To our most frequently asked questions. The most common interview questions: be prepared for them! Some additional questions you may be asked during the interview

God (or nature, whichever you prefer) endowed each of us with reason. Because of this, we feel a constant need to learn something new. After all, it is not in vain that they say: information is food for the brain. Fortunately, in the 21st century, we can very quickly find any information on the Internet. In this article, we will talk about the most popular questions asked by modern man. Including "Google" with "Yandex"

The most popular questions on the Internet

Every year, Google and Yandex publish statistics on the most frequent queries on the Web. What are the most popular questions among Russians today? Let's find out.

If speak about keywords, then the top three include the following queries: movies, porn and weather (according to the Wordstat Yandex resource as of June 30, 2018). From famous people in 2017, the residents of the country were most often interested in: Dima Bilan, Yulia Samoilova, Maria Maksakova and Diana Shurygina. If we talk about the most popular questions that begin with the words “how” and “what”, then here the following queries were in the top five:

  • What is HYIP?
  • How to start mining?
  • What is a fiasco?
  • How to start your business?

The most watched films in 2017 are It, Despicable Me 3 and Guardians of the Galaxy (Part Two), TV series are Game of Thrones, Youth and Hotel Eleon. Among other things, the most popular questions on the Web among Russians were related to such things and phenomena as a spinner and cryptocurrency.

Complex questions - simple answers

There are so many interesting and unusual things in the world! And adults often remember this only when they have children. It is they who bombard us with millions of “how?”, “why?” and why?". And answering many questions of little “why” is not so easy.

Next, we will try to answer as simply and concisely as possible the most popular questions that arise in children. By the way, similar requests are often driven into the Internet. And this means that not all adults are able to answer them. So, let's begin!

Why is the grass green?

The answer to the most popular question of every child is extremely simple. It's all about chlorophyll - a special substance that is found in stems and leaves. All plants obtain energy from sunlight and water through the process of photosynthesis. And it is chlorophyll that is responsible for the production in plant cells of the necessary nutrients.

Why the sky is blue?

sunlight, as you know, consists of seven colors (just remember the rainbow). But on the way to the surface of our planet, he has to break through the thickness of the air and overcome many other obstacles. As a result, many colors become less saturated. Only one of them remains clearly visible - blue. Therefore, we see the sky above our head in this beautiful color.

Why is the sea salty?

Be sure - you will absolutely have to answer this question when your baby first gets to know the sea. To begin with, it should be remembered that salt is a mineral that is found in large quantities in earth's crust. Numerous rivers erode rocks and annually carry tons of salts into the oceans and seas. There they settle and finally dissolve in the water, making it salty.

Why does a fly rub its paws?

An interesting question to which few people know the answer. Each of us must have observed how deftly a fly moves along smooth and vertical surfaces (for example, along window glass). She does this with tiny sticky bristles located on her paws. Since dust and dirt accumulate on these bristles very quickly, the fly has to clean them very often, intensively rubbing their paws against each other. At this time, it seems to us that the insect is plotting something bad.

Why does a cat have a mustache?

Many animals have mustaches. But since a child meets a cat most often, be prepared to hear this very question from him.

Whiskers (or vibrissae) are transformed sense organs, receptors that react to the slightest changes in external environment. The cat needs them not for beauty at all. Whiskers help the animal navigate in space and collect information about various objects. For example, by touching a hole in the wall with its whiskers, the cat will immediately determine whether the width of this hole is sufficient to pass through it. In addition, vibrissae are indispensable for hunting. With their help, cats determine the direction and speed of the wind in order to make the most accurate jump.

To make the conversation easy, pleasant and relaxed, you need a person who will subtly and skillfully direct it in the right direction. He is usually called the soul of the company. He sets the right tone for any conversation and always knows how to fill awkward silences. Do you want to be that person? Below are the topics (questions) that will definitely interest your interlocutors:

  1. How are you going to spend your vacation?
  2. Do you have any serious dream in life?
  3. Do you like your job?
  4. What can you spend your money on, where is it best to invest it?
  5. Are you lucky with your neighbors?
  6. What interesting things did you buy last week?
  7. Do you have a hobby, passion?

Of course, this is far from full list topics for meaningful conversation. Depending on how close your relationship with your interlocutors is, you can also hook on the topic of love or sex, you can also talk about something philosophical, sublime. But there are some topics that are better left untouched. There are only four of them:

  • Weather (too banal).
  • Science and research (too narrow).
  • Personal schedule and daily routine (too boring).
  • Politics (too dangerous).

First date: questions for a girl

The first date is a very reverent and responsible event. After all, the future of these relations depends on how interesting and lively the conversation will turn out. According to statistics, the most popular question to a girl on a first date is about her musical preferences. Also, guys are very fond of asking about which countries their interlocutor would like to visit.

