Full moon in June with phases. Talismans and amulets. Protective ball

The lunar calendar is no longer news in modern world, and although we live in a very technological time, this does not mean at all that the moon does not affect nature and man while passing through its phases. That is why it is worth at least in order to be fully equipped, knowing what lies ahead, to study the lunar calendar for the corresponding month.

If we recall the most famous belief that it is better to cut hair on a new moon, then it is the lunar calendar that will tell you a favorable time. In addition, the lunar calendar can warn against other health decisions. After all, if you decide that today is the time to start doing some wellness procedures, and they suddenly did not give a result, you can completely abandon them, which is probably not worth doing.

On the other hand, the lunar calendar should be more of a hint and support than direct recommendations that must be blindly followed. If on some day the lunar calendar shows that it is better for you to refrain from housework, it does not mean at all that you need to leave dirty dishes in the sink all day. Following the clues given by the lunar calendar will help you choose good time for new beginnings, visits to the hairdresser, days when it is better not to be nervous, and even clothes that will be appropriate to wear.

What is a lunar calendar?

Since ancient times, the Moon has been revered by people of all ages and classes. She was considered a mysterious luminary, endowed with mystical abilities. Many ancient astrologers personified the feminine in her, since the Moon exudes soft light, gives an unforgettable feeling of the mystery of the universe.

Over time, people learned to notice the features of the influence of the Moon on a person, his life in general, and also divided the lunar cycle (the period from one new moon to another) into the corresponding phases - there are four of them (new moon, full moon, waning and growing moon). This is how the lunar calendar was born, which began to help people in their personal lives, in household work, in raising livestock, harvesting and planting crops. If you delve into this topic, you can find a lot interesting tips, which are given based on the lunar calendar, and which also work.

The lunar calendar for June 2016 is similar to a regular solar calendar, the only difference is that lunar day have a different duration - from sunrise to sunset of the moon.

One lunar cycle is approximately equal to 29.5 days of the solar calendar. This is due to the fact that the moon is in the sky much longer than the sun. Many must have seen the faint outline of the moon in a clear sunny sky. That's when the change happens lunar day.

It is believed that a full 30-day lunar month is more successful and auspicious. The inferiority of the short lunar month affects the development of events and everyday life. If the growing moon symbolizes wealth, prosperity and success, then the waning moon symbolizes illness, sadness, misfortune.

In order to learn more about the meaning of each day, below is the lunar calendar for June 2016 in the table:

The lunar calendar for June 2016, based on the table above, is divided into periods:

June 1 - 5 - the moon is waning;
5th - new moon;
June 6 - 11 - the moon is growing;
12th - first quarter;
June 13 - 19 - the moon is growing;
20th - full moon;
June 21 - 26 - the moon is waning;
27th - fourth quarter;
June 28 - 30 - the moon is waning.

What is the lunar calendar for June 2016 preparing for us?

Among the above data in the lunar calendar, you can see the critical phases - June 5, 12, 20, 27. These days are considered the most unfavorable in all areas of life. You need to be especially careful not to harm yourself or your loved ones, as well as to protect your health.

The phases of the growing moon are most favorable after the new moon. This is, first of all, a period of active growth, planning, new ideas and undertakings. At this time, based on the lunar calendar, it is best to invest in own projects and dreams. For some, this is the time to start from scratch, change yourself or your lifestyle. On initial stage do not rush things, you need to accumulate strength for further development moving towards success. Excessive purposefulness or emotionality with certain obstacles can create an imbalance and a feeling of dissatisfaction with something.

When the lunar calendar shows the time closer to the full moon (second quarter) vitality people reach their peak. It's kind of the climax. It's time for action and bold decisions. The main thing is not to miscalculate and direct the energy in the right direction. This can be a successful move or a job change to a highly paid one, a promotion, or the successful organization of large-scale projects.

After the critical point (full moon on June 20), the moon is gradually waning. According to the lunar calendar, the time has come for summing up, evaluating the result of the work done. The waning moon (in the shape of the letter "C") suggests the completion of affairs and the receipt of a result. It is not advisable to consider new global issues until a new phase begins - the new moon.

