will die ((

Anatoly Pavlichenko

take a dream book and look at the interpretation of the dream.

Woman basket

Dream Interpretation Woman basket dreamed of why a woman dreams about a basket? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Woman with a basket in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Dream Interpretation - Woman

For a man it is a temptation.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Dream Interpretation - Women

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Is a harbinger of gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Ugly woman - quarrels.

An evil woman is a deception.

Enemies will pursue you.

Many women - for a change.

Woman pestering

Dream Interpretation Woman pestering dreamed of why in a dream a woman pesters you? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a woman pestering you in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Any dream about women is a harbinger of intrigue and quarrels. For a woman to see herself with a beard in a dream is a sign of imminent widowhood or separation from her lover. For a woman to see herself naked in a dream is a sign of dishonor and humiliation. For a man to see a naked woman in a dream is a sign of big troubles due to lies that he himself will come up with. Arguing with a woman in a dream means that you should not blindly believe what you are told. Trust but check. For a man to see a pleasant but unfamiliar woman in a dream is a sign that his chances of a successful outcome are slim; sometimes a dream predicts risky ventures and gambling, which you should try to avoid. If a woman has red hair, then do not expect a quiet life. Blondes dream of good news and a relaxing pastime. In general, to see a pleasant-looking woman smiling at you in a friendly manner in a dream means that this day will bring you good luck and joy. Kissing a woman in a dream is a sign of grief or disappointment. Seeing or meeting an old and ugly woman in a dream is a harbinger of bad conversations about you. Such a dream warns you that you should be more careful and not give rise to gossip. If you dream that you are attracted to a stranger, then be afraid of false friends and do not trust strangers. A laughing woman in a dream is a sign of disappointment due to unfulfilled hopes. Seeing a disheveled or poorly dressed woman in a dream is a sign that you should take care of your health and condition. A woman praying is a sign of consolation in misfortune; pregnant woman - to worries and troubles; with a child in your arms - to great trouble. See interpretation: lady, girl, hair, eyes, clothes.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

For a man to see himself lying between two women is an improvement in health and affairs.

Lying next to a pregnant woman brings pleasant hopes.

For a woman to see herself among other women is a big hassle.

In general, young, beautiful, with long hair woman - to health, new opportunities, joy, pleasures.

Old, ugly, crooked or with disheveled hair - to gossip, quarrels, squabbles, melancholy.

A naked woman is a symbol of illness, grief, lies.

Meeting a young stranger is a nuisance for a woman.

For a man it is a temptation.

Kissing a stranger means money.

To be enchanted and look back at some woman means deception from friends.

If any woman stops you, beware of bad luck, this is a warning.

A woman under a veil means death.

There are many women, arguing with them is intrigue and a violation of your plans.

The American tradition even interprets the dependence of the interpretation of dreams on the color of hair, eyes, and the shape of the woman’s nose in a dream: blonde - to pleasant deeds and hobbies.

Brunette with blue eyes and a snub nose is a sign that you have retreated before the vicissitudes of fate.

Brown-haired or red-haired with a straight nose - to difficulties and troubles.

Brown-eyed with a Roman nose - a warning about the dangers of speculation and stock trading.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Praying - Good times; pregnant woman - joy; women in men's suit- experience moments of passion; meeting of women - chagrin; kiss a woman - earn a lot of money; black-haired - gossip; with long good hair - health; talk to a stranger - make an acquaintance; woman with child - family happiness; old woman - squabbles; red-haired - fragile love; looking at a woman means your friends are deceiving you; laughing - great joy; under a black or white veil - death; young - you will allow even more reckless things; in general, to see a pleasant woman is to have happiness; kiss - joy to take - reasonable home life; meet a woman in a dream - have a good day

