The beach in Nha Trang and its stunning promenade. What is the sea in Vietnam? South China - the best sea off the coast of Vietnam Vietnam is washed by the ocean

Beach in Nha Trang, what is it like? It is long. The length of the beach is about 5 kilometers. Wide. Sunbathing tourists do not occupy the entire space. Pretty clean for a city. We like the beach in Nha Trang. On the first day, as soon as they saw him, immediately there was a desire to swim in the sea and lie down on the sand.

Nha Trang beach

The advantage of the beach is that it is surrounded by mountains and islands. It's nice to walk around and see such beauty from all sides. Sun loungers belong to hotels on the coast. But you can rent them if you want. This pleasure will cost about 100 thousand dongs ($ 5).

Hotels in Nha Trang

  • Novotel Nha Trang
  • Sheraton Nha Trang
  • Summer Hotel
  • New Sun Hotel

All hotels in Nha Trang

There are nice sun loungers on the beach in Nha Trang (paid)

The number of tourists on the beach in Nha Trang is small and there are always free places

In the photo: Nha Trang beach, hotel sun loungers and lifeguard tower

The tower in the photo is empty, but there is always a group of lifeguards on the beach. Vietnamese lifeguards walk along the beach and look after vacationers.

And the palm trees here are just the way I like them. Thin and tall

Where can I order a transfer from the airport?

We use the service - KiwiTaxi
Ordered a taxi online, paid by card. We were greeted at the airport with a sign with our name on it. We were taken to the hotel in a comfortable car. You have already talked about your experience In this article.

Sea in Nha Trang: is it possible to swim?

Yes. According to our observations, optimal time for swimming in Nha Trang from 8 to 10 am. At this time, the water in the sea is perfectly clean and calm. See for yourself:

The sea in Nha Trang without waves can be found until about 10-11 am

The closer to the evening, the more waves, and from this the water becomes cloudy and acquires Brown color. Also, by lunchtime, the current takes out the garbage, with which you don’t want to swim at all. After all, it is so unpleasant to touch something in the water when swimming, some bags or cups.

We are waiting for the weather by the sea

Perhaps the waves and the purity of the water in the sea depend on the season. In some months, it is quite possible that the water remains clear all day, but in September and October, the clear sea can only be found in the morning.

There are always fewer tourists in the far left corner of the beach (behind Nha Trang center) and in the far right (towards the cable car to Winpearl).

Who rests in Nha Trang

The contingent of tourists on the beaches of Nha Trang consists of more from Russian women 45-60 years old and their husbands. Interesting feature. The second line is occupied by couples with children and, last but not least, young people. Nationalities: Russians 70%, Vietnamese 20%, Europeans, Chinese and other foreign tourists - 10%.

Our observations

For 2 months of living in Nha Trang, we noticed the following features of tourists. Mostly our compatriots who have flown in from Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Chelyabinsk, Perm and other Siberian regions rest here. As a rule, ladies spend their holidays in Vietnam with their children, less often with their husbands. If with a husband, then he usually has a mustache, his face expresses slight displeasure, tense, constrained, dressed in a linen oversized wrinkled shirt and a captain's cap, always a little sloppy.

- For lunch we will take lobsters again, and then we will go to the pearl shop, which the guide recommended
- Don't forget the crocodile skin wallets!

- We'll tell Lyudka where we were - she won't believe it!

The Vietnamese go to the beach closer to 5-6 pm, when the sun stops baking and they can be calm about their skin color. They usually bathe in groups in front of the lifeguard post.

Vietnamese children are most often for some reason ill-mannered, arrogant and noisy, often get under their feet, stepping on them. For we have lost the habit of children's crying and screaming, in Vietnam, children are very capricious and naughty. It was also noticed more than once that the Vietnamese were beating them. This has not been seen in other Asian countries. And one boy was the star of the evening. Parents tried and cut his hair so fashionably that he was different from all children, passers-by could not pass by.