When the lunar calendar is in the period of the last final stage (fourth quarter, new moon), it is necessary to preserve those forces that remain. This is the time to work on mistakes, realize something new, take a different look at some things. The forces are running out, the fatigue accumulated over such a long period is very noticeable. It's time to relax and improve your health.

Separately, we should touch on the topic of beauty and health of hair, which is also influenced by the lunar calendar. As you know, the moon has the most direct effect on hair growth. In addition to care products, an additional effect will be correct use haircuts or hair coloring on suitable days. Based on the lunar calendar for June 2016, haircuts in the third or fourth lunar phase, since a haircut made during this period of time will keep its shape for a long time. The phases of the first half of the lunar month are characterized by active hair growth.

But despite the common lunar calendar for June 2016, each day can be considered separately. So, for every single day below are specific moon phase advice.

June 1st- On this day, it is advisable to take care of your health, relax, meditate. The day does not require hasty action. It is advisable to postpone all meetings for another day if they are scheduled for today. It is better to postpone a visit to the hairdresser, because unpleasant consequences are possible.

2 June- A day to complete the work begun, to solve long-standing problems. The right time to work with documents and various papers. This can help business style in clothing, as some studies in this area claim that if we position ourselves certain style in clothes, then our subconscious mind will also be tuned in this way. In this case, work.

June 3- The lunar calendar suggests that now is the time to start your own business, to make fateful decisions. To become more attractive, you can visit a beauty salon or a hairdresser. And to charge yourself with energy, you can wear something in red or yellow tones.

June 4- The day is unfavorable for planning new cases. You need to be patient and try to avoid conflicts. It's good to do household chores.

June 5- It is undesirable to start a long work, it is better to do short-term business. You need to save your strength and health. Benefit will bring trips out of town with outdoor recreation. Since this number falls on a Sunday, such a trip will come in handy. For complete relaxation, dress in a light cotton dress or a loose tunic and shorts. So you will feel as free as possible not only during the day, but also from thoughts about work or business.

June 6Great time for business trips and trips. It is highly undesirable to participate in litigation. It will be helpful to visit the dentist.

June 7- Unfavorable time for haircuts, large purchases. Visiting the sauna with the whole family is the best pastime for today.

June 8- The lunar calendar says that the motto of this day is: "More deeds, less words." Learning something new today will bear fruit. Haircuts or changes in appearance will not give the desired effect. Better put on Nice dress if you really want to feel at your best, get compliments.

the 9th of June- A good time to be creative. A change of job or place of residence will bring prosperity and self-confidence. Time for career development, active participation in social projects.

June 10th– Time for meetings and active communication. Possible business trips, business trips. It is better to postpone a trip to the hairdresser because of the risk of diseases of the ENT organs.

June 11- A wonderful day to start a new period of life - the beginning of a trip, marriage registration, acquisition of a valuable thing. Communicating with nature will give a sense of calm and harmony. Even if you can’t get out into nature this Saturday afternoon, you can dress in outfits with a floral pattern or a delicate grassy shade. Positive attitude charge accessories in yellow and orange colors.

12 June- From this day of the lunar calendar, a favorable period begins for haircuts, coloring or changing the image in general. You can also start a course of taking vitamin complexes or herbs.

June 13- It is better on this day to do household chores, raising children, in general, give all your attention to the family. You should be wary of reckless actions.

June 14auspicious time for business development. Financial matters will not cause difficulties. You should not go to conflict or provoke a break in relations. Everything can be sorted out later.

June 15– The lunar calendar shows a good time for moving, traveling and new interesting acquaintances. It is not recommended to invest in any projects, because. big losses are possible.

June 16- It is worth paying attention to your family and friends, as well as doing charity work. This will help in the future. The day is dangerous.

June 17- A great time to improve your education or gain experience. The acquired knowledge will be useful in a certain life situation. No time for change.