Dream Interpretation - Women

If you dreamed of a woman in a temple, the dream foreshadows you soon with consolation and peace of mind. If she is in the house or rooms, then this dream is an omen of new plans, important changes in fate. If you dream of a flirtatious, laughing woman, this dream means short-lived joy or deceit, gossip, envy. If in a dream you saw an angry, gloomy or suffering woman, then the dream predicts that you must be diligent, diligent and dexterous. Then good luck awaits you. If in a dream you buy jewelry for a woman, success, good luck in business, and an increase in wealth await you. Beautiful woman dreams of love, a young woman portends kindness, a blonde promises wealth, and a brunette promises platonic love or good friendship. If you dream of many beautiful women dancing, this dream predicts lies and fraud that you will encounter in life. If you see women's hands in a dream, the dream foreshadows vain chores and futile worry. If you dream of laughing, pretty women, you will experience short joy and then a long fall.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

A woman is a disease, a ghost. A pregnant woman sees a tit in a dream - you will have a girl, a nightingale - a boy. If a pregnant woman walks on water, especially if there is a flood, then the birth will be successful. Before giving birth, you will also dream that it is dawn in the house, or that a swarm of bees has flown in and lands on your head. If the owner or mistress catches a spider, perch, crucian carp, pigeon, or drake in a dream, then they will have a boy, and if they catch a frog, roach, pike, dove, pitching, generally a bird, a mouse, there will be a girl. Before giving birth, you may dream that a duck is walking with its ducklings. Before giving birth, a woman dreams that she is lying in a coffin or has a child in her arms. An old woman is a disease. Kissing a woman is a disease, gossip; to see a child in your arms - crisis, troubles; to see disheveled is weakness, angry is a storm, to be between women is betrayal, secrets.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

this is temptation and temptation; if she came up or turned her back, then this is an incentive to do a bad deed and evil. A black woman with an ugly head is cholera, a plague, but a pious and pleasant woman is charm and joy. The old woman is earthly life. For a woman, a dream about a young unknown woman symbolizes an enemy. If you dream of an Arab woman or any dark-skinned woman, then this is a joyful event.

Seeing a woman turn into an old woman means an improvement in life.

Seeing many women in a dream indicates the delights and temptations of worldly life. And whoever sees that they have approached him, his fate will be favorable. They are also a temptation and a test. Sometimes they point to love, also to what they always treat well and to what they take and protect for the sake of Allah. Their participation in Jihad indicates that they will go to Hajj.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Lots of women - intrigue at work. Old - you have become a victim energy vampire. Naked - your relationship with your superiors will become the subject of gossip. Bare-haired - nervous tension last days may cause illness. Pregnant - you trusted false news. Kissing an unfamiliar woman - intrigue will cause losses. Women fighting - a quarrel with the authorities.

Runs away - wrong decision will entail irreparable consequences. Being at a party with women you know is a betrayal by a person you considered a friend. Hearing a woman's voice means they are trying to force you to leave your position, which for many is a tasty morsel. Arguing with a woman means that in reality someone will outwit you or confuse you. Brunette - the fight for justice will end in failure. Blonde - you have been drawn into dangerous games where you will become a bargaining chip. Redhead - natural disasters will interfere with your life.

Imagine that every woman is approached by a man, and some are approached by several. Women seem to dissolve in a swarm of men. Focus your attention on men. At the same time, women go somewhere. Only the men remain.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

The image of a woman in a dream: - symbolizes the sphere of your feelings and emotions, and the woman’s mood for a man to communicate with friendly, calm women: a sign that his feelings are in harmony and in the near future his affairs promise to go well in a variety of areas.

Any troubles associated with women for a man: is a warning that his emotions and feelings are in disarray, threatening him with a lot of trouble and nervous breakdowns.

For a woman to see unfamiliar women, if they are friendly and sympathetic: it may portend the successful implementation of certain plans.

Indifferent or cold women in women's dreams: a warning about possible intrigue or gossip.

Arguing with a woman for both men and women: foreshadows misunderstandings and frustration of plans.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Is a harbinger of gossip.

Women fighting are a sign of mental disharmony.