What other topics can be touched upon at a romantic rendezvous? Below are the questions that you can safely ask a girl:

  • What were you like as a child - a prankster or an obedient girl?
  • Did you have a playful nickname at school?
  • The most vivid memory from your childhood, what is it?
  • Which relative or friend knows you best of all?
  • Do you believe in heterosexual friendship?
  • Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • Do you believe in destiny and destiny from above?
  • What do you like more: the sea or the mountains?
  • How do you usually spend your weekends?
  • What would you choose: directing a film or acting in a film?
  • What is your most favorite dish?
  • How many days (hours) in a row can you do without the Internet?
  • Would you like to learn how to read other people's minds?
  • What is more important - to love or to be loved?
  • Could you live on a desert island?

First date: questions for a guy

Since we talked about what questions you can ask a girl, it would be fair to take a little time and strong half humanity. So, what can you talk about with a guy on a first date?

In general, ten topics will be quite enough for the first acquaintance. For insurance, you can come up with another 5-10 reserve questions in case some topic turns out to be uninteresting or simply “does not work”. It is best to jot down a list of suggested questions on paper and choose the best ones from them. Here's what to ask a guy on a date:

  • Have you ever had a desire to leave forever in some wilderness and start life there anew?
  • Immortal life without love - would you agree to this?
  • Do you dream prophetic dreams?
  • What can you spend a million dollars on?
  • Have you ever dreamed of superpowers?
  • Do you love animals? Do you have a four-legged person at home?
  • What historical era would you like to live in?
  • A big noisy metropolis or a tiny cozy town - where would you choose to live?
  • Is there a movie that brings you to tears?
  • When did you earn your first money and how?
  • Do you have any hobby?
  • What is your biggest weakness?
  • Would you like to become a celebrity?
  • Are you satisfied with your life? What would you like to change?
  • Can you dance? Would you like to learn?

Common questions in English

English language everyone needs to know today. At least at a basic level. After all, it is used not only in the US or the UK. English has long been the language of interethnic communication No. 1. In almost any country in the world, you can easily communicate in English with a border guard, a hotel administrator or a waiter in a restaurant.

If you are just starting to learn this language, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with the most popular questions in English. They may be asked to you during a business trip abroad or on a regular trip. Below, in the table, you will find these questions, along with the answers to them.

Interrogative phrase

Suggested answer to the question

What is your name?

What is your name?

My name is …

Where are you from?

Where are you from?

I'm from Russia

I came from Russia

Where do you live?

Where do you live?

I live in Kazan

How old are you?

How old are you?

I'm twenty six years old

I am 26 years old

Are you married?

Are you married?

Yes, I'm married/No, I'm single

Yes, I am married. No, I'm single (free)

Do you have any children?

Do you have children?

Yes, I have a son

Yes, I have a son

What do you do for a living?

What do you do?

I am a student

What's your phone number?

What is your phone number?

My number is …

My number …

How are you doing?

fine, thanks. And you?

OK, thank you. And you?

Can you speak English?

Do you speak English?

No, I speak English

No, I speak Russian

Most popular interview questions

Interviewing is a difficult, nervous and rather tedious event. However, it is on it that the fate of a particular applicant is decided. Thinking about the answers to all possible questions in advance will greatly increase your chances of success. They can be very diverse. But more often than not, employers ask candidates the same questions.

Here are the top 10 interview questions:

  1. Tell us a little about yourself (subtext: how does your education and skills compare to our position?).
  2. What are your weaknesses and strengths?
  3. Why do you want to work with us?
  4. Why do you consider yourself worthy of this position?
  5. Why did you quit your last job?
  6. Where do you see yourself in 5-7 years?
  7. What do you know about our company/firm?
  8. What salary do you expect?
  9. How did you hear about this vacancy?
  10. How many soccer balls can fit in one subway car?

Yes, a question like the last one can also sound with a high degree of probability. Do not rush to answer that this is absurd or stupid. Try to count! With the help of such questions, the employer first of all tries to understand how smart you are and whether you are able to solve non-standard tasks.


What is the most popular question on the Internet? What topics are ideal for a friendly and leisurely conversation? What to talk about with a girl on a first date? How tricky can interview questions be? We really hope that you have found answers to all these questions in our unpretentious article!

The thoughts of women are a rainbow of all colors of the spectrum, this is the logic of all stripes of flirting, these are the secrets and secrets of the world, this is what we call: "Divo"

Question answer:

  • How to keep youthful and silky skin?

Buy a cream that contains lactic acid. Use it and enjoy the splendor of your skin.

  • Why do men love virtual sex?

This is a great opportunity to change, you can not leave the house. And there is an illusion that a man remains honest with a woman.

  • Is there the most effective diet in the world?

For any person - everything is individual. But, judging by the statistics, the three most effective diets are: Japanese, fruit, kefir.