June 18- Today the lunar calendar will give you the opportunity to relax. Despite the fact that the accumulation of fatigue and a feeling of depression is possible, this is the best time to work on mistakes, reflect and take a different look at your own actions. This day of the lunar calendar is suitable for haircuts, so if you are not in the mood for soul-searching, relax in the salon, make yourself happy. And in order to set yourself up in a peaceful, soothing way, you can put on delicate lavender shades, because they give a feeling of harmony and tranquility. Blue tones will also be appropriate, but rather light, so as not to succumb to despondency.

June 19- A day for physical and mental labor. Humility and responsibility can lead to promotion. In the material sphere, an upturn is expected.

June 20- Possible exacerbation of diseases, stress, nervous disorders. Need to save peace of mind to help others. This will increase self-esteem and improve mood.

21st of June- Looking at the lunar calendar, we can say that it's time to start implementing bold ideas, as well as resolving disputes, because. you can achieve the desired result. In order to avoid breakdowns, you should not give heavy loads to the body. Create your most unique image today, which will give you self-confidence and charm those around you.

22nd of June- Day of internal confrontation. You should be patient, treat others with understanding. It is important to listen to the voice of conscience, and not be led by your desires.

June 23- The lunar calendar shows a day for creativity, household chores. unwanted business meetings, negotiations, long trips. Keep your nerves, stay calm.

June 24– A suitable day for resolving conflicts and reconciliation with family and friends. Quiet moderate work is desirable. Do not forget about your health.

June 25- The lunar calendar asks to refrain from melancholy, because on this day there may be problems with fatigue and stress. In order to prevent depression, it is necessary to introduce a little variety into life. Great time to visit cultural events.

June 26- It is undesirable to make plans and engage in various projects. Respite time. A day to relax and relieve stress. It is advisable to spend time with friends, avoid loneliness.

27th of June- According to the lunar calendar, this is a day for studying, acquiring useful skills that will later help in work. Until the end of the month, it is undesirable to visit salons and hairdressers - it will not bring benefits. Stress on the spine should be avoided.

June 28- It is undesirable to attend mass events. Time to work on arranging your own home. Wellness procedures carried out on this day will bring many benefits. For example, you can remember all the recipes for beauty, to which your hands still did not reach, or look through interesting articles on this topic. Perhaps from this day you will have a new good habit in general self-care.

June 29“From here begins a period of new beginnings. You can safely plan, organize large-scale projects without fear for the result. When difficulties arise, you need to not lose heart and move on.

30 June- The lunar calendar suggests that today the cleansing of the body will bring considerable benefits and improve health. A good time for meditation and outdoor recreation. The day is great for improving skills, self-improvement, achieving inner harmony.

It should be remembered that no matter what the upcoming day is, there is always the opportunity to change it in better side, or at least reduce some adverse factors to a minimum. Therefore, knowing what the lunar calendar for June 2016 is like and seeing all the pitfalls, get ready to get the maximum benefit from every day!

See forecasts for lunar calendars for other months:

Lunar calendar for 2016

Sometimes we look at others and wonder why they are often lucky even in small things. All because in life important role play not only ability, but also the influence of position. Therefore, we are in a hurry to present you the moon phase calendar for June 2016 in order to know when the new moon and full moon will be in June, when the waxing and waning moon. So, for example, all important things should be postponed for the period when the moon enters its waning phase. If you want to make a fashionable haircut - wait, because only on the growing moon in June, hairdressers advise cutting hair. Read more about the phases of the moon in June 2016, when the full moon will begin and end in Ukraine.

Moon phases in June 2016: lunar calendar

New Moon in June 2016: June 5 at 6:00 am.
Full moon in June 2016: June 20 at 2:03 p.m.
Growing Moon in June 2016: from 6 to 19 June.
Waning Moon in June 2016: from 1 to 4 June, from 20 to 30 June.
Moon eclipse: No.
Solar eclipse: No.

On this day of the waning moon in June 2016, you should be especially careful not to become a victim of scammers. It is also necessary to restrain your emotions, not get involved in disputes and not quarrel.