There are no stray bald dogs on the beach

Another advantage of the beach. For a month we have not seen a single stray dog ​​on the beach, which is so accustomed to in other countries. The Vietnamese sometimes relax on the beach with their pets. As in Thailand, in Vietnam, purebred dogs are now in vogue. It is frustrating that the Vietnamese get themselves such small decorative dogs. More than once we observed how children-flayers behave with them. Apparently, they do not understand that a dog is a living organism, not a toy. Yes, and bikes, including on the sidewalks, can be a danger to a small dog.

Some caring owners keep their pets warm, because in October it is +27

Promenade along the beach in Nha Trang

The promenade plays a big role on Nha Chang beach. The embankment is our favorite place in all of Nha Trang because it is the only place where you can safely walk, since mopeds are prohibited on it.

The famous lotus in Nha Trang

View of the hotels from the waterfront

Vietnamese flag on the square near the lotus

In the evenings, dances and chants are often arranged near the local house of culture.

During the day, the square is empty, and in the evening, Vietnamese teenagers change from bikes to skateboards and rollerblades

On the embankment, the atmosphere is relatively calm and there is no noise from the road.

View from the road

We come to the embankment every day. We walk, sit on benches or buy nuts and settle down on the sand.

Photo of the beach from the promenade

Just a few years ago, there was no smell of any ennobled embankment here. And now even the trees are trimmed by designer.

Vietnamese and sports

Toward evening, the Vietnamese occupy the embankment for sports. Look after your figure and health. Someone runs, someone works on simulators, someone just waves his arms with a serious look. Very athletic guys!

Vietnamese do sports

The embankment makes a great contribution to the life of the Vietnamese. This is a place to relax, a place to walk the dog, a place to train and a place where you can gather and eat while sitting on the beach. For us, the embankment has become a lifeline. The only place in Nha Trang where sometimes you don't even want to go home.

Rest on the waterfront

Nha Trang beach reviews

For our picky taste, the beach in Nha Trang is very good. It is clean, there is plenty of space, there are no annoying merchants. The sand, however, is not ideal, large and yellow. The water in the sea is clean and transparent only in the morning, by the afternoon garbage appears, the waves intensify and it becomes cloudy. But this is most likely seasonal phenomenon, in other months it can be cleaner, but we were in September and October. So, they noted for themselves that it is best to swim in Nha Trang early in the morning.

Since Nha Trang beach is public, everyone will rest on it, tourists from expensive hotels, the local middle class, and even occasionally Russian cattle ("tagiil") comes across. Apparently, some highly cultured citizens got fed up with Turkey and headed for exotic Vietnam. But, I am glad that there are only a few of them, basically all our compatriots here are very decent.

Hotel options in Nha Trang

Best hotels in Nha Trang

Hotels 4-5 stars and the best triples. All hotels near the sea.

  • Novotel Nha Trang
  • Sheraton Nha Trang
  • InterContinental Nha Trang
  • Dendro Gold Hotel
  • Liberty Central Nha Trang Hotel
  • Galliot Hotel

Mid-range hotels

Affordable 2-3 star hotels with good reviews and within walking distance of the sea.

  • Summer Hotel
  • New Sun Hotel
  • Azura Hotel
  • Apus Hotel
  • Edele Hotel

cheap hotels

Cheap hotels and guesthouses with positive feedback not far from the sea:

  • Adam Viet Nam Hotel
  • CR Hotel
  • Happy Angel Hotel
  • iHome Nha Trang
  • Melody Hotel

Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and other exotic countries endlessly attract tourists from all over the world with their extraordinary culture, traditions, cuisine, rituals and, of course, an unforgettable vacation. Beach relaxation in the company of family or friends can relieve fatigue accumulated over years of hard work, completely wipe out everyday worries and the cycle of problems.

Which sea washes Vietnam - one of the most sought after in last years countries from a tourism point of view? If you look at the world map, you can easily determine that the Vietnamese coast is gently caressed by the waves of the South China Sea.

Water temperature in the South China Sea

The South China Sea is part of the Australo-Asian mediterranean sea as the experts call it water basin connecting two parts of the world. The Vietnamese Sea itself is the Pacific and Indian Oceans at the same time. That is why many travelers believe that they spend their precious vacation days on the coast of the ocean, not the sea.