  • How can a woman become strong?

Believe in yourself, do not be complex, do not belittle your merits, go through life with a smile, do not waste your life on trifles! Easy, right?

  • Are extended nails harmful?

Everything that is not natural is harmful. However, no one, as a rule, pays attention to harmfulness.

  • How to really increase breasts at home?

Wear a special bra, or don't be lazy to do special exercises. For example, the exercise is:

  1. Place your hands on your shoulders.
  2. Raise your shoulders.
  3. Take your shoulders back.
  4. Drop your shoulders.
  5. Repeat the exercise in reverse order.
  • How to get rid of wrinkles?

The best of all remedies are methacrylamide and acrylamide preparations. They are highly resistant to the formation of skin elasticity and thus protect against wrinkles.

  • How to lose weight very, very quickly?

You need to do gymnastics! And without laziness, and with regularity. Then everything will be wonderful for you, no doubt!

  • What to do when it gets boring?

Do something you love that will not let you get bored even for a single moment. Think about what you like best.

  • How to get pregnant quickly?

It is not always possible to get pregnant quickly, and not everyone will succeed. Believe that conception will happen! And make love with passion, not for pleasure.

  • How to get rid of depression?

You need to know the reason in order to give excellent advice. In general, walks relieve depression, and communication with friends or relatives. You don't have to be alone!

  • How to completely - completely stop being afraid of the dentist?

Think of your dentist not as an enemy, but as someone who wants to help you get rid of your toothache.

  • How to become beautiful and attractive?

Take a closer look in the mirror! Perhaps you looked in the wrong mirror, because there are no ugly women at all.

  • What is the fastest to cook (which dish, which food)?

Fried eggs, sandwiches, salads, cereals, Rollton, croutons, cocoa and sour cream pudding, dumplings.

What do they think of men?

Question answer:

Start your answer with this phrase: "I would really like you to ...". Believe me, your frankness will not spoil the attitude towards you!

  • Where to look for the man of your dreams?

Fate will lead to him! Learn to wait so that there is less torment. The important thing is not to despair!

  • Why does a man fall asleep almost instantly after sex?

Sex is incredibly relaxing for a man. So much so that he can't even move.

  • Should a man forgive infidelity?

This is a personal matter for every woman. If you want to forgive, forgive! If you are not afraid of betrayal "double two" ....

  • How to live if you broke up with your sweetheart?

Look for another! Or trying to get back a loved one. Preferably - not by "witchcraft" methods.

  • What if I have a very, very jealous man?

Talk or reconcile if talking doesn't help. You can combine both if you want.

  • How to draw attention to yourself?

Do you want your loved one to pay attention to you? Watch your looks! This is first of all.

  • What to do if a man has an Internet addiction?

Disconnect him from the Internet! So disable it so that it cannot connect to it on its own.

  • Is it worth it to forgive a man if he beat (beat)?

Never! He raised his hand once - he will raise it again. Then it will hurt even more than the first time.

  • Where to find your soul mate?

Let her (the second half) find you herself! And it will happen, look! All good things happen when you do not expect this good ....

  • How to forget an ex?

It is practically impossible to forget people who were in the past forever and for good. Try not to think about it.

  • Is there friendship between a woman and a man?

In general, it is, if there is sympathy from at least one side. Friends, if possible! Men can be very interesting to be friends with.

  • What to do if a loved one does not call?


  1. Call first.
  2. Wait until you get a call.
  3. Think: "does not call - let him do what he wants," and go about your business!
  4. Turn off the phone and make your loved one nervous, a little ...
  5. Talk to him in calm tones about his behavior.

Do you know?

It is quite understandable that at the interview, surrounded by strangers (your potential employers), you will be very worried. Even the simplest questions can lead you into a complete stupor. Therefore, our useful tips will not hurt you.

What are the most common interview questions?

We conducted a survey among employers and people who successfully passed interviews and compiled a list of the most common questions. In addition, prepared and answers to them! Just adapt them to your specific situation.

What interview questions can lead you to a dead end?

Rather, study the questions at the interview and the answers to them! And be sure that this place is yours!

  1. tell us about yourself

At first glance, it seems that a simpler question cannot be imagined! But watch yourself! Psychologists say that people first of all begin to talk about what worries them the most. Don't show your weaknesses. First of all, tell us about your education and work experience. This is exactly what employers want to hear. Most likely, they have already read your resume, and they know how old you are (and everything else). So there is no need to retell what is written there. Make an interesting short self-presentation that will prove that you are a worthy candidate for this particular position.

2. Do you have experience in this field?

Of course, the ideal answer is yes! Even if you have little experience, then be able to tell that you have learned a lot during this time. But what to do if you decide to radically change direction. Then tell us what from the acquired baggage of experience will be useful in this position. You may not be tested for professional skills today, but in a serious company you will need them daily.