June 2, 2016, 27 lunar day, moon phase:waning, in Aries/Taurus

A great day for concluding contracts, for commerce and shopping. The stars say that today, according to the phase of the moon, it will be very easy to agree on everything, to obtain the necessary consents and signatures.

June 3, 2016, 28 lunar day, moon phase:waning, in Taurus

A good day of the waning moon in June to register a marriage, to open your own business. But it is better to try to do only such work that gives you pleasure. It is good to visit a beauty salon, a hairdresser.

June 4, 2016, 29 lunar day, moon phase:waning, in Taurus/Gemini

Try to live this day of the waning moon in June in peace and harmony with yourself and with others, without violating harmony. In no case do not try to sort things out today, avoid harsh words and rash actions.

June 5, 2016, 30 and 1 lunar days, Moon in Gemini, new moon at 06:00

The best day to go to the temple and pray hard, and the worst day to plan. On the day of the new moon in June, you can go on trips and travel.

June 6, 2016, 2 lunar day, moon phase:growing, in Gemini/Cancer

A good day to start leading, to select an individual diet. Today, the body itself will tell you what is useful for it and what is not, just listen to your “I want it - I don’t want it”.

June 7, 2016, 3 lunar day, moon phase:growing, in Cancer

The day is intended for individual work, for everyday activities, for homework. The evening of the day of the growing moon is best spent with family.

June 8, 2016, 4 lunar day, moon phase:growing, in Cancer/Leo

Day of active work. The less you talk today and the more you work, the faster the expected success will come to you. Do not give in to fears and doubts, set goals and go to them!

June 9, 2016, 5 lunar day, moon phase:growing, in Leo

Today it is more successful to work in a group than alone. You can hold important social events. Passivity and solitude are contraindicated. A good day to move to a new job.

June 10, 2016, 6 lunar day, moon phase:growing, in Leo/Virgo

Day of change. Today you can change everything that does not suit you. The main thing is that these changes do not negatively affect your environment. A great day to start trips and travels.

June 11, 2016, 7 lunar day, moon phase:growing, in Virgo

This day is best spent in nature, but in active work. Laziness and idleness can have a bad effect on physical well-being. A good day for marriage registration and a fun wedding.

June 12, 2016, 8 lunar day, moon phase:growing, in Virgo

Today you should not actively participate in the holidays, especially with feasts. It is best to spend this Sunday at home, putting things in order and clean.

June 13, 2016, 9 lunar day, moon phase:growing, in Virgo/Libra

Today you should not start new business, especially not to embark on risky ventures. It is advisable to spend the evening at home, with the family, giving the children as much time as possible.

June 14, 2016, 10 lunar day, moon phase:growing, in Libra

In the afternoon, you can deal with any financial and commercial issues, make purchases, go on responsible business trips.

June 15, 2016, 11 lunar day, moon phase:growing, in Libra/Scorpio

Today you should not sit in one place, the day is filled with energy and movement, try to get the maximum of emotions from everything you do. In the late afternoon, you can spend the day with your family or close friends. It will give you strength and positive energy.

June 16, 2016, 12 lunar day (18:36), moon phase:growing, in Scorpio

June 17, 2016, 13 lunar day, moon phase:growing, in Scorpio

This Friday is most suitable for working with information, learning and self-education. The books you read today will give you the most necessary knowledge at this stage of your life, give you hints for solving current issues.

June 18, 2016, 14 lunar day, moon phase:growing, in Scorpio/Sagittarius

The best day for introspection, for healthy criticism and self-criticism. Try to understand what is happening, learn from the past and draw conclusions for the future.

June 19, 2016, 15 lunar day, moon phase:growing, in Sagittarius

Try to have time to do as much as possible, because today's activity will definitely bear fruit. Do not start those things in the success of which you are not sure.

June 20, 2016, 16 lunar day, Moon in Sagittarius / Capricorn, full moon at 14:03

Day of mercy and compassion, sincere generosity, readiness to help those who need it. Good day for shopping, for starters.