However, the South China reservoir is still a sea, not an ocean. Its waters are well warmed up by the hot sun, so the sea almost always remains warm. average temperature water in the South China Sea fluctuates between + 20 ° C in winter months and +29° C in summer.

Which ocean washes Vietnam and why does the temperature of the sea water at the same time of the year vary in different regions of the country? The mixing of the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans sets a certain degree of water in the South China Sea. However, due to geographical location regions of the country, the water temperature may vary.

So, if you measure it in January in the northern part of Vietnam, the thermometer will show an average of + 20 ° C. At the same time, in the south of the country, the thermometer, lowered into sea water, will reach + 25 ° C. Interesting fact: with the onset summer period the water in the sea warms up evenly and its samples taken off the coast of the northern, southern and central regions will show approximately the same value.

Cleanliness of the South China Sea in Vietnam

The vast majority of tourists who purchase holiday vouchers in Vietnam mentally imagine themselves on sea ​​coast surrounded by lush palm trees, coconuts falling from them, white sand and turquoise sea water. However, it is worth noting that the water is far from being clean and transparent on the entire coast of the country.

Such breathtaking scarlet sunsets can be seen on the South China Sea in Vietnam.

Vietnam - what sea or ocean washes its borders? Only this question is of interest to travelers in a hurry to enjoy a beach holiday in this exotic country. Before buying plane tickets, it is recommended to study in detail the situation on the coast of a particular resort.

The fact is that the climate in Vietnam is different regions unequal. For example, if in the south of the country there can be calm, hot weather, and there is complete calm at sea, then in middle lane at this time, typhoons can dominate and squally winds can blow, which provoke the appearance of large waves. The waves, in turn, raise all the turbidity from the bottom, as a result of which the dirty water gradually moves along the coast, thereby causing bewilderment of tourists.

What is the sea in Nha Trang in Vietnam? How clean and swimmable is it? Far from always sea ​​water here it is light, blue, as vacationers love it. In addition to the turbidity brought by waves from other regions, winds carry various garbage from the coast into the water: plastic bottles, bags, etc. Together with dirty water, garbage can move to the cleanest and calmest waters of the sea.

Not always clean sea water prevails in such a large resort town as Vung Tau. For many tourists, the litter floating around from the shore does not overshadow swimming in any way, moreover, after the elements lose their strength and calm weather sets in all regions, the coast is cleared of pollution.

Underwater inhabitants of the sea in Vietnam

In Vietnam, in Nha Trang, the sea is very warm throughout the year. This could not fail to take advantage of a variety of marine life and plants. The underwater life of the South China Sea is incredibly diverse and replete with many unique specimens of flora and fauna.

For the most part, marine inhabitants hide at great depths, and only divers who have plunged tens of meters into the water abyss can notice them. Near the coast, in shallow water, it is quite rare to meet a fish or a crustacean creature - the constant influx of people scares off underwater inhabitants, forcing them to live and feed at some distance from the coast.

What sea is washed by Vietnam, Nha Trang, and what marine life can be found in its waters? The South China Sea, caressing the Vietnamese coast, is rich in such underwater monsters as sharks, rays, manta rays, octopuses, barracudas, moray eels. There are several varieties of stingrays and sharks here. There are many tuna, swordfish, marlin in the sea, famous for their unusual needle-shaped nose.

Sharks in the South China Sea are found both at great depths and in the coastal strip. Here you can find the following types of these sea monsters:

  • brindle;
  • large white;
  • longfin;
  • mako;
  • blue;
  • reef;
  • bearded;
  • feline;
  • prickly;
  • hammerhead shark;
  • nurse shark, etc.

What kind of sea is in Nha Trang in Vietnam - is it dangerous to swim in it with such a variety dangerous fish? Sharks in Vietnam rarely attack people, so they do not become an obstacle for vacationers who decide to frolic in the warm waves of the South China Sea. This underwater inhabitants there is enough food - herring, tuna, sardines and so on. Watch out for sea ​​monsters you can in the waters near Nha Trang and Phu Quoc Island - it is here that diving is most interesting and diverse.