3. Why did you leave your previous job?

Just don't start talking nasty things about the former director and complaining about the low salary. Better answer that the previous place of work was inconvenient due to the territorial factor (long commute), it was not possible career development, did not suit the work schedule. Just make sure that this institution will not have such problems. For example, at a new place of work, career growth is possible.

4. Name your pros and cons.

It’s clear with the pluses - name what will be useful in this job: the ability to quickly organize, bring things to the end, find contact with people. But disadvantages should also be advantages! Are you too busy working, forgetting about time? This is good! You can also answer that your negative aspects can only manifest themselves at home, and they do not affect the performance of duties in any way.

5. What achievements can you boast of?

At home, be sure to remember the achievements that you can be proud of: compiling successful business plan, sales promotion, writing scientific work, production optimization. Talk about something that might be helpful new job. Of course, tell the truth. Don't talk about what you can't do. It is quite possible that you will be assigned just such a job in a new place. For example, do not brag about your knowledge of computer programming, because you can be trusted, for example, to maintain a company website.

6. Are you going to have a baby in the next 5 years?

This question is asked of women. Of course, you are not required to report on your private life. But going on maternity leave six months after being hired is also not entirely fair. But know that you cannot be fired due to pregnancy and require a certificate from a gynecologist - this is illegal. This question probably needs to be answered honestly. And to add that the productivity of work does not depend on personal life.

7. How do you feel about overtime work?

Specify what kind of overtime load in question. Communicate that you have a habit of getting things done, even if you have to stay late at work. But you try to focus 120 percent on the task in the allotted time in order to complete the work and turn in the reports on time. But if the weekend is free from official duties you will be much more productive the next day!

8. Why do you want to get a job with us?

Of course, employers want to hear great reviews about themselves. And also to understand what you primarily value in their organization. It is necessary to study all the data about the institution, their activities, areas of work, so as not to get into an awkward position. Demonstrate that you want to get a job here, and not just get a job.

9. What do you do in your free time?

So employers want to find out if your hobbies will interfere with work. For example, if you like to hang out in nightclubs with friends, then it is unlikely that you will come to work the next morning with a bright head. Talk about going to theaters, houseplants, learning English. Don't complain that you don't have free time because of childcare. This means that you will not be able to stay an hour after work in order to complete the assignment.

10. What level of salary will suit you?

If the salary was not specified in the ad, then you can study from different sources, including on the Internet, how much approximately they receive in a similar position. If you name a low amount, they may think that you provide low-quality services, and you were paid little for them. Name a high price, you can give the impression of a self-confident person. Definitely, voice the sum, a little higher than in the previous job, otherwise, why do you need such a position? Find something else. Tell me about the salary, which will actually be adequate and will suit you.

What to say at the interview, and what to be silent about?

Sometimes self-confident bosses who decide the fate of future employees can allow themselves to be a little cheeky and headstrong. People who find themselves at the head of a well-known company are so confident in themselves that they feel superior to mere applicants for a vacancy. But remember, not only they choose, but you too. Therefore, it is worth immediately assessing their attitude in order to understand whether you want to work for them. Moreover, now there are a lot of options for smart, determined people. Our experts have published which increase your chances of successfully settling in life and making good money! And now a few important tips from site experts!

    • No one is interested in hearing a dull story about your boring life. The administration is only interested in the prosperity of the company (respectively, its own). Therefore, tell about yourself in terms of why you will be useful for the institution, how your skills will help lead the team to success.
  • Do not under any pretext speak badly about the former management and employees. There may be an opinion that you will also talk about the future team. In addition, they may know each other and discuss your opinion for telephone conversation. And this is not good for you.
  • If you are already tired of thinking about how to pass a job interview the right way - prepare yourself in these questions! If you are unsure of yourself, you can even say your self-presentation out loud. This will help you look good at the meeting!

We gave you the answers in the interview, but it also matters how you say it: confident, modest, haughty or confused. Give answers at the interview calmly, confidently, speak competently. We plan to publish new article about how to behave in an interview. It matters how you dress for the meeting. Of course, it allows some liberties to women, but at such an important meeting it is necessary to give preference to the classics.

Tricky interview questions

But if you are sure that you want to get this place, then be prepared for tricky questions. Each boss has his own character. But, surprisingly, they ask the same thing at the interview.

    • Sell ​​me this pen just now.
  • Sell ​​me a comb.
  • How much were you paid at your previous job?
  • What would you do if you won a million today?
  • What did you do yesterday evening?
  • What are you doing tonight?

