Magic conspiracies from thieves. Rite for the arrest of a thief and the return of the stolen

Theft exists as long as the person himself exists. For some, theft is a kind of entertainment, for others it is the main means of earning money, and for others it is a disease that is very difficult to get rid of.

Not everyone knows that there is a special magic that allows not only to punish the thief, but also to return the disappeared thing. A conspiracy to return stolen property is often the last opportunity to get back an expensive item.
At the same time, it is important to remember that such magical rituals can only be used if the thing has really been stolen. Using rituals when the item was simply lost will result in a lot of trouble for the magician himself, so you need to be extremely careful.

When should you perform this ritual?

If you are sure that the item or things were indeed stolen, a special ritual should be carried out as soon as possible.
All things for some time retain the energy of their owner, with the help of which you can force the thief to return the stolen.

If the ritual is carried out in a timely manner, the thief will try not only to get rid of the unfortunate object, but will try to return it to its rightful owner. He will subconsciously understand that only such actions can remove the curse from him.
There are times when a thief does throw away stolen items. In this case, your item will still get to you sooner or later, and the thief himself for a long time troubles and failures will haunt. In the thieves' world, there is even a corresponding sign that says that you should not throw away a stolen thing that brought misfortune, otherwise retribution or imprisonment will soon overtake him.

Carrying out a conspiracy

You can perform this ceremony at any time of the day and in any lunar cycle, most importantly, the ritual must be performed as quickly as possible after the theft is discovered.
You need to write the word "thief" on a blank sheet of paper and draw a silhouette of a person under it. You need to put an icon and several church candles in front of you. right hand hold over a sheet of paper and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Over the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is an iron chest, in that chest there are damask knives. Let those damask knives go to the thief, let them cut his flesh, let them prick his heart, let them cut him. So that the thief returns everything stolen from the servant of God (name), so that he does not hide anything, but gives out everything he has taken. That thief will be cursed by my strong conspiracy, he will be cursed by the land of the reverend, the charms of Ararat, disgraced brick, swamp mud, combustible ash, a mill dam, a bottomless house, and a bath jar. Curve you, thief, go lame, go crazy, goofy, emaciate. You won’t get along with new people, you won’t get used to it, you won’t die your own death, you will be nailed to the board with rusty nails, dried out stronger than grass, frozen stronger than ice. As you return the stolen from the servant of God (name) only then you will live. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading last words you need to remove the sheet with the drawing in a safe place where no one can find it.

If you are sure that the item or things were indeed stolen, a special ritual should be carried out as soon as possible. All things for some time retain the energy of their owner, with the help of which you can force the thief to return the stolen.

Magic affects objects, and they will bring a variety of troubles to the thief.

If the ritual is carried out in a timely manner, the thief will try not only to get rid of the unfortunate object, but will try to return it to its rightful owner. He will subconsciously understand that only such actions can remove the curse from him.

If you have been robbed, this conspiracy will help return the stolen. After you read this plot, the thief himself will try to give you the stolen thing as soon as possible, so he will start to get sick. This plot is best used if you suspect someone you know of stealing, as this magic does not have strong consequences.

"Not Sunday, not Tuesday, not Wednesday. Amen.
There is a fiery house in the field,
No one enters this house
None of it comes out.
The grandfather sits in it without strength, without legs, without arms,
No one sees or hears his agony.
He himself is at my thief takes away strength,
Squeezes all the blood from the hands, from the legs.
Pulls his veins, drinks his strength,
Looks at him and says:
- You, thief, give back what you stole,
What without asking from (such and such) took.
And until you return the good to her,
Don't eat, don't sleep, don't drink, let your eyes flow with tears,
And let the pain bake your body,
It aches, it hurts, it burns with fire day and night.
You won't rest for a moment from this pain,
Until (the name of the person who was robbed) you return her good.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Strong conspiracy to return the stolen

This conspiracy is very effective. He has already helped many to regain theirs, and he will help you too. The spell is read nine times through the open window:

“As bonfires burn in an open field, so do you burn, wriggle, get rid of your deeds. As birds fly over the blue sea, so you fly, fly to me, do not stumble. The thing that is stolen, try to return home. Let your hands wither and your feet go numb until you come to me. Let the thoughts frighten, evoke an evil dream, until you return my thing. So that you don’t sleep, don’t eat or walk, and don’t want to take someone else’s anymore. In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!"