June 21, 2016, 17 lunar day, moon phase:waning, in Capricorn

Today you can file a lawsuit and schedule a hearing if you are absolutely sure that you are right. An idea born today can be easily implemented in practice if at least a minimum of effort is applied to its implementation.

June 22, 2016, 18 lunar day, moon phase:waning, in Capricorn/Aquarius

Difficult day. Avoid acting on impulse, don't follow your emotions. At the same time, it is necessary to protect justice, not to offend the weak.

June 23, 2016, 19 lunar day, moon phase:waning, in Aquarius

Today it is favorable to create something with your own hands. Laziness and idleness are contraindicated. It is not recommended to travel far from home.

June 24, 2016, 20 lunar day (23:54), moon phase:waning, in Aquarius

Day of establishing harmony in relationships with loved ones, humility of pride. A great day for creative individual work.

June 25, 2016, continuation of the 20 lunar day, moon phase:waning, in Aquarius/Pisces

Today, try to escape from everyday life, turn your thoughts to higher values. The rhythms of the day call for comprehending the depths of your soul and maintaining a good mood.

June 26, 2016, 21 lunar days, moon phase:waning, in Pisces

It is better to live this day "on a whim", without making any serious plans for it. Live the way you live and be happy with what you have. The day is favorable for communication and new acquaintances.

June 27, 2016, 22 lunar day, moon phase:waning, in Pisces/Aries

Today, dedicate a day to working on something that is really important to you, everyday hustle and bustle can be done another day. It is good to walk as much as possible.

June 28, 2016, 23 lunar day, moon phase:waning, in Aries

Try if possible. This is a day of introspection and summing up some results. You can arrange an unloading day.

June 29, 2016, 24 lunar day, moon phase:waning, in Aries/Taurus

Today it is advisable to get up early and immediately get down to business. It is possible to solve many small and large problems during the day. No matter how the day unfolds, no matter what happens - do not allow yourself to lose heart.

June 30, 2016, 25 lunar day, moon phase:waning, in Taurus

Today useful or sauna, swimming pool. good effect will provide any hydrotherapy procedures. Try not to overwork.

June 1 0:00 - June 2 5:46- The waning Moon in Aries warns that activity these days can be chaotic, aimless and even harmful to your well-being. Find yourself some calm, intellectual and moderate an exciting activity to keep in check the craving for risk and gambling. For example, quizzes are great, Board games Monopoly type. Avoid sudden movements and risky actions on June 1 from 16:00 to 19:00, and on June 29 at the beginning of the day.

June 2 5:46 - June 4 6:01- the waning Moon in Taurus advises to do less physical labor and practical matters - they will tire you. Instead, enjoy the physical aspects of life: eat well, sleep as much as you want, walk on fresh air go for a massage. Enjoy sex. If you are not used to sitting idle, then dilute your rest with work in the garden or in the garden. On June 3 at lunchtime, combine lunch with a fellowship in which you discuss the practical results of the recent past.

On June 4 at 6:01 am, the Moon enters the sign of Gemini and says that meetings, empty calls, endless chatter and rumors can tire you out. Go for a walk - away from crowded places - and forget your phone at home. This will help you save nervous system. And in the early morning of June 5 there will be a New Moon (exact time 5:59). The Lunar month will begin, which is useful to devote to acquaintances, communication, study and small trips. Before the Moon leaves the sign, which will happen on June 6 at 6:40, you will be very, very sociable and inquisitive.

Waxing Moon and Full Moon

June 6 6:40 - June 8 9:46- the growing Moon in Cancer advises you to gain strength at home, in your own walls, among loved ones. Cleaning, household chores, home improvement will turn out well. It’s probably not worth going out in public - even if you have strong nerves and a phlegmatic character, these days you will be too receptive. You will be much more comfortable among those who know you are flaky, and next to whom you can be sensitive and sentimental.

June 8 9:46 - June 10 16:44- the growing Moon in Leo - days completely opposite to the previous ones. Gain strength at a party, at a holiday, at mass celebrations. Go to a restaurant, to a sporting event, to a concert. Do not refuse a date - a love adventure will be interesting. In business life, these are the most suitable days for the organization of a concert, show, competitions, for the opening of a restaurant, a sports complex, a casino.