A bald woman - to contempt, disregard for your opinion.

An unmade-up and unkempt woman is a sign of flattery.

Taking an unkempt woman in your arms means a quarrel.

Kissing a woman means an upcoming win or profit.

Kiss in a dream an elderly woman- to a quarrel between spouses.

Giving up your seat in a transport to a woman in a dream means you will succumb to someone’s trick.

Seeing yourself ugly in a dream is a harbinger for a woman family quarrel it's her fault.

Lying between two women in a dream means good luck in business and improved health for a man; lying with a pregnant woman means pleasant and promising hopes for a man.

If a man finds himself in a female society in a dream - gossip is spreading around you, trying to discredit you.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Seeing an unfamiliar woman unclearly is a minor nuisance.

Seeing a beautiful woman means joy, happiness, wealth.

Pregnant - get ready for something new, a change.

A dirty woman means failure, poverty.

Ugly woman - quarrels.

Young girls - wealth, feast, peace of mind.

Seeing an old woman means danger to life, thoughts of death, illness.

An evil woman is a deception.

Enemies will pursue you.

Many women - for a change.

Warmly dressed woman

Dream Interpretation Warmly dressed woman dreamed of why a warmly dressed woman dreams in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a warmly dressed woman in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dressed

If you see yourself dressed in white clothes, someone is plotting something against you.

Dream Interpretation - Dressed in red clothes

A bad dream that does not promise anything good. You have blocked the subtle channels of your mind under the influence of tridoshas that are out of balance. If you remember this dream and interpret it, you can determine whether you are terminally ill or whether the disease can be cured, thereby snatching you from the clutches of death.

Dreams that occur in the first half of the night do not come true soon and not completely.

Dreams that occur at dawn come true on the same day and with sufficient accuracy, unless the person falls asleep again (after having a dream) or does not tell it (to a person who does not believe in prophetic dreams).

A bad dream can be neutralized by sacrifice, almsgiving, and witchcraft.

Try so that after a bad dream you have a good and joyful dream, your last, good dream will come true.

Dream Interpretation - Dressed in a long dress

A reward awaits you

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Praying - good times; pregnant woman - joy; women in a man's suit - experiencing moments of passion; meeting of women - chagrin; kiss a woman - earn a lot of money; black-haired - gossip; with long good hair - health; talk to a stranger - make an acquaintance; a woman with a child - family happiness; old woman - squabbles; red-haired - fragile love; looking at a woman means your friends are deceiving you; laughing - great joy; under a black or white veil - death; young - you will allow even more reckless things; in general, to see a pleasant woman is to have happiness; kiss - joy to take - reasonable home life; meet a woman in a dream - have a good day

Dream Interpretation - Women

If you dreamed of a woman in a temple, the dream foreshadows you soon with consolation and peace of mind. If she is in the house or rooms, then this dream is an omen of new plans, important changes in fate. If you dream of a flirtatious, laughing woman, this dream means short-lived joy or deceit, gossip, envy. If in a dream you saw an angry, gloomy or suffering woman, then the dream predicts that you must be diligent, diligent and dexterous. Then good luck awaits you. If in a dream you buy jewelry for a woman, success, good luck in business, and an increase in wealth await you. A beautiful woman dreams of love, a young woman portends kindness, a blonde promises wealth, and a brunette promises platonic love or good friendship. If you dream of many beautiful women dancing, this dream predicts lies and fraud that you will encounter in life. If you see women's hands in a dream, the dream foreshadows vain chores and futile worry. If you dream of laughing, pretty women, you will experience short joy and then a long fall.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