After reading this plot, the thief will soon give you your thing.

If the money is stolen

When money is stolen from you, it is very difficult to return it, but it is possible. If such a ceremony is carried out, the money can be returned, however, they may come to you not necessarily from a thief, but from a completely different source. To perform the ritual, you need a pinch thursday salt, which is poured out on a white plate, and seven candles are lit around it. While they are burning, you must visualize how the amount of money that you have lost appears in your wallet. As you do so, repeat the following words:

“The devil took it and ran. He hit the threshold, stumbled and rolled over. Yes, the purse fell out of its paws, and right on my wattle fence. His horns and hooves were broken - to know his strength was broken. He won’t get up, he won’t turn around, but he whines and whines and blames himself for everything. That devil (the name of the thief, if known, and if not, then you need to say the word "thief") brother. He would be happy to help him, but they are tied with one rope, now it’s embarrassing to steal! I’ll burn the devil with light, but the thief himself will remain, but he won’t cope with his guilt! What he stole - will return and dive into hell. Amen!"

Read the spell so many times until all the candles burn out. If you know who stole the money, then you can add salt to that person on the threshold, and if a stranger stole it, then the salt is taken to the cemetery and poured onto any old grave. Leaving the cemetery, do not turn around. What was stolen must be returned.

Remember that turning to magic for help too often can negatively affect both your health and other areas of your life. resort to magical rituals only when no other solutions to the pressing problems are foreseen.

Force a person to return property

Collect all the knives that are in the house, put them in a basin, pour water, put the basin on the stove. There should be enough water to cover the knives. And read forty times. Pour water out the gate (for those who live in apartments - out the front door.) Do this for 3 days.

Oh, you, damask knives, cut and prick everything,
to white bones, to red blood.
Go you, knives, to the thief, chop and stab to the bone,
to blood, so that he would give the theft, all that he took from me.
Damn you, thief, with forty prayers, forty slanders, forty prizes, forty funerals, forty curses,
the strongest conspiracy, ebullient pitch,
combustible ash, painful sickness.
Tina swamp, pull, mill, twist and press
mortal anguish to the grave.
Take a jug without a bottom,
from the first word to the last word.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

It is especially effective when read at the place of loss.

For safety

When closing the lock

"Fence of crosses, Savior at the door. Angels guard, saints protect me. Heart of a thief, stop, Hook your foot on your foot. Passion for you, misfortune for you, Forget how to breathe, forget how to walk, Forget how to run. Forget yourself and my name: May my spell befall you: South is your west, East is your north.
My word is strong, sculpted to the point.

A strong conspiracy from thieves before leaving home

This is a strong conspiracy that protects the house from thieves. You need to read the plot after you have left the doors of your house in order to leave for a long time. It is very important that during the reading of the plot you do not have any gold and silver jewelry.
As you turn the key in the door lock, whisper:

"Whoever approaches the door with evil, let him find death here, in the name of the Holy Spirit, I lock this door. Let no one but me, the servant of God (his name), be able to open this door. Amen, amen, amen."

Then cross the door three times and silently exit the entrance. The main thing is not to look back, if you look back at least once, the conspiracy will not help you and dashing people will surely rob your house.

Good conspiracy from pickpockets

The first thing to remember is that this plot can be used if you have a cross on your body. For people who are not baptized, a conspiracy will not help.
When you go out with a large amount of money, say the following:

"The cross is on me, the cross is in the window, whoever takes my money will die from this cross. Amen, Amen, Amen."