June 10 16:44 - June 13 3:32- Waxing Moon in Virgo is great for taking on new responsibilities at work or at home. You will quickly get used to them. These days are also suitable for purchase pet. But most importantly, this is a wonderful time to start a health course: health will come by leaps and bounds. The evening of June 11 stands out from this entire period: it is suitable for taking on honorary duties, having an elite animal, and in terms of recovery, it is associated with the liver. June 12 at 9:00-11:00 you will be especially collected, strong and cheerful. And events begin the time of their most rapid development.

June 13 3:32 - June 15 16:17- the growing Moon in Libra says that the date these days will be unforgettable! And the Moon will also help you clarify relationships with business and personal partners, share the common and your personal, business and romantic.

June 15 16:17 - June 18 4:33- Growing Moon in Scorpio. These days are considered the most magical. And indeed, this is a very good time for esoteric rituals, energy practices, psychological self-knowledge. But to succumb to heavy thoughts at this time is impossible. To drive them away, eat more sweets, read positive books and watch movies with good ending. It is especially important to keep inner anxiety in check on June 17 in the afternoon.

June 18 at 4:33 AM, the Moon enters Sagittarius and sets you up for global action and grand gestures. At a time like this, you want to do everything in a big way. Those who live in their respective time zones are more fortunate than others: at the beginning of the day on June 19, the stars will help you control yourself. The rest must themselves ensure that their scope does not exceed reasonable limits. On June 20 at 14:01 there will be a Full Moon. Events at this time are of particular brightness and importance. And already at 14:54 the Moon will leave the sign of Sagittarius.

Waning Moon Period and New Moon

June 20 14:54 - June 22 23:07- The waning Moon in Capricorn regulates emotions and prevents them from interfering with business matters. But you don't have to be completely immersed in business life: It will take a lot of strength. Alternate business with economical and useful rest. Late in the evening of June 21, avoid destructive thoughts and feelings. If you feel anxiety, put your emotions on the shelves, and you will understand what is the reason. Approach the solution of the internal problem rationally.

June 22 23:07 - June 25 5:29- The waning Moon in Aquarius indicates that communication with people will tire you. But you won't like being alone either. You need an environment, but it is not the people who are next to you. You will find kindred spirits in the past or future. Read historical books, watch science fiction films about the future. Mentally join those who are celebrating these days International holidays- there are a lot of them for these three days!

June 25 5:29 - June 27 10:07- The waning Moon in Pisces will bring you into a state of euphoria. You will be sentimentally delighted with the flight of a butterfly. You will see the spiritual origins of how flowers grow and how it's raining. Your senses will sharpen and your intuition will increase. Don't waste these wonderful days for practical matters. Give yourself permission to just live and enjoy life. And on the night of June 26, expect a prophetic dream.

June 27 10:07 - June 29 13:02- The waning Moon in Aries warns that activity these days can be chaotic, aimless and even harmful to your well-being. Find yourself some quiet, intellectual and moderately exciting activity to keep your risk appetite and gambling in check. For example, quizzes, board games such as Monopoly are perfect. On the evening of June 27, do not complain about problems. They are the result of your own actions in the recent past. If, on the contrary, you were lucky on this day, praise yourself. In the past, you acted correctly and were not lazy.

June 29 13:02 - June 30 24:00- the waning Moon in Taurus advises to do less physical labor and practical matters - they will tire you. Instead, enjoy the physical aspects of life: eat well, sleep as much as you want, go outside, get a massage. Enjoy sex. If you are not used to sitting idle, then dilute your rest with work in the garden or in the garden.

Lunar cycles have interested people since ancient times. Even today, in the 21st century, people continue to follow the course of the night luminary in order to use various provisions moons for their own purposes. Both amateur and professional astronomers, as well as people who are engaged in religious or magical practices, are interested in this.