What is the name of the sea in Vietnam in Nha Trang? Nha Trang, just like the entire coast of Vietnam, is washed by the warm South China Sea. In general, it is calm, clean, full of various inhabitants, but during the rainy seasons and monsoon winds can become cloudy, dirty.

Before traveling to Vietnam, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the prevailing this moment climate in a given region.

Many tourists ask the question, which sea is washed by Vietnam? And the only correct answer is South China, which is part of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and therefore some are curious to know - is it the sea or the ocean?

Still, this is the sea and you just need to look at the map of this country and immediately understand that every second city is a seaside resort.

Temperature of the South China Sea

Length coastline the longest relative to the area of ​​the whole country. The East South China Sea is very calm and warm. On average, the water temperature ranges from +20 to +29°C in winter and summer, respectively. Monsoons have a special influence on the climate of Vietnam, which also determine the month when it is better to relax on the sea in this country. For example, even in January in the south of the country the water temperature does not fall below +25°C, while in the north it drops to +20°C in winter.

Nha Trang is the most popular resort in the southern part of Vietnam. It ranks 29th in the list of the most beautiful and unique bays in the world.

The climate here is mild and the water temperature throughout the year is kept at +25 ... +26°C. From October to December, there are strong typhoons in this region, so at this time beach holiday practically impossible. At this time, the water throws a lot of mud and algae ashore, but when it's calm and the sun is shining, the water becomes much cleaner and the rest here is just great.

In the city itself there are three beautiful beaches with white sand and a convenient entrance to the sea.. Two islands Che and Tam also offer beautiful beaches, but on the second island the sea is deep enough and more suitable for diving. The tourist infrastructure is very developed here, and hotels offer the most comfortable living conditions.

Phan Thiet and Mui Ne are located in the southern part of Vietnam, and they are very popular among Russian tourists. Most of the beautiful beaches are next to each other near these two resort towns. Almost all hotels are also located on the beach, so it is very convenient for tourists to relax in such places. The only negative is the fine sand and the wind from the sea.

A comparison of these wonderful and popular resorts is given in the article: When is the best time to relax in Nha Trang, Phan Thiet and Mui Ne?

If you want to choose the best resort, then choose Phu Quoc island. This is a true paradise for beach and outdoor activities. Here are the cleanest beaches in all of Vietnam. In many cases, you can safely sunbathe and swim, and you will not meet a single person. Hotels here are also located on the very beaches and have a huge range of entertainment for both adults and children. Almost the whole year the temperature of air and water is kept at the same level, but at the end of July the rainy season begins and it lasts right up to September. The coast at this time is very wet and a beach holiday will not be very comfortable. The most convenient time to visit Fukuoka is in winter.

Ho Chi Minh or Saigon(the second name of the resort) is the very heart of Vietnam and here life is in full swing. This is a huge metropolis, which is the center of cultural and commercial life of the whole country. Whatever entertainment you want, everything is here. These are luxury hotels and super-budget guesthouses, and luxurious restaurants, and ordinary street eateries.

South China Sea and its inhabitants

The East or South China Sea does not boast a large number of inhabitants close to the coast, so divers prefer deep diving. In addition to corals in the sea, you can see a large number of varieties of stingrays, moray eels, tuna, swordfish, marlin, sharks.

There are a large number of sharks here - from deep to coastal. The most famous of them and the most dangerous are: White shark, mako, brindle, blue, longfin. You can also meet a large number of reef sharks, cats, bearded, zebra, hammerhead, prickly, nurse sharks, etc.

Sometimes these predators appear on a beach and intimidate tourists. But mostly they can be seen at the Institute of Oceanography on the island of Vinperl (Vinperl).

Very often during high tides, people meet smaller, but more dangerous representatives. East Sea: poisonous spiny fish (scorpionfish, lionfish, stingrays), jellyfish and siphonophores. Many of them are especially poisonous and the most poisonous and dangerous are blue-ringed octopuses. Therefore, going on a trip to Vietnam, you need to carefully read marine life and stay away from them. And, in general, Vietnam is beautiful and diverse.