From pickpockets, you can use another conspiracy every day, which you need to slander on your wallet or on your bag:

"In the forehead of the eye, on the wall of the image, whoever offends me with theft will hate himself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Exist strong conspiracies to return stolen property, there are effective and at the same time very simple rituals that anyone can do. Other rituals are potentially dangerous for people who do not have proper training, therefore, they are not recommended for independent conduct. However, both those and other recipes can be found on the net, and it is up to you to decide whether or not to carry out the proposed rituals.

Self-conspiracies to return the stolen item, which I present in this article, is complex and contains hidden threat for people who do not have training and practice. Therefore, be extremely careful when deciding on this rite.

The time for the implementation of the ceremony to return the stolen money, any, can even be done immediately after the loss was discovered

A silhouette of a person is drawn on a piece of paper, and the word “thief” is written above the head. By connecting to a religious egregor, you create a phantom of a thief. Concentrate, you should soon feel a warm or prickly cloud. Put an icon and two candles from the church in front of you, read "Our Father".
Hold your right hand over the drawing, and every 3 hours you read the conspiracy to return your property three times.

“On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is an iron chest. And in the iron chest are damask knives. Come on, damask knives, to the thief, chop his body, prick his heart (if a man stole, he will have impotence), so that he, the thief, would turn back the theft of the servant of God (the name of the one from whom they stole), so that he would not hide about theft, but would give everything in full. May you, thief, be cursed by my strong conspiracy, into the land of the reverend, for the spell of Ararat, into seething disgrace, into combustible ash, into swamp mud, into a mill dam, into a bottomless house, into a bath jar. Be nailed to the board with rusty nails, dried up by dry grass, frozen more than ice. Curve, limp, goofy, ragged, lean, don’t get used to people, don’t die your own death, but return the theft. When you return, then you will be resurrected.”

After reading a strong conspiracy to return the stolen, remove the sheet with the phantom away. Then, before noon, standing in the middle of the house in which something was stolen, say: “Most Holy Spirit, call Daniel to drive away evil forces from my face and womb, and my house (say 3 times). Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day, baptized on Baptism, and resurrected on Sunday. Amen".

To carry out this free conspiracy to return stolen items and money, you need to make a defense.

Ask God to protect you and your home. Say this: “Jesus Christ is in front, the Mother of God is behind, and I am a servant of God (name) in the middle. Lord, save me and save me from someone else's influence. I won’t take someone else’s, I won’t give my own.”

Watch the video for a free conspiracy to repay a debt

How to use magic conspiracies can you ensure success in returning things? It happens that you urgently need some kind of household item, and you know for sure that it is in the house, but you cannot find it. In this case, such a simple conspiracy to return things will help you: tie a table leg with a handkerchief and say: “Damn, damn it, play it, but give it back again.” Lost will be found very quickly. If you think that one of those who came to you quietly stole a thing, do this: clap your hands and say: “Damn brothers, come here, help look, Argamas, Arbamas, Avramas. In the name of this, in the name of this and the other. Take away the brains, get the thoughts of the thieves, take away the will and the share until that hour, until that minute, until they return what they took. Amen".

A strong conspiracy to return a borrowed thing

Now I will say a few words about debts. We don't always get money. Often things are taken. As a rule, these are household items necessary in everyday life. Having taken something from us, our borrowers are not always in a hurry to return the loan, but we have to beg for our own thing. Where is the justice here? She is not here. You can force a person to return a thing with the help of a free conspiracy to return debts. The action of these rites extends not only to money, but also to any things that are in our legal possession. A strong conspiracy to return a lost thing is quite effective and, as a rule, gives positive result.

If you were robbed, make such a free conspiracy to return the stolen item.