This is how you test your ability to think outside the box, it is interesting to think. You can show your sense of humor (but without frills). In any case, do not be afraid of such questions. Take a ten-second pause, collect your thoughts and surprise your future bosses! To increase your chances of getting the job you want, read ours to those around you. Simple Secrets authoritative psychologists will help you in life! As you can see, the interview questions are quite standard! And if you are ready to answer them, then success is guaranteed to you!

Most FAQ people who are just starting the path in Orthodoxy

We specially dedicate this chapter to those who take only the first, often very timid, steps on the path to the world of Orthodoxy.

Often people who have already largely taken place in life, having a good education and rich life experience, face a completely unfamiliar area, a kind of terra incognita, deciding to become parishioners of one or another temple. In such a situation, it is very difficult for a person to join the church team.

At first it seems that in an Orthodox church people seem to be left to their own devices, as if no one notices you, no one needs you. This, of course, is a wrong impression, which is easily dispelled with the beginning of a systematic attendance of worship, in the process of which a person acquires the necessary knowledge, new friends, and an understanding of his rights and obligations in the Christian community. But all this is preceded by a fear to take the first step, to endure the first divine service, to come to the first Confession and Communion, to ask an important question for oneself.

Therefore, here we will present in a question-answer form examples of the most common questions, which can be difficult to ask directly in the temple.

Question: How often should you go to church?

Answer: According to the teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church, the temple of God, or church, is a building specially dedicated to God, in which believers gather to receive the grace of God. The Church is compared with the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, with a fertile oasis in the "desert" of this vain world. Therefore, just as a traveler, after long wanderings, needs rest in the coolness of an oasis, so the human soul, wounded and burdened with worldly problems, needs to visit the temple of God as often as possible. Of course, due to workload and due to family responsibilities, not everyone can attend the entire annual circle of services of the Orthodox Church, but the presence at Sunday and holiday (twelfth, great and temple) services is an inalienable duty of every Christian.

Question: What are the duties of godparents?

Answer: As mentioned above, godparents should make every effort for the spiritual and moral education of their spiritual children. This refers to the whole range of activities that contribute to the churching of a person: systematic attendance at divine services, participation in the sacraments and rites of the Orthodox Church, instruction in the basics of faith and morality, pilgrimage, help to those in need, etc. However, the main thing here is the example of one’s own, living and active faith .

Question: Do adults need godparents?

Answer: Godparents, whose main duty is to take care of the spiritual and moral education of a minor Christian, are not needed by an adult (that is, an adult) person. Due to the fact that for a long time (and especially at the present time) the sacrament of Baptism is performed mostly on children, the Orthodox Church has introduced the institution of reception. Godparents (i.e. godparents) profess the basic provisions Orthodox faith and make a promise to God of a good conscience (see: 1 Pet. 3, 21) instead of underage children, following the example of the gospel companions of the paralytic Capernaum, by whose faith Christ performed a miracle of healing (Matt. 9, 1-7).

Question: Who can be the godparents of a child?

Answer: The choice of godparents is the prerogative of carnal parents. It is they who will have to decide who will take responsibility for the spiritual and moral education of their children. Obviously, these people must themselves have a sincere faith in God and be active members of a Christian community (parish), and not just be formally baptized. Godparents have a huge responsibility of educating a future Christian, so inviting people who are far from the Church (but “necessary” for the family) to this important service can be a fatal mistake.

Question: What to do if you do not know if you were baptized in early childhood?

Answer: In such cases, the practice of the Orthodox Church provides for a special rite of Baptism, in the sacramental formula of which the words “if not baptized ...” are added. In all other respects, this service corresponds to the usual sacrament of Baptism.

Question: How to choose a name?

Answer: The choice of the name of the child is the right of the parents. According to ancient Christian tradition the name is chosen according to the calendar (i.e., according to church calendar) so that the future Christian in all his life path tried to imitate the feat of the saint whose name he bears. If the names listed on the child's birthday seem outdated, you can choose names from dates after the birthday.

Question: How often should you take communion?

Answer: The sacrament of Holy Communion, or the Eucharist, is the central sacrament of the Orthodox Church. In this sacrament, the human soul and body are directly united with the Resurrected Savior of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, in the practice of the Church there is a special charter of preparation for Communion. Only under the condition of sincere desire, deep spiritual reasoning and careful preparation can a Christian approach this sacrament. Unprepared, careless and, as a result, unworthy Communion can cause a person's spiritual breakdown and even death (see: 1 Cor. 11, 27-30). The frequency of receiving the Holy Gifts depends on the spiritual and moral, and sometimes on the physical condition of a person and is regulated by the confessor or priest who takes Confession before Communion. According to established practice, believers are advised to take communion at least once a month. During periods of many days of fasting, you can start the sacrament weekly.

Question: What should I do if I am late for the service?

Answer: This question is especially important for a person preparing for Communion. In this case, it is necessary to explain to the priest and receive his blessing - permission to Communion.

Question: When and how should the sign of the cross be made?