The richest history of the country, the most valuable monuments of architecture, culture, unique, inimitable nature - this is all Vietnam! It attracts tourists more and more: the blue expanse of the sea, warm sand and bright sun- these are places for recreation that fascinate and beckon to themselves.

The endless beaches shimmering in the sun, the turquoise expanse of the sea remain forever in the hearts of those who have been here at least once. You definitely want to come back here again. And what seas wash Vietnam, you ask.

Vietnam is in South-East Asia, in the east of the Indochina peninsula. The eastern part of the country is washed by the South China Sea (Bakbo Bay - Tonkin), belonging to the Pacific basin, the southwest - Gulf of Thailand pertaining to Indian Ocean, which here passes into the South China Sea. About 320,000 km2 is the area of ​​the Gulf of Thailand.

The South China Sea has an area of ​​3,500,000 km² and a depth of about 5,500 meters. The coastline with its beautiful sandy beaches stretches for more than 3,000 km. The water in the South China Sea is quite salty, the percentage of salt is 32 - 34. In winter time, in the north of the country, the sea water is warm, its temperature ranges from 20 to 22 ° C, and in summer - from 28 to 30 ° C.

Big throughput sea ​​for goods and cargo ships, owes, first of all, to its large sizes. The main route of ships sailing from China, Russia, Japan to the Singapore Strait and back passes through the Main Sea Route. This route is less dangerous and shorter, so it is used by the courts.

Along the Main sea ​​route, on its sides, there are islands covered with vegetation, and composed mainly of coral sand. Between the islands lie Coral reefs and submarine atolls. Silt and sand occur at great depths, and coral occurs near reefs and islands. In the southern part, sand and shells, silt prevail, on the banks - coral, and rocky soil off the coast of rocky islands.


Monsoons are one of the significant factors that affect the operation of the Main Sea Route. Typhoons are the main and biggest danger that awaits when sailing in the South China Sea.

Signs of approaching typhoons, the paths along which it moves, should be well studied and known to navigators. Basically, these typhoons often occur in autumn and summer. Drift currents in the South China Sea are also the result of the monsoons.

What seas border Vietnam? It is one, but rich biological resources And commercial fish- tuna, herring, sardines.

More articles in this category:

In this article, we talk about the best resorts in Vietnam, where and when it is better to relax. We share information about holidays in Vietnam and where it is better to go this year, compare the pros and cons of the best and most popular resorts in Vietnam. For convenience, we have marked on the map of Vietnam the resorts we are talking about in the article.

Map of Vietnam in Russian with resorts

The best resorts in Vietnam - where to go?

Nha Trang

Photo © by cloud.shepherd/

One of the most popular and the best resorts Vietnam.

A favorable time to go on vacation in Nha Trang, Vietnam is the period February to August. At this time, the climate in Nha Trang is the most favorable for a beach holiday.

Better NOT to go to Nha Trang October to January. At this time, the resort becomes unsuitable for a relaxing holiday due to rainy weather and big waves.

Pros and cons of staying in Nha Trang

Well developed in Nha Trang beach holiday. The city beach of Nha Trang stretches for 7 km along the coastline. The beach is regularly cleaned, so it is always clean. The sand is fine, yellowish-white. To the north of Nha Trang is the famous Zoklet Beach (Doc Let). The city is washed by the warm South China Sea. Nha Trang is perfect for young and active people, as well as for couples with children. More about clean beaches Vietnam.

Note : from 11:30 to 13:00 it is better not to stay in the sun for a long time, at this time it is the most dangerous in Nha Trang. You can burn out instantly.

Attractions in Nha Trang: Cham towers Ponagar (13th century), various pagodas, an oceanarium, a silk museum, monkey island and much more. well developed, so most attractions can be reached on your own. The most popular and useful transport for tourists is bus number 4.

We wrote more about the sights of Nha Trang in the article.