A woman is a disease, a ghost. A pregnant woman sees a tit in a dream - you will have a girl, a nightingale - a boy. If a pregnant woman walks on water, especially if there is a flood, then the birth will be successful. Before giving birth, you will also dream that it is dawn in the house, or that a swarm of bees has flown in and lands on your head. If the owner or mistress catches a spider, perch, crucian carp, pigeon, or drake in a dream, then they will have a boy, and if they catch a frog, roach, pike, dove, pitching, generally a bird, a mouse, there will be a girl. Before giving birth, you may dream that a duck is walking with its ducklings. Before giving birth, a woman dreams that she is lying in a coffin or has a child in her arms. An old woman is a disease. Kissing a woman is a disease, gossip; to see a child in your arms - crisis, troubles; to see disheveled is weakness, angry is a storm, to be between women is betrayal, secrets.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Any dream about women is a harbinger of intrigue and quarrels. For a woman to see herself with a beard in a dream is a sign of imminent widowhood or separation from her lover. For a woman to see herself naked in a dream is a sign of dishonor and humiliation. For a man to see a naked woman in a dream is a sign of big troubles due to lies that he himself will come up with. Arguing with a woman in a dream means that you should not blindly believe what you are told. Trust but check. For a man to see a pleasant but unfamiliar woman in a dream is a sign that his chances of a successful outcome are slim; sometimes a dream predicts risky ventures and gambling, which you should try to avoid. If a woman has red hair, then do not expect a quiet life. Blondes dream of good news and a relaxing pastime. In general, to see a pleasant-looking woman smiling at you in a friendly manner in a dream means that this day will bring you good luck and joy. Kissing a woman in a dream is a sign of grief or disappointment. Seeing or meeting an old and ugly woman in a dream is a harbinger of bad conversations about you. Such a dream warns you that you should be more careful and not give rise to gossip. If you dream that you are attracted to a stranger, then be afraid of false friends and do not trust strangers. A laughing woman in a dream is a sign of disappointment due to unfulfilled hopes. Seeing a disheveled or poorly dressed woman in a dream is a sign that you should take care of your health and condition. A woman praying is a sign of consolation in misfortune; pregnant woman - to worries and troubles; with a child in your arms - to great trouble. See interpretation: lady, girl, hair, eyes, clothes.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

this is temptation and temptation; if she came up or turned her back, then this is an incentive to do a bad deed and evil. A black woman with an ugly head is cholera, a plague, but a pious and pleasant woman is charm and joy. An old woman is earthly life. For a woman, a dream about a young unknown woman symbolizes an enemy. If you dream of an Arab woman or any dark-skinned woman, then this is a joyful event.

Seeing a woman turn into an old woman means an improvement in life.

Seeing many women in a dream indicates the delights and temptations of worldly life. And whoever sees that they have approached him, his fate will be favorable. They are also a temptation and a test. Sometimes they point to love, also to what they always treat well and to what they take and protect for the sake of Allah. Their participation in Jihad indicates that they will go to Hajj.

Dream Interpretation - Warmth

to wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Lots of women - intrigue at work. Old - you have become a victim of an energy vampire. Naked - your relationship with your superiors will become the subject of gossip. Bare-haired - nervous tension of recent days can cause illness. Pregnant - you trusted false news. Kissing an unfamiliar woman - intrigue will cause losses. Women fighting - a quarrel with the authorities.

Runs away - a wrong decision will entail irreparable consequences. Being at a party with women you know is a betrayal by a person you considered a friend. Hearing a woman's voice means they are trying to force you to leave your position, which for many is a tasty morsel. Arguing with a woman means that in reality someone will outwit you or confuse you. Brunette - the fight for justice will end in failure. Blonde - you have been drawn into dangerous games where you will become a bargaining chip. Redhead - natural disasters will interfere with your life.
Why does a woman dream about sauerkraut?

People surround us not only Everyday life, very often they break into our dreams without permission. If we see familiar people in our night dreams, this may be inspired by daytime impressions or thoughts about a particular person. But, according to almost any dream book, a woman - whether familiar or not - can often appear in a dream to anticipate some good event in life or warn of an upcoming danger.