Sprinkle the place where the thing lay with salt from Maundy Thursday and say: “I will pour salt on the thief’s eyes, on his sinful bodies, on his evil heart. Stand, heart, like dough, return, my thing, to its place. Key, lock, tongue. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

And here is another conspiracy to return the stolen. Despite its simplicity, it is effective because work in progress directly through the mirror, which is an energy generator. The consequences of this independent conspiracy to return the thing that was stolen for the thief can be the most unpredictable, unpleasant and even fatal. It is necessary, looking in the mirror, to say 12 times: “If the thief does not return my thing to me with good, let my double take him to the grave. Amen". And after the grave earth ritual, it will act

You can also try to return your item with the help of the created phantom thief. Here the work goes directly with energies and visualization. In addition, the caster connects to the egregor of the Orthodox christian church, which is able to give a powerful energy boost. The text of the spell contains a curse and a death wish. The resurrection of the thief is promised only with the return of the stolen thing. This home conspiracy to return things for amateurs is dangerous, only practicing magicians can carry it out. &1

Often in our lives such troubles occur as the loss of things that can be stolen, we can lose them or put them in such a prominent place so that later it can be easily found, but it wasn’t there - it would be nice to remember what kind of prominent place it is, where the thing was put! Sometimes, it is very sad to lose, especially if that thing is dear, loved and necessary. How to find her? Who or what can help us in such cases? Of course, magic, which has more than once rescued in different situations. Conspiracy on lost thing He will definitely help us get her back.

Finding a lost item is a serious matter that will require maximum effort and energy. In order for the ritual to be carried out successfully, and a positive result is not long in coming, you must first of all concentrate. You can do a meditation that will give you the right mood. During the reading of the plot, no one should interfere. There should be no one in the room, except for the ceremony. Be sure to turn off your phone door bell, and turn off all sound sources. You can use a conspiracy only to find a lost thing, and not to take revenge on the one who stole it. Let the Higher powers deal with retribution.

Variants of conspiracies for the loss in the house

How to find a lost item? If a thing is lost at home, then the following rituals can be used to find it:

  • sit on a chair, concentrate and read the plot on the lost item:

“Damn is a joker, a thief, stop joking, let me (item name) find a thing. Case in case, word for word, come true everything that I said. Lord, help me find what I've lost! In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen! Now and forever and forever and ever.”

After reading, you can start searching. Soon you will find your loss;

  • you can find the missing thing by asking for help from the brownie. Often, suspicions fall on him. To appease the brownie, you need to put a cup of milk somewhere in the corner of the room, around which spread out seven yellow coins and say the words:

“Brownie, brownie, he took my thing for himself, played with it - give it to the owner, and he will welcome you!” After the ceremony, leave the house for a while, when you return, you will immediately find the lost item;

  • if the brownie does not live in your house, then a thread will help you find the lost item. Before you go to bed, you need to measure the thread as long as your height, fold it in three, and when folding, visualize how you are looking for your loss. Then the thread is folded seven more times and two not very tight knots are tied. What came out of the thread is placed under the pillow. At night, you will have a dream in which the place where the little thing you need lies will be indicated. If there is no sleep, then in the morning, when you wake up, begin to untie the knots of the thread. Untying, you will remember where you put the missing item;
  • that thing that is definitely in the house, and not stolen by a thief, can be found with the help of herbs. Put any dry herbs in a cast-iron skillet and set fire to it. It is necessary to go around all the rooms in this way. Soon you will come across a loss. During fumigation, the prayer "Our Father" is read;
  • a match, which is lit and extinguished in half, will help to find the lost. Then draw a cross with it right palm. After that, you need to sit for a while, doing nothing and not thinking about anything, and then the cross is washed off with a milk-containing product and the words are pronounced:

“Everything that I lost is close to me. The Lord sees everything and will not let anything escape me. Even (the name of the thing) will be found soon, and I will be happy again ”;

  • Archangel Chamuel will help to find the lost, who is addressed precisely in such cases with the following prayer:

“Archangel Chamuel, it seems to me that I have lost (name the subject). I know that it is impossible to truly lose it, for the Lord is omnipresent and knows where it is. Please guide me so I can find what I'm looking for. Thank you, Chamuel."

All these are simple, but effective rites help you quickly find the thing lost at home.