Due to the popularity of Nha Trang among Russians, many excursions are conducted in Russian at the resort. Tour examples:

Things to Do in Nha Trang V in large numbers. Daytime - this is diving, snorkeling, excursions, huge, Gorky Park, massage parlors and beauty salons, entertainment in shopping centers, cinemas, and so on can be listed indefinitely. Evening time these are karaoke, bars, restaurants, various discos and clubs, etc.

Nha Trang has a huge selection of hotels from no-star hotels to luxurious five-star hotels. The first line is occupied mainly by large five-star hotels. Please note that all hotels are separated from the beach by a wide road with active traffic.

The hotels are more modestly moved away by 2-3 lines, but in general they are also close to the sea (5-6 minutes walk). More full information you can find about Nha Trang hotels in our article.

Shopping in Nha Trang set built shopping centers, supermarkets, small shops, many markets day and night. Prices in stores are affordable, except for the Nha Trang Center shopping center, prices are high here, but this is due to the fact that they sell mainly things of world brands.

Get to Nha Trang possible from almost all major cities Vietnam. The most comfortable way is through international Airport Cam Ranh International Airport, which is located 45 km from Nha Trang. You can also get there by intercity bus or train. How to get to Nha Trang from Russia and other cities of Vietnam on your own, read ours.

Packages are very popular. tours to Nha Trang. The schedule with prices for tours to Nha Trang is shown below. To find out prices for a tour from another city, click on "Moscow" in the upper left corner. Click on the price to view the tours.

Useful articles about holidays in Nha Trang

Photos from the resort of Nha Trang, Vietnam

©Photo by vietnam-lt/Pixabay

Phan Thiet / Mui Ne ( Phan Thiet / Mui Ne)

When they talk about relaxation and where it is better to go to Phan Thiet, they mean a resort place between Phan Thiet and the fishing village of Mui Ne. This place is insanely popular among Russian tourists. The popularity has reached such a level that the names of some cafes, shops, restaurants and their menus are in Russian.

In Mui Ne you can go to rest almost all year round. The main tourist peak falls on November-April. The calmest sea May to October.

Pros and cons of rest in the resort of Mui Ne

Also like here and lovers of a relaxing beach holiday from May to October, the waves here are less obstinate, there are fewer tourists than at the peak. The beaches are almost empty. There is no division into beaches in Mui Ne (only conditional), there is one continuous long strip of fine white sand.

Mui Ne resort is perfect for young and active people, since here the main emphasis is on active entertainment such as windsurfing, kiting, surfing. There are many training schools here, where they teach to ride with a sail, and with a kite, and just on the board. Near the resort there are golf courses.

Mui Ne is not suitable for shopping lovers, there are no big shops, shopping centers. Prices for food and souvenirs are higher than in other cities.

Mui Ne has many pharmacies, restaurants, hotels, spas, etc.

Choice of hotels despite the small area of ​​Mui Ne, it is quite large: ordinary and deluxe rooms, bungalows, large and small hotels, spa hotels. It is better to rent a room or a bungalow near the sea (first line), as they have direct access to the beach.

On one's own how to get to Mui Ne by bus. Buses run from Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang and Phan Thiet. You can buy a ticket from different bus companies or at any local travel agency.

Often Russian tourists go on vacation in Mui Ne on a tour. Tour prices are listed below. In the upper left corner of the graph, you can select the city of departure. Click on the price to view the tours.

Useful articles about holidays in Mui Ne

Photos from the resort of Mui Ne, Vietnam

Dalat ( )

© Photo by fxxu/

Dalat is first and foremost mountain resort, there are no beaches and seas. There are many parks, flower, tea and coffee plantations, evergreen forests, clear lakes, many pagodas and Buddhist temples.

Dalat is very different from other resorts in Vietnam. The architecture and landscape of the city are more reminiscent of European cities. Dalat is the only city in the country where wine is produced.

In general, the resort can be visited all year round, but it is better to go November to April.

Landmarks of Dalat rich both in the city itself and in its environs. Religious sites such as catholic and evangelical church., Cathedral, pagodas and Buddhist temples, Convent Of The Virgin Mary. Everyone can go to Dalat for a vacation: older people who do not tolerate heat well, but dream of Vietnam, young couples and family people with kids.