What a woman dreams about, what news she brought to your dreams, will depend, first of all, on her appearance. The circumstances in your dreams and the actions of the lady in your dream are no less important. Particular attention should be paid to those dreams in which the sleeper interacts with the image he has dreamed of.

All interpreters are confident that if you dreamed about a woman and she was young and pretty, then such a dream is favorable. But in the case when the female image turned out to be ugly and even frightening, the dreamer should be afraid of some unfavorable circumstances in the near future. real life. An old woman in dreams, regardless of her beauty or ugliness, for the most part means that the person sleeping has become the subject of active discussion - probably because in reality older women love to gossip.

Familiar ladies and mothers

Some interpreters believe that seeing a woman in a dream is practically the same as looking in a mirror, only seeing in it a reflection not of your appearance, but of your own soul. But this does not negate the fact that a dream can be a prediction, advice, and a warning. What moments in dream images should you pay attention to first?

  • Was the woman familiar or not?
  • If it was a stranger, what was her age?
  • You need to remember the details of the appearance of the lady in the dream.
  • And also her clothes.
  • What was the woman doing in your dream?
  • What did you do yourself?

The question “why do you dream about a woman you know?” It is worth asking the interpreter if on the eve of the dream you did not think about the person you dreamed of. Otherwise, you may mistake your own anxiety or desire for a prediction. If a friend showed up unexpectedly in your dream, then the interpretation will be more accurate.

So, a dream in which the woman turned out to be your own usually portends good events - if the mother was in good health and good mood. If your mother is upset, you need to remember why - it is in this direction in life that obstacles may await you. If the mother turned out to be sick, then this indicates her feeling good, or about your concern for your mother’s health.

You dreamed of a woman who in reality is your sister - the dream means that a family meeting is approaching. Seeing an old friend in your dreams means luck will not turn away from you. The image of an ex promises a quick interesting meeting, but not necessarily with the heroine of the dream.

If, believes Modern dream book, the woman you dreamed of is your enemy - unexpected obstacles may appear in business. When your beloved has a dream, you need to pay attention to her condition and actions: she is healthy, cheerful and happy to see you - everything will be wonderful in your life, if she is sad or crying - it is worth auditing her affairs to find points of possible failure. If she is sick, you should take care of the health of your household.

If a girl dreams of a red-haired acquaintance, in reality her pangs of jealousy may turn out to be unfounded. If a man dreams of a red-haired “beast”, he should weigh it very carefully business proposals, some of them may turn out to be scams. I dreamed about a lady I knew - events will take an unexpected turn.

Strangers and their ages

Why do you dream about an unfamiliar woman if she was young and pretty? Men often dream about young and beautiful strangers. According to the Noble Dream Book, an unfamiliar woman in a dream symbolizes the sleeping person’s current life circumstances.

The appearance of a stranger is the state of your affairs, the mood is your attitude towards these circumstances and your own plans for the future. In a dream, a stranger tried to flirt with you - be careful in the workplace: intrigues and intrigues against you are likely.

If you dreamed of a woman, neatly dressed and pretty, your affairs are in order, your plans have a good chance of coming true. If you dreamed of a young stranger looking unsightly - with dirty or disheveled hair, in an ugly or torn dress - this means that you should pay more attention to the state of your affairs. When the young woman in the dream turned out to be fat, sick, or in bad mood, is a reason to pay attention to the state of your own health.

If, as he says Esoteric dream book, an unfamiliar woman in a dream turned out to be old age, then you should also pay attention to its appearance. A neat and pretty old lady in a dream encourages you to more often seek advice from the older generation and use their experience in your affairs.

An evil old aunt in your night dreams warns that you may be deceived - be critical of business proposals, investments; attentiveness and objectivity will not hurt in the sphere of personal relationships. An old woman with a stick - such an image in a dream warns that people who are not burdened with conscience may try to “hook” you.

You met an old pretty lady in a dream while walking - such a dream suggests that you are an intelligent and balanced person who expects a calm and prosperous old age. If a man had a dream about an old lady, and according to the plot of the dream, he was courting a stranger, then in reality the dreamer will have a happy marriage to a young and beautiful girl.