Answer: The sign of the cross, as a form of confession of faith in the Holy Trinity, is performed during the performance of the most important rites of worship. Also, the sign of the cross is performed when entering the temple of God and before leaving it, before and after kissing icons and holy relics, while reading or singing prayers glorifying the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God and saints. You should not make the sign of the cross in front of the Holy Chalice at the time of Communion. The main guiding principle for the beginning Christian is to imitate the actions of others, including with regard to the sign of the cross.

Question: What to do if you suddenly become ill during the service?

Answer: In this case, a person should act in accordance with his condition. If his health allows him to continue participating in the service, then it is better not to do anything. But if the physical condition is critical, it is allowed to sit on a chair or leave the temple and go out into the fresh air.

Question: Is it possible to sit in the temple?

Answer: According to the tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church, believers should pray standing up. However, the elderly, small children, or the sick are allowed to sit during worship.

Question: Is it possible to talk (ask about something) during the service?

Answer: Conversations during public prayer, especially during the singing of the Cherubic Hymn, the Eucharistic Canon, the Lord's Prayer, are not allowed. In case of urgent need, all questions and requests must be whispered, without interfering with the prayers of others.

Question: What kind of clothes to wear when you go to church?

Answer: The clothes of believers who come to the house of God should be modest, but neat, clean and closed. Men must take off their hats at the entrance to the church, women, on the contrary, must cover their heads with a scarf. It is unacceptable for women to enter the temple in men's clothing (trousers, shorts, etc.). In the cold season, entering the temple, you should take off your gloves.

Question: How to behave in front of the icon?

Answer: Holy icons show us the images of the Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Mother of God, holy saints of God. Worshiping icons, we ascend in mind and heart to their prototypes, that is, we bow to those who are depicted on them. Therefore, icons should be treated with special reverence. It is necessary to make the sign of the cross in front of the icon, then reverently kiss the image (that is, lightly touch the lips or, as they say, venerate) and, departing, make the sign of the cross again. One should not linger for a long time in front of icons and holy relics, making it difficult for other people to get to them. If there is a desire to read a prayer in front of a holy image, this should be done aside, without interfering with other believers.

Question: Who, when and in what form in the temple can you ask about something?

Answer: All questions related to church life must be clarified with competent people, primarily with the clergy. It is they who have the gift of shepherding and pass special training. If the clergyman is unable to answer your questions, you can also contact other church workers or permanent parishioners. It is better to ask questions in such a way as not to distract the priest from the service. The most acceptable and generally accepted form of addressing a priest is: “Father, bless…”

Question: What items can and should be consecrated?

Answer: According to the teaching of the holy fathers, both the person himself and the world around him are subject to sanctification. The Church sanctifies with her presence the entire universe, the entire cosmos. Nevertheless, in the practice of the Orthodox Church there are special rites for the consecration of individual objects that are most important for the spiritual life of a Christian. These are the holy life-giving Cross of the Lord (any variants of its image), holy icons, water, candles, oil, bells. The Bible, books of spiritual and moral content, are not subject to consecration, since they are consecrated by the presence of the word of God in them. Also do not consecrate rings, chains, earrings and similar items.

Question: How, when and for what to ask for a blessing?

Answer: Every good deed of a Christian must begin with a blessing. Already in the order of the morning prayers there are petitions for the blessing of the Lord on the coming day. When a Christian needs a special blessing, he should put right palm on the left, turn to the priest with the words: "Bless, father on ..." According to the Christian faith, the priest's signification symbolizes the blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. As a rule, such a blessing is requested for the most important actions in the life of an Orthodox Christian.

Question: How often can a child receive communion?

Answer: According to the Savior's word (see: Mark 10:14), children should be brought/brought to church as often as possible. Communion them as often as possible. But at the same time, it is necessary to monitor the behavior of children in the church and try to explain to them the duties that the Church places on Orthodox Christians.

Question: What should (shouldn't) godparents do before baptism?

Answer: Before participating in the sacrament of Holy Baptism godparents it is necessary to tune in to this serious and responsible event. To do this, the day before, you need to ask prayer appeal God's special help for a worthy passage of the upcoming sacrament. Various entertainments and festivities on the eve of Epiphany are unacceptable. It is best to attend a divine service or partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. You must not forget that you are going to become the spiritual parents of a new member of the Church of Christ, so your whole life should be an example of sincere faith and genuine spirituality for him.

Question: How should newlyweds behave before the wedding (fasting, etc.)?

Answer: According to an ancient pious Christian tradition, the newlyweds (newlyweds) on the eve of the wedding should partake of the Holy Gifts in the sacrament of the Eucharist. Preparation for this sacrament implies fasting and abstinence from everything vain, sinful, and amusing. Consequently, the best anticipation of the sacrament of Marriage is Eucharistic asceticism followed by participation in the sacrament of Communion.