Architectural Attractions: Hang Nga Hotel (Crazy House), French Quarter, Da Lat Flower Gardens, cable car, old Train Station etc.

Natural monuments and attractions: lakes, forests, tea and coffee plantations and much more. Read our articles about and. In the articles we share information on how to get there and how much the entrance tickets cost.

Popular activities in Da Lat include rafting and canyoning. Tennis and golf courses have been built in Dalat that meet modern standards.

Read our review of excursions in Dalat.

Tourists like to come to Dalat for 1-2 days as part of an excursion from Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, Phan Thiet and Mui Ne. Some of this time is enough to enjoy Dalat, and some is not. Our opinion is that it is better to live in Dalat longer. This is a great place to relax.

If you do not know where it is better to stay in Dalat, then our article will come in handy. The choice of hotels in Dalat is very diverse from hostels to luxury hotels.

Tours to Dalat are not so common among tour operators, but sometimes there are offers. Look at - there are collected the best offers from 120 tour operators. If you could not find a tour to Dalat, you can find a plane ticket below and go on a journey on their own. Dalat Airport is located 30 km from the city.

Useful articles about Dalat

Photos from the mountain resort of Dalat, Vietnam

© Photo by Mike Ho/

Phu Quoc

© Photo by Mgzkun /

Phu Quoc Island belongs to beach resorts, since on its territory there are many the most beautiful beaches Vietnam. The island is located in the south of Vietnam, 45 km from the mainland.

It is best to go to rest in Vietnam on the island of Phu Quoc from November to June. Rainy season on the island from July to October.

Pros and cons of rest on about. Phu Quoc

Phu Quoc is full of interesting activities apart from the beach. You can take a jungle tour, visit a pearl farm and museum, a pepper farm or Fukuota Prison. Or go fishing and catch fish, squid, crabs and other sea yummy.

In Vietnam, it is better to go to Phu Quoc island for beach lovers, divers and couples with kids. The island has many beaches, both wild and with developed infrastructure, with cafes, restaurants, bars.

Diving and snorkeling enthusiasts will also enjoy the conditions on the island. The price tag for these types of entertainment is low.

If you don’t know where to stay to relax on Phu Quoc Island, then look at the map with hotels from

Popular tours to the island of Phu Quoc. Prices are shown below.

Photos from Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam

Hoi An

Hoi An is Small town With rich history. It is built in the central part of Vietnam. Since 1999, it has been recognized by UNESCO as a monument to the trade and port city of Southeast Asia of the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries.

More than 820 buildings of Hoi An are historically valuable and protected by law: old shops, old Chinese houses, Cham temples, tombs, and other buildings. Due to such an abundance of historical buildings and structures, the city can be called an open-air museum.

Most auspicious time to go to Vietnam to the city of Hoi An - this is the period January to August. The rainy season arrives in Noian for a period September to December.

Pros and cons of staying in Hoi An

For those who like to bring gifts from Vietnam, Hoi An will delight with its small traditional and souvenir shops, a large selection of sewing workshops where you can order a variety of outfits and shoes. The city has many markets. You can also find high-quality and inexpensive cotton and silk.

Hoi An is also famous for its skilled chefs and low prices in the cafe. So, if you are a fan of gastronomic trips, then you will like Hoi An.

Since the city is cut through by a river, you can find many boats that offer small boat trips.

How to get to Hoi An? The absence of its own airport is compensated by the proximity of the city of Da Nang (less than an hour drive), which has its own airport.

Accommodation in Hoi An very diverse: Hostels, hotels of different stars within the city or beach hotels near the sea. Despite the fact that there are not so many hotels near the sea, a beach holiday takes place here.

Many hotels in the city center offer transfer to the sea, there is a taxi. You can rent bicycles and get to the sea in 10-15 minutes. Some hotels provide bicycles for free. The sea in Hoi An is clean, the entrance to the sea is gentle. Beaches with fine white sand and palm trees from the picture.

Below is a selection of hotels on a map of Hoi An from

Photos of Hoi An resort, Vietnam

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