A stranger may appear naked in your dream - this will be a warning about a possible illness or a threat to your reputation. But much more often women in dreams are dressed.

For example, why dream of a woman in black if she is not familiar to you? Black on a lady you don’t know in a dream indicates to a greater extent about your attitude to the current situation. It seems to you that the situation is simply terrible and there is no way out, but interpreters advise you to reassess the circumstances, and a way out will definitely be found.

A woman in a black dress appears to be holding a child, which means that circumstances may not change for the better. Try not to lose your head, then you will definitely come out a winner.

On the contrary, a woman in a white dress promises the dreamer favorable life changes. If, according to the plot of the dream, a stranger in a white robe was beckoning you, then you can soon expect a promotion or a change of job to a higher paying one. However, if a woman in a white dress is in your dreams, you should be as careful as possible in your actions so as not to regret them later.

Catching up and catching up with an unfamiliar woman in a white robe in a dream means that in reality you will be able to “catch fate by the tail”. If a pregnant woman or a young mother was wearing a white dress, the dream foreshadows pleasant household chores or a pleasant large purchase.

The elderly woman whom you kissed in a dream warns against being too principled in the family circle - this can provoke a serious conflict. If an elderly lady sells or gives to you, you are guaranteed success in life, and if she is, your life will be calm and joyful.

Seeing an unfamiliar woman with a child in a dream means: you want your loved ones to take more care of you - do not hesitate to tell them about it. If the mother is busy with the child and putting him to bed, expect to meet a friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

A clear warning image is a bald woman. Hair is a symbol of financial well-being, and therefore a bald lady in a dream warns: you need to be more economical so as not to end up in a financial hole. I dreamed about a bald wife - don’t get into conflict with your wife, otherwise you’re not far from divorce.

Also, for a woman to dream that she is bald, this is a signal that the body is signaling a disease that is still hidden. To dream of a lady whose one half of her head is bald and the other with hair is a sign of misunderstanding in the family.

If you dreamed that a bald woman was your mother, you need to listen more carefully to her advice in reality. And if you dreamed that a lady turned out to be bald as a result of the hairdresser’s manipulations, you will receive a lucrative offer that will literally change your life.

Seeing a sex shop seller in a dream means unusual acquisitions. Perhaps you have bought or are about to buy something that you have never had. Or you were given something completely unexpected.

If the seller is a young girl, for a man such a dream means a dream of a partner who satisfies all his secret desires. For a woman, such a dream is an expression of her fears about her own aging, loss of attractiveness and beauty, fear caused by the thought that her partner might pay attention to a younger woman.

If the seller is a mature woman, for a man this means either a desire to see his long-time partner in a different light, or fears associated with sudden changes in her life (perhaps she has a lover with whom she is more relaxed).

For a woman, seeing a mature woman as a sex shop seller means quick changes in her personal life.

If the seller is an old woman, for men such a dream means a fear that with age they begin to lose their former shape, and for women it means a disease associated with sexually transmitted infections or age-related changes.

If the seller is a man, for a representative of the stronger sex the dream symbolizes the need to take advantage of someone else’s experience; for a woman, it symbolizes dreams of varied and unusual sex with a certain man.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Seller

You should trust the people around you more.

Dreaming about trading is a harbinger of success in business.

Trading is not going well - soon you will be overcome by sadness and frustration.

If you trade under the counter, you may suffer losses.

Seeing a person selling books means receiving useful information.

Selling food - to prosperity in the house.

If you see yourself as a merchant in a tent, you will have to do an unusual or unpleasant task.

Solid gains from trading are a harbinger of loss of property.

Being a salesperson at a kiosk means a serious test, perhaps getting a very responsible job or assignment.

Traveling salesman - dreams of a change in relationships with friends.

Making any purchases means profit or joyful experiences, selling personal items.