Question: Is it obligatory for an Orthodox Christian to read the entire Bible?

Answer: It is desirable for every Orthodox Christian to read the entire Bible at least once in his life, and it is absolutely necessary to read the New Testament daily. Because Holy Scripture is the word of God by which man will live (Matt. 4:4), then the daily reading of the Gospel and the epistles of the holy Apostles is indispensable food for the soul of every believer.

Question: What to do if you do not know by heart the words that all those present in the temple pronounce?

Answer: To do this, you need to purchase an Orthodox prayer book, which contains all the main church prayers and chants, and to the best of your ability try to learn them by heart. During worship, the use of a prayer book is allowed as an aid during singing or reading the statutory rites.

Question: How to behave if you need to leave the temple before the end of the service?

Answer: To do this, without attracting special attention to yourself, with reverence, make three bows from the waist and slowly leave the church.

Question: How to properly submit notes for health, for the rest, etc.?

Answer: Notes on health, if they are submitted for the Liturgy (one-time, magpie, for six months and for a year), must contain only the names of Christians baptized in Orthodoxy. At the prayer service, it is also allowed to submit notes about the unbaptized, the lost, the apostates from the Orthodox faith or the heterodox with a request for their admonition, conversion or return to the bosom of the Church. For the repose (whether it be a Liturgy, a memorial service or a lithium), the names of exclusively Orthodox Christians who have died in peace with the Church are served. It is forbidden to submit notes for suicides (with the exception of mentally ill people), unbaptized, schismatics, heterodox, heretics and sectarians. A common opinion about the admissibility of commemorating such people on Trinity parent Saturday is a fabrication. Their posthumous fate is the lot of the Providence of God, and close relatives can pray for them at home.

Question: At what age should a girl wear a headscarf?

Answer: According to a long-standing Christian tradition, a scarf is an attribute of the toilet. married woman as a sign of her husband's power over her (see: 1 Cor. 11, 10). However, in pious families, even little girls were taught to wear a headscarf in the temple, in imitation of the Most Holy Theotokos, who, being the Ever-Virgin, is depicted on almost all icons with a cover on her head.

Question: How to deal with consecrated objects? What can and cannot be done?

Answer: All consecrated objects must be treated with reasonable reverence and reverence. On the one hand, they should not turn into boring, everyday things, on the other hand, they cannot serve as some kind of amulets or charms from the evil eye, damage, etc. Shrines that have become unusable (for example, icons) can be disposed of by burning, and prosphora can throw into running water.

Question: Is it possible to visit the temple for pregnant women, on critical days, after childbirth?

Answer: Pregnant women are encouraged to attend church as often as possible and participate in the sacraments (especially the Eucharist). On critical days, women can visit the temple, but they must be in the porch, not touching sacred objects (icons, crosses, prosphora, etc.). After giving birth, a woman does not visit the temple for forty days, after which a special prayer must be read over her by the priest, allowing her to participate in church life.

Question: Can you turn your back to the altar when leaving the temple?

Answer: IN church tradition it is not customary to turn one's back to the altar barrier if the Royal Doors in it are open. This situation occurs at the most crucial moments of the service, during which it is not recommended to leave the temple without special need. In other cases, a person is free to act according to circumstances.

Question: How to prepare for confession, communion, etc. (especially if this is the first confession or communion)?

Answer: Preparation for the sacrament of Holy Communion implies a spiritual fast (i.e., a more attentive attitude to one’s spiritual and moral life, refraining from condemnation, amusements, idleness and other sins) and bodily (failure to eat meat, dairy and fish food for at least three days before receiving the sacrament). In addition, the day before it is necessary to attend the evening service and deduct, except for evening prayers, four canons (Penitence, Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, Guardian Angel and Canon to Holy Communion). In the morning, after reading the morning prayers, you need to read the Follow-up to Holy Communion (except for the Canon to Holy Communion, read the day before). One must proceed to the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist strictly on an empty stomach (do not smoke, eat or drink anything, not even pills), having received the permission of the priest for Confession. As for the sacrament of Confession, it is better to prepare for it according to special models or experiments in the construction of a confession (for example, St. Ignatius Brianchaninov or Archimandrite John Krestyankin). The first confession implies a revision of our whole life and should go in the form of an individual conversation with a priest. The guiding principle of building any confession is sincere repentance for one's sins and an open declaration of them before the priest.

Question: Is it possible to put on makeup when going to the temple?

Answer: The emergence and purpose of cosmetics is rooted in pagan mysteries and magical rites. Therefore, the use of cosmetics for an Orthodox Christian, especially before worship, seems unacceptable.

Question: What should I do if the child makes noise in the temple, asks questions loudly, cries, etc.?