It is believed that this is the new birth of the moon. This phase is for everyone who believes in higher power, is very important, as it allows you to renew your life, to leave in the past everything bad, harmful, interfering and already obsolete. Together with the New Moon, a person is transformed, enters into new life with new thoughts, goals and aspirations. In this regard, the main practices and rituals on the New Moon are rituals for new victories and accomplishments, the implementation of new ideas in a renewed life that begins after the New Moon, the search for new job, love and so on. On the New Moon, people are trying to change their lives for the better.

When is the New Moon in June 2016

The new moon will occur on June 5. Exact time: 05:59 Moscow time. The new moon will take place in zodiac constellation Twins.

After the New Moon, the Moon will be in the Waxing phase until the Full Moon, which will take place on June 20, 2016. After the Full Moon, the Moon will be Waning until the next New Moon (July 4).

June 1, 2016, 26 lunar day (02:50), waning Moon in Aries. Today, you should be especially careful not to become a victim of scammers. It is also necessary to keep your emotions in check, not get involved in disputes, and even more so in quarrels.

June 2, 2016, 27 lunar day (03:12), waning Moon in Aries/Taurus. A great day for concluding contracts, for commerce and shopping. Today it is very easy to agree on everything, to obtain the necessary consents and signatures.

June 3, 2016, 28 lunar day (03:36), waning Moon in Taurus. A good day to register a marriage, to open your own business. Try to do only work that gives you pleasure. It is good to visit a beauty salon, a hairdresser.

June 4, 2016 29 lunar day (04:07), waning Moon in Taurus/Gemini. Try to live this day in peace and harmony with yourself and with others, without violating harmony. In no case do not try to sort things out today, avoid harsh words and rash actions.

June 5, 2016, 30 and 1 lunar days (04:46/06:00), Moon in Gemini, new moon at 06:00. The best day to go to the temple and pray hard, and the worst day to plan. You can travel and travel.

June 6, 2016 2 lunar day (05:36), the growing Moon in Gemini / Cancer / A good day to start leading healthy lifestyle life, for the selection of an individual diet. Today, the body itself will tell you what is useful for it and what is not, just listen to your “I want it - I don’t want it”.

June 7, 2016 3 lunar day (06:38), the growing Moon in Cancer / The day is intended for individual work, for everyday activities, for homework. The evening is best spent with family.

June 8, 2016, 4 lunar day (07:48), the growing Moon in Cancer / Leo (09:46). Day of active work. The less you talk today and the more you work, the faster the expected success will come to you. Do not give in to fears and doubts, set goals and go to them!

June 9, 2016, 5 lunar day (09:03), the growing Moon in Leo. Today it is more successful to work in a group than alone. You can hold important social events. Passivity and solitude are contraindicated. A good day to move to a new job.

June 10, 2016, 6 lunar day (10:18), the growing Moon in Leo / Virgo. Day of change. Today you can change everything that does not suit you. The main thing is that these changes do not negatively affect your environment. A great day to start trips and travels.

June 11, 2016, 7 lunar day (11:32), the growing Moon in Virgo. This day is best spent in nature, but in active work. Laziness and idleness can have a bad effect on physical well-being. A good day for marriage registration and a fun wedding.

June 12, 2016 8 lunar day (12:45), the growing Moon in Virgo. Today you should not actively participate in the holidays, especially with feasts. It is best to spend this Sunday at home, putting things in order and clean.

June 13, 2016 9 lunar day (13:57), the growing Moon in Virgo / Libra. Today it is not worth starting new business, especially - indulging in risky ventures. It is advisable to spend the evening at home, with the family, giving the children as much time as possible.

June 14, 2016 10 lunar day (15:07), the growing Moon in Libra. In the afternoon (after 15:07) you can deal with any financial and commercial issues, make purchases, go on responsible business trips.

June 15, 2016 11 lunar day (16:17), the growing Moon in Libra / Scorpio. A great day to start business trips and any trips, for financial transactions, for new acquaintances and for communication. Today it is better not to plan a visit to a beauty salon and a beautician.