Interpretation of dreams from

dreamed of an old woman

Seeing an old woman in a dream means that you will be overtaken by depressing troubles and worries, according to which you will lose both peace and balance.

old woman according to the dream book

If you dream of an old woman, then this dream speaks of some events in the life of relatives. Seeing an old woman denotes joyful events.

what does an old woman dream about

If you dream of an old woman, then this means life on earth. If a woman turns into an old woman in a dream, this leads to a change for the better in her financial and social situation.

old woman in a dream

If you see yourself old (an old woman) in a dream, this means that experiments are needed in sexual relations, no need to get hung up on the same thing.

what does an old woman dream about

If you dream of an old woman, then you need to decide on a way to solve pressing problems. There is no need to start new businesses or agree to dubious offers.

old woman in a dream

An old woman dreams that there will be disturbing events and troubles in life.

old woman according to the dream book

An old woman dreams of the possibility of decline and the end of life's journey. This is a negative image, as it has a destructive effect on a person.

what does an old woman dream about

If a man dreams that he is courting an old woman who reciprocates his feelings, then this is a dream of happy events. All matters will be resolved successfully, the man will marry a beautiful young lady, with whom he will be happy and they will have children.

old woman according to the dream book

If you dreamed of an old woman, then there is a possibility that a relative or other loved one serious illness awaits. If an old woman has a stick (cane) in her hands, this means that you are very serious about your friends and have high hopes for them, which they are unlikely to justify.

old woman in a dream what is this for

Seeing an old woman with a gloomy face means a shortage of funds, grief and need. To see an elderly woman in a good mood - all wishes will come true and things will go well.

So, why does the old woman dream? According to the noble dream book, an old woman seen in a dream can be a harbinger of serious illnesses and thoughts of death. Old age is a symbol of deterioration, stunting and impotence. Such a dream is clearly negative in nature.

What if you dream about an old woman?

However, if in a dream a person sees an elderly woman he knows, then this may be a harbinger of the opportunity to show off his intellect in front of others. Good value Such a dream also occurs if the woman is not familiar, but the man dreams about her. In this case, the dream foreshadows an early marriage to a young and beautiful girl.

The behavior of the old woman is also important. If a woman is pleasant and good-natured, then this means that you need to listen more to the advice of elders and parents. If the woman is unpleasant and angry, then you should be more careful in making decisions.

It is important not to agree to dubious business offers. Also, do not ask for help unfamiliar people or tell some information about yourself to strangers. Attention to the problems of the older generation will also not be superfluous.

If an old woman gives some advice in a dream, then you should definitely listen to them. If she scolds you for something, then you should also pay attention to it.

It is important to pay attention to a woman’s clothing. If the old woman is dressed in black, then she is a symbol of the death of a person. But don't be afraid. Such a dream is not a sign of an approaching end, but information about the circumstances of death. The end of life can only come after many decades.

If an elderly woman stood in a field or forest in a dream, then she is a harbinger of illness. Such a dream is a warning about the need to dress warmly, rest more and take care of yourself.

What does it portend?

We can say that an old man seen in a dream should force a person to pay attention to his health and life in general. Either a person doesn’t take good care of his health, or he lets life take its course.

An elderly woman who comes to a person in a dream foreshadows turning points in life. In this case, whether the outcome will be favorable or unfavorable depends only on the person’s decision.

Sometimes an old woman is a sign of the evil eye or damage brought upon a person. Therefore, it is recommended to wear jewelry made of precious metals, amulets and other amulets.

It is important to remain calm, not to panic, and to take care of yourself. You can allow yourself to take a break from business, go on a trip or go to a sanatorium.

Such a dream is intended to help a person cope with upcoming troubles. Therefore, paying close attention to the details of the dream will not hurt.

In conclusion, it should be noted that when you see an old woman in a dream, you need to consult with older relatives when making every decision. This will help avoid health problems and business sphere. First of all, you should seek advice from your parents.

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