Answer: In this case, you need to try to calm him down, and if you can’t, it is advisable to leave the temple.

Question: Do I need to be baptized when passing by the temple in transport?

Answer: The sign of the cross is a visible expression of our faith in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, thanks to which the world was saved from sin, damnation and death. Therefore, its fulfillment during divine services and home prayers, in difficult moments our lives and at the sight of Orthodox shrines (holy icons, crosses, relics and Orthodox churches) is one of the actions that are mandatory for every believer.

Question: Where is the holy corner in the house?

Answer: Holy corner, like a small resemblance Orthodox church, should be located in the eastern corner of the house or apartment.

Question: How to arrange icons at home?

Answer: The home iconostasis should be similar to the church iconostasis. Therefore, the central place is given to the icons of the Savior and the Virgin, and the Holy Cross should be placed above the icons. The remaining icons are placed at the request of the owners.

Question: Which temple should I go to: the one that is closer, or can I choose another one?

Answer: You can go to any temple belonging to the canonical Orthodox Church. In this regard, a person has the right to choose a church that is either more convenient for him in terms of location or spiritually closer.

Question: Do spouses have to go to the same temple?

Answer: It is not necessary at all, but from a practical point of view it is more convenient.

Question: Is it necessary to give up the TIN?

Answer: This, of course, a difficult issue has already been covered in sufficient detail in the relevant decisions. Holy Synod both Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches. Their essence lies in the fact that each believer in resolving this issue should be guided by the voice of his own conscience. It is important to remember that accepting a TIN is not a sin that excommunicates a person from church fellowship, just as refusing it is recognized as a free and permissible choice.

Question: Why do parishioners bring prosphora in bags before the start of the service, leave them, and then pick them up at the end?

Answer: Prosphora for health and repose are served together with commemorators at the altar so that the particles taken out of them are lowered into the holy Chalice and washed with the holy blood of God the Word Incarnate. This is the main meaning of the church commemoration of the living and deceased members Church of Christ because the blood of Christ washes away the sins of those who are commemorated in the service. The bags are needed solely for convenience: to transfer the prosphora and the commemoration book to the altar, and then take the consecrated prosphora and the read commemoration books home.

Question: What does the word "churched" mean? Who can be considered a church person?

Answer: Churched is a person of the Church, whose life is wholly devoted to the Church and permeated with faith. Such a person is an active and active member of the community of one or another Orthodox church. Such a person tries to attend all services, to receive Active participation in the life of the parish and the holy sacraments. In addition, a churched person tries, to the best of his ability, to always and everywhere remain in the life around him. Orthodox Christian and be worthy of the Lord who redeemed him.

Question: What is repentance? Is it enough for a person to simply realize that he has committed an unrighteous act, or is a special rite necessary?

Answer: Repentance means a change of life and way of thinking. A simple awareness of the fallacy of one's actions in this case is not enough (for this a prime example is the "repentance" of Judas Iscariot). Action is needed to eradicate the sin or bad habit. Only they testify to sincere and deep repentance. However, in order to completely blot out sin and receive grace-filled help on the path of correction, it is necessary to go through the service of the sacrament of Confession, in which the priest only plays the role of a witness of the human soul standing before the merciful judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Question: If a person, for a good reason, was not in big celebration in a church service, what prayers should he read at home?

Answer: First of all, it must be remembered that no home prayer can replace church prayer, where all believers with one mouth and one heart glorify the Lord who saved them. But if external circumstances nevertheless prevented a person from going to church, then it is advisable to spend this day piously at home, and in the usual prayer rule add the troparion, kontakion and the honorary of the holiday.

Question: What are the saints, patrons of artists (actors, singers, artists, writers)?

Answer: As for the attitude towards art, this issue had different solutions in the history of the Church. So, in the era Ecumenical Councils believers, under pain of excommunication, were forbidden to take part (attend) spectacles (horse races, theatrical performances, performances of clowns, buffoons and comedians), since such actions were associated with immorality and debauchery and were rooted in various pagan mystery cults (Rule 24 and 51 of Trullo cathedral). However, over time, the nature and inner content of many areas of art have changed qualitatively. Art has passed the stage of Christianization and at this stage can serve to educate people in morality and good behavior. Therefore, now such areas of human creativity as theater, cinema, painting, music, literature, etc., can and should serve the principles of high morality and help awaken a sense of beauty in our contemporaries, make them think about eternal values. And the Church strongly supports and encourages this direction of contemporary art. Apparently, for the above reason, the liberal arts are not associated with the names of any patron saints. The situation is quite different with ecclesiastical art. Thus, icon painters honor the Apostle and Evangelist Luke as their patron, church choir singers ask for help from the Monk Roman the Melodist, etc. People working in this area can turn to the Lord, the Mother of God and all the saints for help, using generally accepted prayers and rites.

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