A conspiracy against thieves is a necessary element of the arsenal of magical methods for protecting each person. With it, you can protect the acquired good from unkind people and return what has already been stolen.

In the article:

Theft is much easier to prevent than to try to find the thief and return what he stole. There are strong conspiracies against thieves that will protect your belongings and your home from theft. As a rule, they are read at the time when you leave home for some business. There are also special ones from thieves who read or write on paper before the tenants of the house leave for a long time.

This simple conspiracy against thieves is not difficult to remember. It must be read while you leave home:

I'm from the hut, and the Lord - to the hut!

There are other conspiracies from thieves. This one is read with both hands on the already locked front door:

Jesus Christ, give me your keys.
Virgin Mary, help with your locks.
Lock my gates stronger than stone,
Don't let thieves into my house.

The following conspiracy from thieves is read before leaving the threshold of the house:

Jesus, let me out of the house, Do not let the dashing man into the house!

Some very powerful conspiracies make it so that the thief loses consciousness, the ability to move, and sometimes even his own life when trying to illegally enter your home. You should not be afraid of this, any thief sooner or later gets what he deserves. When you go about your business, lock the door, move away from it a little, look back at the door and say:

Take away all the limbs of the villain who enters my threshold.

Such conspiracies are tantamount to traps and traps, only they will not be able to prosecute you for this.

Can also be done on keys. To do this, purchase as many keys as there are doors in your house. It is the doors that are meant, not the empty doorways and arches. This takes into account both balcony doors, and doors to the pantry, and all the others that are available.

You cannot bargain when buying keys. You can take the keys that you already have, for example, from old locks or spare ones that will not be used by anyone for their intended purpose. You will also need a red ribbon or braid, or rope. Keys are put on it according to the number of doors.

So you've made a bunch of red ribbon keys. Now stand near front door and start going around the apartment or house clockwise. Each door must be touched with this bunch of keys with these words that say three times:

Lock up the dashing night thief.

After you have completed your walk around the house and touched all the doors with the keychain, hang it on the right side of the front door. This bundle will now keep your home from theft.

Prayers from thieves

Prayer John the Warrior protects the house not only from thieves, but also from other troubles. With its help, you will make your home a real fortress, which the enemy cannot penetrate.

It can be read from time to time by lighting a church candle. Or you can take the candle with which you stood on Easter during church service, and it was lit at the time when the priest blessed Easter cakes. With it, go around your house twelve times, baptize every corner and say all the time while doing this, the text of the prayer:

Holy Warrior John, place your angelic guards around my dwelling. On gates, windows and doors. Protect and protect all those living in the house and the house itself from evil. Amen.

Sabaoth Father, place the cross of the Lord near my house. Lock my doors with a thousand locks, like the Holy Sepulcher, let it be indestructible. May seraphim and cherubim, angels and archangels and all the powers of heaven protect me and my dwelling from the dashing adversary. Amen.

How to find a thief - a plot for a knife

People who are distinguished by well-developed intuition may try to see a thief in a dream. But what to do with this information is up to you, because you won’t be able to contact the police with it. If you know the name or at least have a good idea of ​​​​the image of a person, a conspiracy so that the thief returns the stolen will work much better and faster.

You will need a candle from the church and a dull knife. You can blunt a knife that you have, for example, a kitchen knife. A conspiracy is made to find the thief, in the evening, before going to bed. Make your bed, change into what you usually sleep in. Make all the preparations that you usually do before going to bed.

Light a candle, take a knife in your hand. Cut the candle flame with it and say the following words:

Whoever took someone else's hands, who took mine from the house, quickly return it, or with this knife, like a butcher's ax, you will be chopped, chopped up and torn to pieces!

Chop the fire and speak a conspiracy until the candle burns out. small church candles burn for about half an hour, sometimes even less. After you're done, put the knife under your pillow. If you sleep with your husband or wife, you should go to bed separately that night. Make sure no one disturbs you that night. It is forbidden to talk until the morning, until you wake up. Try to remember the dream.