June 16, 2016 12 lunar day (18:36), the growing Moon in Scorpio. It is not recommended to start new business, in general to do something important. Try to spend this day in peace and harmony with your surroundings.

June 17, 2016 13 lunar day (19:42), the growing Moon in Scorpio. This Friday is most suitable for working with information, learning and self-education. The books you read today will give you the most necessary knowledge at this stage of your life, give you hints for solving current issues.

June 18, 2016 14 lunar day (20:44), the growing Moon in Scorpio / Sagittarius. The best day for introspection, for healthy criticism and self-criticism. Try to understand what is happening, learn from the past and draw conclusions for the future.

June 19, 2016 15 lunar day (21/39), the growing Moon in Sagittarius. Try to have time to do as much as possible, because today's activity will definitely bear fruit. Do not start those things in the success of which you are not sure.

June 20, 2016, 16 lunar day (22:26), Moon in Sagittarius / Capricorn, full moon at 14:03. Day of mercy and compassion, sincere generosity, readiness to help those who need it. A good day for shopping, for starting trips and travels.

June 21, 2016, 17 lunar day (23:04), the waning Moon in Capricorn. Today you can file a lawsuit and schedule a hearing if you are absolutely sure that you are right. An idea born today can be easily implemented in practice if at least a minimum of effort is applied to its implementation.

June 22, 2016 18 lunar day (23:34), waning Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius (23:08). Difficult day. Avoid acting on impulse, don't follow your emotions. At the same time, it is necessary to protect justice, not to offend the weak.

June 23, 2016 19 lunar day (23:49), waning Moon in Aquarius. Today it is desirable to create as much as possible with your own hands. Laziness and idleness are contraindicated. It is not recommended to travel far from home.

June 24, 2016 20 lunar day (23:54), waning Moon in Aquarius. Day of establishing harmony in relationships with loved ones, humility of pride. A great day for creative individual work.

June 25, 2016 continuation of the 20th lunar day, the waning Moon in Aquarius/Pisces (05:30). Today, try to escape from everyday life, turn your thoughts to higher values. The rhythms of the day call for comprehending the depths of your soul and maintaining a good mood.

June 26, 2016 21 lunar day (00:20), waning Moon in Pisces. It is better to live this day "on a whim", without making any serious plans for it. Live the way you live and be happy with what you have. The day is favorable for communication and new acquaintances.

June 27, 2016 22 lunar day (00:40), waning Moon in Pisces/Aries (10:07). Today, dedicate a day to working on something that is really important to you, everyday hustle and bustle can be done another day. It is good to walk as much as possible.

June 28, 2016 23 lunar day (00:58), waning Moon in Aries. Try to spend as much time in nature as possible. This is a day of introspection and summing up some results. You can arrange an unloading day.

June 29, 2016 24th lunar day (01:18), waning Moon in Aries/Taurus. Today it is advisable to get up early and immediately get down to business. It is possible to solve many small and large problems during the day. No matter how the day unfolds, no matter what happens - do not allow yourself to lose heart.

June 30, 2016 25 lunar day (01:40), waning Moon in Taurus. Today it is useful to visit a bath or sauna, start exercising in the pool, swim in natural source. Any hydrotherapy procedures will have a good effect. Try to avoid overwork.

Moon without a course (idle Moon) in June 2016

  • June 01 18:42 - June 02 5:46.
  • 04 June 02:02 - 04 June 06:01.
  • 05 June 19:47 - 06 June 06:41.
  • June 08 3:18 - June 08 9:47.
  • June 10 10:13 - June 10 16:46.
  • June 12 17:47 - June 13 3:33.
  • June 15 10:00 - June 15 16:18.
  • June 17 16:52 - June 18 4:34.
  • June 20 14:02 - June 20 14:55.
  • June 22 11:57 - June 22 23:08.
  • June 24 18:48 - June 25 5:30.
  • June 26 22:55 - June 27 10:08.
  • June 29 10:46 - June 29 13:03.

Read also:

  • Lunar calendar for January 2016. New moon and full moon in January 2016.
  • Lunar calendar for February 2016. New moon and full moon in February 2016.

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