Conspiracies so that the thief returns the stolen

It is not enough to know who committed the theft, if there is no evidence, then it will not work to return your property by legal means. There are conspiracies that force thieves to return or plant stolen items. They work even when you don't know who stole and there are no suspects.

While reading this conspiracy, clap your hands. You need to read it from time to time until the stolen is returned. Time, place are not important at the same time, no objects need to be used when reading this plot. The thief will suffer, get sick and feel remorse until he returns to you what he stole from you. Text:

Hey devil brothers, evil and dashing,
Come to me, help find the thief.
Avramas, Arbamas da Argamas.
In the name of the first, in the name of the second and third.
Take away the mind, twist the thoughts of the lihoim.
Take away the share and freedom until they return the loot to me.

The next plot requires you to have. This is salt from Maundy Thursday. The place where the stolen thing lay is sprinkled with this salt with the following words:

Salt to the thief's eyes
Salt on sick bodies
An evil heart, a dashing deed.
Let his heart be a test
Until my goodness returns to its place!
And now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen.

It is impossible to remove and sweep away the salt until the time the thief returns the stolen things to you. It is not necessary to know who stole when reading this conspiracy; it works quite effectively even in cases where it is not known who stole.

The following plot is very simple, but it can cause irreparable harm to the thief if he does not return the stolen goods. It is believed that Guardian angel the thief pushes him to such an act, after which the ward ceases to be in danger, and the conscience becomes a little cleaner.

For a conspiracy, any mirror is required. Read twelve times while looking at your reflection:

If you don’t return a good thing to me, then to the grave ahead of time you'll get there. Amen.

And this conspiracy is also distinguished by its effectiveness. As soon as you discover the loss, do not waste time and immediately proceed to magical work to return what was stolen by a thief. Collect all the knives that you have in your house. Place the knives in a container that is large enough to hold them and suitable for placing on the burner of the stove. Pour enough water into the container so that all the knives are covered with it.

Place a saucepan, basin or other container with knives and water on the stove and read forty times without interruption or distraction:

Damask knives, cast knives,
Cut my thief okay
Prick it until it bleeds red
To the bone white, to mossy thoughts.
Let them curse the thief forty prayers,
Yes, forty slanders, yes, forty curses,
Yes, forty funerals, and combustible ash,
Yes, seething pain, yes falling sickness!
I pull the goodness out of it with the mud of the swamp,
I grind all his happiness with a mill,
I curse with mortal anguish to the tombstone,
I return my bottomless jug from small to great.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

After you read the plot, take the water away and pour it out the front door or gate if you live in a private house. It is necessary to repeat all these actions within three days, at least approximately at the same time.

The next rite to identify, punish and return stolen goods to a thief is done at midnight. If everything is done correctly, the one who committed the theft starts to get very sick and his hand dries. No treatment will help him. The thief will stop getting sick only if he gives or throws at you what he stole. If you notice that one of your acquaintances fell ill some time after the ritual was performed, and the disease is somehow connected with the hand, you can be sure that you have a thief in front of you.

Prepare thirteen coins of the same denomination in advance. When it's midnight, go to an intersection where there is no traffic, but only on foot. It can be both paths in the field and alleys of the park. Stand in the center of this intersection and say three times:

Thirteen devils, thirteen brothers,
Come to me, look for a dashing thief.
Let (name of the thing) return,
Otherwise, happiness will never come to him.
Prick his devils, gnaw, and harass him to the grave,
He will not know goodness and peace until he returns mine to me!

Throw the coins prepared in advance over your left shoulder with your left hand and say:

After that, leave the intersection home without looking back and without talking to anyone. At home, go immediately to that room or to the place where the stolen thing lay. Above this place four times, once on each side of the world (starting from the east), the following plot is read:

A thief came to me
(Name of thing) dragged away.
Let his hands wither
Let them not know anything from this day forward.
The curse will go away as soon as he returns the theft.

After that, go to bed. The conspiracy begins to act very quickly, the results may be the next morning.

How to punish a thief - a plot on the web

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